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COC - Conduit Output Control File

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Abbreviation in Name file



The COC File is used to specify the output desired in addition to the output written to the Listing File. For example, node heads and flow terms can be written to separate files for post processing, such as plotting and calculations. Pipe flow rates and Reynolds numbers also can be written to separate files for post processing. The COC File specifies the pipe and node numbers for output as well as the output interval. This file is only used for CFP Modes 1 and 3.


Shoemaker, W.B., Kuniansky, E.L., Birk, S., Bauer, S., and Swain, E.D., 2007, Documentation of a Conduit Flow Process (CFP) for MODFLOW-2005: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, Book 6, Chapter A24, 50 p.

Related Packages

Conduit Recharge Package (CRCH)

Conduit Flow Process Input File (CFP)

Supported in


Other Notes

The unit numbers used by the Conduit Output Control File are numbered sequentially starting at 201 and the unit number used for output of the information about turbulent or laminer flow is 999.

Input Instructions

For each simulation, all variables, characters, and arrays in the COC Input file are read using free format.


Data Set 0


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 1


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 2

Data Set 3


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 4

Data Set 5


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 6

Data Set 7


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 8

Data Set 9


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 10

Data Set 11


Required comment line —“#” must be in column 1.

Data Set 12