Class T3DSparseRealArray




type T3DSparseRealArray = class(T3DSparsePointerArray)


T3DSparseRealArray acts like a 3D array of real-numbers. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are unassigned, it can use much less memory than an array.




Private FCount: NativeInt;
Private FValues: array of double;
Private FCached: Boolean;
Private FTempFileName: string;
Private FCleared: Boolean;


Private function GetItems(const Layer, Row, Col: NativeInt): double;
Private procedure SetItems(const Layer, Row, Col: NativeInt; const Value: double);
Private procedure StoreData(Compressor: TStream);
Private procedure Restore;
Private procedure ReadData(DecompressionStream: TStream);
Public procedure RemoveValue(const Layer, Row, Col: NativeInt);
Public procedure Clear; override;
Public constructor Create(Quantum: TSPAQuantum);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Cache;
Public procedure CheckRestore;


Public property Items[constLayer,Row,Col:NativeInt]: double read GetItems write SetItems;



Private FCount: NativeInt;

FCount is the number of real numbers stored in T3DSparseRealArray.

Private FValues: array of double;

FValues is an array of real numbers stored in T3DSparseRealArray

Private FCached: Boolean;
Private FTempFileName: string;
Private FCleared: Boolean;


Private function GetItems(const Layer, Row, Col: NativeInt): double;

See Items.

Private procedure SetItems(const Layer, Row, Col: NativeInt; const Value: double);

See Items.

Private procedure StoreData(Compressor: TStream);
Private procedure Restore;
Private procedure ReadData(DecompressionStream: TStream);
Public procedure RemoveValue(const Layer, Row, Col: NativeInt);
Public procedure Clear; override;

Clear removes all the members of T3DSparseRealArray.

Public constructor Create(Quantum: TSPAQuantum);

Create creates an instance of T3DSparseRealArray.

Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Cache;
Public procedure CheckRestore;


Public property Items[constLayer,Row,Col:NativeInt]: double read GetItems write SetItems;

Items provides access to the real number stored at location Layer, Row, Col. Before reading Items, read IsValue to be sure that a number is stored at Layer, Row, Col.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:04