National Water Census
Concepts for National Assessment of Water Availability and Use: This report describes the scope and magnitude of efforts needed to provide periodic assessments of the status and trends in availability and use of fresh-water resource. | Estimating Water Use in the United States: A New Paradigm for the National Water-Use Information Program: This report presents a two-year study of the USGS National Water-Use Information Program conducted by the National Research Council at the request of the USGS. |
Facing Tomorrow's Challenges -- U.S. Geological Survey Science in the Decade 2007-2017: One of six priority science directions for the USGS is “A Water Census of the United States.” | Water Budgets: Foundations for Effective Water-Resources and Environmental Management: Water budgets provide a means for evaluating availability and sustainability of a water supply. |
A Strategy for Federal Science and Technology to Support Water Availability and Quality in the United States: One of seven strategic elements to address water challenges facing the Nation is to “Implement a National Water Census.” | Meeting Challenges with Geologic Maps: Geologic maps are our most important and complete compilation of information about the solid Earth we live on, and we cannot understand the Earth without them. |