Water Resources Research Act Program

Grant Data

YearInstituteGrant TypeTitleFundingPIsKeywords
2024COPFASMolecular-level investigation of diel cycling on PFAS precursor fate in photosynthesis­ influenced sediments and surface watersFederal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,000
Jonathan O. Sharpwater quality, surface water, wetlands, sediments, water supply, treatment, PFAS precursors, quantum chemical computations
2024INPFASMicrobiome Interactions with PFAS: An Invisible Risk for Wild and Farmed FishFederal: $309,800
Non-Federal: $379,307
Michael Pfrendertoxic substances, water quality, ecology, pfas, omics
2024INPFASBioaccumulation and effects of PFAS on largemouth bass reproductionFederal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $312,873
Tyler Hoskinstoxic substances, surface water, wastewater, pfas, bioaccumulation, large-mouth bass, toxicity, biosolids, biomarkers
2024INNational CompetitiveImpacts of hydrologic intensification on the long-term mean water budget in the continental United StatesFederal: $208,047
Non-Federal: $208,220
Zhiying Lihydrology, water quality, climatological processes
2024KSPFASBIOSAFE: Quantifying bioaccumulation of PFAS in photosynthetic organisms for safe reservoir managementFederal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,001
Justin M. HutchisonPFAS, PFOA, PFOS, bioaccumulation, microcystis, Anabaena, Dolichospermum, bioconcentration factor, bioaccumulation factor
2024KYPFASThe Effects of PFAS Loading on Biogeochemical Cycling, Fate, and Transport in WetlandsFederal: $309,908
Non-Federal: $309,908
Tiffany L. MesserPFAS, non-point pollution, nitrate contamination, wastewater, treatment, wetlands, water quality, biogeochemical processes, surface water, water supply
2024MIPFASPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and the microbiome-gut-brain axis: linking microbiome dysbiosis and neurotoxicity in Great Lakes fishFederal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,000
Cheryl Murphyaquatic toxicology, Great Lakes, microbiome, metabolomics, transcriptomics, microbiome-gut-brain axis, PFAS
2024MNAISNext generation AIS monitoring: Comparing the speed, sensitivity, specificity, cost, and throughput of multiple eDNA detection methodsFederal: $155,784
Non-Federal: $155,784
Satoshi Ishiiinvasive species, methods, management and planning
2024MNAISGenomic Surveillance of Zebra Mussel Populations Using Genotyping by SequencingFederal: $347,974
Non-Federal: $347,974
Daryl Gohlinvasive species, ecology, conservation, genomics
2024MNAISOptimizing MinION field protocols for detecting aquatic invasive plants in Upper Mississippi River BasinFederal: $300,001
Non-Federal: $300,001
Grant Vagleinvasive species, methods, models
2024NENational CompetitivePhysics-based crop, soil, and groundwater modeling of nitrate transport to understand and manage groundwater contamination in agricultural regionsFederal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,002
Abia Katimbogroundwater nitrate, process-based models, 2DSOIL-crop models, MODFLOW6,conservation strategies
2024NVNational CompetitiveFlooding Frequency and Severity across the Wildfire Continuum throughout the Western United States.Federal: $296,458
Non-Federal: $296,458
Guo Yuhydrology, floods, models
2024OKAISNext-Generation Monitoring: Satellite Remote Sensing and eDNA Integration for the Early Detection and Management of Aquatic Invasive Plants in the Upper Mississippi BasinFederal: $344,527
Non-Federal: $344,565
Antonio R. Castillaaquatic invasive plant species, environmental DNA, freshwater ecosystems, multiscale-remote sensing, qPRC-based eDNA detection, seasonal changes
2024ORNational CompetitiveIntegrating USGS NGWOS Observations, Physics-based Hydrology Model and AI/ML Technologies for Accurate and Reliable Streamflow ForecastingFederal: $309,995
Non-Federal: $309,995
Peyman Abbaszadehhydrologic modeling, data assimilation, machine learning, streamflow forecasting, floods, streamflow observations
2024ORPFASFrom Source to Receptor: PFAS Fingerprints of AFFF, Water, and AFFF-Impacted FishFederal: $309,646
Non-Federal: $309,646
Gerrad Jonesfish tissue, PFAS, chemical fingerprinting, source tracking
2024SCPFASHow well does Total Organic Fluorine Reflect Total PFAS?Federal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,000
Susan D. RichardsonPFAS, total organic fluorine, TOF, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, surface waters, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, LC-MS, GC-MS
2024SDAISAssessing Preventative Actions and Barriers for Minimizing Aquatic Invasive Species Pathways in the Upper Mississippi River BasinFederal: $174,399
Non-Federal: $174,399
Alison Coulterinvasive species, management and planning, conservation
2024TNNational CompetitiveLeveraging Geospatial Data to Explain Urbanization Effects on Flood Response with the Hydrologic-Connectivity-Based Index of Urbanization HCIUFederal: $249,680
Non-Federal: $249,680
Claudio I. Meierrainfall-runoff, stormwater, land development, curve number, peak flows, urban hydrology
2024TXNational CompetitiveThe Vulnerability to Drought, Wildfire, and Climate Change and the Impact of Risk Aversion on the Decision-Making in the South Portion of the Ogallala Aquifer Federal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,000
Chengcheng Feimanagement and planning, drought, agriculture, risk management
2024WIPFASElucidating the health impacts of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on an apex bird predator in the Great Lakes region river systemsFederal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,000
Gavin Dehnertecology, non-point pollution, toxic substances, surface water, water quality
2023AZNational CompetitiveDeveloping the Next Generation of U.S. Water Accounts: A Water Tower Methodology for Natural Capital AccountingFederal: $215,115
Non-Federal: $215,115
Benjamin Ruddellnatural capital accounts, system of environmental economic accounting, SEEA, water accounting portfolio, water use, water towers, water use vulnerability
2023FLPFASFate, trophic uptake, and toxicity of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Mixtures in a Florida EstuaryFederal: $277,590
Non-Federal: $277,609
Katherine Y. Deliz QuiñonesPer- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), sorption-desorption, trophic uptake, ecotoxicology, lipidomic, epigenetics, metagenomics, transcriptomics
2023IANational CompetitiveMulti-scale spatio-temporal analysis of the U.S. water budget using CONUS404Federal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,000
Antonio Arenasnational water budget, bias, uncertainty, high-resolution
2023IDNational CompetitiveImproving hydrological predictions across CONUS through better characterization of below-ground soil-vegetation processesFederal: $309,324
Non-Federal: $309,324
Meng Zhaohydrology, models, ecology, water quantity, water supply
2023INPFASTracking PFAS accumulation and transfer in Lake Michigan using molecular toolsFederal: $278,999
Non-Federal: $279,346
Daniele de Almeida Mirandatoxic substances, biomarkers, maternal offloading, oxidative stress, PFAS, RNA
2023INPFASPre-treatment assisted PFAS analysis in the understudied complex mediaFederal: $255,787
Non-Federal: $256,709
Linda Leemethods, toxic substances, sediments, complex media, biota, biosolids
2023INPFASBioaccumulation and biosorption of PFAS and their precursors in the environmentFederal: $279,000
Non-Federal: $279,203
Zhi Zhouwater quality, toxic substances, non point pollution, bioaccumulation
2023MNAISDevelopment of new eDNA tools to detect aquatic invasive plants in Upper Mississippi River BasinFederal: $229,440
Non-Federal: $229,440
Lynn WaterhouseeDNA, early detection, rapid detection, invasive aquatic plants, occupancy modeling
2023MNAISGo with the flow: hydrodynamic resilience to invasive musselsFederal: $278,536
Non-Federal: $278,536
Miki Hondzozebra mussel, dreissenid, turbulence, veliger
2023MOAISInvestigating the effects of turbulence on swimming behavior of advanced carp larvae using laboratory experiments and modelingFederal: $217,140
Non-Federal: $217,140
Binbin Wangturbulence, invasive carps, larvae, large rivers, echo-hydraulics, swimming
2023MOPFASOccurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Biomagnification of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in WetlandsFederal: $279,000
Non-Federal: $279,005
Feng (Frank) Xiaotrophodynamics, trophic transfer, environmental contamination, bioaccumulation factors, trophic magnification factors
2023MOAISEvaluating the use of side-scan sonar with an N-mixture modeling framework for estimating Silver Carp abundance in the Upper Mississippi basinFederal: $104,118
Non-Federal: $104,118
Allison A. Peaseinvasive carp, abundance model, hydroacoustic fish monitoring, detection probability
2023NEPFASRelease, Adsorption, and Biotransformation of Biosolid-Borne PFAS at the Water-Sediment Interface in Agricultural WatershedsFederal: $278,969
Non-Federal: $279,377
Xu Lirelease, adsorption, biotransformation, PFAS, biosolids, sediment, anaerobic conditions
2023NJPFASMolecular-level investigation of distribution and transformation of per-and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aquifers impacted by multiple contaminant sourcesFederal: $279,000
Non-Federal: $279,001
Mengyan Ligroundwater, PFAS, non-target analysis, biotransformation, adsorption
2023OHPFASTracing the Shortest: method development and analysis of ultrashort-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Ohio River basinFederal: $268,288
Non-Federal: $320,162
Xi-Zhi Niuultra-short chain PFAS, mixed-mode liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, solid phase extraction, occurrence, Ohio River
2023ORNational CompetitiveAdvancing Partitioning of Water Budget Components in CONUS404 Applications Through Integration of Stable Water Isotope Tracers with USGS Hydrologic Model OutputsFederal: $304,474
Non-Federal: $316,989
Stephen P. Good
2023RIPFASAtmospheric transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and its impact on surface water contaminationFederal: $276,719
Non-Federal: $277,068
Rainer LohmannPFAS, surface waters, atmospheric transport, volatile precursors, passive sampling, suspect screening
2023SDNational CompetitiveA scalable decision support tool (s-DST) for equitable water resources allocation and management under projected climateFederal: $310,000
Non-Federal: $310,000
Mengistu (Stu) Gezaphysically based models, machine learning, integrated models, equity, sustainability
2023TNPFASDeveloping a sensor platform for rapid on-site detection of field-relevant levels of PFAS in the environmentFederal: $279,000
Non-Federal: $279,912
Jayne WuPFAS, on-site sensor, multiplexed detection, surface water, sediment, water quality
2023TXPFASBiomarker discovery and verification of single PFAS or mixtures effects on estuarine biotaFederal: $279,000
Non-Federal: $279,000
David HalaPFAS, micro-respirometry, bioinformatics, biomarkers, risk assessment
2023UTNational CompetitiveQuantification and Projection of The CONUS Water Budget Using a Hierarchical Modeling SystemFederal: $249,536
Non-Federal: $250,146
Wei Zhangwater budget, CONUS, soil moisture, runoff, streamflow
2023VANational CompetitiveSanitation infrastructure in vulnerable communities: Current and future risks to water securityFederal: $292,355
Non-Federal: $292,355
Kirin Emlet Furstwater security, climate change, sanitation infrastructure, socioeconomic, contaminant transport
2023WIAISAssessing Behaviors of Trout Anglers Related to Aquatic Invasive Species in the Upper Mississippi BasinFederal: $130,992
Non-Federal: $130,992
Tim Campbell, Adam Driscoll, Deidre Perofftrout anglers, social science, prevention, outreach
2022CAPFASFate, Transport and Transformation of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Horizontal LeveesFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $266,810
David SedlakPFAS, PFAS precursors, Total Oxidizable Precursor Assay, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Potable Water Reuse, Biotransformation, Sorption
2022DEPFASAssessing the transport, transformation, and fate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) across the land-sea transitionFederal: $249,486
Non-Federal: $249,486
Mi-Ling LiCoastal watersheds, Groundwater, PFAS Partitioning, Sequestration, Salinity, Surface Water, Wetland
2022IAAISHabitat associations and biotic interactions of invasive Rusty Crayfish to inform risk assessment and management of shallow glacial lakes at the invasion frontFederal: $122,971
Non-Federal: $122,972
Michael WeberInvasive Species, Crayfish, Habitat Associations, Competition, Macrophytes, Upper Mississippi Basin, Aquatic Habitat Management
2022ILAISCauses and consequences of mollusk invasions throughout the Illinois River watershedFederal: $300,000
Non-Federal: $300,000
Joel CorushAquatic invasive species, mollusks, environmental DNA, species co-occurrence, Illinois River
2022ILAISHabitat selection of juvenile black carp and associated predatory effects on native and non-native bivalvesFederal: $122,318
Non-Federal: $122,318
Joseph J. Parkos IIIBlack carp, bivalves, velocity, substrate, habitat preference, predation risk
2022ILPFASPFAS transport from contaminated areas to surface watersFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
David LampertPFAS, groundwater-surface water interactions, passive sampling, fate and transport modeling, competitive sorption
2022INAISAn assessment of three sources of data for predicting the presence/absence and human-mediated spread of AIS throughout the UMRBFederal: $286,248
Non-Federal: $288,177
Paul VenturelliAIS management, big data, connectivity network, fishing apps, mobile location data, spread, watercraft inspections
2022INPFASPFAS Precursor Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation in Agriculturally Impacted Wetland Food WebsFederal: $243,721
Non-Federal: $243,776
Maria SepulvedaBiosolids, fish, amphibians, invertebrates, plasma, mesocosms, toxicity, community effects
2022LANational CompetitiveLinking Watershed Phosphorus Discharge and Legacy sediment P to Climate Variability and Occurrence of Harmful Algal BloomsFederal: $201,945
Non-Federal: $201,960
John R. Whitewatershed nutrients, legacy phosphorus, HABs, nutrient flux, P release methodology
2022MNAISPredicting from the past - identifying characteristics of invasion-resistant and invasion-prone waterbodies to aid horizon scanningFederal: $272,927
Non-Federal: $272,936
Nick Phelpsclimate matching, horizon scanning, invasion risk assessment, machine learning, resistance, targeted management
2022MNPFASTracing Atmospherically Deposited PFAS from Source to Sediment in the Great Lakes Region the impacts of PFAS deposition on hydrologic systemsFederal: $249,977
Non-Federal: $249,977
Alexander Frieper-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), wet deposition, source apportionment, fate and transport
2022MNNational CompetitiveField to stream: analyzing the network timescale of sediment transport and legacy phosphorus mobilizationFederal: $221,897
Non-Federal: $221,897
Diana Karwanphosphorous, sediment, legacy, watershed, model
2022MNPFASQuantification of total PFAS concentrations and PFAS binding using 19F-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyFederal: $169,876
Non-Federal: $169,876
William ArnoldPFAS, 19F-NMR, total fluorine, quantification, binding, biomolecules, natural organic matter
2022NENational CompetitiveLinking the riverine microbiome and process rates to ecosystem function in two Nebraska river systemsFederal: $248,418
Non-Federal: $248,418
Paul Ayayeefreshwater ecosystem, degradation, microbiome, trophic dynamics, ecosystem process rates
2022NENational CompetitiveUsing a Coupled Surface Water/Groundwater Model Informed by Groundwater Age, Geophysics, and Vadose Zone Coring to Identify Type and Placement of Management Practices to Reduce Legacy Groundwater Nitrate ConcentrationsFederal: $249,977
Non-Federal: $249,989
Aaron MittelstetLegacy nitrate, Age-dating, SWAT-MODFLOW, Climate change
2022NENational CompetitiveNitrate loading and legacy effects on nitrogen and carbon cycling in playa wetlands of the High Plains Federal: $246,482
Non-Federal: $246,482
John Hribljan nitrate, wetlands, playa, nitrogen, water quality, carbon
2022NHPFASUptake and bioaccumulation of PFAS and precursor compounds in lake food websFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Celia Chenper-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), aquatic food web, lakes, fish
2022NYNational CompetitiveRemote sensing measurements of water velocity and flux to integrate hydrology with biogeochemical models during restoration of the Herring River Estuary at Cape Cod National SeashoreFederal: $236,534
Non-Federal: $236,534
Edwin A. Cowenestuary hydrodynamics, wetland restoration, biogeochemical fluxes, rating curve
2022OHPFASField observations and numerical simulations to enhance the understanding ofFederal: $234,649
Non-Federal: $234,712
Andrew MayPFAS, air dispersion, surface deposition, field observations, numerical modeling
2022OKPFASA Raman Sensor for In-situ Measurement of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in WaterFederal: $236,187
Non-Federal: $236,235
Binbin WengIn-Situ, Real-Time, PFAS Sensor, SERS, Raman Spectroscopy
2022VANational CompetitiveUnderstanding the drivers of interbasin water transfers to identify and mitigate future conflictFederal: $248,458
Non-Federal: $248,464
Landon MarstonInterbasin Water Transfers, Water Conflict, Agent-Based Modeling, Socio-Environmental Analysis, Water Demand and Supply
2022WIPFASQuantifying PFAS bioaccumulation and health impacts on economically important plants and animals associated with aquatic ecosystems in the Ceded TerritoriesFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Gavin DehnertPFAS, Bioaccumulation, Maple Sugar Sap, Wild Rice, Fish, Ceded Territories, Immune Function, Health
2022WINational CompetitiveForecasting the impact of climate and nitrate loading changes on nitrate contamination in the Central Sands region of Wisconsin: a tool for local governmentsFederal: $170,208
Non-Federal: $172,601
David J. Hart, Paul F. Juckemclimate change, nitrate contamination, groundwater modeling, transport modeling
2022WIAISDo freshwater species invasions alter ecosystem responses to external drivers?Federal: $299,974
Non-Federal: $305,986
Jake Vander ZandenAquatic invasive species, nutrient loading, water quality, climate change, rRNA gene sequencing, zebra mussel, spiny water flea, nutrients
2021CTPFASQuantifying PFAS Fate and Biotransport in Stream-to-riparian Food WebsFederal: $249,631
Non-Federal: $249,631
Jessica Brandt
2021GANational CompetitiveMonitoring and Modeling Expanding Risk of Hydrilla, Neurotoxic Aetokthonos Hydrillicola, and Vacuolar Myelinopathy.Federal: $242,136
Non-Federal: $242,136
Susan Wilde
2021IANational CompetitivePathways to Exposure to Pathogens During FloodsFederal: $249,114
Non-Federal: $253,594
Chris Rehmann
2021ILAISEnemy of My Enemy?: Ecohydraulic Assessment of Interactions of Multiple Invasive Species in the Upper Mississippi River BasinFederal: $238,013
Non-Federal: $238,013
Rafael O. Tinoco
2021INAISFreshwater Eco-Hydrological Connectivity : A Transport Network For Invasive SpeciesFederal: $244,638
Non-Federal: $244,647
Antoine Aubeneau
2021MEPFASDeveloping and Deploying a Risk Framework for PFAS Management in Rural America: Connecting Predictive Models of PFAS Contamination with Risk Perceptions to Guide Management DecisionsFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $257,394
Caroline L. Noblet
2021MNAISManaging Water Quality and Invasive Plants to Promote Healthy Native Plant CommunitiesFederal: $249,988
Non-Federal: $251,831
Raymond M. Newman
2021NMNational CompetitiveClosing the Supply-Demand Gap for Sustainable Water-use Under Climate Change: Impacts using Remote Sensing and Artificial IntelligenceFederal: $249,979
Non-Federal: $249,979
Hatim M. E. Geli
2021NVNational CompetitiveUse of Viral and Genetic Marker Surrogates to Assess Transport of Human Enteric Viruses in Water Reclamation SystemsFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Rishi Parashar
2021OKNational CompetitiveForecasting Harmful Hlagal Blooms Using Molecular Mehods and Unmanned SystemsFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Mark James Krzmarzick
2021TNNational CompetitiveIncreasing Water Treatment Resiliency by Using Natural Flood Records to Reduce the Uncertainty of Water Hazard Predictions Under Changing ClimateFederal: $88,046
Non-Federal: $109,879
John Schwartz
2021VAPFASCharacterizing Prevalence and Risk Factors of PFAS in Rural Private and Community Water SuppliesFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,004
Leigh-Anne Krometis
2021VTNational CompetitiveMulti-modal UAS Sensor System for Harmful Algal Bloom Mapping and MonitoringFederal: $106,545
Non-Federal: $126,000
Tian Xia
2021WIPFASQuantifying Multi-media Loadings of PFAS in the Great Lakes Basin Using Targeted and Non-targeted AnalysesFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Christina K. Remucal
2021WVAISEvaluation of Potential Factors Limiting the Expansion of Invasive Carp in the Ohio and Tennessee-Cumberland River Basins; Lessons to Apply to the Upper MississippiFederal: $151,395
Non-Federal: $151,763
Brent Murry, Caroline C. Arantes
2020AZNational CompetitiveIn-stream contaminant attenuation by sunlight: benefits for water reuseFederal: $243,563
Non-Federal: $243,564
David Quanrud
2020ILAISWater Quality as a Deterrent to the Movement of Invasive Fishes in the Illinois Waterway: Implications for the Upper Mississippi BasinFederal: $240,624
Non-Federal: $243,976
Cory Suski
2020INAISUsing Data from a Popular Fishing App to Predict the Spread of Aquatic Invasives and Identify Characteristics of Resistant/Resilient Lakes in the Upper Mississippi River BasinFederal: $79,195
Non-Federal: $84,490
Paul Venturelli
2020KSNational CompetitiveIntegrated data science - mechanistic modeling framework to predict cyanoHABS in contrasting freshwater systemsFederal: $44,193
Non-Federal: $249,993
Trisha Moore
2020MENational CompetitiveUsing paleolimnological and sedDNA reconstructions to assess links between warmer winters and summer cyanoHABs in Maine's lakesFederal: $114,080
Non-Federal: $116,026
Jasmine SarosHarmful algal blooms (HABS); cyanobacteria; environmental DNA; paleolimnology
2020MENational CompetitiveInvestigation of Harmful Algal Bloom effects on Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) through Decision Support Tools in Connected Watershed-Estuary SystemsFederal: $82,685
Non-Federal: $82,783
Dr. Lauren RossHarmful Algal Bloom (HAB); Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP); estuary; freshwater flow; numerical modeling; particle tracking; stakeholder engagement
2020MNAISLocal and Landscape-Level Effectiveness of Aquatic Invasive Species PreventionFederal: $242,843
Non-Federal: $322,614
Nick Phelps
2020MNAISQuantifying Heterogeneous Impacts of Invasive Zebra Mussels on Walleye Habitat, Food Webs, and Mercury ConcentrationsFederal: $228,183
Non-Federal: $259,677
G.J. Hansen
2020MOAISQuantifying the Effect of River Turbulence Associated with Channel-Training Structures on the Transport Processes of Eggs and Larvae of Invasive Carps in Large Rivers of the Mississippi River BasinFederal: $200,535
Non-Federal: $200,535
Binbin Wang
2020OKNational CompetitiveHarmful algal blooms and public safety: a monitoring and research program aimed at understanding cyanobacterial blooms and toxin productionFederal: $82,245
Non-Federal: $83,052
K.D. HambrightHarmful algal blooms and public safety: a monitoring and research program aimed at understanding cyanobacterial blooms and toxin production
2020WINational CompetitiveProcess-Based Prediction of Present and Future Flood Conditions and Uncertainties across the United StatesFederal: $239,885
Non-Federal: $239,889
Daniel WrightFloods; Hydrologic Trends; Extreme Rainfall; Hydrologic Processes; Modeling
2019INNational CompetitivePer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – An emerging environmental and human health concern for the Great Lakes?Federal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $321,742
Dr. Gary A. LambertiPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, PFAS, sportfish, emerging contaminant
2019KSNational CompetitiveMapping and modeling of interbasin water transfers within the United StatesFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Landon MarstonInterbasin Water Transfers, Hydrologic Modeling, Water Budget, Water Supply and Demand
2019NYNational CompetitiveCharacterizing transformation products of organic micropollutants in groundwater and hydrologically connected water supplies impacted by onsite wastewater treatment systemsFederal: $180,335
Non-Federal: $181,625
Teng ZengOnsite Wastewater Treatment Systems; Organic Micropollutants; Transformation Products
2019WINational CompetitiveMicrobial drivers of mercury methylation in freshwater eutrophic systemsFederal: $221,160
Non-Federal: $221,160
Katherine D. McMahonMercury cycling, microbial ecology, eutrophication, metagenomics
2018DENational Competitive104G: Measurements and Modeling to Improve Prediction of Vulnerability of Coastal Water Resources and Ecosystems to Salinization by Storm Surges and Sea-Level RiseFederal: $195,215
Non-Federal: $195,215
Holly A. Michael
2018MANational Competitive104G: Fate and Impacts of Silver Nanoparticles in Treatment WetlandsFederal: $248,201
Non-Federal: $248,438
Niveen Ismail
2018MSNational Competitive104G: Assessing Microplastic Pollution in the Mississippi River System and at Oyster Reefs in the Mississippi Sound EstuaryFederal: $220,173
Non-Federal: $220,882
James Cizdziel
2018WINational Competitive104G: Importance of Bioavailability of Multiple Mercury Sources for Environmental Applications of Stable IsotopesFederal: $193,831
Non-Federal: $193,831
James P. Hurley
2017CANational CompetitiveThe Use of NMR Logging Measurements to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity in Glacial AquifersFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $253,336
Rosemary Knight
2017CONational CompetitiveHydrodynamic-Enhancement of Nitrate Attenuation by Integrating Reactive Biobarriers into Shallow, Open Water Treatment WetlandsFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $287,623
Jonathon Sharp
2017IANational CompetitiveFate and Ecological Impacts of Pharmaceuticals in a Temperate Stream Dominated by Wastewater EffluentFederal: $249,415
Non-Federal: $250,109
Gregory H. LeFevre
2016MTNational CompetitiveUsing weathering geochemistry to understand the sources of base flow water supply in rivers across mountain-basin transitions in the Upper Missouri WatershedFederal: $130,381
Non-Federal: $130,381
Stephanie Ewing, Robert Payn, James Paces, Rob StrieglStrontium, uranium, Missouri River watershed, groundwater, baseflow, stream flow
2016NCNational CompetitiveThe role of environmental buffers in potable water reuseFederal: $109,123
Non-Federal: $109,123
Olya Keen, Mariya Munir, Michael Meyerswater reuse, environmental buffers, emerging contaminants, antibiotic resistance
2016NHNational CompetitiveEffects of dissolved organic carbon on methylmercury bioavailability in stream ecosystemsFederal: $126,875
Non-Federal: $126,877
Kathryn Cottingham, Celia Chen, James Shanleymethylmercury, DOC, periphyton, microbial biofilm, uptake, trophic transfer
2016NVNational CompetitiveControls on Hydrologic Partitioning, Residence Time and Solute Export in a Snow-Dominated WatershedFederal: $249,625
Non-Federal: $250,783
Rosemary Carroll, Rina Schumer, Christopher Greenresidence time; flow paths; TTDs; ParFlow.CLM; snow-dominated catchment; climate change
2016WINational CompetitiveDetection of sewage contamination in urban areas of the Great LakesFederal: $240,000
Non-Federal: $250,510
Sandra McLellan, Steve Corsisewage pollution, optical sensor technology
2015CONational CompetitiveTrace Organic Contaminants (TOrCs) in Urban Stormwater and Performance of Urban Bioretention Systems: a Field and Modeling StudyFederal: $249,960
Non-Federal: $253,099
Christopher Higgins, Edward Furlong, Terri Hogue, John McCrayurban stormwater quality, best management practice performance, urban hydrology models
2015ILNational CompetitiveUsing bioavailability to assess pyrethroid insecticide toxicity in urban sedimentsFederal: $249,329
Non-Federal: $250,978
Michael Lydy, Amanda Harwood, Kara Huff Hartz, Samuel NutileBioavailability, toxicity, pyrethroid, urban, benthic invertebrates, risk assessment
2015SCNational CompetitiveHuman and Ecological Health Impacts Associated with Water Reuse: Engineered Systems for Removing Priority Emerging ContaminantsFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,771
Susan Richardson, Dionysios Dionysiou, Daniel Schlenkwater reuse, emerging contaminants, advanced oxidation, toxicology
2015SDNational CompetitiveHydrologic Life Cycle Impact of Mountain Pine Bark Beetle InfestationsFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
James Stone, Scott Kenner, Heidi SieverdingMountain Pine Beetle, Watershed Management, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Life Cycle Assessment, Disinfection By-Products
2014IANational CompetitiveDevelopment of a Comprehensive Hazard to Loss Modeling Methodology for the Residential Damage Associated with Inland Flooding from North Atlantic Tropical CyclonesFederal: $248,556
Non-Federal: $249,182
Gabriele Villarini, Jeffery Czajkowski, Erwann MichelKerjanflood, tropical cyclones, losses, claims, NFIP, inland flood risk modeling
2014INNational CompetitiveCan there ever be enough? Analysis of the adoption, penetration and effectiveness of urban stormwater best management practicesFederal: $246,254
Non-Federal: $246,324
Laura Bowling, Linda Prokopystormwater, Best Management Practices, water quality, social norms
2014MDNational CompetitiveEnvironmental Concentrations and Exposure Effects of Environmental Gestagens on a Sentinel Teleost FishFederal: $238,055
Non-Federal: $238,811
Edward Orlando, Michael Meyer, Patrick PhillipsEmerging Contaminants, Pharmaceuticals, Wastewater Treatment, Contraceptives, Hormone Replacement Therapy
2014NENational CompetitiveNitrate Mediated Mobilization of Naturally Occurring Uranium in GroundwaterFederal: $230,839
Non-Federal: $236,661
Karrie Weber, Daniel Snownitrate, uranium, groundwater
2014OKNational CompetitiveHydrogeophysics and Geochemistry of the Boone Aquifer in the Vicinity of the Tar Creek Superfund Site, Ottawa County, OKFederal: $86,543
Non-Federal: $86,543
Kumar Ramachandran, Cas Bridge, Bryan TappTar Creek Superfund Site, Groundwater geochemistry, Heavy Metal Contamination, Acid Mine Drainage, Electrical Resistivity Tomography
2013GANational CompetitiveIntegrated Hydrogeologic models for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Southeast USFederal: $249,978
Non-Federal: $257,000
Aris Georgakakos, Jian Luo
2013NDNational CompetitiveComprehensive Investigation of Hydroclimatic Changes in the North Central United StatesFederal: $121,262
Non-Federal: $124,521
Wei Lin, Peter Oduor, Karen RybergHydrology, streamflow, climate, climate change, land use, land use change, land cover, precipitation
2013WANational CompetitivePredicting the impacts of climate change on post-fire sediment generation to explore post-fire restoration strategies and associated costsFederal: $249,718
Non-Federal: $251,579
Jennifer Adam, Michael Barber, Barry Green, Balasingam Muhunthan, Molly Woodextreme hydrometeorological events erosion fire landslide
2012ALNational CompetitiveSubmarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) Dynamics at the Gulf Shores of Alabama: Characterization of Nutrient Loading and Saltwater Intrusion using Numerical Modeling Constrained by Geophysical Field DataFederal: $35,885
Non-Federal: $35,893
Geoffrey Tick, Natasha DimovaNumerical Analysis, Nutrients, Contaminant Transport, Coastal Zone, Groundwater Hydrology, Submarine Groundwater Discharge, Saltwater Intrusion, Electrical Resistivity and Geophysical Methods
2012IANational CompetitiveWatershed scale water cycle dynamics in intensively managed landscapes: bridging the knowledge gap to support climate mitigation policiesFederal: $154,513
Non-Federal: $155,554
Thanos Papanicolaou, Keith Schilling, Douglas Schnoebelen, Christopher WilsonAgriculture Surface Runoff and Agricultural Tile Drainage; Land Use/ Land Cover (LU/LC) Changes & Urban Development, Watershed Modeling/Adaptive Watershed Management Strategies, Extreme events
2012MNNational CompetitiveUnderstanding Pesticide Photolysis in Prairie Potholes for Water Management StrategiesFederal: $102,681
Non-Federal: $102,686
William Arnoldindirect photolysis, agricultural drainage, runoff management, reconstructed wetlands
2012NYNational CompetitiveThe Remote Monitoring of Surface Velocity, Bathymetry, and DischargeFederal: $91,894
Non-Federal: $91,935
Edwin CowenMonitoring, Flowrate, Bathymetry, Surface Water Velocity, Turbulence, Remote Sensing, Quantitative Imaging, Discharge Measurement
2012ORNational CompetitiveBiological drivers of freshwater cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom extremes assessed via next-generation DNA sequencing technologyFederal: $243,835
Non-Federal: $246,791
Theo DreherCyanobacterial bloom, microcystin, geosmin, genetic identification
2012WVNational CompetitiveModeling the hydrologic response in surface mining watersheds with redesigned reclamation practicesFederal: $224,690
Non-Federal: $224,802
Leslie Hopkinson, Ben Mack, John Quarantafluvial geomorphic landform design, valley fill design
2011ALNational CompetitiveForecasting toxic cyanobacterial blooms throughout the southeastern U.S.Federal: $247,891
Non-Federal: $262,722
Alan Wilson, Kevin Schrader, Russell Wrightcyanobacteria, blue-green algae, forecasting, toxins, water quality, phytoplankton, modeling, management
2011CONational CompetitiveWater Quality Impacts of the Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation in the Rocky Mountain West: Heavy Metals and Disinfection Byproducts Federal: $140,162
Non-Federal: $140,259
John McCray, Reed Maxwellhydrogeochemistry, water treatment, mountain pine beetle, water quality, public water supplies, disinfection byproducts, metals
2011ILNational CompetitiveDetermining the Fate and Toxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Associated with Coal-Tar and Other Carbonaceous Material Particles in Urban LakesFederal: $249,949
Non-Federal: $298,300
Charles Werth, Michael PlewaPolycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Urban Lake Sediments, Coal-tar Sealcoat, Fate, Toxicity
2011KSNational CompetitiveAquifer Storage and Recovery in Near-Surface Aquifers: Development of a New Recharge Approach Using Small-Diameter, Low-Cost WellsFederal: $177,336
Non-Federal: $178,610
Gaisheng Liu, Andrea Brookfield, James Butler, Marios Sophocleous, Donald Whittemore, Andrew ZieglerAquifer Storage and Recovery, Artificial Recharge, Direct-Push Technology, Integrated Hydrological Modeling, Recharge Wells, Infiltration Basin and Trench
2011NJNational CompetitiveDrought and Flood in the Eastern USFederal: $249,416
Non-Federal: $249,416
James Smith, Justin Sheffield, Eric Woodnon-stationary time series, spatial statistics, Delaware River Basin, Potomac River Basin, Catawba River Basin
2010AZNational CompetitiveImproving Hydrologic Investigations through Multi-Model Analysis and Discriminatory Data Collection Federal: $122,136
Non-Federal: $122,140
Paul FerreHydrology, Monitoring, Modeling
2010LANational CompetitiveHierarchical Multimodel Saltwater Intrusion Remediation and Sampling Designs: A BMA Tree ApproachFederal: $217,645
Non-Federal: $228,868
Frank Tsai, Jeff HanorRemediation Design, Sampling Design, Saltwater Intrusion, Optimization, Uncertainty
2010OKNational CompetitiveScale Dependent Phosphorus Leaching in Alluvial FloodplainsFederal: $200,000
Non-Federal: $200,000
Garey Fox, Brian Haggard, Todd Halihan, Phil Hays, Chad Penn, Andrew Sharpley, Daniel StormLeaching, Phosphorus, Preferential Flow, Riparian Floodplain
2010TXNational CompetitiveInstitutional Mechanisms for Accessing Irrigation District WaterFederal: $102,443
Non-Federal: $102,724
Ron Griffinirrigation districts, irrigation organizations, water marketing, water pricing, water policy
2010VANational CompetitiveDenitrifying bacterial community structure and diversity, and denitrification potential as affected by hydrologic design and soil properties in wetlands created in Chesapeake Piedmont, USA Federal: $60,396
Non-Federal: $60,402
Changwoo AhnDenitrification, created wetlands, wetland function, hydrologic connectivity, denitrifying bacterial community, wetland soil
2010WINational CompetitiveImplications of Climate Change and Biofuel Development for Great Lakes Regional Water Quality and QuantityFederal: $247,563
Non-Federal: $284,450
Anita Thompson, Bruno Basso, Mike Fienen, David Hyndman, Randall Jackson, K. Karthikeyan, Anthony Kendall, Brian Leporegroundwater, land use, recharge, hydrology, modeling
2009CONational CompetitiveAdjoint Modeling to Quantify Stream Flow Changes Due to Aquifer PumpingFederal: $117,847
Non-Federal: $121,998
Roseanna NeupauerStream Depletion, Adjoint Model, Modeling
2009MANational CompetitiveCharacterizing and Quantifying Recharge at the Bedrock InterfaceFederal: $174,490
Non-Federal: $181,817
David Boutt, Stephen MabeeFractured-rock aquifers, recharge, storage, groundwater availability, groundwater sustainability, well yield
2009NJNational CompetitiveDoes urbanization decrease baseflow? A historical, empirical analysis in the coastal states of Eastern United StatesFederal: $82,489
Non-Federal: $87,935
Joshua Galster, Kirk Barrettbaseflow; urbanization; imperviousness;
2009OKNational CompetitiveEastern redcedar encroachment and water cycle in tallgrass prairie Federal: $226,890
Non-Federal: $286,511
Chris Zou, Dave Engle, Sam Fuhlendorf, Don Turton, Rodney Will, Kim WintonEastern redcedar, invasion, ecosystem water use, streamflow, tall grass prairie, water supply and cycle
2009TXNational CompetitiveThe Role of Epikarst in Controlling Recharge, Water Quality and Biodiversity in Karst Aquifers: A Comparative Study between Virginia and TexasFederal: $59,300
Non-Federal: $59,299
Benjamin SchwartzEpikarst, Karst, Recharge, Water Quality, Biodiversity
2009TXNational CompetitiveHydrological Drought Characterization for Texas under Climate Change, with Implications for Water Resources Planning and ManagementFederal: $235,148
Non-Federal: $242,866
Vijay Singh, Ashok MishraHydrological Drought, Climate Change, Critical Basin, Teleconnection
2007CANational CompetitiveA Bayesian approach to snow water equivalent reconstructionFederal: $61,312
Non-Federal: $62,102
Noah Molotch, Steven MargulisSnow; Data Assimilation; Remote Sensing; Modeling
2007CANational CompetitiveImproving aquifer storage recovery operation to reduce nutrient load and benefit water supplyFederal: $242,508
Non-Federal: $311,431
Andrew Fisher, Marc Los Huertos, Charles Wheataquifer storage and recovery, denitrification, surface water - ground water interactions
2007GANational CompetitiveMulti-Scale Investigation of Seawater Intrusion and Application in Coastal GeorgiaFederal: $194,083
Non-Federal: $194,346
Jian Luo, Jian Luoseawater intusion; groundwater withdrawal; variable-density flow; transport; mixing
2007INNational CompetitiveNutrient and carbon delivery to streams in artificially drained landscapes of the Midwest: matrix flow, overland flow or macropore flow?Federal: $129,042
Non-Federal: $131,041
Philippe Vidon, Nancy Baker, Jeffrey FreyMacropore flow, tracer, tile drain, nutrients
2007MDNational CompetitiveIntegration of Stormwater Management Ponds into Urban Communities: Long-term Water Quality Protection, Wildlife, and Environmental AwarenessFederal: $187,474
Non-Federal: $187,690
Joel Snodgrass, Ryan Casey, Edward Landa, Steven Levmetals, amphibians, stormwater, groundwater, water quality, wildlife
2006ILNational CompetitiveEvaluating Alternatives for Watershed-Scale Design of BMPsFederal: $90,948
Non-Federal: $91,755
John NicklowBest Management Practices, Decision Support
2006MNNational CompetitiveApplication of Wireless and Sensor Technologies for Urban Water Quality ManagementFederal: $149,176
Non-Federal: $150,482
William Arnold, Miki Hondzo, Raymond Hozalski, Paige NovakSensor Network, Best Management Practices
2006NDNational CompetitiveCollaborative Research on In Situ Denitrification and Glyphosate Transformation in Ground Water: NAWQA Eastern Iowa Basins Study UnitFederal: $91,988
Non-Federal: $91,988
Scott Korom, Paul CapelNitrate, Denitrification, Glyphosate, Transformation, Ground Water, In Situ Study
2006NMNational CompetitiveValidation, Calibration, and Improvement of Remote Sensing ET Algorithms in Mountainous RegionsFederal: $74,795
Non-Federal: $74,795
Jan Hendrickx, Jan KleisslMountain hydrology, Evapotranspiration
2006TXNational CompetitiveAn Econometric Investigation of Urban Water Demand in the U.S.Federal: $103,683
Non-Federal: $104,972
Ron Griffinurban water use, water demand analysis, water policy, water rates
2006VANational CompetitiveGrant No. 06HQGR0189 Microtopography Effects on Vegetative and Biogeochemical Patterns in Created Wetlands: A Comparative Study to Provide Guidance for Wetland Creation and RestorationFederal: $58,115
Non-Federal: $58,117
Changwoo Ahn, Gregory NoeMicrotopography, Wetland Creation and Restoration, Plant Diversity
2006WANational CompetitiveWest-Wide Drought Forecasting System: A Scientific Foundation for NIDISFederal: $250,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Anne Steinemann, Dennis Lettenmaier, Andrew WoodDrought Forecast, Drought Mitigation
2006WINational CompetitiveIdentifying High-Infiltration and Groundwater Recharge AreasFederal: $90,952
Non-Federal: $90,954
Stephen J. Ventura, John Norman, Cynthia StilesGeographic Information Systems, Infiltration, Groundwater Recharge
2005AZNational CompetitiveChemolithotrophic denitrification: The missing link in the biogeochemical cycle of arsenicFederal: $121,163
Non-Federal: $136,209
Reyes Sierra, James Field, Ronald OremlandArsenic speciation, arsenite, arsenate, iron, microbial oxidation, denitrification, anoxic; groundwater
2005CANational CompetitiveModel Development for Conjunctive Use Planning and Aquifer Protection in Semi-arid RegionsFederal: $98,534
Non-Federal: $98,534
William W-G. YehConjunctive planning, Optimization, Model calibration, Inverse problem, Aquifer protection, Genetic algorithm
2005CONational CompetitiveDevelopment of Characterization Approaches and a Management Tool for the Groundwater-Surface Water System in the Vicinity of Sutherland Reservoir and Gerald Gentlemen Station, Lincoln County, NebraskaFederal: $132,731
Non-Federal: $142,795
Eileen Poeter, Eileen Poetergroundwater management characterization inversion parameter-estimation data-needs-assessment
2005HINational CompetitiveCoastal Groundwater Management in the Presence of Positive Stock ExternalitiesFederal: $148,021
Non-Federal: $184,150
Kaeo Duarte, James RoumassetCoastal Aquifers, Estuarine Ecosystems, Groundwater Externalities
2005LANational CompetitiveSaltwater Intrusion Management with Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Ground WaterFederal: $172,842
Non-Federal: $173,616
Frank Tsai, Vijay SinghManagement modeling, Saltwater Intrusion, Optimization, Conjunctive Use
2005MNNational CompetitiveAssessing the ecotoxicology of alkylphenol mixtures accross the aquatic food chainFederal: $63,014
Non-Federal: $81,257
Heiko Schoenfuss, Larry Barber, Matthew JuliusAlkylphenol, Bioassay, Fathead minnow, diatom, daphnia, wastewater
2005NDNational CompetitiveAssessing the Effectiveness of Local Water Institutions in Water ManagementFederal: $150,392
Non-Federal: $150,393
Robert Hearnewatershed districts, water institutions, water quality, water resources
2005NENational CompetitiveThe impact of rural water supply systems on property valuesFederal: $62,728
Non-Federal: $78,027
Steven Shultz, Jay Leitchrural water supply, property values, North Dakota
2004AZNational CompetitiveForward and Inverse Transient Analytic Element Models of Groundwater FlowFederal: $131,976
Non-Federal: $134,003
Shlomo NeumanGroundwater, Flow, Transient, Heterogeneity, Three-dimensional, Forward Modeling, Inverse Modeling, Analytic Element, Laplace Transform, Parallel Computation, Visualization
2004AZNational CompetitivePharmaceutically Active Compounds: Fate in Sludges and Biosolids Derived from Wastewater TreatmentFederal: $152,926
Non-Federal: $186,899
David Quanrud, Robert Arnold, Jon Chorover, Gail Cordy, Wendell ElaBiosolids, soil amendement, pharmaceutically active compounds, estrogenic activity
2004CANational CompetitiveInstitutional Re-arrangements: forging smart use water policy coalitions at the intersection of geo-technical engineering with urban open space Federal: $70,767
Non-Federal: $74,489
Helen Ingraminstitutional change, coalition formation, urban open space, watershed planning, management, policy, engineering, economic
2004FLNational CompetitiveSpace-based monitoring of wetland surface flowFederal: $158,687
Non-Federal: $158,687
Shimon WdowinskiWetlands, remote-sensing, Everglades, surface flow
2004ILNational CompetitiveEstimating shallow recharge and discharge in northeastern Illinois using GIS and pattern recognition procedureFederal: $91,197
Non-Federal: $91,197
Yu-Feng Lin, Albert ValocchiGroundwater Modeling, Recharge/Discharge, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Image Processing, Process, Illinois
2004ILNational CompetitiveDevelopment and Validation of a 3D Coupled Hydrologic-Biogeochemical Model for Evaluation of the Impact of Water-Table Management on Nitrate Loads from Tile-Drained Agricultural FieldsFederal: $108,948
Non-Federal: $115,971
Robert Hudson, Albert ValocchiBest Management Practices, Tile-Drained Fields, Conjunctive Models, Biogeochemical Models, Drainmod-N
2004ILNational CompetitiveCarbonaceous Material Fractions in Sediments and Their Effect on the Sorption and Persistence of Organic Pollutants in Small Urban WatershedsFederal: $170,956
Non-Federal: $176,261
Charles Werth, Barbara Mahler, Peter Van Metreparticle associated contaminants,hydrophobic organic pollutants, persistence, sorption
2004ILNational CompetitiveDevelopment of Water Use Benchmarks for Thermoelectric Power Generation in the United StatesFederal: $94,245
Non-Federal: $40,203
Ben Dziegielewski, Tom Bikthermoelectric water use, benchmarking
2004WANational CompetitiveUsing environmental tracers to improve prediction of nonpoint pollutant loadings from fields to streams at multiple watershed scalesFederal: $157,586
Non-Federal: $212,360
C Keller, Richelle Allen-King, Shulin Chencatchment hydrology, environmental tracers
2004WANational CompetitiveCollaborative Research:Hydraulic and Geomorphic Controls on the Evolution of Cluster Bedforms in Gravel-Bed Streams Federal: $103,134
Non-Federal: $103,470
Thanos Papanicolaou, Lisa ElyRestoration, Bedforms Migration, Stage-Discharge Relations
2004WINational CompetitiveGroundwater sustainability in a humid climate: Groundwater pumping, groundwater consumption, and land use change. Federal: $69,246
Non-Federal: $70,230
Madeline Gotkowitz, David J. Hart, Charles Dunningaquifer sustainability, groundwater use, hydrologic systems
2003CANational CompetitiveDistribution and toxicity of sediment-associated pesticides in the Sacramento River watershed.Federal: $199,927
Non-Federal: $199,986
Donald Weston, Michael Lydy, Chris IngersollSediment, Pyrethroid Insecticides, Non-point Source Pollution
2003CANational CompetitiveDynamics of Point and Non-Point Source Fecal Pollution from an Urban Watershed in Southern CaliforniaFederal: $159,045
Non-Federal: $250,000
Stanley Grant, Patricia Holden, Brett Sandersnon-point source pollution, fecal indicator bacteria, water quality, microbial ecology, surface water transport
2003MANational CompetitiveA Regional Approach to Conceptualizing Fractured-Rock Aquifer Systems for Groundwater ManagementFederal: $92,839
Non-Federal: $94,608
Stephen Mabee, Michele Cookefracture characterization, domain analysis, well yield, fractured rock aquifers, groundwater availability, groundwater mapping, borehole geophysics
2003MNNational CompetitivePhotochemistry of Antibiotics and Estrogens in Surface Waters: Persistence and PotencyFederal: $134,070
Non-Federal: $134,092
Kristopher McNeill, Deborah Swackhamerantibiotics, estrogens, photochemistry, fate, reaction kinetics
2003NYNational CompetitiveAn Assessment of New Advances in Low Streamflow Estimation and CharacterizationFederal: $154,058
Non-Federal: $154,589
Chuck KrollRisk Assessment, GIS Geographic Information Systems, Watershed Hydrology, Statistical Hydrology, Regional Hydrology
2003TXNational CompetitiveBridging the Gap Between Plankton Dynamics and Spatial Variability in Water Quality in the Guadalupe Estuary (Texas): The Importance of Freshwater PulsesFederal: $233,953
Non-Federal: $234,718
Stephen Davis, Daniel Roelkeestuary, freshwater inflows, pulsed events, salinity, nutrients, phytoplankton
2002AZNational CompetitiveAgricultural Chemicals as a Major Non-Point Source of Arsenic: Microbial Transformation of Organic ArsenicalsFederal: $137,448
Non-Federal: $166,227
James Field, A. Gandolfi, Reyes Sierra, John Garbarino, Robert WershawOrganic arsenicals, biotransformation, biodegradation, pesticide, arsenic, metabolite, detection
2002CONational CompetitiveOccurrence and Fate of Emerging Organic Chemicals in Onsite Wastewater Systems and Implications on Water Quality Management in the Rocky Mountain RegionFederal: $106,822
Non-Federal: $113,470
Robert Siegrist, John McCray, Kathryn Lowedecentralized wastewater systems, onsite wastewater treatment, emerging organic chemicals
2002GANational CompetitiveMid Infrared Water Quality Sensors for the detection of organic pollutantsFederal: $115,822
Non-Federal: $115,822
Boris Mizaikoffin-situ water quality sensor, mid-infrared evanescent wave sensor (MIR-EWS), chlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), sol-gels, endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs)
2002IANational CompetitiveAn Integrated Immunological-GIS Approach for Bio-monitoring of Ecological Impacts of Swine Manure Pollutants in StreamsFederal: $135,328
Non-Federal: $163,067
James Roth, Dusan Palic, Bruce Menzel, Clay Piercewater quality, fish, immunology, GIS, swine manure, non-point source pollution
2002IANational CompetitiveRelationship of Nitroso Compound Formation Potential to Drinking Source Water Quality and Organic Nitrogen Precursor Source CharacteristicsFederal: $134,914
Non-Federal: $175,042
Richard ValentineContaminant, agricultural wastes, drinking water sources, disinfectant by-products
2024AKAnnual BaseBaseline Study of the Snake River Estuary Dynamics, Nome, AlaskaFederal: $22,901
Non-Federal: $22,901
Evan Joycehydrology, geomorpological processes
2024AKAnnual BaseImpacts of beaver engineering on arctic aquatic community compositionFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Sebastian Zavoicoecology, geomorpological processes, water quality
2024AKAnnual BaseHousehold Water Insecurity Experiences Network ResearchFederal: $57,308
Non-Federal: $44,198
Nicole Misartiwater supply, water quality
2024ALAnnual BaseIs Cover Crop a Threat to Water Quality in Alabama? Challenges and OpportunitiesFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,001
Debolina Chakrabortynon point pollution, surface water, conservation, agriculture, sediments
2024ALAnnual BaseAssessing the Capacity of Local Officials in Alabama to Plan for Climate-Resilient Water Infrastructure and ManagementFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,000
Megan Heim-LaFromboisdrought, floods, law, institutions and policy, management and planning, water supply
2024ALAnnual BaseRates of Private Well Use and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in AlabamaFederal: $34,765
Non-Federal: $34,765
Matthew Loopgroundwater, water supply, hydrogeochemistry
2024ARAnnual BaseOccurrence, Fate, and Transport of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Northwest Arkansas RegionFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $20,834
Lei Guomanagement and planning, methods, non point pollution
2024ARAnnual BaseEffects of whole reservoir draining on nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in Lake Conway, ArkansasFederal: $32,838
Non-Federal: $32,838
Shannon Speirwater quality, nutrients, sediments
2024ARAnnual BaseA comparison of internal and external nutrient loading in Brewer Lake, ArkansasFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,000
Halvor Halvorsonnutrients, water supply, hydrogeochemistry
2024ARAnnual BaseEvaluating combinations of cyanobacteria remediation solutions and their impact on zooplankton speciesFederal: $17,268
Non-Federal: $17,268
Sarah Webbwater quality, nutrients, surface water
2024AZAnnual BaseNative American Water Rights AnalysisFederal: $20,377
Non-Federal: $15,101
Sharon Megdallaw, institutions, and policy, management and planning, water supply, indian water settlements, water rights, arizona
2024CAAnnual BaseEvaluating effects of deficit irrigation strategies on forage sorghum attributes and nutrient composition grown in the San Joaquin Valley of CaliforniaFederal: $11,518
Non-Federal: $12,312
Jackie Atimwater supply, conservation, agriculture, forage sorghum, deficit irrigation, production functions, yields
2024CAAnnual BaseAssessing Soil Water Distribution under Regenerative Agricultural Practices using Three-Dimensional Computed TomographyFederal: $4,928
Non-Federal: $4,928
Nall Moonilallagriculture, drought, methods, soil water, soil pore, regeneratieve agriculture, computed tomography
2024CAAnnual BaseCooling California Rivers: Using a spectral physically-based energy balance model to predict flow and river temperatures under current and future climatesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $11,367
Erin Brayconservation, wetlands, management and planning, river, steam flow, dams, water temperature, water supply
2024CAAnnual BaseLeveraging Water System Consolidations to Advance Equity and ResilienceFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $9,998
Kristin Dobbinwater quality, water supply, climatological processes, drinking water, water system consolidation, climate resilience
2024CAAnnual BaseTiming of Winter Cover Crop Termination to Conserve Soil Moisture Federal: $10,308
Non-Federal: $4,164
Sarah Lightagriculture, drought, conservation, cover crop termination, soil water, soil health
2024CAAnnual BaseA Stem Water Potential Model Based on Evapotranspiration and Soil TypeFederal: $10,707
Non-Federal: $3,992
Abdelmoneim Mohamedagriculture, conservation, drought
2024CAAnnual BaseManaging Peak Water Demand in Water Distribution SystemsFederal: $9,814
Non-Federal: $25,602
Jorge Pesantezmanagement and planning, methods, water supply, peak consumption, agent-based model, opinion dynamics, water demand
2024CAAnnual BaseMitigating Flood Risk in California’s Unincorporated CommunitiesFederal: $12,765
Non-Federal: $12,766
Danielle Riverafloods, education, law, institutions, and policy, flooding, unincorporated areas, mitigation, environmental planning
2024CAAnnual BaseGlobal Change Impacts to Groundwater Contaminants in CaliforniaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $9,994
Christopher Olivares Martinezwater quality, climatological processes, management and planning, groundwater quality, climate change, data tools, databases
2024CAAnnual BaseUndergraduate Internship Program at the California Institute for Water ResourcesFederal: $23,758
Non-Federal: $17,377
Erik Porseeducation, management and planning, models
2024COAnnual BaseRecognizing the Value of Agricultural Water in Colorado Water Management DecisionsFederal: $10,004
Non-Federal: $10,002
Steve Conradlaw, institutions, and policy, management and planning, water supply
2024COAnnual BaseEvaluating Changes in Colorado's Snow Dynamics on Alpine to Prairie Forest SuccessFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,051
Steven Fassnachthydrology, surface water, water quantity
2024COAnnual BaseWastewater Impacted Waters: An Investigation of Unregulated Disinfection By-product Formation in Downstream Rural and Urban Communities in ColoradoFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Sheldon Masterswastewater, water quality, surface water
2024COAnnual BaseImpacts of Freshwater Salinization on Drinking Water Corrosion Control Efficacy and Disinfection Byproduct FormationFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Sheldon Mastersdrought, surface water, water quality
2024COAnnual BaseModeling Colorado Water Supply Reservoirs: Moving Toward Sustainable Water Management Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Peter Blankendrought, management and planning, water supply
2024COAnnual BaseHigh Efficiency Nitrogen Removal from Reclaimed WaterFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Tzahi Cathwater quality, wastewater, treatment
2024COAnnual BaseToxic Mixture Effects of Contaminants in DPR Water vs. Drinking WaterFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Tzahi Cathtoxic substances, water quality, treatment
2024CTAnnual BaseHigh-resolution Water Use Efficiency Mapping in Connecticut: Integration of Novel Remote Sensing Data and the State-of-the-Art Numerical ModelingFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Yakai Wangwater use efficiency, diverse terrestrial ecosystems, remote sensing, ecosystem model, solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
2024CTAnnual BaseInfluence of salinity on PFAS impacts in Sheepshead minnowsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Margot GrimmelpontPFAS, road salts, fish, reproduction, bioenergetics
2024CTAnnual BaseField tests for an affordable and robust stream-side alkalinity titratorFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Peter Raymondalkalinity, ocean acidification, Long Island Sound
2024DCAnnual BaseInvestigation into the concentration and distribution of bisphenol A (BPA) in Anacostia and Potomac River sedimentsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,082
Stephen E. MacAvoyhydrogeochemistry, non point pollution, water quality
2024DCAnnual BaseAssimilation of Land Surface Temperature and Moisture into a Soil Moisture-Temperature Model for Retrieving Farm-Scale Root Zone Soil MoistureFederal: $14,999
Non-Federal: $15,000
Leila Farhadiwater quantity, surface water, agriculture
2024DCAnnual BaseCharacterization of soil-root system to mitigate erosion from the District of Columbia's receiving waters.Federal: $14,496
Non-Federal: $16,658
Pradeep K. Behera, Ujwalkumar Patilsediments, models, surface water
2024DCAnnual BaseAssessment of Saturated and Unsaturated Soil Conditions for Generation of Urban Runoff Potential in Washington, D.CFederal: $14,996
Non-Federal: $16,918
Ujwalkumar Patil, Pradeep Beherasediments, non point pollution, conservation
2024DCAnnual BaseSpatial distribution and chemical characterization of microplastic and microbeads in river sediments in the DC areaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Barbara Balestrasediments, non point pollution, conservation
2024DCAnnual BaseAssessing household-level water security, quality, and trust in Washington, DCFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $19,878
Tolessa Deksissa, Alicia Coopermanwater quality, nutrients, toxic substances
2024FLAnnual BaseEnvironmental Monitoring of Natural Waters of Florida: Assessment of microbial loads in coastal waters using remote sensing data and machine learning algorithmsFederal: $28,067
Non-Federal: $13,681
Antar Jutlasurface water, water quantity, floods, ecology, hydrology
2024FLAnnual BaseImpacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Coastal Hydrology, Ecology, and EconomicsFederal: $28,068
Non-Federal: $52,230
David Kaplanwater quality, water quantity, agriculture, fisheries, coastal ecosystems, economics, modeling, sustainability, water use
2024FLAnnual BaseEffects of per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) on microbial community structure and function at the Indian River Lagoon: Implications on sediment biochemical cycles Federal: $28,068
Non-Federal: $12,827
Katherine Deliz Quinonestoxic substances, sediments, nutrients, pfas, irl
2024FLAnnual BaseTailoring the Surface Chemistry of Activated Carbon with Molecular Imprinted Polymers for Ultra-Selective Removal of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Water Federal: $28,068
Non-Federal: $12,835
Andreia Fonseca de Fariapfas, treatment, activated carbon, adsorption, selective adsorbents, molecule imprinted polymers
2024GAAnnual BaseOptimization of Water Level Monitoring Networks for Enhanced Flood Resilience in the Savannah River BasinFederal: $21,000
Non-Federal: $21,000
Jian Luofloods, hydrology, models
2024GAAnnual BaseIdentifying and apportioning sources of fecal pollution to surface waters using shotgun metagenomics and bioinformaticsFederal: $21,000
Non-Federal: $21,000
Katherine Grahamwater quality, surface water, methods
2024GAAnnual BaseTowards a Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV) system for lower order streams in urban areas for flash flood monitoring. Federal: $20,927
Non-Federal: $22,139
Dr. Tien Yee, Da Hufloods, surface water, water quantity, flash floods
2024GAAnnual BaseSattelite-based Lake Chlorophyll-a Assessment for Georgia Lakes Federal: $20,981
Non-Federal: $20,985
Husayn El Sharif, Aris Georgakakoswater quality, methods, remote sensing, lake water quality assessment, algal blooms
2024GAAnnual BaseEvaluating longitudinal declines in water quality in the Conasauga River using aquatic macroinvertebrates: Year 2 Federal: $20,995
Non-Federal: $20,995
Seth Wengerwater quality, conservation, ecology, bioassessment, water quality, macroinvertebrates, upper coosa river
2024GUAnnual BaseEstablishing a GIS-based Model for Updating GPZs in GuamFederal: $34,088
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wengroundwater, models, methods
2024GUAnnual BaseComparisons of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in the Basins, NGLAFederal: $34,588
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wengroundwater, models, methods, GIS
2024GUAnnual BaseAquifer characterization for water exploitation on Pohnpei Island and Sapwuahfik Atoll, FSMFederal: $14,762
Non-Federal: $0
Blaz Miklavicgroundwater, water supply, management and planning, el nino droughts
2024GUAnnual BaseMAppFx: Deep Observation Wells in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $15,912
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. HabanaGuam, online data visualization, deep observation wells, DOWs, freshwater lens
2024GUAnnual BaseMAppFx: Flow duration curves of river and streams in the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $8,050
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habana, Leroy F. HeitzFSM, watersheds, online data visualization, streamflow duration curves
2024GUAnnual BaseMAppFx: CNMI production well chloride historyFederal: $2,620
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. HabanaCNMI, production wells, online data visualization, chloride history
2024GUAnnual BaseNitrate-N solute transport model of the Yigo-Tumon Basin, Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $10,482
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. HabanaNorthern Guam lens aquifer, Yigo-Tumon Aquifer Basin, production wells, nitrate-N sources, solute transport
2024GUAnnual BaseMAppFx data visualization database: Guam hydrologic and geologic field photo galleryFederal: $9,490
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habana, Blaz MiklavicGuam, online data visualization, field photos, geologic map, gallery
2024GUAnnual BasePFAS movement patterns in groundwater caused by the pumping activity of production wellsFederal: $44,155
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kim, Mallary Duenasgroundwater contamination, production well, perfluoroalkyl substances
2024GUAnnual BaseThe analysis of saltwater intrusion into a freshwater resource with deep learning tools.Federal: $20,460
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kim, Byoungyong Leegroundwater contamination, production well, salinity
2024GUAnnual BaseInvestigation of Water Availability under Climate Change Condition - Pohnpei, FSMFederal: $30,899
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo, Danko Toborositrends analysis, climate change, extreme temperatures, and rainfalls
2024GUAnnual BaseIdentification of hydrological characteristics of Talofofo and Ugum Watersheds - Phase 1Federal: $23,793
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo, Jin Parkwater quality, watershed characteristics
2024GUAnnual BaseAssessment of climate change impacts on water quality in the CNMI - Phase 1Federal: $36,880
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo, Jin Parktrends analysis, climate change, extreme temperatures, and rainfalls
2024HIAnnual BaseAssessment of the long-term socio-economic, health, and institutional trust implications of the Red Hill Jet Fuel SpillFederal: $40,176
Non-Federal: $40,177
Leah Bremer, Ruben Juarezwater contamination, human health
2024HIAnnual BaseIdentification of disinfection byproduct precursor compounds in JP-5 jet fuelFederal: $41,501
Non-Federal: $41,503
Emily Marrondisinfection byproducts, drinking water chlorination
2024HIAnnual BaseHarnessing bacteria-microalgae interactions for enhanced onsite wastewater treatmentFederal: $42,000
Non-Federal: $42,000
Zhiyue Wang, Marek Kirscesspool replacement, onsite wastewater treatment, nutrient removal, biochemical model
2024HIAnnual BaseBridging Knowledge and Action: Developing a Student-Led Ridge to Reef Conservation Strategy in American SamoaFederal: $42,000
Non-Federal: $0
Mia Comerosscience-to-decision making, ridge-to-reef management, student engagement, traditional ecological knowledge
2024HIAnnual BaseAnimal reservoirs of pathogenic Leptospira in American SamoaFederal: $42,000
Non-Federal: $0
Marek KirsNPP, REC, WQL
2024IAAnnual BaseInvestigating the Mississippi River as a source for PFAS contamination in nearby private drinking water wells Federal: $19,997
Non-Federal: $23,611
David Cwiertnywater quality, toxic substances, hydrology, pfas
2024IAAnnual BaseBeyond Microcystin: Distributions and Drivers of Multiple Cyanotoxins in Iowa LakesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,447
Charlie Loewenagriculture, ecology, non point pollution
2024IAAnnual BaseEvaluation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Iowa Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Treated Effluent, and BiosolidsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,215
Juhe Liutoxic substances, wastewater, treatment, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, pfas
2024IAAnnual BaseOf Water and Wildlife: Evaluating Wildlife Responses to Water Quality Conservation Practices in Working Landscapes in Iowa.Federal: $4,917
Non-Federal: $6,788
Adam Jankeconservation, agriculture, models, spatial occupancy, agricultural conservation planning framework, multiple species inventory and monitoring, biodiversity, species of concern
2024IDAnnual BaseScaleup in-field ground measurement, remote sensing and Evapotranspiration Modeling for Wildfire Prediction and Precision ForestryFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Johnny Lidrought, models, water quantity
2024IDAnnual BaseMagnesium-Modified Biochar for Removing Phosphorus from Aquaculture Facilities in Hagerman Valley: Production, Characterization, and Sustainable TreatmentFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Ethan Struhswater quality, nutrients, treatment, phosphorous reduction
2024ILAnnual BaseLeveraging Smart Water Meter Data for Supportive Services in Permanent SupportiveHousingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Ashlynn Stillwellmanagement and planning, methods, models
2024ILAnnual BaseConversion of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) to Valuable Chemicals viaElectrochemical Destruction ProcessFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Jung Hyun Parkpfas, toxic substances, treatment
2024ILAnnual BaseUsing continuous water quality monitoring combined with stratified sampling to assess the presenceof emerging contaminants in the Upper Illinois River.Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,048
John Sloanhydrology, pfas, water quality
2024ILAnnual BaseEnhancing Field-scale Drainage Mapping through Geospatial Artificial IntelligenceFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,726
Ruopu Ligeomorpological processes, hydrology, models
2024INAnnual BaseQuantifying sources and rates of aquifer recharge and aquifer-river exchange rates in Tippecanoe County, INFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,357
Marty Frisbeegroundwater, hydrogeochemistry, surface water
2024INAnnual BaseAssessing and addressing the quality of Indiana’s most sensitive aquatic habitats, using mayflies as an indicatorFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $1,500
Luke Jacobusconservation, ecology, surface water
2024INAnnual BaseImpacts of Drought-Flood Abrupt Alternation on Water Quality in IndianaFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,657
Zhiying Lidrought, floods, hydrogeochemistry
2024INAnnual BaseResilience and distribution of Faxonius rusticus (Rusty crayfish) in the upper Mississippi River basin creeks impaired by methylmercuryFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Kathryn Mudicaais, ecology, geochemical processes
2024KSAnnual BaseWater-Use Efficient Sorghum Development for Kansas through High-throughput Molecular Marker Discovery and DeploymentFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Terry Felderhoffagriculture, drought, conservation
2024KSAnnual BasePlaya recharge characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance profilingFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Gaisheng Liuhydrology, groundwater, methods, recharge
2024KSAnnual BaseEarly Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms in Kansas Lakes and Reservoirs Using Satellite Remote SensingFederal: $24,946
Non-Federal: $25,371
Jeeban Panthiwater quality, hydrology, models, toxins
2024KSAnnual BaseOptimizing variety maturity and deficit-irrigation strategy for thermally-limited cotton production in KansasFederal: $23,417
Non-Federal: $23,417
Logan Simonagriculture, irrigation, water supply
2024KYAnnual BaseIntegrated Research and Education to Assess the Sustainability of a Mobile Water Treatment System for Emergency Response in KentuckyFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Diana Byrnewater supply, management and planning, economics, sustainability
2024KYAnnual BasePrevalence and Source Tracking of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Substances in Urban Karst Groundwater SystemsFederal: $19,980
Non-Federal: $19,980
Jason Polkgroundwater, water quality, toxic substances
2024KYAnnual BaseRenewal Application: Predicting greenhouse gas fluxes in bottomland hardwood wetlands across levels of spatial soil complexity and hydrogeomorphic setting.Federal: $19,996
Non-Federal: $22,049
Jessica B. Moon, Bassil El Masriwetlands, hydrology, nutrients
2024KYAnnual BaseEvaluating effects of ecological restoration efforts on ecosystem function in the inner Bluegrass Federal: $19,780
Non-Federal: $19,783
Kenton Senaecology, water quality, conservation, stream restoration
2024KYAnnual BaseSpatiotemporal Shifts in Extreme Streamflow Events Across the Kentucky River WatershedFederal: $9,861
Non-Federal: $10,152
C. Andrew Dayclimatological processes, floods, drought
2024LAAnnual BaseLaGAMI: Louisiana Groundwater Availability Model InitiativeFederal: $44,689
Non-Federal: $44,692
Frank Tsaigroundwater, water quantity, models
2024LAAnnual BasePrecise Land Subsidence Determination with InSAR for enhancing groundwater managementFederal: $20,102
Non-Federal: $20,102
Ahmed Abdallagroundwater, methods, models
2024LAAnnual BaseUnraveling the role of microplastics in shaping subsurface hydrologic processes and its implications for the migration of microplastics in the soil-groundwater environmentFederal: $18,562
Non-Federal: $18,562
Xi Zhangtoxic substances, groundwater, water quality
2024LAAnnual BaseModeling and Forecasting Microcystin Contamination to Lake PontchartrainFederal: $20,102
Non-Federal: $20,102
Zhiqiang Dengmodels, water quality, non point pollution
2024LAAnnual BaseCarbon transport and transformation in the Amite River – Maurepas estuarine complexFederal: $19,745
Non-Federal: $19,747
Yi-Jun Xutoxic substances, surface water, water quality, carbon capture
2024MAAnnual BaseSustainable Solutions: Rethinking Microplastics Removal from Wastewater with Upcycled Filtration MaterialsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Baoshan Xingwastewater, treatment, water quality
2024MAAnnual BaseU.S. Geological Survey’s Annual Water Resources Institute Program (WRIP)Federal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Mariana Lanzarini-Lopestreatment, water quality, surface waters
2024MDAnnual BaseCharacterization of climate change and its impacts on streamflow and evapotranspiration in Maryland forested, agricultural, and urban catchmentsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Karen Prestegaardclimatological processes, drought, hydrology
2024MDAnnual BaseAssessing Stormwater Reuse in MarylandFederal: $44,489
Non-Federal: $44,489
Allen P. Davissurface water, water supply, nutrients, stormwater, reuse, irrigation, best management practices, economics
2024MDAnnual BaseWater Budgets of Maryland WatershedsFederal: $43,743
Non-Federal: $43,743
Kaye L Brubakerhydrology, surface water, water quantity
2024MEAnnual BaseGuiding Sustainable Enhanced PFAS Drinking Water Treatment OptionsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,059
T. Reed Millerwater quality, toxic substances, economics
2024MEAnnual BaseInvestigating Shoreline Impacts Of Boat Wakes & Understanding Stakeholder Response: A Case Study Of East PondFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $43,451
Alejandra Ortizgeomorpological processes, water quality, recreation
2024MIAnnual BaseAssessing Aquifers in Irrigated Fields using a Surface Geophysical ToolFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Dr. Younsuk Dongagriculture, groundwater, hydrology
2024MIAnnual BaseNeglected aspects of water insecurity and health in Michigan post-industrial citiesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $42,322
Dr. Jennifer Carreraeconomics, law, institutions, and policy, water supply
2024MIAnnual BaseSalinization of West Michigan Lakes: Surveying Prevalence, Severity, and LocationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,011
Dr. Alan Steinmanwater quality, nutrients, ecology
2024MNAnnual BaseUrban Flood Prediction from Limited Data: A Data-Model Integrated ApproachFederal: $9,263
Non-Federal: $5,095
Kun Zhanghydrology, floods, models
2024MNAnnual BaseWater Chemistry and Manoomin Health; a Snapshot of the Ottertail WatershedFederal: $9,876
Non-Federal: $5,019
Cara Santelliwater quality, geochemical processes, agriculture
2024MNAnnual BaseSediment-Facilitated Transport of Infectious Prions in Minnesota Surface WatersFederal: $9,882
Non-Federal: $5,045
Diana Karwansurface water, hydrology, sediments
2024MOAnnual BaseStudy the Vertical Distribution of Tire Wear Particles within the Water ColumnFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Maryam Salehiwater quality, non point pollution
2024MOAnnual BaseMitigating Nonpoint Source Nutrient Pollution in Urban Runoff with Full-Scale Floating Treatment WetlandsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Dr. Dev Niyogiwater quality, non point pollution, nutrients
2024MOAnnual BaseMicroplastic fluxes among environmental compartments over multiple flow conditions in an urban watershedFederal: $24,969
Non-Federal: $66,763
Elizabeth A. Hasenmuellerwater quality, surface water, hydrogeochemistry, microplastics, contaminant transport, flooding, urbanization
2024MSAnnual BaseBeyond Cover Crops and No-Tillage: Alternative Strategies to Reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source PollutionFederal: $30,626
Non-Federal: $31,487
Dave Spencerwater quality, non point pollution, agriculture, sediment
2024MTAnnual BaseFreshwater Species of Concern as Bio-Sentinels of PFAS ContaminationFederal: $24,728
Non-Federal: $24,775
Kayhan Ostovarpfas, water quality, ecology
2024MTAnnual BaseFrom Probes to Pixels: scaling-up soil water content monitoring across MontanaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,088
Andrew Feltondrought, agriculture, water supply
2024MTAnnual BaseFire on the mountain: paleolimnological investigations of lake productivity post-fireFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,175
Brooke Bannermanecology, nutrients
2024MTAnnual BaseA bird’s eye view: Using Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to assess the effects of aquatic metal contamination on riparian insectivores in the Upper Clark Fork River Superfund site Federal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,175
Bridger Creelecology, water quality
2024MTAnnual BaseQuantifying geomorphic resilience in rivers to hydroclimatic extreme eventsFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,175
Riley Hensongeomorpological processes, floods
2024MTAnnual BaseAssessing Snowmelt Infiltration into Groundwater: Impacts of Snowmelt on Seasonal Water Supply and Overall Water Availability in the Bozeman Creek WatershedFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,125
Mary O'Flahertywater supply, groundwater, drought
2024MTAnnual BaseAssessing Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Irrigated FieldsFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,125
Megan Robinsonirrigation, nitrate contamination, water quality
2024MTAnnual BaseMontana Indigenous Water Research FellowshipFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $4,500
Russell Contiwater quality, nutrients, ecology
2024MTAnnual BaseUsing Environmental Tracers to Estimate Distributed Groundwater Discharge, Source and Residence TimeFederal: $18,245
Non-Federal: $18,245
Payton Gardnergroundwater, hydrogeochemistry, hydrology
2024NCAnnual BaseNovel techniques to enhancephysical and biological nutrienttreatment and recovery atrural wastewater facilitiesFederal: $42,424
Non-Federal: $16,052
Michael Burchellwastewater, treatment, wetlands
2024NCAnnual BaseProbabilistic Streambank Erosion Curves for Advancing Assessment and Prediction inthe Context of Climate ChangeFederal: $12,012
Non-Federal: $6,246
Celso Castro-Bolinagaclimatological processes, sediments, models
2024NCAnnual BaseImproved Quantification of Stormwater Dilution in Wastewater Treatment PlantInfluent Using Organic Matter FluorescenceFederal: $11,575
Non-Federal: $6,019
Christopher Osburnwastewater, treatment, water quality
2024NCAnnual BasePotential impacts of lithium mining on water quality in North CarolinaFederal: $30,671
Non-Federal: $13,000
Avner Vengoshsurface water, groundwater, water quality
2024NCAnnual BaseMicroplastic sources, abundance, and cycling dynamics in water, sediments, and caddisfly larvae of a representative Appalachian headwater basin.Federal: $25,447
Non-Federal: $13,000
Jerry Millerwater quality, surface water, toxic substances
2024NDAnnual BaseMetal/Metal oxide-modified bio-based adsorbent for phosphate removal and recoveryFederal: $12,360
Non-Federal: $13,044
Achintya Bezbaruahagriculture, water quality, irrigation, phosphate, adsorption, iron modified nanocellulose, wheat straw, agricultural waste
2024NDAnnual BaseA Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Method for Streamflow Forecasting in Cold RegionsFederal: $9,400
Non-Federal: $9,795
Xuefeng Chuhydrology, models, surface water, streamflow modeling, kernel ridge regression (krr), weighted mean of vectors (info) algorithm
2024NDAnnual BaseIncorporating wetland characteristics in watershed-scale hydrologic modeling in depression-dominated areasFederal: $9,400
Non-Federal: $9,795
Xuefeng Chuwetlands, hydrology, models, wetlands, watershed, hydrologic modeling, swat
2024NDAnnual BasePer and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) leaching from yard waste compostFederal: $14,832
Non-Federal: $15,081
Syeed Md Iskandertoxic substances, treatment, wastewater, pfas, coagulation, sludge, incineration, onsite treatment
2024NDAnnual BaseTurbulent characteristics in locations with potential ice jamsFederal: $7,360
Non-Federal: $7,394
Trung Bao Lesediments, surface water, geomorpological processes, river ice, shear stress, secondary flow patterns
2024NDAnnual BaseFormation and Decay of Disinfection Byproducts (DBP) in Water Distribution SystemsFederal: $14,338
Non-Federal: $14,875
Mohsin Uddinwater quality, water supply, toxic substances, water treatment, disinfection, disinfection byproducts, distribution systems, pipe materials
2024NDAnnual BaseBiodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in WaterFederal: $12,360
Non-Federal: $13,070
Yun Jiwater quality, treatment, methods, pfas, water treatment, biodegradation, enzymes, microorganisms
