Class TRiverBoundary




type TRiverBoundary = class(TCustomInterpolatedBoundary)


TRiverBoundary represents a river boundary in PHAST for one TScreenObject.




Private FBedHydraulicConductivity: string;
Private FBedThickness: string;
Private FDepth: string;
Private FDescription: string;
Private FWidth: string;


Private procedure SetBedHydraulicConductivity(const Value: string);
Private procedure SetBedThickness(const Value: string);
Private procedure SetDepth(const Value: string);
Private procedure SetDescription(const Value: string);
Private procedure SetWidth(const Value: string);
Private function GetBedHydraulicConductivity: string;
Private function GetBedThickness: string;
Private function GetDepth: string;
Private function GetWidth: string;
Private procedure Loaded;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(ScreenObject: TScreenObject; Model: TBaseModel);
Public function IsBoundary: boolean;
Public procedure PartialAssign(Source: TPersistent);


Published property BedHydraulicConductivity: string read GetBedHydraulicConductivity write SetBedHydraulicConductivity;
Published property BedThickness: string read GetBedThickness write SetBedThickness;
Published property Depth: string read GetDepth write SetDepth;
Published property Description: string read FDescription write SetDescription;
Published property Width: string read GetWidth write SetWidth;
Published property AssociatedSolution: TIntegerPhastBoundaries read FSolution write SetSolution;
Published property Head: TRealPhastBoundaries read FBoundaryValue write SetBoundaryValue;



Private FBedHydraulicConductivity: string;

FBedHydraulicConductivity: string; See BedHydraulicConductivity.

Private FBedThickness: string;

FBedThickness: string; See BedThickness.

Private FDepth: string;

FDepth: string; See Depth.

Private FDescription: string;

FDescription: string; See Description.

Private FWidth: string;

FWidth: string; See Width.


Private procedure SetBedHydraulicConductivity(const Value: string);

See BedHydraulicConductivity.

Private procedure SetBedThickness(const Value: string);

See BedThickness.

Private procedure SetDepth(const Value: string);

See Depth.

Private procedure SetDescription(const Value: string);

See Description.

Private procedure SetWidth(const Value: string);

See Width.

Private function GetBedHydraulicConductivity: string;
Private function GetBedThickness: string;
Private function GetDepth: string;
Private function GetWidth: string;
Private procedure Loaded;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;

If Source is a TRiverBoundary, Assign copies AssociatedSolution, BedHydraulicConductivity, BedThickness, Depth, Description, Head, and Width.

Public constructor Create(ScreenObject: TScreenObject; Model: TBaseModel);

Create creates an instance of TRiverBoundary.

Public function IsBoundary: boolean;

IsBoundary returns true if all the published properties have been set to values that indicate that a river boundary is present.

Public procedure PartialAssign(Source: TPersistent);

If Source is a TRiverBoundary, PartialAssign copies AssociatedSolution, and Head but not BedHydraulicConductivity, BedThickness, Depth, Description, and Width. PartialAssign is used in TUndoSetScreenObjectProperties.


Published property BedHydraulicConductivity: string read GetBedHydraulicConductivity write SetBedHydraulicConductivity;

BedHydraulicConductivity is the formula for specifying the river bed hydraulic conductivity for this ScreenObject.

Published property BedThickness: string read GetBedThickness write SetBedThickness;

BedThickness is the formula for specifying the river bed thickness for this ScreenObject.

Published property Depth: string read GetDepth write SetDepth;

Depth is the formula for specifying the river depth for this ScreenObject.

Published property Description: string read FDescription write SetDescription;

Description is the name of the river for this ScreenObject.

Published property Width: string read GetWidth write SetWidth;

Width is the formula for specifying the river width for this ScreenObject.

Published property AssociatedSolution: TIntegerPhastBoundaries read FSolution write SetSolution;

AssociatedSolution defines how the associated solution for this TRiverBoundary varies through time for its ScreenObject.

Published property Head: TRealPhastBoundaries read FBoundaryValue write SetBoundaryValue;

Head defines how the head for this TRiverBoundary varies through time for its ScreenObject.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:01