Class TGhbBoundary




type TGhbBoundary = class(TSpecificModflowBoundary)


TGhbBoundary represents the MODFLOW General-Head boundaries associated with a single TScreenObject.

FormulaInterpretation determines whether the TGhbItem.Conductance formulas represent

See also
TGhbCollection represents MODFLOW General Head boundaries for a series of time intervals.




Private procedure TestIfObservationsPresent(var EndOfLastStressPeriod: Double; var StartOfFirstStressPeriod: Double; var ObservationsPresent: Boolean);
Protected procedure AssignCells(BoundaryStorage: TCustomBoundaryStorage; ValueTimeList: TList; AModel: TBaseModel); override;
Protected class function BoundaryCollectionClass: TMF_BoundCollClass; override;
Protected class function ModflowParamItemClass: TModflowParamItemClass; override;
Protected function ParameterType: TParameterType; override;
Public procedure GetCellValues(ValueTimeList: TList; ParamList: TStringList; AModel: TBaseModel); override;
Public procedure InvalidateDisplay; override;



Private procedure TestIfObservationsPresent(var EndOfLastStressPeriod: Double; var StartOfFirstStressPeriod: Double; var ObservationsPresent: Boolean);
Protected procedure AssignCells(BoundaryStorage: TCustomBoundaryStorage; ValueTimeList: TList; AModel: TBaseModel); override;

AssignCells fills ValueTimeList with a series of TObjectLists - one for each stress period. Each such TObjectList is filled with TGhb_Cells for that stress period.

Protected class function BoundaryCollectionClass: TMF_BoundCollClass; override;

See TModflowBoundary.BoundaryCollectionClass.

Protected class function ModflowParamItemClass: TModflowParamItemClass; override;

See TModflowParamBoundary.ModflowParamItemClass.

Protected function ParameterType: TParameterType; override;
Public procedure GetCellValues(ValueTimeList: TList; ParamList: TStringList; AModel: TBaseModel); override;

GetCellValues fills ValueTimeList via a call to AssignCells for each link TGhbStorage in Values.Boundaries; Those represent non-parameter boundary conditions. GetCellValues fills ParamList with the names of the MODFLOW GHB parameters that are in use. The Objects property of ParamList has TObjectLists Each such TObjectList is filled via a call to AssignCells with each TGhbStorage in Param.Param.Boundaries Those represent parameter boundary conditions.

Public procedure InvalidateDisplay; override;

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