2024NDAnnual BaseAdsorption of Lithium from Bakken Oilfield-Produced Water Using Metal-Organic Framework (UiO-66) Impregnated in Activated Carbon. Federal: $9,393
Non-Federal: $9,514
Yeo Howe Limgroundwater, wastewater, treatment, produces water, lithium, adsorption, mof, activated carbon, treatment
2024NDAnnual BaseEnhancing Water Quality Monitoring Through Regional Machine Learning ModelsFederal: $9,393
Non-Federal: $9,514
Yeo Howe Limwater quality, models, nutrients, water quality, nutrients, surface water, remote sensing, machine learning
2024NEAnnual BaseIs fish tissue methylmercury related to lake sediment methylmercury?Federal: $29,801
Non-Federal: $30,513
Chad Brassilsediments
2024NEAnnual BaseGrassroots Conservation: Engaging Communities in WaterSmart Lawn Care PracticesFederal: $19,374
Non-Federal: $19,375
Wei-zhen Liangconservation, irrigation, education
2024NEAnnual BaseMonitoring monthly groundwater level variation in the NSH using remote sensingFederal: $14,716
Non-Federal: $14,716
Nawaraj Shresthagroundwater, methods, lidar
2024NEAnnual BaseGrowing Groundwater ScienceFederal: $11,358
Non-Federal: $19,309
Dan Snowgroundwater, nitrate contamination
2024NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watershedsFederal: $29,999
Non-Federal: $69,145
William H. McDowellwater quality, surface water, non point pollution, long-term, water quality, water supply, land use change, development, nitrogen, salt
2024NHAnnual BaseEvaluation of geomorphic river restoration on potential channel mobility and groundwater connectivity of the Zealand River, White Mountain National Forest, New HampshireFederal: $29,814
Non-Federal: $29,872
Anne Lightbodygeomorpological processes, surface water, groundwater
2024NJAnnual BaseImpacts of flooding in the Passaic River watershed on potable water quality for marginalized communities using citizen science.Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Siddhartha Royfloods, water quality, methods, overburdened communities, passaic river
2024NJAnnual BaseProcess Modeling and Evaluation of an Intensive Microalgal Process to Reduce Point Source Phosphorus Load from WastewaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Yalin Liwastewater, models, nutrients, eutrophication, tertiary treatment, surface water
2024NJAnnual BaseEvaluating the Effectiveness of Bioswale Retrofitting in Mitigating PFAS Inputs into Freshwater SystemsFederal: $24,954
Non-Federal: $29,762
Zhiming Zhang, Kauser Jahanpfas, toxic substances, non point pollution, treatment, green infrastructure, retrofitting
2024NJAnnual BaseModeling the movement of water in Urban Areas using two-dimensional transient HEC-RAS while accounting for Infiltration.Federal: $6,250
Non-Federal: $6,250
Taha Adnan, Michel Boufadelfloods, groundwater, hydrology, urban flooding, infiltration modeling, stormwater management
2024NJAnnual BaseMonitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms by 2D MoS2-Based Field-Effect Transistor Sensors Federal: $6,250
Non-Federal: $6,250
Md Mohidul Alam Sabuj, Mengqiang Zhaowater quality, methods, toxic substances, harmful algal blooms, electronic nanosensors, detection
2024NJAnnual BaseAssessing Heavy Metals Groundwater Contamination and Its Health Implications in Northern New JerseyFederal: $6,168
Non-Federal: $6,194
Chima Eke, Duke Ophorigroundwater, non point pollution, toxic substances, private wells, drinking water, heavy metal pollution index
2024NJAnnual BaseUnraveling the silent invasion of Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl substances in New Jersey groundwater systemsFederal: $6,168
Non-Federal: $6,194
Odera Richard Umeh, Duke Ophoripfas, groundwater, models, water supply, solute transport, ecology
2024NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information System for Water Resources Research Planning and OutreachFederal: $6,948
Non-Federal: $3,335
Alexander G. Fernaldmanagement and planning, agriculture, models
2024NMAnnual BaseEvaluating PFAS ecotoxicity using zebrafish in vivo and in vitro experimentsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Runwei Litoxic substances, pfas, zebrafish, co-exposure, ecotoxicity, hepatotoxicity
2024NMAnnual BaseProduced Water Desalination by Membrane Distillation: What Properties Matter?Federal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Allyson L. McGaugheytreatment, methods, wastewater
2024NMAnnual BaseWater quality in the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge: implications for aquatic life and agricultureFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Rachel Coytehydrogeochemistry, groundwater, surface water, agriculture, conservation
2024NMAnnual BaseWildfire, Water, and Wildlife: Assessing Beaver Pond’s Role in Mitigating Wildfire Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems and Water SecurityFederal: $39,947
Non-Federal: $44,893
Corey S. Greenecology, hydrology, toxic substances
2024NVAnnual BaseApplying Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) to Study the Toxicity of Heavy Metals in Lake Mead Due to Climate ChangeFederal: $34,187
Non-Federal: $42,992
Zaijing Sundrought, radioactive substances, water quality
2024NVAnnual BaseComparative Analysis of Climate Driven Shifts in Streamflow Trends for the Upper Carson and Walker River BasinsFederal: $35,068
Non-Federal: $37,160
Saftnerhydrology, management and planning, surface water, water quantity
2024NVAnnual BaseA Storyline Approach to Assess the 1997 New Year’s Flood in Western NevadaFederal: $28,226
Non-Federal: $28,226
Guo Yufloods, hydrology, climatological processes
2024NYAnnual BaseCombined impacts of rainfall events and urbanization on microplastic pollution and microplastic-associated contaminants in the Mohawk RiverFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,000
Jennifer Goffwater quality, toxic substances
2024NYAnnual BaseFY2024 USGS 104b Annual Application (Program Administration)Federal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,000
Yuxin Wangwater quality, surface water, toxic substances
2024NYAnnual BaseA 15-Year Profile of Chemical Discharges into New York’s Water BodiesFederal: $15,050
Non-Federal: $8,579
Brian Rahmtoxic substances, water quantity
2024OHAnnual BaseSocio-technological evaluation of treatment for arsenic contamination of private wells in Licking County, Ohio Federal: $40,321
Non-Federal: $46,546
Kelsea Bestwater quality, groundwater, treatment, education
2024OHAnnual BaseProbabilistic risk assessment of levees in Ohio in the face of compound flooding hazardsFederal: $24,792
Non-Federal: $24,795
Lei Wangfloods, climatological processes, models, levees
2024OKAnnual BaseInvestigating Changes in Consumptive Water Use in Furrow and Subsurface Drip Irrigated Cotton Fields Federal: $24,995
Non-Federal: $24,996
Sumon Dattaagriculture, drought, conservation
2024OKAnnual BaseRemoval efficiencies and transformation of micro- and nanoplastics in conventional water treatment plantsFederal: $24,999
Non-Federal: $24,999
Jorge Gonzalez Estrellawater quality, treatment, toxic substances, micropplastics
2024OKAnnual BaseInvestigating the source and load of fine-suspended sediment in Dave Blue Creek and Hog Creek, Oklahoma using a passive, time-integrated sediment trapFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $7,207
Caitlin Hodges, Brittany Moehnkesediments, water quality, hydrogeochemistry
2024OKAnnual BaseArtificial Intelligence to Assist Small Water Treatment Plant OperationsFederal: $24,121
Non-Federal: $25,122
Jeff Sadlertreatment, water quality, methods, machine learning
2024ORAnnual BaseTransboundary Groundwater Management in Klamath Basin, Oregon and CaliforniaFederal: $14,646
Non-Federal: $17,249
Stephen Goodgroundwater, law institutions and policy, agriculture
2024ORAnnual BaseAssessment of Legal and Policy Options to Restore Water Levels in Lake Abert and Summer LakeFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $7,500
Michelle Smithlaw institutions and policy, management and planning, surface water
2024ORAnnual BaseWorkforce Development for Water-Related Careers in OregonFederal: $24,514
Non-Federal: $24,755
Fletcher Beaudoineducation
2024PAAnnual BaseA Collective Identity Approach to Addressing Water Quality in the Chesapeake Watershed Regions of Pennsylvania Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,003
Stephen Mainzermanagement and planning, water quality, ecology, education, methods
2024PAAnnual BaseInvestigating compound drought-water quality events in the Susquehanna River BasinFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Renee Obringerdrought, water quality, climatological processes, models, nutrients
2024PAAnnual BaseTrace metal transport by colloids in the Shamokin Creek watershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Molly McGuirehydrogeochemistry, solute transport, water quality, surface water
2024PAAnnual BasePotential pathways to mitigating climate change impacts on flooding with nature-based solutions in a central Pennsylvania watershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Lauren McPhillipsfloods, hydrology, surface water, management and planning
2024PAAnnual BaseMicroplastics in aquatic organisms in PennsylvaniaFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $17,000
Jay R. Stauffer, Jr.microplastics
2024PRAnnual BaseTraffic Evacuation Simulation and Development of Contingency Plan for a Flood-Prone Community in Puerto RicoFederal: $23,112
Non-Federal: $28,370
Ivette Cruzadoflood control, risk management, urban planning
2024PRAnnual BaseA proximal sensing approach to sediment transport using an erosion plot and rainfall simulationFederal: $22,111
Non-Federal: $31,836
Salvador F. Acuna-Guzmansoil erosion, rainfall-runoff processes, tropical soils, land-water interactions
2024PRAnnual BaseContinuation: Biocomposites for Caffeine Detection and Removal in Aquatic EcosystemsFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $23,922
Magda Latorre Esteves, Oscar Marcelo Suárez, Matías Cafaroecotoxicology, caffeine, biopolymeric membranes, zebrafish
2024PRAnnual BaseMultispectral Imaging and Artificial Intelligence in a Rapid, Portable and Low-Cost Water Quality SensorFederal: $21,933
Non-Federal: $10,967
Pedro J. Resto Irizarrybacteria, beaches, biomonitoring, data analysis, remote sensing, water quality, water quality monitoring
2024RIAnnual BaseAssessing activated carbon fibers for use in remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)-contaminated wastewater lagoons in Westerly, RIFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,787
Rainer Lohmanntoxic substances, surface water, water quality
2024RIAnnual BaseEstablishing a Neonicotinoid Monitoring Program Across Audubon Society of Rhode Island Wildlife RefugesFederal: $26,778
Non-Federal: $35,369
Vinka Oyanedel-Cravertoxic substances, water quality, surface water
2024RIAnnual BaseRiver Discharge Monitoring from Remote Ground MotionFederal: $24,991
Non-Federal: $24,958
Brian Savagemodels, groundwater, hydrology
2024RIAnnual BaseThe use of macroalgae as indicators of pollution by Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) in estuariesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $27,131
Carol Thornbernonpoint pollution, water quality
2024SCAnnual BaseEstimating Economic Value of Alternative Residential Wastewater Management in South CarolinaFederal: $34,970
Non-Federal: $65,082
Clemson Universityeconomics, wastewater, water quality
2024SCAnnual BaseSediment Source-Sink Analysis to Inform Phosphorous and Sediment Management Plan for a Eutrophic Reservoir in South CarolinaFederal: $25,443
Non-Federal: $32,061
Steven O'Shieldsnutrients, surface water, sediments, internal loading, legacy phosphorous, lakes, reservoirs
2024SCAnnual BaseGeospatial Analysis to Identify Ephemeral Wetlands in South CarolinaFederal: $42,199
Non-Federal: $42,199
David Whitewetlands, conservation, models
2024SDAnnual BaseAssessment of Groundwater Contamination in the Madison AquiferFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Liangping Ligroundwater, models, water quantity
2024SDAnnual BaseIntegrated Remote Sensing and Water Quality Analysis for Spatiotemporal Assessment of Surface Water Quality in Eastern South DakotaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,001
Sushant Mehanwater quality
2024SDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a non-contact, AI-driven method for rapid assessment of surface water quality based on imagery and smellsFederal: $12,372
Non-Federal: $12,372
Xufei Yangwater quality, methods, surface water
2024TNAnnual BaseDetermining Bioavailability and Trophic Movement of Cyanotoxins in an Aquatic SystemFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $38,599
Frank C. Bailey, Dan Huacyanobacteria, HABs, cyanotoxins, microcystin, trophic movement
2024TNAnnual BaseDevelopment of a low-cost camera-based turbidity sensorFederal: $34,955
Non-Federal: $35,110
Alfred J. Kalyanaputurbidity, water quality, Secci Disk, camera-based turbidity sensors, Internet-of-Things, IoT
2024TNAnnual BaseAssessing Stream Health in West Tennessee: Advancing Scalable GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques for Stream System AnalysisFederal: $23,548
Non-Federal: $24,898
Youngsang Kwon remote sensing, riparian buffer management, watershed headwaters, stream health assessment, UAVs, Python/GIS
2024TXAnnual BaseAssessing river-floodplain connectivity and material movement in coastal zones through paired hydrodynamic and particle transport modelingFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $7,500
Andrew Moodiesurface water, hydrology, solute transport
2024TXAnnual BasePerfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Texas aquatic ecosystems: evaluating connectivity between urban riverine, estuarine, and marine ecosystemsFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $7,500
Antonietta Quiggpfas
2024TXAnnual BaseAssessing the Potential for Naegleria fowleri and Opportunistic Pathogens in Splash Pad Water as the Climate Warms Federal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $7,500
Mary Jo Kirisitswater quality, climatological processes
2024UTAnnual BaseAdvance the representation of groundwater in a water management system model for the Bear River watershedFederal: $32,000
Non-Federal: $32,016
Pin Shuaimanagement and planning, models, groundwater, groundwater-surface water interactions, water management modeling, weap, modflow
2024UTAnnual BaseBear Lake’s Microbial Dynamics in the Shoreline: Unraveling the Hidden Threats to Ecosystems and Human HealthFederal: $32,000
Non-Federal: $31,998
Liyuan Houwater quality, non point pollution, toxic substances, microbial dynamics, metagenomic sequencing, anthropogenic activities, fecal pollution, harmful algal blooms, environmental health
2024UTAnnual BaseAssessing the Impacts of Persistent La Niña on Utah's Drought Risk to Strengthen Community ResilienceFederal: $30,397
Non-Federal: $30,400
Yoshimitsu Chikamotodrought, climatological processes, hydrology, drought, utah el niño southern oscillation, seasonal predictions, early warning
2024UTAnnual BaseThe Potential for Virtual Water Trade to Augment Water Availability in the Great Salt Lake and Colorado River BasinsFederal: $32,001
Non-Federal: $32,036
Christopher Lantwater quantity, agriculture, law, institutions, and policy, virtual water trade, water markets, colorado river basin, great salt lake basin
2024VAAnnual BaseCage experiments to assess eDNA detection distance in small temperature streamsFederal: $9,956
Non-Federal: $9,956
Paul Angermeierecology, methods, water quality
2024VAAnnual BaseAn Integrated Approach to Assess Freshwater Mussel Response to Anti-Inflammatory Pharmaceuticals in Virginia, USA Federal: $8,615
Non-Federal: $8,615
Austin Graywater quality, toxic substances, non point pollution
2024VAAnnual BaseMicroplastic Exchange Between Water and Gravel Beds in Streams: A Combined Flume Experiment and Numerical Simulation ApproachFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Hosein Foroutanwater quality, geomorpological processes, sediments
2024VIAnnual BaseProviding accessible water quality testing services for cistern water with focus on bacteria, disinfection byproducts, and other contaminants of local concern in St. Thomas, USVI Federal: $54,253
Non-Federal: $0
Amber Packardwater quality, toxic substances, water supply
2024VIAnnual BaseWater HeroesFederal: $54,558
Non-Federal: $0
Howard Forbes, Jr.water quality, education, conservation
2024VTAnnual BaseIdentifying the environmental drivers of toxic vs. non-toxic cyanobacteria strain abundance in two eutrophic bays of Lake Champlain.Federal: $15,400
Non-Federal: $15,400
Rodrigo Mauricio Soaresecology, water quality, toxic substances, surface water
2024VTAnnual BaseAssessing the impact of imparied lakes on zooplankton community responses to salt stressFederal: $14,992
Non-Federal: $14,992
Jason Stockwellecology, water quality, non point pollution, freshwater salinization, lakes, zooplankton, road salt, biodiversity
2024VTAnnual BaseMapping Vermont Flooding and Underserved Communities in Preparation for Future Events Federal: $13,183
Non-Federal: $13,183
Kris Stepenuckfloods, management and planning, education, flooding hazard, underserved communities, vulnerability, resilience
2024VTAnnual BaseInvestigating the hydrological processes underlying mid-winter thaw events in a Northeastern U.S. catchment.Federal: $10,744
Non-Federal: $10,744
Andrew Schrothhydrology, climatological processes, geomorpological processes, rain-on-snow, stable isotopes, climate change, precipitation
2024VTAnnual BaseFeasibility of using a low-cost sensor network to capture rain-on-snow events and episodic event-based material transport in the La Platte River WatershedFederal: $37,000
Non-Federal: $37,000
Clay Williamshydrology, sediments, water quality, suspended solids, soil flux, low-cost custom sensor network, adaptive multi-modal sensor systems
2024VTAnnual BaseRecycling Phosphorus at the Catchment Scale: Optimization and Field-Scale Demonstration for Farmer’s AdoptionFederal: $25,953
Non-Federal: $25,953
Nicolas Perdrialwater quality, nutrients, agriculture, dtwr, zeolite, phosphorus, tile drain, fertilizer, sustainability
2024WAAnnual BaseNitrogen retention in restored riparian buffers: impacts of stand age and nitrogen inputsFederal: $24,714
Non-Federal: $24,748
David Hoopernitrogen, riparian buffers, chronosequence, restoration, water quality
2024WAAnnual BaseEvaluating the temporal dynamics of drought propagation to groundwaterFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,004
Alexandra (Sasha) Richey McLartygroundwater, drought, emergency use
2024WAAnnual BaseUnderstanding how tungsten, an emerging contaminant, affects nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystemsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Nikolay Strigultungsten fate and transport, tungsten ecotoxicology, nutrient cycles
2024WIAnnual BaseLong-term threat of geogenic contaminants to water quality and quantity in the Midwestern Cambrian Ordovician Aquifer SystemFederal: $70,272
Non-Federal: $32,341
Matthew Ginder-Vogelgeochemical processes, groundwater, hydrogeochemistry
2024WIAnnual BaseWater Resources FellowFederal: $32,490
Non-Federal: $24,877
Jennifer Hauxwellwater quality, management and planning
2024WIAnnual BaseSummer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)Federal: $14,459
Non-Federal: $13,966
Alison Mikulyuksurface water
2024WVAnnual BasePrediction Modeling for AMD Treatment CostsFederal: $84,052
Non-Federal: $88,993
Leslie Hopkinsontreatment, management and planning
2024WYAnnual BaseEvaluation of Critical Minerals (CMs) Deposits, Mainly Lithium (Li) and Rare Earth Elements (REEs), in Wyoming as well as the Economic Viability of Mining These ResourcesFederal: $14,931
Non-Federal: $18,090
Maohong Fantreatment, management and planning, conservation, resource recovery
2024WYAnnual BaseEvaluating Toxicity of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in Wyoming Lakes and ReservoirsFederal: $19,034
Non-Federal: $41,147
Sarah Collinswater quality, ecology, nutrients
2024WYAnnual BaseHigh Resolution Upland and Riverbank Erosion Monitoring to Inform Best Management Practices that Seek to Reduce Sediment Accumulation at the Willwood DamFederal: $23,840
Non-Federal: $36,564
Austin Madsonsediments, geomorpological processes, water quality, management and planning
2023AKAnnual BaseAssessing Environmental DNA Analysis as a Transformative Approach to Building Climate Resilience in Alaska’s Rural Subsistence Fishing CommunitiesFederal: $21,639
Non-Federal: $21,639
Maggie Haringsconservation, ecology, methods, Environmental DNA, Salmon, Climate change adaptation, Subsistence fishing, Fisheries management, Aquatic resources
2023AKAnnual BaseHas Peak Flow been reached? Hindcasting and Forecasting Dixon Glacier Runoff Federal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $17,000
Kai Myershydrology, water quantity, climatological processes
2023AKAnnual BaseAnalysis of a persistent late freezing zone on the Tanana River: a case to study to understand the processes causing winter travel hazards in AlaskaFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Matthew Scragghydrology, surface water, groundwater
2023ALAnnual BaseLand Use Change Effects on Coastal Headwater Wetland HydrologyFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Thorsten Knappenbergerwetlands, hydrology, surface water
Non-Federal: $25,000
Michael Perezgeomorpological processes, wetlands, management and planning
2023ALAnnual BaseHow does extreme rainfall events influence surface runoff from Alabama cropping systems?Federal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $8,006
Rishi Prasadagriculture, climatological processes, floods
2023ARAnnual BaseMonitoring Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Central Arkansas water systemsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,067
Gunnar Boysenwater quality, solute transport, methods, PFAS
2023ARAnnual BaseDevelopment of On-Site Fluorescence PFAS SensorsFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,109
Lei Guonon point pollution, toxic substances, treatment, PFAS
2023ARAnnual BaseInfluence of phytoplankton stoichiometry on the prodcution of secondary metabolites in a central Arkansas reservoirFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,000
Felicia Osburnwater quality, ecology, nutrients, HABS
2023ARAnnual BaseInvestigating electrocoagulation as a Pretreatment for the Nanofiltration of Cyanotoxin-Contaminated Water ResourcesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Ranil Wickramasinghetreatment, toxic substances, water quality
2023ARAnnual BaseIdentifying Genetic Markers for Microcystin-Producing Algal BloomsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Wen Zhangwater quality, methods, surface water
2023ARAnnual BaseWhy and When does Microcystin Exceed Recreational Guidelines at Lake Fayetteville?Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Brian Haggardwater quality, toxic substances, models
2023AZAnnual BaseWater Stories: Enhancing Arizona Water Knowledge with Indigenous PerspectivesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,002
Myla Vicenti Carpiolaw, institutions, and policy, management and planning, education, Indigenous knowledge, environmental justice
2023AZAnnual BaseMultifunctional Rainwater Harvesting Impacts on Soil HealthFederal: $9,353
Non-Federal: $9,353
Laura Meredithdrought, conservation, water supply, Soil Health, rainwater harvesting
2023CAAnnual BaseEvaluating effects of deficit irrigation strategies on forage sorghum attributes and nutrient composition grown in the San Joaquin Valley of CaliforniaFederal: $13,309
Non-Federal: $12,777
Jackie Atimwater supply, conservation, agriculture, forage sorghum, deficit irrigation, production functions, yields
2023CAAnnual BaseAssessing Soil Water Distribution under Regenerative Agricultural Practices using Three-Dimensional Computed TomographyFederal: $14,077
Non-Federal: $14,077
Sangeeta Bansalagriculture, drought, methods, soil water, soil pore, regeneratieve agriculture, computed tomography
2023CAAnnual BaseCooling California Rivers: Using a spectral physically-based energy balance model to predict flow and river temperatures under current and future climatesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $13,736
Erin Brayconservation, wetlands, management and planning, river, stream flow, dams, water temperature, water supply
2023CAAnnual BaseLeveraging Water System Consolidations to Advance Equity and ResilienceFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,002
Kristin Dobbinwater quality, water supply, climatological processes, drinking water, water system consolidation, environmental justice, climate resilience
2023CAAnnual BaseTiming of Winter Cover Crop Termination to Conserve Soil Moisture Federal: $14,693
Non-Federal: $5,304
Sarah Lightagriculture, drought, conservation, cover crop termination, soil water, soil health
2023CAAnnual BaseA Stem Water Potential Model Based on Evapotranspiration and Soil TypeFederal: $14,291
Non-Federal: $4,924
Abdelmoneim Mohamedagriculture, conservation, drought
2023CAAnnual BaseManaging Peak Water Demand in Water Distribution SystemsFederal: $14,926
Non-Federal: $26,645
Jorge Pesantezmanagement and planning, methods, water supply, peak consumption, agent-based model, opinion dynamics, water demand
2023CAAnnual BaseMitigating Flood Risk in California’s Unincorporated CommunitiesFederal: $12,235
Non-Federal: $12,235
Danielle Riverafloods, education, law, institutions, and policy, flooding, unincorporated areas, mitigation, environmental planning
2023CAAnnual BaseUndergraduate Internship Program at the California Institute for Water ResourcesFederal: $13,373
Non-Federal: $10,930
Erik Porseeducation, management and planning, management and planning
2023COAnnual BaseHistoric Mapping of the Colorado River HeadwatersFederal: $4,588
Non-Federal: $9,359
Michael Childershydrology, ecology, agriculture
2023COAnnual BaseSettler-Colonialism and the Role of Military-Government Relationships in Environmental Crises: Extended Case Study of Peterson Air Force Base PFAS Water ContaminationFederal: $9,996
Non-Federal: $20,766
Malinlaw, institutions, and policy, toxic substances, management and planning
2023COAnnual BaseUsing mental models to understand the governance of adaptive river management for aquatic ecosystem sustainabilityFederal: $9,619
Non-Federal: $9,618
Jonathan Salernomanagement and planning, law, institutions, and policy, models
2023COAnnual BaseGeomorphic factors influencing post-wildfire fluvial responseFederal: $9,982
Non-Federal: $34,212
Wohlgeomorpological processes, water quality, conservation
2023COAnnual BaseEvaluation of Simulated Wildfire and WUI-fire Ash Through Toxicological AssaysFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Cresten Mansfeldttoxic substances, wastewater, water quality, Ecotoxicology, Wildfire, Water Security
2023COAnnual BaseEvaluation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ash and Surface Waters after Fires at the Wildland-Urban InterfaceFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Cresten Mansfeldtsurface water, toxic substances, water quality, Fire-residue contamination, surface water quality, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
2023COAnnual BaseAnalysis of the rainwater harvesting potential for residential irrigation in Colorado’s main urban areas under future climate conditionsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Aditi Bhaskarmanagement and planning, conservation, irrigation
2023CTAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Continuous Aquatic Plant Tracking and Imaging Network to Monitor Surface Water Bodies in ConnecticutFederal: $23,994
Non-Federal: $23,994
Chandi Witharanainvasive species, management and planning, models, Remote Sensing
2023CTAnnual BaseRoad salt in soils and its effects on overwintering amphibiansFederal: $24,971
Non-Federal: $25,206
Steven Brady
2023DCAnnual BaseBiocomposites for Caffeine Detection and Removal in Aquatic EcosystemsFederal: $23,000
Non-Federal: $23,495
Magda La Torreecology, agriculture, conservation
2023DCAnnual BaseRapid, Portable and Low-Cost Water Quality Sensor Using Artificial IntelligenceFederal: $22,843
Non-Federal: $26,881
Pedro Resto Irizarrywater quality, wastewater, methods
2023DCAnnual BaseInstallation and integration of a rainwater collection system with a rainfall simulator to enhance water erosion research in Puerto RicoFederal: $23,026
Non-Federal: $23,580
Salvador Acuña Guzmanagriculture, hydrology, sediments
2023FLAnnual BaseEnvironmental Tracking of Water in Florida: Assessment of pathogens in coastal waters after extreme weather events. Federal: $27,937
Non-Federal: $13,166
Antar Jutlasurface water, water quantity, floods, Ecology, Hydrology
2023FLAnnual BaseImpacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Coastal Hydrology, Ecology, and EconomicsFederal: $27,937
Non-Federal: $45,086
David Kaplanwater quality, water quantity, agriculture, Fisheries, Coastal Ecosystems, Economics, Modeling, Sustainability, Water Use
2023FLAnnual BaseEffects of per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) on microbial community structure and function at the Indian River Lagoon: Implications on sediment biochemical cycles Federal: $27,937
Non-Federal: $11,768
Kathy Deliztoxic substances, sediments, nutrients, PFAS, IRL
2023FLAnnual BaseTailoring the Surface Chemistry of Activated Carbon with Molecular Imprinted Polymers for Ultra Selective Removal of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Water Federal: $27,937
Non-Federal: $12,399
Andreia Fariatreatment, Activated carbon, adsorption, selective adsorbents, PFAS, molecule imprinted polymers
2023GAAnnual BaseBias Corrected and Spatio-Temporally Downscaled Climate Sequences for the Southeastern U.S.Federal: $20,981
Non-Federal: $20,985
Husayn El Sharifclimatological processes, climate change, climate models, statistical downscaling, impact assessments
2023GAAnnual BaseSpatial changes in trace element water chemistry across Piedmont rivers of Georgia with applications for native fish species conservationFederal: $20,410
Non-Federal: $20,410
Martin Hamel, James Sheltonecology, conservation, water quality, microchemistry
2023GAAnnual BaseEvaluating longitudinal declines in water quality in the Conasauga River using aquatic macroinvertebratesFederal: $20,854
Non-Federal: $20,874
Seth Wengerecology, conservation, non point pollution
2023GAAnnual BaseDevelopment of A Green Infrastructure by Using Biochar Amended Topsoil for On-Site Stormwater Runoff Treatment – Phase IIFederal: $20,989
Non-Federal: $20,989
George Yuzhu Futreatment, water quality, non point pollution, Biochar Amended Topsoil, On-Site Stormwater Treatment
2023GUAnnual BaseSurface hydrology and terrain analysis of Southern GuamFederal: $9,386
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habanahydrology, surface water, models, Hydrologic boundaries and streams/rivers
2023GUAnnual BaseMAppFx: Flow duration of southern Guam rivers and streamsFederal: $8,386
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habanahydrology, models, surface water, Interagency partnership hydrologic database system
2023GUAnnual BaseMAppFx: production well nitrates, Saipan, CNMIFederal: $10,241
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habanagroundwater, water quality, nitrate contamination, Interagency partnership data visualization database system
2023GUAnnual BaseStudy of tectonic and freshwater plubming system history based on marine terracesFederal: $30,676
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Blaž Miklavičgroundwater, models, geomorpological processes, water resources
2023GUAnnual BaseField orientation, information-sharing, and team-building in FSMFederal: $10,084
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Blaž Miklavičgroundwater, models, geomorpological processes, water resources
2023GUAnnual BaseWater Quality Monitoring of Agana Swamp on Guam Federal: $20,792
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kimwater quality, nitrate contamination, surface water
2023GUAnnual BasePFOS trend monitoring in Saipan production wellsFederal: $44,335
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kimwater quality, groundwater, solute transport
2023GUAnnual BaseInformation Transfer of Water Quality Analysis Techniques for FSM Water Utility Agencies Federal: $49,015
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kimwater quality, water supply, wastewater
2023GUAnnual BaseInvestigate Geographical and Environmental Challenges of Marpi Landfill in Saipan, CNMIFederal: $28,614
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeonon point pollution, hydrology
2023GUAnnual BaseEstablishing a GIS Model for Mapping Groundwater Protection Zones in Guam: Phase IIFederal: $33,254
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wengroundwater, models, methods, GIS
2023GUAnnual BaseSpatio-temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends fo Salinity in Mangilao BasinFederal: $28,754
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wengroundwater, models, methods, GIS
2023HIAnnual BaseUnderstanding the impact of nutrient loading on the ecology of Staphylococcus aureus in Hawaii beach sandFederal: $39,985
Non-Federal: $39,985
Marek Kirswater quality, sediments, nutrients
2023HIAnnual BaseAssessing Watershed Pollutant Impacts Using Nearshore Coral Microbiome BioindicatorsFederal: $39,927
Non-Federal: $39,927
Craig Nelsonnon point pollution, water quality, ecology
2023HIAnnual BaseCharacterizing network-wide, spatially explicit current and future stream temperature distribution.Federal: $39,822
Non-Federal: $39,822
Henrietta Dulaihydrology, models, ecology
2023HIAnnual BaseDaily Streamflow Forecasting in American Samoa by Deep Learning ApproachesFederal: $39,737
Non-Federal: $0
Sayed Batenihydrology, management and planning, models
2023HIAnnual BaseStrengthening understanding of land-sea systems: illuminating drivers of nutrient and sediment loads and links to coral reefs in American SamoaFederal: $39,654
Non-Federal: $0
Leah Bremerecology, non point pollution, nutrients
2023HIAnnual BaseUrban pūnāwai: nucleating participatory water research and education networksFederal: $22,828
Non-Federal: $11,858
Aurora K. Kagawa-Viviani hydrology, wetlands, education
2023HIAnnual BaseProbing algae-bacteria interactions in coastal wastewater treatment systemsFederal: $22,828
Non-Federal: $11,414
Zhiyue Wangmethods, nutrients, wastewater, microalgae, wastewater, gene quantification, community analysis
2023IAAnnual BaseUsing Optical Brighteners as Proxies for Probing Waste in Surface WaterFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $29,156
Jacob Petrichmethods, groundwater, surface water
2023IAAnnual BaseFloodRSS: Flood Resilience Support System for Participatory Community Action Federal: $19,999
Non-Federal: $20,055
Ibrahim Demirfloods, hydrology, management and planning
2023IAAnnual BaseStream Nitrate Load Monitoring for Watershed Scale Assessment of Edge-of-Field PracticesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Thomas Isenhartwater quality, non point pollution, agriculture, tile drainage, best management practices
2023IDAnnual BaseEstimating change in crop water demand and water withdrawals for irrigation in southern Idaho due to climate change Federal: $39,000
Non-Federal: $39,000
Karen Humesirrigation, water quantity, drought, water demand
2023IDAnnual BasePhysical modeling of vegetated fluvial systems: examining the flow-vegetation coupling through realistic plant analogues and their role on hyporheic exchangeFederal: $39,000
Non-Federal: $39,000
Gianluca Bloisgroundwater, surface water, water quality
2023ILAnnual BaseLand use impacts on environmental quality and aquatic biodiversity in the Vermillion River drainage, IllinoisFederal: $15,141
Non-Federal: $19,079
Christopher A. Taylorconservation, invasive species, surface water
2023ILAnnual BaseDevelopment of next-generation electrochemical systems for short-chain PFAS removal and remediationFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Xiao Su groundwater, treatment, wastewater
2023ILAnnual BaseFast and Energy-Efficient Destruction of PFAS compounds with Piezoelectric Formulations on Aqueous Sorbents (FEED-PFAS)Federal: $14,998
Non-Federal: $15,003
Andres Pradatoxic substances, treatment, water quality
2023ILAnnual BaseAssessing the Vulnerability of Public Water Systems to Droughts with an Integrated Remote Sensing and Social Sensing ApproachFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,726
Ruopu Lidrought, hydrology, management and planning
2023INAnnual BaseFish and macroinvertebate assemblages of the upper Wabash River: preliminary data prior to flow restoration by modifying dam operationsFederal: $24,972
Non-Federal: $24,972
Mark Pyronecology, hydrology, Ecosystem, Fish assemblages, flow restoration
2023INAnnual BaseCrayfish as Bioindicators of Water Quality in Freshwater Ecosystems in IndianaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Jennifer Latimergeochemical processes, water quality, Biogeochemistry, Pollution, Metals, Water Quality, Crayfish, Macroinvertebrates
2023INAnnual BaseA novel approach to evaluate the occurrence and mechanisms of flash drought and its impacts on crop yield over IndianaFederal: $24,988
Non-Federal: $45,823
Lixin Wangagriculture, climatological processes, drought, Climate change, Crop production, Ecohydrology, Flash drought, Multi-sensor remote sensing, Regional drivers
2023INAnnual BaseExamining the sustainability of large trans-basin diversions in Indiana Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,932
Laura Bowlinggroundwater, water supply, management and planning, Water rights, groundwater sustainability, streamflow impact, water demand, trans-basin diversions
2023KSAnnual BaseInvestigating management techniques for irrigation with contaminated waters in the closed-basin Arkansas River region of western KansasFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $31,176
Jonathan Aguilarirrigation, conservation, drought, Closed-basin
2023KSAnnual BaseUnraveling Spatiotemporal Patterns in Watershed Nutrient and Sediment Loads under Conditions of Rapid Crop Conversion using Direct Sampling and Remote Sensing Observations. Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Amy Hansonsediments, nutrients
2023KSAnnual BaseForecasting streamflow and groundwater depletion with deep learning models to sustain Kansan water resourcesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Admin Husicgroundwater, streamflow
2023KSAnnual BaseHerbal medicine for sick ponds: Are native aquatic macrophytes a cheap and easy wayt to Mitigate HABs? Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,173
Jennifer Moodywater quality, HABs
2023KYAnnual BaseImplications of PFAS to Water Quality Improvement in Treatment WetlandsFederal: $19,981
Non-Federal: $20,172
Tiffany Messerwater quality, wetlands, non point pollution, PFAS, emerging contaminants, biogeochemical processes
2023KYAnnual BaseEvaluating the effects of ecological restoration efforts on stream health in the inner BluegrassFederal: $19,507
Non-Federal: $19,516
Kenton Senawater quality, ecology, methods, Macroinvertebrates, Index of biotic integrity
2023KYAnnual BasePerceptions of greenness: Wetland assessments through field measurements, remote sensing, and citizen engagementFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $18,588
Andrea Gaughanwetlands, hydrology, water quality, remote sensing, satellite, drone, algal bloom, methane, carbon
2023KYAnnual BasePredicting greenhouse gas fluxes in bottomland hardwood wetlands across levels of spatial soil complexity and hydrogeomorphic setting.Federal: $19,995
Non-Federal: $20,862
Jessica B. Moonwetlands, hydrology, sediments, carbon cycling
2023KYAnnual BaseUnderstanding nitrate pollution sources during flooding events in KentuckyFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Andrea Erhardtnitrate contamination, hydrogeochemistry, floods
2023LAAnnual BaseDetermination of precise land subsidence for groundwater management using InSARFederal: $19,060
Non-Federal: $19,093
Ahmed Abdallagroundwater, management and planning, methods
2023LAAnnual BaseCatalytic Composite Ultrafiltration Membrane for Simultaneous Degradation and Separation of Perfluoroalkyl SubstancesFederal: $19,060
Non-Federal: $19,093
Kofi Christietreatment, groundwater, wastewater
2023LAAnnual BaseForecasting harmful algal blooms in Lake Pontchartrain, LouisianaFederal: $19,533
Non-Federal: $19,587
Zhiqiang Dengmodels, water quality, non point pollution
2023LAAnnual BaseTime-lapse Electrical resistivity tomography and seismic reflection imaging of a shallow groundwater aquifer (0-50m) in the Mississippi Flood Plain: Duncan Point, Baton Rouge, LouisianaFederal: $19,480
Non-Federal: $20,678
Juan Lorenzogroundwater, floods, methods
2023LAAnnual BaseExploring the potential of using cover cropping for making soil resilient to extreme weather and promoting weather-proofing agricultureFederal: $18,902
Non-Federal: $18,904
Xi Zhangagriculture, drought, water quantity
2023MAAnnual BaseCo-Hydrothermal Conversion of Microplastic Pollutants and Harmful Algal Bloom into Biocrude OilFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Wan-Ting (Grace) Chentoxic substances, water quality, treatment, Microplastic pollutants
2023MAAnnual BaseTailorable, Dynamically Crosslinked Polymer Adsorbents for Targeted Capture and Release of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Federal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
James Reuthertreatment, water quality, methods
2023MAAnnual BaseConjunctive Water Use for Managing Drought in the Middle Connecticut RiverFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $12,139
Timothy Randhirdrought, agriculture, water supply
2023MDAnnual BaseAssessing and understanding spatiotemporal variation in stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope values of Maryland’s riversFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $64,001
Lee W Cooperclimatological processes, geochemical processes, groundwater, stable isotopes
2023MDAnnual BaseWater Budgets and Water Quality Trends of Interstate Watersheds on the Delmarva PeninsulaFederal: $84,840
Non-Federal: $53,786
Kaye L Brubakerhydrology, non point pollution, education
2023MEAnnual BaseSocio‐Economic and Environmental Analyses for Using Woody Biochar to Conserve Water and Sustain Agriculture in MaineFederal: $34,000
Non-Federal: $36,027
Ling Lidrought, hydrology, economics, agriculture
2023MEAnnual BaseShifting Seasonality: consequences of the changing autumn season for Maine’s ecologically and recreationally valuable mountain pondsFederal: $33,920
Non-Federal: $37,302
Jasmine Sarosclimatological processes, water quality, conservation
2023MEAnnual BaseHydrologic and hydraulic performance of novel shallow wells in agricultural landscapesFederal: $33,001
Non-Federal: $34,227
Rachel Schattmangroundwater, water supply, agriculture
2023MIAnnual BaseUtilizing Machine Learning for Assessing the Effects of Climate Change and Human Actions on the Replenishment of Michigan's GroundwaterFederal: $49,996
Non-Federal: $50,014
Amirpouyan Nejadhashemigroundwater, models, water quantity
2023MIAnnual BaseDeveloping stable isotope fingerprinting LC-Orbitrap-MS method to investigate PFAS provenance, fate, and transport in waterFederal: $24,991
Non-Federal: $24,954
James Moranwater quality, solute transport
2023MIAnnual BaseEstimation of Agricultural Return Flow and Groundwater Recharge Using Computation Model and Sensor TechnologyFederal: $49,803
Non-Federal: $49,809
Younsuk Dongagriculture, irrigation, groundwater
2023MNAnnual BaseSnow hydrology in Minnesota headwater catchmentsFederal: $8,555
Non-Federal: $17,227
Xue Fenghydrology, wetlands, climatological processes
2023MNAnnual BaseAssessing the impact of industrial agriculture on water quantity and water quality in the Park Rapids regionFederal: $10,928
Non-Federal: $18,158
John Niebernitrate contamination, hydrology, groundwater
2023MOAnnual BaseStudy the Vertical Distribution of Tire Wear Particles within the Water ColumnFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Maryam Salehiwater quality, plastic pollution, tire wear particles
2023MOAnnual BaseMitigating Nonpoint Source Nutrient Pollution in Urban Runoff with Full-Scale Floating Treatment WetlandsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Dev K. Niyoginon point pollution, nutrients, wetlands
2023MOAnnual BaseMicroplastic fluxes among environmental compartments over multiple flow conditions in an urban watershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $67,153
Elizabeth A. Hasenmuellerwater quality, surface water, hydrogeochemistry, microplastics, contaminant transport, flooding, urbanization
2023MSAnnual BaseImpoundment of oxbow lakes for enhanced qquifer recharge: geophysical exploration for identifying target sitres and potential impact of altered hydroperiod on wetland treesFederal: $30,626
Non-Federal: $32,399
Gregg Davidsonhydrology, wetlands, ecology, sediment
2023MTAnnual BaseExploring water quality in Montana groundwater and understanding associated drivers of human health riskFederal: $15,756
Non-Federal: $15,868
W. Adam Siglerwater quality, hydrogeochemistry, groundwater
2023MTAnnual BaseUnderstanding Irrigator Decision-Making to Design for Drought in the Upper Missouri Headwaters Federal: $18,678
Non-Federal: $18,678
Arica Crootofmanagement and planning, drought, irrigation
2023MTAnnual BaseTemporal and spatial variation of microbial community dynamics related to nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands.Federal: $2,495
Non-Federal: $1,123
Stephanie Ayottewastewater, treatment, nitrate contamination
2023MTAnnual BaseDrought Conflict and Cooperation in Montana: Trends Across the State Federal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,125
Erin Bjorklunddrought, water supply, management and planning
2023MTAnnual BaseAssessment of Water Availability for Irrigation within the Elevational Gradient of a Mountainous Catchment in Southwestern MontanaFederal: $2,414
Non-Federal: $1,086
Eliza Rickenbaughwater supply, irrigation, surface water
2023MTAnnual BaseBeavers and their analogs: the effects of restoration tools on western stream ecosystemsFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,175
Hilary Schultzwater quality, ecology, hydrogeochemistry
2023MTAnnual BaseThe influence of nutrients on the accumulation of dissolved, colloidal, and particulate metals in a stream food web Federal: $2,490
Non-Federal: $1,170
Dylan Whitewater quality, ecology, surface water
2023NCAnnual BaseNovel techniques to enhance physical and biological nutrient treatment and recovery at rural wastewater facilitiesFederal: $30,017
Non-Federal: $29,970
Michael Burchellwastewater, treatment, wetlands
2023NCAnnual BaseProbabilistic Streambank Erosion Curves for Advancing Assessment and Prediction in the Context of Climate ChangeFederal: $24,628
Non-Federal: $35,372
Celso Castro-Bolinagaclimatological processes, sediments, models
2023NCAnnual BaseImproved Quantification of Stormwater Dilution in Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Using Organic Matter FluorescenceFederal: $24,468
Non-Federal: $35,520
Christopher Osburnwastewater, treatment, water quality
2023NCAnnual BasePotential impacts of lithium mining on water quality in North CarolinaFederal: $25,208
Non-Federal: $0
Avner Vengoshsurface water, groundwater, water quality
2023NCAnnual BaseMicroplastic sources, abundance, and cycling dynamics in water, sediments, and caddisfly larvae of a representative Appalachian headwater basin.Federal: $32,221
Non-Federal: $0
Jerry Millerwater quality, surface water, toxic substances
2023NDAnnual BaseSmart radiometer for soil moisture detection in view of an efficient irrigation systemFederal: $5,552
Non-Federal: $5,565
Shuvashis Deyagriculture, irrigation, water supply,
2023NDAnnual BaseEnhancing Machine Learning Methods for Rainfall-Runoff ForecastingFederal: $4,653
Non-Federal: $4,694
Xuefeng Chuhydrology, models, surface water
2023NDAnnual BasePolyelectrolyte biopolymers (PEBs) for chloride remediation in water and soils impacted by brine spillsFederal: $4,620
Non-Federal: $5,798
Thomas M. DeSuttertoxic substances, acid deposition, treatment
2023NDAnnual BaseActivated Carbon Modified Chitosan Membranes/Beads for Bromate Removal from Drinking WaterFederal: $4,532
Non-Federal: $4,821
Achintya Bezbaruahwater quality, toxic substances, treatment
2023NDAnnual BaseLooking Ahead: A Sustainable Approach to PFAS Removal From Drinking WaterFederal: $4,100
Non-Federal: $4,174
Achintya Bezbaruahwater quality, treatment, toxic substances
2023NDAnnual BaseAquatic macroinvertebrates as indicators of restoration success in Prairie Pothole Region wetlandsFederal: $4,100
Non-Federal: $6,881
Marinus Ottewetlands, management and planning, water quality
2023NDAnnual BaseSocial Sensing for Supporting Water Infrastructure Resilience Federal: $3,961
Non-Federal: $4,174
Chau Lefloods, management and planning
2023NDAnnual BaseUtilizing remote-controlled drip irrigation for high tunnel tomato and pepper productions in North DakotaFederal: $3,961
Non-Federal: $4,174
Xinhua Jiairrigation, agriculture, conservation
2023NDAnnual BaseInSAR, Repeat Photography, and GPS to Monitor Landslides in North DakotaFederal: $3,961
Non-Federal: $3,961
Benjamin Laabshydrology, geomorpological processes, climatological processes
2023NDAnnual BaseEnhanced Removal of Organic Micropollutants in Agricultural Runoff and Wastewater Effluent by Novel KrCl* Excimer Lamp (222 nm)Federal: $3,615
Non-Federal: $3,615
Jiale Xutreatment, wastewater, toxic substances
2023NDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Joint Modeling Framework for Assessing the Impacts of Wetland Restoration on Hydrologic Processes in an Impaired Wetland-Influenced Watershed in North DakotaFederal: $3,615
Non-Federal: $3,627
Xuefeng Chuwetlands, hydrology, models
2023NDAnnual BaseReconstructing glyphosate use in the Prairie Pothole Region: A paleolimnological approachFederal: $3,630
Non-Federal: $8,217
Marinus Otteecology, sediments, wetlands, agriculture
2023NDAnnual BaseEvaluating the Impact of Constructed Wetlands at the Watershed ScaleFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $2,782
Marinus L. Ottewetlands, water quality, models
2023NDAnnual BaseAutomated irrigation for commercial production of watermelon, squash, and muskmelon cultivars in Oakes Federal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $2,782
Xinhua Jiairrigation, agriculture, conservation
2023NDAnnual BaseDeveloping Machine Learning and Deep Learning Soil Moisture Models for Precision Agricultural ApplicationsFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $2,782
Zhulu Lin, Xin (Rex) Sunwater supply, agriculture, models
2023NDAnnual BaseCross-stream shear stress distribution in ice-covered Federal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $2,782
Trung Bao Lefloods, climatological processes, hydrology
2023NDAnnual BaseBuilding NRCS Technical Capacity in Irrigation Water Management for Variable Rate IrrigationFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $2,782
Dean D. Steeleirrigation, water quantity, conservation, sensors
2023NDAnnual BaseTowards a Low-cost, Pervasive Metasurface-based Dielectric Resonator Wireless Soil Salinity and Moisture Sensing System for Precision Agriculture  Federal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $2,782
Shuvashis Deywater quality, agriculture, hydrology
2023NDAnnual BaseSustainable Management of Dams and Reservoirs in North Dakota: Sediment Transport CharacterizationFederal: $4,572
Non-Federal: $4,933
Yeo Howe Limsediments, water supply, management and planning, water quality
2023NDAnnual BaseSalts Removal as an Effective and Economical Method of Bakken Formation TreatmentFederal: $4,572
Non-Federal: $4,933
Yeo Howe Limtreatment, water quality, groundwater, produced water
2023NDAnnual BaseData mining of hybrid processes for microplastics treatments in wastewater and landfill leachateFederal: $4,363
Non-Federal: $4,759
Yun Jiwastewater, water quality, treatment
2023NDAnnual BaseDetermination of Water Quality Parameters in Small Waterbodies using UAV Hyperspectral Remote SensingFederal: $3,554
Non-Federal: $3,700
Yeo Howe Limwater quality, nutrients, surface water, remote sensing
2023NDAnnual BaseData mining of hybrid processes for microplasitics treatments in wastewater and landfill leachateFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $3,995
Yun Jiwastewater, models, methods
2023NDAnnual BaseDetecting Scale-Specific Changes in Wetland Water Quality and Ecological CommunitiesFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $2,991
Mark Kaemingkecology, methods, wetlands
2023NEAnnual BaseGrassland wildfire impacts on lake ecosystemsFederal: $29,841
Non-Federal: $29,841
Jessica Cormanwater quality, nutrients, surface water
2023NEAnnual Base Managing Irrigated Cropping Systems for Drought Resilience and Vadose zone Nitrate Control: Field Evaluations and Modeling Federal: $29,962
Non-Federal: $29,966
Abia Katimbo water quality
2023NEAnnual BaseSynergistic effect of biochar and biosolids to limit nitrate leaching beneath croplandFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $14,958
Arindam Malakarnitrate contamination, nutrients, geochemical processes, hydrogeochemistry
2023NEAnnual BaseGrowing Groundwater Science Federal: $14,119
Non-Federal: $16,283
Dan Snowgroundwater, nitrate contamination
2023NEAnnual BaseMetal Oxide precipitates on irrigation center pivots as a non-invasive screening tool for redox sensitive trace metals in groundwaterFederal: $11,299
Non-Federal: $11,331
Jeffrey Westropwater quality, geochemical processes, groundwater
2023NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watershedsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $69,251
William H. McDowellwater quality, surface water, non point pollution
2023NHAnnual BaseRevealing the Dark Cyanotoxin BiosphereFederal: $29,494
Non-Federal: $30,859
Jeffrey Millerwater quality, toxic substances, methods, Cyanobacteria, Blooms, Picocyanobacteria, ddPCR, Metagenomics
2023NJAnnual BasePre-and post-storm PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) distribution in Atlantic City Reservoir and connected streamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Thivanka Ariyarathna, Brian T. Buckleynon point pollution, surface water, solute transport, toxic substances, water quality, hydrogeochemistry, floods
2023NJAnnual BaseAssessing spatiotemporal variations and driving forces of harmful algal blooms in New Jersey lakes using remote sensing and artificial intelligenceFederal: $19,090
Non-Federal: $20,966
Huiran Jinwater quality, surface water, methods, education
2023NJAnnual BaseBioretention system optimization for effective stormwater quality managementFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,012
Viravid Na Nagara, Michel Boufadelwater quality, non point pollution, treatment
2023NJAnnual BaseMixed media biologically active filters for water reuse in agricultureFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Tanvir Ahmed, Lisa Axeagriculture, irrigation, non point pollution, treatment, nutrients
2023NJAnnual BaseReductive defluorination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in sedimentsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,002
Melissa Caruana, Donna Fennellsediments, treatment, toxic substances, PFAS, biodegradation
2023NJAnnual BaseMetal complexation in New Jersey brownfield soils, a critical water quality issueFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Eshariah Dyson, Nina Goodeygeochemical processes, water quality, sediments, toxic substances, wetlands
2023NJAnnual BaseAssessing hydrologically sensitive areas as a novel indicator of flood risks using a hedonic pricing methodFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Wenlong Feng, Zeyuan Qiueconomics, floods, hydrology, management and planning, models
2023NJAnnual BaseAlgal separation using recoverable magnetic particles under a tunable magnetic fieldFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Lili Li, Yihan Zhang, Wen Zhangtreatment, water quality, water supply
2023NJAnnual BaseAn integrated approach to groundwater management in northern New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Toritseju Oyen, Duke Ophoriwater quality, groundwater, geochemical processes, model, salinity, deicing salts
2023NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of graphene oxide quantum dot immobilized multifunctional super hydrophilic membranes for the removal of diverse contaminants: from gasoline to PFASFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Sumona Paul, Somenath Mitrawater quality, wastewater, treatment
2023NJAnnual BaseNanobubble-enhanced oxygenation of reduced iron-bearing minerals for organic phosphorus removal from wastewaterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,040
Lai Wei, Lijie Zhangwastewater, treatment, water quality, nutrient
2023NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information System for Water Resources Research Planning and OutreachFederal: $22,952
Non-Federal: $22,952
Alexander G. Fernaldmanagement and planning, agriculture, models
2023NMAnnual BaseCollective effects of different PFAS chemicals on migration behaviors and toxicity Federal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Runwei Lisolute transport, toxic substances, water quality, PFAS, co-transport, migration, co-exposure, ecotoxicity
2023NMAnnual BaseNew Mexico Statewide Drought Vulnerability Analysis Under Future Climate Change Scenarios Using a Physically-Based Coupled ModelFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Huidae Chodrought, hydrology, methods
2023NMAnnual BaseNumerical modeling of root water uptake of forage crops in semi-arid environmentsFederal: $27,000
Non-Federal: $27,000
Rajan Ghimireconservation, irrigation, models, soil health
2023NVAnnual BaseRemoval of Fluoride from Groundwater in Rural Communities of Nevada Federal: $34,768
Non-Federal: $34,768
Erick Bandalagroundwater, water quality
2023NVAnnual BaseA Storyline Approach to Assess the 1997 New Year’s Flood in Western NevadaFederal: $28,653
Non-Federal: $28,653
Guo Yufloods, hydrology, climatological processes
2023NVAnnual BaseApplying Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) to Study the Concentration Variation of Heavy Metals in Lake Mead Due to Climate Change and Population Growth in Southern NevadaFederal: $35,790
Non-Federal: $98,870
Zaijing Sundrought, radioactive substances, water quality
2023NYAnnual BaseSatellite-based monitoring and web-based visualization of sediment and turbidity of the Finger Lakes Federal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $36,143
Bahram Salehiwater quality, methods, sediments
2023NYAnnual BaseDoes this taste salty to you? Chronic effects of road salt application on stream food websFederal: $35,355
Non-Federal: $38,670
Whorleyecology, surface water, water quality, road salt
2023OHAnnual BaseUsing long-term satellite data and machine learning to quantify changes in riverine phosphorus in the Ohio River BasinFederal: $35,983
Non-Federal: $40,824
Dongmei Fengwater quality, models, nutrients
2023OHAnnual BaseEvaluating the relationship between variable winter/spring conditions and cyanobacteria dynamics in Ohio reservoirsFederal: $35,208
Non-Federal: $35,403
Lesley Knollecology, nutrients, non point pollution
2023OHAnnual BaseDecision-tool to prioritize water line repair to combat water inequityFederal: $30,172
Non-Federal: $30,198
Yalin Dongwater supply, models, economics
2023OKAnnual BaseTechnology for Measurement and Remediation of PFAS in Contaminated WaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,002
Allen Apblettwater quality, wastewater, groundwater, Polyfluroalkyl substances
2023OKAnnual BaseRecovering Water and Metals From Produced WaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $48,438
Mark Krzmarzickwater quality, wastewater, water supply
2023OKAnnual BaseEvaluating Regenerative Agricultural Practices (RAPs) as a Strategy to Mitigate Flash Flooding in Southwest OklahomaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,663
Ali Mirchifloods, agriculture, water quantity, Soil Health
2023OKAnnual BaseEstimating runoff and nitrate leaching from the Oklahoma TAPS program using the DNDC modelFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Mary Foltzmodels, nitrate contamination, agriculture
2023OKAnnual BaseFate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in wastewater treatment facilities in OklahomaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Kiranmayi Mangalgiriwater quality, surface water, toxic substances, PFAS
2023OKAnnual BaseImproving Membrane Distillation Technology by Controlling Hydrophobicity of Microporous MembraneFederal: $4,946
Non-Federal: $4,953
Khaled Sallamwastewater, treatment, drought
2023ORAnnual BaseTransboundary Groundwater Management in Klamath Basin, Oregon and CaliforniaFederal: $14,646
Non-Federal: $17,249
Stephen Goodgroundwater, law, institutions, and policy, agriculture
2023ORAnnual BaseAssessment of Legal and Policy Options to Restore Water Levels in Lake Abert and Summer LakeFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $7,500
Michelle Smithlaw, institutions, and policy, management and planning, surface water
2023ORAnnual BaseWorkforce Development for Water-Related Careers in OregonFederal: $24,514
Non-Federal: $24,755
Fletcher Beaudoineducation
2023PAAnnual BaseIdentification, characterization and risk assessment of PFAS in Schuylkill River WatershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Gangadhar Andaluriwater quality, toxic substances, surface water, PFAS
2023PAAnnual BaseDefluorination of PFAS by iron/carbon/nanofiber composites under UVC lightFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,065
Dipendu Sahawater quality, toxic substances, treatment
2023PAAnnual BaseEvaluating the spatial and temporal variability of microplastics in freshwater stream macroinvertebrates in Central PennsylvaniaFederal: $24,931
Non-Federal: $24,931
Jon Sweetmantoxic substances, water quality, non point pollution, Ecology, Surface Water
2023PRAnnual BaseBiocomposites for Caffeine Detection and Removal in Aquatic EcosystemsFederal: $23,000
Non-Federal: $23,495
Magda La Torreecology, agriculture, conservation
2023PRAnnual BaseRapid, Portable and Low-Cost Water Quality Sensor Using Artificial IntelligenceFederal: $22,844
Non-Federal: $26,881
Pedro Resto Irizarrywater quality, wastewater, methods
2023PRAnnual BaseInstallation and integration of a rainwater collection system with a rainfall simulator to enhance water erosion research in Puerto RicoFederal: $23,026
Non-Federal: $23,580
Salvador Acuña Guzmanagriculture, hydrology, sediments
2023RIAnnual BaseAssessing the risk of PFAS-contaminated sediments in textile mill waste lagoons along the Pawcatuck River in Westerly, RIFederal: $19,303
Non-Federal: $19,301
Rainer Lohmanntoxic substances, surface water, water quality
2023RIAnnual BaseSeptic-groundwater interaction: water table variability over seasons and storms in Charlestown, RIFederal: $26,403
Non-Federal: $31,586
Chrisopher Russoniellowater quality, surface water, groundwater
2023RIAnnual BaseSampling and characterization of nanoplastics in tap water of Rhode IslandFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $28,756
Yang Lintoxic substances, water quality
2023RIAnnual BaseNanoparticle-based sensors for real-time, continuous PFAS identificationFederal: $19,300
Non-Federal: $18,112
Ryan Poling-Skutviktoxic substances, water quality
2023SCAnnual BaseIntegrating Alligator Tissues and Environmental Samples as Novel Matrices for Monitoring PFAS and Microplastic Contamination in South Carolina WetlandsFederal: $34,419
Non-Federal: $35,554
James Andersonconservation, water quality, wetlands, microplastic, PFAS, alligaors
2023SCAnnual BaseDevelopment of Statewide Baseline Microcystin GIS Database for South Carolina Ponds: Capturing Initial Microcystin Data for Research and AnalysisFederal: $34,670
Non-Federal: $36,310
Debabata Sahootoxic substances, water quality, surface water
2023SCAnnual BaseA High-resolution Inventory of South Carolina’s Waterbodies from Multi-source GIS productsFederal: $33,448
Non-Federal: $33,537
Cuizhen (Susan) Wangwater quantity, surface water, management and planning, GIS, Remote Sensing
2023SDAnnual BasePilot scale (Year 2) study for utilizing nanobubble technology for dairy processing effluentFederal: $37,583
Non-Federal: $37,585
Maneesha Mohantreatment, wastewater, water quality
2023TNAnnual BaseQuantifying Agricultural Water Use in Tennessee and Assessing Areas of Potential Water Availablility ConcernFederal: $26,000
Non-Federal: $32,959
Emine Fidan
2023TNAnnual BaseReconstruct missing data in water system with machine learningFederal: $26,000
Non-Federal: $34,988
Haochen Li
2023TNAnnual BaseOptimizing sampling and processing techniques for improved microplastic source dtermination in Tennesseee waterwaysFederal: $25,999
Non-Federal: $41,138
Stephanie DeVries
2023TXAnnual BaseTransport of antibiotics and bacterial antibiotic-resistance genes in soils of semi-arid regions of TexasFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,008
Itza Mendozasolute transport, water quality, irrigation
2023TXAnnual BaseThe Impact of Artificial Aquifer Recharge on the Spread of Antibiotic Resistance in the Hueco Bolson AquiferFederal: $7,497
Non-Federal: $7,486
Itza Mendozawastewater, water quality, solute transport
2023TXAnnual BaseEcohydrology of Yaupon HollyFederal: $7,494
Non-Federal: $15,362
Bradford Wilcoxconservation, ecology, hydrology
2023TXAnnual BaseConstraining How Riverbank Microbial Communities Influence Watershed Scale Denitrification Federal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $15,376
Peter Knappettgeochemical processes, water quality, nutrients
2023UTAnnual BaseForage crop water use under subsurface drip irrigation in UtahFederal: $34,310
Non-Federal: $40,090
Burdette Barkeragriculture, irrigation, drought, subsurface drip irrigation, evapotranspiration, forage crops
2023UTAnnual BaseUnveiling the Interactions between Antimicrobial Resistome and Microplastics Influenced by Heavy Metals and Antimicrobics in Wastewater Treatment Plants in UtahFederal: $33,844
Non-Federal: $34,145
Liyuan Houwastewater, water quality, treatment, antimicrobial resistance genes, municipal wastewater, microplastics, heavy metals, antimicrobics, environmental health
2023UTAnnual BaseEnhancing Urban Irrigation Analysis in Utah with Remote SensingFederal: $34,000
Non-Federal: $34,000
Robert Sowbyconservation, irrigation, water quantity, water conservation, urban water use, remote sensing, drought, irrigation, NDVI
2023UTAnnual BaseEvaluating Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Surface Water Aerosols near Utah LakeFederal: $34,379
Non-Federal: $33,863
Sierra Youngwater quality, toxic substances, surface water, cyanobacteria, harmful algal bloom, HAB, bioaerosols, cyanotoxins
2023VAAnnual BaseCan free chlorine cause electrochemical reversal of copper and lead solder in drinking water systems?Federal: $19,692
Non-Federal: $19,692
Marc Edwardstreatment, water supply, drinking water
2023VAAnnual BaseAn investigation of septic sludge resistomes to inform public health and wastewater surveillance of antimicrobial resistanceFederal: $19,762
Non-Federal: $19,762
Leigh-Anne Krometiswastewater, antibiotic resistance
2023VAAnnual BaseUsing agent-based modeling to evaluate the role of shear flows in limiting chemotactic response to NAPL sourcesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Roseanne M Fordtoxic substances, groundwater, NAPLs
2023VAAnnual BaseHazard identification of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in locally consumed fishes of the tidal freshwater Potomac RiverFederal: $19,956
Non-Federal: $19,956
Thomas Hufftoxic substances, water quality, PFAS
2023VIAnnual BaseBiodiversity analyses to secure US Virgin Islands water qualityFederal: $50,116
Non-Federal: $0
Guilherme Cortewater quality, non point pollution, ecology
2023VIAnnual BaseProviding accessible water quality testing services for cistern water with a focus on bacteria, disinfection byproducts, and other contaminants of local concern in St. Thomas, USVIFederal: $52,527
Non-Federal: $0
Amber Packardwater quality, water supply, nitrate contamination
2023VTAnnual BaseConsequences of warming winters on nutrient export to Lake Champlain Federal: $37,961
Non-Federal: $37,961
E. C. Adairwater quality, nutrients, hydrogeochemistry, Climate change, winter events, rain-on-snow, snowmelt, nutrient and sediment sources and flowpaths, nutrient loading, watershed nutrient transport
2023VTAnnual BaseLake Champlain interannual winter microbial dynamicsFederal: $29,763
Non-Federal: $29,923
Erin Egglestonecology, nutrients, methods, bacteria, winter, phytoplankton, ice cover, long-term monitoring data
2023VTAnnual BaseInfluence of artificial aeration on nitrogen fixation and nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in Lake Carmi, VTFederal: $14,861
Non-Federal: $14,861
Ana M. Morales-Williamsecology, nutrients, water quality, nutrient limitation, phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, nitrogen fixation, nitrogen
2023VTAnnual BaseIdentifying the environmental drivers of toxic vs. non-toxic cyanobacteria strain abundance in two eutrophic bays of Lake Champlain.Federal: $14,860
Non-Federal: $14,860
Ana M. Morales-Williamsecology, water quality, toxic substances, surface water
2023VTAnnual BaseAssessing mechanisms of phosphorous removal at a Champlain Basin wastewater treatment plantFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $13,000
Matthew Scarboroughnutrients, wastewater, treatment, wastewater treatment, phosphorus, biological nutrient removal
2023WAAnnual BaseEvaluation of drawdown dynamics and implications for groundwater detectability withFederal: $28,861
Non-Federal: $28,861
Jonathan Yoder
2023WAAnnual BaseExploring drainage water management as a tool for improving water quality in WashingtonFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Jonathan Yodergroundwater, remote sensing, seasonal dynamics
2023WAAnnual BaseEvaluation of Remote Sensing Based Monitoring of Lake Water Quality in WA StateFederal: $28,806
Non-Federal: $28,845
Jonathan Yoder
2023WIAnnual BaseAligning the Wisconsin Idea on water: Interpreting public perspectives and valuesFederal: $4,939
Non-Federal: $2,741
Michael Cardiffgroundwater, water supply
2023WIAnnual BaseBiomanipulation of groundwater floodingFederal: $55,276
Non-Federal: $24,018
Steven Loheidegroundwater, floods
2023WIAnnual BaseSummer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)Federal: $18,633
Non-Federal: $20,542
Alison Mikulyuksurface water
2023WIAnnual BaseWater Resources FellowFederal: $33,299
Non-Federal: $25,261
Jennifer Hauxwellwater quality, management and planning
2023WVAnnual BaseEvaluating trends using 3 Rivers QUEST (3RQ) DataFederal: $49,393
Non-Federal: $52,304
Leslie Hopkinsonwater quality, surface water, hydrology
2023WVAnnual BaseAssessment of Economic Benefits from Restoration of Three Fork Creek of the Tygart River DrainageFederal: $49,993
Non-Federal: $50,079
Julian Hwangeconomics, water quality, ecology
2023WYAnnual BaseImproving Hydrologic Predictions in Wyoming's Headwaters Through Detailed Quantification of SnowmeltFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $21,198
Fabian Nippgenhydrology, surface water, drought, modeling
2023WYAnnual BaseEvaluation of Critical Minerals (CMs) Deposits, Mainly Lithium (Li) and Rare Earth Elements (REEs), in Wyoming as well as the Economic Viability of Mining These ResourcesFederal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $34,831
Maohong Fantreatment, management and planning, conservation, resource recovery
2023WYAnnual BaseEvaluating Toxicity of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in Wyoming Lakes and ReservoirsFederal: $15,019
Non-Federal: $30,232
Sarah Collinswater quality, ecology, nutrients
2023WYAnnual BaseHigh Resolution Upland and Riverbank Erosion Monitoring to Inform Best Management Practices that Seek to Reduce Sediment Accumulation at the Willwood DamFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $27,129
Austin Madsonsediments, geomorpological processes, water quality, management and planning
2022AKAnnual BaseCharacterization of Biofilms from Full-scale Drinking Water Distribution Pipe Mains in an Arctic Utilidor SystemFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Md Ibnul Hasan
2022AKAnnual BaseMicrobial recovery of rare-earth elements from acid mine drainage waters in AlaskaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Fayzul Kabir
2022AKAnnual BaseFire Influence on Primary Production in Boreal StreamsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Jacob Adams
2022AKAnnual BaseControls on carbon transport and fate in boreal forest headwater streamsFederal: $19,629
Non-Federal: $19,629
Kristin Olson
2022AKAnnual BaseEvaluating the effluent quality of wastewater lagoons in the remote Alaskan communitiesFederal: $19,592
Non-Federal: $19,592
Subhabrata Dev
2022ALAnnual BaseBuilding A Private Well Contamination Risk Model To ReduceFederal: $22,652
Non-Federal: $49,525
Jake Nelson
2022ALAnnual BaseEffect of cover cropping on soil pore properties and nutrient leachingFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $26,557
Jasmeet Lamba
2022ALAnnual BaseRole of cover crops on cotton root architecture and physiology for sustaining soil and waterFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Jagdeep Singh
2022ALAnnual BaseDrought Impacts on Reservoir Water Quality: Relating Climate, Retention Time, andFederal: $9,985
Non-Federal: $9,985
Benjamin Webster
2022ALAnnual BaseInteractive Effects Of Nutrient Enrichment And Wave Energy OnFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Julia Cherry
2022ARAnnual BaseWhy and when does microcystin exceed recreational guidelines at Lake FayettevilleFederal: $28,502
Non-Federal: $28,503
Brian Haggard
2022ARAnnual BaseQuantifying watershed-scale responses to conservation in three agricultural watersheds dominated by poultry and pasture-raised livestock productionFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $2,115
Shannon Speir
2022ARAnnual BaseApplication of functional gene array technology to understanding biogeochemical processes in small reservoirs across a nutrient and land use gradientFederal: $34,581
Non-Federal: $34,581
Erik Pollock
2022ARAnnual BaseNanofiltration for the removal of harmful algal toxins from Lake FayettevilleFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Ranil Wickramasinghe
2022ARAnnual BaseAntibiotic resistance genes in reuse waterFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Wen Zhang
2022ARAnnual BaseDrought Patterns and Trends in Arkansas, USA, from 1985 to 2021Federal: $25,441
Non-Federal: $27,107
Hamdi Zurqani
2022AZAnnual BaseAdaptive Rotational Grazing: Increasing Soil Water Retention in Arid LandscapesFederal: $8,932
Non-Federal: $8,934
Joey Blankenship
2022AZAnnual BaseModel Optimization and Testing of Low-Energy Inland Brackish Water Desalination in Arid ClimatesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Kerri Hickenbottom
2022AZAnnual BaseImpact of Climate Change on Localized Flooding and Affected PopulationsFederal: $9,998
Non-Federal: $9,998
Kevin Lansey
2022AZAnnual BaseThree-dimensional characterization of Grand Canyon's deep karst aquiferFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Temuulen Sankey
2022CAAnnual BaseDeep Connections: Studying Deep Recharge and Healthy Soil Management Practices in CaliforniaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Nathaniel Bogie
2022CAAnnual BaseAssessing wildlife use of 3 types of agricultural ditches: data for co-management of water quality and food safety Federal: $9,991
Non-Federal: $0
Jennifer Duggan
2022CAAnnual BaseMitigating the impact of agriculture on groundwater levels by increasing irrigation efficiency through soil moisture sensing in Siskiyou CountyFederal: $12,560
Non-Federal: $14,078
Giuliano Carneiro Galdi
2022CAAnnual BaseAssessing contaminant distributions and sources in Castaic Lake, a mercury-impacted reservoir in Los Angeles County, CAFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Priya M. Ganguli, Scott C. Hauswirth
2022CAAnnual BaseUnderstanding historical and future drought evolution and propagation across CaliforniaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Laurie Huning
2022CAAnnual BaseBetter understanding of where water goes when it rains to improve water managementFederal: $12,670
Non-Federal: $12,670
Scott Jasechko
2022CAAnnual BaseClimate-smart actions and indicators for increasing available water capacity of California soilsFederal: $12,517
Non-Federal: $0
Mallika Nocco
2022CAAnnual BaseComprehensive Characterization and Geospatial Analysis of Legal Controls on New Groundwater Extractions in the West to Inform Groundwater Sustainability Plans in CaliforniaFederal: $12,685
Non-Federal: $12,685
Debra Perrone
2022CAAnnual BaseSmoke on the Water - disentangling the mechanisms through which mega-wildfires in California affect lake productivity at regional scalesFederal: $11,605
Non-Federal: $11,605
Steven Sadro
2022CAAnnual BaseAccess to Cleaner Water Sources for Vulnerable Communities in CaliforniaFederal: $15,464
Non-Federal: $0
Samuel Sandoval Solis
2022COAnnual BaseA Combined Machine-Learning and Kriging Surface Temperature Approach for Crop Water Stress MappingFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,200
Jose Chavez
2022COAnnual BasePost-fire sediment retention to enhance watershed resilience to wildfire, Colorado Rocky MountainsFederal: $9,979
Non-Federal: $5,189
Sarah Rathburn
2022COAnnual BasePop-Up Hyporheic Zones: A New Technology for Cleaning Urban Drool in ColoradoFederal: $9,850
Non-Federal: $0
John McCray
2022COAnnual BaseRecovery of semi-arid grassland plant populations and communities from extreme droughtFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,200
Melinda Smith
2022COAnnual BaseLab and Field Evaluation of Biopolymers to Reduce Seepage in Colorado Irrigation CanalsFederal: $9,997
Non-Federal: $5,198
Joseph Scalia
2022COAnnual BaseForest Fire Influences on Snowpack TimingFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,200
Steven Fassnacht
2022COAnnual BaseCameron Peak Fire effects on snowpack and streamflow across an elevation gradientFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,200
Stephanie Kampf
2022COAnnual BaseExamining nuance in variability of climate-hydrological trends over the Upper and Lower Colorado River BasinsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,200
Steven Fassnacht
2022CTAnnual BaseEstablishing a model system to restore zooplankton abundance in Connecticut lakesFederal: $6,305
Non-Federal: $4,000
Theodora Pinou, Laurence Marsicano
2022CTAnnual BaseAssessment of PFAS-impacted soil and groundwater in the State of ConnecticutFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $28,452
Nefeli Maria Bompoti
2022CTAnnual BaseInvestigating the Impact of Beavers in Connecticut Upland RiversFederal: $15,438
Non-Federal: $15,438
William Ouimet
2022CTAnnual BaseField Hydrogeologic Study to Confirm Orchard Sources of Arsenic ContaminationFederal: $25,024
Non-Federal: $25,024
Gary Robbins
2022CTAnnual BaseBuilding Environmental and Community Resilience with Rain Gardens: A Collaboration of SCSU and Neighborhood Housing Services in Newhallville, New HavenFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,002
Sara Baker-Bailey
2022DCAnnual BaseEmerging pollutants in the Anacostia River: Determining concentration of siloxanes (D4, D5, D6, and and specific PAHsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,022
Stephen E. MacAvoy
2022DCAnnual BaseAssessing cellular mechanisms underlying behavioral changes in larval fish raised in Anacostia River waterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,042
Victoria P. Connaughton
2022DCAnnual BaseUrban Heat Island Analysis over Washington DC using Remote Sensing and In Situ MeasurementsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Leila Farhadi
2022DCAnnual BaseEconomical production of methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) and struvite recovery from agricultural waste, energy crops, and food wasteFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $16,080
Hossain Azam
2022DCAnnual BaseStorm Event Analysis Tool for Urban Infrastructure DesignFederal: $14,993
Non-Federal: $15,080
Pradeep K Behera
2022DCAnnual BaseAssessing benzophenone contamination in DC area watershedsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $16,080
Ozlem Dilek
2022FLAnnual BaseAssessment of coastal sustainability to (re)emerging biothreats: Assessment of population regions prone to biological agents in water systemsFederal: $20,531
Non-Federal: $10,386
Antarpreet Jutla
2022FLAnnual BaseImpacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Coastal Hydrology, Ecology, and EconomicsFederal: $20,531
Non-Federal: $48,870
David Kaplan
