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Errors and Warnings Dialog Box

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During creation of the input files for a model (File|Export) or at other times, ModelMuse may detect problems with the model. Error and warning messages about these problems are displayed in the Errors and Warnings dialog box. The dialog box can be displayed by selecting View|Errors and Warnings The dialog box is displayed automatically when new errors or warnings messages are generated. The messages can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the Copy button or saved to a text file by clicking the Save button. The messages can be deleted by clicking the Clear button.

In warning or error relating to a specific object, you can right-click on the error or warning and a pop-up menu will appear. You use the pop-up menu to select, edit or go to the object in question. You can select multiple objects but you can only edit or go to a single object.

If you wish to ignore a particular type of error or warning, you can select "Ignore this" from the pop-up menu and new errors or warnings of that type will be ignored for the remainder of the ModelMuse session.