This pane is a subpane of the FMP: Farm Process pane on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.
This flag determines whether the cell-by-cell efficiency or the cell-by-cell delivery of irrigation water is affected by the groundwater level. It also determines whether the farm efficiency is reset to the specified efficiency at every stress period or every time step. Note that Farm efficiency or farm delivery may be reduced if IDEFFL = -1 even if cell-by-cell efficiency or delivery is not affected by groundwater level.
There are five deficiency scenarios that can be simulated by FMP
•Water stacking (-2): With water stacking, some crops are given priority over other crops in meeting their irrigation requirements. See Schmid and others (2006) fig. 12, p. 29.
•Deficit irrigation (-1): With deficit irrigation, all crops are treated equally with respect to irrigation except that if any crop would otherwise get more than it needs, that surplus is redistributed to other crops. See Schmid and others (2006) fig. 11, p. 29.
•No policy (0): If demand exceeds supply, it is assumed to be supplied by other imported sources.
•Acreage-optimization (1): With acreage-optimization, the water is distributed so as to maximize profitability.
•Acreage-optimization with water conservation pool (2): A water conservation pool is a pool of water behind a dam saved for recharge. To use this option, the SFR package must be active.
If this checkbox is checked, the amount of water that a farm may withdraw will be limited by its allotment (and the well capacities). If not checked, the amount withdrawn is limited only by the well capacities.