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07130003 - Lower Illinois-Lake Chautauqua
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Online USGS Watershed Information For:
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Cataloging Unit 07130003 - Lower Illinois-Lake Chautauqua
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Accounting Unit 071300 - Lower Illinois
- Persistence of herbicides in selected reservoirs in the midwestern United States
- Pesticides in near-surface aquifers: results of the midcontinental United States ground-water reconnaissance
- Quality-assurance plan for the analysis of fluvial sediment by laboratories of the USGS
- Response to comment on Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams
- Response to Comment on Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and other anthropogenic waste indicators in earthworms from agricultural soil amended with biosolid or swine manure
- Regional assessment of factors related to herbicides and nitrate in near-surface aquifers of the midcontinent
- Subsurface fate and transport of sulfamethoxazole, 4-nonylphenol, 17b-estradiol
- Soil characteristics and agrichemicals in groundwater of the Midwestern United States
- Sampling protocol to assess and monitor off-farm transport of waste-associated chemical and microbial constituents present of swine feeding operations
- Summary of floods in the United States, January 1992 through September 1993
- Source and transport of desethylatrazine and desisopropylatrazine to groundwater of the midwestern United States
- Summary of significant results from studies of triazine herbicides and their degradation products in surface water, ground water, and precipitation in the midwestern United States during the 1990?s
- The prevalence of sulfonic and oxanilic acid metabolites in Iowa's ground and surface waters
- The quality of our Nation's waters -- Nutrients and pesticides
- The occurrence of antibiotics in an urban watershed
- The environmental occurrence of herbicides
- The streamflow data program
- Unite to assess contaminant risk
- Use of qualitative and quantitative information in neural networks for assessing agricultural chemical contamination in domestic wells
- Urban contribution of pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants to streams during differing flow conditions
- Use of gas chromatograph/flame ionization detector to identify organic substances in ground water
- Urban contributions of glyphosate and its degradate AMPA to streams in the United States
- Use of geographic information systems and scanning technology to create high resolution historical land use data sets
- VOCs, pesticides, nitrate, and their mixtures in groundwater used for drinking water in the United States
- Widespread detection of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) in U.S. streams
- Water-quality data for pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams
- When synthetic chemicals degrade in the environment
- Work plan for determining the occurrence of glyphosate, its transformation product AMPA, other herbicide compounds, and antibiotics in midwestern United States streams
- Water quality and habitat conditions in upper midwest streams relative to riparian vegetation and soil characteristics
- Water- quality data for nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds in near-surface aquifers of the midcontinental United States
- Work plan for regional reconnaissance for selected herbicides and nitrate in ground water of the mid-continent United States
- Water-quality data for pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in ground water and in untreated drinking water sources in the United States
- What?s in your floodwaters?
- Lower Illinois River Basin Water-Quality Assessment
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Subregion 0713 - Lower Illinois
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Region 07 - Upper Mississippi
- Up-Midwest Triazine Herbicide Recon
- Evaluation of Factors influencing the Occurrence of Agricultural Chemicals in Shallow Ground Water in the Central Midwest
- Reaeration
- National Trends Network for Monitoring Atmospheric Deposition
- Minnesota River Assessment Project
- National Water-Quality Assessment of the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Trends in Water Quality and Stream Habitat in Priority Watersheds
- Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Budgets in Temperate Lakes and their Watersheds
- Antidepressant pharmaceuticals in two U.S. effluent-impacted streams
- A national reconnaissance of pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the United States
- A national reconnaissance for pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the Unites States
- Atrazine and metolachlor occurrence in shallow ground water of the United States
- Aquifer vulnerability to pesticide pollution combining soil, land-use and aquifer properties with molecular descriptors
- Are veterinary medicines causing environmental risks?
- ntimicrobial residues in animal waste and water resources proximal to large-scale swine and poultry feeding operations
- Agrichemicals in groundwater of the midwestern United States
- A geographic information system procedure to quantify drainage-basin characteristics
- Application of a geographic information system in analyzing the occurrence of atrazine in groundwater of the mid-continental United States
- Analysis of environmental data with censored observations
- Agricultural chemicals in groundwater of the midwestern United States: Relations to land use
- A regional study of shallow aquifers
- Assessing groundwater vulnerability to agrichemical contamination in the Midwest U.S.
