Water Calendars
Here is a great way to keep track of your active schedule and see your favorite water activities, gages, and colleagues at the same time!
The Photographs make great screensavers!
Is there a picture that you would like to see in a future calendar? All submitted images will be considered and will be added to the WMA Image Collection. See below for guidelines. As a thank you for your efforts, there will be a modest non-monetary award for each photographer whose work is included in the calendar.
When taking pictures and selecting photographs for submission, please consider the guidelines below.
Submission form(SubmitPhotos.xlsx) and images can be:
Emailed to WMACalendar@usgs.gov
Put on CD or DVD and mailed to:
Chief of Staff
USGS, Mail Stop 415
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192
Please Upload on the Google Form (https://goo.gl/forms/bdJQh5P2iC5YptqN2).
Questions? Send them to WMACalendar@usgs.gov.
Guidelines for Photographs
While we are interested in any water-related images (surface water, groundwater, water quality), we are particularly interested in contemporary and historic photographs illustrating one or more of the following:
- USGS water staff actively engaged in doing their job,
- Streamgaging stations, groundwater wells, water quality monitors,
- Streamgaging activities (everyday and extreme event),
- Data collection activities (everyday and extreme event),
- Water conditions (floods, low flows, ice, etc.), and
- Scenic backdrops; where you say "…and they pay me to be here!"
In general, while you are taking pictures, consider the following:
- Use the highest resolution available for the camera (or scanner if scanning images).
- Turn off the option to display the date and time. Most cameras store this with the file meta data. If you cannot turn the date and time off, then compose your picture so that it can easily be cropped from the picture without negatively impacting your image.
- If you are photographing people, take several pictures where everyone is actively engaged in the task at hand (this is what we are seeking for the calendar) and several pictures where everyone is smiling at the camera (your boss will want this one for the lobby or break room and Moms will want it for the refrigerator or piano).
- Cell phones may be convenient, but the resolution is usually not sufficient to produce a sharp, full-page image for the calendar.
- Visual Identity - USGS logo on equipment and/or people is nice.
- All contemporary images MUST show adherence to all applicable safety rules.
- Don't take just one picture, try multiple compositions:
- Try placing the point of interest in different locations in the frame.
- Consider different vantage points, moving left, right, forward, backward, lower or higher. Sometimes moving just a few feet can make for a significantly better picture.
- If there is action, it is usually better to have it moving into the picture rather than off the edge of the picture.
Current & Previous Calendars

Calendar (low res)
(pdf = 3.7M)
(zip = 684M)

Calendar (low res)
(pdf = 65M)
(zip = 71M)

Calendar (low res)
(pdf = 3.9M)
(zip = 126M)

Calendar (high res)
(pdf = 1.1G)
Calendar (low res)
(pdf = 3.6M)
(zip = 97M)

(pdf = 3.4M)
(zip = 84M)

(pdf = 4.3M)
(zip = 111M)

(pdf = 4.1M) Photographs
(zip = 55M)

(pdf = 7.3M)
(zip = 2.1M)
(pdf = 236M)
(zip = 41M)