Unsaturated Tab |
This tab is on the SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package pane of the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. It is used to specify unsaturated flow properties of the streambed at the upstream and downstream ends of the segment. The properties at intermediate locations will be determined by linear interpolation between the values at the upstream and downstream ends.
Saturated volumetric water content (THTS1 and THTS2)
Saturated volumetric water content in the unsaturated zone beneath the upstream or downstream end of this segment.
Initial volumetric water content (THTI1 and THTI2)
Initial volumetric water content beneath the upstream or downstream end of this segment. THTI1 or THTI2 must be less than or equal to THTS and greater than or equal to the THTS minus the specific yield defined in either LPF or BCF.
Brooks-Corey exponent (EPS1 and EPS2)
Brooks-Corey exponent used in the relation between water content and hydraulic conductivity within the unsaturated zone beneath the upstream or downstream end of this segment.
Max unsaturated Kz (UHC1 and UHC2)
Vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated zone beneath the upstream or downstream end of this segment.