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NAWQA Liaison Committee Meeting on Water Availability

Full Biography: Thomas Crane

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Thomas Crane is the Deputy Director of the Great Lakes Commission, an interstate compact agency formed by the eight Great Lakes states in 1955. The Commission works with its member states and the Canadian Provinces of Ontario and Quebec on the development, coordination and implementation of policies to promote the informed use, management, and protection of the water and related land resources in the Great Lakes basin.

Crane joined the Commission staff in 1986 and has more than 25 years of Great Lakes research/policy experience. Prior to being named Deputy Director in 2008, Crane guided the Resource Management Program and in this capacity managed or co-managed several water-resources related projects, including the Great Lakes Biohydrologic Information Inventory project, the Water Resources Decision Support System project, and the Great Lakes Tributary Modeling program. Crane was an advisory team member to the Water Resources Management Working Group of the Council of Great Lakes Governors and also provided staff support to the Water Withdrawal and Use Technical Subcommittee of the Great Lakes states and provinces, which is responsible for the compilation and submittal of annual water use data to the Great Lakes Regional Water-Use Database.

Crane’s previous work has included positions with the Great Lakes Basin Commission, NOAA's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory and several years of NGO experience in Virginia and Missouri, where he directed two citizen environmental groups. Crane holds a bachelor's degree in Natural Resources and a master's degree in Water Resources Management from the University of Michigan.

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