This keyword data block is used to define a new set of exchangers by mixing sets of previously defined exchangers. This keyword sums moles of exchange sites and elements to define a new set of exchangers that can be used in subsequent simulations; it does not cause any speciation or reaction calculation.
Line 0: MIX_EXCHANGE 2 Mixing EXCHANGE 5, 6, and 7.
Line 1a: 5 1.1
Line 1b: 6 0.5
Line 1c: 7 0.3
Line 0: MIX_EXCHANGE [number] [description]
MIX_EXCHANGE is the keyword for the data block.
number--A positive number designates the new exchange user number. Default is 1.
description--Optional comment that describes the mixture.
Line 1: exchange number, mixing fraction
exchange number--User number of an exchange definition.
mixing fraction--Decimal number that is multiplied times the moles of each exchange site and element in the specified exchange definition; the mixture is the sum of each exchange site and element times its mixing fraction. Mixing fractions may be greater than 1.0.
In mixing, moles of each exchange site and element are multiplied by the mixing fraction, and a new set of exchangers is calculated by summing over all of the fractional exchange definitions. In the Example data block, if the moles of X in exchanger 5, 6, and 7 were 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3, the moles of X in the mixture would be 0.1x1.1+0.2x0.5+0.3x0.3 = 0.3. MIX_EXCHANGE is followed only by COPY , DUMP , and DELETE in the sequence of operations of a simulation.