2022FLAnnual BaseEffects of per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) on microbial community structure and function at the Indian River Lagoon: Implications on sediment biochemical cyclesFederal: $18,478
Non-Federal: $8,323
Kathy Deliz
2022FLAnnual BaseTailoring the Surface Chemistry of Activated Carbon with Molecular Imprinted Polymers for Ultra Selective Removal of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from WaterFederal: $18,479
Non-Federal: $8,971
Andreia Faria
2022FLAnnual BaseModeling nutrient/metal partitioning and distribution for clarification with machine learningFederal: $21,436
Non-Federal: $16,030
John Sansalone, Haochen Li
2022GAAnnual BaseHydraulic transients in water distribution systems – the role of unsteady friction and groundwater contaminationFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
Chris Lai
2022GAAnnual BaseScenario Analysis of Flood Risk in Savannah by an Integrated Urban-Hydrology-Hydraulics Model - Phase IIFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
Jian Luo
2022GAAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Green Infrastructure by Using Biochar Amended Topsoil for On-Site Stormwater Runoff TreatmentFederal: $23,993
Non-Federal: $23,993
George Yuzhu Fu
2022GUAnnual BaseWastewater-N Solute Transport Model Scenarios of the Swamp Road Development PlanFederal: $17,748
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habana, John W. Jenson
2022GUAnnual BaseNorthern Guam Lens Aquifer Web MApps Tethys Portal, Production well, Nitrates Map and Historical GraphsFederal: $8,971
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habana
2022GUAnnual BaseSouthern Guam Hydrologic Web MApp: Tethys Portal, Ugum Watershed Streamflow Duration CurvesFederal: $10,597
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan C. Habana, Leroy F. Heitz
2022GUAnnual BasePFOS trend monitoring in Saipan production wellsFederal: $38,987
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kim, Myeong-Ho Yeo, Heidi Yelin
2022GUAnnual BaseProtection of fresh water resources through proper solid waste managementFederal: $20,686
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo, Youngmin Cho
2022GUAnnual BaseA sustainable plan for stormwater management and flooding at Garapan Saipan Phase III - Building Stormwater ModelFederal: $38,359
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo
2022GUAnnual BaseSustainability of water resources through education - Chuuk LagoonFederal: $47,000
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo, Danko Taborosi, Manuel Rauchholz
2022GUAnnual BaseGuam Water Kids - Protecting Guam's Freshwater ResourcesFederal: $25,144
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo, Shinhwa Lee
2022GUAnnual BaseEstablishing a GIS Model for Mapping Groundwater Protection Zones in GuamFederal: $14,681
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, Brian Bearden, John Jenson
2022GUAnnual BaseSpatio-temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in Hatgana BasinFederal: $24,941
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, John Jenson
2022GUAnnual BaseAn exploratory analysis of the impact of climate change on GWA built infrastructureFederal: $20,978
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kim
2022HIAnnual BaseUnderstanding the impact of nutrient loading on the ecology of Staphylococcus aureus in Hawaii beach sandFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Marek Kirs
2022HIAnnual BaseCharacterizing network-wide, spatially explicit current and future stream temperature distributionFederal: $39,572
Non-Federal: $39,828
Henrietta Dulai
2022HIAnnual BaseDaily Streamflow Forecasting in American Samoa by Deep Learning ApproachesFederal: $39,751
Non-Federal: $0
Sayed Bateni, Christopher Shuler
2022HIAnnual BaseStrengthening understanding of land-sea systems: illuminating drivers of nutrient and sediment loads and links to coral reefs in American SamoaFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $0
Leah Bremer
2022HIAnnual BaseAssessing Watershed Pollutant Impacts Using Nearshore Coral Microbiome BioindicatorsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,001
Craig Nelson
2022IAAnnual BaseDenitrification potential in floodplain forests: Investigating water quality improvements to reduce negative impacts in downstream communities.Federal: $13,179
Non-Federal: $27,147
William Beck, Emily Zimmerman
2022IAAnnual BaseTreatment Impacts on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Discharge in Wet-Weather FlowsFederal: $19,934
Non-Federal: $39,967
Joe Charbonnet
2022IAAnnual BaseIdentify causal pathways of how household flood recovery measures lead to the reduction of unmet social needsFederal: $3,503
Non-Federal: $7,008
Md Asif Rahman, Eric Tate
2022IAAnnual BaseProbing Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions as a Driver of Complex Mixture Evolution in an Effluent-Impacted Stream in IowaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,035
Gregory H. LeFevre, Jessica R. Meyer
2022IDAnnual BaseDeveloping drone-based thermal imagery to quantify the thermal and hydrologic retention capacity of beaver habitat and their restoration analogsFederal: $33,461
Non-Federal: $33,132
Brian Kennedy
2022IDAnnual BasePartitioning of snowmelt in the critical zone: effect of vegetation on snow water input and groundwater rechargeFederal: $39,999
Non-Federal: $40,328
James McNamara
2022IDAnnual BaseBuilding a water isotope database to quantify hydrologic partitioning in Mores Creek Basin, IdahoFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Anna Bergstrom
2022ILAnnual BaseAnalyzing nutrient sources in the production of harmful algal blooms in Long Lake and reducing energy use for wastewater nutrient removal using machine learningFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,001
David Lampert
2022ILAnnual BaseEvaluating Sources of Fine Sediment to Headwater Streams in Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscapes of IllinoisFederal: $9,700
Non-Federal: $9,708
Bruce Rhoads
2022ILAnnual BaseA hybrid plasma-electrocatalyst activated process for the synthesis of ammonia from air and waterFederal: $9,999
Non-Federal: $10,000
Mohan Sankaran
2022ILAnnual BaseMeasuring the effect of flood pulses on ecosystem function in lakes created by mining (Kickapoo State Recreation Area)Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $23,123
Carla Caceres
2022INAnnual BaseEffects of Nutrient Loading on PFAS Bioaccumulation in Aquatic Food WebsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Gary Lamberti
2022INAnnual BaseNutrient stoichiometry and cyanobacterial blooms in the Ohio RiverFederal: $23,878
Non-Federal: $81,117
Todd Royer
2022INAnnual BaseCyanophages Therapy: A Novel and eco-friendly method to control cyanobacteria in Indiana lakesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,530
Halis Simsek
2022INAnnual BaseAgricultural Ditch Biotic Integrity Assessment-An Ex-stream ContextFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,861
Reuben Goforth
2022KSAnnual BaseInvestigating management techniques for irrigation with contaminated waters in the closed-basin Arkansas River region of western KansasFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,261
Jonathan Aguilar
2022KSAnnual BaseUnraveling Spatiotemporal Patterns in Watershed Nutrient and Sediment Loads under Conditions of Rapid Crop Conversion using Direct Sampling and Remote Sensing ObservationsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $38,000
Amy Hansen
2022KSAnnual BaseForecasting streamflow and groundwater depletion with deep learning models to sustain Kansan water resourcesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $38,000
Admin Husic
2022KSAnnual BaseHerbal medicine for sick ponds: Are native aquatic macrophytes a cheap and easy way to mitigate HABs?Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $38,375
Jennifer Moody, Ted Harris
2022KYAnnual BaseAn interdisciplinary approach to improving epikarst protectionFederal: $15,119
Non-Federal: $22,387
Benjamin W. Tobin
2022KYAnnual BaseEstablishing Linkages between Nutrients, Nitrogen-fixation, and Microcystin Production by Phytoplankton Communities in a Hypereutrophic Lake Federal: $8,100
Non-Federal: $8,111
Elisa D'Angelo
2022KYAnnual BaseIt’s not easy being green: rapid assessment of wetland carbon source-sink status through remote sensingFederal: $19,998
Non-Federal: $19,999
Andrea Gaughan
2022KYAnnual BaseQuantifying impacts of climate change on water availability and streamflow permanence on the Cumberland Plateau: insights from 50-years of data collection and a hydrologic modelFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,440
David Tyler Mahoney
2022KYAnnual BasePredictive Real-time Flood Modeling for Emergency Response Planning in Urban Karst Groundwater Systems Federal: $19,980
Non-Federal: $19,980
Jason Polk
2022LAAnnual BaseAI-Based Automated Monitoring of Water Quality Indicators for Lake PontchartrainFederal: $16,560
Non-Federal: $16,979
Zhiqiang Deng
2022LAAnnual BaseMonitoring Louisiana groundwater storage changes using GRACE/GRACE-FO dataFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $18,000
Chunli Dai
2022LAAnnual BaseEfficient Screening for Antibiotic Resistance in Surface Waters Receiving Wastewater Effluent from On-site Treatment UnitsFederal: $17,993
Non-Federal: $41,258
Aaron Bivins
2022LAAnnual BaseInvestigation of dissolved carbon discharge from wastewater treatment plants to the Mississippi RiverFederal: $16,628
Non-Federal: $28,566
Y. Jun Xu
2022LAAnnual BaseThe effects of environmental salinity on eco-mechanical performance in a ubiquitous coastal fish (mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis)Federal: $17,872
Non-Federal: $17,872
Emily Kane
2022MAAnnual BaseDecreasing toxicity of DBP of drinking water through light driven reactionsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $50,020
Mariana Lopes
2022MAAnnual BaseEvaluating hydroclimatic controls on riverine flooding in New England using reanalysis data and model simulationsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $50,786
Samuel Munoz
2022MDAnnual BaseAssessing and understanding spatiotemporal variation in stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope values of Maryland’s riversFederal: $69,004
Non-Federal: $82,637
David Nelson, Keith Eshleman, Lee Cooper
2022MDAnnual BaseAssessment of Salinization in Metro Baltimore Drinking Water: Implications for Disinfection Byproduct FormationFederal: $49,578
Non-Federal: $63,203
John D. Sivey
2022MEAnnual BaseInterpreting the extent and characteristics of microplastics pollution in Maine freshwater streams to guide a holistic mitigation strategyFederal: $34,136
Non-Federal: $34,816
Onur Apul, Sean Smith
2022MEAnnual BaseValuing the Economic Benefits of Maine’s Great Ponds in the 21st CenturyFederal: $33,037
Non-Federal: $34,764
Adam Daigneault, Susan Gallo, Linda Bacon
2022MEAnnual BaseRelative impacts of human-induced and natural wave erosion and deposition processes on large alum treated lakes: A case study on East PondFederal: $22,488
Non-Federal: $33,933
Alejandra Ortiz, Danielle Wain, Alison Bates
2022MIAnnual BaseAdvancement of catchment-scale models for simulating PFAS fate and transportFederal: $25,594
Non-Federal: $24,993
Amirpouyan Nejadhashemi
2022MIAnnual BaseCharacterizing changes in stream flow over time for socioeconomically and ecologically important rivers across MichiganFederal: $20,707
Non-Federal: $20,752
Dana Infante, Hao Yu
2022MIAnnual BaseImpacts of plant species on relative infiltration in runoff BMPs – a foundational study for future citizen science researchFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,080
Dawn Dechand, Younsuk Dong
2022MNAnnual BaseSnow hydrology in Minnesota headwater catchmentsFederal: $10,600
Non-Federal: $17,608
Xue Feng
2022MNAnnual BaseAssessing the impact of industrial agriculture on water quantity and water quality in the Park Rapids regionFederal: $9,923
Non-Federal: $16,185
John Nieber
2022MNAnnual BaseNitrogen Rate, Cover Crops, and Living Mulches: Their Impact on Irrigated Corn and Soybean Production and the EnvironmentFederal: $10,344
Non-Federal: $17,070
Fabian Fernandez
2022MNAnnual BaseProtecting groundwater: An assessment of hydrophysical and social risksFederal: $10,465
Non-Federal: $17,325
Amit Pradhananga
2022MOAnnual BaseYear-round cyanotoxin threats to Missouri surface watersFederal: $24,952
Non-Federal: $25,153
Rebecca North
2022MOAnnual BaseMicroplastic contamination in groundwater as a function of land useFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $43,509
Elizabeth A. Hasenmueller
2022MSAnnual BaseIrrigation Systems, Row Spacing, and Applied Fertilizer Effects on Water Use and Crop ProductivityFederal: $37,176
Non-Federal: $37,176
Drew Gholson
2022MSAnnual BaseResource recovery from Agricultural Industry Wastewater through Sustainable Technologies – Plant and Soil Microbiome StudiesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,005
Veera Gnaneswar Gude
2022MSAnnual BaseMulti-Scale Evaluation of the Hydrological Extremes on Coastal Wetland VegetationFederal: $37,879
Non-Federal: $37,879
Wei Wu
2022MTAnnual BaseHow does white bark pine affect snowpack and streamflow?Federal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $17,541
Danielle Ulrich, Brian Smithers
2022MTAnnual BaseThe Next Generation of Water Policy to Support Farms and Fish in MontanaFederal: $12,340
Non-Federal: $12,339
Brian Chaffin
2022MTAnnual BaseExploring diffusion of information from volunteer water monitoring and the effect on public trust in scienceFederal: $13,796
Non-Federal: $13,801
Sarah Church, Adam Sigler
2022MTAnnual BaseManaging for Drought & Climate: Understanding Enabling and Constraining Factors for Adaptive Decision-making Among Montana RanchersFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Ada Smith
2022MTAnnual BaseCold Climate Nitrification in Treatment WetlandsFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Mohammad Mozaffari
2022MTAnnual BaseAerobic Granular Sludge: Assessing a Novel Approach to Pharmaceutical Removal from WastewaterFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Kylie Bodie
2022MTAnnual BaseIrrigation ditches as novel agricultural streams that promote ecological connections across aquatic-terrestrial boundaries through aquatic insect emergenceFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Nathaniel Heili
2022MTAnnual BaseChemical and Biological Impacts of Increased Treated Mining Discharge on a Restored EcosystemFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Juan Andres Changoluisa
2022NCAnnual BasePerformance Evaluation of Novel Resins in Flow-Through Columns for PFAS removal from Drinking Water and Treated WastewaterFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $0
Orlando Cornell
2022NCAnnual BaseFecal contamination source tracking and forecasting to support recreational and cultural development in the Black River watershedFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $45,481
Angela Harris
2022NCAnnual BaseEnabling Rural Water Utilities to Create, Transfer Information, and Use Digital Service Area BoundariesFederal: $15,400
Non-Federal: $0
Lauren Patterson
2022NCAnnual BaseA Citizen Science Internship Program to Quantify Racial and Economic Disparities in Lead Levels in Drinking Water Across North CarolinaFederal: $18,600
Non-Federal: $62,882
Caren Cooper
2022NCAnnual BaseDeveloping a watershed prioritization index to guide restoration initiatives in the Upper Little Tennessee River Basin. Federal: $16,912
Non-Federal: $0
Keith Gibbs
2022NDAnnual BasePer and polyfluoroalkyl substances removal from landfill leachate by coagulationFederal: $11,201
Non-Federal: $11,201
Syeed Iskander
2022NDAnnual BaseReconstructing glyphosate use in the Prairie Pothole Region: A paleolimnological approachFederal: $4,326
Non-Federal: $4,326
Marinus Otte
2022NDAnnual BaseTreatment and reuse of produced water through the measurement and elimination of coagulated petrochemicals/hydrocarbons in inorganic and organic aqueous solutionsFederal: $9,647
Non-Federal: $9,647
Hallie Boyer Chelmo
2022NDAnnual BaseLandfill leachate plastics: occurrence, transformation, fate, and environmental implicationsFederal: $13,773
Non-Federal: $13,773
Syeed Iskander
2022NDAnnual BaseEnvironment Friendly Phosphate Removal and Recovery from Surface and Agricultural WatersFederal: $8,939
Non-Federal: $8,940
Achintya Bezbaruah
2022NDAnnual BaseAssessing the role of wetlands in reducing sediment and nutrient loads from an impaired watershed in North DakotaFederal: $11,620
Non-Federal: $11,620
Xuefeng Chu, Marinus Otte
2022NDAnnual BaseSynthesis and Performance Evaluation of Novel Carboxyl-Based Grafted Polyacrylamide fibers for Ions Removal from Produced Water (PW)Federal: $11,285
Non-Federal: $11,286
Ali Alshami
2022NDAnnual BaseBuilding NRCS Technical Capacity in Irrigation Water Management for Variable Rate IrrigationFederal: $9,837
Non-Federal: $9,837
Dean Steele
2022NDAnnual BaseAquatic macroinvertebrates as indicators of restoration success in Prairie Pothole Region wetlandsFederal: $3,090
Non-Federal: $3,090
Marinus Otte
2022NEAnnual BaseSurface Water Antibiotic Exposure from adjacent WWTPs, CAFOs, and Agricultural FieldsFederal: $24,971
Non-Federal: $24,971
Keeley MacNeill, Steven Thomas
2022NEAnnual BaseA Biological and Chemical Approach to Restoring Eutrophic Ponds in NebraskaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Aaron Mittelstet, Steve Comfort
2022NEAnnual BaseKnowing Your Well NorthwestFederal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $7,001
Michael Leite
2022NEAnnual BaseCompound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis (CSSI) for Soil Source FingerprintingFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Trenton Franz, Daniel Snow
2022NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watershedsFederal: $24,121
Non-Federal: $54,733
William H. McDowell
2022NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Real time monitoring in the Lamprey River watershedFederal: $15,983
Non-Federal: $8,418
William H. McDowell
2022NHAnnual BaseHedonic Analysis of the Impact of PFAS Contamination on New Hampshire Municipal Water Supplies on House PricesFederal: $24,211
Non-Federal: $24,211
Stephanie Brockmann, John Halstead, Scott Lemos
2022NHAnnual BaseOpen-source, low-cost environmental sensing: development and educationFederal: $21,220
Non-Federal: $21,005
Amy Villamagna, Simon Pendleton
2022NJAnnual BaseEmploying environmental DNA to investigate seasonal dynamics of harmful algal blooms for New Jersey drinking water sourcesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,435
Tsung-Ta David Hsu, Meiyin Wu
2022NJAnnual BaseSmart salt application using road water conductivityFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
William Pennock, Branislav Dimitrijevic
2022NJAnnual Base2D MoS2-Based Electronic Sensors for Multiplex PFAS Molecules DetectionFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,674
Mengqiang Zhao
2022NJAnnual BaseBiological removal of 1,4-dioxane by psychrophilic microorganismsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Jose Antunes
2022NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of Fouling Resistant, Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Immobilized Membranes for the Removal of Micro and Nano Plastics from WaterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Mitun Chandra Bhoumick
2022NJAnnual BaseBiodegradation of Anthropogenic Organic Pollutants by Microplastic Associated BiofilmsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Matthew Finegan
2022NJAnnual BaseElectrochemically Reactive Membrane System for Simultaneous Nitrate Reduction and Ammonia RecoveryFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,227
Jianan Gao
2022NJAnnual BaseNovel Detection of Ranavirus and other Viral Aquatic PathogensFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,001
Corbin Hudson
2022NJAnnual BaseImpacts of Salt and Artificial Root Exudates on Coastal Soil Function and Plant GrowthFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,001
Nicolina Lentine
2022NJAnnual BaseEffects of UV exposure on environmental microplastic quality, quantity, and ability to identify polymer type by vibrational spectroscopyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Lilia Ochoa Romero
2022NJAnnual BaseGreen Soil Washing and Decontamination with Nanobubble WaterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,227
Shan Xue
2022NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information System for Water Resources Research Planning and OutreachFederal: $10,037
Non-Federal: $1,973
Alexander G. Fernald
2022NMAnnual BaseA Water Control System to Deliver the Correct Amount of Water and Reduce Losses for Acequias and Other Run of the River Irrigation Delivery Canal SystemsFederal: $33,000
Non-Federal: $33,000
Blair L. Stringam
2022NMAnnual BaseMorphology of the Rio Grande will evolve with climate change; will we be ready?Federal: $32,986
Non-Federal: $34,593
Kate Leary, John L Wilson
2022NMAnnual BaseDrying Rivers: Responses of Riverine Biota in Isolated Pools during Reduced Stream FlowFederal: $32,673
Non-Federal: $33,204
Zachary Mitchell
2022NVAnnual BaseSensitivity of Mountain Hydrology to Changing Climate: Exploring Source Mixing and Residence Time Distributions in Basin OutflowsFederal: $46,087
Non-Federal: $71,682
Rosemary Carroll
2022NVAnnual BaseLong-term effects of beaver-related stream restoration on fluvial sediment transport Federal: $22,131
Non-Federal: $52,189
Mark Hausner
2022NVAnnual BaseClimatic and hydrologic aridification in mid- and high-elevation ecosystems of southern NevadaFederal: $39,773
Non-Federal: $39,779
Matthew D. Petrie
2022NYAnnual BaseNYSWRI Internship ProgramFederal: $22,788
Non-Federal: $14,036
Brian G Rahm
2022NYAnnual BaseEffects of Iron and Manganese on the Decomposition of Plant Litter in Tidal WetlandsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Matthew Reid
2022NYAnnual BaseFloodViz: a low-cost, camera-based distributed sensor network to improve the efficacy and equity of urban flooding mitigation and responseFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $35,015
Elizabeth Carter, Rebecca Schewe, Carlos Enrique Caicedo Bastidas, Joshua Cousins
2022OHAnnual BaseEvaluating Current and Future Drinking Water Affordability in OhioFederal: $20,484
Non-Federal: $20,715
Daniel Gingerich, Jeffrey Bielicki
2022OHAnnual BaseThe use of shotgun metagenomics to longitudinally track stream resistome dynamics: From headwaters to wastewatersFederal: $14,967
Non-Federal: $14,973
Jonathon B. Van Gray
2022OHAnnual BaseOxidative exhaustion: Assessing the time frame for the cessation of acid mine drainage production within impacted watershedsFederal: $28,375
Non-Federal: $28,375
David M Singer
2022OHAnnual BaseUnderstanding hyporheic exchange dynamics in a headwaters stream impacted by urban karstFederal: $34,264
Non-Federal: $66,947
Dylan Ward, Reza Soltanian, Daniel Sturmer, Adam Lehmann
2022OKAnnual BaseToxic effects of microplastics on biological wastewater treatment processesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,002
Jorge Gonzalez Estrella
2022OKAnnual BaseFostering Student Training and Enhanced Educational Opportunities on Groundwater Management and climate variabilityFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Jacqueline M. Vadjunec
2022OKAnnual BaseGreen Technology for Combating Harmful Algal BloomsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $24,999
Allen W. Apblett
2022OKAnnual BaseGrowth and ionome-wide responses of phytoplankton to relative supplies of nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace metals in Oklahoma ReservoirsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Punidan Jeyasingh
2022OKAnnual BaseE. coli Loading in Surface Runoff – Disentangling the Role of Cattle Grazing and WildlifeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $5,000
Chis Zou
2022ORAnnual BaseUPP - Workforce DevelopmentFederal: $19,436
Non-Federal: $37,074
Alison Hopcroft
2022ORAnnual BaseOregon Water Futures Groundwater ReliabilityFederal: $14,342
Non-Federal: $29,231
Michelle Smith
2022PAAnnual BaseReal-time sensing groundwater in urban areas by underground telecommunication fiber opticsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Tieyuan Zhu
2022PAAnnual BaseSediment and Nutrient Transport Dynamics’ Impact on Biodiversity in a Small Urban Stream Prior to RestorationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Shirley E. Clark, Yen-Chih Chen
2022PAAnnual BaseStatus of Invasive Snakeheads in Pennsylvania’s WatersFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Jay R. Stauffer
2022PAAnnual BaseContaminants of emerging concern in impaired streams of the Delaware River watershedFederal: $24,825
Non-Federal: $24,856
Lisa A. Emili, Heather E. Preisendanz, Robert Mathers, Patrick Drohan, Raymond G. Najjar, Jill M. Arriola
2022PAAnnual BaseFlood maps and residential housing characteristicsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,000
Lilliard Richardson, Pin Sun
2022PRAnnual BaseRapid, Portable and Low-Cost Water Quality Sensor Using Artificial IntelligenceFederal: $23,433
Non-Federal: $0
Pedro Resto
2022PRAnnual BaseInstallation and assessment of an in-field runoff collectorFederal: $23,522
Non-Federal: $0
Salvador Acuña
2022PRAnnual BaseMarket Solutions for Water Sustainability in Puerto RicoFederal: $21,865
Non-Federal: $0
Teresa Longobardi
2022RIAnnual BaseWater Availability Assessment through the integration of hydrologic model and water management optimization tool for Chipuxet River Watershed, Rhode IslandFederal: $24,993
Non-Federal: $30,237
Soni Pradhanang
2022RIAnnual BaseQuantifying impact of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) from onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) in the Ninigret Pond watershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $25,051
Alissa Cox
2022RIAnnual BasePublic perceptions and willingness to pay to mitigate microplastic fibers from the Narragansett Bay WatershedFederal: $25,053
Non-Federal: $25,110
Emi Uchida
2022SCAnnual BaseDeveloping an online GIS tool for South Carolina to estimate bacteria sources and loading rates at a watershed scaleFederal: $22,281
Non-Federal: $22,281
Landon Knapp
2022SCAnnual BaseIdentifying PFAS Hotspots in Surface Waters of South Carolina Using a New Optimized Total Organic Fluorine MethodFederal: $32,000
Non-Federal: $32,000
Susan D. Richardson
2022SCAnnual BaseQuantifying ecological responses following floating treatment wetland application in brackish stormwater pondsFederal: $33,545
Non-Federal: $37,270
William Strosnider, Joshua Stone, Matthew Kimball, Amy Scaroni, Sarah White
2022SDAnnual BaseImproving Crop Resilience to Climate Variability through Refinement of Crop Water Use in the Skunk Creek WatershedFederal: $12,952
Non-Federal: $12,952
Ruben Behnke
2022SDAnnual BaseNanobubble technology for dairy processing effluent managementFederal: $22,112
Non-Federal: $22,112
Maneesha Mohan
2022SDAnnual BaseTransformation of Nitrate to Ammonia by Biochar Supported Ru Catalysts and Recovery of Ammonia as N-Fertilizer on BiocharFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Tao Ye
2022TNAnnual BaseValidation of the nitrogen balance model used in Tennessee to determine the application rate of secondary-treated reclaimed water-second yearFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
John Buchanan
2022TNAnnual BaseTowards Enhancing Bioretention Treatment of Emerging Plastic Pollution in Urban RunoffFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Jejal Reddy Barhi
2022TNAnnual BaseQuantifying Microplastics from Tennessee's Wastewater Treatment Plants into Receiving StreamsFederal: $26,175
Non-Federal: $26,473
Tania Datta, Justin Murdock
2022TXAnnual BaseGroundwater salinity forecast of the Simsboro Aquifer in Brazos County, Texas, U.S. using a numerical model for groundwater flow and transportFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $11,105
Hongbin Zhan
2022TXAnnual BaseMapping tap water distribution using isotope-based metrics to improve water management in the metropolitan region of north-central TexasFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $7,500
Ricardo Sánchez-Murillo
2022UTAnnual BaseUnderstanding Pollutant Mobilization at the Water-Shore Interface of a Drying Great Salt LakeFederal: $29,974
Non-Federal: $30,000
Sierra Young, Joan McLean
2022UTAnnual BaseDeveloping High-Resolution Seasonal Snow Forecasts for Utah’s WatershedsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Wei Zhang, Yoshimitsu Chikamoto, Simon Wang, Hamid Karimi
2022UTAnnual BaseQuantifying the Effect of Potential Submerged Control Structures on Density-Driven Exchange Flows through the Breach of the Great Salt LakeFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Brian M. Crookston, Som Dutta
2022UTAnnual BaseMonitoring for Assessment of Cyanobacterial Hazards in Five Drinking Water Reservoirs in UtahFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
David K. Stevens, Joan McLean
2022VAAnnual BaseHydrologic and Biogeochemical Impacts of Beaver Activity on Stream RestorationFederal: $7,779
Non-Federal: $7,779
W. Cully Hession
2022VAAnnual BaseWastewater Characterization and Enteropathogen Quantification in a Rural Virginia Sewershed and Associated Implications for Local Water ResourcesFederal: $7,977
Non-Federal: $7,976
Alasdair Cohen
2022VAAnnual BaseGeochemical drivers of effective manganese mitigation by hypolimnetic oxygenation in drinking water reservoirsFederal: $5,897
Non-Federal: $5,898
Madeline Schreiber
2022VAAnnual BaseEquity-informed Optimal Watershed ManagementFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $8,000
Teresa Culver
2022VAAnnual BaseSurvival of wastewater-associated antibiotic resistant bacteria in riverine ecosystemsFederal: $7,990
Non-Federal: $7,991
Rima Franklin
2022VIAnnual BaseAssessing the role of ephemeral streams as conduits for nutrient and sediment pollution within the U.S. Virgin IslandsFederal: $56,912
Non-Federal: $0
Brittany Lancellotti, David Hensley
2022VIAnnual BaseWater Heroes: Changing the Landscape of Water Quality Education Through Immersive Technologies Federal: $36,776
Non-Federal: $0
Howard Forbes Jr
2022VTAnnual BaseLake Champlain winter microbial dynamics and long-term data trendsFederal: $33,061
Non-Federal: $33,121
Erin Eggleston
2022VTAnnual BasePotential impacts on drinking water from road salt storage facilities in vulnerable communitiesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Stephanie Hurley
2022VTAnnual BaseNutrient loading during winter and growing season high-flow events in different gauged watersheds of the Lake Champlain BasinFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Andrew Schroth, Sonya Vogel
2022VTAnnual BaseFood Web Responses to Round Goby and Quagga Mussel Invasions Across the Gradient of Lake Types within the Lake Champlain EcosystemFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Jason Stockwell
2022WAAnnual BaseFurthering drone-based technologies to map stream velocities, temperatures, grain size distributions and salmon spawning habitatFederal: $29,944
Non-Federal: $29,944
Alexander Fremier
2022WAAnnual BaseBuilding Tribal-Academic Partnerships to Protect Pacific Salmon from Toxic Urban StormwaterFederal: $29,933
Non-Federal: $33,467
Jenifer McIntyre
2022WAAnnual BaseIntegrating agricultural water use for extreme-weather-management into climate change impact assessmentsFederal: $29,894
Non-Federal: $29,894
Kirti Rajagopalan
2022WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Water Resources Fellowship: Collaborating with Water ManagersFederal: $37,468
Non-Federal: $26,566
Jennifer Hauxwell
2022WIAnnual BaseWater@UW Summer Research Opportunity ProgramFederal: $18,757
Non-Federal: $13,391
James Hurley
2022WIAnnual BaseAligning the Wisconsin Idea on water: Interpreting public perspectives and valuesFederal: $21,021
Non-Federal: $19,451
Michael Cardiff
2022WIAnnual BaseBiomanipulation of groundwater floodingFederal: $24,133
Non-Federal: $25,413
Steven P. Loheide II, Kenneth W. Potter
2022WVAnnual BaseImplementing a Stream Flow Monitoring Program to Inform Management and Conservation Decisions in the Monongahela River WatershedFederal: $45,125
Non-Federal: $80,650
Brent Murry, Carol Arantes, Michael Strager, Jason Fillhart
2022WVAnnual BaseEvaluation of Voluntary Discharge Management System for Reducing High-TDS Events in the Monongahela River BasinFederal: $19,337
Non-Federal: $10,055
Jason Fillhart, Rachel Pell
2022WVAnnual BaseEvaluation of the Contribution of Microbial Biofilms in Drinking Water Distribution Systems to Formation of Disinfection ByproductsFederal: $39,612
Non-Federal: $52,589
Emily Garner
2022WYAnnual BaseIdentifying, predicting and managing the occurrence of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in Wyoming reservoirsFederal: $10,224
Non-Federal: $34,376
Sarah Collins, William Fetzer, Lindsay Patterson, Matt Ross
2022WYAnnual BaseImproved Forecasting of Water Content Spatial Distribution and Aquifer Potential Assessment Using Geostatistical and Hydro Geophysical Methods.Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $23,800
Dario Grana, Andrew Parsekian
2022WYAnnual BaseImproving Hydrologic Predictions in Wyoming’s Headwaters Through Detailed Quantification of SnowmeltFederal: $12,999
Non-Federal: $29,263
Fabian Nippgen, Ginger Paige
2022WYAnnual BaseEconomic Impacts of Curtailment and Demand Management in the Wyoming Colorado River BasinFederal: $8,968
Non-Federal: $27,985
Kristiana Hansen, Roger H. Coupal, Ginger Paige
2022WYAnnual BaseEvaluation of Critical Minerals (CMs) Deposits, Mainly Lithium (Li) and Rare Earth Elements (REEs), In Wyoming as well as the Economic Viability of Mining These ResourcesFederal: $20,091
Non-Federal: $35,471
Maohong Fan
2021AKAnnual BaseMeasuring snow depth via Structure from Motion (SfM) methods within the Eklutna Lake WatershedFederal: $13,750
Non-Federal: $27,500
Caroline Brisbois
2021AKAnnual BaseExploring Hydrologic Impacts of Snow and Ice Bridges Used in Seismic Exploration Surveys to Cross Streams on the Arctic Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife RefugeFederal: $6,097
Non-Federal: $12,194
Julian Dann
2021AKAnnual BaseEvaluating Water Quality Impacts of COVID-19 Building Closures in Above-Ground Distribution System Water Mains and Tap Water at a University CampusFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Md Ibnul Hasan
2021AKAnnual BaseTracking the fate of mercury in downstream freshwater habitats affected by rapid deglaciation in Alaska using stable isotopesFederal: $13,800
Non-Federal: $27,600
Drew Porter
2021AKAnnual BaseCalculation of sublimation from tundra snowpack in AlaskaFederal: $23,855
Non-Federal: $47,710
Kelsey Stockert
2021AKAnnual BaseDevelopment of sulfidogenic bioremediation technology for the treatment of sulfate and metal-rich industrial wastewater in AlaskaFederal: $24,938
Non-Federal: $49,876
Qifan Yang
2021ALAnnual BaseWater Quality Dynamics Of Permeable Pavement in AlabamaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $53,633
Frances O’Donnell
2021ALAnnual BaseInteractions of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances with dissolved organic matter as potential contributor to water contaminationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $52,718
Yaniv Olshansky
2021ALAnnual BaseEngineering a Cost-Effective Biochar-Surfactant System for Sorption and Degradation of PFAS in Drinking Water and Groundwater in AlabamaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $52,504
Dengjun Wang
2021ALAnnual BaseDetermining Sources of E. coli Using Human Proxies in Choccolocco Creek, ALFederal: $4,990
Non-Federal: $12,106
Eleanore Larson
2021ALAnnual BaseBetter Measurement of Mineralizable Soil N for Protected Water QualityFederal: $4,938
Non-Federal: $9,867
Annabelle McEachin
2021ALAnnual BaseUnderstanding Preferential Flow Patterns in No-Till Manured Pastures Using Dye Tracer and X-Ray CT Image AnalysisFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,100
Kritika Malhotra
2021ALAnnual BaseA quantitative PCR-based approach to assess fecal pollution sources in the Lake Martin WatershedFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,303
Wenjing Ren
2021ALAnnual BaseAssessing the Source, Distribution, and Attenuation of Radon Contamination in Fractured Groundwater AquifersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,099
Tyler Smith
2021ALAnnual BaseGeochemical Controls and Environmental Relevance of Arsenic-DOC ComplexesFederal: $4,935
Non-Federal: $12,078
Caitlyn Herron
2021AZAnnual BaseDiversifying Voices in Water Resources (DViWR)Federal: $21,901
Non-Federal: $25,288
Sharon Megdal
2021AZAnnual BaseDistribution of groundwater ages to constrain paleo- to modern rechargeFederal: $3,807
Non-Federal: $11,273
Jennifer McIntosh
2021CAAnnual BaseDeep Connections: Studying Deep Recharge and Healthy Soil Management Practices in CaliforniaFederal: $14,956
Non-Federal: $27,814
Nathaniel Bogie
2021CAAnnual BaseAssessing Wildlife Use of 3 Types of Agricultural Ditches: Data for Co-Management of Water Quality and Food SafetyFederal: $14,969
Non-Federal: $6,437
Jennifer Duggan
2021CAAnnual BaseAssessing Contaminant Distributions and Sources in Castaic Lake, a Mercury-Impacted Reservoir in Los Angeles County, CAFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $41,991
Priya Ganguli, Scott Hauswirth
2021CAAnnual BaseUnderstanding Historical and Future Drought Evolution and Propagation Across CaliforniaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $51,295
Laurie Huning
2021CAAnnual BaseBetter Understanding of Where Water Goes When it Rains to Improve Water ManagementFederal: $12,330
Non-Federal: $32,134
Scott Jasechko
2021CAAnnual BaseClimate-Smart Actions and Indicators for Increasing Available Water Capacity of California SoilsFederal: $12,426
Non-Federal: $7,083
Mallika Nocco
2021CAAnnual BaseComprehensive Characterization and Geospatial Analysis of Legal Controls on New Groundwater Extractions in the West to Inform Groundwater Sustainability Plans in CaliforniaFederal: $12,315
Non-Federal: $31,549
Debra Perrone
2021CAAnnual BaseSmoke on the Water - Disentangling the Mechanisms Through Which Mega-Wildfires in California Affect Lake Productivity at Regional ScalesFederal: $13,395
Non-Federal: $11,102
Steven Sadro
2021COAnnual BaseImpacts of extreme events on forest recovery and streamflow across Colorado’s forest-dominated ecosystemsFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $18,200
Miranda Redmond
2021COAnnual BasePost-fire watershed conditions and climate in the 416 Fire, southwest Colorado and their influence on forest health and watershed recoveryFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $0
Julie Korb, Michael Remke
2021CTAnnual BaseGroundwater and catch basin roles in regional salt pollution dynamics at multiple scalesFederal: $24,908
Non-Federal: $50,451
Steven Brady
2021CTAnnual BaseInvestigating Root Water Uptake Variations between Younger and Older Riparian TreesFederal: $20,465
Non-Federal: $40,930
James Knighton
2021CTAnnual BaseContaminant threats to groundwater-supplied ecosystem services in the Farmington River watershedFederal: $22,297
Non-Federal: $44,594
Jessica Brandt
2021CTAnnual BaseRecent Changes in the Form, Frequency, and Amount of Cold-Season Precipitation in New England and Their Impact on Streamflow DynamicsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Guiling Wang
2021DCAnnual BaseRemoval of Estrogens and Antibiotics by Innovative Treatment Technologies and Determination of Their Effects on PlanariansFederal: $14,949
Non-Federal: $7,176
Hossain M Azam
2021DCAnnual BaseExploring anomalously high calcium in suburban MD streams in the absence of bedrock carbonate and geochemical indicators of concrete dissolutionFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,277
Stephen MacAvoy
2021DCAnnual BaseNext Generation Modeling Techniques for Determining N & P from Point & Non-Point Sources and for Predicting & Controlling Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in the Chesapeake Bay WatershedFederal: $14,968
Non-Federal: $7,185
Pradeep K Behera
2021DCAnnual BaseReal-Time Low Flow Forecast System Using Multiple Machine Learning MethodsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $7,200
Nian Zhang
2021DCAnnual BasePerformance evaluation of bioretention cells for stormwater treatment and reuseFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $7,200
Tolessa Deksissa
2021DCAnnual BaseA Metobolomic Investigation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Neurotoxicity in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $7,200
Alexandra Taraboletti
2021DEAnnual BaseDelaware Water Resources Center Research Institute Program Annual Proposal for Fiscal Year 2021Federal: $125,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Gerald Kauffman
2021FLAnnual BaseAssessment of coastal sustainability to (re)emerging biothreats under extreme weather eventsFederal: $18,969
Non-Federal: $34,296
Antarpreet Jutla
2021FLAnnual BasePredictive assessment water-ecological conditions on abundance and presence of Aedes vectors in FloridaFederal: $18,969
Non-Federal: $34,296
Antarpreet Jutla
2021FLAnnual BaseImpacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Coastal Hydrology, Ecology, and EconomicsFederal: $20,966
Non-Federal: $44,792
David Kaplan
2021FLAnnual BaseCoupling computational fluid dynamics-artificial intelligence (CFD-AI) as digital twins for resilient urban water infrastructureFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $54,401
John Sansalone, Haochen Li
2021GAAnnual BaseChanging flood dynamics in Southeastern rivers: consequences for water and habitat qualityFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Darold Batzer
2021GAAnnual BaseAssessing dissolved oxygen concentrations in the Conasauga RiverFederal: $17,996
Non-Federal: $36,640
Byron Freeman
2021GAAnnual BaseUsing the one-dimensional Dupuit equation to build a topographically based, GIS-driven, two-dimensional water table model for estimating water table position and transit timesFederal: $17,955
Non-Federal: $35,910
C. Rhett Jackson
2021GAAnnual BaseDeveloping a Species Distribution Model for Aetokthonos hydrillicola in Georgia WatersFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Susan Wilde
2021GAAnnual BaseScenario Analysis of Flooding Risk at City of Savannah by an Integrated Urban-Hydrology-Hydraulics ModelFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Jian Luo
2021GUAnnual BaseGroundwater Model of the Machanao Basin, Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $15,054
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana
2021GUAnnual BaseSurface Hydrology of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Phase IIFederal: $15,054
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana
2021GUAnnual BasePFOS trend monitoring in Saipan production wellsFederal: $43,045
Non-Federal: $0
Yong Sang Kim
2021GUAnnual BaseIn-situ characterization of extreme rainfall on Guam, FSM and the CNMIFederal: $23,535
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander
2021GUAnnual BaseEstablishing Groundwater Protection Zones in Guam, Phase IIFederal: $15,736
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen
2021GUAnnual BaseSpatial-temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in Yigo-Tumon BasinFederal: $14,854
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen
2021GUAnnual BasePhase II – A sustainable plan for stormwater management and flooding at Garapan, SaipanFederal: $33,024
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo
2021GUAnnual BaseComprehensive review of hydrogeological assessments of sinkholes on NGLA, GuamFederal: $20,978
Non-Federal: $0
Myeong-Ho Yeo
2021HIAnnual BaseForecasting daily reference evapotranspiration for water resources conservation and sustainable agriculture in Hawai'iFederal: $35,023
Non-Federal: $81,045
Sayed Bateni
2021HIAnnual BaseLinking watershed and groundwater management to groundwater dependent ecosystems and their linked ecological, cultural, and socio-economic valuesFederal: $59,972
Non-Federal: $51,596
Leah Bremer
2021HIAnnual BaseSpace-time rainfall map development for the Hawaiian IslandsFederal: $26,236
Non-Federal: $11,806
Jonghyun Lee
2021HIAnnual BaseFecal indicators and their associated health risk in American Samoa’s watershedsFederal: $61,063
Non-Federal: $39,068
Marek Kirs
2021HIAnnual BaseIntegrating geological, geophysical, remote sensing, and groundwater data into a geothermal resource assessment for American SamoaFederal: $34,189
Non-Federal: $8,889
Nicole Lautze
2021IAAnnual BaseEnvironmental Justice for All: Nutrient Impacts on Lake-Based Recreation and Tourism by Rural and Socially Disadvantaged IowansFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,749
Wendong Zhang
2021IAAnnual BaseCatchment-scale hydrologic modeling of urban residential stormwater best management practices (BMPs)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Breanna Marmur
2021IAAnnual BaseUnderstanding the Impacts of Coronavirus‐related Reduction in Aerosols and Pollution on Precipitation and Discharge across IowaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,013
Gabriele Villarini
2021IAAnnual BaseA Serious Game on Flood Mitigation for K-12 and Public EducationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Bekir Zahit Demiray
2021IAAnnual BaseCoupling Physical and Societal Objectives for Decision Making in Water Resources ManagementFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Gregory Ewing, Ibrahim Demir
2021IDAnnual BaseProfessional training to address critical groundwater issues: resolving flow dynamics from porescale laboratory experiments and watershed-scale field measurementsFederal: $31,906
Non-Federal: $63,812
Vibhav Durgesh
2021IDAnnual BaseCarbonized biomass production and characterization for water treatment system across aquaculture facilities in Hagerman ValleyFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,004
Amin Mirkouei
2021IDAnnual BaseThe Idaho Water Resources Research Institute Mobile LaboratoryFederal: $7,654
Non-Federal: $15,308
Alan Kolok
2021IDAnnual BaseAdvancing streamflow simulation and forecasting using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) at snow-dominated watershedsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Jae Ryu
2021IDAnnual BaseFate of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances on dairy farms and water remediationFederal: $30,095
Non-Federal: $60,191
Sarah Wu
2021ILAnnual BaseImpacts of Geothermal Energy Use and Multi-Source Data Fusion on Groundwater ModelingFederal: $29,670
Non-Federal: $17,387
Maryam Ghadiri
2021ILAnnual BaseEfficacious, recyclable, and low-cost inorganic adsorbent to remove harmful PFAS compounds in aqueous matricesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $21,704
Jaemin Kim
2021ILAnnual BaseFloodplain morphology, floodplain inundation, and riparian ecology in the context of the changing hydrology of rivers in IllinoisFederal: $9,500
Non-Federal: $18,894
Bruce Rhoads
2021ILAnnual BaseAssessing the Feasibility of Non-Potable Water Reuse in IllinoisFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Ashlynn Stillwell
2021ILAnnual BaseTriboelectric devices for water-motion energy-harvesting and contamination sensingFederal: $9,999
Non-Federal: $20,353
Yi-Cheng Wang
2021INAnnual BaseA survey of forever chemicals in Indiana: does agricultural biosolid application contaminate wetland ecosystems with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)?Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,549
Maria Sepulveda
2021INAnnual BaseAn on-line tool to evaluate groundwater sustainability in the Upper Wabash basinFederal: $24,304
Non-Federal: $49,091
Laura Bowling, Keith Cherkauer
2021INAnnual BasePilot study to evaluate potential use of fatty acids as condition index of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in response to upstream environmental effectsFederal: $16,750
Non-Federal: $33,949
Thomas Hook
2021INAnnual BaseMonitoring and Assessment of Streamflow Regime in Headwater Streams of the Upper White River WatershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,235
Bangshuai Han
2021KSAnnual BaseExperimental and Modeling Investigation of Fluid-Fluid and Rock-Fluid Compatibility between Arbuckle and Lansing Kansas City FormationsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $42,600
Reza Barati
2021KSAnnual BaseBenthic Cyanobacterial Mats: A Potential Source of Harmful & Nuisance Compounds to Kansas StreamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $44,357
Admin Husic
2021KSAnnual BaseSimulating the effects of reservoir management strategies on in-stream sediment load, streambank stability, and water qualityFederal: $10,192
Non-Federal: $22,985
Tony Layzell
2021KSAnnual BaseImproving Irrigation Water Use Efficiency Using Novel Root SensorsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,013
Colby Moorberg
2021KSAnnual BaseA New Statewide System for Tracking and Forecasting DroughtFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,045
Andres Patrignani
2021KSAnnual BaseSpatial variability and subsurface controls of groundwater recharge and nutrient mobilization in dry streamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $42,602
Erin Seybold
2021KYAnnual BaseAnalyzing recent spatio-temporal rainfall erosivity patterns and trends across KentuckyFederal: $4,306
Non-Federal: $8,612
C. Andrew Day
2021KYAnnual BaseMotivations and Barriers to the Implementation of Riparian Buffer Zones on Central Kentucky Horse FarmsFederal: $19,413
Non-Federal: $34,206
Steven Evans
2021KYAnnual BaseEarly Detection and Quantitative Risk Assessment of Microbial Contamination in Karst BasinsFederal: $10,001
Non-Federal: $23,084
Alan Fryar
2021KYAnnual BaseThe role of small Kentucky wetlands in carbon sequestration and methane emissionsFederal: $9,812
Non-Federal: $19,624
Andrew Mehring
2021KYAnnual BaseEmerging Contaminant Exposure Following WWTP Processes to Surface Waters and AgroecosystemsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,002
Tiffany Messer
2021KYAnnual BaseImproving Best Management Practices for Siting, Maintenance, and Design of Urban Karst Groundwater Injection WellsFederal: $7,469
Non-Federal: $25,492
Jason Polk
2021KYAnnual BaseReforest the Bluegrass: Evaluating effects of riparian reforestation on urban stream healthFederal: $9,982
Non-Federal: $28,298
Kenton Sena
2021KYAnnual BaseExploring the links between soil moisture, O2, CO2, and long-term P cycle along forested river valley bottoms in western Kentucky USAFederal: $9,954
Non-Federal: $24,658
Gary Stinchcomb
2021KYAnnual BaseEvaluating the effects of beaver dam removal on the hydrology, water quality, and bioindicators of a restored wetlandFederal: $5,249
Non-Federal: $13,717
Kinga Stryszowska-Hill
2021KYAnnual BaseUsing 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the gut microbiome to understand the effects of freshwater mussels on water quality Federal: $9,968
Non-Federal: $19,953
David Weisrock
2021LAAnnual BaseWell Log Interpretation for Louisiana Coastal Plains StratigraphyFederal: $16,228
Non-Federal: $32,456
Ipsita Gupta
2021LAAnnual BaseA bounds-preserving, higher-order numerical method for Richards’ equationFederal: $17,320
Non-Federal: $34,798
Christopher Kees
2021LAAnnual BaseEstimating cyanobacterial regrowth after wastewater disinfection processesFederal: $17,700
Non-Federal: $35,366
Samuel Snow
2021LAAnnual BaseMolecular characterization and food source identification of Naegleria fowleri in potable water distribution systems in LouisianaFederal: $16,543
Non-Federal: $33,354
Samendra Sherchan
2021LAAnnual BaseTransport and emission of dissolved carbon from the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River SystemFederal: $16,360
Non-Federal: $32,721
Y. Jun Xu
2021LAAnnual BaseCyanotoxins in south Louisiana estuaries: implications for water quality and oyster healthFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Beth Stauffer
2021MAAnnual BaseInvestigating dam removal as a tool to increase ecological resilience through water quality improvementsFederal: $15,001
Non-Federal: $33,113
Allison Roy, Keith Nislow
2021MAAnnual BaseRevealing the drivers of water quality change in the critical zone amidst urban-ecological transitional systems using isotope tracers and ecohydrological comparisonFederal: $57,948
Non-Federal: $115,916
Christian Guzman
2021MAAnnual BaseNature’s Filter: Wetland water quality before and after restoration in Plymouth, MAFederal: $14,980
Non-Federal: $33,380
Christine Hatch
2021MAAnnual BaseAssessing the Effectiveness of Floodplain Reconnection, a Growing Practice in River RestorationFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,924
Anna Martini
2021MAAnnual BaseDeveloping Continuous Sampling and Drones as Monitoring Strategies of Water Flow, Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen During Low Flow PeriodsFederal: $6,500
Non-Federal: $13,048
Robert Stevenson
2021MDAnnual BaseQuantifying chloride and sodium inputs to the Baltimore City drinking water reservoirsFederal: $18,225
Non-Federal: $46,438
Joel Moore
2021MDAnnual BaseSand populations in urban rivers: sources, storage, and impacts on storm sediment loadsFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $70,000
Karen Prestegaard
2021MDAnnual BaseApplication of Machine Learning and Uncertainty Assessment for a More Robust Precipitation Analysis Considering Changing Climate for the State of MarylandFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,000
Michelle Bensi
2021MDAnnual BaseHydrologic Controls of Carbon Storage in Tidal and Non-Tidal Freshwater WetlandsFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,000
Karen Prestegaard
2021MDAnnual BaseUnit Hydrograph Theory and Applications in MarylandFederal: $28,521
Non-Federal: $57,077
Kaye Brubaker
2021MDAnnual BaseIsotopic fingerprinting of Maryland wetlands methaneFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
James Farquhar
2021MEAnnual BaseIntegrated assessment of alternative management strategies for PFAS-contaminated wastewater residualsFederal: $39,820
Non-Federal: $80,640
Dianne Kopec
2021MEAnnual BaseStakeholders, earth scientists, and design professionals can shape the dynamics of river restorationFederal: $10,801
Non-Federal: $22,006
Peter Koons
2021MEAnnual BaseOutcomes Based Diagnostics for Maine Woodlands Headwater Stream Corridor Sustainability SolutionsFederal: $31,400
Non-Federal: $62,891
Neil Thompson
2021MIAnnual BaseIntegrating Applied Research and Technology Advancements to Improve Water Resource ManagementFederal: $74,420
Non-Federal: $187,715
Dana Infante
2021MIAnnual BasePFAS and other Groundwater Contaminants: Assessing Attitudes and Perceptions Concerning Risks to Drinking Water in MichiganFederal: $15,235
Non-Federal: $29,370
Lois Wolfson
2021MIAnnual BaseExploring relationships between harmful algal blooms and socioeconomics in MichiganFederal: $6,248
Non-Federal: $14,136
Jeremiah Asher
2021MIAnnual BaseReflecting water quality measurement variability and uncertainty in decision support systemsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Andrew Gronewold
2021MNAnnual BaseInvestigating whether soil health systems improve field workability and quality of lifeFederal: $15,719
Non-Federal: $51,271
Anna Cates
2021MNAnnual BaseAssessing the implications of chloride from land application of manure for Minnesota waterwaysFederal: $15,719
Non-Federal: $51,271
Melissa Wilson
2021MOAnnual BaseBizarro cyanotoxins: when do green reservoirs become toxic?Federal: $21,736
Non-Federal: $43,471
Rebecca North, Binbin Wang, Jennifer Graham
2021MOAnnual BaseMicroplastic contamination in groundwater as a function of land useFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $54,160
Elizabeth Hasenmueller
2021MSAnnual BaseNutrient Reuse in Agriculture through Microbial Electrochemical Systems – Effects on Plant Growth and Soil MicrobiomeFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Veera Gnaneswar Gude
2021MSAnnual BaseIrrigation Systems, Row Spacing, and Applied Fertilizer Effects on Water Use and Crop ProductivityFederal: $36,001
Non-Federal: $76,080
Gurbir Singh
2021MSAnnual BaseMulti-scale evaluation of the impact of hydrological extremes on coastal wetland vegetationFederal: $35,030
Non-Federal: $42,292
Wei Wu
2021MTAnnual BaseExploring diffusion of information from volunteer water monitoring and the effect on public trust in scienceFederal: $13,796
Non-Federal: $28,183
Sarah Church, Adam Sigler
2021MTAnnual BaseThe Next Generation of Water Policy to Support Farms and Fish in MontanaFederal: $12,341
Non-Federal: $24,935
Brian Chaffin
2021MTAnnual BaseHow does whitebark pine affect snowpack and streamflow?Federal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $35,606
Danielle Ulrich, Brian Smithers
2021MTAnnual BaseEstimating the Snowmelt Derived Runoff in Upper Missouri River Basin with Snowmelt Runoff ModellingFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Ninad Bhagwat
2021MTAnnual BaseTesting the Climate Variability Hypothesis in Montana’s aquatic insects from thermally-distinct habitatsFederal: $1,165
Non-Federal: $0
James Frakes, Jackson Birrell
2021MTAnnual BaseGroundwater and Soil Chemistry Controls on Surface Water Quality at Abandoned MinesFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Tyler Kamp
2021MTAnnual BaseQuantifying the effects of beaver mimicry on fish habitat and populations in Western MontanaFederal: $1,965
Non-Federal: $0
Andrew Lahr
2021MTAnnual BaseAssessment of the hydro‐economics of agriculture in MontanaFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Zachary Lauffenburger
2021MTAnnual BaseDetermining controls on snowpack and soil isotopic spatial heterogeneityFederal: $1,186
Non-Federal: $0
Jenna Rolle
2021MTAnnual BaseAn Examination of the Impacts of Beaver Dam Mimicry Structures on Groundwater-Suraface Water Interactions in Lower Mountain Riparian SystemsFederal: $1,525
Non-Federal: $0
Mercedes Salazar
2021MTAnnual BaseBiofouling Mitigation using Polydopamine/Copper Coater Polypropylene Spacers with Periodic Hydrogen Peroxide CleaningFederal: $1,510
Non-Federal: $0
Amos Taiswa
2021NCAnnual BasePerformance Evaluation of Novel Resins in Flow-Through Columns for PFAS removal from Drinking Water and Treated WastewaterFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $43,000
Orlando Coronell
2021NCAnnual BaseFecal contamination source tracking and forecasting to support recreational and cultural development in the Black River watershedFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $50,643
Angela Harris
2021NCAnnual BaseEnabling Rural Water Utilities to Create, Transfer Information, and Use Digital Service Area BoundariesFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $42,987
Lauren Patterson
2021NCAnnual BaseA Citizen Science Internship Program to Quantify Racial and Economic Disparities in Lead Levels in Drinking Water Across North CarolinaFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $51,839
Caren Cooper
2021NCAnnual BaseDeveloping a watershed prioritization index to guide restoration initiatives in the Upper Little Tennessee River BasinFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $43,000
Keith Gibbs
2021NDAnnual BaseRemediation of PFAS-contaminated Soils to Protect GroundwaterFederal: $5,360
Non-Federal: $10,720
Feng Xiao
2021NDAnnual BaseDynamics of flows under ice-coverage in the Red RiverFederal: $5,180
Non-Federal: $10,360
Trung Bao Le
2021NDAnnual BaseDoes wetland restoration affect the accumulation of glyphosate?Federal: $10,920
Non-Federal: $21,840
Jon Sweetman
2021NDAnnual BaseA Novel Numerical Model for Transient Mixed Flow Analysis in Sewer PipesFederal: $6,890
Non-Federal: $13,780
Yeo Howe Lim
2021NDAnnual BaseImpact of groundwater tables on the water use, yield, root growth distribution and quality of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum)Federal: $4,450
Non-Federal: $12,400
Halis Simsek
2021NDAnnual BaseUse of LIDAR and Synthetic Bathymetry to Develop Stream Cross Sections for Alternative Modeling of Streamflow in North Dakota Using HEC-RAS: A Case Study on the Tongue RiverFederal: $5,920
Non-Federal: $11,840
Yeo Howe Lim
2021NDAnnual BaseAssessment of agricultural impact on biotic components of North Dakota wetland resources using habitat suitability landscape genomics of amphibiansFederal: $3,940
Non-Federal: $9,942
Craig Stockwell
2021NDAnnual BaseUnderstanding the impacts of hydrology on seasonal and spatial water chemistry changes in two adjacent prairie potholes in North Dakota using stable isotopesFederal: $9,620
Non-Federal: $22,308
Jon Sweetman
2021NDAnnual BaseFate and Transport of Microplastics in the Natural EnvironmentFederal: $7,470
Non-Federal: $14,940
Feng Xiao
2021NDAnnual BaseDrought identification, categorization, and prediction in cold climate regionsFederal: $10,380
Non-Federal: $21,845
Xuefeng Chu
2021NDAnnual BaseThermal Stability of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and the Impact on the Aquatic EnvironmentFederal: $5,360
Non-Federal: $10,720
Feng Xiao
2021NDAnnual BaseFabrication of a tailor-made surface for microalgal biofilm mediated nutrient removal from municipal wastewaterFederal: $6,890
Non-Federal: $15,881
Halis Simsek
2021NDAnnual BaseSimulation of soil water dynamics for drip-mulch fields using Hydrus-2DFederal: $6,890
Non-Federal: $14,679
Xinhua Jia
2021NDAnnual BaseHydraulic and hydrologic routing parameters in natural channels in North Dakota under snowmelt-induced flooding conditionsFederal: $4,140
Non-Federal: $8,280
Yeo Howe Lim
2021NEAnnual BaseImage-Based Streamflow and Water Quality ModelingFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,616
Troy Gilmore
2021NEAnnual BaseA Data-Led Approach to Visualizing and Assessing Nitrate Contamination in Northeastern NebraskaFederal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $38,635
Erin M.K. Haacker
2021NEAnnual BaseEvaluation of Nitrogen-based Redox Processes in the Vadose ZoneFederal: $9,982
Non-Federal: $20,083
Michael Kaiser
2021NEAnnual BaseAdvancing Groundwater/Surface Water Models using Geophysics-Derived HydrostratigraphyFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,997
Jesse Korus
2021NEAnnual BaseKnow Your Well - NorthwestFederal: $5,950
Non-Federal: $11,987
Michael Leite
2021NEAnnual BaseExamining surface and groundwater contamination from use of byproducts derived from ethanol processing of pesticide-treated crop seeds and the potential impacts on biological indicator organismsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,033
Judy Wu-Smart
2021NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watershedsFederal: $24,990
Non-Federal: $67,380
William McDowell
2021NHAnnual BaseLand Conservation for Flood Risk Management: Ecosystem-based Approaches in NH’s Coastal WatershedFederal: $20,579
Non-Federal: $41,158
Catherine Ashcraft
2021NHAnnual BaseImpact of Geomorphology and Riparian Vegetation on New England Riverbank ErosionFederal: $21,391
Non-Federal: $42,784
Anne Lightbody
2021NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Real time monitoring in the Lamprey River watershedFederal: $10,055
Non-Federal: $35,126
William McDowell
2021NJAnnual BaseAssessing the influence sea level rise on increased microbial sulfate reduction and the release of sediment bound metals in the tidal Raritan River, New JerseyFederal: $17,952
Non-Federal: $35,904
Katherine Dawson
2021NJAnnual BaseTargeted Groundwater Remediation using Engineered NanocarriersFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,002
Sujit S. Datta
2021NJAnnual BaseComparison of ferric sulfate and ferric chloride for utility coagulant selectionFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
William Pennock
2021NJAnnual BaseIsolation and characterization of anaerobic debrominating bacteria in estuarine sediments of New Jersey through substrate dependent enrichment culturesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Chloe Costea
2021NJAnnual BasePandemic impacts on hosts and prevalence of aquatic antibiotic resistance across NJFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Aishwarya Santosh Deshpande
2021NJAnnual BaseEffects of Spatial Heterogeneity in Substrate Conditions on Green Roof Plant GrowthFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Lin Zheng
2021NJAnnual BaseReshaping Conventional Water Purification with Ferrate(VI) Activation: One-step Treatment Enables Removals of Harmful Algal Blooms-Derived Emerging and Traditional ContaminantsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,655
Lisitai Yang
2021NJAnnual BaseGenerating Ultra-Pure Water from Ground and Surface Water for Drinking and Medical PurposesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Indrani Gupta
2021NJAnnual BaseMicroplastics as Hubs Enriching Antibiotic-Resistant and Pathogenic Bacteria during Municipal Wastewater Treatment ProcessesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Dung Ngoc Pham
2021NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information System for Water Resources Research Planning and OutreachFederal: $16,178
Non-Federal: $7,765
Alexander Fernald
2021NMAnnual BaseUsing UAV for Precision Agriculture & water Conservation based on Real-time Irrigation SchedulingFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Zohrab Samani
2021NMAnnual BaseInforming groundwater management and agricultural crop choice using a dynamic discrete decision-making model in the Eastern High Plains of New MexicoFederal: $17,445
Non-Federal: $35,075
Haoying Wang
2021NMAnnual BaseQuantifying the longitudinal propagation of disturbances in riversFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Ricardo Gonzalez-Pinzon
2021NMAnnual BaseUnderstanding the public’s questions and concerns related to potable water reuse: An analysis of survey write-in responses from residents of Albuquerque, New MexicoFederal: $8,996
Non-Federal: $18,159
Caroline Scruggs
2021NVAnnual BaseSensitivity of Mountain Hydrology to Changing Climate: Exploring Source Mixing and Residence Time Distributions in Basin OutflowsFederal: $32,844
Non-Federal: $65,685
Rosemary Carroll
2021NVAnnual BaseLong-term effects of beaver-related stream restoration on fluvial sediment transportFederal: $16,558
Non-Federal: $33,892
Mark Hausner
2021NVAnnual BaseTrace Element Compositions in Spring Waters in Southern Nevada: An Avenue to Train Young Hydrologists in NevadaFederal: $21,828
Non-Federal: $43,695
Shichun Huang
2021NVAnnual BaseStrain-Specific Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in Rural Wastewater SystemsFederal: $35,646
Non-Federal: $71,291
Duane Moser
2021NYAnnual BaseRegulated Disinfection By-Products: Correlation Analyses and Prediction Models for NYS Treatment Plants (Phase I)Federal: $28,805
Non-Federal: $22,716
Brian Rahm
2021NYAnnual BaseComprehensive Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms via Molecular Tools and Remote SensingFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $52,801
Ruth Richardson
2021NYAnnual BaseGenomic Insights into Microbial Mechanisms Responsible for Increased Carbon Bioavailability and Denitrification within Woodchip Bioreactors Subject to Oxic-Anoxi CyclingFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $6,400
Matthew Reid
2021NYAnnual BaseThe Impacts of Vacant Lots and Engineered Green Infrastructure on Groundwater Nutrient DynamicsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Richard Marinos
2021NYAnnual BaseExploring the Sources, Fate, and Processing of Microplastics in Seasonally Stratified LakesFederal: $14,500
Non-Federal: $29,000
Charles Driscoll
2021OHAnnual BaseQuantifying the Relationship between Algal Blooms and Carbon Budgets and Quality in Lake ErieFederal: $34,215
Non-Federal: $34,255
Rachel Gabor, Rachel Eveleth
2021OHAnnual BaseAssessment of large woody debris as a low‐cost best management practice for improving water quality in urban headwater streamsFederal: $39,017
Non-Federal: $59,246
Michael Booth, Steve Matter, Adam Lehmann
2021OHAnnual BaseThe influence of surface water-groundwater exchange on fate and transport of emerging contaminantsFederal: $34,599
Non-Federal: $68,491
Reza Soltanian
2021OKAnnual BaseMicroplastic pollution of Oklahoma freshwater systems and the potential interactions with contaminants of environmental and health concernFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Jorge Gonzalez Estrella
2021OKAnnual BaseZooplankton-Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) feedback loops in Oklahoma ReservoirsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Andrew Dzialowski
2021OKAnnual BaseUtilizing high resolution space-air-ground platforms for early detection of cyanobacteria at near shore locations in reservoirsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $9,999
Andrew Dzialowski
2021OKAnnual BaseSynthesizing a novel fouling-resistant polyacrylic acid (PAA) membrane utilizing ultraviolet (UV)-grafted technique on alpha-alumina support for treating PWFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $9,999
Seokjhin Kim
2021OKAnnual BaseTesting the relationship between isopod distributions and groundwater connectivity in the Prairie Plains of Eastern OklahomaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Alexander J. Hess
2021OKAnnual BaseBioelectric Treatment of Nitrate Impaired WatersFederal: $20,005
Non-Federal: $42,466
2021ORAnnual BaseWater and Sanitation Access: Challenges and Recommendations for Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties of OregonFederal: $14,488
Non-Federal: $24,267
Mary Santelmann
2021ORAnnual BaseYoung Professionals Blue Peace Whitepaper: Columbia River BasinFederal: $13,800
Non-Federal: $52,060
Mary Santelmann
2021ORAnnual BaseMicroplastics and fire-associated pollutants generated by Western wildfires affecting sensitive riverine ecosystemsFederal: $8,999
Non-Federal: $25,942
Elisa Granek
2021PAAnnual BaseEffectiveness of Riparian Buffers for Removing Nitrogen Toward Meeting Water Quality Goals in PennsylvaniaFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Tyler Groh
2021PAAnnual BaseInvestigating the role of deep weathering in retention and reaction of chlorinated solvents in a contaminated, fractured bedrock aquiferFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Xin Gu
2021PAAnnual BaseEffects of solar farms on landscape hydrologyFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Lauren McPhillips
2021PAAnnual BaseAssessing Impacts of Agrochemicals on Water Quality: A Case Study from a Pennsylvania StreamFederal: $9,052
Non-Federal: $18,217
Linghao Zhong
2021PRAnnual BaseHydrograph Separation Method (HSM) for Stormwater Design Using Storm Drain InletsFederal: $23,991
Non-Federal: $11,995
Walter Silva-Araya
2021PRAnnual BaseRemoval of Organosilanol Compounds from Water by Synthetic ZeolitesFederal: $23,000
Non-Federal: $58,082
Pedro Tarafa Velez
2021PRAnnual BaseNanotechnology-based wastewater treatment for reuseFederal: $20,100
Non-Federal: $10,050
Oscar Marcelo Suarez
2021RIAnnual BaseCharacterizing Seasonal Dynamics and Sources of PFAS in the Pawcatuck RiverFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,546
Rainer Lohmann
2021RIAnnual BaseSystematic assessment of plastic waste in the freshwater systems of Rhode IslandFederal: $25,041
Non-Federal: $52,233
Andrew Davies
2021RIAnnual BaseWater Use and Availability on Block Island, RIFederal: $20,213
Non-Federal: $41,964
Thomas Boving
2021RIAnnual BaseA Geospatial Risk Model for Assessing Threats to Rhode Island Water ResourcesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,632
Ali Akanda
2021SCAnnual BaseEstablishing a Framework of Payments for Ecosystem Services in the Edisto BasinFederal: $25,298
Non-Federal: $50,181
Marzieh Motallebi
2021SCAnnual BaseApplication of Agent-based System to Investigate Water Allocation across the Edisto River Basin, South CarolinaFederal: $30,295
Non-Federal: $61,378
Vidya (Seyedehzahra) Samadi
2021SCAnnual BaseAlgae blooms producing taste and odor issues in Upstate drinking water reservoirsFederal: $30,188
Non-Federal: $60,375
Peter van den Hurk, James Strickland
2021SDAnnual BaseNitrogen Fixing Cyanobacteria Cultured for Cost Effective Biofertilizer Using WastewaterFederal: $10,089
Non-Federal: $20,184
Gary Anderson
2021SDAnnual BaseSoil-Water Function of Established Conservation SystemsFederal: $13,993
Non-Federal: $27,986
John McMaine
2021SDAnnual BaseOptimal Well Design for Water Resource Management of the Split Rock Creek Aquifer for the City of Sioux FallsFederal: $19,999
Non-Federal: $39,998
Liangping Li
2021SDAnnual BaseSensing through smell: Developing an affordable UAV-based system to pinpoint where lake water quality decay occursFederal: $10,967
Non-Federal: $21,935
Xufei Yang
2021TNAnnual BaseValidation of the nitrogen balance model used in Tennessee to determine the application rate of secondary-treated reclaimed waterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,001
John Buchanan
2021TNAnnual BaseImproved remote-sensing imagery techniques to identify riparian corridor characteristics in headwater streams and inventory wetlands, lakes, and permanent streams in West TennesseeFederal: $10,096
Non-Federal: $33,603
Brian Waldron
2021TNAnnual BaseIdentifying patterns of water scarcity for Tennessee under climate change and urban growthFederal: $29,816
Non-Federal: $59,754
Yaoping Wang
2021TNAnnual BaseAuto-Depuration Due to Hyporheic Exchange/Filtration under Bars of Headwater Streams in TennesseeFederal: $29,975
Non-Federal: $62,634
Claudio Meier
2021TNAnnual BaseAn Interdisciplinary Approach towards Understanding Antibiotic Resistance in Urban Karst Groundwater SystemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Tania Datta
2021TXAnnual BaseImpact of soil management practices on water conservation and enhancing climate resilienceFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,557
Sayantan Samanta
2021TXAnnual BaseEvaluation and Characterization of Microplastics along an Ephemeral StreamFederal: $4,110
Non-Federal: $8,220
Andre Felton
2021TXAnnual BaseExploring Groundwater Recoverability in TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,029
Michael Young
2021UTAnnual BaseReal-time generation of multispectral and thermal aerial maps for immediate Utah water decision-making activities in urban, agriculture and natural environmentsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $32,583
Steve Petruzza
2021UTAnnual BaseQuantifying the impact of reservoir sedimentation on water security in the Weber River watershedFederal: $30,056
Non-Federal: $68,111
Patrick Belmont
2021UTAnnual BaseAssessing the sources, transport, and fate of microplastic in the Logan River watershedFederal: $30,312
Non-Federal: $41,142
Kyle Moor
2021UTAnnual BasePublic views on water strategies for protecting the Great Salt Lake and its wetlandsFederal: $29,568
Non-Federal: $108,165
Joanna Endter-Wada
2021VAAnnual BaseVirginia Water Resources Research Center Student SeedFederal: $4,779
Non-Federal: $9,536
Stephen Schoenholtz
2021VAAnnual BaseForecasting Drinking Water Quality in a Southwest Virginia Reservoir to Improve Drinking Water ManagementFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,003
Dexter Howard
2021VAAnnual BaseNew Conceptualizations of Catchment-Scale Storm.water Pollutant Generation Processes·Federal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $14,002
Mina Shahed Behrouz
2021VAAnnual BaseSoil dissolved organic matter and nutrient sources from urban wetlands and stormwater control measuresFederal: $6,726
Non-Federal: $13,471
Katherine Wardinski
2021VIAnnual BaseIntegrating Education Initiatives into FEMA Funded Improvements to the USVI Microclimate Monitoring Network Through Authentic Student Research ExperiencesFederal: $20,118
Non-Federal: $0
N. Brice Orange
2021VIAnnual BaseInvestigating links between fecal contamination and coral disease in the threatened species, Acropora palmataFederal: $38,000
Non-Federal: $0
Marilyn Brandt
2021VTAnnual BaseVermont cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom ecology and toxin biosynthesis gene activity: a path to novel management strategiesFederal: $23,121
Non-Federal: $46,876
Erin Eggleston
2021VTAnnual BasePaleolimnological data synthesis to assess and predict long-term ecological change in Vermont inland lakesFederal: $25,125
Non-Federal: $51,421
Ana Morales-Williams
2021VTAnnual BaseQuantifying mineral-bound phosphorus sources in rock and soil in forested headwater watershedsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,348
Don Ross
2021VTAnnual BaseQuantifying the Response of Lake Carmi Legacy Phosphorus to AerationFederal: $14,292
Non-Federal: $29,292
Ashton Kirol
2021VTAnnual BaseFeasibility of using open-source, custom designed cyanobacteria, algae, and turbidity sensor (CATS) systems to monitor water quality in real-time along Lake Champlain’s swimming beaches in Burlington, VermontFederal: $25,911
Non-Federal: $53,014
Clayton Williams
2021WAAnnual BaseCan water stargrass harvest mitigate the effects of climate change on migrating salmon?Federal: $29,622
Non-Federal: $59,257
Sarah Roley
2021WAAnnual BasePost-fire water quality effects of biopolymer and polymer stabilization of burnt Washington hillslopesFederal: $29,732
Non-Federal: $59,984
Idil Akin
2021WAAnnual BaseLinks between policy and riparian restoration for nutrient retention in the Nooksack River watershedFederal: $29,154
Non-Federal: $61,164
David Hooper
2021WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Water Resources Fellowship: Collaborating with Water ManagersFederal: $36,507
Non-Federal: $19,030
Jennifer Hauxwell
2021WIAnnual BaseFate of Groundwater Phosphorus from Septic Systems Near LakesFederal: $30,934
Non-Federal: $0
Paul McGinley
2021WIAnnual BaseScientific Observation and Environmental Storytelling: Engaging Youth and Educators in Urban Settings to Improve Great Lakes LiteracyFederal: $18,874
Non-Federal: $5,575
R. Justin Hougham
2021WVAnnual BaseIntegrating Data Sets to Understand Climate Change Vulnerability for Aquatic Fauna in West Virginia WatershedsFederal: $19,845
Non-Federal: $39,299
Caroline Arantes
2021WVAnnual BaseEconomic Impacts of Environmental Restoration Efforts in Three West Virginia WatershedsFederal: $33,046
Non-Federal: $72,428
Eric Bowen
2021WVAnnual BaseModeling and measuring drivers of erosion in a sediment-impaired streamFederal: $19,550
Non-Federal: $39,560
Charles Shobe
2021WVAnnual BaseAnalysis of passive AMD treatment system components over lifespans, seasons, and stormsFederal: $33,637
Non-Federal: $59,816
Christopher Russoniello
2021WYAnnual BaseRecycling Co-Produced Waters (CWS) in the Energy Industry for Economic DevelopmentFederal: $6,500
Non-Federal: $3,275
Maohong Fan
2021WYAnnual BaseUnderstanding the contribution of different microbial sources to surface water for informed management of waterborne pathogens in WyomingFederal: $6,612
Non-Federal: $94,678
Sarah Collins
2021WYAnnual BaseSediment and Fisheries: An Assessment to Inform Sediment Management Practices at Wyoming DamsFederal: $10,006
Non-Federal: $29,736
Annika Walters
2021WYAnnual BaseIdentifying, predicting and managing the occurrence of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in Wyoming reservoirsFederal: $9,388
Non-Federal: $72,818
Sarah Collins
2021WYAnnual BaseUnderstanding the contribution of different microbial sources to surface water for informed management of waterborne pathogens in WyomingFederal: $10,384
Non-Federal: $48,438
Dario Grana
2021WYAnnual BaseImproving Hydrologic Predictions in Wyoming’s Headwaters Through Detailed Quantification of SnowmeltFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $67,437
Fabian Nippgen
2020AKAnnual BaseApplication of Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV) in wide riversFederal: $23,428
Non-Federal: $46,856
Horacio Toniolovisual discharge, SI-LSPIV, image stitching
2020AKAnnual BaseConstructing a strontium isotope map (isoscape) for watersheds in interior Alaska with broad applications for hydrologic and wildife researchFederal: $10,300
Non-Federal: $20,600
Matthew WoollerInterior Alaska, strontium, caribou, isotopes
2020AKAnnual BaseHow far can you go? Tracking deposition of microplastics in AlaskaFederal: $36,509
Non-Federal: $73,018
Dr. Nicole Misartimicroplastics, precipitation
Non-Federal: $50,000
Milad Esfahani
2020ALAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Practical, Efficient, and Inexpensive On-Site Sensor for Real-Time Effective Determination of Trihalomethanes in Treated Drinking WaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Evan WujcikWater Quality, Water Quality Monitoring, Disinfection, Health Effects, Distribution System, Toxic Substances, Trace Organics, Water Treatment Facilities
Non-Federal: $0
Brendan Higginsalgae, bacteria, water chemistry, water quality modeling, water treatment
Non-Federal: $52,877
Frances C. O'Donnellinfiltration, rainfall-runoff models, storm water management, urban hydrology, water quality management
2020ARAnnual BaseWhy and When does Microcystin Exceed Recreational Guidelines at Lake Fayetteville?Federal: $12,665
Non-Federal: $25,331
Water Quality, Harmful Algal Blooms, Microcystin, Recreational Guidelines.
