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This pane is a subpane of the FMP: Farm Process pane on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.
The Farm Process to print the evapotranspiration in several different ways. It can print as arrays the combined evapotranspiration or the evaporation and transpiration separately. It can also print all three by farm rather than by cell. Finally, it can print both lists and arrays. The data can either be printed to separate text files or to the listing file. If printed to separate filea, the array file will be named "“ET_ARRAY.OUT” and the list file will be named "ET_LIST.OUT."
The Farm Process has the option to print or save a variety of Farm Budget components (flow rates [L3/T] and cumulative volumes [L3] into and out of a farm. It can be saved to either a text or a binary file. For details about what is saved see IFBPFL in the MODFLOW Online Guide.