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Assigning Values to Data Sets in MODFLOW, SUTRA, and WellFootprint

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ModelMuse assigns values to data sets at cells in MODFLOW or WellFootprint or to elements and nodes in SUTRA models using the following procedure.

1.First, a default value is assigned to every node or element by using either the selected interpolation method (see "Interpolation Methods"), or the default formula for the data set (See "Formulas" and "Data Sets dialog box").

2.Next, each object that affects the data set is processed, and nodes or elements that are intersected or enclosed by each object are assigned values by using the object’s formula for the data set. Each object replaces values assigned previously by the default formula or by a previous object.

3.For a few data sets, the value may be further modified. For example, any negative values of Kx will be set to zero. With the Active data set, objects that set the cell size will also set the Active data set to True inside the object and false outside if the default formula for the Active data set is "True."

In MODFLOW and SUTRA, 2-D data sets are typically used to define the upper and lower surfaces of grid or mesh layers rather than for defining objects that cross layer boundaries.

See also:

Data Sets dialog box

Object Properties dialog box.