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USGS Water Resources Links for:
02020005 - Schoharie
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Online USGS Watershed Information For:
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Cataloging Unit 02020005 - Schoharie
- Hudson River Basin National Water-quality Assessment
- Baseline Water Quality Assessment of Selected Aquifers in New York
- Potential yields of wells in unconsolidated aquifers in upstate New York -- Hudson-Mohawk sheet
- Potential yields of wells in unconsolidated aquifers in upstate New York -- Adirondack sheet
- Hydrogeology of the stratified-drift aquifers in the Utica area, Oneida and Herkimer Counties, New York
- Pesticide concentrations in Canajoharie Creek, New York
- Ground-water availability in the Black River basin, New York
- Flooding of December 29, 1984 through January 2, 1985, in northern New York state, with flood profiles of the Black and Salmon Rivers
- Chemical and physical quality of water resources in the St. Lawrence River basin, New York State
- Hydrologic analysis of two headwater lake basins of differing lake pH in the west-central Adirondack Mountains of New York
- Hydrologic data from the integrated-lake watershed acidification study in the west-central Adirondack Mountains, New York
- Availability of ground water from unconsolidated deposits in the Mohawk River basin, New York
- Oswegatchie quadrangle, St. Lawrence, Herkimer, and Lewis Counties, New York
- Aeromagnetic map of the Old Forge quadrangle and part of the West Canada Lakes quadrangle, Herkimer and Hamilton Counties, New York
- Aeromagnetic map of the Number Four quadrangle, Herkimer and Lewis Counties, New York
- Aeromagnetic map of the Big Moose quadrangle, Herkimer and Hamilton Counties, New York
- Regionalized equations for bankfull-discharge and channel characteristics of streams in New York State -- Hydrologic Region 5 in Central New York
- Regionalized equations for bankfull discharge and channel characteristics of streams in New York State
- Ground-water quality in the St. Lawrence River Basin, New York
- Ground-water quality in the Mohawk River basin, New York
- Flood of June 26-29, 2006, Mohawk, Delaware, and Susquehanna River Basins, New York
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Accounting Unit 020200 - Upper Hudson
- Ground-water quality in the Upper Hudson River Basin, New York
- Analysis of the shallow groundwater flow system at Fire Island National Seashore, Suffolk County, New York
- Nitrogen loads in groundwater entering back bays and ocean from Fire Island National Seashore, Long Island, New York
- Water quality of the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River and tributary streams, New York and Pennsylvania
- U.S. Geological Survey Catskill/Delaware water-quality network: Water-quality report water year
- Water resources of Monroe County, New York, water years
- Streamflow, constituent loads, and trends in water quality
- description, quality assurance, environmental data, and other information for analysis of pharmaceuticals in wastewater-treatment-plant effluents, streamwater, and reservoirs
- Geophysical logs of selected wells at the Diaz Chemical Superfund Site in the Village of Holley
- Groundwater quality in the Lower Hudson River Basin, New York
- Shallow groundwater quality in the Village of Patchogue, Suffolk County, New York
- Hydrogeologic and geospatial data for the assessment of focused recharge to a carbonate-rock aquifer in Genesee County, New York
- Estimated use of water in the United States
- Acid rain effects on Adirondack streams--results from the 2003-05 Western Adirondack Stream Survey
- Bankfull discharge and channel characteristics of streams in New York State
- Remediation of mudboil discharges in the Tully Valley of Central New York
- Simulation of variable-density ground-water flow and saltwater intrusion beneath Manhasset Neck, Nassau County, New York
- Fish communities and habitat of geomorphically stable reference reaches in streams of the Catskill Mountain region, New York
- Water-table and potentiometric-surface altitudes in the Upper Glacial, Magothy, and Lloyd aquifers beneath Long Island, New York
- Nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, color, and disinfection byproducts in base flow and stormflow in streams of the Croton watershed, Westchester and Putnam Counties, New York
- Hydraulic properties of the Magothy and Upper Glacial aquifers at Centereach, Suffolk County, New York
- Quality-assurance data for routine water analyses by the U.S. Geological Survey Laboratory in Troy, New York
- Land-surface subsidence and open bedrock fractures in the Tully Valley, Onondaga County, New York
- Water-quality characterization of surface water in the Onondaga Lake basin, Onondaga County, New York
- Dendrogeomorphic assessment of the Rattlesnake Gulf landslide in the Tully Valley, Onondaga County, New York
- Causes and movement of landslides at Rainbow Creek and Rattlesnake Gulf in the Tully Valley, Onondaga County, New York
- Geohydrology and water quality of the valley-fill aquifer system in the upper Sixmile Creek and West Branch Oswego Creek valleys in the Town of Caroline, Tompkins County, New York
- Brine migration from a flooded salt mine in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, New York: Geochemical modeling and simulation of variable-density flow
- Groundwater quality in central New York
- Geohydrology of the unconsolidated valley-fill aquifer in the Meads Creek valley, Schuyler and Steuben Counties, New York
- Relations of environmental factors with mussel-species richness in the Neversink River, New York
- Recharge to shale bedrock at Averill Park, an upland hamlet in eastern New York--an estimate based on pumpage within a defined cone of depression
- Effects of habitat characteristics and water quality on macroinvertebrate communities along the Neversink River in southeastern New York
- Hydrologic and water-quality characterization and modeling of the Onondaga Lake basin, Onondaga County, New York
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Subregion 0202 - Upper Hudson
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Region 02 - Mid Atlantic