Class TObservationFactor




type TObservationFactor = class(TPhastCollectionItem)


TObservationFactor stores a TScreenObject and an asociated factor. The factor is a formula that determines what proportion of each the flux through each of the flux cells defined by ScreenObject is part of the flux observation.




Private FFactor: TFormulaObject;
Private FObjectName: string;
Private FScreenObject: TObject;


Private procedure SetFactor(const Value: string);
Private procedure SetObjectName(const Value: string);
Private procedure SetScreenObject(const Value: TObject);
Private function GetObjectName: string;
Private function GetFactor: string;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Loaded;


Public property ScreenObject: TObject read FScreenObject write SetScreenObject;
Published property ObjectName: string read GetObjectName write SetObjectName;
Published property Factor: string read GetFactor write SetFactor;



Private FFactor: TFormulaObject;

See link(Factor)

Private FObjectName: string;

See link(ObjectName)

Private FScreenObject: TObject;

See link(ScreenObject)


Private procedure SetFactor(const Value: string);

See link(Factor)

Private procedure SetObjectName(const Value: string);

See link(ObjectName)

Private procedure SetScreenObject(const Value: TObject);

See link(ScreenObject)

Private function GetObjectName: string;

See link(ObjectName)

Private function GetFactor: string;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;

If Source is a TObservationFactor, Assign copies the public and published properties from Source.

Public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Loaded;

Loaded sets ScreenObject to the TScreenObject indicated by ObjectName


Public property ScreenObject: TObject read FScreenObject write SetScreenObject;

ScreenObject is the TScreenObject associated with a group of cells in the flux observation. Setting ScreenObject will also cause ObjectName to be set.

Published property ObjectName: string read GetObjectName write SetObjectName;

When being read, ObjectName is the TScreenObject.Name of the ScreenObject. However, if ScreenObject is nil, ObjectName returns FObjectName. Writing ObjectName sets FObjectName

Published property Factor: string read GetFactor write SetFactor;

Factor is a formula used to determine what proportion of the flux at a cell will be part of the observation. Typically, Factor will be 1.

If Factor is to be displayed on the grid, SetFactor will have to be changed to respond to changes in what it depends on.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:31