MODFLOW 6 Example: Define Multi-Aquifer Well

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Next we'll define a multi-aquifer well.

1.Click the "Create point object" button Create point object button. Then click on the top view of the model near but not in the lake. The idea is to create it in the area where there are vertical flow-through cells to demonstrate that the vertical flow-through cells don't create a problem for the multi-aquifer well.

Location of Multi-Aquifer Well

Location of Multi-Aquifer Well

2.On the Properties tab of the Object Properties dialog box, set the number of Z formulas to zero. (The vertical location of the multi-aquifer well is defined by it's well screen which we'll get to later.

3.On the MODFLOW Features tab, check the checkbox for the Multi-Aquifer well package. On the Well definition tab for the multi-aquifer well, set the radius to "0.15" m, the Bottom to "Lower_Aquifer_Bottom," the starting head to "Model_Top," and the Conductance equation to "THIEM."

Well definition tab.

Well definition tab.

4.Switch to the Well Screens tab and set the Screen top to Model_Top, the Screen bottom  to Lower_Aquifer_Bottom, the Skin K to 0.0003, and the Skin radius to 0.30 m.

Well screens tab

Well screens tab

5.On the Transient tab, set the starting and ending time to -1 and 0. Set the Status to Active, the Flow rate to -0.01, and the Rate limitation to None.

Transient tab for Multi-aquifer well

Transient tab for Multi-aquifer well

6.Click OK to close the dialog box.