Water Use in the United States
Estimated Use of Water in the United States
Water-use data element | Index number |
Column heading |
Source of data |
Year of data | --- | Year | |
State Abbreviation (2-letter Postal ID) | --- | State | |
State Code (2-digit numeric FIPS code) | -- | StateCode | |
County FIPS Code (3 digits) | --- | CountyCode | |
County name | --- | CountyName | |
Total population of the county | |||
Total population of the area, in thousands | 2 | TotalPop | Input |
Public Supply | |||
Population served by ground water, in thousands | 3 | PS-GWPop | Input |
Population served by surface water, in thousands | 4 | PS-SWPop | Input |
Total Population served, in thousands | 5 | PS-TOPop | 3+4 |
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 6 | PS-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 7 | PS-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 8 | PS-WGWTo | 6+7 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 9 | PS-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 10 | PS-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 11 | PS-WSWTo | 9+10 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 12 | PS-WFrTo | 6+9 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 13 | PS-WSaTo | 7+10 |
Total withdrawals, total | 14 | PS-WTotl | 12+13 |
Deliveries to domestic | 15 | PS-DelDO | 52 |
Deliveries to commercial | 16 | PS-DelCO | 34 |
Deliveries to industrial | 17 | PS-DelIN | 67 |
Deliveries to thermoelectric | 18 | PS-DelPT | 102+120+138 |
Water deliveries, total deliveries | 19 | PS-DelTO | 18+34+52+67 |
Water deliveries, public use and losses | 20 | PS-UsLos | 14-18-34-52-67 |
Per-capita withdrawal, in gallons per day | 21 | PS-PrCap | (14*1000.00)/5 |
Reclaimed wastewater | 22 | PS-RecWW | Input |
Number of facilities | 23 | PS-Facil | Input |
Number of facilities in site-specific Database | 24 | PS-FacDB | Input |
Commercial Water Use | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 25 | CO-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 26 | CO-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 27 | CO-WGWTo | 25+26 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 28 | CO-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 29 | CO-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 30 | CO-WSWTo | 28+29 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 31 | CO-WFrTo | 25+28 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 32 | CO-WSaTo | 26+29 |
Total withdrawals | 33 | CO-WTotl | 31+32 |
Deliveries from public suppliers | 34 | CO-PSDel | Input |
Total withdrawals + deliveries | 35 | CO-WDelv | 33+34 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 36 | CO-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 37 | CO-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 38 | CO-CUTot | 36+37 |
Reclaimed wastewater | 39 | CO-RecWW | Input |
Domestic Water Use | |||
Self-supplied population, in thousands | 40 | DO-SSPop | 2-5 |
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 41 | DO-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 42 | DO-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 43 | DO-WGWTo | 41+42 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 44 | DO-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 45 | DO-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 46 | DO-WSWTo | 44+45 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 47 | DO-WFrTo | 41+44 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 48 | DO-WSaTo | 42+45 |
Total withdrawals | 49 | DO-WTotl | 47+48 |
Per-capita use, self-supplied, in gallons per day | 50 | DO-SSPCp | (49*1000.00)/40 |
Public-supplied population | 51 | DO-PSPop | 5 |
Deliveries from public suppliers | 52 | DO-PSDel | Input |
Per-capita use, public-supplied, in gallons per day | 53 | DO-PSPCp | (52*1000.00)/5 |
Total withdrawals plus deliveries | 54 | DO-WDelv | 49+52 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 55 | DO-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 56 | DO-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 57 | DO-CUTot | 55+56 |
Industrial Water Use | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 58 | IN-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 59 | IN-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 60 | IN-WGWTo | 58+59 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 61 | IN-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 62 | IN-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 63 | IN-WSWTo | 61+62 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 64 | IN-WFrTo | 58+61 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 65 | IN-WSaTo | 59+62 |
Total withdrawals | 66 | IN-WTotl | 64+65 |
Deliveries from public suppliers | 67 | IN-PSDel | Input |
Total withdrawals plus deliveries | 68 | IN-WDelv | 66+67 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 69 | IN-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 70 | IN-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 71 | IN-CUTot | 69+70 |
Reclaimed wastewater | 72 | IN-RecWW | Input |
Number of facilities | 73 | IN-Facil | Input |
Number of facilities in site-specific Database | 74 | IN-FacDB | Input |
Thermoelectric Power Water Use (All fuel types) | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 75 | PT-WGWFr | 93+111+129 |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 76 | PT-WGWSa | 94+112+130 |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 77 | PT-WGWTo | 75+76 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 78 | PT-WSWFr | 96+114+132 |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 79 | PT-WSWSa | 97+115+133 |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 80 | PT-WSWTo | 78+79 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 81 | PT-WFrTo | 75+78 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 82 | PT-WSaTo | 76+79 |
