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CFP - Conduit Flow Process

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Abbreviation in Name file



The CFP Input File contains most of the information needed to simulate turbulent flow. For example, the location, geometry, and hydraulic properties of conduit flow pipes are held in the CFP Input File, as well as mean void diameters of preferential flow layers.  


Shoemaker, W.B., Kuniansky, E.L., Birk, S., Bauer, S., and Swain, E.D., 2007, Documentation of a Conduit Flow Process (CFP) for MODFLOW-2005: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, Book 6, Chapter A24, 50 p.

Related Packages

Conduit Recharge Package (CRCH)

Conduit Output Control File (COC)

Supported in


Other Notes

Use convertible layers (LAYCON=2 or 3 in BCF; LAYTYPE = not 0 in LPF; LTHUF = not 0 in HUF2)

Use about 10 time steps per stress period to minimize oscillations in turbulent flow.

Input Instructions

Note the data requirements in the CFP Input File change depending upon the desired turbulent flow Mode. Mode 1 (CFPM1) only requires input for conduit flow pipes and nodes, whereas Mode 2 (CFPM2) only requires input for preferential flow layers. Mode 3 (CFPM3) requires input for conduit flow pipes, nodes, and layers. Additionally, the length (LENUNI) and time units (ITMUNI) in the Discretization (DIS) File of MODFLOW-2005 are used within CFP to calculate conduit flow terms, such as gravitational acceleration and viscosity. Thus, if using units of feet and day in the MODFLOW laminar flow model datasets, then units used in the CFP Input File also must be entered in feet and day.

For each simulation, all variables, characters, and arrays in the CFP Input File are read using free format. The required comment lines are dimensioned for 80 characters.



Data Set 0


Item 0 is a required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 1

Data sets 2-29 are used only if Mode = 1 or 3.

Data Set 2


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 3


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 4


Data Set 5


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 6

Data Set 7


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Repeat data set 8 for each node.

Data Set 8

NO_N  MC  MR  ML  NB1  NB2  NB3  NB4  NB5  NB6  PB1  PB2  PB3  PB4  PB5  PB6

Data Set 9


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 10


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 11


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 12

Data Set 13


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 14

Data Set 15


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 16

Data Set 17


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 18

Data Set 19


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 20

Data Set 21


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 22

Data Set 23


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 24


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Repeat data set 25 for each pipe.

Data Set 25


Data Set 26


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Repeat data set 27 for each node.

Data Set 27


Data Set 28


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Repeat data set 29 for each node

Data Set 29


Data sets 30-39 are used only if Mode = 2 or 3.

Data Set 30


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Two required text comment lines read only if MODE equals 2 or 3 from Dataset 1. The following variables are required in the CFP Input File for conduit layers. It is important to remember that when MODE equals 2, the following variables are the only variables needed in the CFP Input File. Also, conduit layers must be convertible layers. For example, conduit layers must be specified as LAYCON = 3 in the BCF Package, LAYTYPE not equal 0 in the LPF Package, or LTHUF not equal 0 in the HUF2 Package.

Data Set 31


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 32

Data Set 33


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 34

Data Set 35


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 36

Data Set 37


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Repeat lines 38 and 39 for each conduit flow layer.

Data Set 38


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 39