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SWR1 List Utility Subroutine SSWRLSTRD

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SWR1 List Utility Subroutine SSWRLSTRD

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SWR1 List Utility Subroutine SSWRLSTRD

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Subroutine SSWRLSTRD reads lists that are any number of repetitions of an input item that contains multiple variables. SWR1 input items that use this subroutine are items 4, 6, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10, 11b, 11c, 12, 13c, and 14a.


Hughes, J.D., Langevin, C.D., Chartier, K.L., and White, J.T., 2012, Documentation of the Surface-Water Routing (SWR1) Process for modeling surface-water flow with the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model (MODFLOW-2005): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A40 (Version 1.0), 113 p.

Related Packages

Surface-Water Routing (SWR) process

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Item 1 is optional

Data Set 1


CTAG—a text keyword defining the location of the list for the specific input item. Valid values are INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, or OPEN/CLOSE. If CTAG is not specified, the list is read from the SWR1 input file and is equivalent to specifying CTAG to be INTERNAL.

IUNIT—an integer value that defines the unit number for the file containing the list for the specific input item. The name of the file associated with this file unit must be contained in the Name File, and its file type must be ‘DATA’ in the Name File. IUNIT is only specified if CTAG is EXTERNAL.

CFNAME—a text value that defines the name of the file containing the list for the specific input item. This file will be opened on unit 99 just before reading the list and closed immediately after the list is read. This file should not be included in the Name File. CFNAME is only specified if CTAG is OPEN/CLOSE.

Data Set 2

LIST—is the specified number of lines of data in which each line contains a specified number of variables. The number of fields varies according to which input item is calling this routine. For example, two fields (IRCHSTG and STAGE) are read in input item 14a.