2020ARAnnual BaseNonpoint Source Pollution and Water Quality under Increasing Pressure from Poultry Agriculture in the Eleven Point and Lower Black River WatershedsFederal: $12,812
Non-Federal: $51,255
Allyn DoddAlgae, macroinvertebrates, microcystin, nonpoint source, nutrients, poultry, water sources, water quality
2020ARAnnual BaseIs rice as effective as barley straw or hydrogen peroxide in inhibiting cyanobacterial blooms and reducing microcystin concentrations?Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,058
reactive oxygen species (ROS), phenolic compounds, no lag time, toxin release, allelopathic algal control, eco-friendly, natural
2020ARAnnual BaseIntegrated Electrocoagulation-Membrane Distillation-Crystallization for Treating Hydraulic Fracturing Produced WaterFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Crystallization; Direct contact membrane distillation; Hydraulic fracturing produced water; Pretreatment
2020ARAnnual BaseMechanisms, Kinetics and Toxicity of Microcystin-LR Biodegradation by Free and Immobilized EnzymesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
membranes, microcystin, enzymatic degradation
2020ARAnnual BaseIn Situ Harmful Algal Bloom Mitigation: Net Design to Enhance Coagulation and Photocatalytic Degradation MechanismsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $28,944
In situ treatment; retrievable net; catalysis; coagulation; titanium dioxide, harmful algal blooms; cyanotoxins
2020AZAnnual BaseFlow Discharge Measurements Using Small Unmanned Aerial SystemsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Dr. Jennifer DuanFloods, Discharge, LSPIV, Velocity Index, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems, Drones
2020AZAnnual BaseRemoval of Microplastics by Soil Aquifer Treatment of Reclaimed WastewaterFederal: $9,990
Non-Federal: $20,113
Dr. Charles P. GerbaMicroplastics, Soil Aquifer Treatment, Manage Aquifer Recharge
2020CAAnnual BaseGroundwater Regulation and Land Fallowing: How Does Water Salinity Impact Land Use?Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $18,343
2020CAAnnual BasePrecision Irrigation Management for Optimizing In-Season and Post-Harvest Use of Limited Water in Young and Mature Almond OrchardsFederal: $12,696
Non-Federal: $35,748
Dr. Isaya Kisekkairrigation, almonds
2020CAAnnual BaseDetermining the Effect of Pricing Scructure on Urban Water Demand: A long Term Analysis of Major Water Utilities in CaliforniaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
2020CAAnnual BaseTowards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Multi-Scale Effects on Drought on Rivervine BiodiversityFederal: $10,610
Non-Federal: $25,837
Albert Vidal Ruhidrought, hydrologic connectivity, conservation, invertebrates
2020CAAnnual BaseAssessment of Water Storage for Manament of California's Oak WoodlandsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,400
Margaret ZimmerOak, ecosystems, woodlands, drought, resilience, climate
2020CAAnnual BaseWater and Wildfire in California WorkshopFederal: $39,768
Non-Federal: $6,364
Doug ParkerWater Resources, fire
2020CAAnnual BasePersistence of Rate Structure Effect on Water ConsumptionFederal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $3,885
Mehdi NematiWater rates, utilities, drought, pricing
2020CAAnnual BaseAssessing Health Impacts of Impaired Water Quality in CaliforniaFederal: $19,925
Non-Federal: $25,116
Maura C. Allairewater quality, communities, drinking water, health impacts
2020COAnnual BaseEvaluating the Future of Colorado's Outdoor Ice Rinks in a Changing ClimateFederal: $4,987
Non-Federal: $0
Steven FassnachtClimate change, ice skating, modeling
2020COAnnual BaseAssessing Depositional Patterns and Sourcing of Floodplain Large Wood on the Colorado Front RangeFederal: $4,974
Non-Federal: $0
Katherine LiningerLogjams, Floodplains, Extreme Events
2020COAnnual BaseSteamboat Resort Recreational Impacts on StreamflowFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Stephanie KampfDisturbance, Recreation, Streams
2020COAnnual BaseEstablishment of Industrial Hemp Study in Western Colorado to Evaluate Consumptive Use Rates Under Irrigated ConditionsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $0
Perry CabotHemp,Consumptive Use, Drip Irrigation, Hemp Disease
2020COAnnual BaseSnowpack Accumulation Model: Accounting for the Effects of Snowfall Induced Landscape ResurfacingFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Steven FassnachtSnow Accumulation, Surface Processes, Modeling
2020COAnnual BaseA Genetic Assessment of Cutthroat Trout Movement Across the Continental DivideFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Yoichiro KannoTrans-basin Diversion, Greenback Cutthroat Trout, Conservation Genetics
2020CTAnnual BaseA Quantitative Assessment of the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Algae, Cyanobacteria, Cyanotoxins, and Water Quality in Lower Bolton LakeFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,002
Christopher R. PerkinsCyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms, microcystin, monitoring
2020CTAnnual BasePaleolimnology and molecular investigation to understand blooms of Didymosphenia hullii, Didymosphenia geminata, and Cymbella janischii; nuisance stalk-forming diatoms in the West Branch of the Farmington River, Connecticut, USA.Federal: $10,683
Non-Federal: $33,519
Diba A. Khan-BureauDiatoms, Didymosphenia hullii, Didymosphenia geminata, nuisance, Paleolimnology, rock snot, stalk-forming
2020CTAnnual BaseVernal pool and BMP pond impacts on regional salt pollution dynamicsFederal: $24,515
Non-Federal: $49,032
Steven P. Bradyroad salt pollution; freshwater salinization; land use; BMP ponds; vernal pools
2020DCAnnual BasePerformance evaluation of membrane bioreactor (MBR) in sustainable buildings for potable water in DC area.Federal: $9,933
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Pradeep K. BeheraMembrane Bioreactor (MBR), Membrane flux, Membrane fouling
2020DCAnnual BaseUsing zebrafish to assess water health of Paint Branch Stream, an upstream tributary within the Anacostia WatershedFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,020
Victoria ConnaughtonZebrafish (Danio rerio), ecotoxicology, Anacostia
2020DCAnnual BaseA New Framework for Estimating Groundwater Recharge from Remotely Sensed Surface ObservationsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Leila Farhadirecharge, soil hydraulic parameters, soil moisture profile, remote sensing, data assimilation
2020DCAnnual BaseNext-generation effects-based monitoring of contaminants in the Anacostia and Potomac RiversFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Scott Glabermaneffects-based monitoring, contaminants, toxicity prediction
2020DCAnnual BaseImpact of high strength wastes (HSW) co-digestion with sludges on the performance of lab-scale anaerobic digesters and biogas methane potential (BMP) assays with potential to generate H2.Federal: $9,980
Non-Federal: $0
Hossain M. AzamWater Resources Recovery Facilities (WRRF); Co-digestion; Cheese whey (CW); Fat, oil & grease (FOG); Pulped food waste (PFW); Biogas methane potential (BMP); Hydrogen (H2)
2020DCAnnual BaseToxicity of organic contaminants in urban and suburban areas of the Anacostia and Potomac RiversFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,105
Stephen E. MacAvoyorganic contaminants, endocrine disruption, BPA, PAHs
2020DCAnnual BaseDeveloping a flexible modeling tool for integrated optimal control of stormwater BMPsFederal: $9,962
Non-Federal: $38,280
Arash MassoudiehGreen Infrastructure, Urban Hydrology, Water Quality, Machine Learning
2020DCAnnual BaseMonitoring E. coli, Trace metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Contamination in the Downstream Tributaries of the Anacostia River in Washington DC.Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Sania RoseSemi-volatile Organic Compounds, Water Quality, Sediment
2020DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Real-Time Low Flow Forecast System Based on Machine Learning MethodsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Nian Ashlee ZhangTime Series Prediction, Machine Learning, Water Quantity Prediction, Streamflow Prediction
2020DEAnnual BaseDelaware Water Resources Center Research Institute Program Annual Proposal for Fiscal Year 2020Federal: $125,000
Non-Federal: $250,000
Gerald J. Kauffman
2020FLAnnual BasePredictive assessment water-ecological conditions on abundance and presence of Aedes vectors in FloridaFederal: $19,094
Non-Federal: $40,287
Antarpreet JutlaWater Scarcity and Availability, Water Hazards and Climate Variability
2020FLAnnual BaseAssessment of coastal sustainability to (re)emerging biothreats under extreme weather eventsFederal: $19,094
Non-Federal: $40,287
Antarpreet JutlaWater Scarcity and Availability, Water Hazards and Climate Variability
2020FLAnnual BaseAgricultural Water Security Through Sustainable Use of the Floridan Aquifer: An Integrated Assessment of Economic and Environmental ImpactsFederal: $20,137
Non-Federal: $39,755
David KaplanWater Quality, Water Quantity, Agriculture, Economics, Modeling, Sustainability, Groundwater, Water Use, Environmental Regulation
2020FLAnnual BaseComputational fluid dynamics as a tool for urban water particulate transport and fate during infiltration through permeable systemsFederal: $29,957
Non-Federal: $52,051
John SansaloneComputational fluid dynamics, filtration, urban water cycle, sediment, particle size
2020GAAnnual BaseChanging flood dynamics in Southeastern rivers: consequences for water and habitat qualityFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Darold BatzerWater Quantity, Ecology, Floods/Drought
2020GAAnnual BaseMicroplastics in wastewater effluent as a vehicle for bacterial and viral transport in an urban riverFederal: $17,924
Non-Federal: $37,913
Lisa Casanova
2020GAAnnual BasePer-/Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Two Wastewater Treatment Plants in Georgia: Significance of Precursor Transformation by Biological Treatment ProcessesFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Ching-Hua Huang
2020GAAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Storm Water Management Model for Assessing Compound Flooding Risk in Chatham CountyFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Jian Luo
2020GAAnnual BaseAssessing drought effects on consumer-mediated ecosystem processes using experimental wetlandsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,127
Jose C. Colon-GaudMacroinvertebrates, Decomposition, Water Quality, Ecosystem Processes
2020GUAnnual BasePFOS trend monitoring in Saipan production wellsFederal: $40,929
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Yong Sang KimGroundwater contamination, Production well, Perfluoroalkyl substances
2020GUAnnual BaseA comprehensive review and consolidation of unpublished WERI research on the NGLA response to variations of sea level and rainfallFederal: $29,270
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Mark LanderThe Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, rainfall variations, sea level, extreme rainfall events, residence time, water table response lag times, hydrology
2020GUAnnual BaseEstablishing Groundwater Protection Zones in GuamFederal: $12,240
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Yuming WenGIS, modeling, Groundwater Protection Zone, Northern Guam Len Aquifers
2020GUAnnual BaseGeospatial-temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in FinegayanFederal: $13,524
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Yuming WenSalinity, GIS, modeling, Finegayan, Guam
2020GUAnnual BaseComprehensive hydrological database for secure water resources in Tofol watershed, Kosrae IslandFederal: $64,147
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Myeong-Ho YeoHydrology, water resources, sustainability
2020GUAnnual BaseA sustainable plan for stormwater management and flooding at Garapan, SaipanFederal: $29,947
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Myeong-Ho YeoExtreme events, stormwater, hydrology
2020GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of the Groundwater Model of the Yigo-Tumon Basin, Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $14,387
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Nathan HabanaGroundwater availability, groundwater quality
2020GUAnnual BaseHydrologic Spatial Analysis of Basins and Suspect Sinkholes on the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $14,772
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Nathan HabanaSurface Basins, suspected sinkholes, cumulative and secondary Impact, groundwater protection
2020GUAnnual BaseProduction well nitrate-N trends in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $27,745
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Nathan HabanaNitrate, production well, time-series trends, NGLA map series
2020GUAnnual BaseGuam Waterworks Authority (GWA) production-well rehabilitation assessment: Lessons Learned/Manual for Well Exploration and DevelopmentFederal: $8,496
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Yong Sang KimWell rehabilitation, hydrogeology, water production, contaminant (salinity)
2020HIAnnual BaseForecasting daily reference evapotranspiration for water resources conservations and sustainable agriculture in HawaiiFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $70,942
Sayed BateniForecast, Reference Evapotranspiration, Water Conservation, Sustainable Agriculture
2020HIAnnual BaseLinking watershed and groundwater management to groundwater dependent ecosystems and their linked ecological, cultural, and socio-economic valuesFederal: $60,973
Non-Federal: $75,986
Leah Bremergroundwater dependent ecosystems; submarine groundwater discharge; ecosystem services; cultural values
2020HIAnnual BaseFecal Indicators and Their Associated Health Risk in American Samoa's WatershedsFederal: $61,213
Non-Federal: $73,646
Marek KirsAmerican Samoa, water quality, microbial source tracking, pathogens, QMRA
2020HIAnnual BaseIntegrating Geological, Geophysical, Remote Sensing, and Groundwater Data into a Geothermal Resource Assessment for American SamoaFederal: $34,740
Non-Federal: $62,091
Nicole LautzeAmerican Samoa, geothermal, groundwater, geochemistry, seismology; InSAR, borehole
2020HIAnnual BaseProviding upgraded climate monitoring infrastructure in support of hydrological research in American SamoaFederal: $12,487
Non-Federal: $0
Kelley Anderson Tagarinoweather monitoring, streamflow monitoring
2020IAAnnual BaseMeasuring Impacts of Lake Management Practices on Harmful Algal Blooms using Con-tinuous Monitoring at the Iowa Great LakesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,007
Corey Markfortharmful algal blooms, continuous monitoring, water quality buoy, aquatic vegetation management, spatial/temporal non-equilibrium dynamics
2020IAAnnual BaseNext-Generation Stage Measurement at Ungauged Locations using IoTFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Yusuf Sermetwater level measurement, elevation estimation, virtual sensor, citizen science, hydrologic data retrieval
2020IAAnnual BaseDoes food web structure modify the resilience of shallow lakes to harmful algal blooms?Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,006
Tyler ButtsEutrophication, food web structure, ecosystem resilience, shallow lakes, nutrient pollution, lake restoration
2020IAAnnual BaseStrengthening the Foundation of Agroecosystem Models for Water Research: Precision Land Surface Analysis and Machine Learningfor Enhanced Soil MapsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $17,950
Meyer Bohnspatial modeling, nutrient reduction, soil erosion, crop production, digital soil mapping, precision remote-sensing analysis, machine learning, soil carbon, soil texture, a horizon thickness, water table
2020IAAnnual BaseHydro-NPOSS: A Non-Proprietary Open-Source Software for Hydrologic Data Visualization and Model EvaluationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Navid Jadidoleslaminformatics, cyberinfrastructure, web application, data visualization, open access
2020IDAnnual BaseMulti-Criteria Stakeholder Analysis Framework for Western United States Irrigation ModernizationFederal: $14,961
Non-Federal: $29,924
Thomas PtakIrrigation Modernization, Western United States, Stakeholder Engagement and Planning
2020IDAnnual BaseSnowpack aging, evolution of snow 2H and 18O, and alteration of the snowmelt recharge signal to a multilayer aquifer system.Federal: $14,973
Non-Federal: $29,946
Jeff LangmanSnowpack Aging, Water Isotopes, snowmelt signal
2020IDAnnual BaseEngineered, Porous-Structured Biochar for Removing Phosphorus in Water: Production, Characterization, and Sustainable TreatmentFederal: $14,950
Non-Federal: $29,973
Amin MirkoueiPhosphorous Reduction, Engineered Biochar, Aquaculture, Water Quality
2020IDAnnual BaseQuantifying bed architecture and interstitial processes within granular sediment beds by laser induced fluorescenceFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,002
Ralph Budwighyporheic Flow, Biofilms, Irregular granular particles, porous media flow, sediment bed scour, Refractive index matching, Laser induced fluorescence
2020ILAnnual BaseIllinois Water Resources Center Research for Future GenerationsFederal: $27,386
Non-Federal: $8,736
Dr. Maryam Ghadirifood-energy nexus, urban resilence
2020ILAnnual BaseLow cost mycelial stabilization of coal combustion products to reduce As, and Se contamination of groundwaterFederal: $9,988
Non-Federal: $21,608
Dr. Linduo Zhaoenergy-water nexus, coal combustion products, fungal mycelium, arsenic, selenium
2020ILAnnual BaseTowards better agricultural drought assessment and irrigation management: improving the simulation and understanding of plant water stress for crops in Noah-MP land surface modelFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,001
Dr. Kaiyu Guansoil moisture, plant water stress, land surface modeling
2020ILAnnual BaseA Coupled Urban Spatial Simulation and Stormwater Runoff Model and its Implications for Physical Design: The Case of ChicagoFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Dr. Brian Dealhydrologic modeling, land-use modeling, urban stormwater, design application
2020ILAnnual BaseModeling the Effects of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Implementation on Urban Hydrology and Urban Heat Islands in IllinoisFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Dr. Lei Zhaogreen stormwater infrastructure, urban flooding, urban heat island (UHI), urban hydrology, water-energy nexus
2020ILAnnual BaseUtilizing a tracer test to calculating the transport and fate of nitrate within a saturated buffer zoneFederal: $9,887
Non-Federal: $20,350
Eric W. Petersonnitrate, denitrification, saturated buffer zone, tile water, groundwater
2020INAnnual BaseEvaluating Old Mill Ponds: Can They Provide Clean Water and Sustainable Energy?Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,004
Antoine AubeneauMill ponds, Water Quality, Sustainable Energy
2020INAnnual BaseA framework for optimization of green infrastructure practices selection and placement to attain runoff and water quality goals in urban watershedFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,004
Jingqiu ChenHydrologic modeling; optimization; green infrastructure; cost; runoff; water quality; urban watershed
2020INAnnual BaseBiogeochemical Cycling of Lead in Indiana WaterwaysFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,001
Jennifer LatimerBiogeochemistry, Pollution, Metals, Water Quality, River Otters
2020INAnnual BaseEvaluation of direct and contaminant-associated effects of microplastic exposure on the reproductive behavior of fishFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,009
Jess WardMicroplastics, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, reproductive behavior, wastewater treatment, fish
2020INAnnual BaseSeasonal and hydrological controls of bioavailability of organic phosphorus in agricultural drainage watersFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,681
Pierre-Andre Jacinthetile drainage, P loading, P-hydrolytic enzymes
2020INAnnual BaseMapping the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Cover Crops to Model Water Quality OutcomesFederal: $14,966
Non-Federal: $38,225
Landon YoderCover crops, spatial analysis, remote sensing, hydrological modeling
2020INAnnual BaseImpacts of urbanization on urban runoff and water quality in the contiguous U.S.Federal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $2,000
Jingqiu ChenHydrologic modeling; Hydrologic impacts; urbanization; runoff; water quality; L-THIA Tabular Tool
2020KSAnnual BaseA New Statewide System for Tracking and Forecasting DroughtFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,065
Dan Devlinforecasting, drought, web-based tracking
2020KSAnnual BaseBenthic cyanobacterial mats: A potential source of harmful and nuisance compounds to Kansas streamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $48,243
2020KSAnnual BaseExperimental and Modeling Investigation of Fluid-Fluid and Rock-Fluid Compatibility between Arbuckle and Lansing Kansas City Formations with the Purpose of Produced Water-Exchange Between the Two Formations to Reduce both Fresh Water Usage and Water DispoFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Geological formations, produced water reuse
2020KSAnnual BaseSimulating the effects of reservoir management strategies on in-stream sediment load, streambank stability, and water quality.Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,002
Tony LayzellStreambank stability, erosion, reservoir, water quality
2020KSAnnual BaseSpatial variability and subsurface controls of groundwater recharge and nutrient mobilization in dry streamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,002
2020KYAnnual BaseMagnetic Nanoparticles to Remove Arsenite from WaterFederal: $12,553
Non-Federal: $30,325
David Atwoodarsenite, As(III), nanoparticle, magnetic separation, remediation, water
2020KYAnnual BaseEvaluation of a New Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Sampler for Determining Time-Averaged Concentrations of Cyanotoxins in Kentucky Water Bodies.Federal: $9,812
Non-Federal: $23,796
Elisa D'Angeloharmful algal blooms, microcystins, anatoxins, cylindrospermopsins, saxitoxins, passive samplers, DGT, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA
2020KYAnnual BaseAerobic scope in Kentucky stream fishes as a fitness indicator of climate change impactsFederal: $7,925
Non-Federal: $10,552
Richard D. Durtschemetabolic scope, standard metabolic rate, maximal metabolic rate, climate change, embryogenesis, rainbow darter, bluntnose minnow, mosquitofish
2020KYAnnual BaseAnalysis of Contaminated Karst Groundwater Supplying "Off the Grid" Religious Communities in Southcentral KentuckyFederal: $9,999
Non-Federal: $20,003
Dr. Chris Grovesgroundwater, karst, water supply, hydrogeology
2020KYAnnual BaseLawn Establishment in Kentucky: Balancing Green Lawns with Waterbody Eutrophication RisksFederal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $15,708
Brad Leefertilizers, lawn care, urban land use, nutrients, phosphorus, stormwater
2020KYAnnual BaseGeophysical imaging of ridgetop wetland-perched groundwater systemsFederal: $4,789
Non-Federal: $9,934
Dr. Jonathan Malzonewetlands, groundwater surface water interaction, electrical resistivity, perched groundwater, vernal pools
2020KYAnnual BaseA Comparison of Sedimentation Rates and Hydrological Regimes in Floodplain Wetland Easements and Natural Bottomland Forested Wetlands of Western KentuckyFederal: $5,711
Non-Federal: $11,555
Jessica B. MoonFloodplain Wetlands, Sedimentation, Hydrology, Wetland Stressors
2020KYAnnual BaseExamining Hydrogeological Dynamics of Flooding and Flow Reversals of the Green River and Major Springs of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Jason Polkkarst groundwater, river reversals, flooding, hydrogeology, sustainable water resources
2020KYAnnual BaseIn-situ 3D Electrical Resistivity Method for Understanding Water Dynamics in Shallow Karst FeaturesFederal: $7,047
Non-Federal: $14,333
Junfeng Zhukarst aquifer, electrical resistivity, in-situ survey, epikarst, sinkhole
2020LAAnnual BaseIdentification of Critical Sources and Loadings of Nutrients for Reducing Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake PontchartrainFederal: $15,100
Non-Federal: $30,310
Zhiqiang DengCritical Source Areas, Harmful Algal Blooms, Nutrients, Watershed
2020LAAnnual BaseIntegrated geophysical mapping of a Mississippi Flood Plain Aquifer (0-30 m): 3D seismic and 2D resistivity imagingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,134
Juan LorenzoSand boils, groundwater flow, flooding, infrastructure, seismic, resistivity, geophysics
2020LAAnnual BaseA numerical assessment of Louisianan's surface water resource over the past three decadesFederal: $14,960
Non-Federal: $30,002
Zuo XueWRF-Hydro, Climate Change, Soil Moisture, Evapotranspiration, Lower Mississippi
2020LAAnnual BaseManaged Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Coastal LouisianaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,002
Emad Habibwater stress, aquifer storage, recovery, modeling, floods, water quality
2020LAAnnual BaseMid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Efficiency Assessment through Computational Fluid Dynamics ModellingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,001
Celalettin OzdemirSediment diversion, computational fluid dynamics, sediment transport modeling
2020MAAnnual BaseMicroplastic Pollution in Freshwater Systems: Impacts of Biofilm Formation on Microplastic SurfaceFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,138
Wan-Ting (Grace) ChenMicroplastic, Biofilm, Freshwater Systems, Surface Characterization
2020MAAnnual BaseThermal Regeneration Technologies for Granular Activated Carbons Laden with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl SubstancesFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $99,998
Onur ApulAdsorption, Granular Activated Carbon, Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Regeneration
2020MAAnnual BaseManganese sourcing and transport in Massachusetts groundwater: Understanding dissolution mechanisms and creating a temporally variant databaseFederal: $9,996
Non-Federal: $21,107
David Bouttmanganese, groundwater, water quality, transport, time series
2020MAAnnual BaseTesting the River Process Corridor in the Deerfield River Watershed, MassachusettsFederal: $9,844
Non-Federal: $23,300
Christine HatchRiver corridor, fluvial hazard, mapping, fluvial geomorphology, GIS
2020MAAnnual BaseInvestigating dam management impacts to downstream fluvial hydrology and temperatureFederal: $15,006
Non-Federal: $30,649
Allison Roywinter lake drawdown, hydrology, temperature, stream ecosystems
2020MDAnnual BaseUsing high-frequency data and concentration-discharge relationships to describe solute mobilization and transport in suburban and urban watersheds (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,003
Joel MooreSolutes, watershed, urban, suburban, transport, export
2020MDAnnual BaseDeveloping an isotopic fingerprint for methane from Maryland wetlandsFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $70,000
James FarquharMethane Emissions and Inventory, Wetlands, Clumped Isotopes, Isotopologues.
2020MDAnnual BaseApplication of Particle Image Velocimetry and Structure from Motion to reconstruct discharge hydrographs for an extreme urban floodFederal: $21,962
Non-Federal: $43,923
Andrew J. MillerParticle Image Velocimetry, PIV, Flood, Hydrograph
2020MDAnnual BaseImplications of flooding for equitable access to transportation and emergency servicesFederal: $17,278
Non-Federal: $34,951
Allison C. ReillyFlood, Emergency management, roads, communities, equity
2020MDAnnual BasePrecipitation frequency in Maryland: Investigating epistemic uncertaintyFederal: $17,278
Non-Federal: $34,951
Michelle T BensiPrecipitation, Frequency, IDF, DDF, Epistemic uncertainty
2020MEAnnual BaseData-driven support for adaptive pollution-based closure decisions in shellfish growing areas of MaineFederal: $36,000
Non-Federal: $49,725
Dr. Samuel Royshellfish, fecal borne pathogens, pollution-based closures, decision-making, public health, spatial data analytics, decision-support tools
2020MEAnnual BaseFarms and Rivers for the Future: Advancing Partnerships in the Meduxnekeag WatershedFederal: $19,523
Non-Federal: $39,817
Dr. Bridie McGreavyWatershed conservation, water quality, riparian buffers, community partnerships
2020MEAnnual Base20 years of River Restoration in Maine: Using Socio-economics and Benefit Transfer to Inform Decision-Making on Dam RemovalsFederal: $26,402
Non-Federal: $54,829
Lynne LewisDam Removal; River Restoration; Social Sciences; Monitoring; Economics
2020MIAnnual BaseImproving Ecosystem Services and Water Quality through Applied Research and Technology AdvancementsFederal: $125,000
Non-Federal: $250,089
Watershed Planning and Management, Water Quality, Water Use, Decision Support, Wetlands, Aquatic Invasive Species, Inland Lakes, Online Courses; Contaminants, PFAS, Sensors
2020MNAnnual BaseWhat drives soil health test variability in Minnesota?Federal: $9,964
Non-Federal: $21,286
Anna Catessoil organic matter, active carbon pools, soil temperature, soil moisture
2020MNAnnual BaseEnvironmental impacts of potassium acetate as an alternative deicing chemical to Lake Superior: Water chemistry and ecotoxicityFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $43,805
Chan Lan Chunchloride pollution, urban runoff, alternative deicing chemical, stormwater, and toxicity
2020MNAnnual BaseAssessing lakeshore residents' perspectives on Aquatic Invasive Species managementFederal: $24,953
Non-Federal: $34,785
Amit PradhanangaAquatic Invasive Species; Valuation; Beliefs and Values; Lakeshore Owners
2020MOAnnual BaseAdvanced Materials for Low-Cost Electronic Nitrate Sensors to Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms in Missouri Water ResourcesFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,000
Dr. Matthias YoungSensor, Nitrate-Selective, Molecular Layer Deposition, Conducting Polymer, Thin films, Crosslinking
2020MOAnnual BasePreoxidation strategies to improve treatment of algal bloom impacted source waterFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $46,383
Dr. Kimberly ParkerHarmful algal blooms; cyanotoxin; microcystin; cylindrospermopsin; chlorination; preoxidation; disinfection byproducts.
2020MOAnnual BaseAssessment of Cyanobacteria diversity and their toxigenic potential within the Little Sac Watershed ecosystem using Next Generation DNA sequencingFederal: $22,030
Non-Federal: $45,372
Dr. Babur Mirzacyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs); cyanotoxins; Next-Gen DNA sequencing; qPCR
2020MSAnnual BaseInnovative Nutrient Recovery Schemes for Sustainable Agricultural SystemsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Dr. Veera Gnaneswar GudeSurface Water - performance and effectiveness of innovative and established nutrients, sediment, bacteria, and storm water management methodologies, and small community wastewater treatment
2020MSAnnual BaseIrrigation Systems, Row Spacing, and Applied Fertilizer Effects on Water Use and Crop ProductivityFederal: $35,638
Non-Federal: $71,288
Dr. Gubir SinghWater Reuse and Conservation
2020MSAnnual BaseMulti-scale Evaluation of the Impact of Hydrological Extremes on Coastal Wetland VegetationFederal: $34,976
Non-Federal: $70,126
Dr. Wei WuModeling and Tool Development, Climatwe
2020MTAnnual BaseAerobic granular sludge: assessing PFAS adsorption to enhance wastewater treatment and water qualityFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Catherine Kirklandper- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, PFAS, PFOA, PFOS, aerobic granular sludge, biofilm, wastewater
2020MTAnnual BaseVanishing Glaciers & Emergent Lakes: physical and chemical constraints on aquatic ecosystem metabolismFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Ashley Ballantynenutrient and light constraints on ecosystem metabolism
2020MTAnnual BaseRapid Wetland Benefit Assessment (WBA) for Montana State and TribesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
William KliendlEcosystem Service, Wetland, Riparian, Rapid Assessment, Delphi Survey
2020MTAnnual BaseInterdisciplinary Research on Developing a New Model for Bioelectrochemical DenitrificationFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,266
Tianyu ZhangBioelectrochemical Denitrification, Mathematical Modeling, Eutrophication
2020MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Exploring Trends in Warm Season Precipitation in the northern North American Great PlainsFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Gabriel Bromley
2020MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Reproductive and life-history traits of western pearlshell mussels in MontanaFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Kristen Cook
2020MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Modeling Adaptive Capacity of Water Law by Integrating Water Rights into a Hydro-economic Model: A Case Study of Instream Flow Policies in MTFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Anna Crockett
2020MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: A hand-held, structure from motion, photogrammetric approach to riparian and stream assessment and monitoring of the Upper Clark Fork River, MTFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Joseph Dehnert
2020MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Effects of Floodplain Shade on Hyporheic and Stream Channel TemperaturesFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Katie Fogg
2020MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Developing the first river ice mapping tool for the Yellowstone RiverFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Ross Palomaki
2020MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Using DNA metabarcoding techniques to evaluate responses of river food webs to heavy metals along the Clark Fork River, MontanaFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Jose Sanchez Ruiz
2020NCAnnual BaseUnderstanding the FOG deposit adhesion mechanism on different sewer line surfacesFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $71,520
Joel J. DucosteSanitary sewer overflows, FOG deposits, Sustainability, Alternative binder materials, Sewer line surfaces
2020NCAnnual BaseAssessing Controls on Nutrient Loading at the Watershed Scale through Data-Driven ModelingFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $4,704
Daniel R. Obenourwatershed, nitrogen, phosphorus, modeling, BMP
2020NCAnnual BaseMultidimensional Assessment of North Carolina Community Water System VulnerabilitiesFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $57,912
Megan Mullindrinking water, community water systems, public information, decision support
2020NCAnnual BaseEffects of Extreme Flooding on Water Quality in Areas of Dense Food Animal ProductionFederal: $10,068
Non-Federal: $77,657
Jill Stewartone health, environmental change, hurricanes, flooding, Escherichia coli, antimicrobial resistance, resilience
2020NCAnnual BaseInvestigating the microbial culprits of taste/odor issues in City of Durham drinking water reservoir Lake Michie and algicidal mitigation tactics.Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $12,762
Dr. Ryan W. PaerlCity of Durham; drinking water odor/taste; picocyanobacteria; cyanobacteria
2020NDAnnual BaseThe ecotoxicological effects of saline water characteristics on amphibian survival and developmentFederal: $3,289
Non-Federal: $6,578
Matthew SmithSalinity; Amphibians
2020NDAnnual BaseFlood and Bathymetry Alteration Simulations Under Ice-Coverage in Red RiverFederal: $2,731
Non-Federal: $5,462
Trung Bao LeIce-coverage, Flood model, Sediment transport
2020NDAnnual BaseDoes wetland restoration affect the accumulation of glyphosate?Federal: $2,160
Non-Federal: $4,320
Jon SweetmanGlyphosate, Wetland restoration, Prairie potholes
2020NDAnnual BaseAssessment of agricultural impact on biotic components of North Dakota wetland resources using habitat suitability landscape genomics of amphibiansFederal: $4,489
Non-Federal: $8,978
Craig StockwellHabitat, Wetland, Genomics
2020NDAnnual BaseRejuvenation of Urban Streams in Cold Climate Regions Using Hydroponic Systems: A Case Study on English Coulee in Grand Forks, North DakotaFederal: $8,262
Non-Federal: $16,524
Yeo Howe LimUrban Stream, Nutrient, Algal Bloom, Dissolved Oxygen, Bioremediation, Hydroponic
2020NDAnnual BaseImpact of Subsurface Drainage and Subirrigation on Water Quality in Richland County, North DakotaFederal: $4,290
Non-Federal: $8,580
Xinhua JiaSubsurface drainage, Subirrigation, Water quality
2020NDAnnual BaseUnderstanding intra-lake seasonal and spatial variability in shallow prairie lake diatom communities: implications for paleolimnological studiesFederal: $6,816
Non-Federal: $21,625
Jon SweetmanPrairie Pothole wetlands, water chemistry, diatoms, spatial variability
2020NDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a new depression-oriented watershed hydrologic model and its application in North DakotaFederal: $7,508
Non-Federal: $23,738
Xuefeng ChuHydrologic Modeling, Watershed, Surface Topography
2020NDAnnual BaseEffectively and Practically Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Landfill Leachate and GroundwaterFederal: $6,200
Non-Federal: $12,400
Feng Treatment; Emerging contaminants; PFOS; PFOA
2020NDAnnual BaseInfluence of habitat characteristics on amphibian stress and reproductive success in North DakotaFederal: $2,685
Non-Federal: $5,370
Matthew SmithAmphibian; Habitat; Physiochemical; Water Quality
2020NDAnnual BaseHydrological Changes Due to Recent Wetting in a Cold Region Riverine Headwaters EnvironmentFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $2,000
Taufique MahmoodHydrologic modeling, Watershed, Cold region
2020NDAnnual BaseSoil Amendment for Reducing the Runoff of Nutrients from Agricultural LandsFederal: $5,192
Non-Federal: $10,384
Feng Non-point source pollution; Nutrients; Soil amendment; Runoff
2020NDAnnual BaseUsing Coupled Human and Natural Systems for Water Resources Management in the Bakken Region of Western North DakotaFederal: $3,212
Non-Federal: $6,424
Zhulu LinHydraulic fracturing, MODFLOW, Water management
2020NDAnnual BaseFabrication of Point of Use Treatment Systems for Aqueous Arsenic and their EvaluationFederal: $11,115
Non-Federal: $34,517
Achintya N. BezbaruahArsenic, Graphene-oxide-iron-nanohybrid, Point-of-use-treatment
2020NDAnnual BaseAutomatic sensor-controlled drip irrigation under mulches for tomato and watermelon productionsFederal: $6,477
Non-Federal: $20,555
Xinhua JiaDrip irrigation, water supply, agricultural production
2020NDAnnual BaseSoil moisture mapping using Landsat data in a frigid glaciolacustrine landscape with agricultural productionFederal: $4,263
Non-Federal: $8,526
Aaron DaighSoil moisture, Weather station, Remote sensing
2020NDAnnual BaseHydraulic and hydrologic routing parameters in natural channels in North Dakota under spring snowmelt conditionsFederal: $4,647
Non-Federal: $9,294
Yeo Howe LimSnowmelt, Devil Lake, Stump Lake, Routing, HEC-RAS
2020NDAnnual BaseImprinting and hydromulch for soil erosion reduction and plant establishment in semi-arid soils disturbed from oil and gas developmentFederal: $6,875
Non-Federal: $21,673
Thomas DeSutterImprint, Hydromulch, Microtopography, Runoff
2020NDAnnual BaseRed Lake River and Red River Raw Water Quality InvestigationFederal: $2,199
Non-Federal: $4,398
Feng Surface water monitoring; Water treatment; Natural organic matter
2020NEAnnual BaseBank Filtration: An efficient and economical water treatment technology for cyanotoxins removalFederal: $11,746
Non-Federal: $23,515
2020NEAnnual BaseMonitoring of nitrate leaching at and below the crop rooting depthFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $55,802
2020NEAnnual BaseSetting nitrogen surplus benchmarks to control nitrate pollution of groundwater in the northeast NebraskaFederal: $18,954
Non-Federal: $37,175
2020NEAnnual BasePFAS exposure from WWTPs to Surface Waters and AgriculturalFederal: $19,928
Non-Federal: $39,923
2020NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watershedsFederal: $26,672
Non-Federal: $67,143
Bill McDowellLong-term, water quality, water supply, land use change, development, nitrogen
2020NHAnnual BaseInvasive Species Detection in New Hampshire lakes and streams using Environmental DNA (eDNA) - 2020 Pilot studyFederal: $19,990
Non-Federal: $40,095
Alison WattsInvasive species, lakes, streams, eDNA
2020NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Real time monitoring in the Lamprey River watershedFederal: $34,610
Non-Federal: $75,333
Bill McDowellReal-time, water quality, sensors, land use change, nitrogen, climate variability
2020NJAnnual BaseElectrochemical Device Development for Detection and Removal of Perfluorinated Substances in WaterFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,099
Joshua YoungPFAS, sensing, metal-organic frameworks
2020NJAnnual BaseSecurity and Sensitivity of Hydrological Model Forecasting to the Disruption of Sensor NetworksFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Ruo-Qian WangEnsemble Kalman Filter, data aggregation, data assimilation, flood early warning, sensor network, missing data imputation
2020NJAnnual BaseImpact of extreme precipitation events on eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) ecosystem servicesFederal: $4,995
Non-Federal: $9,990
Janine BarrOysters, salinity, aquaculture, filtration, ecosystem services
2020NJAnnual BaseWell water microbiome and its relation to nontuberculous mycobacteria in New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Sophia BlancOpportunistic pathogens, Drinking water, Nontuberculous mycobacteria, Microbial community
2020NJAnnual BaseAssessment of Spent Lithium-ion Batteries on Surface Water Quality: Delineating Baseline Level Changes of Lithium, Cobalt and Lithium HexafluorophosphateFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,874
Le-qi LinLithium-ion batteries, lithium hexafluorophosphate, cobalt, lithium, water quality
2020NJAnnual BaseCarbon-Metal Nanohybrids (CMNHs)-Impregnated Reactive Electrochemical Membrane (REM) Filtration for PFAS RemovalFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,874
Qingquan MaCMNHs, REM, PFASs Removal, New Jersey
2020NJAnnual BaseEffects of Microbubble Formation on Sediment Pollutant ResuspensionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,874
Xiaonan Shimicrobubble technology, sediment, contaminant release
2020NJAnnual BaseEffects of water table level and storm strength on the redistribution of trace metals in the Meadowlands of New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,322
Ying YaoTrace metals, Water table level, Precipitation, Estuaries, Remobilization
2020NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information System for Water Resources Research Planning and OutreachFederal: $18,139
Non-Federal: $8,344
2020NMAnnual BaseAdding snow physics to PyRANA to understand the impacts of climate change on diffuse recharge in New Mexico headwatersFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Alex Rinehartrecharge, estimating recharge, climate change, snow modeling
2020NMAnnual BaseElectrical Resistivity Mapping of Rio Grande River-Groundwater ConnectivityFederal: $19,926
Non-Federal: $39,852
Kenneth C. Carrollwater table
2020NMAnnual BaseImproving Water Use Efficiency Using Ground-based Microwave and Optical Scintillometer Measurements of Evapotranspiration of Pecan OrchardsFederal: $29,676
Non-Federal: $59,352
Hatim M.E.Geliwater supply, evapotranspiration, semiarid regions, agricultural production, socioeconomic stability, sustainability
2020NMAnnual BaseInvestigating the effects of reservoir water releases on spawning activities of fishes in the Pecos RiverFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,771
Jesse E. Filbrunpelagic spawning minnows
2020NVAnnual BaseOccurrence and Mass Balance of PFAS during Wastewater TreatmentFederal: $41,236
Non-Federal: $82,348
Xuelian BaiPer- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), wastewater, wastewater treatment, water quality
2020NVAnnual BaseEngineered processes for the separation and degradation of microplastics in freshwaterFederal: $28,508
Non-Federal: $57,017
Erick BandalaMicroplastics, electrocoagulation, microfluidics, acoustic focusing, removal, degradation.
2020NVAnnual BaseDevelopment and evaluation of iron based strategies for arsenic removal in contaminated groundwaterFederal: $39,982
Non-Federal: $79,964
Lazaro Perez JorgeGeochemical Modeling, Groundwater, Column Experiments
2020NYAnnual BaseEvaluation of the effectiveness of green infrastructure for stormwater management under current and future climates in urban BuffaloFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Green infrastructure, rain gardens, infiltration, recharge, urban management, wastewater
2020NYAnnual BaseSources and Speciation of Elevated Manganese in a Surface Water Supply ReservoirFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,002
Manganese, Speciation, Sediments, Water Supply, Stable Isotopes
2020NYAnnual BaseMobile toolkit for rapid in-field screening of freshwater Harmful Algal BloomsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,066
Harmful Algal Blooms, Citizen Science, Monitoring, Microcystin, Cyanobacteria
2020NYAnnual BaseSpecies interactions may enhance resilience and ecosystem services within an urban living shoreline projectFederal: $19,681
Non-Federal: $41,007
Restoration, Bivalves, Mutualism, Carbon Sequestration, Denitrification
2020NYAnnual BaseNYSWRI Internship ProgramFederal: $12,701
Non-Federal: $0
2020OHAnnual BaseWhat role does nutrient cycling by zooplankton play in supporting HAB production in western Lake Erie?Federal: $35,572
Non-Federal: $35,867
James HoodHarmful algal blooms, nutrients, zooplankton, microzooplankton, Lake Erie, zooplankton-mediated nutrient recycling, cyanobacteria
2020OHAnnual BaseMicroorganisms and enzymes driving glyphosate degradation in Lake ErieFederal: $32,276
Non-Federal: $34,369
Mathew SaxtonGlyphosate, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Nonpoint Source Pollution
2020OHAnnual BaseElectrochemical sensors for microbial activities in benthic sediments: a sentry for lacustrine P biogeochemistryFederal: $35,120
Non-Federal: $39,043
John M. SenkoSediment biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, electrochemical monitoring, internal P
2020OKAnnual BaseSoil Monitoring through UAV-Assisted Internet of Things Wireless Underground SensorsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Sabit EkinSoil monitoring; IoT sensors; UAV-assisted soil monitoring
2020OKAnnual BasePassive samplers for monitoring perfluoroalkyl substances at contaminated sitesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
David LampertPassive sampler, Sediment, PFAS, Pore water
2020OKAnnual BaseDesign of Novel Electrocoagulation Systems for Produced Water TreatmentFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Pankaj SarinElectrocoagulation, Produced Water, Water Treatment, Electrodes
2020OKAnnual BaseA new dolomite filtration technology to remove heavy metals and NORM from produced waterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,025
Javier VilcaezTreatment of produced water; Heavy metals; NORM; Dissolved oil; Dolomite filtration; Beneficial use of produced water.
2020OKAnnual BaseInvestigation of Indicator Bacteria in Oklahoma StreamsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Jason Vogel
2020PAAnnual BaseIntegrating Water Quality and Cyanotoxin Production to Combat Harmful Algal BloomsFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
Sarah Princiottaharmful algal blooms, cyanobacteria, water quality, cyanotoxins
2020PAAnnual BaseAdaptive management in stream restoration across Pennsylvania: historical trends, recent case studies, and future directions/strategic challengesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Benjamin Hayesadaptive management, stream restoration, best practices, fluvial processes
2020PRAnnual BaseGeomorphic evolution of the Río Grande De Añasco Lower Valley and its impact on water resourcesFederal: $23,000
Non-Federal: $16,086
Walter SilvaMorphodynamic multidimensional model iRIC, meanders evolution, geomorphologic, hydrodynamic
2020PRAnnual BaseAtrazine and glyphosate monitoring in water streams and degradation using a novel TiO2-based biopolymerFederal: $23,000
Non-Federal: $50,212
Pedro Javier TarafaAgriculture, Herbicides, Organic Compounds, Pollutants, River, Streams, Water Quality Monitoring, Water Treatment, Weeds
2020PRAnnual BaseNanotechnology-based wastewater treatment for reuse - Phase IIFederal: $23,000
Non-Federal: $11,500
Oscar J. Perales-PerezNanomaterials, Water reuse, antimicrobial capacity, biopolymer
2020RIAnnual BaseHybrid nano-bioreactors for the treatment of recalcitrant contaminants in drinking water.Federal: $11,618
Non-Federal: $26,505
Nanomaterials, biodegradation, persistent pollutants.