Total withdrawals | 83 | PT-WTotl | 81+82 |
Deliveries from public suppliers | 84 | PT-PSDel | 102+120+138 |
Total withdrawals plus deliveries | 85 | PT-WDelv | 83+84 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 86 | PT-CUsFr | 104+122+140 |
Consumptive use, saline | 87 | PT-CUsSa | 105+123+141 |
Consumptive use, total | 88 | PT-CUTot | 86+87 |
Power generation, gigawatt hours | 89 | PT-Power | 107+125+143 |
Reclaimed wastewater | 90 | PT-RecWW | 108+126+144 |
Number of facilities | 91 | PT-Facil | 109+127+145 |
Number of facilities in site-specific Database | 92 | PT-FacDB | 110+128+146 |
Thermoelectric Power Water Use (Fossil Fuel) | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 93 | PF-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 94 | PF-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 95 | PF-WGWTo | 93+94 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 96 | PF-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 97 | PF-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 98 | PF-WSWTo | 96+97 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 99 | PF-WFrTo | 93+96 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 100 | PF-WSaTo | 94+97 |
Total withdrawals | 101 | PF-WTotl | 99+100 |
Deliveries from public suppliers | 102 | PF-PSDel | Input |
Total withdrawals plus deliveries | 103 | PF-WDelv | 101+102 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 104 | PF-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 105 | PF-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 106 | PF-CUTot | 104+105 |
Power generation, gigawatt hours | 107 | PF-Power | Input |
Reclaimed wastewater | 108 | PF-RecWW | Input |
Number of facilities | 109 | PF-Facil | Input |
Number of facilities in a site-specific Database | 110 | PF-FacDB | Input |
Thermoelectric Power Water Use (Geothermal) | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 111 | PG-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 112 | PG-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 113 | PG-WGWTo | 111+112 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 114 | PG-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 115 | PG-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 116 | PG-WSWTo | 114+115 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 117 | PG-WFrTo | 111+114 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 118 | PG-WSaTo | 112+115 |
Total withdrawals | 119 | PG-WTotl | 117+118 |
Deliveries from public suppliers | 120 | PG-PSDel | Input |
Total withdrawals plus deliveries | 121 | PG-WDelv | 119+120 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 122 | PG-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 123 | PG-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 124 | PG-CUTot | 122+123 |
Power generation, gigawatt hours | 125 | PG-Power | Input |
Reclaimed wastewater | 126 | PG-RecWW | Input |
Number of facilities | 127 | PG-Facil | Input |
Number of facilities in site-specific Database | 128 | PG-FacDB | Input |
Thermoelectric Power Water Use (Nuclear) | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 129 | PN-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 130 | PN-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 131 | PN-WGWTo | 129+130 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 132 | PN-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 133 | PN-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 134 | PN-WSWTo | 132+133 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 135 | PN-WFrTo | 129+132 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 136 | PN-WSaTo | 130+133 |
Total withdrawals | 137 | PN-WTotl | 135+136 |
Deliveries from public suppliers | 138 | PN-PSDel | Input |
Total withdrawals plus deliveries | 139 | PN-WDelv | 137+138 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 140 | PN-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 141 | PN-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 142 | PN-CUTot | 140+141 |
Power generation, gigawatt hours | 143 | PN-Power | Input |
Reclaimed wastewater | 144 | PN-RecWW | Input |
Number of facilities | 145 | PN-Facil | Input |
Number of facilities in site-specific Databse | 146 | PN-FacDB | Input |
Mining Water Use | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 147 | MI-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 148 | MI-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 149 | MI-WGWTo | 147+148 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 150 | MI-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 151 | MI-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 152 | MI-WSWTo | 150+151 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 153 | MI-WFrTo | 147+150 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 154 | MI-WSaTo | 148+151 |
Total withdrawals | 155 | MI-WTotl | 153+154 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 156 | MI-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 157 | MI-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 158 | MI-CUTot | 156+157 |
Reclaimed wastewater | 159 | MI-RecWW | Input |
Livestock Water Use (Total) | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 160 | LV-WGWFr | 172+184 |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 161 | LV-WGWSa | 173+185 |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 162 | LV-WGWTo | 160+161 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 163 | LV-WSWFr | 175+187 |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 164 | LV-WSWSa | 176+188 |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 165 | LV-WSWTo | 163+164 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 166 | LV-WFrTo | 160+163 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 167 | LV-WSaTo | 161+164 |
