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This pane is a subpane of the FMP: Farm Process pane on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.
Farm well flow rates can be treated in one of the following ways.
•The default behaviour will treat the flows as other flow terms are. ModelMuse sets this in Save Cell Flows on the Budget pane of the MODFLOW Output Control dialog box.
•1 The farm process also allows the farm well flows to be printed to a text file named "FWELLS.OUT."
The net recharge simulated by the Farm process can be treated in one of the following ways.
•The default behaviour will treat the flows as other flow terms are. ModelMuse sets this in Save Cell Flows on the Budget pane of the MODFLOW Output Control dialog box.
•1 An array of farm net recharge rates for each cell for each time step is saved in a text file named “FNRCH_ARRAY.OUT.”
•2 A list of cumulative farm net recharge rates is saved in a text file named “FNRCH_LIST.OUT” along with the stress period, time step, total time, and farm ID.
•3 A list of cumulative farm net recharge rates is saved in a binary file named FNRCH_LIST_BIN.OUT” along with the stress period, time step, total time, and farm ID.
•The default behaviour will treat the flows as other flow terms are. ModelMuse sets this in Save Cell Flows on the Budget pane of the MODFLOW Output Control dialog box except that if the data is saved as a binary file, it will be saved in a file with the extension .FDS_BIN instead of the .cbc file.
•-3 A list (A) of current demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file at each iteration, and a list (B) of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for each time step
•-2 A list of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for each time step:
•1 A list of initial demand and supply flow rates and of final demand & supply flow rates after the application of a deficiency scenario will be saved on ASCII file “FDS.OUT” for all time steps:
For details of what is saved or printed see ISDPFL in the MODFLOW Online Guide.