Class TNode




type TNode = class(TInterfacedObject, INode)





Private FLocation: TPoint2D;
Private FNodeType: TNodeType;
Private FElements: TBoundaryList;
Private FSegments: TSegmentList;
Private FQuadMeshCreator: TQuadMeshCreator;
Private FNodeNumber: Integer;
Private FDesiredSpacing: double;
Private FDesiredElementCount: Integer;


Private procedure AdjustPositionLagrange;
Private procedure AdjustPositionGiuliani;
Private function ImproveTopology1: boolean;
Private function ImproveTopology2: boolean;
Private procedure NodeElimination;
Private function ElementElimination: boolean;
Private function SideElimination: boolean;
Private function DiagonalSwapping: boolean;
Private procedure ReplaceNodeInElement(ReplacementNode: TNode; AnElement: TBoundary);
Private function GetActiveElementCount: Integer;
Private function GetActiveElement(Index: Integer): IElement;
Private function GetNodeNumber: Integer;
Private procedure SetNodeNumber(Value: Integer);
Private function GetLocation: TPoint2D;
Private procedure SetLocation(const Value: TPoint2D);
Private function GetNodeType: TNodeType;
Public constructor Create(QuadMeshCreator: TQuadMeshCreator; DesiredSpacing: double);
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Public property DesiredSpacing: double read FDesiredSpacing;
Public property Location: TPoint2D read GetLocation write SetLocation;
Public property X: double read FLocation.X write FLocation.X;
Public property Y: double read FLocation.Y write FLocation.Y;
Public property NodeType: TNodeType read GetNodeType;
Public property ElementCount: Integer read GetActiveElementCount;
Public property DesiredElementCount: Integer read FDesiredElementCount;
Public property Elements[Index:Integer]: IElement read GetActiveElement;
Public property NodeNumber: Integer read GetNodeNumber write SetNodeNumber;



Private FLocation: TPoint2D;
Private FNodeType: TNodeType;
Private FElements: TBoundaryList;
Private FSegments: TSegmentList;
Private FQuadMeshCreator: TQuadMeshCreator;
Private FNodeNumber: Integer;
Private FDesiredSpacing: double;
Private FDesiredElementCount: Integer;


Private procedure AdjustPositionLagrange;

Move the node to the centroid of the elements of which the node is a part.

Private procedure AdjustPositionGiuliani;
Private function ImproveTopology1: boolean;
Private function ImproveTopology2: boolean;
Private procedure NodeElimination;
Private function ElementElimination: boolean;
Private function SideElimination: boolean;
Private function DiagonalSwapping: boolean;
Private procedure ReplaceNodeInElement(ReplacementNode: TNode; AnElement: TBoundary);
Private function GetActiveElementCount: Integer;
Private function GetActiveElement(Index: Integer): IElement;
Private function GetNodeNumber: Integer;
Private procedure SetNodeNumber(Value: Integer);
Private function GetLocation: TPoint2D;
Private procedure SetLocation(const Value: TPoint2D);
Private function GetNodeType: TNodeType;
Public constructor Create(QuadMeshCreator: TQuadMeshCreator; DesiredSpacing: double);
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Public property DesiredSpacing: double read FDesiredSpacing;
Public property Location: TPoint2D read GetLocation write SetLocation;
Public property X: double read FLocation.X write FLocation.X;
Public property Y: double read FLocation.Y write FLocation.Y;
Public property NodeType: TNodeType read GetNodeType;
Public property ElementCount: Integer read GetActiveElementCount;
Public property DesiredElementCount: Integer read FDesiredElementCount;
Public property Elements[Index:Integer]: IElement read GetActiveElement;
Public property NodeNumber: Integer read GetNodeNumber write SetNodeNumber;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:58