Total withdrawals | 168 | LV-WTotl | 166+167 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 169 | LV-CUsFr | 181+193 |
Consumptive use, saline | 170 | LV-CUsSa | 182+194 |
Consumptive use, total | 171 | LV-CUTot | 169+170 |
Livestock Water Use (Stock) | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 172 | LS-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 173 | LS-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 174 | LS-WGWTo | 172+173 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 175 | LS-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 176 | LS-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 177 | LS-WSWTo | 175+176 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 178 | LS-WFrTo | 172+175 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 179 | LS-WSaTo | 173+176 |
Total withdrawals | 180 | LS-WTotl | 178+179 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 181 | LS-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 182 | LS-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 183 | LS-CUTot | 181+182 |
Livestock Water Use (Animal specialties) | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 184 | LA-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 185 | LA-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 186 | LA-WGWTo | 184+185 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 187 | LA-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 188 | LA-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 189 | LA-WSWTo | 187+188 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 190 | LA-WFrTo | 184+187 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 191 | LA-WSaTo | 185+188 |
Total withdrawals | 192 | LA-WTotl | 190+191 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 193 | LA-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 194 | LA-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 195 | LA-CUTot | 193+194 |
Irrigation Water Use | |||
Ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 196 | IR-WGWFr | Input |
Ground-water withdrawals, saline | 197 | IR-WGWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 198 | IR-WGWTo | 196+197 |
Surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 199 | IR-WSWFr | Input |
Surface-water withdrawals, saline | 200 | IR-WSWSa | Input |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 201 | IR-WSWTo | 199+200 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 202 | IR-WFrTo | 196+199 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 203 | IR-WSaTo | 197+200 |
Total withdrawals | 204 | IR-WTotl | 202+203 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 205 | IR-CUsFr | Input |
Consumptive use, saline | 206 | IR-CUsSa | Input |
Consumptive use, total | 207 | IR-CUTot | 205+206 |
Conveyance loss | 208 | IR-CLoss | Input |
Acres irrigated, sprinkler, in thousands | 209 | IR-IrSpr | Input |
Acres irrigated, microirrigation, in thousands | 210 | IR-IrMic | Input |
Acres irrigated, surface, in thousands | 211 | IR-IrSur | Input |
Acres irrigated, total, in thousands | 212 | IR-IrTot | 209+210+211 |
Reclaimed wastewater | 213 | IR-RecWW | Input |
Hydroelectric Power Water Use | |||
Instream water use | 214 | HY-InUse | Input |
Surface-water offstream withdrawals, fresh | 215 | HY-OffFr | Input |
Surface-water offstream withdrawals, saline | 216 | HY-OffSa | Input |
Surface water offstream withdrawals, total | 217 | HY-OffTo | 215+216 |
Power generation, instream use, gigawatt hours | 218 | HY-InPow | Input |
Power generation, offstream use , gigawatt hours | 219 | HY-OfPow | Input |
Power generation, total, gigawatt hours | 220 | HY-ToPow | 218+219 |
Number of facilities, instream | 221 | HY-InFac | Input |
Number of facilities, offstream | 222 | HY-OfFac | Input |
Number of facilities, total | 223 | HY-ToFac | 221+222 |
Number of facilities in site-specific DB, instream | 224 | HY-InFDB | Input |
Number of facilities in site-specific DB, offstream | 225 | HY-OfFDB | Input |
Number of facilities in site-specific DB, total | 226 | HY-ToFDB | 224+225 |
Wastewater Treatment | |||
Returns by public wastewater facilities | 227 | WW-PuRet | Input |
Number of public wastewater facilities | 228 | WW-PuFac | Input |
Number of other facilities | 229 | WW-OtFac | Input |
Reclaimed wastewater released by POTWs | 230 | WW-RecWW | Input |
Number of wastewater facilities, total | 231 | WW-ToFac | 228+229 |
Number of wastewater fac. in SS Database | 232 | WW-FacDB | Input |
Reservoir Evaporation (Data only for HUCs) | |||
Reservoir surface area, in thousand acres | 233 | RE-SurAr | Input |
Reservoir evaporation, in thousand acre-feet | 234 | RE-Evapo | Input |
Totals | |||
Total ground-water withdrawals, fresh | 235 | TO-WGWFr | 6+25+41+58+75+147+160+196 |
Total ground-water withdrawals, saline | 236 | TO-WGWSa | 7+26+42+59+76+148+161+197 |
Total withdrawals, ground water | 237 | TO-WGWTo | 235+236 |
Total surface-water withdrawals, fresh | 238 | TO-WSWFr | 9+28+44+61+78+150+163+199 |
Total surface-water withdrawals, saline | 239 | TO-WSWSa | 10+29+45+62+79+151+164+200 |
Total withdrawals, surface water | 240 | TO-WSWTo | 238+239 |
Total withdrawals, fresh | 241 | TO-WFrTo | 235+238 |
Total withdrawals, saline | 242 | TO-WSaTo | 236+239 |
Total withdrawals | 243 | TO-WTotl | 241+242 |
Consumptive use, fresh | 244 | TO-CUsFr | 36+55+69+86+156+169+205 |
Consumptive use, saline | 245 | TO-CUsSa | 37+56+70+87+157+170+206 |
Consumptive use, total | 246 | TO-CUTot | 244+245 |
Reclaimed wastewater | 247 | TO-RecWW | 22+39+72+90+159+213 |
Conveyance losses | 248 | TO-CLoss | 208 |