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Hydrologic Drought and Low-Flow Frequency

Please contact Harry Lins with questions.


Understanding and defining drought by the National Drought Mitigation Center

OSW Memos
SW 70.07 Adjustments for zero-flow items
SW 76.03 Updating Streamflow/Basin Characteristics File
SW 79.06 Low-Flow Programs
SW 85.09 Low-Flow Frequency Estimates
SW 85.17 Policy on Providing Low-Flow Information
SW 86.02 Low-Flow Frequency Estimation at Partial-Record Sites
SW 89.11 Recommendations for Regional Low-Flow Studies
SW 91.13 Transmittal of Open-File Report 91-244, "Proceedings of the United States-People's Republic of China Bilateral Symposium on Droughts and Arid-Regional Hydrology

ID2015TC Ground Water/Surface Water Relationships
SW2011TC Statistical Approach to Surface-Water Hydrological Analysis

Regional Hydrologic Regression and Network Analysis Using Generalized Least Squares
swstat - Surface-Water Statistics
swstat Input and Output for a Watershed Data Management (WDM) file

Riggs, H.C., 1972, "Low Flow Investigations, Hydrologic Analysis and Interpretation": USGS Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Chapter B1, Book 4, 17 p.

Hardison, C.H., and Moss, M.E., 1972, "Accuracy of low-flow characteristics estimated by correlation of base-flow measurements": USGS WSP 1542-B, 21 p.

Lins, H.F., and Slack, J.R., 1999, "Streamflow trends in the United States": Geophysical Research Letter, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 227-230.

Ludwig, A.H., and Tasker, G.D., 1993, "Regionalization of low-flow characteristics of Arkansas streams": USGS WRIR 93-4013, 19 p.

Schneider, W.J., 1965, "Areal variability of low flows in a basin of diverse geologic units": Water Resources Research, vol 1, no. 4, pp.509-515.

Trainer, F.W., 1969, "Drainage density as an indicator of base flow in part of the Potomac River Basin": USGS Prof. Paper 650-C, pp. C177-C183.

Durrans, S.R. and Tomic', Sasa, 1996, "REgionalization of low-flow frequency estimates: an Alabama case study': Water Resources Bulletin, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 23-37.

Weaver, J.C., 1996, "Low-flow characteristics and profiles for selected streams in the Roanoke River Basin, North Carolina": USGS WRIR 96-4154 56 p.

Singh, K.P., and Stall, J.B., 1974, "Hydrology of 7-Day 10-Yr Low Flows": Journal of the Hydraulics Division, vol. 100, no. HY12, pp. 1753-1771.

Stedinger, J.R., and Thomas, W.O., Jr., 1985, Low-flow frequency estimation using base-flow measurements; USGS Open-File Report 85-95, 22p.

ASCE Task Committee on low-flow evaluation, methods, and needs of the Committee on Surface-Water Hydrology of the Hydraulics Division, 1980, "Characteristics of low flows": ASCE Journal of Hydraulics, vol. 106, no. HY5, 7 p.

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