2020RIAnnual BaseUnderstanding Urban Water Resources and Energy Nexus in Rhode IslandFederal: $23,234
Non-Federal: $58,476
Ali Shafqat AkandaSustainability, Water-Energy Nexus, Climate, Urban Heat Island
2020RIAnnual BaseThe Applicability of South Korean Aquatic Litter Management Strategies to Rhode Island Freshwater BodiesFederal: $22,743
Non-Federal: $45,497
Elizabeth MendenhallAquatic Litter Management, Plastic, Rhode Island, South Korea
2020SCAnnual BaseIdentifying Iodine Hotspots in Freshwater of South Carolina and Their Impact on Iodinated Disinfection By-Products in Drinking WaterFederal: $23,227
Non-Federal: $64,234
Susan Richardsoniodide, iodine, surface water, disinfection by-products, DBPs, South Carolina
2020SCAnnual BaseFish dispersal as mechanism for contaminant movement in South Carolina streamsFederal: $30,190
Non-Federal: $61,097
Peter Van den HurkMulti-species experiment, Dispersal, Behavior, Ecotoxicology
2020SCAnnual BaseQuantifying the effect of instream flow on larval fish abundance in the Edisto River BasinFederal: $23,849
Non-Federal: $47,698
Luke BowerInstream flow, Edisto River, larval fish, fish assemblages
2020SDAnnual BaseUnderstanding Contaminant Transport Processes in the Madison AquiferFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Liangping LiGroundwater; Karst; Contamination; Water Supply; Conduit
2020SDAnnual BaseAssessment and Improvement of Performance of Septic Systems in Cold Climates (Year 2)Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Mengistu Geza NisraniSeptic Systems, Site Scale, Watershed Scale, Water quality
2020SDAnnual BaseImprovement of Denitrification Bioreactor Performance Using Weathered Woodchips and Wet-Dry Cycle Control (Year 2)Federal: $22,636
Non-Federal: $45,484
Guanghui HuaSubsurface Drainage, Nitrate, Woodchips, Denitrification Bioreactor
2020TNAnnual BaseSourcing Runoff and Chemical Origins in Urban Stormwater Runoff: An Application in Second CreekFederal: $17,190
Non-Federal: $38,783
Jon HathawayIsotopes,Urban, Pollutant Transport, Storm water, Watershed
2020TNAnnual BasePollutant Sourcing Identification in Impaired Surface WatersFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,342
Dr. Qiang HeWater quality; Pollution; Machine learning; Surface water; Watershed management
2020TNAnnual BaseDevelopment of a low-cost real-time water Quality monitoring network for rural watershedsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Dr. Alfred KalyanapuWater-Quality sensor; Sensor network, Real-time network, Low-cot sensors, Cloud-based Services
2020TNAnnual BaseDevelopment of Lentic Periphytic Algal Indies of Trophic Status Needed to Assess and Monitor the Effects of Eutrophication in Littoral Habitats of Middle and East TennesseeFederal: $6,870
Non-Federal: $13,602
Dr. Jeff LebkuecherAlgal indices, Diatoms, Soft Algae, Eutrophication
2020TNAnnual BaseOrganic acid fate and behavior in the Great Smoky Mountains National ParkFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
Dr. John S. SchwartzOrganic, Sulfate, Nitrate, pH, Buffering
2020TNAnnual BaseAssessing Water Quality of Rivers Feeding Riparian Wetlands in Agroecosystems: Research Supporting the Evaluation of the USDA Wetlands Reserve ProgramFederal: $4,995
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Justin MurdockNutrient Retention, Hydrology, Watershed Management
2020TXAnnual BaseImpact of climatic extremes on net subsurface discharge considering hydrologic linkage among vadose zone-unconfined aquifer-stream in Rio Grande basinFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,002
Zhuping Shengclimate extremes, hydrologic exchange, net subsurface discharge, surface-subsurface interaction
2020TXAnnual BaseImproving Surface Water Availability Estimates by Accounting for Projected Changes of Reservoir Evaporation: A Case Study in Upper Trinity River BasinFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Huilin Gaoclimate change, reservoir evaporation, water availability
2020UTAnnual BaseLeveraging LIDAR and Citizen-Science for Low-Cost, High-Resolution Snow-Depth EstimationFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $70,166
Carlos A. OrozaLIDAR, Citizen science, Snow-depth estimation
2020UTAnnual BaseDynamic, Adaptive Management of the Colorado River to Enhance Water Supply and River Ecosystem OutcomesFederal: $44,521
Non-Federal: $59,357
John Schmidtwater supply, water-supply and river-management policy, drought
2020UTAnnual BaseObtaining Lidar Data to Support Research in the Logan River WatershedFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $58,957
Bethany Neilsonsurface water hydrology, snow hydrology, karst hydrology, lidar
2020UTAnnual BaseImproving the Hydraulics of Urban FloodingFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $49,750
Zachary B. Sharpwater supply, stage discharge relationships, flooding, urban flooding
2020VIAnnual BaseRaising Awareness and Participation With a Social Media App: Reducing Terrestrial Sedimentation and Promoting Clear Coastal WatersFederal: $43,000
Non-Federal: $0
Sedimentation, Watershed, Terrestrial Sediment, Gobiidae, Cleaning Stations
2020VTAnnual BaseImpact of Storms on Lake Phytoplankton Community DynamicsFederal: $30,583
Non-Federal: $61,210
Jason Stockwellcyanobacteria blooms, phytoplankton, water, extreme events
2020VTAnnual BaseCyanobacteria bloom impacts on fish: ecological and human health considerationsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,021
Jason StockwellCyanobacteria blooms, Toxins, Fatty acids, Fish
2020VTAnnual BaseHow Much Carbon is in those Mussels? The Potential Impact of a Quagga Mussel Invasion on Energy Pathways in Lake ChamplainFederal: $35,866
Non-Federal: $71,742
Quagga mussels, zebra mussels, carbon, phosphorus, food web
2020VTAnnual BaseHydraulic Modeling to Support Vermont's Functioning Floodplain InitiativeFederal: $31,000
Non-Federal: $62,000
Hydraulic models, floodplain function, flood risk
2020WAAnnual BaseFate and Transport of Micro- and Nano-scale Plastics in Washington StateFederal: $29,993
Non-Federal: $60,834
Indranil ChowdhuryMicroplastics, Nanoscale Plastics, Treatment Plant, Fate and Transport
2020WAAnnual BaseDo snow algae and black carbon contribute to surface albedo reduction of snow and glacier surfaces in the Nooksack River Headwaters?Federal: $29,608
Non-Federal: $60,135
Alia L. Khansnowmelt, albedo, black carbon, snow algae, snow darkening, climate change
2020WAAnnual BaseFarmer adaptation to climate change may increase water use: facilitating quantification of potential increase.Federal: $29,994
Non-Federal: $59,996
Kirti Rajagopalandouble cropping, climate change, satellite imagery, Sentinel
2020WIAnnual BaseImpact of changing snow cover and frozen ground regimes on groundwater rechargeFederal: $21,466
Non-Federal: $23,419
James Hurleyhydrology, water resources, groundwater recharge, snow cover
2020WIAnnual BaseFate of Groundwater Phosphorus from Septic Systems Near LakesFederal: $36,223
Non-Federal: $19,923
James Hurleywater quality, septic, phosphorus, biological
2020WVAnnual BaseAddressing Challenges in Monitoring Fecal Coliforms and E. coli in Watersheds Impacted by AMDFederal: $19,923
Non-Federal: $39,921
Emily GarnerFecal indicator bacteria, acid mine drainage, fecal coliforms, viable but non-culturable
2020WVAnnual BaseDrinking Water Treatment Methods to Reduce THMFederal: $19,914
Non-Federal: $41,033
LianShin Linwater, water quality, drinking water, total trihalomethane, THM, disinfection byproducts
2020WVAnnual BasePFAS Occurrence in the Upper Ohio River BasinFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,200
Paul ZiemkiewiczWater, water quality, drinking water, PFAS, perfluorinated compounds, PFOS, PFOA
2020WVAnnual BaseFine Coal Sediment Transport Analysis Due to Extreme Storm EventsFederal: $19,633
Non-Federal: $40,212
Leslie Hopkinsonerosion, coal impoundments
2020WVAnnual BasePiney Creek Watershed Water Monitoring and Management ProjectFederal: $19,992
Non-Federal: $65,440
Matthew WilliamsEducation, Quality, Monitoring, TDS, Fecal, Coliforms, Flow, Hydrology, Undergraduate, Research, STEM, Outreach, Stations, Watershed
2020WYAnnual BaseNumerical simulations of the impact of cloud seeding in the Wind River Range on precipitation, snowpack, and streamflowFederal: $27,610
Non-Federal: $17,469
Bart GeertsSnowpack, Snowfall, Runoff
Non-Federal: $96,509
Maohong FanEnergy, Recycling, Economics
2020WYAnnual BaseUnderstanding the contribution of different microbial sources to surface water for informed management of waterborne pathogens in WyomingFederal: $12,750
Non-Federal: $227,482
Sarah CollinsWaterborne Pathogens, E. coli
2020WYAnnual BaseSediment and fisheries: an assessment to inform sediment management practices at Wyoming damsFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $84,662
Annika Walterssediment, fisheries, irrigation
2019AKAnnual BaseQuantification and Partitioning of Evapotranspiration in Arctic TundraFederal: $23,998
Non-Federal: $47,996
Jason A. Clark Echohydrology, arctic tundra, lysimeter, evapotranspiration partitioning, Alaska, shrub water balance, moss evaporation, plant-atmosphere interactions
2019AKAnnual BaseRural Alaskan households’ economic energy-water nexusFederal: $11,000
Non-Federal: $22,000
Barbara Johnson Economics, utility management, water-energy nexus
2019AKAnnual BaseLaboratory Investigation of Infiltration Process of Non-Newtonian Fluids through Porous Media in a Non-Isothermal Flow Regime for Effective Remediation of Adsorbed ContaminantsFederal: $24,998
Non-Federal: $49,996
Fawad Naseer Non-Newtonian fluid, Flow Characteristics, Non-Isothermal Flow Regime, Adsorbed Contaminant, Soil Remediation
2019AKAnnual BaseStatistical Approach to Photochemical Reactivity of Sub-Arctic Permafrost Natural Organic Matter and its Implications of Surface Water BiogeochemistryFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Kristin R. Gagne Permafrost, Organic Matter, Photochemistry, Metals
2019ALAnnual BaseSediment transport, nutrient deposition, and water quality through time for the Coosa River: The paleolimnology of Weiss Lake and Lay LakeFederal: $24,635
Non-Federal: $49,317
Matthew Waters Impoundments, Sedimentation, Geochemistry, Nutrients, Heavy Metals, Reservoir Management, Water Quality, Eutrophication
2019ALAnnual BaseBeaver Impoundments as Flow Experiments: effects of Dam Removal on Instream flow, Water Quality, and Species DiversityFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Jennifer Howeth Instream Flow, Dams, Impoundments, Water Quality, Streams, Wetlands, Fish Ecology, Crustaceans
2019ALAnnual BaseCost Optimization of Green Infrastructure for Stormwater ManagementFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,644
Frances C. O'Donnell Infiltration, Optimization, Sedimentation, Storm Water Management, Urban Hydrology, Water Quality Management
2019ARAnnual BaseNitroxyl – The missing link in NDMA formation in chloramine systemsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $22,789
Julian Fairey NDMA, formation pathway, chloramine, disinfection byproduct
2019ARAnnual BaseUtilization of Biodegradable Hydroponic Growth Media as a Carbon Source for Greenhouse Wastewater DenitrificationFederal: $9,803
Non-Federal: $20,333
Kristen E. Gibson hydroponics, nutrient solution, nitrogen, growth substrate, wastewater, bioreactors
2019ARAnnual BaseHerbicide Mitigation Potential of Tailwater Recovery Systems in the Cache River Critical Groundwater AreaFederal: $25,008
Non-Federal: $51,080
Cammy D. Willett Tailwater recovery, residual herbicides
2019ARAnnual BaseAssessing Water Quality and Biological Impacts of Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Eleven Point and Lower Black River WatershedsFederal: $21,223
Non-Federal: $43,129
Allyn Dodd Algae, macroinvertebrates, microcystin, nonpoint source, nutrients, poultry, water sources, water quality
2019AZAnnual BaseSolar nanofiltation for off-grid water purification in Navajo NationFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $20,019
Dr. Kerri Hickenbottom Off-grid water treatment; Membrane filtration; Electrochemical water treatment; Arsenic; Uranium
2019AZAnnual BaseA Citizen Science Approach to Monitoring Water Resources in a Vulnerable AquiferFederal: $5,125
Non-Federal: $28,058
Jennifer McIntosh Arizona, age-dating, citizen science, drought, groundwater, groundwater-surface water interface, isotopes, recharge
2019AZAnnual BaseDetecting Colorado River Tamarix phenology using publicly available satellite imagesFederal: $9,152
Non-Federal: $34,275
Temuulen Sankey Water yield reduction, begetation evapotranspiration, remote detection, satellite image classification, monitoring
2019CAAnnual BaseAssessment of water storage for management of California’s oak woodlandsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $44,600
Margaret Zimmer Oak, ecosystems, woodlands, drough, resilience, climate
2019CAAnnual BaseTowards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Multi-Scale Effects of Drought on Riverine BiodiversityFederal: $14,390
Non-Federal: $21,795
Albert Vidal Ruhi drought, hydrologic connectivity, conservation, invertebrates
2019CAAnnual BaseDetermining the Effect of Pricing Structure on Urban Water Demand: A Long-Term Analysis of Major Water Utilities in CaliforniaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Mehdi Nemati urban, utilities, conservation, pricing, irrigation
2019CAAnnual BasePrecision Irrigation Management for Optimizing In-Season and Post-Harvest Use of Limited Water in Young and Mature Almond OrchardsFederal: $12,304
Non-Federal: $24,604
Dr. Isaya Kisekka irrigation, almonds, orchard
2019CAAnnual BaseGroundwater Regulation and Land Fallowing: How Does Water Scarcity Impact Land Use?Federal: $13,899
Non-Federal: $27,798
Dr. Ellen M. Bruno groundwater, water scarcity, aquifer, land use
2019CAAnnual BaseAssessing Health Impacts of Impaired Water Quality in CaliforniaFederal: $14,980
Non-Federal: $8,163
Maura C. Allaire water quality, communities, drinking water, health impacts
2019COAnnual BaseParticipatory Mapping of Colorado Watershed Ecosystem ServicesFederal: $4,969
Non-Federal: $2,584
Kelly Jones Ecosystem Services, Participatory GIS, Wildfires
2019COAnnual BaseQuantifying Groundwater Recharge Below a Losing Stream Reach in the Denver BasinFederal: $4,992
Non-Federal: $2,596
Michael Ronayne Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange, Recharge, Aquifer Response
2019COAnnual BaseFloodplain Forest Establishment and Legacy Sediment within the Yampa River Basin, Northern ColoradoFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,600
Sara Rathburn Riparian forests, Legacy sediment, Floodplain
2019COAnnual BaseSnowmelt Modeling at Fine Scale for Mine Infiltration Estimation at SummitvilleFederal: $4,241
Non-Federal: $2,205
Steven Fassnacht Snowmelt, Fine-scale, Modeling
2019COAnnual BaseDiel Signals in Hydrologic and Chemical Signals along the North Saint VrainFederal: $4,992
Non-Federal: $2,596
Tim Covino River Function, Physiochemical Fluxes, Water Quality Monitoring, Water Quality, Water Quantity
2019COAnnual BaseThe Dynamic Nature of Snow Surface RoughnessFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,600
Steven Fassnacht Snow Surface Roughness, LIDAR
2019COAnnual BaseSelecting cost-effective water quality management practices under climate changeFederal: $4,951
Non-Federal: $2,575
Jordan Suter Water Quality, Conservation, SWAT Model
2019CTAnnual BaseNitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching from Compost-Amended LawnsFederal: $24,633
Non-Federal: $44,922
Karl Guillard Lysimeters, Percolate, Fertilizers
2019CTAnnual BaseForecasting the Resilience of Vernal Pool Exosystems to Climate-Mediated Hydrological DisruptionsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $49,867
Mark C. Urban Climate change, wetland hydrology, vernal pools, climate change refugia
2019CTAnnual BasePaleolimnology and molecular investigation to understand blooms of Didymosphenia hullii, Didymosphenia geminata, and Cymbella janischii; nuisance stalk-forming diatoms in the West Branch of the Farmington River, Connecticut, USAFederal: $14,268
Non-Federal: $57,473
Diba A. Khan-Bureau Diatoms, Didymosphenia hullii, Didymosphenia geminata, nuisance, Paleolimnology, rock snot, stalk-forming
2019DCAnnual BaseMonitoring Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the downstream tributaries of Anacostia River and Rock Creek watershed in DCFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Sania Rose Semi-volatile Organic compounds, Water Quality, Sediment
2019DCAnnual BaseConcentrations of siloxanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and cations in urban and suburban areas of the AnacostiaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,036
Stephen E. MacAvoy urban stream syndrome, land use change, siloxanes, PAHs
2019DCAnnual BaseResilience-Based Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation Planning in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Dr. Zeinab Farahmandfar Resilience, Rehabilitation, Water Infrastructure, Mulit-Hazard, Quantitative analysis, Urban Area
2019DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of Streamflow Prediction Model and Software Package for Anacostia River at Non-gauged Locations based on Bayesian ApproachFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $7,000
Dr. Amir Shahirinia Water Quantity Prediction, Streamflow Prediction, Bayesian Statistics
2019DCAnnual BaseApplication of deep reinforcement learning in optimizing the operation of biofilters in carbon and nitrogen removal from stormwaterFederal: $9,999
Non-Federal: $22,050
Arash Massoudieh Green Infrastructure, Urban Hydrology, Water Quality, Machine Learning
2019DCAnnual BaseRisk Assessment of Levees in the Face of Flood Hazards in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $9,966
Non-Federal: $13,644
Lei Wang Levee, Flood Hazard, Groundwater, Risk Assessment, Reliability, Finite Element Method, Uncertainty
2019DCAnnual BaseRunoff control performance evaluation and development of design guideline for green roof systems for District of Columbia- Phase IIFederal: $9,980
Non-Federal: $0
Dr. Pradeep K. Behera Green Infrastructure, Green Roof, Urban stormwater management, Green Roof Performance
2019DEAnnual BaseState Water Resources Research Institute Program, Delaware Water Resources Center, annual proposal for fiscal year 2019Federal: $92,335
Non-Federal: $185,696
Gerald J. Kauffman Watershed, Water Quality, Hydrology, Water Policy
2019FLAnnual BaseAgricultural water security through sustainable use of the Floridan aquifer: An integrated assessment of economic and environmental impactsFederal: $17,464
Non-Federal: $50,287
David Kaplan Water Quality, Water Quantity, Agriculture, Economics, Modeling, Sustainability, Groundwater, Water Use, Environmental Regulation
2019FLAnnual BaseEvaluation of methods for improved management of water resources within karst systemsFederal: $24,512
Non-Federal: $81,692
water flux, contaminant flux, karst
2019FLAnnual BaseComputational fluid dynamics as a tool for urban water sediment transport and fate during clarificationFederal: $21,113
Non-Federal: $11,807
John Sansalone Computational fluid dynamics, clarification, urban water, sediment, particle size
2019GAAnnual BaseImpact of beaver dams and beaver dam analogues on hydrologic and nitrate retention in Atlanta, GAFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $48,566
Dr. Sarah H. Ledford
2019GAAnnual BaseDeveloping an effective and targeted monitoring system for tracking toxic harmful algal blooms across GeorgiaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $37,298
Deepak Mishra
2019GAAnnual BaseAssessing Georgia water resources using satellite data and novel precipitation metricsFederal: $17,942
Non-Federal: $43,934
Marshall Shepherd Water Supply
2019GUAnnual BaseComprehensive Guam and CNMI WERI-web-based comprehensive rainfall data utilityFederal: $15,076
Non-Federal: $0
climate, climate change, climate data, extreme events, water quantity, drought
2019GUAnnual BaseImprovements to sewage treatment on yap: Hydroponics and composting of waste sludgeFederal: $49,989
Non-Federal: $0
Joseph Rouse Sustainability, Hydroponics, Composting, Sludge, Reuse
2019GUAnnual BaseHydrological features and analysis in the Finegayan areaFederal: $24,931
Non-Federal: $0
Salinity, GIS, modeling, Northern Guam Len Aquifers
2019GUAnnual BasePhase-II of N-baseline data and abatement methods for the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $20,800
Non-Federal: $0
Joseph Rouse Baseline data, aquifer, NGLA, nitrate, ammonium, contaminants, septic tank, package plant
2019GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of a GIS based imagery database for groundwater recharge areas and key reaches of streams on Guam phase IIFederal: $25,256
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy F. Heitz Stream Channel Orthophoto Database, Identifying Changes in Stream Morphology from Low level Ortho Photos, Identifying Sources of Non-Point Pollution from Low Level Ortho Photos
2019GUAnnual BaseGuam Waterworks Authority (GWA) production-well rehabilitation assessment: Lessons Learned/Manual for Well Exploration and DevelopmentFederal: $11,908
Non-Federal: $0
Well rehabilitation, hydrogeology, water production, contaminant (salinity)
2019GUAnnual BasePFOS trend monitoring in Saipan production wellsFederal: $42,687
Non-Federal: $0
Heidi Yelin Groundwater contamination, Production well, Perfluoroalkyl substances
2019HIAnnual BaseCollaborative investigation of hydraulic and geochemical connectivity between wastewaters and other land uses with the ocean watersFederal: $26,212
Non-Federal: $0
Craig R Glenn Groundwater, Coastal Pollution, OSDS
2019HIAnnual BaseProviding information and technology in support of hydrological research in American SamoaFederal: $12,500
Non-Federal: $0
Kelley Anderson Tagarino
2019HIAnnual BaseEvaluation of Pepper mild mottle viruses as a sewage marker in HawaiiFederal: $20,025
Non-Federal: $60,945
Marek Kirs viruses, wastewater treatment, microbes, water quality, source tracking
2019HIAnnual BaseEconomic activity, technological progress, and water resource utilization on OahuFederal: $26,213
Non-Federal: $72,158
Peter Fuleky index of economic activity, water demand, forecasting, eficiency
2019IDAnnual BaseAssessing the risk of emerging contaminants in managed aquifer recharge in Idaho’s Eastern Snake River PlainFederal: $14,991
Non-Federal: $29,980
Sarah Godsey Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products, Managed Recharge, Emerging Contaminants, Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
2019IDAnnual BaseSynthesis of multi-year remote sensing to model annually-recurrent snowmelt pattern from mountainous watersheds in Idaho for runoff and water supply simulationFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Russell J. Qualls Snow, Remort Sensing, Snowmelt Pattern, multiple year, Runoff, Climatology, Hydrology, Water Supply, Agriculture, Irrigation, Cooperative Extension
2019IDAnnual BaseWatershed scale assessment of water quality and nutrient retention in conservation agricultureFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Zachary Kayler Nutrient Contaminants, Watershed Assessment, Sediment Record, Modeling, Isotopes
2019IDAnnual BaseCharacterizing water-based recreationists’ perceptions of toxic metal contaminantsFederal: $14,684
Non-Federal: $29,418
Dr. Chloe Wardropper Water-based recreation, health belifes, risk perceptions, metal contamination, education
2019ILAnnual BaseEstimating residential hot water use from smart electricity dataFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Ashlynn S. Stillwell electricity, water heating, energy-water nexus, data analytics, data disaggregation
2019ILAnnual BaseElectrochemically-mediated adsorption systems for selective nitrate recovery: agriculture and the water-energy nexusFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Dr. Xiao Su Nitrate recovery, electrochemical water purification, nutrient recovery and remediation, on-site waste remediation, water-energy nexus
2019ILAnnual BaseImproving denitrifying woodchip bioreactor design and management through denitrification potential testingFederal: $9,968
Non-Federal: $27,900
Dr. Laura Christianson Agricultural drainage, bioreactor, denitrification, nitrous oxide
2019ILAnnual BaseAssessment of floating gardens to improve the water quality of the Chicago RiverFederal: $9,998
Non-Federal: $20,175
Eric W. Peterson Chicago River, floating garden, urban stream syndrome, nitrate, denitrification
2019INAnnual BaseEffectiveness of wetland restoration in mitigating extreme streamflows under future climate change in the White River Watershed of IndianaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,080
Bangshuai Han Climate Change, Modeling, White River Watershed, Wetland, Flooding, Droughts
2019INAnnual BaseCharacterizing aquifer geometries in northern Indiana by profiling the buried bedrock surface with geophysical techniquesFederal: $14,994
Non-Federal: $31,032
Robin Rupp groundwater, aquifer geometry, water quality
2019INAnnual BaseUsing sedimentary lipid biomarkers to track historical changes to Lake MichiganFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $45,000
Dr. Melissa A. Berke Aquatic Communities, Lake Michigan, Ecosystem Change, Sediments, Biomarkers
2019INAnnual BaseImpacts of urban ecosystem services on human health and water quantity and quality in Northwestern Indiana communities: An unexplored opportunity to study service accessibilityFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $33,200
Brady S. Hardiman terrestrial hydrologic ecosystem services, accessibility, urban region
2019INAnnual BaseCreating a high resolution hydrologic model for simulating and forecasting floods in the Wabash River BasinFederal: $14,990
Non-Federal: $29,996
Venkatesh Merwade Flooding, Wabash River Basin, Hydrologic Modeling, ICPR
2019KSAnnual BaseDetermining if riparian buffer strip age impacts phosphorus retention potentialFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,065
Colby Moorberg Buffer strips, phosphorus
2019KSAnnual BaseEvaluation of the geomorphological adjustment of a meandering, alluvial river subject to streambank stabilization structuresFederal: $14,985
Non-Federal: $29,980
Tricia Moore Sedimentation, Streambank Stabilization
2019KSAnnual BaseStochastic forecasting of Harmful Algae Blooms in Cheney ReservoirFederal: $15,133
Non-Federal: $30,437
Aleksey Sheshukov Harmful Algae Blooms, HABs, modeling, nutrient inflows
2019KSAnnual BaseDoes nutrient form control harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxin release?Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $34,602
Ted Harris Nutrients, Harmful Algal Bloom
2019KYAnnual BaseIdentification of the causes and extent of elevated groundwater methane concentrations in Eastern KentuckyFederal: $9,602
Non-Federal: $19,792
Andrea M. Erhardt stable isotopes, mining, hydraulic fracturing
2019KYAnnual BaseQuantifying the source of dissolved reactive phosphate in karst drainage of the Inner-Bluegrass using oxygen isotopesFederal: $8,800
Non-Federal: $18,130
Dr. William Ford dissolved reactive phosphorus, karst, nutrient fingerprinting, isotopes, anthropogenic disturbance, hydrology
2019KYAnnual BasePredicting harmful cyanobacteria blooms in central Kentucky lakesFederal: $9,988
Non-Federal: $20,136
Jason W. Marion cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, cyanotoxins, N:P ratio, cyanobacterial algal blooms, fluorometry, phycocyanin, microcystin, anatoxin, inland lakes, recreational water
2019KYAnnual BaseDevelopment of buoyant photocatalysts for cleaning contaminated streams and water bodiesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Dr. Matthew J. Nee Photocatalytic degradation, Toxic discharge, Buoyant polymer substrate
2019KYAnnual BaseComparison of water loss audit methodologies in high loss Kentucky utilitiesFederal: $8,413
Non-Federal: $16,832
Scott Yost water loss auditing, nonrevenue water
2019LAAnnual BaseSimulation of air-sea-ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange in the Gulf CoastFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,029
Hongliang Zhang Carbon Dioxide, Air-Sea-Ecosystem model, Climate Change, the Gulf of Mexico
2019LAAnnual BaseA low cost and low energy consumption desalination battery for brackish and seawater treatmentFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,094
Salt water, Desalination, Agriculture, Battery
2019LAAnnual BaseQuantifying fluxes of dissolved carbon and CO2 outgassing from the Lower Mississippi River before entering the Gulf of MexicoFederal: $16,800
Non-Federal: $38,265
Y. Jun Xu River biogeochemistry, Riverine carbon, CO2 emission, Stream ecology, Non-point pollution, Mississippi River
2019LAAnnual BaseSoil and groundwater salinity measurements in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer (MRAA), economic impacts, and adaptive measures to address salinity concernsFederal: $8,700
Non-Federal: $17,802
Changyoon Jeong irrigation, water, salinity, adaptation
2019LAAnnual BaseAssessing present and potential effects of cyanotoxins in south Louisiana estuariesFederal: $9,168
Non-Federal: $18,336
Beth A. Stauffer Cyanobacteria, Toxins, Estuaries, Water Quality, Salinity
2019MAAnnual BaseWireless network of smart graphene sensors for large-scale monitoring of water heavy metalsFederal: $49,998
Non-Federal: $0
wireless sensor network, smart sensor, heavy metal monitoring, graphene, microelectrode
2019MAAnnual BaseReal-time responsive nutrient loading management in urban catchments through sewer-embedded sensing and controlsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $31,435
Nutrient management, TMDL, phosphorous, real-time sensing
2019MAAnnual BaseMicrobial community characterization and pharmaceuticals analysis of agricultural soils irrigated with calcium hydroxide (lime)-treated urine from the Grow Food Northampton Community Garden in Florence, MassachusettsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Urine, composting toilet, calcium hydroxide, lime, pharmaceuticals, soil, agriculture
2019MDAnnual BaseInvestigating precipitation patterns in Maryland: Implications for infrastructure design and planningFederal: $10,110
Non-Federal: $24,090
Kaye L. Brubaker
2019MDAnnual BaseWhy is sulfate elevated in (sub)urban watersheds? Fingerprinting sources of sulfate in forested, suburban, and urban streamsFederal: $28,093
Non-Federal: $57,358
Maya Gomes Isotope Geochemistry, Anthropogenic Impacts, Sulfur Cycling, Transport Processes, Acidification, Nutrient Cycling
2019MDAnnual BaseEvaluating seasonal variations in where trees get their waterFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
2019MDAnnual BaseWhy is sulfate elevated in (sub)urban watersheds? Fingerprinting sources of sulfate in forested, suburban, and urban streamsFederal: $6,895
Non-Federal: $13,796
Maya Gomes Isotope Geochemistry, Anthropogenic Impacts, Sulfur Cycling, Transport Processes, Acidification, Nutrient Cycling
2019MDAnnual BaseDynamic measurements of flow and sediment transport through urban stream confluencesFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $70,000
Dr. Karen Prestegaard urban streams, bedload, river confluences
2019MEAnnual BaseCoastal Maine Estuaries (CoMEE) response to freshwater runoffFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $70,118
Dr. Lauren Ross Data Analysis, Estuaries, Estuarine Modeling, Fluid Mechanics, Pollutants, Rainfall-Runoff Professes, Water Quality
2019MEAnnual BaseFishy business: identifying synergies between researchers and stakeholders for improved transportation infrastructure and ecological resilience through coordinated road culvert improvementFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $77,805
Dr. Samuel Roy Decision models, Data Analysis, Economics, Ecosystems, Fisheries, Fluid Flow, Geographic Information Systems, Hydraulics, Instream Flow, Mathematical Models, Multiple-Objective Planning, Optimization, Planning, Risk Analysis, Rivers, Numerical Analysis
2019MIAnnual BaseDeveloping and enhancing sustainable water use of natural and agricultural systemsFederal: $34,322
Non-Federal: $99,986
Glenn O'Neil Watershed Planning and Management; Water Quality; Water Use; DSS
2019MIAnnual BaseOnline drought forecast dissemination systemFederal: $15,559
Non-Federal: $16,772
Glenn O'Neil drought monitoring, drought forecasting, online, web-based
2019MIAnnual BaseAssessing the accuracy of the Michigan EnviroImpact toolFederal: $4,902
Non-Federal: $7,593
Jason Piwarski runoff, forecasting, evaluation, photography
2019MIAnnual BasePerceptions of decision support system success: Lessons from the North Central RegionFederal: $11,339
Non-Federal: $15,432
Douglas Bessette decision support, decision making, agriculture, water resource management, evaluatio
2019MOAnnual BaseAlgae, stench, and death: are algal toxins present in Missouri fish?Federal: $21,085
Non-Federal: $42,616
Dr. Rebecca North Algal toxins; cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs); fish health; microcystin; cylindrospermopsin; agriculture; food web; fish advisories; fish consumption
2019MOAnnual BaseNonpoint source pollution mitigation in an urban watershedFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,079
Dr. Dev Niyogi water quality, nonpoint pollution, nutrients, phosphorus, algae, harmful algal blooms
2019MSAnnual BaseMicroplastics in the Mississippi River and Mississippi Sound: concentrations, sources, sizes, types, and loadings to the northern Gulf of Mexico (Year 2)Federal: $25,805
Non-Federal: $51,797
James Cizdziel surface water, portection of source water
2019MSAnnual BaseAquatic vegetation management to enhance multiple-user benefits of southeastern wetlandsFederal: $29,810
Non-Federal: $60,226
Gary N Ervin surface water
2019MTAnnual BaseAssessing the costs and benefits of beaver dam analogs to create resilience to climate change for aquatic ecosystemsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $29,999
Lisa Eby beaver, restoration, water storage, aquatic habitat, nutrients, organic carbon quantity, organic carbon quality, fish movement and composition
2019MTAnnual BaseDeveloping cloud-based tools to predict monthly streamflow in Montana using SnowCloudHydroFederal: $14,824
Non-Federal: $34,089
Eric A. Sproles Water resources, hydrology, snow, remote sensing, cloud computing, Google Earth Engine
2019MTAnnual BaseEffects of changing stream temperatures on Montana stonefly communitiesFederal: $14,953
Non-Federal: $36,637
H. Arthur Woods aquatic insects, climate change, gas exchange, gill, hypoxia, flow, oxygen, plasticity, respiration, temperature, tracheal system
2019MTAnnual BaseAquatic insect ecosystem engineering creates resource hot spots in Montana streamsFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Benjamin B. Tumolo
2019MTAnnual BaseOptimization of two-stage solids and nutrient removal wetland treatment system operating at a fish hatchery in a cold climateFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Luke Thompson
2019MTAnnual BaseThe Influence of Beavers on Amphibian Parasite Dispersal in Glacier National ParkFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Leah Joyce
2019MTAnnual BaseDynamics of changing water availability and water rights administration in the Upper Clark Fork River Basin, MTFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Holly Nesbitt
2019MTAnnual BaseQuantification of groundwater flux at a hydrothermal feature in the Yellowstone RiverFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Jesse Bunker
2019MTAnnual BasePrimary controls on nitrate use in lotic systemsFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Kimberly Bray
2019MTAnnual BaseVariation in oxygen, temperature and flow in streams and how they influence the behavior of the giant salmonfly, Pteronarcys californicaFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $770
Jackson H. Birrell
2019NCAnnual BaseImproving performance and examining expansion of constructed wetlands for tertiary treatment of nitrogen from domestic and municipal wastewaterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $71,269
Michael Burchell Constructed wetlands, wastewater treatment, nitrogen, water quality
2019NCAnnual BaseHidden sediment sources: Locating and studying road-draining gullies using a geospatial model and field measurementsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,201
John P. Gannon Storm water, erosion, sedimentation, hydrology, remote sensing, geomorphology
2019NCAnnual BaseOccurrence of pesticides in North Carolina private drinking water wells and identification of point-of-use treatment optionsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $76,200
Detlef Knappe Groundwater quality, drinking water quality, home filtration, adsorption
2019NDAnnual BaseUnderstanding E. coli and water quality in stormwater retention and detention basins in Fargo as part of the Red River watershedFederal: $9,000
Non-Federal: $18,000
Christina L.M. Hargiss E. coli, Stormwater, Watershed
2019NDAnnual BaseDrought identification and prediction for cold climate regionsFederal: $1,962
Non-Federal: $3,924
Drought, Watershed, Cold Climate
2019NDAnnual BaseEffect of different water table levels on canola growth and quality parametersFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Halis Simsek Water table, Canola, Salinity
2019NDAnnual BaseApplication of green iron nanoparticles synthesized using barley polyphenols to combat lake eutrophicationFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Achintya N. Bezbaruah Iron Nanoparticles, Eutrophication, Nutrient Removal
2019NDAnnual BaseEvaluation of the costs between Devils Lake flooding adaptations and Sheyenne River salinity damages resulted from Devils Lake outlet operationsFederal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $11,000
Haochi Zheng Costs, Flooding Adaptations, Policymaking
2019NDAnnual BaseAssessment of agricultural impact on biotic components of North Dakota wetland resources using landscape genomics of northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens)Federal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $15,000
Craig Stockwell Wetlands, Leopard Frog, Agricultural Impact
2019NDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a puddle-based-unit oriented SWAT (SWATPBU) model and its application in North DakotaFederal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $11,000
Hydrologic Modeling, Watershed, Surface Topography
2019NDAnnual BaseEnhanced removal of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances from waterFederal: $6,469
Non-Federal: $12,938
Feng PFAS, Organic Contaminants, Treatment
2019NDAnnual BaseInfluence of wetland water quality on amphibian stress and reproductive success in Eastern North DakotaFederal: $5,625
Non-Federal: $11,250
Matthew Smith Wetlands, Water Quality, Amphibian
2019NDAnnual BaseUsing UAV and thermal imaging to determine soil moisture in Red River ValleyFederal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $11,000
Xinhua Jia Soil Moisture, UAV, Remote Sensing
2019NDAnnual BaseFabrication of point of use treatment systems for aqueous arsenic and their evaluationFederal: $13,440
Non-Federal: $26,880
Achintya N. Bezbaruah Arsenic, Treatment, Nanoscale
2019NDAnnual BaseInterdisciplinary approach to understanding fluvial geomorphology of post-glaciolacustrine meandering rivers: a case study of the Red RiverFederal: $3,504
Non-Federal: $7,008
Stephanie S. Day Fluvial Geomorphology, Rivers, Erosion
2019NEAnnual BaseSustainability assessment of small Nebraska wastewater treatment systemsFederal: $19,652
Non-Federal: $39,761
Phil Barutha Small systems, wastewater treatment alternatives, lagoons, sustainability modeling, life cycle assessment
2019NEAnnual BaseConnecting groundwater quality to surface water quality in intensively managed landscapesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Andrew Miller groundwater, water quality, water quantity, agriculture, restored prairie
2019NEAnnual BaseDefend and attack strategy to develop fouling-resistant reverse osmosis membranesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Siamak Nejati Reverse osmosis, thin-film composite, interface, antibacterial, click-chemistry, chelation
2019NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watershedsFederal: $24,806
Non-Federal: $62,392
Long-term, water quality, water supply, land use change, development, nitrogen
2019NHAnnual BaseAnthropogenic Micropollutant Inventory of Great Bay Estuary, NHFederal: $15,027
Non-Federal: $44,734
Dr. Jenna Luek Emerging Contaminants, PPCPs
2019NHAnnual BasePressure-cooked: Synergistic impacts of chemical, thermal and physical threats to native Brook troutFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $50,116
Amy M. Villamagna Habitat fragmentation, thermal barriers, water chemistry, genetics
2019NJAnnual BasePotential impact of aeromicrobes on surface waterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,201
Kevin P. Dillon rain, algae, microbes, aquatic ecology, cyanobacteria
2019NJAnnual BaseBugs on drugs: the influence of environmental conditions on the microbial degradation of pharmaceuticals and bacterial community structure in the Raritan RiverFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Michelle Zeliph Anaerobic degradation, pharmaceuticals, wastewater, microbial community analysis
2019NJAnnual BaseDisease impact on denitrifying potential of oysters in Delaware BayFederal: $4,852
Non-Federal: $9,704
Heidi Yeh Disease, microbiome, oysters, denitrification
2019NJAnnual BaseResolving aesthetic issues and disinfection byproducts in drinking water through biofiltrationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
William R. Morales-Medina Biofiltration, drinking water, DBPs, Manganese, microbial community
2019NJAnnual BaseMonitoring chlorophyll-a concentration in New Jersey lakes using remote sensing and ground observationsFederal: $13,400
Non-Federal: $26,933
Marzi Azarderakhsh Chi-a, Water quality, remote sensing
2019NJAnnual BaseIntegrative system approach to investigate the effect of contaminant mixtures in the efficiency of bioremediation processesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $88,539
Lucia Rodriguez-Freire mixtures, contaminants, microorganisms, treatment, exposure
2019NJAnnual BaseBiotic and abiotic transformation of fluorotelomer carboxylic acids during wastewater treatment processesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Chen Wu PFAS, activated sludge, denitrification, disinfection, toxicity
2019NJAnnual BaseIdentification and characterization of organotin pollution in Northern New Jersey EstuaryFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,005
Ran Yan Organotin, sediment, estuaries
2019NMAnnual BaseEvaluating focused aquifer recharge in arid regions using chloride profile analysisFederal: $21,173
Non-Federal: $42,369
Daniel Cadol
2019NMAnnual BaseGeographic information system for water resources research planningFederal: $57,842
Non-Federal: $26,607
2019NVAnnual BaseDegradation of emerging contaminants in treated wastewater using immobilized non-zero valent ironFederal: $28,287
Non-Federal: $55,873
Erick Bandala Emerging contaminants, treated wastewater, immobilized nano-zero valent iron
2019NVAnnual BaseEvaluation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGS) in the Urban Wetland Exosystem: Las Vegas WashFederal: $24,953
Non-Federal: $50,972
Xuelian Bai Antibiotic resistance, antibiotic resistance genes, wastewater contaminants, urban water supply, wetland ecosystem
2019NVAnnual BaseImproving wastewater treatment using biofilms that degrade phenolic and aromatic contaminantsFederal: $27,050
Non-Federal: $52,554
Henry Sun Biodegradation, The Fenton reaction, phenolics
2019NYAnnual BaseShifts in Hudson River valley flood frequency following eastern hemlock loss and successionFederal: $5,748
Non-Federal: $0
M. Todd Walter flooding, plant hydraulic regulation, hydrologic modeling, root water uptake
2019NYAnnual BaseNYSWRI Internship ProgramFederal: $17,050
Non-Federal: $0
Education, water quality, undergraduate, internship
2019NYAnnual BaseHyperspectral drone detection of harmful algal blooms: Ground truthing new approaches for water quality assessmentFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,006
Dr. Timothy de Smet hyperspectral imaging, unmanned autonomous systems, ground truthing, water quality
2019NYAnnual BaseMicroplastic pollution in Onondaga and Skaneateles lakes in central New YorkFederal: $9,853
Non-Federal: $4,926
Charles Driscoll Microplastics, surface water, water quality, plastic pollution
2019OHAnnual BaseLinking wetland ecological functions: towards a combined-ecosystem service quantification to promote ecosystem health in Lake ErieFederal: $39,710
Non-Federal: $45,282
Jorge A. Villa Coastal wetlands, carbon, nutrient retention, hydrological modeling, dissolved organic carbon, climate regulation
2019OHAnnual BaseCapillary trapping of buoyant particles by cylindrical collectors and its application in transport of floating fertilizers in overland flowFederal: $36,239
Non-Federal: $36,239
Lei Wu Nutrient transport, controlled-release fertilizers, buoyant particle, dispersion, interception, vegetation system, overland flow
2019OKAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $32,335
Non-Federal: $16,038
Kevin Wagner
2019OKAnnual BaseUnderstanding economic impacts of groundwater and soil moisture interactions in Oklahoma – A decision support tool for sustainable water managementFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Dr. Jad Ziolkowska Drought, socio-economic analysis, groundwater, soil moisture, Palmer index, geographically weighted regression, geospatial and spatio-temporal models, decision-support tool
2019OKAnnual BaseFour-step PW desalination process with zeolite and aAlumina membranesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
David Lampert Produced water, Desalination, Membrane, Filtration, Ceramic
2019OKAnnual BaseRational Design of SolarEnergy-Combined Desalination Systems for Treatment of Produced WaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Seok-Jhin Kim Membrane, Solar evaporation, Produced water
2019OKAnnual BaseEffects of deficit irrigation on water use of warm season turfgrasses under fairway maintenanceFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,062
Charles Fontanier Conservation, Evapotranspiration, Turfgrass, Irrigation, Water Use Rate, Soil Moisture Sensing
2019PAAnnual BasePhosphorus and ammonia removal and recovery from wastewater effluentsFederal: $26,510
Non-Federal: $53,020
Acner Ronen phosphorous recovery, wastewater treatment, electrically conducting membranes
2019PAAnnual BaseLong-term water quality performance at a central pennsylvania constructed wetland designed to treat domestic sewageFederal: $19,444
Non-Federal: $38,887
Robert D. Shannon Constructed wetlands, nutrient removal
2019PAAnnual BaseLong-term effectiveness of stream restoration activitiesFederal: $20,957
Non-Federal: $41,914
Shirley E. Clark stream restoration, floodplain reconnection, stormwater management, nutrients, sediments
2019PRAnnual BaseNanotechnology-based wastewater treatment for reuseFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $21,226
Oscar J. Perales-Perez Nanomaterials, Water reuse, antimicrobial capacity, biopolymer
2019PRAnnual BaseAtrazine and glyphosate monitoring in surface water bodies in the Western Region of Puerto RicoFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $35,786
Pedro Javier Tarafa Pesticides, toxic substances, agriculture, public health, non-point sources
2019RIAnnual BaseDecreasing trihalomethanes in the providence drinking water systemFederal: $21,601
Non-Federal: $111,211
Joseph E. Goodwill
2019RIAnnual BaseProviding a new perspective on groundwater hydrometry using thermal infrared sensor equipped unmanned aerial vehicleFederal: $21,601
Non-Federal: $25,646
Soni M. Pradhanang Groundwater, TIR, SWD, UAV, coastal ponds
2019RIAnnual BaseClean drinking water in Rhode IslandFederal: $8,335
Non-Federal: $4,459
2019SCAnnual BaseTire wear particles in road runoff as non-point source microplastic pollution in SC waterwaysFederal: $31,040
Non-Federal: $62,083
Peter Van den Hurk Water quality, Environmental toxicants, Microplastics, Nonpoint pollution, Management tools
2019SCAnnual BaseFecal coliform pollution and antibiotic resistance in Sand River in Aiken, SCFederal: $11,000
Non-Federal: $22,284
Sarah Michele Harmon Watershed, nonpoint source, microbial source tracking, antibiotic resistance
2019SDAnnual BaseMitigating impacts of excess water quantity through improved soil healthFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,000
John McMaine Soil health, water quantity, runoff, modeling, flood mitigation
2019SDAnnual BaseEvaluating and predicting the risk of algal blooms in South Dakota lakes using remote sensing (Year 2)Federal: $24,127
Non-Federal: $48,254
Rachel McDaniel Algal blooms, algae, modeling, water quality, nutrients
2019SDAnnual BaseAssessment and improvement of performance of septic systems in cold climatesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Stu Geza Septic systems, site scale, watershed scale, water quality
2019SDAnnual BaseImprovement of dentrification bioractor performance using weathered woodchips and wet-dry cycle controlFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,078
Guanghui Hua Subsurface drainage, nitrate, woodchips, denitrification bioreactor
2019TNAnnual BaseInvestigate industrial facilities storm water quality and SWPPP performanceFederal: $24,945
Non-Federal: $50,414
Maryam Salehi Storm water, water quality, BMP, industrial facilities
2019TNAnnual BaseFlood history from paleoflood deposits in cut bank soil profiles in Chickamaugua Reservoir, Tennessee RiverFederal: $4,790
Non-Federal: $2,443
Larry McKay Paleofloods, Holocene, Tennessee River, Chickamauga Reservoir, Extreme floods
2019TNAnnual BaseFrom the plot to the catchment scale: Towards the next generation of hydrodynamics - sediment transport modelsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
Christos P. Giannopoulos Landscape connectivity, hydrodynamics, erosion, sediment transport modeling, intensively managed landscapes
2019TNAnnual BaseReal-time adaptive detention control network: An application in the Conner Creek catchmentFederal: $5,306
Non-Federal: $7,343
Aaron Akin Adaptive controls, detention, streambank erosion and protection, stormwater, watershed
2019TNAnnual BaseHarmful algal blooms in critical amphibian habitats at Mammoth Cave National Park, KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Brittaney Hogan Harmful algal blooms, Lampenflora, Amphibians, Microcystin, qPCR, National PArk
2019TNAnnual BaseUnderstanding effluent movement in clayey soils when using subsurface drip dispersal to apply domestic wastewaterFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $41,210
John R. Buchanan Decentralized Wastewater Management, Subsurface Drip Dispersal, Hydraulic Loading Rate, Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment
2019TXAnnual BaseEnvironmental impacts and runoff dynamics associated with urban landscape conversionsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $17,449
Benjamin Wherley Residential landscape, runoff, turfgrass
2019TXAnnual BaseElectrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) parameter adaptation for seasonal variationsFederal: $4,950
Non-Federal: $9,900
Dr. Mark E. Everett
2019UTAnnual BaseUse of sUAS for mapping wetland flow paths and consumptive use on the San Rafael River, UtahFederal: $15,979
Non-Federal: $19,294
Alfonso Torres-Rua fish habitat, invasive vegetation, wetlands, water use, tamarisk intermountain west
2019UTAnnual BaseBathymetric surveying using sonar and drones for recurring data analysisFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $0
Rollin H. Hotchkiss Sediment yield, reservoir sedimentation, bathymetric measurements
2019UTAnnual BaseNew design and analysis guidance regarding potential scour of hydraulic structures located in canals, rivers, dams, and leveesFederal: $28,394
Non-Federal: $41,053
Brian M. Crookson Public safety, potential scour
2019UTAnnual BaseCharacterizing streamflow and temperature patterns to determine impacts of summer dewatering on the Blacksmith Fork RiverFederal: $12,410
Non-Federal: $28,388
Belize Lane water supply, water management, streamflow
2019VAAnnual BaseVirginia Water Resources Research Center Student Seed-Grant Research Proposals 2019Federal: $92,335
Non-Federal: $184,671
Stephen H. Schoenholtz Student water-resources research, water science, water policy, water management, water engineering
2019VIAnnual BaseHow much water can I get from my roof: Historical efficiency of rainwater harvesting in the Virgin IslandsFederal: $26,423
Non-Federal: $0
Gregg Guannel Rainwater harvesting, cistern, roofs, runoff coefficient, water management
2019VTAnnual BaseImpact of storms on lake phytoplankton community dynamicsFederal: $18,258
Non-Federal: $36,655
Jason Stockwell cyanobacteria blooms, phytoplankton, water, extreme events
2019VTAnnual BaseInfluence of changing lake temperatures on early life stages of freshwater whitefishes at local to global scales: modeling and experimental approachesFederal: $41,737
Non-Federal: $83,579
Taylor Stewart water temperature, reproductive phenology, bioenergetics, freshwater whitefishes
2019VTAnnual BaseResponse of phytoplankton communities to recovery from acidification in Vermont lakesFederal: $9,999
Non-Federal: $20,146
Ana M. Morales-Williams Acid deposition, algal blooms, cyanobacteria, pH, nutrients (phosphorous, nitrogen), dissolved organic carbon
2019VTAnnual BaseIdentifying drivers of change in denitrification capacity of riparian soils during the spring snowmelt/runoff periodFederal: $9,298
Non-Federal: $18,653
Brittany Lancellotti Nitrogen, denitrification, riparian soils, molecular biology techniques
2019WAAnnual BaseReuse of food processing wastewater in Washington StateFederal: $27,423
Non-Federal: $54,847
Indranil Chowdhury Food, wastewater, reuse, treatment
2019WAAnnual BaseThe contribution of water retention, nutrient loading and microbial community to mosquito breeding and West Nile virus transmission in Spokane CountyFederal: $29,251
Non-Federal: $58,502
Krisztian Magori stormwater catch basins, nutrients, microbiome, mosquitoes, West Nile virus
2019WIAnnual BaseImpact of changing snow cover and frozen ground regimes on groundwater rechargeFederal: $47,535
Non-Federal: $34,759
Steven P Loheide II Hydrology, water resources, groundwater recharge, snow cover
2019WVAnnual BaseEvaluation of a water allocation model for West VirginiaFederal: $9,786
Non-Federal: $19,963
Leslie Hopkinson water quantity modeling, water budget
2019WVAnnual BaseWRI 265 TSS sampling in the Upper Ohio River Basin & reestablishment of sampling sitesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $41,307
Benjamin Pursglove Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, Rivers, Water quality, Water quantity, Modeling, Upper Ohio River Basin, Total suspended solids
2019WVAnnual BaseWRI 264 Upper Ohio River Basin data analysis and reportingFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $41,307
Benjamin Pursglove Monongahela, water quality, water quantity, Upper Ohio River Basin, mass balance, Bromide, Halogens
2019WVAnnual BaseWRI 263 Modeling water quality changes in the Monongahela River basinFederal: $19,888
Non-Federal: $41,098
J. Todd Petty Monongahela, water quality, water quantity, modeling
2019WVAnnual BaseUpdating the West Virginia State Water Budget: Quantifying monthly and seasonal water use, thresholds, and stress at the watershed-scaleFederal: $7,893
Non-Federal: $16,099
Nicolas Zegre Water use, watershed sensitivity and stress, thresholds
2019WYAnnual BaseRecycling co-produced waters (CWS) in the energy industry for economic developmentFederal: $9,450
Non-Federal: $117,064
Maohong Fan
2019WYAnnual BaseDeveloping a framework for estimating groundwater connections to Wyoming reservoirsFederal: $8,999
Non-Federal: $95,187
Kevin Befus Wetlands, groundwater level, reservoir management, numerical modeling
2019WYAnnual BaseNumerical simulations of the impact of cloud seeding in the Wind River range on precipitation, snowpack, and streamflowFederal: $9,529
Non-Federal: $123,238
Bart Geerts
2019WYAnnual BaseTreatment of produced water and rare earth element resource cost-offsets, WyomingFederal: $4,946
Non-Federal: $29,601
Charles Nye
2018AKAnnual BaseA low-cost alternative to mitigate heavy metal and phosphorus contamination in waterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Debasmita Misra, Srijan Aggarwal, Brittany Bloodheavy metals, phosphate, water treatment, contamination, biosorption
2018AKAnnual BaseChanges and trends in snowmelt hydrology in the Alaska ArcticFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Svetlana Stuefer, Kelsey DeanArctic hydrology, snowmelt runoff, flooding, modeling
2018AKAnnual BasePhotochemical Reactivity of Sub-Arctic Permafrost Natural Organic Matter and its Implications of Surface Water BiogeochemistryFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Jennifer Guerard, Kristin GagnePermafrost, Organic Matter, Photochemistry, Metals
2018AKAnnual BaseWater quality and off-highway vehicle stream crossings in the Nelchina Recreation AreaFederal: $10,692
Non-Federal: $22,559
Roman Dial, Kristina RylandRecreation ecology, Trail erosion, Water quality, Universal Soil Loss Equation, Soil erosion, GIS
2018ALAnnual Base2018 Auburn University, AL WRRI 104(b) ProposalFederal: $17,476
Non-Federal: $35,935
Puneet Srivastava
Non-Federal: $52,967
Jose Vasconcelos Neto, Leigh TerryStorm Water Management, Suspended sediments, Water Quality, Surface Drainage, Soil Erosion
Non-Federal: $63,767
LOCHA ASHWOOD, Ming-Kuo Leeheavy metals, radon, groundwater quality
Non-Federal: $49,931
Thorsten Knappenberger, Elise Irwin125.Instream Flow, 110.Hydraulics, 175.Planning, 57.Decision Models, 71.Ecosystems, 206.Rivers,
2018ARAnnual BaseOvercoming adoption barriers to promote surface water irrigation in the Arkansas Delta RegionFederal: $9,920
Non-Federal: $20,385
Kent Kovacs
2018ARAnnual BaseAn In Situ Approach to Harmful Algal Blooms: Simultaneous Treatment of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Natural Water Sources Using Catalytic Nanoparticle-Fiber NetsFederal: $24,996
Non-Federal: $51,170
Lauren Greenlee, Wen ZhangHarmful algal bloom, in situ treatment, photocatalysis
2018ARAnnual BaseQuantifying flow sources and their impacts on water quality in forested Ozark streamsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,002
Michelle Evans-White, Allyn Dodd, Erik Pollockflow regime, water sources, water chemistry
2018ARAnnual BaseDo stream phosphorus dynamics correspond with biological condition in the Lake Conway Point Remove Watershed, Arkansas?Federal: $7,677
Non-Federal: $18,708
Sally Entrekin, Matt Trentman, Jennifer Tankphosphorus, streams, land use
2018ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center - Information TransferFederal: $8,757
Non-Federal: $19,574
Brian Haggard, Erin Scottannual conference, website, electronic newsletter, social media
2018AZAnnual BaseMicroplastic Contamination in the Lower Santa Cruz RiverFederal: $8,641
Non-Federal: $17,338
Michael Bogan, David Quanrud, Drew Eppehimermicroplastic, effluent-dependent stream, fish
2018AZAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $68,441
Non-Federal: $36,616
Sharon Megdal, Jean McLain, Susanna EdenWater Policy, Stakeholder Engagement, Outreach, Water Information
2018AZAnnual BaseUsing Fresh Water Algae to Remove Lead from WaterFederal: $9,903
Non-Federal: $20,891
Robert Root, Amanda Minke, Jon Chorover, Joel Cuello, Jean McLainLead; Algae; Bioremediation; Phytochelatin
2018CAAnnual BaseSuitability of alfalfa forage crops for winter groundwater rechargeFederal: $11,165
Non-Federal: $6,364
Helen DahlkeWater conservation, water use, groundwater, sustainability
2018CAAnnual BaseWater and nitrogen use efficiencies of sub-surface drip irrigated and fertilized forage corn and sorghum in the San Joaquin Valley of CAFederal: $14,006
Non-Federal: $3,642
Nicholas ClarkWater, Nitrogen, Irrigation, Fertilizer
2018COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $37,405
Non-Federal: $0
Reagan Waskom
2018COAnnual BaseInvestigating Bi-Directional Water Exchanges Across Intact and Degraded FloodplainsFederal: $4,934
Non-Federal: $2,566
Tim CovinoHydrologic Connectivity, River Floodplain Function, River Restoration
2018COAnnual BaseDirty Snow: Turning Qualittative Assessments into Quantitative Factors for the Effect of Dust on Snow Albedo and Melt RateFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,600
Steven FassnachtAlbedo, Snowmelt Forecast
2018COAnnual BaseStreamflow Depletion on the South Platte River due to Groundwater Pumping: Analysis via Field Work and Groundwater ModelingFederal: $4,996
Non-Federal: $2,598
Ryan BaileyStreamflow, Pumping Wells, MODFLOW
2018COAnnual BaseHistory of South Platte River Riparian Ecosystem and Channel ChangeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Jessica SaloGeospatial Analysis, Riparian Ecosystem Change, South Platte River
2018COAnnual BaseAssessment of Floodplain Storage Dynamics in ColoradoFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $13,000
Ryan Morrison
2018CTAnnual BaseQuantifying road salt impacts on forested wetland structure and function in Eastern ConnecticutFederal: $25,791
Non-Federal: $51,582
Beth Lawrence, Gary A. Robbinscation, forested wetland, groundwater, methane, road salt, vegetation
2018CTAnnual BaseFe-OM Coprecipitation and its Effects on Bioavailability of Cu and OM to DenitrifiersFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,000
Timothy Vadasstorm water runoff, heavy metals, denitrification
2018CTAnnual BaseNitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching from Compost-Amended LawnsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $52,443
Karl Guillard, Thomas MorrisLysimeters, Percolate, Fertilizers
2018CTAnnual BaseCTIWR Technology TransferFederal: $5,361
Non-Federal: $3,190
Michael Dietz, James Hurd
2018DCAnnual BaseInorganic geochemistry and endocrine disrupters in urban streams: quantifying links between development patterns and water chemistryFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,106
Stephen MacAvoyurban stream syndrome, land use change, endocrine disrupters
2018DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of Urban Sustainability Model for Metropolitan DC based on Population, Food, Water, Energy and InfrastructureFederal: $9,974
Non-Federal: $4,788
Lei Wang, Pradeep Behera, Bryan HiggsUrban Sustainability, Population, Water Supply, Infrastructure, Geographic Information System, Logistic Model
2018DCAnnual BaseChlorine and Chloramine Removal from Drinking Water by A Novel Polymer Resin with A Covalently Bonded Reducing AgentFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $4,800
Xueqing Song, William LiHarmful Oxidants; Chlorine; Free Radicals; DC Drinking Water
2018DCAnnual BaseUsing zebrafish to determine biological water health at Anacostias Bladensburg Waterfront ParkFederal: $9,581
Non-Federal: $20,226
Victoria ConnaughtonZebrafish (Danio rerio), ecotoxicology, Anacostia
2018DCAnnual BaseQuantifying Innovative Productive Green InfrastructureFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $4,800
Harris Trobman, Kamran ZendehdelGreen Infrastructure, Urban Agriculture , Greenroof, Productive Greenroof, Urbanization
2018DCAnnual BaseLong-term Hydraulic performance assessment of bio-retention and permeable pavement systems with and without underdrains using monitoring study and modelingFederal: $9,946
Non-Federal: $22,020
Arash MassoudiehGreen Infrastructure, Urban Hydrology, Water Quality
2018DCAnnual BaseHydraulic parameter estimation by remotely-sensed top soil moisture observations with the model reduce variational data assimilation schemeFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Leila Farhadisoil hydraulic parameters, soil moisture profile, remote sensing, data assimilation
2018DCAnnual BaseRunoff Control Performance Evaluation and Development of Design Guideline for Green Roof Systems for District of ColumbiaFederal: $9,980
Non-Federal: $4,790
Pradeep BeheraGreen Infrastructure, Green Roof, Urban stormwater management, Green Roof Performance
2018DEAnnual BaseState Water Resources Research Institute Program, Delaware Water Resources Center, Annual Proposal for Fiscal Year 2018Federal: $92,335
Non-Federal: $185,696
Gerald Kauffman
2018FLAnnual BaseComputational fluid dynamics as a tool for urban water sediment transport and fate during clarificationFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $32,000
John SansaloneComputational fluid dynamics, clarification, urban water, sediment, particle size
2018FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $23,372
Non-Federal: $16,845
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2018GAAnnual BaseA Hybrid Approach of Analyzing Urban Flood Risk: A Case Study in the City of Atlanta, GAFederal: $13,008
Non-Federal: $36,860
Nirajan Dhakalfloods, modeling, flood loss, flood inundation maps, demographics, critical infrastructures
2018GAAnnual BaseDeveloping real-time sensor networks for monitoring stream water quality to improve water resource management: Year 2Federal: $17,997
Non-Federal: $36,464
Seth Wenger, Amy Rosemond, John Dowd, Phillip Bumpersreal-time monitoring, conductivity, urban streams, sensor network
2018GAAnnual BaseEnhanced human mtDNA assays for fecal source tracking applicationsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Joe BrownSource tracking, methods, mtDNA
2018GAAnnual BaseEffects of storm surge on coastal storm water systems in GeorgiaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Hermann Fritzcoastal hazards, storm water, storm surge
2018GUAnnual BaseGuam Waterworks Authority (GWA) production-well rehabilitation assessment: Lessons Learned/Manual for Well Exploration and DevelopmentFederal: $10,090
Non-Federal: $0
YongSang Kim, Nathan Habana, John JensonWell rehabilitation, hydrogeology, water production, contaminant (salinity, TCE)
2018GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of a GIS Based Imagery Database for Groundwater Recharge Areas and Key Reaches of Streams on GuamFederal: $6,980
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana, Leroy HeitzGroundwater education workshop, GIS training workshop, geospatial visualization, aquifer models
2018HIAnnual Base3rd Conference on Water Resource Sustainability on Tropical IslandsFederal: $6,999
Non-Federal: $2,905
Darren LernerWater Resource Sustainability Conference Symposium
2018HIAnnual BaseEvaluation of Pepper mild mottle viruses as a sewage marker in HawaiiFederal: $20,017
Non-Federal: $56,057
Marek Kirsviruses, wastewater treatment, microbes, water quality, source tracking
2018HIAnnual BaseSolving the Silica Conundrum in Hawaiian Streams and Groundwaters using Non-Traditional Isotope GeochemistryFederal: $14,137
Non-Federal: $64,374
Olivier Rouxel, Nicole Lautze, Eric De Carlosilica concentration, groundwater, geothermal, hydrological flow
2018HIAnnual BaseEconomic activity, technological progress, and water resource utilization on OahuFederal: $25,792
Non-Federal: $52,591
Peter Fuleky, Kimberly Burnettindex of economic activity, water demand, forecasting, efficiency
2018HIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Communications- HIFederal: $15,190
Non-Federal: $22,345
Darren Lerner
2018IAAnnual Base2018-2019 Iowa Water Center Information Transfer ProjectFederal: $34,803
Non-Federal: $37,704
Richard Cruse, Melissa Miller
2018IAAnnual BaseThe Economic Benefits of Mitigating Harmful Algal Blooms in IowaFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
YauHuo Shr, Catherine Kling, Chuan Tang, Wendong ZhangHarmful algal blooms, hypoxic zones, nutrient reduction, economic valuation
2018IAAnnual BaseSpatial Potential for Enhanced In-field Denitrification from Perennial Vegetative Filter StripsFederal: $4,790
Non-Federal: $27,346
Daniel Linton, Bradley MillerCritical source area, perennial vegetation, filter strips, potential denitrification, spatial analysis
2018IDAnnual BasePost-fire phosphorus availability and mobility in forest soils and the effects on water qualityFederal: $14,923
Non-Federal: $29,847
Erin Brooks, Daniel StrawnDroughts, wildfire, nutrient availability, smoke pollution
2018IDAnnual BaseToward Understanding Current and Future Pressures on Water Supply/Use in the Eastern Snake Plain: Spatial Patterns of Drought, Sectorial Competition, Excess Nutrients and Water-Energy InterconnectionsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,028
Karen Humes, John AbatzoglouDrought, Water Scarcity, Water Use by Sector and Water Right Seniority, Irrigated Agriculture, Aquifer Recharge, Industrial and Residential Water Use, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Energy-Water Nexus
2018IDAnnual BaseThe Coeur d’Alene Catfish: An autonomous underwater drone for deep-water lake research.Federal: $12,666
Non-Federal: $25,333
Alan Kolok, John ShovicMetals, hypolimnion, deep lake research, environmental reconnaissance
2018IDAnnual BaseContextualizing Experiments and Eliciting Stakeholder Input from Idaho’s Water SectorFederal: $14,754
Non-Federal: $29,508
Alex MaasExperimental Economics, Understanding Water Preferences, Research through Outreach
2018IDAnnual BaseSeeing through a sediment bed: A novel transparent sediment simulant for unveiling the bed topography and interstitial processesFederal: $14,714
Non-Federal: $29,458
Daniele Tonina, Ralph BudwigHyporheic flow, Biofilms, Irregular granular particles, Porous media flow, Sediment bed scour, Refractive index matching, Particle image velocimetry, Planar laser induced fluorescence
2018IDAnnual BaseOutreach and EngagementFederal: $20,278
Non-Federal: $40,496
Mark Solomon, Alan KolokStakeholder Engagement, Outreach, Education
2018ILAnnual BaseAn experimental evaluation of the contribution of rain barrels to mosquito productionFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,098
Brian Allan, Allison Parkerrain barrel, mosquito control, green infrastructure
2018ILAnnual BaseRedefine Droughts in the U.S. Corn Belt: Stomatal conductance constraints attributable to atmospheric demand and/or soil water supplyFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Kaiyu Guan, Hyungsuk KimEddy covariance flux tower measurement, soil moisture, VPD
2018ILAnnual BaseCharacterization of harmful algal blooms using small unmanned aircraft systems and watershed analysis in southern IllinoisFederal: $9,982
Non-Federal: $19,974
Ruopu Li, Di WuHarmful algal blooms, drone, image analysis, watershed, southern Illinois
2018ILAnnual BaseGroundwater phytoremediation and biofuels production for Crab Orchard National Wildlife RefugeFederal: $9,937
Non-Federal: $19,880
Jia Liu, Md HadiuzzamanGroundwater, Phytoremediation, Biofuel, Energy Crops, Crab Orchard
2018ILAnnual BaseTransferring Water Resources Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $43,956
Non-Federal: $25,770
Yu-Feng Lininformation transfer, community decision making
2018INAnnual BaseQuantification of tributary nutrient transport and HABs in Lake Wawasee, Indianas largest natural lakeFederal: $14,910
Non-Federal: $43,890
Nathan BoschStream Flow, Harmful Algal Blooms, Kosciusko County, Economic
2018INAnnual BaseEvaluation of sub-lethal effects of neurodegenerative cyanotoxins on predator-prey interactions in a freshwater fishFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,030
Jessica Wardneurotoxin, harmful algal bloom, predator-prey interactions, fish
2018INAnnual BaseAssessing Nutrient Sources and Usage During Harmful Algae Blooms (HAB) and Eutrophication Events Using Stable Isotopes: Implications for Water Quality in the Wabash RiverFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,322
Greg MichalskiHarmful Algae Blooms, eutrophication, nitrate, phosphorous, Wabash River
2018INAnnual BaseNutrient removal from greenhouse wastewater using a phosphorus removal structureFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,001
Hye-Ji Kim, Chad Pennnitrogen, phosphorus, eutrophication, harmful algal bloom, wastewater
2018INAnnual BaseEstimating watershed residence times in artificially-drained landscapes and relation to nutrient concentrationsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,014
Lisa Welpwatershed, land use, tile drain, flow pathway, nutrients, residence time, stable isotopes
2018KSAnnual Base2018 Governor's Water ConferenceFederal: $10,949
Non-Federal: $16,091
Dan DevlinConference
2018KSAnnual BaseStochastic Forecasting of Harmful Algae Blooms in Cheney ReservoirFederal: $14,867
Non-Federal: $30,304
Aleksey Sheshukov, Trisha MooreHarmful Algae Blooms, HABs, modeling, nutrient inflows
2018KSAnnual BaseEvaluation of the geomorphological adjustment of a meandering, alluvial river subject to streambank stabilization structures.Federal: $14,933
Non-Federal: $29,954
Tricia MooreSedimentation, Streambank Stabilization
2018KSAnnual BaseDetermining if Riparian Buffer Strip Age Impacts Phosphorus Retention PotentialFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,065
Colby MoorbergBuffer strips, phosphorus
2018KSAnnual BaseDoes Nutrient Form Control Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) toxin release?Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,099
Ted HarrisNutrients, Harmful Algal Bloom
2018KSAnnual BaseAssessing the Effectiveness of Streambank stabilization projects on the Cottonwood River using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drones)Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,056
Tony LayzellUnmanned Aircraft Systems, UAS, streambank stabilization
2018KYAnnual BaseAssessment of MRSA presence in suburban WWTPs effluent in Lexington, KentuckyFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,100
Gail Brion, Atena AmirsoleimaniWater quality, antibiotic resistant bacteria, treated effluent, streams
2018KYAnnual BaseEvaluation of Untreated Karst Groundwater as Community Water Sources, Barren and Monroe Counties, KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Chris Groves, LeeAnn Bledsoe, Cayla Baughngroundwater, karst, water supply, hydrogeology
2018KYAnnual BaseDeveloping a Threat Assessment and Monitoring Framework for Urban KarstFederal: $4,999
Non-Federal: $11,216
Jason Polk, Rachel KaiserUrban Karst Groundwater, Superbugs, Groundwater Quality, Data-driven
2018KYAnnual BaseWater and Solute Movement in a Fragipan Soil as Modified by RyegrassFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $16,907
Christopher Matocha, Keegan Smithfragipan, water flow paths, ryegrass
2018KYAnnual BasePhosphorus Contributions to Urban Runoff from Non-Anthropogenic Animal WasteFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,437
Brad Lee, Dwayne Edwards, Gregg Munshawurban nutrient management, phosphorus, canine feces
2018KYAnnual BaseModeling impacts of seasonal land cover change on fluvial sediment loads of the Upper Floyds Fork watershed, KYFederal: $9,646
Non-Federal: $19,357
Andrew Day, Aimee Downssedimentation, water quality, land cover, soil erosion
2018KYAnnual BaseKentucky information transfer projectFederal: $44,470
Non-Federal: $84,366
Lindell Ormsbeesymposium, web sites, research translation
2018KYAnnual BaseEvaluating and Addressing Climate Awareness and Water in KentuckyFederal: $4,820
Non-Federal: $10,485
Carmen Agouridis, Lauren Cagleclimate, education, water resources
2018LAAnnual BaseDisinfection of Amoebae in Municipal Water SuppliesFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $27,669
Samuel SnowNaegleria fowleri, disinfection, amoeba, drinking water, pathogen, and treatment technologies
2018LAAnnual BaseDevelopment of Low-Cost Online Water Level Monitoring Platform Based on Capacitive SensingFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $29,316
Kidong Parkwater level, sensor, capacitive, real-time, online
2018LAAnnual BaseAssessing the Economic Impact of Delayed Irrigation in Agronomic CropsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,052
Stacia Davis, Krishna Paudel, Todd Spiveyirrigation, moisture, rainfall, scheduling
2018LAAnnual BaseFine-Grained Floodplain Forest Flow Paths and Source Water Mixing in Shrink-Swell Clays of a Bottomland Hardwood Forest Using Stable Isotope TracersFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $28,640
Richard Keimsoil water, flow paths, shrink-swell soils, adaptive management, stable
2018LAAnnual BaseEcological Consequences of Low-Level Sodium Inputs in Riparian Zones on Decomposition Processes and Inputs to Freshwater EcosystemsFederal: $11,000
Non-Federal: $25,855
Natalie Clay, Sally Entrekin, Michelle Evans-WhiteSodium, Salt, Water Quality, Riparian, Freshwater, Non Point Pollution
2018MAAnnual BaseForest land cover as a tool in water quality management: Developing a valuable addition to the Cape Cod Commission’s 208 Technologies MatrixFederal: $55,000
Non-Federal: $118,012
Ivan Valiela, Javier Lloret, Anne Reynolds, Heather McElroyNitrogen loads, nitrogen retention, water quality, groundwater, forest area, watersheds, land use spatial configuration, models, path analysis, outreach to users
2018MAAnnual BaseWater SymposiumFederal: $17,189
Non-Federal: $28,173
2018MAAnnual BaseStrategizing for future research in current water resources topicsFederal: $3,300
Non-Federal: $13,367
2018MDAnnual BaseUsing continuous conductivity data to investigate the temporal and spatial variability of chloride concentrations in streamsFederal: $41,299
Non-Federal: $96,580
Joel Mooreroad salt, chloride, high frequency
2018MDAnnual BaseHydrometeorological indicators of critical infrastructure resilience to climate change in Maryland: A case study in agricultureFederal: $34,956
Non-Federal: $67,113
Allison Reilly, Michelle Bensiagriculture, climate, mitigation, crop yield
2018MEAnnual BaseAddressing the mess: developing evaluative methods for group participatory decision support in riverine systemsFederal: $30,786
Non-Federal: $61,581
Sharon Klein, Bridie McGreavy, Aaron StrongDams, Rivers, Decision Models, Operation Research, Resource Planning, Energy Use and Conservation, Hydropower, Water Use Planning
2018MEAnnual BaseEstuary Margin Watershed Characterization to Compare Coastal Bacteria Pollution Vulnerability in MaineFederal: $37,818
Non-Federal: $75,672
Sean Smith, Kate Beard, Bridie McGreavy19, 22, 23, 36, 43, 48, 57, 75, 77, 78, 84, 91, 92, 144, 182, 189, 190, 207, 273, 275, 276, 257
2018MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $12,776
Non-Federal: $27,248
David HartInformation transfer, outreach, education
2018MIAnnual BaseImproving nutrient management through a drainage tile monitoring programFederal: $18,836
Non-Federal: $22,053
Jeremiah Ashertile drains, monitoring, changing behaviors, phosphorus, sampling, data sharing
2018MIAnnual BaseMichigan Water Resources Continuing Education Learning ModulesFederal: $30,609
Non-Federal: $106,138
Darrell Donahue, Steven SaffermanWater Resources, Professional Education, Certification, Water Use, Policy, Water Quantity, Water Quality, Water Management
2018MIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer Training, Dissemination and Program Development in Water ResourcesFederal: $28,532
Non-Federal: $51,950
Lois Wolfson, Ruth Kline-RobachInland Lakes, Great Lakes, Aquifers, Watershed Management; Leadership; Invasive Species; Online Education; Interactive Web-based Systems, Contaminants
2018MIAnnual BaseNutrient Loading Forecasting for Western Lake ErieFederal: $14,358
Non-Federal: $4,597
Glenn O'Neil, Margaret Kalcic, Rebecca Muenichwater quality, runoff, agriculture, algal blooms, SWAT
2018MOAnnual BaseAlgae, stench, and death: are algal toxins present in Missouri fish?Federal: $21,085
Non-Federal: $44,370
Rebecca North, Alba ArgerichAlgal toxins; cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs); fish health; microcystin; cylindrospermopsin; agriculture; food web; fish advisories; fish consumption
2018MOAnnual BaseNonpoint Source Pollution Mitigation in an Urban WatershedFederal: $21,795
Non-Federal: $43,591
Dev Niyogi, Mark Fitchwater quality, nonpoint pollution, nutrients, phosphorus, algae, harmful algal blooms
2018MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $34,861
Non-Federal: $69,723
Baolin Deng
2018MOAnnual BaseAdminFederal: $14,594
Non-Federal: $29,188
Baolin Deng
2018MSAnnual BaseMicroplastics in the Mississippi River and Mississippi Sound: concentrations, sources, sizes, types, and loadings to the northern Gulf of MexicoFederal: $36,166
Non-Federal: $72,352
James CizdzielSurface water,k protection of source water
2018MSAnnual BaseAquatic vegetation management to enhance multiple-user benefits of southeastern wetlandsFederal: $35,014
Non-Federal: $70,875
Gary Ervin, Lee TurnageSurface water
2018MTAnnual BaseStudent Research: Microbial reduction of selenium at the Colstrip power plantFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Hannah Koepnick
2018MTAnnual BaseStudent Research: Are Montana's Aquatic Ecosystems Becoming a "Hot Mess" Due to Climate ChangeFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $6,271
Kristen Cook
2018MTAnnual BaseStudent Research: Assessing pharmaceuticals in Montana’s waste water and drinking water to determine exposure risk, and inform targeted environmental and public health regulatory initiatives to protect Montanan communitiesFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Miranda Margetts
2018MTAnnual BaseIdentifying seasonal spatial distribution of geothermal groundwater discharge to surface water using UAV-based thermal infrared imaging, LaDuke hot springs, MT.Federal: $14,850
Non-Federal: $31,010
Jeremy Crowley, Alan English, Raja Nagisettyground water surface water interaction, geothermal systems, forward looking infrared (FLIR), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
2018MTAnnual BaseDeciphering the combined effects of artificial and natural water storage structures on late-season flowsFederal: $14,998
Non-Federal: $39,774
Hongyi LiBasin-scale hydrological modeling, natural water storage, artificial reservoir storage, lateseason flows, up-scaling, coordinated management
2018MTAnnual BaseReducing Acid Rock Drainage Volume using Passive Solar Evaporation IslandsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Katherine Zodrowacid mine waste, acid rock drainage, retention pond treatment, passive solar evaporation islands,
2018MTAnnual BaseStudent Research: Understanding root-microbe interactions in the rhizosphereFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Emma Raesidetreatment wetlands, plant roots, rhizosphere, aerobic microbial degradation
2018MTAnnual BaseStudent Research: Limitations to Photosynthesis in Silver Bow CreekFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $670
Isaiah Robertsonmicrobial and macrophyte photosynthesis, Clark Fork River headwaters, heavy metal toxicity
2018MTAnnual BaseStudent Research: Interactive effects of metal and nutrient cycling in the Upper Clark Fork River, MontanaFederal: $1,610
Non-Federal: $725
Kaitlin Perkins
2018NCAnnual BaseOccurrence of pesticides in North Carolina private drinking water wells and identification of point-of-use treatment optionsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $52,800
Detlef Knappe, Francis de los Reyes, Catherine LePrevostGroundwater quality, drinking water quality, home filtration, adsorption
2018NCAnnual BaseHidden sediment sources: Locating and studying road-draining gullies using a geospatial model and field measurementsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $41,870
John Gannon, Diane Styers, David Kinner, Mark LordStorm water, Erosion, Sedimentation, Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Geomorphology
2018NCAnnual BaseAdding Additional Model Years and Other Model Refinements to the Updated Neuse Estuary Eutrophication ModelFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $45,000
James Bowenwater quality, model, nutrient response, bioreactivity, organic, inorganic, nitrogen
2018NCAnnual BaseImproving performance and examining expansion of constructed wetlands for tertiary treatment of nitrogen from domestic and municipal wastewaterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $45,000
Michael Burchell, Tarek Aziz, Francois BirgandConstructed wetlands, wastewater treatment, nitrogen, water quality
2018NCAnnual BaseWRRI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $9,342
Non-Federal: $0
Nicole Wilkinson
2018NCAnnual BaseA Watershed Model to Understand Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions to Support Sewer Utility Resilience at the Jacksonville N.C. Forest Water Re-Use FacilityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Elizabeth Nichols, Ge Sun, Nancy Gibson, Katherine Martinwastewater, water reuse, watershed modeling, sewer utility resilience
2018NCAnnual BasePhytoplankton Nutritional Ecology and the Eutrophication Trajectory in a Piedmont Reservoir with Elevated AmmoniumFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
JoAnn Burkholder, Nicole LindorAmmonium, cultural eutrophication, harmful phytoplankton, nutrients, potable source-water reservoir
2018NCAnnual BaseCometabolic Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane in Biologically Active Carbon Filters with Locally Enriched BiotaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Detlef Knappe, Michael R. Hyman, Amie McElroyBiodegradation, Water Treatment, Unregulated Contaminants
2018NCAnnual BaseElectrochemical Mineralization of Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Perfluorooctanesulfonic AcidFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Mei Sun, Vivek PulikkalWater treatment, perfluoroalkyl substances, perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, electrochemical mineralization
2018NDAnnual BaseExamining the Impact of Devils Lakes Outlets on Flood Risk and Water Quality of the Sheyenne RiverFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Xiaodong ZhangDevils Lake, Sheyenne River, Flood, Water quality, SWAT, HEC-RAS
2018NDAnnual BaseRestoring the Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus), a Native Species Beneficial to Water Quality and Ecological Functioning of North Dakota’s Aquatic EcosystemsFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,000
Mark ClarkBigmouth Buffalo Fish, Diversity, Extinction, Water Quality
2018NDAnnual BaseAssessing Effect of Precise Evapotranspiration Measurement on Crop Coefficient and Water UseFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Xinhua JiaEvapotranspiration, Shallow groundwater, Crop
2018NDAnnual BaseImplications of Stormwater Control Measures on Hydrology of an Urban Watershed in the Fargo, ND AreaFederal: $2,900
Non-Federal: $5,800
Stephanie DayFlow regime, Stormwater control measures, Urbanization
2018NDAnnual BaseMathematical Modeling of Freshwater Harmful Algal BloomsFederal: $2,250
Non-Federal: $4,500
Halis Simsek Adaptive network-based fuzzy inference systems, Artificial neural network, Harmful algal blooms
2018NDAnnual BaseApplication of Green Iron Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Barley and other Plant-borne Polyphenols to Combat Lake EutrophicationFederal: $6,650
Non-Federal: $13,300
Achintya Bezbaruah Green synthesis, Iron nanoparticles, Phosphate, Polyphenols
2018NDAnnual BaseLandscape Genetics of Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) to Evaluate Biotic Connectivity and Environmental Quality of North Dakota Wetland ResourcesFederal: $9,000
Non-Federal: $18,000
Craig StockwellNorthern leopard frog, Stability, Wetland
2018NDAnnual BaseEvaluating the Response of Diatoms and Cladocerans Communities to Climate Change over the Last Century in Lake P1, North DakotaFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Jon SweetmanCladocerans, Climate Change, Diatoms, Wetland ecosystems
2018NDAnnual BaseTreatment of Produced Water for Discharge to Surface Waters and Non-potable UsesFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $15,000
Feng Xiao Metals, Non-potable uses, Produced water, Radium
2018NDAnnual BaseEnhanced Removal of Heavy Metals from Stormwater by Bioretention CellsFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Feng XiaoBiochar, Bioretention cells, Heavy metals, Wood chips
2018NDAnnual BaseAn Integrated Social and Ecological Model for Stream Flow SimulationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Zhulu LinAgent based model, Hydraulic fracturing, Water stress
2018NDAnnual BaseEffect of Water Level on Soybean Growth and Quality Parameters with High Salinity WaterFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,000
Halis Simsek Climatic conditions, Root-zone, Soybean, Water table
2018NDAnnual BaseInterdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Fluvial Geomorphology of Post-glaciolacustrine Meandering Rivers: A Case Study of the Red RiverFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Stephanie DayErosion, Fluvial geomorphology, Glacial isostatic adjustments
2018NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $10,432
Non-Federal: $20,864
Eakalak KhanAnnual seminar, Communication, Information dissemination, Newsletter, Website
2018NEAnnual BaseMicroalgae Treatment of Meat Processing Wastewater for Nutrient Removal and Water ReconditioningFederal: $19,869
Non-Federal: $39,756
YULIE MENESES, Ashraf AlyHassanWastewater treatment, microalgae treatment, water reuse, sludge
2018NEAnnual BasePesticide Exposure in Recreational LakesFederal: $19,842
Non-Federal: $40,273
Tiffany Messer, Aaron Mittelstet, Daniel Snowneonicotinoids, recreational lakes, GIS Modeling
2018NEAnnual BaseThe chemistry and ecotoxicology of microplastics - water quality research experience in Nebraska waterwaysFederal: $10,080
Non-Federal: $20,160
Daniel Snow, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Jerald Brickermicroplastics, municipal wastewater, streams
2018NJAnnual BaseExtent and effects of microplastic contamination in New Jersey lakesFederal: $18,905
Non-Federal: $37,810
Aaron Stolerecotoxicology, fish, lakes, microplastic, tadpoles, zooplankton
2018NJAnnual BaseDeveloping a new, compact, and modular design for revolutionizing urban water reuseFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $41,741
Yong Yan, Yang Dengwater reuse, secondary effluent, urban runoff, nano-material electrodes, electrochemical treatment
2018NJAnnual BaseRapid, DNA-Based Test for Ranavirus DetectionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,220
Allyssa Angel, Nina Goodeyemerging disease, rapid test, aptamers, SELEX
2018NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of An Innovative and Resilient Emergency Water Treatment (EWT) for Natural DisastersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,754
Junkui Cui, Yang Dengemergency water supply, natural disasters, urban runoff, surface water, ferrate(VI), water contaminants
2018NJAnnual BaseCharacterization and Assessment of Microplastic Interactions with Persistent Organic Pollutants in Surface Waters of New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Wanyi Fu, Wen Zhangmicroplastics, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), New Jersey, surface water, interaction
2018NJAnnual BaseAssessment of the Occurrence, Toxicity, and Biotransformation of Disinfection Byproducts of 1,4-DioxaneFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Fei Li, Mengyan Li1,4-dioxane, disinfection byproducts, toxicity, kinetics, biodegradation
2018NJAnnual BaseKeeping up with Sea Level Rise: The Role of Vegetation in the Resilience of Tidal MarshesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Johnny Quispe, JeanMarie HartmanSpartina alterniflora, Phragmites australis, marsh accretion, sea-level rise
2018NMAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $18,577
Non-Federal: $70,617
Catherine Ortega KlettWater Resources Education, Information Transfer, Information Dissemination
2018NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information Systems for Water Resources Research PlanningFederal: $38,250
Non-Federal: $37,699
Alexander Fernald
2018NMAnnual BaseIncrease soil water for desirable plants through invasive plant managementFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Kert Young, Doug Cram[ENCODING ERROR]
2018NVAnnual BaseDegradation of Emerging Contaminants in Treated Wastewater Using Immobilized Non-zero Valent IronFederal: $26,831
Non-Federal: $54,669
Erick BandalaEmerging Contaminants, Treated Wastewater, Immobilized nano-zero valent iron
2018NVAnnual BaseEvaluation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGS) in the Urban Wetland Ecosystem: Las Vegas WashFederal: $26,592
Non-Federal: $51,373
Xuelian BaiAntibiotic resistance, antibiotic resistance genes, wastewater contaminants, urban water supply, wetland ecosystem
2018NVAnnual BaseImproving wastewater treatment using biofilms that degrade phenolic and aromatic contaminantsFederal: $23,125
Non-Federal: $50,016
Henry SunBiodegradation; The Fenton reaction; phenolics
2018NVAnnual BaseNWRRI Website & NewsletterFederal: $6,808
Non-Federal: $14,567
Kumud AcharyaInformation Transfer, Website, Newsletter
2018NYAnnual BaseThe Pathogen Panel for rapid quantification of 17 waterborne viral, bacterial and protozoal pathogens and fecal indicators at New York State BeachesFederal: $9,924
Non-Federal: $5,624
Ruth Richardson, Yolanda Brooksswimming, pathogens, viruses, monitoring, fecal contamination
2018NYAnnual BaseInvasive round goby as a water quality assessment tool: bioindicators of contaminants in Northeastern U.S. inland watersFederal: $9,750
Non-Federal: $5,525
Suresh Sethi, James Jackson, Lars Rudstam, Katie Fiorellabioindicators, contaminants, inland waterbodies, invasive species, round goby, water quality
2018NYAnnual BaseBalancing cyanotoxin removal and N-nitrosamine formation control during ozonation of harmful algal bloom-impacted source watersFederal: $14,968
Non-Federal: $29,936
Teng ZengHarmful Algal Bloom, Cyanotoxin, N-Nitrosamine, Ozone
2018NYAnnual BaseTurning Vacant Lots into Green Infrastructure: Application of A Multi-objective Optimization Tool in the City of BuffaloFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Zhenduo Zhu, Shawn Matott, Alan RabideauStormwater management; green infrastructure, optimization, Buffalo, vacant lots
2018NYAnnual BaseOwasco Lake impairment and the link to land use and tributary healthFederal: $17,105
Non-Federal: $9,693
Todd Walter
2018NYAnnual BaseStrengthening regional extension on flood resiliencyFederal: $11,295
Non-Federal: $6,401
Todd Walter
2018OHAnnual BaseCan health of aquatic wildlife indicate the quality of water resources?Federal: $21,636
Non-Federal: $37,710
Jeanine Refsniderfrog, immune function, physiology, snake, stress, turtle, wildlife
2018OHAnnual BaseMaumee River sediments as a nitrogen source or sink to Lake Erie: the competing roles of ammonium recycling and denitrificationFederal: $39,998
Non-Federal: $53,784
Mark McCarthyMaumee River, Lake Erie, nitrogen, cyanobacteria, sediments, denitrification
2018OHAnnual BaseLandscape fragmentation and water yield with unconventional shale oil and gas development in OhioFederal: $19,591
Non-Federal: $26,049
Elizabeth Toman, Kaiguang ZhaoStreams, peak flow, fragmentation, hydraulic fracturing, land use, land disturbance, shale oil and gas, paired watersheds, GIS, Landsat, MODIS, NAIP, edge effects, remote sensing, Bayesian time-series
2018OKAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $32,335
Non-Federal: $16,038
Kevin Wagner
2018OKAnnual BaseDeveloping Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts to Inform Surface Water Management in OklahomaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Tyson Ochsner, Erik Krueger, Briana Wyatt, Eric JonesSoil Moisture, National Weather Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service
2018OKAnnual BaseConserving Agricultural Water Resources in Oklahoma Using Smart TechnologiesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Saleh Taghvaeian, Sumon DattaSoil moisture sensors, Irrigation Scheduling, Smart Technologies, Water Conservation, Oklahoma
2018OKAnnual BaseControl of Problematic Halanaerobiales that Limit the Reuse of Hydraulic Fracturing FluidsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Joseph Suflita, Irene DavidovaFracking, produced water re-use, anaerobic bacteria Halanaerobium
2018OKAnnual BaseEvaluating the potential of Sentinel-2 and Landsat images for mapping open surface water body areas and water quality in OklahomaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,014
Xiangming Xiao, Zhenhua Zouwater body area, water quality, mapping, sentinel-2, Landsat
2018ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $43,922
Non-Federal: $159,106
Todd JarvisNewsletter, Webpage, Symposium
2018PAAnnual BaseData-Driven Models to Assess Water Quality in the Region of Marcellus ShaleFederal: $21,657
Non-Federal: $44,817
Zhenhui Liwater quality, data mining
2018PAAnnual BaseIntegrative Modeling to Quantify Systems-Level Benefits of Green and Grey Infrastructure Networks to Urban Water QualityFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $68,444
Carla NgGreen Infrastructure; non-point pollution; flooding; benefit valuation; modeling; resilient design
2018PAAnnual BasePhotocatalytic Water Purification Under Visible Light: A New Direction For Water Treatment ProcessFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,017
Dipendu SahaWater Pollution, Water Treatment, Photocatalyst, Visible Light, Carbon Nitride
2018PAAnnual BaseAdvancing Public Education about Water Resources in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic RegionFederal: $28,678
Non-Federal: $32,698
Elizabeth Boyerwater, education, STEM, conferences, symposium
2018PRAnnual BaseWillingness to pay for water scarcity eradication and water service attributes in Puerto Rico: Results from contingent valuation and choice experiments methodsFederal: $19,039
Non-Federal: $57,015
[ENCODING ERROR]Economics, Drought, Water Resources Development, Water Demand
2018PRAnnual BaseAtrazine degradation through an inclined, gravity-influenced plane system embedded with surface-modified TiO2 nanoparticlesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $35,796
Pedro Tarafa, Sylvia RodriguezAbudoPesticides, toxic substances, agriculture, oxidation, water treatment, public health, photocatalysis, open channels
2018PRAnnual BaseGeomorphic impacts in rivers of Puerto Rico before and after Hurricane Maria using UAV’sFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $2,115
Walter SilvaGeomorphology, Hydrologic Models, Rivers
2018RIAnnual BaseAssessing Microplastic and Microfibers Contamination in Small Water Utilities and Private WellsFederal: $13,162
Non-Federal: $29,844
Vinka Cravermicroplastics
2018RIAnnual BaseAssessment of Ferrate for Treating Drinking Water Sources Impacted by Harmful Algal BloomsFederal: $21,127
Non-Federal: $47,198
Joseph Goodwillalgal blooms, preoxidation, disinfection byproducts, water technology
2018RIAnnual BaseClean Drinking Water in Rhode IslandFederal: $8,709
Non-Federal: $16,886
Christopher Huntercontamination, wastewater, quality
2018SCAnnual BaseStatewide Survey of Irrigation Source Water Quality and Water use Techniques in the Specialty Crops Production IndustryFederal: $28,610
Non-Federal: $57,378
Sarah White, Natasha Bell, Megan Chase, Lauren Garcia ChanceWater quality, specialty crops, water supply, irrigation
2018SCAnnual BaseMonitoring Distribution and Toxicity of Coal Tar Chemicals in the Congaree River Using Passive SamplersFederal: $30,061
Non-Federal: $60,129
Peter Van Den HurkWater Quality, Environmental Toxicants, Remediation, Passive Samplers, Management Tools
2018SDAnnual BaseEvaluation of Nitrate Removal Rates of Denitrification Bioreactors Using Agricultural Residue Media (Year 2)Federal: $22,258
Non-Federal: $44,803
Guanghui Hua, Christopher SchmitSubsurface Drainage, Nitrate, Denitrification, Agricultural Residue
2018SDAnnual BaseEvaluating and predicting the risk of algal blooms in South Dakota lakes using remote sensingFederal: $24,147
Non-Federal: $48,294
Rachel McDaniel, Bruce Bleakley, John McMaineAlgal blooms, algae, modeling, water quality, nutrients
2018SDAnnual BaseStormwater management and ecosystem health: The complementary role of green infrastructure in urban environmentsFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
James Stone, Charles Fenster, Henning Nottebrock, A Leffler, Heidi Sieverdingwater remediation, stormwater, pollinators, ecosystem health, plant communities, functional traits.
