WEL - Well Package
Abbreviation in Name file |
Purpose |
The Well package is used to simulate a specified flux to individual cells and specified in units of length3/time. |
Documentation |
Related Packages |
Supported in |
Other Notes |
Input Instructions
Input to the Well (WEL) Package is read from the file that has type "WEL" in the name file. Optional variables are shown in brackets. All variables are free format if the option “FREE” is specified in the Basic Package input file; otherwise, the non-optional variables have 10-character fields and the optional variables are free format.
Data Set 0 |
[#Text] Item 0 is optional—“#” must be in column 1. Item 0 can be repeated multiple times.
Data Set 1 |
[ PARAMETER NPWEL MXL] This optional item must start with the word “PARAMETER”.
Data Set 2a |
Data set 2b can only be specified in versions of MODFLOW that include the NWT solver. PHIRAMP is only used if NWT is the selected solver. Otherwise, it is ignored. [SPECIFY PHIRAMP IUNITRAMP]
Repeat Items 3 and 4 for each NPWEL parameter. |
Data Set 3 |
[PARNAM PARTYP Parval NLST [INSTANCES NUMINST]] If PARNAM is to be a time-varying parameter, the keyword “INSTANCES” and a value for NUMINST must be entered.
Data Set 4a |
INSTNAM Item 4a is read only if PARNAM is time-varying. NUMINST repetitions of Item 4 (parts a and b) are read. After each repetition of Item 4a, NLST repetitions of Item 4b are read.
Data Set 4b |
Layer Row Column Qfact [xyz] NLST repetitions of Item 4b are required; they are read by module ULSTRD. (SFAC of the ULSTRD utility module applies to Qfact). The NLST repetitions of Item 4b follow each repetition of Item 4a when PARNAM is time-varying.
Data Set 5 |
Data Set 6 |
Layer Row Column Q [xyz] ITMP repetitions of Item 6 are read by module ULSTRD if ITMP > 0. (SFAC of the ULSTRD utility module applies to Q.) Item 6 is not read if ITMP is negative or zero.
Data Set 7 |
[Pname [Iname]] Item 7 is repeated NP times. It is not read if NP is negative or 0. Iname is read if Pname is a time-varying parameter.