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ModelMuse Help

The Vertices tab is on the Object Properties dialog box.

If only one object is being edited, the Vertices tab will be visible. On it, the user can adjust the positions of vertices of the object by entering new values for their X and Y coordinates (X and Z for objects drawn on the front view; Y and Z for objects drawn on the side view). If the coordinates that are entered in the Vertices tab are invalid in some way, all changes to the vertex coordinates will be ignored. The coordinates are invalid if they cause the object to cross itself. It is impossible to add or delete vertices on the Vertices tab. Tools described in the section entitled Editing Objects allow the user to add and delete vertices.

The New section column of the table indicates the first node in each separate section of an object.

The Copy vertices button will copy the vertex data to the clipboard.

If desired, vertex values can be imported by clicking the Import Vertex Values button. See the Import Vertex Values dialog box.