Class TCustomPhastBoundary




type TCustomPhastBoundary = class(TPersistent)


TCustomPhastBoundary is an abstract base class. Its descendants are used to define all aspects of one type of boundary condition for one TScreenObject including those aspects that vary with time.




Private FScreenObject: TScreenObject;
Protected FModel: TBaseModel;


Private procedure SetModel(const Value: TBaseModel);
Protected procedure InvalidateModel;
Protected procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetScreenObject(const Value: TScreenObject); virtual;
Protected procedure UpdateBoundaryDataSet(const DataSetName: string; var Formula: string); overload;
Protected procedure UpdateBoundaryDataSet(const DataArray: TDataArray; var Formula: string); overload;
Protected procedure UpdateMixtureExpression; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure UpdateFormulaExpression; virtual; abstract;
Public constructor Create(ScreenObject: TScreenObject; Model: TBaseModel);


Public property Model: TBaseModel read FModel write SetModel;
Public property ScreenObject: TScreenObject read FScreenObject write SetScreenObject;



Private FScreenObject: TScreenObject;

See ScreenObject.

Protected FModel: TBaseModel;


Private procedure SetModel(const Value: TBaseModel);
Protected procedure InvalidateModel;
Protected procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;

Clear clears all the TCustomPhastBoundaryCollections that are part of the TCustomPhastBoundary.

Protected procedure SetScreenObject(const Value: TScreenObject); virtual;

See ScreenObject.

Protected procedure UpdateBoundaryDataSet(const DataSetName: string; var Formula: string); overload;

For boundary condition data sets that do not vary with time, UpdateBoundaryDataSet is used to set the formula to be applied to the data set for this TCustomPhastBoundary. If Formula = '', the data set specified by DataSetName will no long be affected by the ScreenObject.

Protected procedure UpdateBoundaryDataSet(const DataArray: TDataArray; var Formula: string); overload;
Protected procedure UpdateMixtureExpression; virtual; abstract;

UpdateMixtureExpression calls TCustomPhastBoundaryCollection.UpdateMixtureExpression for each of the TCustomPhastBoundaryCollection it owns.

Protected procedure UpdateFormulaExpression; virtual; abstract;
Public constructor Create(ScreenObject: TScreenObject; Model: TBaseModel);


Public property Model: TBaseModel read FModel write SetModel;
Public property ScreenObject: TScreenObject read FScreenObject write SetScreenObject;

ScreenObject is the TScreenObject that owns this TCustomPhastBoundary.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:01