Unit NatNeigh

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


This unit provides two classes to perform Natural Neighbor interpolation on a set of points.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_neighbor for an explanation of Natural Neighbor interpolation.

TNaturalNeighborInterpolatorTripack is faster than TNaturalNeighborInterpolator because it uses a more faster (but more complex) algorithm for constructing the Delaunay triangulation.

Dec. 9, 2010. This unit is in the public domain.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TNaturalNeighborInterpolator TNaturalNeighborInterpolator performs Natural Neighbor interpolation on a set of points.
Class TNaturalNeighborInterpolatorTripack TNaturalNeighborInterpolatorTripack is used exactly like TNaturalNeighborInterpolator.

Functions and Procedures

procedure GetHighAndLowValuesFromArray(const AnArray: TDoubleDynArray; var HighValue: Extended; var LowValue: Extended); overload;
procedure GetHighAndLowValuesFromArray(const AnArray: TFloatArray; var HighValue: TFloat; var LowValue: TFloat); overload;


Functions and Procedures

procedure GetHighAndLowValuesFromArray(const AnArray: TDoubleDynArray; var HighValue: Extended; var LowValue: Extended); overload;
procedure GetHighAndLowValuesFromArray(const AnArray: TFloatArray; var HighValue: TFloat; var LowValue: TFloat); overload;


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