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SWR1 Direct Runoff Subroutine (SSWR_RDDRO)

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SWR1 Direct Runoff Subroutine (SSWR_RDDRO)

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SWR1 Direct Runoff Subroutine (SSWR_RDDRO)

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If USE_DIRECT_RUNOFF is specified in Item 1b, the subroutine SSWR_RDDRO reads direct runoff data for each stress period from file unit IOPTUNIT defined immediately after the USE_DIRECT_RUNOFF keyword.



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Surface-Water Routing (SWR) process

Supported in



Data Set 0


Item 0 is optional—# must be in column 1. Item 0 can be repeated multiple times.

Text—is a character variable (up to 199 characters) that starts in column 2. Any characters can be included in Text. The # character must be in column 1. Text is written to the Listing File.

Data Set 1


ITMP— an integer value for reusing SWR direct runoff data that can change each stress period. If ITMP is less than or equal to zero, default data values or data from the previous stress period will be used.

IRDMAP—an integer value that defines if reach mapping data are specified for the current MODFLOW stress period. If IRDMAP ≤ 0, reach mapping data from the previous stress period will be used.

IRDMULT—an integer value that defines if direct runoff multiplier data are specified for the current MODFLOW stress period. If IRDMULT ≤ 0, direct runoff multipler data from the previous stress period will be used.

IRDVAL—an integer value that defines if direct runoff rate data are specified for the current MODFLOW stress period. If IRDVAL ≤ 0, direct runoff rate data from the previous stress period will be used.

If ITMP > 0, read Items 2, 3, and/or 4 based on values specified in Item 1:

If IRDMAP > 0:

Data Set 2


Two-dimensional reach mapping data for current stress period:

DROMAP2D—an integer array used to define the mapping of each cell to a specific SWR1 reach. This array is only specified if IRDMAP > 0. This array is initialized to have values equal to 0, as a result, direct runoff would not be routed to SWR1 reaches until an IRDMAP value > 0 and DROMAP2D values between 1 and NREACHES are specified. Direct runoff is not routed for cells having DROMAP2D values less than 1 or greater than NREACHES.


Data Set 3


Two-dimensional direct runoff multiplier data for current stress period:

DROMULT2D—a real array used to define a multipler to apply to the direct runoff rate data (SSWR_RDDRO Item 4). This array is only specified if IRDMULT > 0. This array is initialized to have values equal to 1, as a result, the full direct runoff rate would be routed to SWR1 reaches defined by DROMAP2D values until an IRDMULT value > 0 and DROMAP2D values between 1 and NREACHES are specified.

If IRDVAL > 0:

Data Set 4


Two-dimensional direct runoff rate data for current stress period:

DROVAL2D—a real array used to define the base direct runoff rate to apply. The actual direct runoff rate for a cell would be the product of DROVAL2D and DROMULT2D. This array is only specified if IRDVAL > 0. This array is initialized to have values equal to 0, as a result, direct runoff would not be routed to SWR1 reaches defined by DROMAP2D values until an IRDVAL value > 0 and DROMAP2D values between 1 and NREACHES are specified.

Direct runoff has units of L/T.