External Flow File |
If desired, the user can specify external flow files. The external files that contain the specified flows are referred to as tabular flow files. Each tabular file consists of two columns of input that are read using free format: TIME and INFLOW. Time is the point in the simulation when the flow is specified for the segment; INFLOW is the specified flow, in units of length cubed per time. The units for TIME and INFLOW should be consistent with those specified for variables ITMUNI and LENUNI in the MODFLOW-2005 Discretization File. Times listed in the tabular flow file do not need to correspond to the beginning of MODFLOW-2005 time steps. If the beginnings of the MODFLOW-2005 time steps fall between times listed in the tabular flow file, then the specified inflow is calculated using a time-weighted average of specified flows within the MODFLOW-2005 time step. Times can be listed in the tabular flow file either more frequently or less frequently than the MODFLOW-2005 time steps.
ModelMuse allows you to either select an external flow file directly or to specify the data for the flow file in ModelMuse. In the later case, an external flow file will be generated by ModelMuse when the SFR input file is generated. By default, if the data is specified in ModelMuse, the reference time for the times will be the same as the reference time for the rest of the data in ModelMuse. However, the user can specify that the reference time can be the beginning of the first time step of the first stress period instead.
If the user selects an external flow file directly, the path of the external flow file will be stored in the ModelMuse file relative to the location where the ModelMuse file is stored.