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USGS Groundwater Information > August 11, 2017 Highlights

USGS Monthly Groundwater News and Highlights: August 11, 2017

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Featured Product: USGS Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (SEER)

Overview video about the USGS Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (SEER) tool.

Today's environmental site managers have many tools to choose from when conducting site characterization and remediation.The new USGS Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (SEER) is a quick and simple tool practitioners can use to assess the likely outcome of using two-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging for site characterization and remediation monitoring. Geophysical tools can provide noninvasive ways to see inside the earth, much like how medical imaging lets us see inside the human body. Electrical resistivity imaging is a widely used geophysical method for environmental site management studies. SEER is a spreadsheet-based tool that allows the user to simulate conceptual site models for electrical resistivity imaging. Learn more about SEER or download the free tool.

USGS Groundwater-Related Press Releases

Animation of Groundwater Watch Active Water Level Network, 30 days

The USGS Active Groundwater Level Network includes about 20,000 wells that have been measured by the USGS or USGS cooperators at least once within the past 13 months. The animation shows a daily snapshot of water-level statistics in the network for the previous 30 days. Credit: USGS. The image is in the public domain.

USGS Releases New JavaScript Library to Create Location Search Widgets for Web Applications (07/26/17)

New App Shows Aquifer Level Change and Subsidence in Relation to Groundwater Withdrawals in Houston-Galveston Area (07/19/17)


USGS Groundwater-Related Publications

Water quality in the surficial aquifer near agricultural areas in the Delaware Coastal Plain, 2014 (07/27/17)

Greenup and evapotranspiration following the Minute 319 pulse flow to Mexico: An analysis using Landsat 8 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data (07/27/17)

The use of passive membrane samplers to assess organic contaminant inputs at five coastal sites in west Maui, Hawaii (07/27/17)

Knowing requires data (07/24/17)

Status and trends of adult Lost River (Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose (Chasmistes brevirostris) sucker populations in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2015 (07/24/17)

Recovery data for surface water, groundwater and lab reagent samples analyzed by the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory schedule 2437, water years 2013-15 (07/21/17)

The saltiest springs in the Sierra Nevada, California (07/20/17)

Status and understanding of groundwater quality in the North San Francisco Bay Shallow Aquifer study unit, 2012; California GAMA Priority Basin Project (07/21/17)

Land subsidence in the southwestern Mojave Desert, California, 1992-2009 (07/24/17)

Preliminary hydrogeologic assessment near the boundary of the Antelope Valley and El Mirage Valley groundwater basins, California (07/20/17)

Brackish groundwater and its potential to augment freshwater supplies (07/19/17)

Case studies of riparian and watershed restoration in the southwestern United States -- Principles, challenges, and successes (07/19/17)

Water quality and quantity and simulated surface-water and groundwater flow in the Laurel Hill Creek Basin, southwestern Pennsylvania, 1991-2007 (07/11/17)

Shapefile of sampling sites for the assessment of groundwater quality at selected wells throughout Puerto Rico, December 2015 to November 2016 (07/24/17)

Hydrological data concerning submarine groundwater discharge along the western margin of Indian River Lagoon, east-central Florida -- December 2016 and January 2017 (07/05/17)

Evapotranspiration by remote sensing: An analysis of the Colorado River Delta before and after the Minute 319 pulse flow to Mexico (07/27/17)


Field Photos

 [ Photo: Scientist operates equipment at a well. ]

Credit: USGS. Photo is in the public domain.

In these recent photos, USGS hydrologist Jason Ramage collects groundwater level and quality data from the Jasper aquifer near Houston, Texas. The Houston-Galveston region represents one of the largest areas of land-surface elevation change, or subsidence, in the United States. Land subsidence is a gradual settling or sudden sinking of the Earth's surface as a result of movement of subsurface earth materials. Most of the land subsidence in the Houston-Galveston region has occurred as a direct result of groundwater withdrawals for municipal supply, commercial and industrial use and irrigation. A new interactive USGS web application illustrates how groundwater, sediment compaction and land-elevation change are related in the Houston-Galveston region in Texas. This new tool can help resource managers make informed decisions on water usage.Want to learn more? Explore this new online USGS tool about subsidence in the Houston-Galveston region.

 [ Photo: Scientist operates equipment in a truck. ]

Credit: USGS. Photo is in the public domain. Click on photo for larger version.

Archive of Past Highlights:

Past monthly summaries are available online.

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Page Last Modified: Monday, 14-Aug-2017 01:23:50 EDT