2018SDAnnual BaseSouth Dakota Water Resources Institute FY2018 Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $20,762
Non-Federal: $41,527
Van Kelley, Rachel McDaniel, David Kringen, John MaursetterOutreach, Service, Communication, Interaction, Information.
2018TNAnnual BaseRethinking Bank Stabilization in Tennessee to Develop a Classification Protocol for Agriculture and Urbanized SystemsFederal: $16,533
Non-Federal: $41,753
Thanos Papanicolaou, John Schwartz, Christopher WilsonBank Erosion, Classification System, Literature Review
2018TNAnnual BaseLow-cost Real-time Streamflow Network for Falling Water River WatershedFederal: $16,459
Non-Federal: $47,951
Alfred KalyanapuWater-level Sensor, Sensor Netwok, Real-time network, Cloud-based Services
2018TNAnnual BaseThree-Dimensional Modeling of River Flows Under Extreme Weather ScenariosFederal: $19,998
Non-Federal: $42,070
Jejal Bathi, Kidambi SreenivasExtreme Flows;River Hydraulics; 3D Modeling; Fate and Transport of Pollutanta
2018TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $82,335
Non-Federal: $0
John Tracy, Danielle Kalisek, Lucas Gregory, Troy Berthold
2018TXAnnual BaseIdentification of Sources of Salinity in the Northern Segment of the Brazos River Alluvium AquiferFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Erin Noonan, Joe Yeldermansalinity, alluvium, aquifer, Brazos River
2018TXAnnual BaseEvaluating the impact of the Katy Prairie and adding HCAD Plan 5 Reservoir on Flooding of Addicks and Barker Reservoirs in Houston, TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Philip Bedient, Ferne MaulsbyUrban flooding, flood management, Katy Prairie, stormwater management
2018UTAnnual BaseUnderstanding the Variability of Recharge and Groundwater Control on Mountainous Stream Discharge in Karst EnvironmentsFederal: $25,173
Non-Federal: $38,482
Tianfang Xu, Bethany NeilsonGroundwater/Surface Water Interactions, Snow Hydrology, Karst Hydrology, Machine Learning
2018UTAnnual BaseImproving Representation of Environmental Objectives in Systems Models to Inform Integrated Water Management StrategiesFederal: $25,087
Non-Federal: $49,584
Belize Lane, David Rosenberg, Bethany NeilsonHydraulic modeling; instream water needs; systems modeling; integrated water resources management
2018UTAnnual BaseMapping Subsurface Tile Drainage Systems with Unmanned Aerial VehiclesFederal: $21,522
Non-Federal: $32,141
Ruijie Zeng, Alfonso Torres-Rua, Niel Allentile drainage, subsurface, soil moisture, unmanned aerial vehicles, visible and invisible band images
2018VAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $74,856
Non-Federal: $149,715
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
Non-Federal: $0
Edwin CruzRiveraBiological indicators, Community index, Macroinvertebrates, Monitoring
2018VIAnnual BaseGeo-Referenced Inventory and Initial Modeling of Engineered Stormwater Network(s) in the Virgin IslandsFederal: $42,847
Non-Federal: $0
Greg Guannel, Georgio Tachiev, Stevie Henrystormwater; drainage; infrastructure; engineering; planning; riverine flooding
2018VTAnnual BaseA field study to investigate potentially toxic cyanobacteria aerosols from Shelburne Pond and a farm field in VermontFederal: $9,997
Non-Federal: $21,753
Jason Stockwell, Natalie Flores, Elijah Stommelcyanobacteria toxins, aerosols, human health
2018VTAnnual BaseGoverning water quality limits in agricultural watersheds: Farmer behavior and perceptions under VermontFederal: $6,615
Non-Federal: $11,379
Asim Zia, Courtney HammondWagnernon point source pollution, agriculture, conservation behavior, water quality policy, adoption
2018VTAnnual BaseA mental models approach to understanding public knowledge of harmful algal blooms in Lake ChamplainFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $19,430
Rachelle Gould, Diana Hackenburgcyanobacteria bloom, harmful algal bloom, Lake Champlain, public awareness, public information, mental models, nonmaterial beliefs
2018VTAnnual BaseImpact of storms on lake phytoplankton community dynamicsFederal: $38,116
Non-Federal: $76,006
Jason Stockwellcyanobacteria blooms, phytoplankton, water, extreme events
2018WAAnnual BaseWashington wildfires disrupt water quality: Are drinking water systems resilient to climate change?Federal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,013
Amanda Hohner, Jan Bolltreatability, turbidity, natural organic matter, source water quality
2018WAAnnual BaseUnderstanding controls on mobility and toxicity of tungsten, an emerging threat to Washington’s watersFederal: $27,492
Non-Federal: $54,984
Nikolay Strigul, John Harrisontungsten occurrence, tungsten dissolution, tungsten mobility
2018WIAnnual BaseUniversity of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute - Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $19,990
Non-Federal: $45,996
Moira Harringtonpublic information, communications, publications, library
2018WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Water Resources Fellowship: Collaborating with Water ManagersFederal: $32,011
Non-Federal: $35,268
Jennifer HauxwellFellowship
2018WIAnnual BaseLinking groundwater and nutrients to monitor fen ecosystems using airborne imaging spectroscopyFederal: $10,214
Non-Federal: $46,968
Eric Booth, Steven Loheide
2018WIAnnual BaseNew proxy-based hydrological reconstructions over the past five centuries in southwest WisconsinFederal: $25,120
Non-Federal: $24,853
Christopher Underwood, Evan Larsontree-rings, hydroclimatology
2018WVAnnual BaseHigh resolution assessment of economic sector water use, water supply, and water economy – A novel approach for managing West Virginia’s water resourcesFederal: $14,442
Non-Federal: $28,884
Nicolas Zegrewater use, water supply, water stress, watershed management, water economy
2018WVAnnual BaseEvaluating the state of dam infrastructure under a changing climateFederal: $16,767
Non-Federal: $38,461
Leslie Hopkinson, John QuarantaProbable maximum precipitation, dam design, flood hydrographs
2018WVAnnual BaseWV State Water Conference 2018Federal: $10,328
Non-Federal: $10,298
Paul Ziemkiewiczinformation transfer; education; research findings
2018WVAnnual Base3RQ 05 - Drinking Water Treatment Methods to Reduce THMFederal: $19,985
Non-Federal: $48,714
Lian-Shin Lin, Paul Ziemkiewicz, Melissa ONealTTHM, Total Trihalomethane, Drinking Water, Water Supply, Disinfection By-Products, DBPs, Chlorination, Bromide, Halognes
2018WVAnnual BaseModeling Flood Risk Potential in WVFederal: $16,938
Non-Federal: $33,885
Michael Strager, Nicolas ZegreFlood modeling, GIS and spatial analysis, Climate data, Watershed management
2018WYAnnual BaseDeveloping a Framework for Estimating Groundwater Connections to Wyoming ReservoirsFederal: $10,939
Non-Federal: $110,895
Kevin BefusWetlands, Groundwater Level, Reservoir Management, Numerical Modeling
2018WYAnnual BaseNumerical Simulations of the Impact of Cloud Seeding in the Wind River Range on Precipiation, Snowpack, and StreamflowFederal: $11,997
Non-Federal: $126,497
Bart GeertsNumerical Simulations, Cloud Seeding, Water Quantity
2017AKAnnual BaseCharacterization of Groundwater Hydrology in Two Thermokarst Lake SystemsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
David BarnesPermafrost, Taliks, Groundwater
2017AKAnnual BaseAssessment of climate and land-use change impacts on surface water runoff and connectivity in a continuous permafrost watershed in the National Petroleum Reserve - AlaskaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Anne Gaedeke, Christopher ArpArctic, Climate Change, Land-Use Change, Industrial Development, Modeling, Water Resources
2017AKAnnual BaseLaboratory Investigation of Rheology and Infiltration Process of Non-Newtonian Fluids through Porous Media in a Non-Isothermal Flow Regime for Effective Remediation of Persistent ContaminantsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Debasmita MisraNon-Newtonian fluid, Flow Characteristics, Non-Isothermal Flow Regime, Adsorbent Contaminant, Soil Remediation
2017AKAnnual BaseVariable lapse rates and the mass balance of a well-studied glacier in south-central Alaska: Confirmation and extensionFederal: $19,996
Non-Federal: $40,003
Roman Dial, Jason Geckglacier runoff, atmospheric coupling, snowpack, water supply
2017ALAnnual BaseUtilizing Biogeochemical Cycling Processes for the Remediation/Treatment of Persistent Perfluorinated Chemical (PFCs) in Soil and GroundwaterFederal: $24,976
Non-Federal: $49,952
Geoffrey TickSynthetic Organics, Biological Treatment, Contaminant Transport, Soil Microbiology, Pollution Control, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Biodegradation
2017ALAnnual BaseEnhancing Seasonal Hydrological Forecasts in the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa (ACT) River Basin using the North American Multi-Model EnsembleFederal: $24,987
Non-Federal: $49,997
Di TianDrought, Evaporation, Instream Flow, Rainfall, Weather Forecasting
Non-Federal: $49,930
Natasha DimovaGroundwater quality, Geochemistry, Coastal Zone, Coastal Water Quality
2017ARAnnual BaseAssessment of strategies to address future irrigation water shortage in the Arkansas DeltaFederal: $5,067
Non-Federal: $10,406
Qiuqiong Huangirrigation practices; willingness to pay; surface water; awareness of groundwater shortage
2017ARAnnual BaseInvestigating impact of lead service lines in drinking water distribution systems at the City of TulsaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,554
Wen Zhanglead, biofilm, drinking water distribution systems
2017ARAnnual BaseCombined application of nutrient manipulation and hydrogen peroxide exposure to selectively control cyanobacteria growth and promote eukaryote phytoplankton production in aquaculture pondsFederal: $25,318
Non-Federal: $50,487
Amit Sinha, William Green, Sixte NtamatungiroCyanobacteria, Aquaculture, Hydrogen peroxide, TN:TP ratios, Lanthanum-modified clay, Nutrient manipulation
2017ARAnnual BaseHerbicide Mitigation Potential of Tailwater Recovery Systems in the Cache River Critical Groundwater AreaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,350
Cammy Willett, Deborah Leslietailwater recovery, herbicide, water analysis, infiltration gallery, surface reservoir
2017ARAnnual BaseRegionalizing agricultural field evapotranspiration observationsFederal: $17,158
Non-Federal: $34,317
Benjamin RunkleEvapotranspiration, rice, cotton
2017ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center - Information TransferFederal: $1,423
Non-Federal: $2,964
Brian Haggard, Erin Scottannual conference, electronic newsletter, social media, website
2017AZAnnual BaseImpact of projected climate changes on mountain-block recharge processesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,359
Thomas Meixner, Jennifer McIntosh, Ravindra Dwivedi, Paul FerreMountain systems, mountain-block recharge, climate change, groundwater age, multi-tracer approach, and multi-model approach
2017AZAnnual BaseMight Recycled Wastewater Solve the Rising Problem of Toxin-Producing Algae?Federal: $9,463
Non-Federal: $18,929
Kevin Fitzsimmons, Robert LynchCyanobacteria; Microcystins; Quantitative PCR; Algal Toxins; Heavy Metals
2017AZAnnual BaseWater Resources Research CenterFederal: $65,822
Non-Federal: $35,215
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Jean McLain
2017CAAnnual BaseCan habitat restoration mediate predator-prey interactions to increase juvenile salmon survival in California’s central valley?Federal: $24,926
Non-Federal: $13,460
Eric PalkovacsWater use, natural habitat, juvenile salmon, biology
2017CAAnnual BaseFish habitat response to streamflow augmentation in support of salmon recovery in the Russian River BasinFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $14,250
Theodore Granthamfish habitat, streamflow, groundwater, ecology
2017CAAnnual BaseOptical and Thermal Remote Sensing of Turfgrass Response to Different Deficit Irrigation Strategies in Central and Southern CAFederal: $24,946
Non-Federal: $13,768
Amir HaghverdiIrrigation, water use, water supply, water conservation
2017CAAnnual BaseEvaluating Water Conservation Policy in CaliforniaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $13,375
Leah StokesWater conservation, water use, water policy, sustainability
2017CAAnnual BaseGroundwater Dynamics in Sacramento Aquifers Following California’s Historic DroughtFederal: $24,998
Non-Federal: $6,500
Amelia VankeurenGround water management, conservation, water use, hidrology
2017COAnnual BaseWater yield sensitivity to snow loss in Colorado headwater streamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $0
Gigi Richard, Stephanie Kampfsnow, runoff generation, water supply
2017COAnnual BaseDiagnosing the Role of External Forcings on Streamflow VariabilityFederal: $4,999
Non-Federal: $0
Ben LivnehClimate Change Signals
2017COAnnual BaseEffects of Water Velocity on Algal-Nutrient Interactions in Streams of the Poudre Watershed, ColoradoFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
N. Leroy Poffalgae, nutrients, streams
2017COAnnual BaseUnderstanding Post-Flood Channel Adjustments and Reservoir Sedimentation To Inform Water Management PracticesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
Sara RathburnPost-Flood Sediment Transport, Channel Geometry, Reservoir Management
2017COAnnual BaseEffects of snow persistence on soil water nitrogen along the Colorado Front RangeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
Stephanie Kampfsnow, soil moisture, watershed monitoring
2017COAnnual BaseThe effect of wastewater effluent on soil and water chemistry along the South Platte RiverFederal: $3,776
Non-Federal: $0
Sarah SchliemannSouth Platte River, Wastewater, Hallogens
2017COAnnual BaseEstimating agricultural consumptive use for grass and hay pasture fields on ColoradoFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Gigi Richard, Perry Cabotconsumptive use, evapotranspiration, pasture grass
2017COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $33,560
Non-Federal: $171,921
Reagan Waskom
2017CTAnnual BaseInvestigation of Bedrock Well Contamination by Uranium, Radium and Radon Resulting from Deicing Salt ExchangeFederal: $20,995
Non-Federal: $42,724
Michael Dietz, Meredith Metcalf, Gary A. Robbinsroad salt, groundwater, radon, radium, chloride
2017CTAnnual BaseEvaluation of created thermal refugia in streams as a climate adaptation strategy for fish populations experiencing thermal stressFederal: $7,800
Non-Federal: $25,500
Jason Vokoun, Martin Briggsthermal refugia, climate change, rivers
2017CTAnnual BaseIntegrating fine-scale field measurements with regional groundwater models to predict legacy nitrogen transport in Long Island Sound watershedsFederal: $13,831
Non-Federal: $32,504
Ashley Helton, Jeffrey Starn, Martin Briggslegacy nitrogen, groundwater discharge
2017CTAnnual BaseCTIWR Technology TransferFederal: $1,197
Non-Federal: $712
Glenn Warner, James Hurd
2017DCAnnual BaseMeasurement and Performance Analysis of UDC Van-Ness Campus Green Roof System with automated sensorsFederal: $9,901
Non-Federal: $4,752
Sasan Haghani, Pradeep Behera, Sassan AflakiGreen Infrastructure, Green Roof, Urban stormwater management, Urban Runoff, Sensors, Low Impact Development, Water Flow Measurements, Sensor Networks, Urban storm water models, Urban runoff, Green
2017DCAnnual BaseIn-Situ Comparison of Extensive and Intensive Greenroof InfiltrationFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $4,800
Kamran Zendehdel, Thomas HarrisGreenroof Performance, Intensive Green Roof, Extensive Green Roof, Resilience,
2017DCAnnual BasePerformance Monitoring of Green Infrastructure Maintenance in the DistrictFederal: $9,989
Non-Federal: $4,795
Harris Trobman, Kamran Zendehdel, Dwane JonesGreen Infrastructure, Performance, Monitoring, Maintenance, sustainable urban infrastructure, best management practices
2017DCAnnual BaseAnatomical and Behavioral Outcomes of Toxicant Exposure in the Anacostia River: Building a Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Model of Biological River HealthFederal: $9,980
Non-Federal: $20,732
Victoria ConnaughtonZebrafish (Danio rerio), ecotoxicology, Anacostia
2017DCAnnual BaseExamination of nutrient and land use patterns in the tidal Anacostia RiverFederal: $9,987
Non-Federal: $21,505
Stephen MacAvoyimpervious surface, urban stream syndrome, land use change
2017DCAnnual BaseAssessing the effectiveness of urban gardens in reducing stormwater pollutionFederal: $9,790
Non-Federal: $19,675
Karen KneeUrban gardens, urban agriculture, runoff, stormwater, nutrients, water quality
2017DCAnnual BaseQuantifying the Recharge and Evapotranspiration Rates of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed using Land Surface State ObservationsFederal: $9,929
Non-Federal: $20,104
Leila FarhadiEvapotranspiration, Groundwater, Remote sensing, Data assimilation
2017DCAnnual BaseExamining genetic microbial diversity to monitor pathogens and toxins and in the Anacostia River, DCFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,001
Caroline Solomon, Derek Braun, Gaurav Aroragenetic diversity, bacteria, phytoplankton, nutrients, toxins, contamination
2017DEAnnual BaseState Water Resources Research Institute Program, Delaware Water Resources Center, Annual Proposal for Fiscal Year 2017Federal: $92,335
Non-Federal: $185,697
Gerald KauffmanWatershed, Water Quality, Hydrology, Aquatic Ecology, Water Policy
2017FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $22,978
Non-Federal: $16,638
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2017GAAnnual BaseQuantifying the relative contributions of the physical mechanisms responsible for the Atlanta 2009 floodFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $40,440
Marshall Shepherd, Neil DebbageUrban Floods, WRF Modeling, Urban Planning
2017GAAnnual BaseDeveloping real-time sensor networks for monitoring stream water quality to improve water resource managementFederal: $17,924
Non-Federal: $47,654
Seth Wenger, Amy Rosemond, John Dowd, Phillip Bumpersreal-time monitoring, conductivity, urban stream, sensor network
2017GAAnnual BaseEstimation of irrigation withdrawals in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River BasinFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Jian Luogroundwater withdrawal, irrigation, geostatistics
2017GAAnnual BaseThe 2017 Biennial Georgia Water Resources ConferenceFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,314
Laurie Fowler, Duncan ElkinsGeorgia, water resources conference
2017GUAnnual BaseExpansion of N-baseline data in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $47,118
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana, Joe Rouse, John Jensonbaseline data, aquifer, NGLA, nitrate, ammonium, contaminants, septic tank, package plant
2017GUAnnual BaseExploring the natural limits of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: Phase 4 – model implementation, determining ultimate yield in basal and parabasal zonesFederal: $55,492
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana, John JensonGroundwater availability, Groundwater quality
2017GUAnnual BaseAnnual trend reporting, and maintenance and development of the GHS/WERI water resources databaseFederal: $7,942
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana, John Jensondatabase, annual trend reports
2017GUAnnual BaseProfessional Workshop Series on Guam Groundwater ResourcesFederal: $7,942
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana, John JensonGroundwater education, Aquifer field trips, Aquifer models
2017GUAnnual BasePFOS Trend Monitoring in a Guam Drinking Water Production WellFederal: $45,921
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, John Jenson, Mark LanderGroundwater; Guam; Guam Waterworks Authority; Drinking water production wells; Unregulated drinking water contaminant; Perfluoroalkyl substances; Perfluorooctane sulfonate; PFOS; Trend monitoring; Temporal trends; Rainfall data
2017GUAnnual BaseComposting waste sludge in Yap, FSMFederal: $84,764
Non-Federal: $0
Joe Rouse, Hyun-Jong HahmComposting, sludge, sewage, treatment, reuse, sustainability, public health
2017GUAnnual BaseDigital Atlas of Yap – A Geospatial Map and Data Server for Resource ManagementFederal: $53,340
Non-Federal: $0
Joe Rouse, Danko TaborosiGIS, geospatial data, maps, natural resources, infrastructure, hydrology
2017GUAnnual BaseImpact of Stormwater from a Constructed Wetland in American Memorial Park, Saipan, CNMI, on Receiving Waters and Fisheries ResourcesFederal: $69,009
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonMonitoring, Fish, Sediments, Mercury, American Memorial Park, Saipan Lagoon, Saipan, Micronesia
2017GUAnnual BaseDetermination of Rainfall Erosivity Factors for Selected Islands in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Accounting for Climate VariabilityFederal: $48,875
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander, Shahram KhosrowpanahErosivity, erosion control, sedimentation
2017GUAnnual BaseWERI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $59,356
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
Non-Federal: $43,495
Craig GlennGroundwater, Onsite Disposal Systems, Water Pollution, Water Management, Groundwater Fate and Transport, Water Quality, Environmental Impacts
2017HIAnnual BaseInfluence of anthropogenic and climatic forcing on water quality within a tropical coastal ecosystemFederal: $11,279
Non-Federal: $22,560
Rosanna AlegadoCoral reefs; molecular methods; microbial and benthic community responses; land-based sources of pollution
2017HIAnnual BaseUnderstanding the hydrology of a rainforest watershed in HawaiiFederal: $18,820
Non-Federal: $37,670
YinPhan TsangHydrology, stream flow monitoring, rainforest, SWAT, climate, land cover
2017HIAnnual BaseWastewater treatment for point source processing and resuseFederal: $14,093
Non-Federal: $28,197
2017HIAnnual BaseMicrobial communities and sources of bacteria in Honolulu’s water supplyFederal: $18,869
Non-Federal: $37,770
Marek Kirsgroundwater, drinking water, microbial communities, water quality, bioterrorism
2017IAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer 2017Federal: $40,076
Non-Federal: $20,038
Richard Cruse
2017IAAnnual BaseEnhancing phosphate removal in woodchip bioreactorsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Emily Martin, Michelle SoupirDenitrification bioreactor, woodchip bioreactor, nitrate, biochar, tile drainage, hydraulic retention, non-point source pollution
2017IAAnnual BaseSimulation of Watershed-Scale Nitrate Transport in Fractured Till Using Upscaled Parameters Obtained from Till CoreFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,627
Nathan Young, William Simpkins, Robert HortonTill, fractures, solute transport, preferential flow, groundwater, column experiments, watershed-scale modeling
2017IAAnnual BaseQuantifying the Role of Soils in Salinization: Winter Road Maintenance Impacts to Runoff and Right-of-WayFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Rebecca KautenStormwater, Winter Runoff, Chloride, Sediment, Stormwater, Urban Roadways
2017IDAnnual BaseInfluence of Sulfur Form on Metal Mobility and Water Quality in a Mining-Impacted Lateral Lake of the Coeur d’Alene RiverFederal: $14,550
Non-Federal: $29,100
Jeff Langman, James Moberlyporewater, sulfur intermediary form, ligand competition, metal mobility, mining impacts, seasonal solute flux
Non-Federal: $30,000
Jairo HernandezWater use, water management, irrigation, urbanization, sustainability
2017IDAnnual BaseDevelopment of the Idaho Waters Digital Library, Phase TwoFederal: $5,100
Non-Federal: $10,200
Evan Williamson, Devin Becker, Jodi HaireLibrary, Watershed
2017IDAnnual BaseEstimating the bulk exchange of water and solutes between fringing wetlands and lakes to estimate the role of wetlands in water qualityFederal: $14,807
Non-Federal: $29,668
Frank WilhelmLake-wetland exchange, phosphorus, internal loading, source/sink
2017IDAnnual BaseIdaho Dairy Industry Vulnerability to Long-term DroughtFederal: $14,961
Non-Federal: $30,231
Barbara Cosens, Mark SolomonWater Rights, Irrigated Agriculture, Dairy Industry, Drought
2017IDAnnual BaseIdaho Outreach and Engagement Project FY2017Federal: $27,917
Non-Federal: $55,471
Mark Solomon, Teresa CohnStakeholder Engagement, Outreach, Education
2017ILAnnual BaseModeling the integration of green infrastructure into urban landscapes using a reliability-based frameworkFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Ashlynn Stillwell, Reshmina Williamgreen infrastructure, network reliablity, stormwater mitigation
2017ILAnnual BaseIdentifying nitrogen removal limitations in constructed wetlands treating agricultural tile drainageFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $46,624
Karl Rockneagriculture, drain tile, nutrients, water quality, denitrification, wetland
2017ILAnnual BaseEvaluating the ability of wetland mitigation banks in the Chicago region to replace plant species lost to impacts to natural wetlandsFederal: $4,668
Non-Federal: $9,487
Jeffery Matthewswetland mitigation banks, plant communities, wetland policy
2017ILAnnual BaseImpacts of stormwater-induced road salt runoff on soil and water quality in urban greenspacesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $26,450
Aaron Packmanstormwater, water quality, road salt, urban greenspaces
2017ILAnnual BaseDiurnal and Seasonal Variation in Groundwater Nitrate-N Concentration in a Riparian Buffer ZoneFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Eric Petersonnitrate, denitrification, riparian buffer, tile water, groundwater
2017ILAnnual BaseTransferring Water Resources Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $41,608
Non-Federal: $24,382
Lisa Merrifieldinformation transfer, community decision making
2017INAnnual BaseEffects of Land use Type on Abundance and Type of Microplastic Pollution- A Contaminant of Emerging Concern in Indiana RiversFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $42,921
Gary LambertiMicroplastics, Land Use, Ecotoxicology, Pollution, Rivers
2017INAnnual BaseWaterWorks: A Game to Teach Water Systems ThinkingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,226
Shahzeen Attari, Mike Sellerswater game, gamification, systems thinking, perceptions, education, drinking water, system dynamics
2017INAnnual BaseExamining Anthropogenic Impacts on the Wabash River SystemFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,865
Jeffrey Stone, Jennifer LatimerDiatoms, Biogeochemistry, Pollution, Nutrients, Invasive Species
2017INAnnual BaseEffects of Viruses on the Development of Harmful Algal BloomsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,063
Zhi ZhouHarmful algal blooms, viruses, nutrients
2017INAnnual BaseCommunicating the State of Indiana Water ResourcesFederal: $20,444
Non-Federal: $40,958
Keith Cherkauer, Laura BowlingWater Resources, Groundwater supply, Surface water supply
2017KYAnnual BaseTemporal performance assessment of wastewater treatment plant by using multivariate statistical analysisFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Tom Rockawaysanitary sewers, combined stormwater flow, temporal characteristics
2017KYAnnual BaseThe ecological importance of perched aquifers and their hydrologcial connectivity to ridge top ephemeral wetlands in Daniel Boone National ForestFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Jonathan Malzonegroundwater surface water interaction, groundwater conservation, vernal pools
2017KYAnnual BaseApplication of pedotransfer function for estimating soil water permeability at field scale, western Kentucky: calibration and validationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Ole Wendrothsaturated hydraulic conductivity, soil properties, artificial neural network
2017KYAnnual BaseEffects of stream restoration on pollutant load reductions in an urban watershedFederal: $4,825
Non-Federal: $9,990
Carmen Agouridisregenerative design, filter media, design recommendations
2017KYAnnual BaseUsing anthropogenic compounds in sewage to create new fecal source and fecal age indicators for use in protecting and improving water quality in Kentucky watershedsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,188
Gail Brionpathogens, stormwater, Acetaminophen, Sucralose
2017KYAnnual BasePredictive hydrologic and hazard modeling of injection well density and usage in urban karst aquifersFederal: $4,936
Non-Federal: $10,000
Jason Polkhazard mitigation, emergency preparedness, flooding
2017KYAnnual BaseOptimizing yield and water use efficiency of soybean production in Kentucky - experimental and modeling approachFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,001
Montserrat Salmeronirrigation, water use efficiency, soybean maturity group
2017KYAnnual BaseWater quality analysis in municipal water supply system for Lexington, KY with a focus on corrosivityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,003
Junfeng Zhu, Alan Fryarchloride-sulfate mass ratio, lead/copper leaching, drinking water
2017KYAnnual BaseSoil moisure conditions and yield across slope positions under western Kentucky irrigated managementFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,692
Brad Leesoil moisture, water use efficiency
2017KYAnnual BaseKentucky information transfer projectFederal: $39,174
Non-Federal: $80,079
Lindell Ormsbeesymposium, web sites, research translation
2017LAAnnual BaseDetermination of chloride, nitrate and other ion concentrations in Mississippi Alluvial Aquifer in Northeast LouisianaFederal: $15,080
Non-Federal: $31,595
Douglas CarlsonChloride, Nutrients, Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer
2017LAAnnual BaseEffects of climate change on nitrogen and sulfur deposition to Louisiana water bodies using climate downscaling meteorology and chemical transport modelFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,029
Hongliang ZhangNitrogen, Sulfur, Deposition, Climate Change, Louisiana
2017LAAnnual BaseCoupled chemical and hydraulic impacts of saltwater intrusion on the fate and transport of spilled chemicals in the Mississippi RiverFederal: $15,400
Non-Federal: $37,680
Zimeng WangChemical Spill, River, Saltwater, Chemical Fate, Transport
2017LAAnnual BaseDesalination of salt water for agriculture based on a novel battery systemFederal: $15,400
Non-Federal: $31,454
Xiuping ZhuSalt water, Desalination, Agriculture, Battery
2017MAAnnual BaseDevelopment of an in-field method for detecting engineered nanoparticles and their transformations in aquatic environments using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,465
Baoshan XingEngineered nanoparticles, in-field detection, transformation, SERS, water
2017MAAnnual BaseAddressing water supply issues through the modeling, analysis and optimization of renewable hybrid systems for water and electricity productionFederal: $24,400
Non-Federal: $48,804
Jon McGowan, Matthew Lacknerdesalination, renewable energy, solar, water supply
2017MAAnnual BaseThe Massachusetts Isoscape Project: A tool for understanding hydrologic processes and water resource sustainabilityFederal: $25,642
Non-Federal: $51,292
David BouttIsotope, Water Tracing, Groundwater, Surface Water
2017MAAnnual BaseWRRC WorkshopsFederal: $20,433
Non-Federal: $47,813
Paula Reesconference, seminar, water
2017MDAnnual BaseCan Carbon Amendments Improve Wetland Restoration and Jump-Start Microbial Activity?Federal: $34,996
Non-Federal: $69,990
Stephanie Yarwood, Andrew BaldwinSequestration, Soil organic matter, Wetland restoration
2017MDAnnual BaseListening to Rivers: Seismic and Hydraulic Monitoring to Determine River Turbulence and Erosive PowerFederal: $35,000
Non-Federal: $70,000
Karen Prestegaard, Vedran LekicTurbulence, Fluvial Seismology, Erosion
2017MDAnnual BaseAssessing nitrate reduction potential in Maryland’s agricultural water resources (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $15,127
Eric Davidson, Kaye BrubakerNitrogen, denitrification, nitrogen budget, agriculture, runoff, isotope analysis, greenhouse gas
2017MDAnnual BaseMajor ions, strontium isotopes, and geochemical cycling across a forested to urban gradient (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $15,725
Joel Moore, Kaye Brubakerurbanization, weathering, solute sources
2017MDAnnual BaseSeismo-Acoustic Observation of Cavitation and Erosive Potential in a Bedrock River (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Karen Prestegaard, Kaye Brubakererosion, turbulence, seismo-acoustic monitoring, flume experiment, field measurement
Non-Federal: $56,704
Emily Lesher, Brie Holme, Ryan Dorland, Nina EduljeeWater chemistry, algae, water quality control, water treatment facilities, water quality monitoring, watershed management
2017MEAnnual BaseImproved delineation and analysis of Flood Attenuation in Maine’s watersheds: Natural Infrastructure support of state of Maine’s Clean Water Initiative (Chapter 589)Federal: $33,258
Non-Federal: $67,081
Shaleen Jain, David Courtemanch, Daniel CokerConservation, Hydrology, Flood Control, Geographic Information Systems
2017MEAnnual BaseContamination of Messalonskee Lake by pharmaceuticals and chemical ingredients in personal care products: an emerging ecological and public health threatFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $5,400
William McDowell, Denise Bruesewitz, Gail Carlson, Rachel WhitneyBiomonitoring, Ecosystems, Environmental Sanitation, Health Effects, Lakes, Organic Compounds, Pollutants, Public Health, Septic Tanks, Synthetic Organics, Toxic Substances, Trace Organics, Wastewater, Water Chemistry, Water Quality Monitoring, Watershed Management
2017MEAnnual Base(Seed Grant) Maine’s Changing Winter: focus on natural resources, ecology, and the economyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,250
Sarah Nelson, Karen Wilson, Ivan Fernandez, Julia Daly, Jean MacRae, Glenn Hodgkins, Erik Blomberg, Mindy Crandall, Hamish Greig, Robert Dudley, Amanda ShearinAtmospheric Processes, Climate, Conservation
, Wildlife Management, Economics, Ecosystems
, Fish Ecology, Flood Control
, Geochemistry
, Landscape Management, Land-Water Interactions, Rainfall
, Resource Planning, Runoff, Snow
, Soil-Water Relationships
, Storm Water Management
, Water Quality Management, Weather Data Collection, Water Chemistry
, Water Levels, Water Quality

2017MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $12,046
Non-Federal: $26,701
David Hart, John PeckenhamInformation transfer, Outreach
2017MIAnnual BaseDeveloping and Enhancing Sustainable Water Use of Natural and Agricultural SystemsFederal: $3,780
Non-Federal: $44,975
Darrell DonahueWatershed Planning and Management, Water Quality, Water Use, Decision Support Systems, DSS
2017MIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer Training, Dissemination and Program DevelopmentFederal: $9,912
Non-Federal: $23,966
Lois Wolfson, Darrell DonahueInland Lakes, Great Lakes, Aquifers, Watershed Management; Leadership; Invasive Species; Online Education; Interactive Web-based Systems
2017MIAnnual BaseInline Wetland Treatment Effectiveness for Treating Nutrients from Tile DrainsFederal: $21,331
Non-Federal: $25,902
Jeremiah Asher, Dawn ReinholdPhosphorus, Wetlands, Algae Blooms, Lake Erie
2017MIAnnual BaseNutrient Monitoring of the River Raisin Watershed to Inform Farmers and Optimize Decision Making for BMP ImplementationFederal: $11,145
Non-Federal: $13,701
James MartinWatershed Planning and Management; Water Quality
2017MNAnnual BaseInvestigation of a novel approach to mitigate nitrogen and phosphorus from tile drainageFederal: $18,015
Non-Federal: $36,029
Jeffrey Strockbioreactor, tile drainage, water quality
2017MNAnnual BaseOpen-Source Turbidity Sensor to Monitor Suspended and Dissolved Matter in Surface WaterFederal: $29,187
Non-Federal: $57,271
Andrew Wickert, Diana Karwan, Chad SandellTurbidity, suspended load, dissolved load
2017MNAnnual BaseAssessing the role of buffer strips in nutrient and organic matter export and mitigation of harmful algal bloomsFederal: $29,701
Non-Federal: $59,404
James Cotnerbuffer strips, harmful algae, nutrients, heterotrophic bacteria
2017MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $31,904
Non-Federal: $64,445
Baolin Deng
2017MOAnnual BaseSatellite-Imagery Based Method for Water-Quality Monitoring and Sediment Budgeting along the Middle-Mississippi River and Its Tributaries Phase 2Federal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,000
Amanda Cox, Abuduwasiti WulamuSuspended Sediment Concentration, Suspended Sediment Load, Sediment Budget, Remote Sensing, Mississippi River, Confluence
2017MOAnnual BaseA Novel Artifical Hormone Receptor for the Sensing of Total Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals (EDCs) Concentration in Natural WatersFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,754
Maria Fidalgo, Chung-Ho Linendocrine disruptor chemical; molecularly imprinted polymers; water quality monitoring
2017MSAnnual BaseStudy of Sediment and Nutrients in Pelahatchie Bay and Upland Mill-Pelahatchie Creek WatershedFederal: $21,534
Non-Federal: $43,208
Xiaobo ChaoSurface Water, Modeling and Tool Development
2017MSAnnual BaseApplied use of unmanned aerial vehicles in surface water quality protectionFederal: $15,253
Non-Federal: $30,421
Joby Czarnecki, John Ramirez-AvilaSurface Water
2017MSAnnual BaseAssessing and predicting in-stream processes in the Catalpa Creek WatershedFederal: $21,663
Non-Federal: $44,155
John Ramirez-Avila, Sandra OrtegaAchurySurface Water
2017MSAnnual BaseAssessing the Effectiveness of Community-Based Research Strategies to Analyze Risk of lead Coontamination in Public Water Supplies in the Mississippi DeltaFederal: $15,045
Non-Federal: $30,185
Kristine WillettDrinking Water Quality, Mitigation of Lead Corrosion in PWSs, Development of Social Science Applications to Advance Water Resource Management
2017MTAnnual BaseRocky Mountain Juniper influences on Stream Flow DynamicsFederal: $14,984
Non-Federal: $41,372
Jia HuRocky Mountain Juniper, willow, hydrology, water source use, transpiration, stable isotopes
2017MTAnnual BaseImproving Climate Information to Enhance the Drought Preparedness of Montana Agricultural ProducersFederal: $25,062
Non-Federal: $50,125
Laurie Yungdrought preparedness, climate information, water decisions, agriculture
2017MTAnnual BaseEffects of floating treatment wetlands on the abundance and removal of dissolved and nanoparticulate contaminants in waste water lagoonsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $40,463
Benjamin ColmanWastewater lagoons, colloids, nanoparticles, floating treatment wetlands
2017MTAnnual BaseExploring Hydrologic Connectivity Between Shallow and Deep Groundwater Flow Systems in Upland CatchmentsFederal: $20,520
Non-Federal: $41,497
Payton GardnerWatershed hydrology, Mountain block recharge, Natural storage, Groundwater-stream water interactions
2017MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship Project: Science to inform restoration: Effects of channel reconstruction on hydraulic exchange and baseflow generationFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $900
Christine Brissettehydrology, base flow, late season flow
2017MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship Project: Remote Sensing of Snowpack in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)Federal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $900
Jonathan Byerssnowpack, remote sensing, water quantity, snow water equivalent
2017MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship Project: Microbially induced metal precipitation and co‐precipitation in mine influenced waterFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Emily Stoickmine, metal precipitation, microbe
2017MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship Project: Estimate Mountain Front Recharge in a Basin and Range Provence in Southwest Montana.Federal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $670
Charles Shamagroundwater recharge, groundwater flow, aquifer
2017MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship Project: Leaf Water Potential as an Improved Predictor of Drought Induced Conifer StressFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $900
Caelan Simeonedrought predictor, leaf water potential, conifer, stress
2017MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship Project: Influence of wood on sediment storage in a low order stream in the northern Rocky MountainsFederal: $769
Non-Federal: $346
Robin Wellingsediment storage, sediment transport
2017NCAnnual BaseTracing Groundwater Contamination Near And Away From Coal Ash Ponds in North CarolinaFederal: $49,993
Non-Federal: $29,495
Avner Vengoshoal ash, water quality, contamination, metals, groundwater, geochemical tracers
2017NCAnnual BaseHow, where, when, and why: Defining Eutrophication Related Trends in Water Quality for the Middle and Lower Cape Fear River BasinFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $72,414
Nathan Hall, Hans Paerltrend analysis, nutrients, phytoplankton, flow, sources
2017NCAnnual BaseWRRI Informtaion Transfer ProgramFederal: $9,342
Non-Federal: $4,811
Nicole Wilkinson
2017NDAnnual BaseAssessing Devils Lake Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Coupled SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 ModelFederal: $2,625
Non-Federal: $5,250
Xiaodong ZhangRemote sensing, Water quality models, Suspended solids, Algae
2017NDAnnual BaseCrop Evapotranspiration Measurement by Eddy Covariance, Bowen Ratio, and Soil Water Balance for a Control Drained and Subirrigated FieldFederal: $6,500
Non-Federal: $13,000
Xinhua JiaEvapotranspiration, Soil water balance, Subirrigated field
2017NDAnnual BasePerfluoroalkyl Substances in Surface Runoff of the Red River BasinFederal: $4,054
Non-Federal: $8,108
Feng XiaoPerfluoroalkyl substances, Urban stormwater, Land use
2017NDAnnual BaseMolecularly Imprinted Polymers for Phosphate Removal from WastewaterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Achintya BezbaruahAdsorbent, Phosphate, Wastewater
2017NDAnnual BaseApplication of Green Iron Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Barley Polyphenols to Combat Lake Eutrophication ProblemFederal: $10,080
Non-Federal: $20,160
Achintya BezbaruahPlant extract, Phosphate, Lake
2017NDAnnual BaseEndoxifen in Wastewater and Surface Water in North Dakota: Detection and BiodegradationFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,000
Eakalak Khan, John McEvoyBiodegradation, Cancer drug, Detection
2017NDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Macro-Scale Physical-Based Gridded Hydrologic Model (GHM) and Applications in North DakotaFederal: $8,190
Non-Federal: $16,380
Xuefeng ChuGridded hydrologic model, Cold climate, Watershed
2017NDAnnual BaseNutrient Removal from Domestic and Livestock Wastewaters Using Integrating Electro-Coagulation and Biological ProcessesFederal: $5,510
Non-Federal: $11,020
Halis SimsekLivestock, Wastewater, Nitrogen, Organic, Removal
2017NDAnnual BaseCapturing the Lost Phosphorous by Enhanced Bioretention Cells Amended with Low-cost AdsorbentsFederal: $6,754
Non-Federal: $13,508
Feng XiaoAdsorbent, Phosphate, Iron-based materials
2017NDAnnual BaseStudy On-Farm Evaluation of Interactive Effect of Subsurface Tile Drainage, Tillage and Crop Rotation on Nitrate LeachingFederal: $3,149
Non-Federal: $6,298
Amitava ChatterjeeNitrate, Surface water, Tile drainage
2017NDAnnual BaseRemoval of Trichloroethylene and Fluoride from Water by Nanoscale Zero-valent Iron Supported on Novel Activated CarbonFederal: $5,510
Non-Federal: $11,020
Achintya BezbaruahActivated carbon, Nanoscale zero-valent iron, Adsorption
2017NDAnnual BaseEffect of Water Level on Soybean Growth with High Salinity WaterFederal: $3,936
Non-Federal: $7,872
Halis SimsekSoybean, Root-zone, Water table, Climatic conditions
2017NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $10,424
Non-Federal: $20,848
Eakalak KhanInformation Dissemination, Communication, Website, Newsletter, Annual Seminar
2017NEAnnual BaseImpact of Variable Rate Irrigation on Consumptive Use of Water ResourcesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,002
Derek Heeren, Daran Rudnick, Francisco MunozArriolavariable rate irrigation, consumptive use
2017NEAnnual BaseUtilizing biotrickling filters to reduce water consumption at fermentation and dryer stacks in ethanol plantsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,065
Ashraf AlyHassanbiotrickling filter, VOCs, Ethanol plant
2017NEAnnual BaseSpatial Variability of Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity across Multiple Stream OrdersFederal: $19,992
Non-Federal: $39,706
Aaron Mittelstet, Troy Gilmorestreambed hydraulic conductivity; SWAT-MODFLOW; hydrologic model
2017NHAnnual BaseHot and Salty: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire streams at community, population, and molecular levelsFederal: $13,365
Non-Federal: $33,393
Amy Villamagnasalt stress, thermal stress, bioindicators
2017NHAnnual BaseStormwater and Development: How do New Hampshire’s communities address the impacts in the land use planning process?Federal: $12,192
Non-Federal: $30,517
June HammondRowanstormwater, land use planning
2017NJAnnual BaseMarsh Plants-Derived Biochar for Synergistic Decontamination of Dioxins, PCBs, and Mercury in Passaic RiverFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Mengyan Li, Francisco ArtigasPassaic River, Biochar, Dioxins, PCBs, Mercury, Capping
2017NJAnnual BaseUsing geophysical technologies to delineate and monitor saltwater intrusion within New Jersey coastal aquifersFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Judy Robinson, Lee Slatersaltwater intrusion, geophysics, water quality
2017NJAnnual BaseRemoval of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and other micropollutants using spiky sweetgum seeds as renewable bioadsorbents to support "waste control by waste" and point-of-use (POU) water treatment devicesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Likun Hua, Wen ZhangPFASs, Micropollutant, Biomass, Point-of-use, Bioadsorbents
2017NJAnnual BaseDesigner Bacteria for Restoring the Passaic RiverFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Rachel Dean, Donna E. Fennelldiozin, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, biodegradation, novel, remediation, application
2017NJAnnual BaseDeveloping a Multitasking "Green" Technology for Removal of Wastewater Contaminants and Bioethanol ProductionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Saumik Panja, Dibyendu SarkarVetiver, wastewater, stress-response, bioethanol, constructed wetland
2017NJAnnual BaseFinding the source: towards quantitative methods for microbial sourcing trackingFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Sarah Phelan, Nicole FahrenfeldMicrobial Source Tracking, Amplicon Sequencing, qPCR
2017NJAnnual BaseMercury (Hg) Flux at the Sediment-Water Interface: The Effect of Microbial Hg(0) OxidationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Yuwei Wang, Nathan YeeSediment, Bacteria, Hg(0) oxidation, Model
2017NMAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $21,637
Non-Federal: $27,889
Catherine Ortega KlettWater Resources Education, Information Transfer, Information Dissemination
2017NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information Systems for Water Resources Research PlanningFederal: $38,698
Non-Federal: $55,167
Alexander Fernald
2017NMAnnual BaseDigital Soil Mapping for Improving Hydrological Modeling of NM Water ResourcesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Colby BrungardHydrology, Digital Soil Mapping, Hydrologic Modeling, Ecohydrologic modeling
Non-Federal: $34,000
Jose Cerrato
2017NVAnnual BaseWastewater Reuse and Uptake of Contaminants of Emerging Concerns by PlantsFederal: $17,557
Non-Federal: $36,354
Kumud Acharya, Daniel Gerritywater resources, emerging contaminants, trace organic chemicals, bioaccumulation, plants
2017NYAnnual BaseRemote Sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms by Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Ileana Dumitriu, John HalfmanRemote Sensing, Harmful Algal Blooms, Spectroscopy, Unmanned Aerial Systems
2017NYAnnual BaseVariability in water quality and the effect of climate change and teleconnections on lake thermal structure in the Sky Lakes of Shawangunk RidgeFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
David Richardsonwater quality, climate change, lakes, Shawangunk Ridge
2017NYAnnual BaseDynamic sediment-discharge rating curve models to support climate-smart management of water quality in the New York City water supply systemFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Scott SteinschneiderExtreme Events; Suspended Sediment; Water Management
2017NYAnnual BaseOtsego Lake Water Quality Constant Monitoring SystemFederal: $7,105
Non-Federal: $0
Kiyoko Yokota, Paul Lordclimate change, lake temperature, climate sentinel, lake stratification, turnover, ice-in/out, winter limnology, high resolution data, long term data, GLEON, global trends
2017NYAnnual BaseQuantifying the ecosystem services of nitrogen removal and carbon sequestration in restored urban tidal wetlandsFederal: $19,675
Non-Federal: $39,351
Chester ZarnochRestoration, Eutrophication, Nitrogen, Denitrification
2017OHAnnual BaseBog HELPR: Bog History, Ecosystem status and Land-use for Peatland Restoration in OhioFederal: $26,566
Non-Federal: $27,397
Gwilym Davies, Gil Bohrerrestoration, peatland, ecohydrology, hydrochemical, ecosystem services, historical ecology
2017OHAnnual BaseCharacterizing the Link Between Algal Bloom Biomass and Methane Production in Ohio ReservoirsFederal: $29,806
Non-Federal: $49,483
Ishi Buffam, Trinity Hamiltonalgae, nutrient loading, labile organic carbon, methane emissions, methanogens
2017OHAnnual BaseQuantifying direct groundwater discharge to Lake Erie and vulnerability to hidden nutrient loadsFederal: $29,087
Non-Federal: $31,001
Audrey Sawyersurface water-groundwater interactions, nutrients, direct groundwater discharge, Lake Erie
2017OKAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $15,956
Non-Federal: $31,912
Justin Moss
2017OKAnnual BaseUtilizing native isopods to assess the connectivity and quality of Oklahoma groundwaterFederal: $24,921
Non-Federal: $49,842
Ronald Bonett, Alexander HessConnectivity, Biodiversity
2017OKAnnual BaseQuantifying sedimentation in upstream flood control reservoirs across OklahomaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Ronald Miller, Lucie GuertaultFlood control structures, sedimentation, watershed yield, erosion model
2017OKAnnual BaseCombining Remote Sensing and In-Situ Data to Estimate Soil Moisture Across Mixed Land Cover TypesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Tyson Ochsner, Chris ZouSoil moisture, plant available water, remote sensing
2017OKAnnual BaseThe Impact of Drought on Vegetation Water Use in Different Climatic Divisions across OklahomaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Saleh Taghvaeian, Prasanna GowdaEvapotranspiration, climate, drought, remote sensing
2017OKAnnual BaseEconomics of Groundwater Interaction and Competing CropsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Arthur Stoecker
2017ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $43,895
Non-Federal: $166,866
Todd JarvisUndergraduate Training, Graduate Training, Public Outreach
2017PAAnnual BaseToward Improved Predictability of Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Streamflow in PennsylvaniaFederal: $19,885
Non-Federal: $38,890
Alfonso Mejiastreamflow, prediction, climate, water
2017PAAnnual BaseEvaluating Septic Systems as a Source of Enteric Pathogens in Private Water Supply Wells of PennsylvaniaFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $47,645
Heather Murphygroundwater, septic systems, enteric pathogens, viruses, public health, acute gastrointestinal illness
2017PAAnnual BaseImpacts of Shale Gas Produced Water on Disinfection Byproduct Formation in Water UtilitiesFederal: $21,991
Non-Federal: $43,845
Yuefeng XieProduced water; Disinfection byproduct; Treatment; Hydraulic fracturing
2017PAAnnual BaseImpact of Spreading Oil & Gas Wastewater as Road Treatments on Water QualityFederal: $19,997
Non-Federal: $43,298
William Burgosoil and gas wastewater, road spreading, road salt, dust suppressants, salinization, groundwater
2017PRAnnual BaseWillingness to pay for water scarcity eradication and water service attributes in Puerto Rico: Results from contingent valuation and choice experiments methodsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $47,708
Hector Tavarez, Carmen Alamo, Mildred CortsEconomics, Drought, Water Resources Development, Water Demand
2017PRAnnual BaseAtrazine degradation with visible-light photocatalysis using iron-grafted TiO2 nanoparticles: Evaluation and applications for water treatmentFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $32,890
Pedro Tarafa, OMarcelo Suarez, Sylvia RodriguezAbudoPesticides, toxic substances, agriculture, oxidation, water treatment, public health, photocatalysis, open channels
2017PRAnnual BaseThird Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical IslandsFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $3,000
Jorge Rivera-Santos, Walter SilvaIsland Institutes, tropical Islands
2017RIAnnual BaseWater Purification via Hydrogels with Voltage-Controlled Electrodynamic PropertiesFederal: $22,067
Non-Federal: $60,135
Samantha Meenach, Stephen Kennedywastewater, hydrogel, treatment, controlled adsorption
2017RIAnnual BaseOccurrence and formation of N-DBPs in source waters of Rhode IslandFederal: $20,746
Non-Federal: $48,367
Soni Pradhanang, Tom Boving, David ReckhowN-DBPs, Nitrosamines, Chlorination, Drinking water, Rhode Island
2017RIAnnual BaseClean Drinking Water in Rhode IslandFederal: $8,429
Non-Federal: $21,319
Christopher HunterClean water
2017SCAnnual BaseEndemic BartramFederal: $24,641
Non-Federal: $49,252
Brandon Peoples, Yoichiro Kannorestoration planning, land cover, sentinel species, endemic
2017SCAnnual BasePhosphorus removal from nutrient enriched agricultural runoff waterFederal: $28,294
Non-Federal: $56,335
Sarah White, John Majsztrikeuttrophication, surface water, runoff, specialty crops
2017SDAnnual BaseEvaluation of Nitrate Removal Rates of Denitrification Bioreactors Using Agricultural Residue MediaFederal: $23,062
Non-Federal: $46,151
Guanghui Hua, Christopher SchmitSubsurface Drainage, Nitrate, Denitrification, Agricultural Residue
2017SDAnnual BaseEvaluating E. coli particle attachment and the impact on transport during high flows (Year 2)Federal: $24,946
Non-Federal: $49,892
Rachel McDaniel, Bruce BleakleyE. coli, fecal indicators, water quality
2017SDAnnual BaseSouth Dakota Water Resources Institute FY2017 Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $32,113
Non-Federal: $64,225
Van Kelley, Rachel McDaniel, David KringenOutreach, Service, Communication, Interaction, Information.