- Acetochlor in the hydrologic system in the midwestern United States
- Analysis of nitrate in near-surface aquifers in the midcontinental United States
- Agricultural chemicals in ground water of the midwest
- A regional monitoring network to investigate the occurrence and distribution of agricultural chemicals in near-surface aquifers of the midcontinental USA
- A reconnaissance study of herbicides and their metabolites in surface water of the midwestern United States using immunoassay and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
- An automated method to quantify physical basin characteristics
- Biodegradation of 17b-estradiol, estrone, and testosterone in stream sediments
- Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and other anthropogenic waste indicators in earthworms from agricultural soil amended with biosolid or swine manure
- Basinsoft, a computer program to quantify drainage basin characteristics
- Basic water chemistry of rivers and streams
- Comparing wastewater chemicals, indicator bacteria concentrations, and bacterial pathogen genes as fecal pollution indicators
- Contaminants of emerging concern
- Comparative mobility of sulfonamides and bromide tracer in three soils
- Changes in reproductive biomarkers in an endangered fish species (bonytail chub, Gila elegans) exposed to low levels of organic wastewater compounds in a controlled experiment
- Description, instructions, and verification for Basinsoft, a computer program to quantify drainage- basin characteristics
- Description of Basinsoft, a computer program to quantify drainage-basin charactersitics
- Diagnostic indicators of wastewater derived anthropogenic organic contaminants in terrestrial environments
- Degradates provide insight to spatial and temporal distribution of herbicides in ground water
- Determination of pharmaceutical compounds in surface- and ground-water samples by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
- Do pharmaceuticals, pathogens, and other organic wastewater contaminants persist when wastewater is used for recharge?
- Degradation of chloroacetanilide herbicides
- Direct assessment of groundwater vulnerability from single observations of multiple compounds
- Distribution of major herbicides in ground water of the United States
- Description of Basinsoft, a computer program to quantify drainage-basin characteristics
- Environmental exposure modeling and monitoring of human pharmaceutical concentrations in the environment
- Evaluation of selected methods for determining streamflow during periods of ice effect
- Effects of animal feeding operations on water resources and the environment
- Estimating flood frequency
- Exposure assessment of veterinary medicines in aquatic systems
- Environmental presence and persistence of pharmaceuticals
- Fate and transport of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in surface waters of agricultural basins
- Fate of sulfamethoxazole, 4-nonyphenol, and 17b-estradiol in groundwater contaminanted by wastewater treatment plant effluent
- Finding minimal concentrations of herbicides in ground water?
- Groundwater vulnerability: Interactions of chemical and site properties
- Groundwater as a nonpoint source of atrazine and deethylatrazine in a river during base flow conditions
- Ground water and the floods of 1993
- Geographic and seasonal distribution of herbicides in streams of the midwestern United States
- Geographic and temporal distribution of herbicides in surface waters of the upper midwestern United States
- Hydrologic and land-use factors associated with herbicides and nitrate in near-surface aquifers
- Herbicides and nitrate in near-surface aquifers in the midcontinental United States
- Hydrogeologic, water-quality, and land-use data for the reconnaissance of herbicides and nitrate in near-surface aquifers of the midcontinental United States
- Herbicides and metabolites in surface and ground water in the midwestern United States
- Herbicides in surface waters of the midwestern United States: effects of the spring flush
- Herbicide transport in rivers: Importance of hydrology and geochemistry in nonpoint-source contamination
- Has the magnitude of floods across the USA changed with global CO2 levels?
- Impacts of waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) on water quality
- Impacts of Climate Change on the Growing Season in the United States
- Infiltration of herbicides to an alluvial aquifer through tributary stream leakage
- Influence of natural factors on the quality of midwestern streams and rivers
- Integrated watershed-scale response to climate change for selected basins across the United States
- Lagrangian mass-flow investigations of inorganic contaminants in wastewater-impacted streams
- Major herbicides in ground water
- Nitrate in groundwater of the midwestern United States
- Occurrence of cyanazine compounds in groundwater: Degradates more prevalent than the parent compound
- Occurrence of acetanilide herbicide metabolites in tile runoff and ground
- Observed and simulated movement of bank-storage water
- Occurrence of herbicides and metabolites in surface water, ground water, and rainwater in the midwestern United States
- Occurrence of human pharmaceuticals in water resources in the United States
- Optical techniques for the determination of nitrate in environmental waters
- Occurrence of azoxystrobin, propiconazole, and selected other fungicides in U.S. streams
- On the need for a national (U.S.) research program to elucidate the potential risks to human health and the environment posed by contaminants of emerging concern
- Occurrence and removal of pharmaceutically active compounds in sewage treatment plants with different technologies
- Occurrence of pesticides in shallow ground water of the United States
- Occurrence of selected pesticides and their metabolites in near-surface aquifers of the Midwestern United States
- Perchlorate data for streams and groundwater in selected areas of the United States
- Persistence and potential effects of complex organic contaminant mixtures in wastewater-impacted streams
- Potential for 4-n-nonylphenol biodegradation in stream sediments
- Potential risks of pesticide degradates to aquatic life
- Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams
- Pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants within a leachate plume downgradient of a municipal landfill
- Pesticide degradates: Monitoring and occurrence
- Pharmaceuticals, hormones, personal-care products, and other organic wastewater contaminants in water resources
- Pesticides in ground water of the United States
- Pesticides and volatile organic compounds in shallow urban groundwater
- Pesticides in ground water: do atrazine metabolites matter?
- Pesticides in streams and ground water of the United States
- Pesticides in near-surface aquifers: An assessment of highly sensitive analytical techniques and tritium