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SWR1 Time Series Utility Subroutine SSWR_RDTABDATA

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SWR1 Time Series Utility Subroutine SSWR_RDTABDATA

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SWR1 Time Series Utility Subroutine SSWR_RDTABDATA

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Subroutine SSWR_RDTABDATA reads time series data from external ASCII (formatted) and binary (unformatted) files and can be used to define rainfall (RAIN), evaporation (EVAP), lateral flow (QLATFLOW), constant-stage reach stages (STAGE), structure data (STRCRIT or STRVAL) for operable surface water control structures, and SWR1 time-step lengths. The SWR1 input item that uses this subroutine is item 4d.


Hughes, J.D., Langevin, C.D., Chartier, K.L., and White, J.T., 2012, Documentation of the Surface-Water Routing (SWR1) Process for modeling surface-water flow with the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model (MODFLOW-2005): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A40 (Version 1.0), 113 p.

Related Packages

Surface-Water Routing (SWR) process

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Other Notres

For binary (unformatted) external time series files, Items 0 and 1 must not be included and variables in Item 2 must be written as single precision variables.

Data Set 0

0. [#Text]

Item 0 is optional—# must be in column 1. Item 0 can be repeated multiple times.

Item 1 is optional.

Data Set 1


TIMEOFFSETVAL—an optional real value that defines the offset to apply to the simulation time (SIMTIME) specified in item 2. If TIMEOFFSETVAL is defined, it must be preceeded by the keyword TIMEOFFSET. If TIMEOFFSETVAL is not defined, a default value of 0.0 is used. The SIMTIME used by the SWR1 Process is the product ofTIMESCALEVAL (defined below) and sum of SIMTIME and TIMEOFFSETVAL. TIMEOFFSETVAL can be used to modify the time for a dataset (for example, convert SIMTIME data from one relative starting point to another).

TIMESCALEVAL—an optional real value that defines the scaling factor to apply to the adjusted SIMTIME (the sum of SIMTIME and TIMEOFFSETVAL) derived from the values specified in item 2. If TIMESCALEVAL is defined, it must be preceeded by the keyword TIMESCALE. If TIMESCALEVAL is not defined, a default value of 1.0 is used. The SIMTIME used by the SWR1 Process is the product of TIMESCALEVAL and the sum of SIMTIME and TIMEOFFSETVAL (defined above). TIMESCALEVAL can be used to perform a unit conversion on the SIMTIME in a dataset (for example, convert SIMTIME data from hours to days).

OFFSETVAL—an optional real value that defines the offset to apply to the values (VALUE) specified in item 2. IfOFFSETVAL is defined, it must be preceeded by the keyword OFFSET. If OFFSETVAL is not defined, a default value of 0.0 is used. The value used by the SWR1 Process is the product of SCALEVAL (defined below) and the sum of VALUE and OFFSETVAL. OFFSETVAL can be used to modify the datum for a dataset (for example, convert stage data from one vertical datum to another).

SCALEVAL—an optional real value that defines the scaling factor to apply to the adjusted values (the sum of VALUE and OFFSETVAL) derived from the values specified in item 2. If SCALEVAL is defined, it must be preceeded by the key­word SCALE. If SCALEVAL is not defined, a default value of 1.0 is used. The value used by the SWR1 Process is the product of SCALEVAL and the sum of VALUE and OFFSETVAL (defined above). SCALEVAL can be used to perform a unit conversion on the values in a dataset (for example, convert stage data from feet to meters).

Data Set 2



. . .


SIMTIME—a real value that defines the time of the VALUE specified on the same line. Times are relative to the model simulation time (TOTIM). The last line of the must have a SIMTIME value that exceeds the total model simulation time.

VALUE—a real value that defines the value at the select simulation time for the data type specified in Item 4d. The units must be consistent with the data type (CTABTYPE) specified in Item 4d.