2017TNAnnual BaseEvaluation of Fecal Indicators and Pathogens at Recreational Beaches in Central TennesseeFederal: $16,439
Non-Federal: $56,853
Frank Bailey, Megan Stallardfecal indicators, Coliphages, snad, freshwater beaches, pathogens, E.coli
2017TNAnnual BaseSediment Source Tracking in Urban Watersheds: An Applicationin the Second Creek ObservatoryFederal: $8,964
Non-Federal: $17,806
Jon Hathaway, Thanos Papanicolaou, Christopher Wilsonsediment, source tracking, urban, stormwater, stream
2017TNAnnual BaseCharacteristics of Fine Sediment Embeddedness: Towards Understanding Drainage Network Transport LagsFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $18,972
John Schwartzsediment transport processes. fine sediment, sediment TMDL, embeddedness
2017TNAnnual BaseExamining Sediment Rating Curve Hysteresis with State-of-the-Art SensorsFederal: $7,144
Non-Federal: $13,848
Achilleas Tsakiris, Thanos Papanicolaou, Jon Hathawayradio frequency identification, tracers, temperature, hysteresis, rating curve
2017TNAnnual BaseCombined Field Study of Turbulenceand Bed Morphology in Mountainous Boulder Arrayed StreamsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
Micah Wyssmann, Thanos Papanicolaoubeadload transport, mountainous streams, boulder arrays, bedload pulsation, gravel bed streams
2017TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $82,335
Non-Federal: $83,465
John Tracy, Danielle Kalisek, Kevin Wagner
2017TXAnnual BaseAnalyzing the Impact of Land Use Changes on Urban Flood Risk in Northwest Houston, Texas, and Prediction of Future Flood VulnerabilityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Philip Bedient, Avantika GoriUrban Flooding, Land Use Change, Development Planning, Stormwater Management
2017TXAnnual BaseEffects of Salinity on Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Removal in Combined Biological Activated Carbon/Reverse Osmosis SystemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,003
Audra Morse, Asef RedwanSalinity, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Biological pretreatment, Reverse Osmosis
2017UTAnnual BaseMapping Didymosphenia in the Logan River DrainageFederal: $33,763
Non-Federal: $64,803
Janice Brahney, Bethany Neilsoninvasive species, nutrients, physical properties, gauging, groundwater/surface water interactions, public outreach
2017UTAnnual BaseUse of sUAS for Mapping Wetland Flow Paths and Consumptive Use in the San Rafael River, UtahFederal: $39,060
Non-Federal: $52,910
Alfonso Torres-Rua, Ian Gowing, Leila HassanEsfahaniFish habitat, invasive vegetation, wetlands, water use, Tamarisk, Intermountain West
2017VAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $72,990
Non-Federal: $120,010
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2017VIAnnual BaseWater Ambassador Program IIIFederal: $19,849
Non-Federal: $0
christina chanes, David Morris, Stanley Latesky, Norton OrangeOutreach, Citizen Science, Water conservation, Water resources, Water quality
2017VIAnnual BaseThe USVI-Climate Monitor: Unifying Precipitation Monitoring Across the St. Thomas MicroclimatesFederal: $23,650
Non-Federal: $0
David Morris, Roy Watlington, Norton Orange, William Wilson
2017VIAnnual BaseThird Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical IslandsFederal: $7,115
Non-Federal: $0
Kristin Wilson Grimes, Darren Lerner, Jorge Rivera-Santos, John Jenson
2017VTAnnual BaseTrails to remediation: the effects of seasonal variations on the acid mine drainage microbiome at Ely Copper Mine in Vershire, VTFederal: $33,985
Non-Federal: $67,973
LesleyAnn Giddingsacid mine drainage, metabolites, microbiome, acidophiles, metal-resistance genes
2017VTAnnual BasePhosphorus export from forested watersheds in the Missisquoi BasinFederal: $10,004
Non-Federal: $28,342
Donald Ross, Beverley Wemple, Vanesa Perillophosphorus, sediment, forests
2017VTAnnual BaseApplication of neural networks to classify erosional and depositional stream reaches in glacially-conditioned Vermont catchmentsFederal: $9,998
Non-Federal: $19,958
Donna Rizzo, Mandar Dewoolkar, Kristen Underwoodsediment flux, geomorphology, stream power, clustering algorithms
2017VTAnnual BasePharm-free surface waters: Identifying barriers and motivators that influence Vermonters' participation in pharmaceutical take-back programsFederal: $5,376
Non-Federal: $4,406
Christine Vatovec, Alexandra Millarpharmaceutical contamination, multi-disciplinary, points of intervention
2017VTAnnual BaseGlobal to local assessment of cyanotoxins in fishFederal: $39,859
Non-Federal: $74,873
Jason Stockwell, Todd Millercyanobacteria, toxins, water, fish, human health
2017WAAnnual BaseScaling of hydrologic and land-surface responses: Are the right processes represented at the right scale?Federal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,000
Nicholas Engdahl, Alexandra RicheyHydrologic modeling, integrated models, upscaling
2017WAAnnual BaseAdaptive governance of riparian lands in Washington State: coordinating policy and practice to leverage river and floodplain benefitsFederal: $25,646
Non-Federal: $61,386
Alexander Fremier, Barbara Cosensriparian, biological conservation, resource conservation, water law, planning
2017WAAnnual BaseFrequency Analysis of Historic and Future Droughts in Yakima BasinFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,002
yonas Demissie, Jennifer Adam, Akram HossainDrought, Yakima basin, Frequency analysis
2017WAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $11,689
Non-Federal: $13,283
Jonathan Yoder, Jennifer AdamInformation Transfer, outreach
2017WIAnnual BaseUniversity of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute - Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $19,990
Non-Federal: $92,026
Moira Harringtonpublic information, communications, publications, library
2017WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Water Resources Fellowship: Collaborating with Water ManagersFederal: $32,318
Non-Federal: $44,381
Jennifer Hauxwellfellowship, state agency, water resources, policy
2017WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Inititative on Climate Change Impacts: Water Resources Working GroupFederal: $20,331
Non-Federal: $10,776
Daniel J. Vimont, David Lieblclimate change, water quantity, water quality
2017WIAnnual BaseGeologic sources of radium to municipal wells in WisconsinFederal: $14,696
Non-Federal: $4,963
Matthew GinderVogel, Madeline GotkowitzRadium, Groundwater, Municipal Water Supplies, Geochemistry
2017WVAnnual Base2017 Mid-Atlantic Water Resources ConferenceFederal: $13,931
Non-Federal: $27,861
Tamara Vandivort, Andrew StacyWater resources, research, management, planning, technology, funding, policy, education, information transfer
2017WVAnnual BasePhase 2: Environmental STEM (E-STEM) Research Program: West Virginia University/Boy Scouts of America Summit Bechtel Reserve 2017 National Scout JamboreeFederal: $57,886
Non-Federal: $115,773
Paul Ziemkiewicz, Andrew StacySTEM, aquatic ecology, climate, water monitoring
2017WYAnnual BaseProduced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy ExplorationFederal: $24,593
Non-Federal: $214,196
Dongmei LiWater quality, Water treatment, Produced water, Smart Materials,
2016AKAnnual BaseTransport of CH4 through Open Taliks in Discontinuous Permafrost AquifersFederal: $17,889
Non-Federal: $35,779
David BarnesPermafrost, Taliks, Methane
2016AKAnnual BaseInitiating a network of long-term records of lake-level fluctuations in interior Alaska in relation to climate changeFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Matthew WoollerInterior Alaska, lake level reconstruction, climate change, paleoclimate record, radiocarbon dating
2016AKAnnual BaseRemoval of Toxic Heavy Metals from Contaminated Water Using a Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)-Graphene Oxide (GO) Hybrid MaterialFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Lei Zhangwater treatment, adsorption, metal-organic framework, graphene oxide, heavy metals
2016AKAnnual BaseVariable lapse rates and the mass balance of a well-studied glacier in south-central AlaskaFederal: $19,920
Non-Federal: $41,671
Roman Dial, Jason Geckglacier runoff, atmospheric coupling, snowpack, water supply
2016ALAnnual BaseIntegrating Remote Sensing and Biogeochemical Characterizations at High Resolutions to Determine Source and Amount of inorganic and Organic Nutrients Exported From Agricultural WatershedsFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,828
Yuehan Lu, Eben BroadbentLand-Water Interactions, Landscape Management, Organic Compounds
2016ALAnnual BaseIdentification of Stream Bed Sediment Sources Using Sediment FingerprintingFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $43,742
Jasmeet LambaSedimentation, Soil Erosion, Phosphorus, Watershed Management, Trace
2016ALAnnual BaseOnsite Wastewater Management in Hale and Wilcox Counties: Failing Septic Systems, Direct Discharge by "Straight Pipes" and Microbial Source TrackingFederal: $21,980
Non-Federal: $43,964
Mark Elliott, Kevin WhiteSeptic Tanks, Water Quality, Bacteria, Viruses, Public Health, Wastewater,
2016ALAnnual BaseScience and Policy of Environmental Instream Flows in the Tombigbee River Basin, Alabama and Mississippi: An Interstate ComparisonFederal: $21,915
Non-Federal: $43,830
Sarah Praskievicz, Bennett BeardenInstream Flow (125), Ecosystems (71), Policy Analysis (180), Rivers (206), Channels (37), Law (140)
2016ARAnnual BasePartitioning rice field evapotranspiration into evaporation and transpiration componentsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Benjamin RunkleEvaporation, transpiration
2016ARAnnual BaseComparative Microbial Community Dynamics in a Karst Aquifer System and Proximal Surface Stream in Northwest ArkansasFederal: $22,931
Non-Federal: $46,954
Matthew Covington, Kristen Gibsonkarst; microbial community; contaminant transport; E. coli.
2016ARAnnual BaseInvestigating Fate of Engineered Nanoparticles in Wastewater BiofilmsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,138
Wen ZhangEngineered nanoparticles, wastewater, biofilms
2016ARAnnual BaseTracking the growth of on-site irrigation infrastructure in the Arkansas Delta with remote sensing analysisFederal: $4,852
Non-Federal: $9,828
Kent KovacsRemote Sensing, Irrigation, Aquifer
2016ARAnnual BaseBiological and ecological consequences of sub-lethal ion concentrations on microbial and macroinvertebrate detritivores.Federal: $12,093
Non-Federal: $30,000
Sally Entrekin, Michelle Evans-White, Natalie Clayions, detritivores, ecosystem functions
2016ARAnnual BaseCharacterization of nutrient sources, transport pathways, and transformations using stable isotope and geochemical tools in the Big Creek watershed of northwest ArkansasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,068
Phil Hays, Erik Pollock, Kelly Sokoloskynutrient sources, nitrogen, phosphate, Big Creek
2016ARAnnual BaseDoes macrograzer activity drive seasonal variations in algal biomass in Ozark streams?Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Michelle Evans-Whitestonerollers, Campostoma spp., total nitrogen, total phosphorus, algae, grazers, nutrient criteria, stressor-response, dose-reponse
2016ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center - Information TransferFederal: $2,599
Non-Federal: $8,341
Brian Haggard, Erin Scottconference, social media, newsletter, electronic library, website
2016AZAnnual BaseSunlight-driven reactive oxygen species production for natural attenuation of wastewater trace organic compoundsFederal: $9,999
Non-Federal: $20,092
Robert Arnold, David Quanrudemerging contaminant, advanced oxidatio processes
2016AZAnnual BaseRecycled water use for Agriculture: On-farm Demonstration and EvaluationFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $22,757
Channah Rockrecycled water, agriculture, best management practices
2016AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $69,336
Non-Federal: $140,234
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Jean McLain
2016CAAnnual BaseUsing Soil Exopolysaccharides (EPS) to make California grapes more drought-adaptedFederal: $12,396
Non-Federal: $6,632
Joseph BlankinshipSoil, Exopolysaccharides, drought
2016CAAnnual BaseExplaining Current and Future Trends in Adoption by California Municipalities and Counties of Policies Limiting or Banning High-Volume Hydraulic FracturingFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $4,091
Gwen ArnoldLaw, Institutions, and Policy, Management and Planning, Water Use
2016CAAnnual BaseCharacterizing the Impact of Salton Sea Water Management and Restoration Practices on Regional Air QualityFederal: $10,867
Non-Federal: $3,547
Roya BahreiniSalton Sea, particulate matter
2016CAAnnual BaseMetagenomic Analysis of Groundwater Wells for Risk Assessment and Development of Intervention Strategies to Improve Water EfficacyFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,500
Clarissa Noblegroundwater well, biofilm
2016CAAnnual BaseMonitoring tree survival and performance in street-side stormwater management facilitiesFederal: $9,991
Non-Federal: $2,598
Igor Lacanstormwater facilities, trees, water treatment
2016CAAnnual BaseQuantifying methylmercury loads from California rice fieldsFederal: $11,100
Non-Federal: $2,886
Bruce Linquistrice, methylmercury, irrigation
2016CAAnnual BaseDebris flow and debris basin management impacts on water qualityFederal: $24,378
Non-Federal: $5,274
Andrew GrayWater quality, debris flow and basin, water use
2016CAAnnual BaseThe Influence of Incubation Temperature on Aerobic Swimming Performance of Juvenile SalmonidsFederal: $24,654
Non-Federal: $6,410
Amanda BanetJuvenile Salmonids, Incubation Temperature, water use
2016COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $44,614
Non-Federal: $162,410
Reagan WaskomTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2016COAnnual BaseInvestigating relationships between drought managment strategies and factors contributing to their selection in analysis of adaptive capacity of South Platte River Basin water providersFederal: $4,948
Non-Federal: $2,474
Dennis Ojima, Amber Childress-RunyonInstitutions, Adaptation, Providers
2016COAnnual BaseWatershed monitoring across the snow transition zone: an east slope-west slope comparisonFederal: $4,770
Non-Federal: $2,385
Stephanie Kampf, John HammondSnow, Soil Moisture, Runoff Generation, Watershed Monitoring
2016COAnnual BaseChanges in water, sediment and organic carbon storage in active and abandoned beaver meadowsFederal: $4,912
Non-Federal: $2,456
Ellen WohlBeaver Meadows,Water Storage,Carbon Storage
2016COAnnual BaseEvaluating wood jam stability in riversFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,500
Ellen WohlWood, Stability, Guidelines
2016COAnnual BaseChannel restoration monitoring of the Upper Colorado River, Rocky Mountain National Park, COFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,500
Sara RathburnChannel Restoration, Hyporheic Exchange, Sediment Transport
2016COAnnual BaseWater sampling and the effects of plastic absorption on heavy metalsFederal: $3,200
Non-Federal: $0
Randi BrazeauSampling, Heavy Metals, Plastic Absorption
2016COAnnual BaseMicrobial community responses to metals contamination: mechanisms of metals exposure and bioaccumulation in a stream food web.Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,500
Will Clements, Brian WolffStream Assessment, Water Quality, Superfund Site
2016COAnnual BaseComparing fine scale snow depth measurements at rocky and flat surfaces using lidar and photogrammetry derived digital elevation modelsFederal: $4,891
Non-Federal: $2,446
Steven FassnachtSnow, Photogrammetry, Lidar
2016CTAnnual BaseState of Water Resources in Connecticut from a Human Dimensions Perspective – Baseline DataFederal: $14,992
Non-Federal: $32,422
Anita Morzillohuman dimensions, natural resources management and planning, public perceptions, social science, water use
2016CTAnnual BaseMicrofluidic-based Biosensor Chip for Rapid and Calibration-free Detection of Viable E. coli and Total Coliforms for Water Quality ControlFederal: $48,988
Non-Federal: $118,991
Yu Lei, TaiHsi FanMicrofluidic Sensor, E. coli, total coliforms, detection
2016CTAnnual BaseCT IWR Technology TransferFederal: $27,228
Non-Federal: $19,031
Glenn Warner, James Hurd
2016DCAnnual BaseInfluence of consistently high levels of ammonium on food web dynamics in the Anacostia RiverFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $24,900
Caroline Solomonphytoplankton, nitrogen, ammonium, physiological stress, fisheries
2016DCAnnual BaseAssessing the effectiveness of interactive signage at advancing communicating, promoting, and educating the public on green infrastructure projects in public spacesFederal: $9,996
Non-Federal: $4,798
Kamran Zendehdel, Harris Trobman, Xiaochu HuGreen Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, Public Perception, Environmental Benefits, Interactive Signs, Public Perception Barriers, Experimental Research, Pre- and Post-Test Evaluation, Focus Group
2016DCAnnual BasePerformance evaluation of urban stream restoration using process-based modelingFederal: $9,920
Non-Federal: $23,872
Arash MassoudiehStream Restoration, Modeling, Sediments
2016DCAnnual BaseAnalysis of perchlorate in drinking water, surface water by AxION Direct sample analysis (DSA) /Time of flight (TOF) Mass SpectrometerFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $4,800
Sebhat Tefera, Yacov AssaPerchlorate, Water, Plant
2016DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of A Novel Stormwater Runoff Collection and Treatment System for Urban Agriculture and Food SecurityFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $34,400
Jiajun XuNanotechnology, Nanoparticles, Mesoporous Materials, Pollutnt, Removal, Wastewater Treatment, Stormwater Management, Water Quality
2016DCAnnual BaseA Comparative Study of Nearest-Neighbor Method (NNM) and Extended Nearest-Neighbor (ENN) Method for Annual Streamflow PredictionFederal: $9,779
Non-Federal: $19,663
Nian Zhang, Pradeep BeheraWater Quantity Prediction, Streamflow Prediction, Time Series Prediction, Nearest-Neighbor Method, Extended Nearest-Neighbor Method
2016DCAnnual BaseAnalysis of External and Internal Storm Event Characteristics for Washington DC based on different IETDsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $16,640
Pradeep BeheraStorm event, Precipitation Analysis, Hydrology, Urban Stormwater Managment
2016DCAnnual Base31P NMR Studies on the oxidative degradation of Glyphosate and its primary metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) by transition metal oxide nanomaterilas in soil, water and sediment samplesFederal: $9,954
Non-Federal: $4,778
Xueqing SongNuclear Magnetic Resonance, Glysophate, Catalyst, Degradation
2016DEAnnual BaseState Water Resources Research Institute Program, Delaware Water Resources Center, Annual Proposal for Fiscal Year 2016Federal: $92,335
Non-Federal: $185,697
Gerald KauffmanWatershed, Water Quality, Hydrology, Aquatic Ecology, Water Policy
2016FLAnnual BaseTransport and loss of nitrogen within the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Silver Springs SpringshedFederal: $32,000
Non-Federal: $64,000
James Jawitzdenitrification, solute flux, groundwater age
2016FLAnnual BaseAgricultural Water Security Through Sustainable Use of the Floridan AquiferFederal: $48,000
Non-Federal: $103,594
David Kaplan, Damian AdamsWater Quality, Water Quantity, Agriculture, Economics, Modeling, Sustainability, Groundwater, Water Use, Environmental Regulation
2016FLAnnual BaseDevelopment of Methods for Quantifying Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Karst SystemsFederal: $89,623
Non-Federal: $178,173
Mark Newman, Kirk Hatfieldwater flux, contaminant flux, karst
2016FLAnnual BaseData Quality Improvement for NEXRAD and Stage Data Phase IIFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $32,000
Ramesh TeegavarapuHydrometeorological Data, Stage, South Florida Water Management District, outliers, anomaly detection, statistical, rule-based and data mining methods
2016FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $29,032
Non-Federal: $19,016
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2016GAAnnual BasePhosphorus and Metal Speciation Dynamics during Thermal Treatment of Sewage SludgesFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Yuanzhi Tangsludge, phosphorus, metals, thermal treatment, nutrient recycling
2016GAAnnual BaseGeostatistical Models for Optimizing Groundwater Monitoring Network in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River basinFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Jian Luogeostatistical models; optimization; groundwater monitoring
2016GAAnnual BaseFecal bacteria source tracking, nutrient analysis, and modeling of an urban TMDL watershedFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
David Radcliffe, Mussie Habteselassiefecal bacteria, nitrogen, source tracking, urban watershed, stormwater management model,
2016GAAnnual BaseComparison of Oconee and Ocmulgee river basins for sustainable ecosystem and economic development of Middle GeorgiaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Ernest Tollner, Todd Rasmussen, Abhyuday MandalWater flow, Water quality, Economic Development, Ocmulgee River
2016GUAnnual BaseExpansion of baseline data for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and evaluation of innovative treatments to reduce contaminant input to the aquiferFederal: $35,455
Non-Federal: $0
Joe Rouse, Nathan Habana, John JensonBaseline data, aquifer, Nitrates, Ammonium, Contaminants, Wastewater treatment
2016GUAnnual BaseExploring the natural limits of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: A step toward optimum sustainable management, Phase 3 model implementation: determining ultimate yieldFederal: $27,579
Non-Federal: $0
Nathan Habana, John JensonGroundwater availability, Groundwater quality
2016GUAnnual BaseEnhancing Predictions of Average Flow and Flow Duration Curves at Ungauged Stream Sites in Guam Using the USGS South Guam Streamflow ModelFederal: $19,264
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy Heitz, Shahram Khosrowpanah, Mark LanderStream Flow Modeling, Stream Flow Variability, Flow Duration Curves
2016GUAnnual BaseIdentification and Delineation of Land-Based Mercury Sources Impacting Fisheries in the Southern Central Coastal Region of Saipan LagoonFederal: $37,823
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, Michael Trianni, Michael Tenorio, Hyun-Jong HahmMonitoring, Mercury, Fish, Sediments, Soils, Stormwater Runoff, Drainage Pathways, Saipan Lagoon, Saipan, CNMI, Micronesia
2016GUAnnual BaseReal-time investigation of the impacts of the 2015-16 El Nin water resources in the CNMIFederal: $17,702
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander, Shahram Khosrowpanah[ENCODING ERROR]
2016GUAnnual BaseBuilding the Resilience of Communities and their Ecosystems to the Impacts of Climate Change through an Integrated Natural Resource Management, Education, and Outreach campaign in Pohnpei, Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $20,681
Non-Federal: $0
Francisca Obispo, Joseph EugeneCommunity outreach & awareness, Climate change Disaster adaptation, Water quantity
2016GUAnnual BaseDigital Atlas of Pohnpei State Federal: $26,160
Non-Federal: $0
Danko Taborosi, Shahram KhosrowpanahGIS, geospatial data, maps, natural resources, infrastructure, hydrology
2016GUAnnual BaseBeneficial use of Piggery Waste with a Focus on Energy ProductionFederal: $25,111
Non-Federal: $0
Joe Rouse, Hyun-Jong HahmPigs, swine, hogs, manure, waste, wastewater, reuse, recycle, energy
2016GUAnnual BaseReal-time investigation of the impacts of the 2015-16 El Nin water resources in the FSMFederal: $15,729
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander, Shahram Khosrowpanah[ENCODING ERROR]
2016GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $27,191
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2016HIAnnual BaseUnderstanding the hydrology of a rainforest watershed in HawaiiFederal: $18,820
Non-Federal: $40,054
YinPhan Tsang, Carl EvensenHydrology, stream flow monitoring, rainforest, SWAT, climate, land cover
2016HIAnnual BaseWastewater treatment for point source processing and resuseFederal: $14,093
Non-Federal: $29,961
2016HIAnnual BaseInfluence of anthropogenic and climatic forcing on water quality within a tropical coastal ecosystemFederal: $11,265
Non-Federal: $23,616
Rosanna AlegadoCoral reefs; molecular methods; microbial and benthic community responses; land-based sources of pollution
Non-Federal: $45,160
Craig Glenn, Henrieta DulaiGroundwater, Onsite Disposal Systems, Water Pollution, Water Management, Groundwater Fate and Transport, Water Quality, Environmental Impacts
2016HIAnnual BaseMicrobial communities and sources of bacteria in Honolulu’s water supplyFederal: $18,869
Non-Federal: $39,980
Marek Kirsgroundwater, drinking water, microbial communities, water quality, bioterrorism
2016HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $2,510
Non-Federal: $5,061
Philip Moravciktechnology transfer, outreach, public information, information dissemination
2016IAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer 2016Federal: $40,841
Non-Federal: $20,421
Richard Cruse, Melissa Miller
2016IAAnnual BaseValidation of Satellite Observations of Soil Moisture to Facilitate Forecasts of Soil Water Storage in IowaFederal: $9,423
Non-Federal: $4,711
Brian Hornbucklesoil moisture; satellite remote sensing; weather forecasting; climate prediction; agriculture
2016IAAnnual BaseEvaluation of subsurface drainage on P losses in the Black Hawk Lake Watershed, IowaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,752
Conrad brendel, Michelle SoupirNutrients, Phosphorous, Drainage
2016IAAnnual BaseThe role of iron mobility from anoxic sediments in stimulating harmful algal bloomsFederal: $29,911
Non-Federal: $95,201
Elizabeth Swannereutrophic lakes, nutrient loading, harmful algal blooms (HABs), anoxia, iron bioavailability
2016IDAnnual BaseSeasonal Flux of Environmental Conditions and Metal Solutes in the Shallow Groundwater Environment of the Mining-Impacted Upper Coeur dFederal: $13,914
Non-Federal: $27,928
Jeff Langmaninterstitial microenvironments, metal mobility, mining impacts, seasonal solute flux
2016IDAnnual BaseIdaho Drought PlanningFederal: $14,908
Non-Federal: $35,554
Mark SolomonDrought, Planning, Policy
2016IDAnnual BaseStakeholder Engagement, Outreach and EducationFederal: $48,500
Non-Federal: $71,663
Mark Solomon, Brant Miller, Julie Scanlin, Jerry LongStakeholder Engagement, Outreach, Education
2016ILAnnual BaseIdentifying wetland inundation extent and patterns in IllinoisFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Michael EichholzWetland inundation, habitat availability, wetland resources, water allocation
2016ILAnnual BaseUnder the Cover of Darkness: Nighttime water use by native, biofuel and agricultural crops of IllinoisFederal: $9,853
Non-Federal: $26,911
Max Berkelhammer, Benjamin AlsipTranspiration, water use, economic plants, agriculture, climate change, hydrological impact
2016ILAnnual BaseSpatial and temporal modeling of road salts in a watershed with mixed, urban and agricultural, land useFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $24,780
Eric PetersonDeicers; Road salts; transport and fate; modeling
2016ILAnnual BaseEvaluating Water Quantity and Water Quality Issues in Illinois Streams using Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV)Federal: $9,915
Non-Federal: $19,829
Bruce Rhoadsstream gauging, river velocity measurements, mixing processes, particle image velocimetry, unmanned aircraft systems in hydrology
2016ILAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer to the People of IllinoisFederal: $46,567
Non-Federal: $11,828
Lisa Merrifield
2016INAnnual BaseFloodplain restoration and nutrient retention in the Wabash River BasinFederal: $14,981
Non-Federal: $30,452
Sara McMillan, Venkatesh MerwadeYellow Floodplains, nutrients, water quality, resotration, nitrogen, phosphorus
2016INAnnual BasePilot investigation of variable contaminant loads in fish as a result of foraging and habitat specializationFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,142
Tomas Hook, Timothy MalinichYellow Perch, Mercury, PCBs, Population Trophic Structuring
2016INAnnual BaseWater and nutrient recovery from aquaculture effluents through vegetable productionFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $53,892
Hye-Ji Kim, Paul Brown, Cary Mitchell, Robert Rodenitrogen, phosphorus, eutrophication, aquaponics, wastewater, water reuse, sustainability, food security
2016INAnnual BasePredicting toxic cyanobacteria blooms in the Wabash River WatershedFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Allison Rober, Kevin Wyattcyanobacteria, harmful algal bloom, human health, microcystin, temperature, toxin, freshwater
2016INAnnual BaseNutrient removal efficiency of a combined surface/subsurface flow wetland systemFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $41,400
Pierre-Andre Jacintheconstructed wetlands, edge of field, nitrate, SRP, greenhouse gas
2016KSAnnual BaseGovernor's Conference on the Future of Water in KansasFederal: $24,958
Non-Federal: $34,920
Dan DevlinConference
2016KSAnnual BaseQuantifying Ephermeral Gully Erosion and Evaluating Mitigation Strategies with Field Monitoring and Computer ModelingFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $52,010
Aleksey SheshukovEphemeral Gully, Erosion, Modeling
2016KSAnnual BaseMonitoring the Effectiveness of Streambank Stabilization Projects in Northeast KansasFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,860
Charles BardenErosion, Streambanks, Revetment
2016KSAnnual BaseAssessing the impact of constructed wetlands on nitrogen transformation and release from tile outlet terraces (TOTs) in KansasFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $72,518
Pamela Sullivan, Ted PeltierTOTs, wetlands, nitrogen
2016KSAnnual BaseContaminant Barriers or Pathways? Hydraulic and chemical methods to improve characterization of shallow aquitards.Federal: $29,786
Non-Federal: $75,002
Jordi Batlle-Aguilar, James ButlerShallow Aquitards
2016KSAnnual BaseExamining Sedimentation and water quality of small impoundments: Sediment capturing opportunity upstream of federal reservoirsFederal: $29,982
Non-Federal: $60,982
Vahid RahmaniSedimentation, Water Quality, Impoundments
2016KYAnnual BaseSelenium removal by biological processes in water suppliesFederal: $9,966
Non-Federal: $20,092
Yi-Tin Wangbioreactor, microbial reduction,water treatment, coal mining
2016KYAnnual BaseNovel methods for the incorporation of AqpZ water channel protein in membranes for water filtrationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,055
Yinan Weiwater recycling, biomimetic membrane, molecular engineering
2016KYAnnual BaseAssessing the curve number method for modeling urban watersehd stormwater runoff across Louisville, KentuckyFederal: $4,844
Non-Federal: $10,366
Christopher Dayurbanization, rainfall, flooding, surface runoff
2016KYAnnual BaseDynamics of trace metal and ion concentrations in reclaimed mountaintop removal and reference headwater streamsFederal: $4,656
Non-Federal: $10,471
Steven Pricecentral Appalachia, electrical conductance, valley fills
2016KYAnnual BaseSediment fingerprinting and biogeochemical erosional model of the Otter Creek Basin, Fort Kox Army Post, KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,909
Alan Fryarstable isotope, miltary land, restoration
2016KYAnnual BaseBankfull regional curves and hydraulic geometry for the Eastern Kentucky Coal FieldFederal: $4,178
Non-Federal: $8,933
Carmen Agouridisstrean restoration, watersheds, fluvial geomorphology
2016KYAnnual BaseThe use of eDNA to detect bacterial genetic markers associated with fecal contamination in the Triplett Creek Watershed, Rowan County, KentuckyFederal: $4,836
Non-Federal: $9,854
Geoff Gearnersource tracking, Escherichia coli, qPCR
2016KYAnnual BaseClimate change impacts on soil-water availability under different land management: forest and grasslandsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,832
Brad Leeplant available water, drought resilience, climate change
2016KYAnnual BaseImpact of climate change on extreme hydrologic events in the Kentucky River BasinFederal: $4,991
Non-Federal: $9,983
Dwayne Edwardsrainfall variability, SWAT model, meteorological events
2016KYAnnual BaseKentucky information transfer projectFederal: $40,447
Non-Federal: $80,504
Lindell Ormsbeesymposium, web sites, research translation
2016LAAnnual BaseOccurrence and Control of Naegleria fowleri in Groundwater Sources in LouisianaFederal: $17,653
Non-Federal: $37,270
Samendra Sherchan, Jeffrey WickliffeNaegleria fowleri, groundwater, emerging pathogen, water quality, drinking water
2016LAAnnual BaseAssessing the Spatial Extent, Temporal Variability and Mechanisms of Inland Hypoxia in Louisiana WatersFederal: $15,480
Non-Federal: $31,599
Tracy Quirk, Kanchan MaitiWater quality, dissolved oxygen, freshwater, low-flow
2016LAAnnual BaseEconomic Impacts of Groundwater Salinity in Louisiana AgricultureFederal: $15,650
Non-Federal: $31,331
Krishna PaudelConjunctive surface and ground water use, dynamic modeling, economic impact, soil salinity
2016LAAnnual BaseSatellite-Assisted Approach to Adaptive Water Quality Management of Lower Boeuf RiverFederal: $16,200
Non-Federal: $33,081
Zhi-Qiang DengAdaptive management, remote sensing, water resources
2016MAAnnual BaseAdaptive Drought Vulnerability Index for Strategic Emergency Response (ADVISER) ModelFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,024
Sheree Pagsuyoindrought risk management, drought vulnerability, adaptive model, input-output analysis, climate change
2016MAAnnual BaseWater Resources SymposiaFederal: $16,729
Non-Federal: $42,714
Paula ReesSymposium, workshop, stormwater, water resources
2016MAAnnual BaseThe stable isotopic composition of shallow and deep ground waters in MassachusettsFederal: $23,141
Non-Federal: $48,569
David BouttStable Isotopes of Water, Groundwater Surface water interactions
2016MAAnnual BaseUnderstanding the interaction of renewable energy generation and desalination within the water-energy systemFederal: $5,021
Non-Federal: $11,601
Matthew LacknerRenewable energy, desalination
2016MDAnnual BaseAssessing riparian hydrologic pathways as controls on forested buffer function in the Antietam Creek watershed, western MarylandFederal: $34,957
Non-Federal: $83,193
Keith EshlemanRiparian forest buffer systems, Ridge and Valley Province, hydrology, nutrient runoff, best management practices, Chesapeake Bay watershed
2016MDAnnual BaseComparison of velocity, momentum, and flood wave celerity in natural versus channelized Coastal Plain streamsFederal: $23,746
Non-Federal: $47,492
Karen PrestegaardHydraulic geometry, flood wave,
2016MDAnnual BaseMaryland Water 2016 SymposiumFederal: $783
Non-Federal: $6,153
Kaye Brubaker
2016MDAnnual BaseMaryland Watershed App Development (Seed Grant)Federal: $4,578
Non-Federal: $6,774
Kaye Brubaker
2016MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $22,699
Non-Federal: $34,730
John Peckenham, David HartInformation Transfer, Outreach
2016MEAnnual BaseVernal pools for meFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,001
Aram CalhounEducation, Wetlands, Ecosystems, Conservation
2016MEAnnual BaseAssessing the Vulnerability of Maine’s Drinking Water Resources to Extreme Precipitation EventsFederal: $27,277
Non-Federal: $67,773
Jasmine SarosAlgae, Benefit Cost Analysis, Climate, Economics, Ecosystems, Health Effects, Lakes, Organic Compounds, Rainfall, Socioeconomic Issues, Water Quality, Water Quality Management, Water Treatment
2016MEAnnual BaseMining in Maine: Exploring Public PerceptionsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,583
Sandra De Urioste-Stone, Amanda Olsen, Jean MacRaeLaw, mining
2016MIAnnual BaseDeveloping and Enhancing Sustainable Water Use of Natural and Agricultural SystemsFederal: $21,504
Non-Federal: $68,998
Jon Bartholic, Lois Wolfson, Jeremiah Asher, David Lusch, Glenn O'NeilWatershed Planning and Management; Water Quality; Water Use; DSS
2016MIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer Training, Dissemination and Program DevelopmentFederal: $27,095
Non-Federal: $65,141
Lois WolfsonGreat Lakes, Inland Lakes, Watershed Management; Climate Change; Invasive Species; Online Education; Interactive Web-based Systems
2016MIAnnual BaseCooling the Hotspots: Motivating Farmers to Reduce Nutrient LossesFederal: $16,877
Non-Federal: $24,585
Stephen GasteyerEngagement, Non point-source pollution, Runoff, Conservation Practices, Motivations, Communication
2016MIAnnual BaseCreation of Water Resource and Watershed Management-related Short Courses for use by Organizations offering Continuing Education CreditsFederal: $15,453
Non-Federal: $19,844
Saichon Seedang, James Duncan, Jerry HarteWater resources, Watershed, Management, Courses, Continuing education
2016MIAnnual BaseChemical Monitoring of the River Raisin to Inform Farmers and Optimize Decision Making for BMP ImplementationFederal: $11,406
Non-Federal: $6,102
James MartinWatershed Planning and Management; Water Quality
2016MNAnnual BaseMaking Farm-Scale Decisions to Improve Watershed-Scale Environmental Quality: Policy Comparisons Based on Farm-Level Abatement CostsFederal: $20,760
Non-Federal: $53,463
Jay Coggins, Brent Dalzellnutrient, runoff, farming practices, water quality trading
2016MNAnnual BaseDevelopment of a reactive-transport model for arsenic mobility in glacial aquifers using arsenic and iron X-ray absorption spectroscopy dataFederal: $24,767
Non-Federal: $48,135
Brandy Toner, GeneHua Ngreactive-transport modeling, arsenic, iron, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, glacial aquifer
2016MNAnnual BaseEnhanced Microbial Sulfate Removal and Recovery through a Novel Electrode-Integrated BioreactorFederal: $26,676
Non-Federal: $53,029
ChanLan Chun, Daniel JonesSulfate, Bioremediation, Electrical stimulation, Elemental Sulfur, and Bioreactor
2016MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $31,904
Non-Federal: $64,445
Baolin Deng
2016MOAnnual BaseA Novel Artificial Hormone Receptor for the Sensing of Total Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals (EDCs) Concentration in Natural WatersFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,126
Maria Fidalgo, Chung-Ho Lin, Susan Nagelendocrine disruptor chemical; molecularly imprinted polymers; water quality monitoring
2016MOAnnual BaseSatellite-Imagery Based Method for Water-Quality Monitoring and Sediment Budgeting along the Middle-Mississippi River and Its TributariesFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,000
Amanda Cox, Abuduwasiti WulamuSuspended Sediment Concentration, Suspended Sediment Load, Sediment Budget, Remote Sensing, Mississippi River, Confluence
2016MSAnnual BaseOxbow Lake-Wetland Systems as a Source of Recharge to the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial AquiferFederal: $24,697
Non-Federal: $49,486
Gregg Davidson, Andrew OReillyrecharge, groundwater, wetlands, oxbow lakes
2016MSAnnual BaseWastewater Management in Mississippi Coastal CommunitiesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $98,861
Veera Gnaneswar Gude, James Martinsmall community wastewater treatment technologies
2016MTAnnual BaseUnderstanding how beaver mimicry restoration influences natural water storage in Missouri River headwater streamsFederal: $29,922
Non-Federal: $74,556
Robert PaynStream hydrology, groundwater hydrology, surface subsurface exchange, alluvial aquifer, natural storage, stream restoration, riparian restoration, beaver mimicry
2016MTAnnual BaseImpacts of river flow and temperature on salmonfly productivity and terrestrial subsidyFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $83,098
Lindsey Albertsonglobal change, drought, stream warming, macroinvertebrates, phenology, ecohydrology
2016MTAnnual BaseCharacterizing Microbial Activity as Related to Water Quality in the Clark Fork Headwaters: A Baseline StudyFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,738
Alysia Coxmicrobial community, microbial activity, water chemistry, Clark Fork headwaters
2016MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Impacts of glacial processes on nitrogen cycling in the Beartooth Mountains, MontanaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Jordan Allennitrogen, glaciers, glaciated, nutrient cycling
2016MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Transportation, Sediment-Association, and the Future of Microbial Contaminants on the Little Bighorn RiverFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Keenan Bramemicrobes, E. coli, nutrients, Montana
2016MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Riparian Ecosystem Succession Following Fire Disturbance on the North Fork Flathead River, MontanaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $450
Rachel Powers
2016MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Snowpack controls on nitrogen availability and nitrogen uptake in a Rocky Mountain conifer forestFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Claire Qubainfire, soil moisture, nitrogen, conifer
2016MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Removal of selenium by co-precipitation with microbially induced calcite precipitationFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Neerja Zambareselenium, wastewater, contaminant
2016NCAnnual BaseRole of organic nitrogen to eutrophication dynamics along the Neuse River Estuary, NCFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Hans Paerl, Alexandria Hounshell
2016NCAnnual BaseParticle-bound Nutrients in Stormflow: A New Approach for Monitoring and Predicting N and P Transport and Fate in Watersheds of the NC PiedmontFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Curtis Richardson, Mark RiverNutrients, Sediment, Water Quality, Drinking Water
2016NCAnnual BaseImpact of Hospital and Patient Discharges on North Carolina Surface and Drinking Water Quality as Measured by Iodinated Contrast AgentsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Howard Weinberg, Kirsten StuderIodoacids, Disinfection byproducts, Water Quality
2016NCAnnual BaseComparing the Impact of Organic vs. Inorganic Nitrogen Loading to the Neuse Estuary with a Mechanistic Eutrophication ModelFederal: $9,199
Non-Federal: $44,999
James Bowenwater quality, model, nutrient response, bioreactivity, organic, inorganic, nitrogen
2016NCAnnual BaseHow, where, when, and why: Defining Eutrophication Related Trends in Water Quality for the Middle and Lower CapeFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $47,654
Nathan Hall, Hans Paerltrend analysis, nutrients, phytoplankton, flow, sources
2016NCAnnual BaseTracing Groundwater Contamination near Coal ash Ponds in North CarolinaFederal: $24,974
Non-Federal: $24,974
Avner Vengoshcoal ash, water quality, contamination, metals, groundwater, geochemical tracers
2016NCAnnual BaseWRRI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $3,162
Non-Federal: $0
Nicole Wilkinson
2016NCAnnual BaseField testing of mesocosm-scale derived nitrate removal models to verify water quality improvement potential of restored coastal forested wetlandsFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $2,038
Michael Burchell, Jalmar Kurki-FoxWetland Restoration, Agricultural Drainage, Nitrate
2016NCAnnual BaseUnderstanding how land use characteristics affect the prevalence of antibiotic resistant, virulent E. coli and host-specific markers in watersheds with and without swine CAFOsFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $2,039
Jill Stewart, Elizabeth ChristensonLand use, watershed management, microbial source tracking
2016NDAnnual BaseModeling Water Balance and Flows of Sediment and Nutrient in Devils Lake Watershed Using SWATFederal: $2,625
Non-Federal: $5,250
Xiaodong ZhangModeling, Nutrient, Sediment, Watershed
2016NDAnnual BaseImpacts of Climate Change on Embankment Dams in the Upper Midwest Region: Critical Design Parameters and Adaptation MeasuresFederal: $4,200
Non-Federal: $8,400
Yeo LimClimate Change, Embankment Dams, Adaptation Measures
2016NDAnnual BaseEffect of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on Rivers and Drainage Basins in the Red River ValleyFederal: $5,013
Non-Federal: $10,026
Phil GerlaGlacial, Rivers, Drainage Basins
2016NDAnnual BaseEffects of Climate Change, Agricultural Land Use Change, and Dynamic Contributing Area on Streamflow Input to Devils Lake: A Case Study of the Mauvais Coulee Sub-BasinFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Paul TodhunterClimate Change, Agricultural Land Use, Stream Flow
2016NDAnnual BaseA Comparison of Wetlands across the Urban - Peri-Urban - Rural GradientFederal: $5,650
Non-Federal: $11,300
Christina HargissWater Quality, Wetlands, Urbanization
2016NDAnnual BaseContribution of Soluble Microbial Products on Dissolved Organic Nitrogen and its Biodegradability in Wastewater EffluentFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Halis SimsekBiodegradability, Organic Nitrogen, Wastewater
2016NDAnnual BaseSnowmelt Water Infiltration into Frozen Soils in the Red River of the North BasinFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Xinhua JiaFrozen Soils, Infiltration, Models
2016NDAnnual BaseHolistic Risk Assessment of Surface Water Contamination Due to Lead-210 Found in Produced Water from Unconventional Oil Production in North DakotaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Eakalak Khan, Om YadavLead-210, Produced Water, Risk, Water Contamination
2016NDAnnual BaseTamoxifen and Endoxifen Detections in Wastewater and Receiving Waters in North DakotaFederal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $11,000
Eakalak Khan, John McEvoyCancer Drug, Detection, Wastewater
2016NDAnnual BaseGlutaraldehyde Removal from Flowback and Produced Waters Using PhotolysisFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Eakalak Khan, Sivaguru JayaramanFlowback Water, Produced Water, Treatment, UV light
2016NDAnnual BaseBiopolymers for Phosphate Removal from Eutrophic LakesFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Achintya BezbaruahBioavailability, Biopolymers, Phosphorus, Rocovery
2016NDAnnual BaseUV Light Effect on Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in a Trickling Filter ProcessFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Halis SimsekBioavailability, Biodegradability, Organic Nitrogen, UV light
2016NDAnnual BaseAssessing the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing at Bakken on Regional Water ResourcesFederal: $2,812
Non-Federal: $5,624
Zhulu LinHydraulic Fracturing, Water Resources, Agent Based Model
2016NDAnnual BaseInjectable Nanoparticle-based Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater ContaminantFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Achintya BezbaruahNanoscale Zerovalent Iron, Nitrate, Remediation, Trichloroethene
2016NDAnnual BaseComparative Ultraviolet Disinfection Study for Wastewater Applications for the City of Fargo, North DakotaFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,000
Wei LinDisinfection, Fouling, UV, Wastewater
2016NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $11,845
Non-Federal: $23,690
Eakalak KhanInformation Dissemination, Communication, Website, Newsletter, Annual Seminar
2016NEAnnual BaseEvaluation of changing irrigation management on ground water recharge and qualityFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $46,253
Troy Gilmore, Daniel Snowirrigation management, groundwater recharge, nitrate
2016NEAnnual BaseEconomic, Environmental, and Crop Performance Assessment under Center Pivot, Subsurface Drip, and Furrow Irrigation Systems in a Changing Climate in West Central NebraskaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,165
Daran Rudnick, Chuck Burr, Tim Shaver, Derrel Martin, Greg Kruger, Francisco MunozArriola, Matt StocktonEconomic Return, Irrigation Efficiency, Irrigation Requirements, Irrigation Systems, Maize Yield Response, Nitrate, Soil Water Balance
2016NEAnnual BaseWater Usage in the Food IndustryFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $34,018
Bing Wang, Rolando Flores, Jayne StrattonDairy food processing, wastewater, water reconditioning, water reuse, Microbial safety
2016NEAnnual BaseInformation Transfer PlanFederal: $68,811
Non-Federal: $119,421
Chittaranjan Ray, Steven RessInformation Transfer
2016NHAnnual BaseSalt and Streams: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire watersheds at community, population, and molecular levelsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $49,760
Amy Villamagnathermal stress, osmoregulation, biodiversity loss, bio-indicators
2016NHAnnual BaseEcosystem Indicators for Freshwater StreamsFederal: $19,289
Non-Federal: $41,913
Alison WattsAlgae, monitoring, adaptive management, genomics
2016NJAnnual BaseA molecular tool to measure dechlorinator activity in situFederal: $19,724
Non-Federal: $39,640
Valdis Krumins, Donna E. FennellrRNA, Dehalococcoides, dechlorinator, molecular tool
2016NJAnnual BaseMicroplastic pollution in New Jersey surface watersFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Beth Ravit, Keith Cooper, Brian Buckleyplastic, microbeads, pollution, toxicity
2016NJAnnual BaseComparing the time required for establishment of effective nutrient removal capacity of different stormwater basin designsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,037
Theresa Censoplano, Louise Woottonsubsurface gravel wetlands, nutrients, bioretention
2016NJAnnual BaseMicroplastics as emerging contaminants in surface waters of New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,956
Shirin Estahbanati, Nicole Fahrenfeldmicroplastics, emerging contaminants, pollution
2016NJAnnual BaseComposition and diversity of the cutaneous microbiome of amphibians in New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Ariel Kruger, Peter Morinamphibians, cutaneous microbiome, fungal pathogens
2016NJAnnual BaseMolecular mechanisms by which mercury contamination increases antibiotic resistance in the environmentFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Nicole Lloyd, Tamar Barkaymercury, antibiotic resistance, contamination
2016NJAnnual BaseNovel algae based multifunctional biomaterials for the removal of heavy metals from waterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Megha Thakkar, Somenath Mitraheavy metals, multifunctional biomaterials, algae
2016NJAnnual BaseToward a greener water reuse technology with ferrate(VI) - phosphorus removal and recoveryFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,400
Lei Zheng, Yang Dengferrate(VI), pathogens, micro-pollutants, phosphorus
2016NMAnnual BaseNew Mexico’s Mountain Sources of Water: A Mechanistic Approach to Understand Mountain Recharge and Its Implications for Local and Statewide Water BudgetsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,007
Jesus GomezVelezrecharge, mountain recharge, recharge maps, groundwater-surface water interactions, watershed modeling, water budgets
2016NMAnnual BaseWhat are the effects of the Gold King Mine spill on San Juan County, NM agricultural irrigation ditches and farms?Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Kevin Lombard, April Ulery, David Weindorfwater quality, contamination, mine spill, river sediment, metals, agricultural contamination
2016NMAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $15,070
Non-Federal: $30,768
Catherine Ortega KlettWater Resources Education, Information Transfer, Information Dissemination
2016NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information Systems for Water Resources Research PlanningFederal: $10,376
Non-Federal: $20,125
Alexander Fernald
2016NVAnnual BaseTheoretical Analysis of Optimal Groundwater Basin DevelopmentFederal: $19,479
Non-Federal: $38,967
Clay Coopermanagement, water supply
2016NVAnnual BaseUptake of Pharmeceutical and Steroidal Compounds by Quagga Mussels in Lake MeadFederal: $42,041
Non-Federal: $82,740
Xuelian Bai, Kumud AcharyaLake Mead, Emerging Contaminants, Trace Organic Chemicals, Bioaccumulation, Quagga Mussels
2016NVAnnual BaseAn 8000-Year Paleoperspective of Hydroclimate Variability in the Southern Sierra NevadaFederal: $39,012
Non-Federal: $79,355
Steven Bacon, Rina SchumerPaleoclimate, Sierra Nevada, Hydrologic Budget, Tree Rings
2016NVAnnual BaseAssessing Tree to Grass Water Use Ratios; Significance to Urban Water ConservationFederal: $21,000
Non-Federal: $43,121
Dale DevittEvapotranspiration, Irrigation, Environmental Demand
2016NVAnnual BaseGreenboxFederal: $22,317
Non-Federal: $45,557
Amelia GullingGreenboxes, K-12 Education, STEM
2016NVAnnual BaseNWRRI Website & NewsletterFederal: $10,822
Non-Federal: $20,499
James ThomasInformation Transfer, Website, Newsletter
2016NYAnnual BaseWater Quality and Algal Community Dynamics in the Finger LakesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,272
Lisa Cleckner, Roxanne Razavi, John HalfmanWater quality, Phytoplankton, Cyanobacteria, Eutrophication, Finger lakes
2016NYAnnual BaseEvaluating Septic System Inputs into Sodus Bay using Oblique Imagery, Optical Brighteners, and DNA-based tracersFederal: $15,225
Non-Federal: $30,880
Paul Richards
2016NYAnnual BaseInnovative water treatment by chitosan modified diatomaceous earth for small public water systems in rural areasFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,884
Xinchao WeiDrinking Water, Small Public Water Systems, Chitosan Modified Diatomaceous Earth, Arsenic
2016NYAnnual BaseStudent Researcher Support of Adaptive Management of the St Lawrence River using Novel Water Quality Monitoring MethodologyFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $2,128
Michael Twiss, Joseph Skufcaadaptive management, water levels, water quality, novel water monitoring technology, nutrients, nitrate, phosphate, training
2016NYAnnual BaseConductivity and nutrient monitoring in surface water’s of NY’s Finger Lakes regionFederal: $48,288
Non-Federal: $26,558
Todd Walter
2016OHAnnual BaseEffectiveness of Data Buoys as Early Warning Systems for cHABs (cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms) in Lake ErieFederal: $33,139
Non-Federal: $36,632
Justin Chaffin, Douglas KaneCyanobacteria, Data buoy, Drinking water, Harmful algal bloom, Microcystin
2016OHAnnual BaseTrace metal limitation of biofilm growth and metabolism: potential consequences for storage of nutrients in headwater streamsFederal: $24,340
Non-Federal: $24,340
David Costellotrace metals, biofilm, nutrient processing, watershed, biogeochemistry
2016OHAnnual BaseBaseline measurements of methane emissions from Piedmont Lake - current and future fracking areaFederal: $11,288
Non-Federal: $79,238
Gil BohrerClimate Energy nexus, Fugitive methane emissions, methane flux, lake
2016OHAnnual BaseCo-Optimizing Enhanced Water Recovery and CO2 Sequestration in OhioFederal: $12,377
Non-Federal: $14,928
Jeffrey BielickiEnhanced Water Recovery; CO2 Capture Utilization and Storage; Integrated Assessment
2016OKAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $9,177
Non-Federal: $17,531
Garey FoxOklahoma, Water, Information Transfer
2016OKAnnual BaseEvaluating the Reuse of Swine Lagoon Effluent and Reclaimed Municipal Water for Agricultural ProductionFederal: $24,956
Non-Federal: $49,915
Hailin Zhang, Saleh Taghvaeian, Doug Hamilton, Scott CarterSwine effluent, treated wastewater, irrigation, alternative water sources, nutrient buildup and losses, soil health, water quality, crop production
2016OKAnnual BaseAlgal Remediation of Waste Water Produced during Hydraulic FracturingFederal: $24,866
Non-Federal: $49,732
Nurhan DunfordWater quality, waste water treatment, water reuse, biological water treatment
2016OKAnnual BaseWestern Oklahoma Irrigation Water and Energy Audits: Findings, Recommendations and Educational MaterialsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Scott Frazier, Saleh Taghvaeian, Jason Warren, Cameron MurleyIrrigation water and energy efficiency, electricity, fuel, drought, center pivot, aquifer, water table, Ogallala, sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Costing
2016ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $51,585
Non-Federal: $150,708
Todd JarvisTraining, Outreach
2016PAAnnual BaseRemediation of Flowback Water by Transformation of Organic Additives Used in Fracking OperationsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $69,424
Manish KumarHydraulic fracturing, Marcellus Shale gas, flowback and produced water treatment, treatability
2016PAAnnual BaseAssessing Climate Change and Energy Choice Impacts on Drinking Water Quality Changes in PennsylvaniaFederal: $21,195
Non-Federal: $43,390
Matteo PozziClimate Change, Drinking Water Quality, Disinfection by-products
2016PAAnnual BaseEvaluating a Potential Win-Win for Water Quality Management in Pennsylvania: Systems-Level Quantitative Analysis of Abandoned Mine Drainage and Produced Water Co-TreatmentFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $68,444
Leanne GilbertsonAbandoned mine drainage, water treatment, flowback water, Life cycle impact assessment
2016PAAnnual BaseRural Drinking Water Education for Underserved Counties of PennsylvaniaFederal: $19,800
Non-Federal: $8,554
Bryan SwistockDrinking Water, Water Education, Groundwater
2016PAAnnual BasePennsylvania Water Resources Research Center Education & Outreach ProgramFederal: $8,290
Non-Federal: $4,742
Elizabeth Boyerwater, education, STEM, conferences
2016PRAnnual BaseHybrid multimedia-filter prototype (HMP) for the degradation of trihalomethanes precursors and pathogens control from raw watersFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,474
Pedro Tarafa, OMarcelo Suareztrihalomethanes, titanium dioxide, biosand filter, photodegradation
2016PRAnnual BaseMapping Field-Scale Soil Moisture Using Ground-Based Passive Microwave Observations Phase II: Application of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Data Products for Hydrological Modeling in Puerto RicoFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,474
Jonathan MunozBarreto
2016RIAnnual BaseModeling and Simulation of Groundwater ContaminationFederal: $20,029
Non-Federal: $40,447
Angelo Luciagroundwater contamination, point and non-point sources, modeling and simulation, flow and transport through porous media
2016RIAnnual BaseBench-top simulation of water treatment system to assess disinfectant byproducts precursors and formation potentials in source waters of Rhode IslandFederal: $20,029
Non-Federal: $40,897
Soni Pradhanang, Tom BovingDisinfectant by-products, drinking water, trihalomethane, halo acetic acid, chlorination
2016RIAnnual BaseClean Drinking Water in Rhode IslandFederal: $8,565
Non-Federal: $17,947
Christopher Hunterclean water; water quality
2016SCAnnual BaseThe Influence of Poultry Rearing Facilities on Nutrient Concentrations, Fecal Indicator Bacteria, and Stream Fish in the Upper Savannah River BasinFederal: $28,680
Non-Federal: $58,093
Gregory Lewis, Dennis Haney, Peter Van Den Hurk, MinKen LiaoEnvironment Risk Assessment, Agriculture, Poultry, Water Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology, Biomarkers, Fish Toxicology
2016SCAnnual BaseMonitoring of Organic Pollutants in the Savannah, Edisto and Ogeechee Rivers, using Passive Samplers in Combination with a Real-Time Water Quality Data Collection NetworkFederal: $30,038
Non-Federal: $64,836
Peter Van Den Hurk, Oscar FliteWater Quality, Environmental Toxicants, Passive Samplers, Toxicity Testing, Management Tools
2016SDAnnual BaseEvaluating the Potential of Duckweed for Nutrient Capture and Use in Midwest Livestock ProductionFederal: $9,054
Non-Federal: $18,128
Erin Cortus, Lin Wei, David Casper, Julie WalkerNutrient removal; duckweed; forage production; system modeling
2016SDAnnual BaseEvaluating Nutrient Best Management Practices to Conserve Water Quality (Year 2)Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Laurent Ahiablame, Sandeep Kumar, Jeppe KjaersgaardAgriculture, Conservation, Nitrate, Phosphorus, Water Quality
2016SDAnnual BaseEvaluating E. coli particle attachment and the impact on transport during high flows.Federal: $23,172
Non-Federal: $46,343
Rachel McDaniel, Bruce BleakleyE. coli, fecal indicators, water quality
2016SDAnnual BaseControlling Harmful Algal Blooms in Eutrophic Lakes by Combined Phosphorus Precipitation and Sediment Capping (Year 2)Federal: $21,924
Non-Federal: $43,951
Kyungnan Min, Guanghui HuaAlgal Blooms, Phosphorus Precipitation, Sediment Capping
2016SDAnnual BaseSouth Dakota Water Resources Institute FY2016 Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $14,106
Non-Federal: $28,212
Van Kelley, Scott CortusOutreach, Service, Communication, Interaction, Information
2016TNAnnual BaseUsing UV/Peroxyacetic Acid to Remove Pharmaceuticals from Reclaimed WastewaterFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
John BuchananTrace Organic Contaminants, Ultraviolet Light, Reclaimed Water, Peroxyacetic
2016TNAnnual BaseInvestigating Changes of River Course of the Tennessee River and the Impact from Regional Climate ChangeFederal: $21,941
Non-Federal: $45,549
Joshua Fu, Xinyi DongRemote Sensing, Precipitation, Regional Climate Change, Hydrological Processes, River Systems
2016TNAnnual BaseMeasuring Water Table Flucations under Different Irrigation Regimes in Western Tennessee AgroecossystemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Christopher Wilson, Jon Hathaway, Shawn HawkinsWater Table; Soil Moisture; Irrigation; Piezometers; Tennessee
2016TNAnnual BaseUrban Stream Restoration Planning: Towards Cost-Effective Mitigation of the Effects of HydromodificationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
Robert Woockman, John SchwartzStream Restoration, Urban, Hydromodificiation, Mitigation
2016TNAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Robust Model for Cross-Scale Prediction of Flow and Sediment TransportFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,550
Benjamin Abban, Thanos PapanicolaouSediment Transport, Surface Water, Flow, Watershed Scale Model
2016TNAnnual BaseEnvironmental Impacts of Coal Ash Spill on Nutrient Cycling and Surface Water Quality in Eastern TennesseeFederal: $9,000
Non-Federal: $18,189
Anna SzynkiewiczCoal Ash Spill, Sulfur, Carbon, Isotopes, Tennesee River, Contamination
2016TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $82,335
Non-Federal: $87,828
John Tracy, Leslie Lee, Kevin Wagner, Kathy Wythe, Danielle Kalisek
2016TXAnnual BaseImpact of coagulation on biofiltration: removal of trace organic contaminants to mitigate the effects of wastewater reuse on drinking water treatmentFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Ricardo Lugo, Mary KirisitsTrace organics, coagulation, biofiltration, water reuse
2016TXAnnual BaseConnecting Climate Variability with Water Supply Reliability: A Case Study in the Trinity River Basin, TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Gang Zhao, Huilin GaoClimate Variability, Water Supply, Trinity River Basin
2016UTAnnual BaseQuantification of Groundwater Influences in High Gradient Utah Streams and RiversFederal: $17,054
Non-Federal: $13,341
Bethany Neilsongroundwater/surface water interactions, differential gaging, seepage studies, dilution gaging, mass balance
2016UTAnnual BaseWater Strategy Advisory Team: An Assessment of the Envision Utah Process to Improve Water ManagementFederal: $26,360
Non-Federal: $61,166
Daniel McCool, Marian HubbardRiceIntegrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), state water planning, collaborative planning, urbanization, conservation, Municipal and Industrial (M&I) use, irrigation, ecosystem services, capacity building
2016UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources Research (UCWRR)Federal: $3,547
Non-Federal: $18,459
R. Ivonne Harris, Carri RichardsOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development, Databases
2016UTAnnual BaseWaterMAPS™ for Promoting Urban Landscape Water Use EfficiencyFederal: $26,100
Non-Federal: $54,829
Joanna EndterWada, Roger KjelgrenUrban water demand management, Evaluating landscape water use efficiency, Water conservation programs, Assessing human behavioral change, Drought management
2016VAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $73,612
Non-Federal: $120,251
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2016VIAnnual BaseWater Ambassador Program IIFederal: $17,228
Non-Federal: $0
christina chanes, Avram Primack, David Morriseducation, crowd source, clean water, Virgin Islands, conservation, water resources, hydrology
2016VIAnnual BaseEcosystem integrity of riparian waterways on St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands using physical and biological indicatorsFederal: $14,319
Non-Federal: $0
Renata PlatenbergRiparian corridors; ecosystem indicators; amphibia; chiroptera; bioacoustics
2016VIAnnual BaseTowards Real-Time Microclimate Monitoring in the US Virgin Islands: Optimizing Data Management to Maximize Scientific ProductionFederal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $0
David Morris, Norton Orange, Sandra MainaMicroclimates, Real-time Monitoring
2016VTAnnual BaseSystem-wide rapid quantification of streambank erosionFederal: $39,958
Non-Federal: $80,160
Mandar Dewoolkar, Jarlath ONeilDunne, Donna Rizzo, Jeff frolikriverbanks stability, erosion, fluvial geomorphology, unmanned aerial system, Vermont
2016VTAnnual BaseDeveloping high frequency in-situ methods to accurately quantify riverine phosphorus loading to Lake ChamplainFederal: $9,994
Non-Federal: $20,204
Beverley Wemple, Matthew Vaughan, Beverley Wemple, Andrew Vermilyeaphosphorus, water quality, Lake Champlain, TMDL, in-situ sensors
2016VTAnnual BaseQuantifying the consequences of water quality changes and habitat fragmentation on the genetic structure of aquatic organisms in the Lake Champlain basinFederal: $10,013
Non-Federal: $20,191
J Marsden, Peter Euclidehabitat fragmentation, dam, causeway, fish, genetic
2016VTAnnual BaseImpacts of climate change on winter-spring transition in plankton communitiesFederal: $10,800
Non-Federal: $21,652
Jason Stockwell, Allison Hrycikcyanobacteria, winter limnology, zooplankton, climate change
2016VTAnnual BaseCan early feeding ameliorate thiamine deficiency in wild lake trout fry?Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,200
J Marsden, Carrie Kozellake trout, thiamine deficiency complex, lake trout fry, early feeding
2016WAAnnual BaseTransformation of Graphene Oxide Nanomaterials in the Aquatic EnvironmentFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,002
Indranil Chowdhury, Rick WattsNanomaterials, photolysis, graphene, surface waters
2016WAAnnual BaseLow Energy Precision (/Spray) Applications: Unmanned Aerial System based Rapid Evaluation for Crop and Site Specific System Adaptation in the Pacific NorthwestFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,062
Lav Khot, Troy PetersLow Energy Spray Application; Low Altitude High Resolution Remote Sensing; Irrigation Application Efficiency
2016WAAnnual BaseUnderstanding Links Between Water, Nitrogen, and Greenhouse Gases in “Green” InfrastructureFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,130
John Harrison, Kevan MoffettBioswales; Urban runoff; Nitrogen; Climate
2016WAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer Plan for the State of Washington Water Reseach CenterFederal: $2,799
Non-Federal: $9,146
Jonathan Yoder, Jennifer AdamInformation transfer
2016WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Water Resources Fellowship: Collaborating with Water ManagersFederal: $28,553
Non-Federal: $41,859
Jennifer Hauxwellfellowship, state agency, water resources, policy
2016WIAnnual BaseLong-term Alterations in Groundwater Chemistry Induced by Municipal Well PumpingFederal: $19,884
Non-Federal: $31,366
Jean Bahr, Madeline Gotkowitzgroundwater, geochemistry, modeling
2016WIAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $19,898
Non-Federal: $69,861
Moira HarringtonPublic information, communications, publications, library
2016WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Inititative on Climate Change Impacts: Water Resources Working GroupFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $10,100
Daniel J. Vimont, David Lieblclimate change, water quantity, water quality
2016WVAnnual BaseEnvironmental STEM Research Program: West Virginia University/Boy Scouts of America Bechtel SummitFederal: $67,072
Non-Federal: $204,168
Paul Ziemkiewicz, Richard Thomas, Nicolas Zegre, Todd Petty, James Anderson, Tamara VandivortSTEM, aquatic ecology, climate, vernal processes
2016WYAnnual BaseGroundwater Modeling of the Casper Aquifer, Belvoir Ranch, CheyenneFederal: $42,302
Non-Federal: $227,912
Ye ZhangGroundwater
2016WYAnnual BaseA New Multifunctional Sorbent for the Treatment of Coproduced Waters from the Energy IndustryFederal: $19,389
Non-Federal: $224,396
Maohong FanCoproduced water, water treatment, energy production, salinity, alkalinity, carbonate
2015AKAnnual BaseLinking landscape characteristics and stream temperature in the coastal temperate rainforest of southeast AlaskaFederal: $19,265
Non-Federal: $38,545
Eran Hood, Sanjay Pyarestream temperature, watershed characteristics, climate change, Pacific salmon, southeast Alaska
2015AKAnnual BaseDid ongoing peat accumulation buffer permafrost carbon from Holocene climate fluctuations?Federal: $14,923
Non-Federal: $23,116
Daniel MannClimate Change, Paleoclimate Record, Wood Isotopes, Tree-Rings, Arctic, Thermokarst
2015AKAnnual BaseHydrograph partitioning of a glacierized watershed, Interior Alaska – YEAR 2Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $6,359
Anna Liljedahl, Tom TrainorRunoff, hydrograph partitioning, glacier, geochemistry, field-flow fractionation, isotopes
2015AKAnnual BaseCreating a 10,000-year record of lake level fluctuations at Quartz Lake, Interior AlaskaFederal: $19,994
Non-Federal: $10,097
Matthew WoollerInterior Alaska, lake level reconstruction, climate change, paleoclimate record, radiocarbon dating
2015ALAnnual BaseWater Policy and Law in Alabama (Year Two)Federal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
Heather Elliott, Bill AndreenWater Law (268), Water Rights (278), Law (140), Policy Analysis (180), Planning (175), Resource Planning (199), Institutional Relationships (124)
2015ALAnnual BaseIdentification of pollution sources on agricultural farms and evaluation of new fecal indicators for surface water quality monitoringFederal: $19,856
Non-Federal: $39,045
Luxin Wang, Eric ReutebuchAgricultural land use, pollution loads, water quality, indicator microorganisms, Enterococcus
Non-Federal: $40,000
James StoeckelConservation, Hydrobiology, Dams, Base Flow, Streams, Shellfish, Water Quality, Regulatory Permits
2015ARAnnual BaseCharacterization of phosphorus stores in soils and sediments and the potential for phosphorus release to water, related to land use and landscape position within a watershedFederal: $10,003
Non-Federal: $21,557
Andrew Sharpley, Rosalind DoddPhosphorus, soils, nutrient management planning, legacy P, riparian buffer
2015ARAnnual BaseREWARD: Rice Evapotranspiration and Water use in the Arkansas DeltaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Benjamin Runklerice
2015ARAnnual BaseOptical water quality dynamics during receding flow in five Northwest Arkansas recreational riversFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,440
Jefferson Scott, Amie Westoptical water quality, clarity, turbidity, receding flow, Ozark rivers, Northwest Arkansas
2015ARAnnual BaseContinuation of analysis for host-specific viruses in water samples collected from select 303(d) listed streams in the Illinois River WatershedFederal: $5,618
Non-Federal: $12,253
Kristen Gibsonindicator orgnanisms, microbial source tracking, coliphage
2015ARAnnual BaseCreating an annual hydroecological dataset in forested Ozark streamsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,013
Michelle Evans-White, Douglas Leasure, Daniel Magoulickstream metabolism, hydrology, land use
2015ARAnnual BaseRelationship between nutrients, macrograzers abundance (Central Stonerollers and Crayfish), and algae in Ozark Streams.Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Michelle Evans-White, Jefferson Scottnutrients, macrograzers, central stoneroller, crayfish, algae, Ozark streams, nutrient criteria
2015ARAnnual BaseElucidation of a Novel Reaction Pathway for N-Nitrosamine FormationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,204
Julian Faireydisinfection byproducts; N-nitrosamine
2015ARAnnual BaseDoes environmental context mediate stream biological response to anthropogenic impacts?Federal: $2,250
Non-Federal: $7,669
Sally Entrekinagriculture, energy extraction, macroinvertebrates
2015ARAnnual BaseRunoff Water Quality from Managed Grassland Amended with a Mixed Coal Combustion ByproductFederal: $24,320
Non-Federal: $49,860
David Miller, Kristofor Brye, Erik Pollockcoal combustion byproducts, leaching, runoff, plant uptake
2015ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center - Information TransferFederal: $2,645
Non-Federal: $5,416
Brian Haggard, Erin ScottConference, social media, newsletter, electronic library
2015AZAnnual BaseWater Sources Over Time for a Semi-Arid River- Implications for Water Resources and Groundwater ModellingFederal: $9,985
Non-Federal: $20,604
Thomas Meixner, Steve Leavitt, Kiyomi MorinoGroundwater Surface Water Interaction, Paleohydrology,
2015AZAnnual BaseImpact of upgraded wastewater reclamation facilities on chemicals of emerging concern in the effluent-dependent Lower Santa Cruz RiverFederal: $9,998
Non-Federal: $21,613
David Quanrud, Shane Snyderemerging contaminant, effluent-dependent stream
2015AZAnnual BaseCharacterization of Uranium and Arsenic in Unregulated Water Sources on the Navajo and Hopi ReservationsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Jani Ingramarsenic, uranium, unregulated wells
2015AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $57,853
Non-Federal: $120,082
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Jean McLain
2015CAAnnual BaseExplaining Current and Future Trends in Adoption by California Municipalities and Counties of Policies Limiting or Banning High-Volume Hydraulic FracturingFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $4,850
Gwen Arnoldfracking
2015CAAnnual BaseCharacterizing the Impact of Salton Sea Water Management and Restoration Practices on Regional Air QualityFederal: $14,074
Non-Federal: $6,470
Roya BahreiniSalton Sea, particulate matter
2015CAAnnual BaseMonitoring tree survival and performance in street-side stormwater management facilitiesFederal: $14,926
Non-Federal: $3,881
Igor Lacanstormwater facilities, trees, water treatment
2015CAAnnual BaseMetagenomic Analysis of Groundwater Wells for Risk Assessment and Development of Intervention Strategies to Improve Water EfficacyFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $8,250
Clarissa Noblegroundwater well, biofilm
2015CAAnnual BaseQuantifying methylmercury loads from California rice fieldsFederal: $13,580
Non-Federal: $3,531
Bruce Linquistrice, methylmercury, irrigation
2015CAAnnual BaseAssessing Environmental Justice Impacts and Social Learning of Integrated Regional Water Management PlanningFederal: $12,500
Non-Federal: $7,021
Jonathon Londonenvironmental justice, integrated regional water management
2015COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $47,413
Non-Federal: $167,625
Reagan WaskomTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2015COAnnual BaseCombined Influences of Hydrologic Connectivity and Nutrient Uptake on System-scale RetentionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Tim CovinoWatershed Science, Biogeochemistry, Nutrient Retention, Hydrologic Connectivity
2015COAnnual BaseTemporal Consistency of Spatial Snowpack PropertiesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Steven FassnachtSnow, Accumulation, Consistency
2015COAnnual BaseImpact of Limited Irrigation on Health and Growth of Three Ornamental Grass SpeciesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
James KlettOrnamental Grasses, Water Requirements, Plant Quality
2015COAnnual BaseIdentifying Differential Access in Water Allocation Mechanisms: Water Rights for Oil and Gas Development in ColoradoFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Melinda LaituriOil and Gas, Water Governance, Water Rights
2015COAnnual BaseGroundwater Recharge within the South Platte BasinFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
John McCrayGroundwater, recharge, modeling
2015COAnnual BaseFloating Wetlands Systems: Managing Aquatic Plants as a Salt and Se Sequestration StrategyFederal: $4,922
Non-Federal: $0
Gigi RichardFloating Wetlands, Se Sequestration, Water Quality
2015COAnnual BaseNutrient Retention and Productivity in Rocky Mountain Streams Under Alternative Stable StatesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Dana WinkelmanLarge Wood Debris, Mountain Streams, Trout
2015CTAnnual BaseEffects of Road Salts on Ephemeral Wetland EcosystemsFederal: $11,025
Non-Federal: $22,781
Ashley Helton, Tracy Rittenhousevernal pool; temporary pond; greenhouse gas; amphibian; mosquito; exurban land use
2015CTAnnual BaseReal-time in situ monitoring nutrient fate and hypoxia occurrence in natural water sourcesFederal: $21,343
Non-Federal: $50,038
Baikun Li, Yu LeiReal time in situ monitoring, surface water, sediment, eutrophication, hypoxia, microelectrode chip (MEC),
2015CTAnnual BaseMitigating Eurasian watermilfoil invasion success and ecosystem impact using native herbivoresFederal: $4,025
Non-Federal: $9,818
LaTina SteeleWatermilfoil, Invasion Success, Herbivory, Chemical Defenses
2015CTAnnual BaseLaboratory evaluation of materials to treat chloride in stormwaterFederal: $13,951
Non-Federal: $27,823
Michael Dietz, John Clausenwater qualiy, chloride, deicing
2015CTAnnual BaseInternally-Calibrated Passive Samplers for Water Quality Assessment of Pharmaceuticals and Other Organic Compounds of Wastewater OriginFederal: $20,328
Non-Federal: $45,413
Allison MackayPharmaceuticals, Passive Sampler, Fate and Transport, Wastewater Effluent,
2015DCAnnual BaseEvaluating Long-term water quantity and quality performance of Bioretention systems in Washington, DC using monitoring and modelingFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $23,870
Arash Massoudieh, Arash MassoudiehBioretention
2015DCAnnual BaseDoes hydraulic fracturing pose a threat to DCs water supply? A field and modeling study.Federal: $9,955
Non-Federal: $24,588
Karen KneeHydraulic fracturing, metals, Potomac River, water quality, watershed
2015DCAnnual BaseEvaluation of green roof effectiveness for nitrogen, phosphorus and suspended solid reduction in runoff from precipitation eventsFederal: $9,993
Non-Federal: $24,604
Stephen MacAvoygreen roof, nutrient adsorption, sediment reduction.
