Class TCustomPhastZone




type TCustomPhastZone = class(TObject)


TCustomPhastZone represents a PHAST zone.




Private FMergedX: boolean;
Private FMergedY: boolean;
Private FMergedZ: boolean;
Protected FPropertyList: TList;
Public FX1: double;
Public FX2: double;
Public FY1: double;
Public FY2: double;
Public FZ1: double;
Public FZ2: double;


Protected procedure AssignProperties(const LayerIndex, RowIndex, ColIndex : integer; const DataSets: TCustomDataSets; const CanMergeX, CanMergeY, CanMergeZ: boolean); virtual;
Protected function PropertiesAreIdentical(AZone: TCustomPhastZone): boolean;
Public constructor Create; virtual;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure WriteZone(const Stream: TStringStream);


Public property MergedX: boolean read FMergedX;
Public property MergedY: boolean read FMergedY;
Public property MergedZ: boolean read FMergedZ;



Private FMergedX: boolean;

FMergedX: boolean; See MergedX.

Private FMergedY: boolean;

FMergedY: boolean; See MergedY.

Private FMergedZ: boolean;

FMergedZ: boolean; See MergedZ.

Protected FPropertyList: TList;

FPropertyList: TList; FPropertyList contains TCustomPropertys that define the zone.

Public FX1: double;

FX1: double; FX1 is the lower X coordinate of the zone.

Public FX2: double;

FX2: double; FX2 is the upper X coordinate of the zone.

Public FY1: double;

FY1: double; FY1 is the lower Y coordinate of the zone.

Public FY2: double;

FY2: double; FY2 is the upper Y coordinate of the zone.

Public FZ1: double;

FZ1: double; FZ1 is the lower Z coordinate of the zone.

Public FZ2: double;

FZ2: double; FZ2 is the upper Z coordinate of the zone.


Protected procedure AssignProperties(const LayerIndex, RowIndex, ColIndex : integer; const DataSets: TCustomDataSets; const CanMergeX, CanMergeY, CanMergeZ: boolean); virtual;

AssignProperties assigns the limits of the zone. (See FX1, FX2, FY1, FY2, FZ1, and FZ2.) In descendants each TCustomProperty in FPropertyList has a value assigned to it using the TDataArrays in DataSets. Some zones can not be merged in the X, Y, or Z direction. CanMergeX, CanMergeY, and CanMergeZ are used to specify whether or not they can be merged in a particular direction.

Protected function PropertiesAreIdentical(AZone: TCustomPhastZone): boolean;

PropertiesAreIdentical returns true if AZone and self have identical TCustomPropertys.

Public constructor Create; virtual;

Create creates an instance of TCustomPhastZone.

Public destructor Destroy; override;

Destroy destroys the current instance of TCustomPhastZone. Do not call Destroy. Call Free instead.

Public procedure WriteZone(const Stream: TStringStream);

WriteZone writes the limits of the zone to Stream.


Public property MergedX: boolean read FMergedX;

MergedX specifies whether or not the zone has been merged with another in the X direction.

Public property MergedY: boolean read FMergedY;

MergedY specifies whether or not the zone has been merged with another in the Y direction.

Public property MergedZ: boolean read FMergedZ;

MergedZ specifies whether or not the zone has been merged with another in the Z direction.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:07