Unit ZoneUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


ZoneUnit is used to define the base classes that are used to define property zones in PHAST. These classes are TCustomProperty, TIProperty, TRProperty, TBProperty, TCustomDataSets, TCustomPhastZone, and TCustomZoneGroup.

Each zone is represented by a TCustomPhastZone. Each zones has a series of properties (TCustomProperty that are constant within it. TCustomPhastZones are grouped together in TCustomZoneGroups. For instance, all the TCustomPhastZones related to hydraulic conductivity and other aquifer properties are in a TMediaZoneGroup which descends from TCustomZoneGroup.

Helper classes include TCustomDataSets which is used to define which TDataArrays are used to set the TCustomPropertys and TZoneList (defined in the implementation section) which is used to store TCustomPhastZones.

Generally, what happens is that a descendant of TCustomZoneGroup is created. It, in turn creates a descendant of TCustomDataSets in its constructor which is then passed to the inherited TCustomZoneGroup.Create. It then creates a TCustomPhastZone for each cell or element. AssignProperties is used to set the values in the TCustomPhastZone. If possible, a zone will be merged with its neighbors. The properties of the zones must be the same for them to be merged. The merged zone must also be rectangular. PHAST does not allow some zones to have more than two dimensions so MergeInXDirection, MergeInYDirection, and MergeInZDirection provide an additional constraint on merging. Finally boundary conditions zones are only defined where the boundary condition is present so zones representing the absence of a boundary condition are eliminated.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TCustomProperty TCustomProperty is the abstract ancestor of real number, integer, and boolean properties.
Class TIProperty TIProperty represents an integer value.
Class TIPropertyList  
Class TRProperty TRProperty represents an real-number value.
Class TRPropertyList  
Class TBProperty TBProperty represents an boolean value.
Class TCustomDataSets Descendants of TCustomDataSets store the TDataArrays used to assign values to TCustomPropertys.
Class TCustomPhastZone TCustomPhastZone represents a PHAST zone.
Class TCustomZoneGroup TCustomZoneGroup creates and stores series of TCustomPhastZones.


TPropertyType = (...);
TZoneClass = class of TCustomPhastZone;



TPropertyType = (...);

TPropertyType is used to specify what kind of data is stored in a TCustomProperty. See DataType.

  • ptReal:  
  • ptInteger:  
  • ptBoolean:  
TZoneClass = class of TCustomPhastZone;

TZoneClass is used in TCustomDataSets to create descendants of TCustomPhastZone.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:06