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This pane is a subpane of the FMP: Farm Process pane on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box.

Print routing (IRTPFL)

This option is only available if the SFR package is selected.

IRTPFL controls printing of farm deliveries and return flow data either to the listing file or to the text file “ROUT.OUT”.

See IRTPFL in the MODFLOW Online Guide for more information.

Diversion budget location (IPAPFL)

This option is only available if IALLOTSW > 0.

The Farm Process will print a budget for each stream into a diversion segment and from a diversion into a farm at each iteration if IALLOTSW > 0. IPAPFL controls whether that budget is printed to the listing file or to the text file “PRIOR.OUT”.

Acreage-Optimization print settings (IOPFL)

This option is only available if one of the acreage optimization options has been selected in Deficiency policy (IDEFFL).

See IDEFFL in the MODFLOW Online Guide for more information.