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ModelMuse Help

The menu items under View are listed in table 11. The items under this menu are used for changing the display of the model or viewing information about the model. Some of the items may be hidden if they can not be used with the current model.

Table 11. View Menu

Menu Item


Vertical Exaggeration...

Change the vertical exaggeration. See Vertical Exaggeration dialog box.

Show Formula Errors

Display formulas that have been set to a default value because they were invalid. See Formula Errors dialog box.

Errors and Warnings

Show error and warning messages generated during export of a model. See Errors and Warnings dialog box

List Selected Objects

Display the Selected Objects dialog box which shows which objects are selected. See Selected Objects dialog box.

Show Grid Shell button Show Grid Shell

Show or hide the grid shell in the 3-D view of the model.

Show Top Grid button Show Top Grid

Show or hide the grid lines for a horizontal cross section of the model in the 3-D view of the model. The selected layer determines where the grid lines are drawn.

Show Front Grid button Show Front Grid

Show or hide the grid lines for a vertical cross section parallel to the front view of the model in the 3-D view of the model. The selected row determines where the grid lines are drawn.

Show Side Grid button Show Side Grid

Show or hide the grid lines for a vertical cross section parallel to the side view of the model in the 3-D view of the model. The selected column determines where the grid lines are drawn.

Show 3D Colored Grid button Show 3-D Colored Grid

Show or hide colored cells or elements in the 3-D grid. This control is disabled, if the grid is not being colored.

ShowTopMeshButton Show Top Mesh

Show or hide the top view of the mesh in the 3-D view of the model.

ShowFrontMeshButton Show Front Cross Section

Show or hide the cross section of the mesh in the 3-D view of the model.

Show 3D Objects button Show 3-D Objects

Show or hide objects in the 3-D view of the model. By default, objects are shown in the 3-D view but if the grid gets too big, the Show 3-D objects button will be changed so that objects are no longer shown in the 3-D view. The user can show them again by selecting View|Show 3-D Objects.

Show 2D Grid button Show or Hide 2-D Grid

Control how the grid lines are displayed. The choices are to

Show all grid lines or element outlines show all the grid lines or mesh elements,

Show only the outline of the grid or mesh show only the outline of the grid or mesh,

Show only the active cells or elements show only the grid lines for the active part of the grid or mesh, or

Show only the outline of the active part of the grid or mesh show only the outline of the active part of the grid or mesh.

Restore Default 3-D View

Position the 3-D view of the model so that it is viewed from above at a default magnification and without rotation.

3-D Lighting...

Change the lighting for the 3-D view. See 3-D Lighting Controls dialog box.

Customize SUTRA Mesh

Change many aspects of how the SUTRA mesh is displayed. See Customize SUTRA Mesh dialog box for more details.

Show/Hide Cell Numbers

In DISV models, this menu item will cause cell numbers of the top view of the model to either appear or disappear.