Summary of selected computer programs produced by the U.S. Geological Survey
for simulation of ground-water flow and quality - 1994
by C.A. Appel and T.E. Reilly
Appendix 1. List of acronyms used to identify selected computer
programs, and the report to which they refer.
Acronym |
Full Name |
Reference |
Linear and quadratic programming matrix generator using
two-dimensional ground-water flow simulation for aquifer management modeling
Lefkoff, L. J., and Gorelick, S. M., 1987 |
A mathematical programming system dataset generator for
aquifer management using the U.S. Geological Survey modular three-dimensional
finite-difference ground-water flow model |
Puig, J. C., and Rolon-Collazo, L. I., in press |
A finite-element model for aquifers containing a seawater
interface |
Voss, C. I., 1984b |
AX |
An axisymmetric finite-difference flow model to simulate
drawdown in and around a pumped well. |
Rutledge, A. T., 1991 |
A computer program for calculating mass transfer for geochemical
reactions in ground water |
Parkhurst, D. L., Plummer, L. N., and Thorstenson, D. C.,
1982 |
Three-dimensional finite-difference model for ground-water
flow and single phase (liquid) heat transport |
Reed, J.E., 1985 |
A computer code for simulation of heat and solute transport
in three-dimensional ground-water flow systems |
Kipp, K. L., 1987 |
A three-dimensional finite-difference model for ground-water
flow and multiphase heat transport in the temperature range of 0 to 1,200oC
Hayba, D.O., and Ingebritsen, S.E., in press |
A model for calculating effects of liquid waste disposal
in deep saline aquifer |
INTERCOMP, 1976; INTERA, 1979 |
Margules parameters and equilibrium relations in Binary
Solid-Solution Aqueous-Solution systems |
Glynn, P. D., 1991a |
A statistical processor for analyzing simulations made using
the modular finite-difference ground-water flow model |
Scott, J. C., 1990 |
A coupled surface-water and ground-water flow model for
simulation of stream-aquifer interaction |
Swain, E. D., and Wexler, E. J., 1993 |
Computer model of two-dimensional solute transport and dispersion
in ground water |
Konikow, L. F., and Bredehoeft, J. D., 1978; Goode, D. J.,
and Konikow, L. F., 1989 |
A two-constituent solute-transport model for ground water
having variable density |
Sanford, W. E., and Konikow, L. F., 1985 |
A MODular Finite-Element model (MODFE) for areal and axisymmetric
ground-water-flow problems |
Torak, L. J., 1993a, b and Cooley, R. L., 1992 |
A modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water
flow model |
McDonald, M. G., and Harbaugh, A. W., 1988 |
Modifications of the U.S. Geological Survey Modular, finite-difference,
ground-water flow model to read and write geographical information system
file |
Orzol, L. L., and McGrath, T. S., 1992 |
A computer program for estimating parameters of a transient,
three-dimensional, ground-water flow model using nonlinear regression |
Hill, M. C., 1992 |
Computer programs to compute and display pathlines using
results from the U.S. Geological Survey modular three-dimensional finite-difference
ground-water flow model |
Pollock, D. W., 1989, 1990 |
An interactive code for modeling net geochemical reactions
along a flow path |
Plummer, L. N., Prestemon, E. C., and Parkhurst, D. L.,
1991 |
PHREEQE-A computer program for geochemical calculations
Parkhurst, D. L., Thorstenson, D. C., and Plummer, L. N.,
1980 (Revised edition - August 1990) |
An interactive computer program for constructing input data
sets to the geochemical simulation program PHREEQE |
Fleming, G. W., and Plummer, L. N., 1983 |
A computer program incorporating Pitzer's equations for
calculation of geochemical reactions in brines |
Plummer, L. N., Parkhurst, D. L., Fleming, G. W., and Dunkle,
S. A., 1988 |
A Galerkin finite-element flow model to predict the transient
response of a radially symmetric aquifer |
Reilly, T. E., 1984 |
Computer program for the simulation of cylindrical flow
to a well using the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water
Flow Model |
Reilly, T. E., and Harbaugh, A. W., 1993b |
A quantitative chemical-mineralogical characterization of
natural waters |
Bodine, M. W., Jr., and Jones, B. F., 1986 |
Numerical simulation of advective-dispersive multisolute
transport with sorption, ion exchange and equilibrium chemistry |
Lewis, F. M., Voss, C. I., and Rubin, Jacob, 1986 |
A quasi-three-dimensional finite-difference simulation model
for freshwater and saltwater flow in layered coastal aquifer systems |
Essaid, H. I., 1990 |
A computer code to create and modify input for the geochemical
program SOLMINEQ.88 |
DeBraal, J. D., and Kharaka, Y. K., 1989 |
Solution-mineral equilibrium computations |
Kharaka, Y. K., and Barnes, Ivan, 1973 |
A computer program for geochemical modeling of water-rock
interactions |
Kharaka, Y., Gunter, W. D., Aggarwal, Pradeep K., Perkins,
E. H., and DeBraal, J. D., 1988 |
Simulation procedure for modeling transient water-table
and artesian stress and response |
Reed, J. E., Bedinger, M. S., and Terry, J. E., 1976 |
A finite-element simulation model for saturated-unsaturated,
fluid-density-dependent ground-water flow with energy transport or chemically-reactive
single-species solute transport |
Voss, C. I., 1984a |
A graphical display program for SUTRA Finite-Element Simulation
Model |
Souza, W. R., 1987 |
Trescott-2D |
Finite-difference model for aquifer simulation in two dimensions
Trescott, P. C., Pinder, G. F., and Larson, S. P., 1976
Trescott-3D |
Finite-difference model for simulation of three-dimensional
ground-water flow |
Trescott, P. C., 1975; Trescott, P. C., and Larson, S. P.,
1976; Torak, L. J., 1982 |
A finite-element model for flow in a two-aquifer system
Mallory, M. I., 1979 |
VS2D |
Computer program VS2D to solve the equations of fluid flow
in variably saturated porous media |
Lappala, E. G., Healy, R. W., and Weeks, E. P., 1987 |
Simulation of solute transport in variably saturated porous
media |
Healy, R. W., 1990 |
Chemical properties of ground water |
Barnes and Clark, 1969 |
A computer program for calculating chemical equilibrium
of natural waters |
Truesdell, A. H., and Jones, B. F., 1973; Truesdell, A.
H., and Jones, B. F., 1974 |
A FORTRAN IV version of WATEQ, A computer program
for calculating chemical equilibrium of natural waters
Plummer, L. N., Jones, B. F., and Truesdell, A. H., 1976
(Revised edition January 1984) |
dditional and revised thermochemical data and computer code
for WATEQ2--A computerized chemical model for trace and major element speciation
and mineral equilibria of natural waters |
Ball, J. W., Nordstrom, D. K., and Jenne, E.A., 1980 |
A geochemical model with uranium added |
Ball, J. W., Jenne, E. A., and Cantrell, M. W., 1981 |
Revised thermodynamic data base and test cases for calculating
speciation of major, trace, and redox elements in natural waters |
Ball, J. W., and Nordstrom, D. K., 1991 |
A computer program for calculating subregional water budgets
using results from the U.S. Geological Survey modular three-dimensional
finite-difference ground-water flow model |
Harbaugh, A. W., 1990 |