2015DCAnnual BaseA Novel Water Treatment Solution Using Hybrid Mesoporous Materials Embedded with Metallic Oxide NanoparticleFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $34,400
Xueqing SongNanotechnology, Nanoparticles, Mesoporous Materials, Pollutnt Removal, Wastewater Treatment, Stormwater Management, Water Quality
2015DCAnnual BaseWater Pollution Prevention and Removal Using Nanostructured Smart Fluid with Switchable SurfactantsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $34,400
Jiajun XuNanotechnology, Switchable Surfactants, Wastewater Treatment, Stormwater Management, Water Quality
2015DCAnnual BaseEvaluating Impacts of Urban Water Ways on the Transportation Networks for the District of ColumbiaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $19,600
Yao YuClimate change, extreme event, transportation infrastructure, Vulnerability assessment, and Geographical Information Systems
2015DCAnnual BasePotomac River Stage Forecasting Using a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Evolutionary Algorithm (PSO-EA) Algorithm with LS-SVMFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $33,217
Nian Zhang, Nian ZhangWater Supply, Water Quantity Prediction, Time Series Prediction, Least Squares Support Vector Machine
2015DCAnnual BaseIdentifying Sources of Chlordane Contamination in Anacostia River Food FishFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $34,400
Harriette PhelpsChlordane, Anacostia River, Fish
2015DEAnnual BaseState Water Resources Research Institute Program, Delaware Water Resources Center, Annual Proposal for Fiscal Year 2015Federal: $86,151
Non-Federal: $182,544
Gerald KauffmanWatershed, Water Quality, Hydrology, Aquatic Ecology, Water Policy
2015DEAnnual BaseDWRC Information TransferFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Gerald Kauffman, Maria PautlerInformation transfer, knowledge dissemination, outreach and public education
2015DEAnnual BaseUD WATERFederal: $5,184
Non-Federal: $3,155
Gerald Kauffman, Maria PautlerEcological approaches to stormwater management, internship training, education and outreach
2015FLAnnual BaseTransport and loss of nitrogen within the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Silver Springs springshedFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $34,320
James Jawitzdenitrification, solute flux, groundwater age
2015FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $28,566
Non-Federal: $18,783
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2015GAAnnual BaseWater supply and its potential impact on economic development along the Macon-Hawkinsville reach of the Ocmulgee RiverFederal: $17,250
Non-Federal: $36,000
Ernest Tollner, Abhyuday Mandal, Todd RasmussenEnvironmental Flow, Water Management, Economic Development, Ocmulgee River
2015GAAnnual BaseMarket-based approaches to resolve water conflicts in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River BasinFederal: $17,250
Non-Federal: $35,769
Laurie Fowlertransboundary water management, market-based instruments, water conflicts, drought
2015GAAnnual BaseOverland flow-sourced water quality impairment and targeted restoration of natural flow regimes in Proctor Creek, Atlanta, GAFederal: $17,250
Non-Federal: $36,012
Katie Price, Daniel Deocampobrownfields, remediation, environmental flows, urbanization, trace metals
2015GAAnnual BaseThe 2015 Biennial Georgia Water Resources ConferenceFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Robin McDowell, Todd RasmussenGeorgia, water resources, conference
2015GUAnnual BaseWorkshop Series on Guam Groundwater ResourcesFederal: $14,836
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Nathan HabanaGroundwater education
2015GUAnnual BaseExploring the natural limits of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: A step toward optimum sustainable management, Phase 2implementation of a numerical modelFederal: $22,429
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Nathan Habana, Mark LanderGroundwater availability, Groundwater quality
2015GUAnnual BaseImpact of Multiple Mercury Sources on Edible Quality of Fish from American Memorial Park Nearshore Waters, Saipan, CNMIFederal: $38,568
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonMonitoring, Fish, Sediments, Mercury, Saipan Lagoon, Micronesia
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy Heitz, Brian Bearden, Shahram KhosrowpanahHydraulic training, Water distribution system, hydraulic modeling
2015GUAnnual BaseAugmented Saipan daily rainfall measurements to inform a study of well head and well salinity variationsFederal: $17,053
Non-Federal: $0
Mark LanderRainfall distribution, rain rates, daily and hourly extreme values, groundwater recharge, well head response, and well chloride levels
2015GUAnnual BaseImpacts of Land Cover Change on Groundwater Quality in SaipanFederal: $24,077
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, Brian Bearden, Derek ChambersLand cover change, GIS, human activities, impacts, groundwater quality
2015GUAnnual BaseContinuation and expansion of data collection for sewage treatment pilot study on Yap with addition of a composting pilot test for reuse of waste sludgeFederal: $27,483
Non-Federal: $0
Joe RouseWastewater, Sewage, Sludge, Treatment, Reuse, Sustainability
2015GUAnnual BaseWater System Leak detection Training for Yap State Public Services Corporation (YSPSC)Federal: $19,958
Non-Federal: $0
Charles Falmeyog, Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Resources, Training, Education, Operations and Maintenance
2015GUAnnual BaseSustainable Conjunctive use of Groundwater and Rain Catchment Water under Variable Climatic Scenarios for Atoll Island Communities of Yap State: Ifalik, Eauripik, Satawal, UlithiFederal: $15,446
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2015GUAnnual BaseEnhance the network of community-based engagement for Watershed Forest Reserve to conserve and protect our fresh waters ecosystems in Pohnpei, Federated States Micronesia-FSMFederal: $18,069
Non-Federal: $0
Joseph Eugene, Francisca ObispoCommunity-based management, watershed Forest Reserve, Water quality, Community Conservation Officers
2015GUAnnual BaseSecond Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical IslandsFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahInformation Dissemination, Tropical Islands Water Resources, Climate
2015GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $26,058
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2015HIAnnual BaseA Novel Approach for Estimation of EvapotranspirationFederal: $33,462
Non-Federal: $61,116
Sayed BateniET, Data Assimilation
2015HIAnnual BaseToward an understanding of residential water conservation behaviors on OahuFederal: $30,824
Non-Federal: $64,769
Daniele Spirandelli, Kimberly Burnett, Michael Roberts
2015HIAnnual BaseNumerical simulation of cold intermediate depth seawater circulation through the Keauhou aquifer in North Kona, HawaiiFederal: $20,344
Non-Federal: $41,596
Craig GlennHawaii Groundwater, SEAWAT, seawater circulation
2015HIAnnual BaseSecond Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical IslandsFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $830
Aly El-Kadi
2015IAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer 2015Federal: $29,605
Non-Federal: $24,640
Richard Cruse, Melissa Miller
2015IDAnnual BaseLinking Agronomic Soil-P with Water Quality in Palouse Cropping SystemsFederal: $29,916
Non-Federal: $62,003
Daniel Strawn, Erin BrooksPhosphorous, Dryland Farming, Soil Processes, Watershed
2015IDAnnual BaseCharacterization and Analysis of Urban Storm Water Quantity and QualityFederal: $10,014
Non-Federal: $18,537
Jan BollUrban, Storm-water, Dry-weather, Wet-weather, monitoring, Critical Source Area
2015IDAnnual BaseThe economics of flood risk management on the Columbia River and the Columbia River TreatyFederal: $15,003
Non-Federal: $30,145
Barbara CosensFlood Risk Management, Floodplain Restoration, Reservoir Operations, Transboundary Negotiations
2015IDAnnual BaseA study of social network among stakeholders in the South Fork Coeur d'Alene subbasin watershedFederal: $15,016
Non-Federal: $29,191
Manoj ShresthaInter-organizational interaction, social networks, watershed governance
2015IDAnnual BaseIdaho Outreach and Engagement Project FY2015Federal: $37,399
Non-Federal: $42,762
John TracyOutreach, Engagement
2015ILAnnual BaseEffects of structural rehabilitation on nutrient retention and uptake, community assemblages, and functional morphology of biotic communities in a small Midwestern streamFederal: $9,977
Non-Federal: $20,754
Anabela Maia, Anabela Maiainstream rehabilitation, restroation, nutrient retention, fish communities, macroinvertebrate communities
2015ILAnnual BaseEffect of dams on the genetic structure of fish assemblages in the Vermillion RiverFederal: $8,518
Non-Federal: $21,128
Robert Colombo, Devon Keeney, Shannon Smithdams, river connectivity, population genetics, biotic assemblages, community structure, habitat change
2015ILAnnual BaseMaking up for losses: A critical analysis of Section 404 compensatory stream mitigation banking in IllinoisFederal: $5,591
Non-Federal: $11,182
Bruce Rhoads, Thomas Bassett, Jeffery Matthews, Alex Peimerecological off-sets, payments for ecosystem services, Section 404 compensatory stream mitigation, fluvial geomorphology, political ecology
2015ILAnnual BaseModeling and prediction of watershed-scale dynamics of consumptive water reuse for power plant coolingFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Ashlynn Stillwell, Zachary Barkerhydrology, power plants, streamflow, watershed managment
2015ILAnnual BaseTransfering Water Resources Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $44,249
Non-Federal: $81,923
Lisa Merrifield, Eliana BrownOutreach
2015INAnnual BaseThe Impact of Cleaning Out Agricultural Sprayers and Tender Trucks on Water QualityRemoving Herbicide Residues from Tank to TipFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $48,469
Fred Whitfordwater, pesticides, tank cleanout, crop damage
2015INAnnual BaseWater Quality improvement demonstration effortFederal: $12,002
Non-Federal: $11,515
Ronald TurcoTile Water, Drainage Water, Antibiotic Resistance Nitrate Removal
2015INAnnual BaseWhat Is the Source of Baseflow in the Wabash River Watershed?Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,020
Marty Frisbee, Indrajeet Chaubeygroundwater/surface-water interactions, baseflow, geochemistry, environmental tracer, radon-222, tile-drainage, source partitioning
2015INAnnual BaseAbundance and effects of pharmaceuticals on game fish in central IndianaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Melody Bernotcontaminants, nonpoint pollution, streams, toxicology
2015INAnnual BaseDeveloping a predictive model for algae-bacterial associations in the Wabash River WatershedFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,451
Kevin WyattWater Quality, Algae, Watershed protection, Cladophora, public-health
2015INAnnual BaseTransport and Transformation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Carbon in Intermittent StreamsFederal: $14,998
Non-Federal: $30,020
Adam Ward, Todd RoyerNutrient management, water quality, riparian hydrology, nitrogen, carbon
2015KYAnnual BaseSinkhole probability mapping: Integrating human impacts and natural processes in conjunction with LiDAR to predict karst subsidenceFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,050
Junfeng Zhusinkhole, geologic factors, urban development, risk assessment
2015KYAnnual BaseLong term effects of forestry best management practices on hydrology and water chemistry in three Appalachian headwater catchmentsFederal: $2,550
Non-Federal: $5,433
Carmen Agouridiswatershed hydrology, best management practices, tree harvestug
2015KYAnnual BaseGeospatial evaluation of sewer gas to indoor air pathways relevant for vapor intrusionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,008
Kelly PennellGIS, I&I, hazoardous waste sites, VOC
2015KYAnnual BaseToward rapid detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. ramorum in Appalachian streamsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,408
Chris BartonPCR, oospores, rapid assessment
2015KYAnnual BaseInvestigation of source, fate, and transport of sediments in a karst dominated watershedFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
James Foxerosion, water resources, agriculture, urban, environment
2015KYAnnual BaseControlled drainage in western Kentucky: Mitigating water stress and reducing nutrient loss to surface waters in grain crop productionFederal: $4,992
Non-Federal: $11,049
Carrie Knott, Ole Wendrothdrain tile, BMP, artificial drainage
2015KYAnnual BaseExaminng the impacts of valley fills on stream water quality and amphibian and macroinvertebrate communities in southeastern KentuckyFederal: $3,646
Non-Federal: $7,297
Stephen Richtermountaintop removal, salamanders, mining, aquatic ecosystems
2015KYAnnual BaseRelationships between water quality and the fish community in Kentucky LakeFederal: $4,614
Non-Federal: $9,404
Timothy Spierlight penetration, juvenile fish, trawl
2015KYAnnual BaseMeasuring water quality and subsurface restoration effects along Obion Creek floodplain, western KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Gary Stinchcombriparian zone, nutrient dynamics, soil-water quality
2015KYAnnual BaseInvestigating karst hydrology influences on harmful algal blooms in two Kentucky lakesFederal: $4,964
Non-Federal: $9,929
Jason Polknutrient inputs, fecal coliform bacteria, eutrophication
2015KYAnnual Base2015 Kentucky informaton transfer projectFederal: $43,169
Non-Federal: $88,374
Lindell Ormsbeesymposium, internet, www, newsletter, water quality database
2015LAAnnual BaseLong-Term Groundwater Recharge Projection of Southeastern Louisiana and Southwestern Mississippi Under Climate ChangeFederal: $19,680
Non-Federal: $39,503
Frank TsaiHydrologic Modelling, groundwater recharge, water budget and climate change
2015LAAnnual BaseAtmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulfur to Louisiana water bodiesFederal: $19,680
Non-Federal: $39,503
Hongliang Zhang, Hongliang Zhangdeposition, source apportionment, modeling
2015LAAnnual BaseDevelopment of watershed-based dynamic total maximum daily load for dissolved oxygen in loiwer Bayou MaconFederal: $19,850
Non-Federal: $39,893
Zhi-Qiang Dengdissolved oxygen, dynamic total maximum daily load, watershed
2015MAAnnual BaseEnhancing the Flux of Ultrafiltration Membranes using NanofibersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,050
Jessica SchiffmanUltrafiltration, Membrane, Water Quality
2015MAAnnual BaseMicrobial attenuation of non-point source pharmaceutical and personal care products pollution from antiquated septic systems in coastal communitiesFederal: $29,971
Non-Federal: $60,008
C. Butler, Kaoru Ikuma
2015MAAnnual BaseInfluence of nutrients on Microcystis blooms in the Charles River watershedFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Pia MoisanderHarmful algal blooms, Cyanobacteria, Microcystis, Nitrogen, Phosphorus
2015MAAnnual BaseRemoval of Water-borne Pathogens and Heavy Metals Using Novel BiogranulesFederal: $13,500
Non-Federal: $27,063
Chul Park, Yasu MoritaPathogens, Heavy metals, Wastewater, Biogranule, Microalgae
2015MAAnnual BaseMassachusetts Water Watch Partnership web site redesignFederal: $4,744
Non-Federal: $10,374
Jerry SchoenCitizen Science, methods, SOPs, Web
2015MAAnnual Base2015 Workshop SeriesFederal: $17,074
Non-Federal: $33,871
Paula Rees, Anita Milman, David Reckhow, Eve VogelSymposium, water governance, water resources
2015MDAnnual BaseThe Fate of Emerging Contaminants in Poultry Litter DigestionFederal: $34,970
Non-Federal: $70,549
Stephanie Lansing, Stephanie Yarwood, Lance Yonkos Antibiotics, Hormones, Biogas, Anaerobic Digestion, Biological and Microbial Assays
2015MDAnnual BaseWater balance of a green roof integrated with a constructed wetland and rain garden for urban water managementFederal: $24,744
Non-Federal: $50,110
David Tilleygreen roofs, living architecture, integrated technology
2015MDAnnual BasePotential use of duckweed (Lemna minor) in bioremediation of rare earth element-containing effluentsFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $7,436
Johan Schijf, Edward LandaLemna, duckweed, rare earth element, effluent, phytoremediation
2015MDAnnual BaseMaryland Water Symposium 2015Federal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $1,584
Kaye BrubakerMaryland, water resources, symposium, conference
2015MDAnnual BaseRetrospective Analysis of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings and Trends in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Kaye Brubaker, William BallWRTDS, trend, nutrient loads, sediment loads, Chesapeake Bay
2015MDAnnual BaseChironomus riparius: A Tool for Studying Ecological Effects of “Inert” Safeners (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,026
Kaye Brubaker, Susan GresensChironomus, ecotoxicology, sediment, herbicide, safener
2015MDAnnual BaseAssessing hydrogeomorphological constraints on water quality functions of forested riparian buffers in Western Maryland (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,337
Kaye Brubaker, Keith EshlemanRiparian buffers, riparian forest buffers, Chesapeake Bay, Western Maryland
2015MDAnnual BaseStorm Water Runoff and Water Quality Modeling in Urban Maryland (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Kaye Brubaker, Barton FormanLID, infiltration basin, storm water treatment, SWMM
2015MEAnnual BasePlankton N cycling and detection of cyanobacterial blooms across a gradient of lake trophic stateFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $49,668
Denise Bruesewitz, Peter Countway, D Kingwater quality monitoring, water chemistry, toxic substances, isotopes, nitrogen, nutrients, lakes
2015MEAnnual BaseToward a more efficient UV disinfection system: The development of a TiO2-based photocatalyst to enhance the degradation of taste and odor compounds in drinking waterFederal: $28,930
Non-Federal: $60,535
Aria Amirbahman, John PeckenhamOrganic Compounds, Oxidation, Pollution Control, Water Quality, Water Treatment
2015MEAnnual BaseWater budget, groundwater exchange and hydrologic variability of central MaineFederal: $16,182
Non-Federal: $30,554
Andrew Reeve, Aram Calhoun, Krista Cappsvernal pools, groundwater interaction with surface water, water budget
2015MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $19,827
Non-Federal: $30,154
John PeckenhamOutreach, Education, K-12, STEM
2015MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $34,369
Non-Federal: $68,283
Jon BartholicWatershed Planning and Management; Water Quality; Water Use; DSS
2015MIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer Training, Dissemination and Program DevelopmentFederal: $27,973
Non-Federal: $56,296
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Great Lakes, Watershed Management; Climate Variability; Invasive Species; Inland Lakes; Lake and Stream Leadership; Interactive Web-based Systems
2015MIAnnual BaseMicrobial Water Pollution Source Characterization and Quantification at Sloan CreekFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,097
Irene Xagoraraki, Ruth Kline-RobachE-coli, bacteroides, microbial pollution source tracking, human-farm animal-wildlife pollution genetic markers
2015MIAnnual BaseIntegration of Additional Models into the Development of an Optimization Decision Model (ODM) for Strategically Allocating Resources and Conservation Practices to Benefit Multiple Ecological and Socioeconomic EndpointsFederal: $19,993
Non-Federal: $39,996
Jon Bartholic, Vicki Anderson, James Duncan, Glenn O'NeilWatershed Planning and Management; Water Quality; Water Use; DSS
2015MNAnnual BaseHydrogeochemical modeling of groundwater controls on sulfate and wild rice in streamsFederal: $29,592
Non-Federal: $59,588
GeneHua Ng, Amy Myrbosulfate, wild rice, sulfide, iron, groundwater-surface water interactions
2015MNAnnual BaseInvasive mussel shells and biogeochemistry of Minnesota lakesFederal: $15,409
Non-Federal: $30,817
Ted Ozerskydreissenid mussels, nutrients, water quality model, alkalinity, invasive species
2015MNAnnual BaseImproving the (Bio)fouling and Mechanical Resistance of Ultrafiltration Membranes for Drinking Water ProductionFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
[ENCODING ERROR]ultrafiltration, biofilm, fouling, membrane processes
2015MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $42,352
Non-Federal: $82,394
Baolin DengTechnology Transfer, Information Transfer, Website, Newsletter, Publications
2015MOAnnual BaseRemoval of NOMs by Advanced Thin Film Composite Membranes for the Control of Disinfection ByproductsFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $45,229
Zhiqiang Humixed matrix membranes, NOMs, source water, polyamide, polysulfone, nanoparticles, water permeability, DBPs, THMs, HAAs, MMM, NDMA, membrane-based nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, hyrophilicity, silica nanoparticles, membrane performance
2015MSAnnual BaseWater Quality in Bangs Lake: effects of recurrent phosphate spills to a coastal estuary: Year 2Federal: $21,964
Non-Federal: $51,012
Kevin DillonWater quality, contaminant transport mechanisms, sedimentation, water quality management
2015MSAnnual BaseInfluence of wetland plant community types on water quality improvement in natural and restored wetlands of the Mississippi DeltaFederal: $21,282
Non-Federal: $42,577
Gary ErvinWetlands, Water Quality, Watershed Management
2015MSAnnual BaseTowards an understanding of surface and groundwater exchange within tailwater recovery systemsFederal: $9,628
Non-Federal: $19,421
Eric Dibble, Beth Baker, Joby CzarneckiGroundwater
2015MTAnnual BaseAssessing the capacity of natural infrastructure to increase water storage, reduce vulnerability to floods, and enhance resiliency to climate changeFederal: $14,886
Non-Federal: $29,774
Jamie McEvoyNatural Water Storage, Natural Infrastructure, Climate Change Resiliency, Floodplain Management, Participatory Research, Musselshell River Basin
2015MTAnnual BaseNitrifying wastewater biofilms and the influence of emerging contaminantsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $51,418
Ellen Lauchnor, Ellen LauchnorWastewater, nitrification, biofilm, aromatic hydrocarbons, biological nitrogen removal
2015MTAnnual BaseDesigning scenarios for hydrologic resilience in the Upper Missouri Headwaters with integrated ecosystem modelsFederal: $6,207
Non-Federal: $48,535
Benjamin Poulter, Benjamin Poulter, Benjamin Poultervegetation models; graph theory; climate change; land-use change; management; adaptation; vulnerability; stakeholders; policy; high-performance computing
2015MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Climatic and geomorphologic influences on soil development and transport in the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains, Montana, USAFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Sarah Benjaram, Sarah Benjaramgeomorphology, climate, sediment transport
2015MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Sediment routing in steep mountain streams to understand hillslope-channel connectivityFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Michael Jahnke, Michael Jahnkesediment transport, geomorphology, connectivity
2015MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Environmental DNA to evaluate individual variation in rainbow trout spawning dateFederal: $909
Non-Federal: $400
Taylor Wilcoxenvironmental DNA, genetics, ecology, rainbow trout
2015NCAnnual BaseHeavy metal anaysis, gene proxies, and stable isotoope tracers of coal ash contamination in the Dan River food webFederal: $19,619
Non-Federal: $35,954
Anne Hershey, Parke Rublee, Martin Tsz-Ki TsuiDan River, Coal ash, Mercury(Hg), Sulfur (S), Heavy metals, Stable isotope tracers, Gene proxies, Bioaccumulation, Food web
2015NCAnnual BaseLegacy impacts of coal combustion residues on freshwater ecosystems in North CarolinaFederal: $9,305
Non-Federal: $83,803
Richard Di Giulio, Emily Bernhardt, Jessica Brandt, Heileen Hsu-Kim, Avner VengoshCoal combustion residues (CCRs), aquatic toxicology, selenium, trace metals, trace metal isotopes
2015NCAnnual BaseCoal ash constituents at the base of aquatic food webs: Processes affecting bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of arsenicFederal: $21,192
Non-Federal: $64,913
David Buchwalter, Dean HesterbergArsenic, bioavailability, food web, speciation, toxicity
2015NCAnnual BaseWRRI Informaiton Transfer ProgramFederal: $2,270
Non-Federal: $0
Nicole Wilkinson
2015NCAnnual BaseAdvection and beyond: Effects of river flow on toxigenic cyanobacterial (Microcystis spp.) bloom dynamics in tidal-fresh estuarine zonesFederal: $183,101
Non-Federal: $252,167
Hans Paerl
2015NDAnnual BaseContribution of Soluble Microbial Products on Dissolved Organic Nitrogen and its Biodegradability in Wastewater EffluentFederal: $8,292
Non-Federal: $16,583
Halis SimsekDissolved Organic Nitrogen, Wastewater Effluent, Microbial Products, Biological Wastewater treatment
2015NDAnnual BaseUse of Mixers in Water Towers to Prevent Ice Formation and Improve Water QualityFederal: $4,800
Non-Federal: $9,600
Wei LinWater Tanks, Mixing, Ice formation, Water quality in water supply
2015NDAnnual BaseEvaluation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Sand Filters and Biological Treatment on Indian ReservationsFederal: $4,800
Non-Federal: $9,600
Wei LinSeptic tanks, Indian Reservations, Sand filters, Biological treatment
2015NDAnnual BaseGlutaraldehyde Removal from Flowback and Produced Water Using PhotolysisFederal: $6,132
Non-Federal: $12,265
Khan Eakalak, Sivaguru JayaramanGlutaraldehyde, Flowback water, Hydraulic Fracturing, Photolysis
2015NDAnnual BaseBiopolymers for Phosphate Removal from Eutrophic LakesFederal: $12,608
Non-Federal: $25,217
Achintya BezbaruahPhosphate removal, Eutrophic Lakes, Biopolymers
2015NDAnnual BaseA Study of the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Drought and its Impact inFederal: $11,608
Non-Federal: $23,217
G. PadmanabhanDrought, Drought indices, Drought impact, Agriculture Yield
2015NDAnnual BaseInjectable Nanoparticle-based Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Contaminant RemediationFederal: $4,800
Non-Federal: $9,600
Achintya BezbaruahPermeable reactve barriers, Groundwater remediation, Nanoparticles
2015NDAnnual BaseQuantifying Soluble Salt Removal from Subsurface Tile-Drain Agricultural FieldsFederal: $4,800
Non-Federal: $9,600
Francis Casey, Abbey WickSalt removal, Tile drains, Agricultural drainage
2015NDAnnual BaseEvaluation of Bioavailable Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Using Various Algal SpeciesFederal: $4,002
Non-Federal: $8,004
Halis SimsekDissolved organic nitrogen, Algae, Bioavailability
2015NDAnnual BaseThe Role of Algal Species on Phosphorus BioavailabilityFederal: $8,292
Non-Federal: $16,583
Khan EakalakPhosphorus, Bioavailability, Algae
2015NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $11,011
Non-Federal: $22,022
Khan EakalakInformation dissemination, communication, website, newsletter, Annual seminar
2015NEAnnual BaseDesign of Multi-Scale Soil Moisture Monitoring Networks in Agricultural Systems Using HydrogeophysicsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,001
Trenton Franzhydrogeophysics
2015NEAnnual BaseDevelopment of Smart Alginate Hybrid Beads for Eco-Friendly Water TreatmentFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,779
Jaehong Shim, Patrick Sheawater quality, pollutants, contaminant removal, mitigation, remediation, composite reactive beads
2015NEAnnual BaseClimate Variability and a Decision Support Tool for Optimizing Yields with Limited Water Available for IrrigationFederal: $16,499
Non-Federal: $56,731
Jane Okalebo, Kenneth Hubbardevapotranspiration, irrigation scheduling, sensitive coefficients, corn
2015NEAnnual BaseFate of Manure-Borne Antimicrobials Monensin, Lincomycin, and Sulfamethazine and Potential Effects to Nitrogen Transformation in SoilFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,232
Daniel Snow, Matteo DAlessioantibiotics, biogeochemistry, nutrients
2015NHAnnual BaseImproved Ecosystem Indicator Tools for Water Quality Management – Genomic Analysis of Periphyton to Identify StressorsFederal: $12,040
Non-Federal: $24,079
Alison Watts, WKelley ThomasAlgae, monitoring, adaptive management, genomics
2015NJAnnual BaseAssessing the partitioning and treatment of microbial agents during wet weather flowFederal: $19,998
Non-Federal: $58,060
Nicole Fahrenfeld, Nicole Fahrenfeld
2015NJAnnual BaseKnowledge and action on nonpoint pollution: a professional development program for educatorsFederal: $10,068
Non-Federal: $26,873
Roberta Hunter
2015NJAnnual BaseInvestigation into the hydrologic benefits of soil compaction managementFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $24,269
Steven Yergeau, Louise Wootton
2015NJAnnual BaseEstablishing bioremediation options for dioxins and furans for the heavily contaminated sediments of the Passaic River, New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Haider AlMnehlawi, Donna E. Fennell
2015NJAnnual BaseThe biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in anaerobic wastewater digestateFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Julia Campbell, Lily Young
2015NJAnnual BaseAssessment of seasonal variations and viability of antibiotic resistant genes from hospital point sources to surface waters of New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $16,193
Alessia Eramo, Nicole Fahrenfeld
2015NJAnnual BasePerflourinated compounds (PFOS, PFOA, PFNA) exposure in laboratory zebrafish and field-caught small mouth bass produce different toxicology profiles based on morphometric, gene expression, and behavioral endpointsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Carrie Greenfield, Keith Cooper
2015NJAnnual BaseSuspended particulate toxicity: an emerging area of concern for physiochemical exposures to fish and other aquatic organismsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Daniel Millemann, Keith Cooper
2015NJAnnual BaseDeveloping a green technology to remove phosphate and pharmaceuticals from wastewater effluentsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,315
Saumik Panja, Yang Deng, Dibyendu Sarkar
2015NJAnnual BaseEffects of hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) grow-out operations on benthic communities in Barnegat Bay, NJFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,162
Rebecca Shell, Robert Prezant
2015NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of novel membranes for reuse of brackish water and sea water desalination via membrane distillationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Smruti Ragunath, Somenath Mitra
2015NMAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $19,898
Non-Federal: $38,757
Cathy Ortega KlettWater Resources Education, Information Transfer, Information Dissemination
2015NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information Systems for Water Resources Research PlanningFederal: $11,174
Non-Federal: $5,140
Alexander Fernald
2015NMAnnual BaseArsenic Removal from Water by Porous PolymersFederal: $20,547
Non-Federal: $41,095
Reza FoudaziArsenic contamination, absorption methods, porous monolith
2015NMAnnual BaseUnderstanding the Costs of Arid Inland CommunitiesFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Caroline Scruggswater scarcity, planned potable resuse, sustainable resource management, arid communities, water treatment costs
2015NVAnnual BaseGreenpower-Empowering NevadaFederal: $10,451
Non-Federal: $20,735
Amelia Gullinggreenbox, water, education
2015NVAnnual BaseImpact of Climate Change on Low-probability, High-risk Flooding Events in the Southwestern United StatesFederal: $27,464
Non-Federal: $55,874
Li Chen
2015NVAnnual BaseTesting the Mortality and Settlement of Quagga Mussel Veliger Under Various Chemical TreatmentsFederal: $23,648
Non-Federal: $48,223
Kumud AcharyaLake Mead, Invasive Species, Quagga Mussels, Water Quality, Containment
2015NVAnnual BaseGeologic and Seismic Effects of Large Scale Groundwater Withdrawal from Northeastern Nevada BasinsFederal: $23,965
Non-Federal: $47,890
Rina Schumergroundwater withdrawal, slip rates, seismicity
2015NYAnnual BaseEnvironmental ResearchFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $1,650
Susan Riha, Brian Rahm
2015NYAnnual BaseDenitrifying Bioreactors Reduction of Agricultural Nitrogen Pollution at the Watershed ScaleFederal: $9,963
Non-Federal: $0
Larry GeohringDenitrifying Bioreactor; Nitrogen; Edge-of-field BMP; Watershed nutrient management
2015NYAnnual BaseEmerging Organic Pollutants: From College Campuses to Cayuga LakeFederal: $19,813
Non-Federal: $66,854
Susan AllenGill, Jose LozanoEmerging pollutants; pharmaceuticals; endocrine disruption
2015NYAnnual BaseWestern New York Watershed NetworkFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $44,097
Chris LowryWater Quality; Stream Discharge; Western New York; Lake Eire
2015NYAnnual BasePopulation and DPS Origin of Subadult Atlantic Sturgeon in the Hudson RiverFederal: $18,980
Non-Federal: $41,455
Isaac WirginAtlantic sturgeon; Migration; Subadults; DNA analyses; Population-DPS origin
2015OHAnnual BaseSoil development on coal mine tailings; impact on trace metal sources and mobility to acid mine drainageFederal: $20,072
Non-Federal: $20,072
David Singertrace metals; coal mine tailings, shale, acid mine drainage
2015OHAnnual BasePolicy Tools for Reducing Nutrient Loads and Combating Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Lake Erie: An Inventory and AssessmentFederal: $24,455
Non-Federal: $24,455
John HoornbeekPolicy, HABs, Lake Erie, Nutrients
2015OHAnnual BaseSpatial and Temporal Dynamics of Non-Point Source PollutionFederal: $35,217
Non-Federal: $35,416
Gajan SivandranDownscaling, Global climate models, critical source areas
2015OKAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $9,203
Non-Federal: $17,585
Garey Fox
2015OKAnnual BaseQuantifying Streambank Erosion and Phosphorus Load for Watershed Assessment and PlanningFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Daniel StormStreambank erosion, phosphorus, SWAT, modeling
2015OKAnnual BaseOptimizing the Economic Value of Water from the Ogallala Aquifer used for IrrigationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Jason Warren, Jody Campiche, Rodney Jones, Arthur StoeckerSubsurface Drip, wheat, corn, sorghum, economics
2015OKAnnual BaseThreats to the Lugert-Altus Irrigation District: Untangling the Effects of Drought, Land Use Change, and Groundwater DevelopmentFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Tyson Ochsner, Erik Kruger, Yohannes YimamStreamflow, land use change, groundwater development, drought
2015ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $52,842
Non-Federal: $185,601
Todd JarvisFilm Series, Humanitarian Engineering, Water Resources Seminars
2015PAAnnual BaseBuilding Capacity to Assess Harmful Algal Blooms in Surface Waters of PennsylvaniaFederal: $17,900
Non-Federal: $35,800
Bryan Swistockharmful algal blooms, water education
2015PAAnnual BaseDetermining How Fish Populations Cope with Rapid Environmental Fluctuation: A Case Study in Pennsylvania StreamsFederal: $17,950
Non-Federal: $35,759
Victoria BraithwaiteClimate change, Plasticity, Conservation, Fish
2015PAAnnual BaseAssessment of Shale Gas Contaminants in Sediment Profiles of the Conemaugh River LakeFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $35,229
William Burgos, Pat Drohanshale gas wastewater, sediment cores, radioactivity, radium, lakes
2015PAAnnual BasePassive Co-Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage and Municipal Wastewater: A Novel Solution to Protect and Restore Water QualityFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $68,030
William StrosniderAcid Mine Drainage, Municipal Wastewater, Co-Treatment, Passive Treatment, Applied Geochemistry
2015PAAnnual BasePennsylvania Water Resources Research Center Education & Outreach ProgramFederal: $11,228
Non-Federal: $8,683
Elizabeth Boyerwater, education, STEM, conferences, symposia
2015PRAnnual BaseDevelopment and evaluation of a hybrid multimedia-filter prototype (HMP) for the degradation of natural organic matter (NOM) and bacteriological control from raw waters.Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,469
Pedro Tarafa, OMarcelo Suarezphotodegradation, biosand filter, titanium oxide, pathogens, trihalomethanes, recycled glass
2015PRAnnual BaseMapping Field-Scale Soil Moisture Using Ground-Based L-Band Passive Microwave Observations in Western Puerto RicoFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,469
Jonathan MunozBarreto, Tarendra Lakhankar, Xiwu ZhanSoil Moisture, Microwave Radiometer, Remote Sensing
2015PRAnnual BaseSecond Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical IslandsFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $3,000
Jorge Rivera-Santos, Walter Silva
2015RIAnnual BaseCommon Pool Resources and Water Quality ExperimentsFederal: $19,581
Non-Federal: $39,230
Todd GuilfoosExperiments, Common Pool Resources, Water Resources, Cooperation
2015RIAnnual BaseImproving Methods to Assess Liquefaction Potential of Embankment Dams in the Northeast RegionFederal: $19,076
Non-Federal: $39,384
Aaron BradshawEmbankment Dam, Liquefaction
2015RIAnnual BaseClean Drinking Water in Rhode IslandFederal: $8,565
Non-Federal: $16,604
Christopher HunterClean Water;
2015SCAnnual BaseA Premilinary Investigation into the Ecology, Hydrodynamics, and Limnological Parameters of Oxbow Lakes in the Middle and Lower Savannah River BasinFederal: $26,097
Non-Federal: $53,730
John HainsGroundwater, Surface Water, Oxbows, Fish Habitat, Ecosystem Flows, Resevoir Water Management
2015SCAnnual BaseEffect of Climate and Land Use Change on Water Availability for the Savannah River BasinFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $48,000
Ashok MishraWater Availibility, Climate Change, Critical Basin, Transboundary Issues
2015SDAnnual BaseNutrient Removal from Agricultural Subsurface Drainage Using Denitrification 1 Bioreactors and Phosphate Adsorbents (Year 2)Federal: $22,563
Non-Federal: $45,126
Guanghui Hua, Christopher Hay, Christopher SchmitSubsurface Drainage, Nitrate, Phosphate, Denitrification, Adsorption
2015SDAnnual BaseControlling Harmful Algal Blooms in Eutrophic Lakes by Combined Phosphorus Precipitation and Sediment CappingFederal: $21,370
Non-Federal: $42,740
Kyungnan Min, Guanghui HuaAlgal Blooms, Phosphorus Precipitation, Sediment Capping
2015SDAnnual BaseEstablishing Gene Fingerprints of Pathogenic Bacteria Along Selected Reaches of Rapid CreekFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Linda DeVeaux, Lisa KunzaFecal Coliforms; pathogenic bacteria; shiga toxin
2015SDAnnual BaseSouth Dakota Water Resources Institute FY2015 Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $16,950
Non-Federal: $33,900
Van Kelley, Kevin DalstedOutreach, Service, Communication, Interaction, Information.
2015TNAnnual BaseMeasuring evapotranspiration and soil moisture to close the hydrologic budget under different land-uses in TennesseeFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,440
Thanos Papanicolaou, Christopher WilsonEvapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, Water Quantity, Land Use/ Land Cover; Water Budget
2015TNAnnual BaseEvaluating Environmental and Biological Impacts of Acid Runoff from Pyrite-Bearing Rock FormationsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,094
William Sutton, DeEtra YoungNon-Point Pollution, Acid-Rock Drainage, Monitoring, Amphibians, Salamanders, First-flush
2015TNAnnual BaseCharacterizing Stream Sediment Source Potentials in Small Urbanizing WatershedFederal: $17,195
Non-Federal: $34,744
John SchwartzChannel hydraulic resistance; Geomorphic field assessments; Urbanization; Hydromodification; Stormwater management; Urban stream restoration
2015TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $82,370
Non-Federal: $89,864
Roel Lopez, Danielle Kalisek, Leslie Lee, Kevin Wagner, Kathy Wythe
2015TXAnnual BaseEvaluating the Efficacy of a Long-Term Residential Water Conservation Program in College Station, TXFederal: $4,965
Non-Federal: $16,722
Adam Landon, Ronald Kaiser, Gerard KyleResidential Water Conservation, Water Conservation Policy, Demand Management
2015TXAnnual BaseHollow fiber membrane air stripping for the removal of carbonate species in produced water from hydraulic fracturingFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Dora Frances Sullivan-Gonzalez, Benny Freeman, Lynn Katz, Desmond Lawlerhydraulic fracturing, water purification, membrane application, pretreatment
2015UTAnnual BaseInformation Systems for Landscape Water ConservationFederal: $31,086
Non-Federal: $62,200
Kelly KoppIrrigation companies, canal companies, urbanization, land use change, secondary irrigation, Intermountain West
2015UTAnnual BaseBiofiltration of Utah Municipal Drinking WaterFederal: $37,168
Non-Federal: $105,779
David Stevens, Eva Nieminski, Darwin SorensenDrinking Water, Biofiltration, Pilot Study
2015UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources Research (UCWRR)Federal: $3,597
Non-Federal: $4,106
R. Ivonne Harris, Carri RichardsOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development, Drupal, Database
2015VAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $70,765
Non-Federal: $105,475
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2015VIAnnual BaseWater Ambassador ProgramFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $0
christina chanes, David Morris, Avram PrimackWater conservation, water resources
2015VIAnnual BaseEngineered Pervious Layer for Rooftop Rain Harvesting and Solar/Dark Inactivation of E. coliFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $0
Sangchul Hwang, Henry SmithNano materials, Pervious concrete, Rainwater
2015VIAnnual BaseInfluences of Watersheds Inputs on Water Quality and Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates in Mangrove Lagoon, St. Croix, USVIFederal: $29,477
Non-Federal: $0
Bernard Castillo, James Pinckney, Kynoch Reale-MunroePhytoplankton, St. Croix, Bioluminescence, Virgin Islands, Mangrove Lagoon
2015VIAnnual BaseSecond Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical IslandsFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $0
Henry SmithIsland Institutes, Virgin Islands,
2015VTAnnual BaseSystem-wide quantification of streambank erosionFederal: $38,542
Non-Federal: $78,673
Mandar Dewoolkar, Jarlath ONeilDunne, Donna Rizzo, Jeff frolikriverbanks stability, erosion, fluvial geomorphology, unmanned aerial system, Vermont
2015WAAnnual BaseClimate Change Effects on Water Supply: Linkages Between Wildfire and Accelerated SnowmeltFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,000
Susan Kaspari, Carey Gazissnowmelt, runoff, water availability, fire, climate change
2015WAAnnual BaseDevelopment and Update of Rainfall and Runoff Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Washington State Counties in Response to Observed and Anticipated Extreme Rainfall and Snow EventsFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,046
yonas Demissie, Jennifer Adam, Akram Hossain
2015WAAnnual BaseBedload dynamics at the confluence of large riversFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,000
John Petrie, Balasingam Muhunthansediment transport, 3D velocity field, field measurements
2015WAAnnual Base2015WA-SWWRC Administration/ManagmentFederal: $5,222
Non-Federal: $9,020
Jacqueline McCabe, Jon Yoder
2015WAAnnual BaseSWWRC Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $4,613
Non-Federal: $11,392
Jonathan Yoder, Jennifer AdamOutreach, Information Transfer, Management
2015WIAnnual BaseWisconsin Water Resources Fellowship: Collaborating with Water ManagersFederal: $38,990
Non-Federal: $51,872
Jennifer Hauxwell, Jennifer Hauxwellfellowship, state agency, water resources, policy
2015WIAnnual BaseEffect of Source Chemistry on Mn-Bearing Solid Dissolution and Reactivity in Municipal Water SystemsFederal: $29,796
Non-Federal: $12,965
Matthew GinderVogel, Christina Remucalmanganese, drinking water, groundwater
2015WVAnnual Base2015 WV State Water ConferenceFederal: $19,866
Non-Federal: $6,456
Tamara Vandivortenergy extraction; agricultural practices;
2015WVAnnual BaseDevelopment of Microbial Desalination Cells as an Innovative Low-cost Desalination Method for Produced Water TreatmentFederal: $46,491
Non-Federal: $22,781
Lian-Shin Linproduced water, microbial desalination, electro-osmosis
2015WYAnnual BaseHigh-Resolution Modeling of Precipitation, Snowpack, and Streamflow in Wyoming: Quantifying Water Supply Variations in Future DecadesFederal: $57,261
Non-Federal: $255,066
Bart GeertsPrecipitation, Snowpack, Streamflow, Modeling
2015WYAnnual BaseQuantifying Return Flow in the Upper Wind River BasinFederal: $29,908
Non-Federal: $149,903
Ginger Paige, Scott MillerSubsurface flow, Return flow, Consumptive use
2015WYAnnual BaseWyoming Information TransferFederal: $49,112
Non-Federal: $21,468
Greg Kerr
2014AKAnnual BaseUse of Gel Encapsulated Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles for Water TreatmentFederal: $19,623
Non-Federal: $32,560
Srijan AggarwalWater treatment, filtration, nanoparticle, immobilization, alginate-gel
2014AKAnnual BaseUse of ground and aircraft-based radar to document the spatial pattern of snow accumulation on two well-studied Alaskan glaciersFederal: $19,730
Non-Federal: $39,605
Michael Losoglacier runoff, sea level rise, snowpack, ground penetrating radar, water supply, Alaska
2014AKAnnual BaseAccounting for Thermal Processes in Alaska Coastal ErosionFederal: $10,935
Non-Federal: $21,877
Tom RavensCoastal erosion modeling, Xbeach, thermal processes
2014AKAnnual BaseGone fishin’: Reconstructing temperature and productivity in Arctic lake ecosystems using lake trout (proposal to USGS NIWR)Federal: $18,450
Non-Federal: $9,225
Christopher ArpAquatic, Arctic, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Fish Creek Watershed, Lakes, Lake Trout, Water Resources
2014AKAnnual BaseHydrograph partitioning of a glacierized watershed, Interior AlaskaFederal: $18,987
Non-Federal: $5,538
Anna Liljedahl, Tom TrainorRunoff, hydrograph partitioning, glacier, geochemistry
2014ALAnnual BaseExamination of bacterial levels in water and sediment for the development of refined monitoring protocols for inland recreational watersFederal: $41,382
Non-Federal: $83,344
Luxin Wang, Eric ReutebuchPublic Swimming Waters; Water Quality Monitoring; Bacteria; E. coli; Salmonella, Pathogens
2014ALAnnual BaseWater Policy and Law in AlabamaFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
Bennett Bearden, Heather ElliottWater Law (268), Water Rights (278), Law (140), Policy Analysis (180), Planning (175), Resource Planning (199), Institutional Relationships (124)
2014ARAnnual BaseAssessing total nitrosamine formation and speciation in drinking water systemsFederal: $24,600
Non-Federal: $49,215
Julian Fairey, Wen Zhangnitrosamines; disinfection byproducts; water treatment
2014ARAnnual BaseIs persistence of plasmids in antibiotic resistant E. coli isolated from stream water impacted by integrons and conjugation or mobilization genes?Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $6,410
Mary Savin, FNU Suhartonoantibiotic resistance, integron, mobilization, plasmid, Escherichia coli, PCR, persistence, integrase
2014ARAnnual BaseVisible water quality dynamics over the receding limbs of the hydrograph in five Northwest Arkansas recreational riversFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $6,524
Jefferson Scott, Amie WestOptical water quality
2014ARAnnual BaseImproved ensemble forecast model for drought conditions in Arkansas using residual re-sampling methodFederal: $8,846
Non-Federal: $18,852
Yeonsang HwangHydrology, Forecast, Drought, Stochastic, Sustainability
2014ARAnnual BaseMicrobial Community under the Changing Pre-Oxidation Regime at Beaver Water DistrictFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $6,193
Wen Zhangmicrobial community, water treatment
2014ARAnnual BaseEconomics of Multiple Water-Saving Technologies across the Arkansas Delta RegionFederal: $24,600
Non-Federal: $49,387
Kent Kovacs, Chris Henry, Qiuqiong Huang, Eric WailesEconomics, Irrigation, Groundwater
2014ARAnnual BaseHydrogeology and Biogeochemical Evolution of groundwater in Big Creek and Buffalo River Basins and Implications for Concentrated Animal-Feeding OperationsFederal: $5,200
Non-Federal: $6,690
Phil Hays, John Brahana, Ralph K. Davis, Erik Pollock, Victor Roland IICAFO, Environmental Isotopes, Karst, Nutrients, Biogeochemistry, Hydrogeology, Buffalo River, Big Creek, Bacterial Contamination, Groundwater
2014ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center, Information TransferFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $8,823
Brian Haggard, Erin ScottConference, Electronic Media, Newsletters
2014ARAnnual BaseLower Cutoff Creek MonitoringFederal: $5,958
Non-Federal: $11,924
Kelly Bryant, Hal LiechtyWatershed, Bayou Bartholomew
2014AZAnnual BaseImproving Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Management in the United States: Case Studies of Innovative Groundwater Governance ApproachesFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $10,096
Sharon Megdal, Andrea Gerlak, Robert VaradyGroundwater, governance, integrated surface/groundwater management, policy, conjunctive use
2014AZAnnual BaseDevelopment of Antibiotic Resistance during Wastewater TreatmentFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $15,000
Jean McLainBacterial Antibiotic Resistance, Recycled Wastewater
2014AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $72,358
Non-Federal: $157,011
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden
2014CAAnnual BaseMinimizing Hexavalent Chromium in Californian Water: Understanding Hiding Reaction Pathways in Drinking Water and Reinventing Treatment ProcessFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $6,083
Haizhou Liuchromium, water treatment
2014CAAnnual BaseRegulating the Social and Environmental Costs of Hydraulic Fracturing in CaliforniaFederal: $11,981
Non-Federal: $1,705
Brent Haddad
2014CAAnnual BaseBalancing salmon populations, aquatic biodiversity, and water resource needs during drought in coastal CaliforniaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $6,083
Stephanie Carlson
2014CAAnnual BaseAssessing Environmental Justice Impacts and Social Learning of Integrated Regional Water Management PlanningFederal: $12,500
Non-Federal: $3,042
Jonathon London
2014CAAnnual BaseEvaluation of Surface Water Quality on Soil Leaching Fraction and Alfalfa Yield in the DeltaFederal: $16,450
Non-Federal: $4,003
Michelle LeinfelderMiles
2014COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $47,365
Non-Federal: $165,196
Reagan WaskomTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2014COAnnual BaseEcological Functions of Irrigation Dependent WetlandsFederal: $4,987
Non-Federal: $2,429
David CooperCanal, Wetland, Habitat
2014COAnnual BaseWOOD: Windows Of Opportunity for Debris Retention in Response to 2013 Front Range FloodingFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Ellen WohlWood, Management, River
2014COAnnual BaseThe Effect of Normative Trends on Water ConservationFederal: $4,983
Non-Federal: $0
Chad MortensenSocial Norms, Conservation, Trends
2014COAnnual BaseImpact of Limited Irrigation on Health of Three Ornamental Grass SpeciesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
James KlettOrnamental Grasses, Water Requirements, Plant Quality
2014COAnnual BaseNutrient Retention and Productivity in Rocky Mountain Streams Under Alternative Stable StatesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Dana WinkelmanLarge Woody Debris, Trout, Streams
2014COAnnual BaseInvestigation of the Effects of Whitewater Kayak Parks on Aquatic Resources in ColoradoFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Brian BledsoeFish Passage, Hydraulics, Management
2014COAnnual BaseExploration of Morphometric Approaches for Estimating Snow Surface RoughnessFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,435
Steven FassnachtSnow Roughness Length, Climate Modeling, Surface/Atmosphere Interaction
2014CTAnnual BaseEvaluating and enhancing communities’ willingness to adopt N-Sink as a community based pollution mitigation decision toolFederal: $15,210
Non-Federal: $31,492
Christine Kirchhoff, Juliana Barrettnitrogen management, decision support tool, usability, Long Island Sound
2014CTAnnual BaseInvestigating the effects of storm and wastewater treatment inputs on the biouptake and transfer of heavy metals in urban stream food websFederal: $12,821
Non-Federal: $24,828
Bin Zhu, Timothy VadasHeavy metal, bioavailability, trophic transfer, storm runoff, wastewater effluent, urban streams, food webs
2014CTAnnual BaseMitigating Eurasian watermilfoil invasion success and ecosystem impact using native herbivoresFederal: $14,010
Non-Federal: $32,183
LaTina Steele, Michele GuidoneWatermilfoil, Invasion Success, Herbivory, Chemical Defense
2014CTAnnual BaseInteractions between catchment land cover, storm events, and nitrogen export from Connecticut streamsFederal: $22,272
Non-Federal: $40,515
Ashley Heltonstorm, first flush, nitrogen, impervious cover, nonpoint source pollution
2014CTAnnual BaseCT IWR Technology TransferFederal: $5,877
Non-Federal: $4,004
Glenn Warner, James Hurd
2014DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of software Analytical Tool to conduct storm Event AnalysisFederal: $12,400
Non-Federal: $38,512
Pradeep BeheraPrecipitation Analysis, Storm event analysis, software development
2014DCAnnual BasePrediction of Surface Water Supply Sources for the District of Columbia Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM)Federal: $9,417
Non-Federal: $33,208
Nian Zhang, Pradeep BeheraWater Supply, Water Quantity Prediction, Time Series Prediction, Least Square Support Vector Machine
2014DCAnnual BaseStormwater Flood Prediction and Mitigation in Bloomingdale and Ledroit Park Using Bayesian Network and Time Series AnalysisFederal: $14,700
Non-Federal: $0
Valbona Bejleri
2014DCAnnual BaseMonitoring of Uptake of Water Soluble Phosphorus in Wastewater Samples by Algae Using 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) SpectroscopyFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $51,600
Xueqing SongHarmful Algae, Phosphorus, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Sediment Sample
2014DCAnnual BaseDeveloping a chance-constraint framework for optimization of long-term hydraulic performance of green roofsFederal: $14,918
Non-Federal: $40,161
Arash Massoudieh, Pradeep Beherastormwater, low impact development, green roofs, flow in unsaturated media
2014DCAnnual BaseGeochemical characteristics of an urban river: detecting the influences of an urban landscapeFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $51,804
Stephen MacAvoyaqueous geochemistry, concrete, urban hydrology, applied geochemistry
2014DCAnnual BaseDetermining the Feasibility of Simulating the District of Columbia’s Department of the Environment Proposed Stormwater Volume Trading Market Using Agent-Based ModelingFederal: $10,900
Non-Federal: $34,093
Pradeep Behera, Seth BrownWater Quality Trading, urban stormwater management, low impact development, green infrastructure, environmental economics, agent based modeling, multi-agent simulation
2014DEAnnual BaseDWRC Information TransferFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
James Sims, Maria Pautler, James SimsInformation transfer, knowledge dissemination, outreach and public education
2014DEAnnual BaseUD WATERFederal: $4,860
Non-Federal: $2,834
James Sims, Gerald Kauffman, James SimsEcological approaches to stormwater mangement, internship training, education and outreach
2014DEAnnual BasePhotoelectrochemical Process for Removal of Contemporary Organic Contaminants from WaterFederal: $12,627
Non-Federal: $34,829
Chin-pao Huangphotocatalysts, water quality treatment, organic contaminants
2014DEAnnual BaseNutrient Removal from Stormwater, Wastewater, and Agricultural Runoff Using Scrap Iron and BiocharFederal: $12,627
Non-Federal: $34,829
Pei Chiu, Daniel Cha, Paul Imhoffbiochar, nutrient removal, stormwater, agricultural runoff
2014DEAnnual BaseGreenhouse Gas Emissions from Sediments in a Protected Estuary in DelawareFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $6,402
Rodrigo Vargas, Rodrigo Vargasgreenhouse gases, estuarine sediments, climate change
2014DEAnnual BaseQuantifying Conservation Practices in the Chesapeake Bay BasinFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $2,775
Jennifer Volkbest management practices, nutrients, regional planning, Chesapeake Bay
2014DEAnnual BaseIntegrating Biochar Amendments in Green Stormwater Management Systems for Enhanced Nutrient Treatment of Stormwater Runoff.Federal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $6,402
Paul Imhoff, Daniel Cha, Pei Chiustormwater, agricultural runoff, biochar, mitigation BMP
2014DEAnnual BaseNutrient Loading in the Murderkill RiverFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $6,402
Alan Andresnutrient loading, simulation models, monitoring and assessment of water quality
2014DEAnnual BaseFine-Scale Temporal Dynamics of Estuarine Virioplankton and Bacterioplankton PopulationsFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $6,402
Eric Wommackenvironmental virology, marine systems, nutrient cycling
2014DEAnnual BaseInvestigation of Nitrogen Pollution in a Mixed Land-Use WatershedFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $6,402
Luc Claessensnutrient loading, mixed land use watersheds, monitoring, simulation modeling
2014DEAnnual BaseEnhanced Pollutant Biodegradation by Electrode UseFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $6,402
Steven Dentel, Steven Dentelbiodegradation, organic pollutants, electrochemical treatment
2014DEAnnual BaseUnderstanding Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in EstuariesFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $2,775
Angelia Seyfferth, Rodrigo Vargasgreenhouse gases, sediments, emissions, estuaries
2014DEAnnual BaseWater Quality Performance for Paired Bioretention BasinsFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $2,775
Carmine Balascioecological stormwater treatment, biofiltration, runoff
2014DEAnnual BaseProcuring Abatement: Cover Crop Cost Heterogeneity and Optimal Policy Design in DelawareFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $2,775
Joshua Dukecover crops, best management practices, economic strategies
2014DEAnnual BaseWetland Restoration and Mitigation Banking along the Cool Run Watershed at the UD Farm: GIS MappingFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $2,775
Gerald Kauffmanwetland banks, water quality BMPs, watershed plans
2014DEAnnual BaseWetland Restoration and Mitigation Banking along the Cool Run: Ecosystem Service AnalysisFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $2,775
Gerald Kauffman, Gerald Kauffmanwetlands, ecological value, management strategies
2014FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $27,533
Non-Federal: $16,984
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2014GAAnnual BaseValidation of Oysters as Biomonitors of Pharmaceutical Pollution in GeorgiaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,017
Marsha BlackPharmaceuticals, oysters, tidal creeks, septic tanks, wastewater effluents
2014GAAnnual BaseThe effect of salt marsh hydrodynamics on estuarine flowFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Kevin Haas, Donald WebsterSalt Marsh, estuaries, water exhchange processes
2014GAAnnual BaseImplications of eutrophication and climate change in promoting toxic cyanobacterial blooms in agricultural ponds across Georgia.Federal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,316
Susan Wilde, Deepak Mishra
2014GAAnnual BaseBaseline Conservation Analysis for Agricultural Irrigation in Priority Watersheds of the Lower Flint River BasinFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,200
Mark Masterswater conservation, agricultural irrigation, water use, drought, water resource management, irrigation efficiency, groundwater management
2014GUAnnual BaseExpanding Guam Water Kids with Five Modules to Prepare High School Students for Service-Learning Opportunities Beneficial to Freshwater ResourcesFederal: $12,970
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta CardWater resources, aquifer, groundwater, surface water, watershed, Guam, hydrological cycle, ground water, non-source pollution, non-point-source pollution, conservation, fresh water, water supply, education, teacher training, service-learning
2014GUAnnual BaseOne-Day Field Course for Water Resource Professionals and Island Educators, with Educational Webpage on the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $10,477
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonGroundwater education Aquifer field trip Aquifer models
2014GUAnnual BasePrediction of Flow Duration Curves at Ungaged Stream Sites in GuamFederal: $20,156
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy Heitz, Shahram KhosrowpanahStream Flow Variability, Flow Duration Curves
2014GUAnnual BaseEstimating the natural limits of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: A first step toward sustainable managementFederal: $27,283
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander, John JensonGroundwater availability, Groundwater quality
2014GUAnnual BaseDevelop a GIS Model for Analysis of Groundwater Quality Data in SaipanFederal: $22,119
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, Brian BeardenGIS, model, groundwater, Saipan
2014GUAnnual BaseMeasurement of Groundwater Salinity for Selected Production Wells, Island of Saipan, CNMIFederal: $5,826
Non-Federal: $0
Elena Alexandrova, Heidi YelinSaipan, groundwater, salinity, chlorides, production water wells, seasonal variation, dry season, wet season, precipitation, pumping rates
2014GUAnnual BaseImpact of Stormwater Discharges and WWII on the Mercury Status of Fish from the Southern Section of Saipan LagoonFederal: $39,832
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonMonitoring, Fish, Mercury, Saipan Lagoon, Micronesia
2014GUAnnual BaseOptimizing operation of the Saipan's water distribution system using diurnal demand pattern and system pressureFederal: $11,230
Non-Federal: $0
Brian Bearden, Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Use Data, Water Demand, Distribution Systems, Model Studies
2014GUAnnual BasePilot study to improve wastewater treatment system in Yap, FSMFederal: $26,432
Non-Federal: $0
Joe RouseWastewater, sewage, treatment, attached growth, biocarrier
2014GUAnnual BaseEvaluating rainfall variability and drought thresholds for atolls and high islands of the FSMFederal: $15,106
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander, Shahram KhosrowpanahRainfall, rainfall variability, drought, climate, extreme events, water quantity
2014GUAnnual BaseDevelop community based watershed management programs to improve water quality of community water systems in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia-FSMFederal: $19,035
Non-Federal: $0
Joseph Eugene, Francisca ObispoCommunity based watershed management, improve water quality, water systems
2014GUAnnual BaseSustainable Conjunctive use of Groundwater and Rain Catchment Water under Variable Climatic Scenarios for Atoll Island CommunitiesFederal: $20,942
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonAtoll island aquifers
2014GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $23,913
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2014HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $3,250
Non-Federal: $6,539
Philip Moravciktechnology transfer, outreach, public information, information dissemination
2014HIAnnual BaseEvaluation of Portable Multi-use Automated Concentration System (PMACS) for the analysis of indicator bacteria and microbial source tracking markers in HawaiiFederal: $15,226
Non-Federal: $31,980
Marek Kirs, Roger Fujioka, Philip Moravcikmicrobial water quality, indicator bacteria, microbial source tracking, hollow fiber filtration methods, public health
2014HIAnnual BaseEstimating Evapotranspiration Over Native Wet Montane Cloud Forests in Hawai’i and Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on itFederal: $26,708
Non-Federal: $58,646
Sayed BateniEvapotranspiration, Data Assimilation (DA), Climate Change, Remote Sensing
2014HIAnnual BaseTemporal and spatial effects of sewage outfalls on the ecosystem health of coastal waters offshore of HonoluluFederal: $3,021
Non-Federal: $7,071
Julie Bailey-BrockBiological Indicator; Ecosystem Health, Sewage outfalls; Marine worms; Reproduction
2014HIAnnual BaseManaging for multiple ecosystem services with changing land use in West MauiFederal: $20,208
Non-Federal: $40,627
Kirsten Olesonecosystem services, sediment retention, coastal water quality, groundwater recharge, economic valuation
2014HIAnnual BaseTracing Interconnectivity Between High-level and Basal Groundwaters in West HawaiiFederal: $21,422
Non-Federal: $43,321
Craig GlennGroundwater, Water Problems, Water Sustainability, Water Management, Water Resources, Fate and Transport, Water Quality, Environmental Impacts
2014IAAnnual BaseValidation of Satellite Observations of Soil Moisture to Facilitate Forecasts of Soil Water Storage in IowaFederal: $49,377
Non-Federal: $105,548
Brian Hornbucklesoil moisture; satellite remote sensing; weather forecasting; climate prediction; agriculture
2014IAAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Framework for Discharge Forecasting over IowaFederal: $51,823
Non-Federal: $61,817
Gabriele Villarini, Aaron Strongclimate variability, discharge, flood, drought, forecast, rainfall, hydrometeorology, historical records, statistical modeling
2014IAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $12,049
Non-Federal: $28,625
Richard Cruse, Melissa Miller
2014IAAnnual BaseCost-Effectiveness of Reverse Auctions for Watershed Nutrient Reductions in the Presence of Climate VariabilityFederal: $20,722
Non-Federal: $39,639
Adriana Valcu, Philip Gassman, Catherine Klingclimate variability, water quality, watershed, conservation practices, nutrient and sediment reductions, cost efficiency, reverse auction
2014IDAnnual BaseDynamic modeling of rule curve reservoir operations under stochastic climate conditionsFederal: $13,933
Non-Federal: $27,866
Levan Elbakidze, Garth TaylorFlood risk, Irrigation water, hydropower, stochastic runoff
2014IDAnnual BaseIdaho Outreach and Engagement Project FY2014Federal: $63,402
Non-Federal: $53,240
John Tracy, Julie Scanlin
2014IDAnnual BaseDevelopment of Soil Moisture Droght Index (SODI) to Characterize Hydrological Droughts in the NorthwestFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Jae RyuDrought, drought index, soil moisture drought index
2014ILAnnual BaseTransferring Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $31,521
Non-Federal: $11,515
Lisa Merrifieldconferences, websites, outreach
2014ILAnnual BaseHydro-meteorological response to tropical system precipitation in IllinoisFederal: $8,331
Non-Federal: $16,663
David ChangnonStream flow, tropical systems, heavy rainfall
2014ILAnnual BaseYear-round wetland microbial activity impacts on nitrogen cycling annual budgets: is restoration impacting greenhouse gas emissions in wetlands?Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,002
Angela Kentdenitrfication, microbiology, wetland restoration, ecosystem services, climate change
2014ILAnnual BaseChanging food webs in Lake Michigan: Dreissena and the microbial loopFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,318
Jerry Kavouras, Jerry Kavourasmicrobiology, food webs, invasive species
2014ILAnnual BaseEpikarstic groundwater ecosystems in Illinois: a sensitive by unstudied faunal elementFederal: $7,483
Non-Federal: $15,090
Steven Taylorepikarst, karst, groundwater, aquatic invertebrate, drips
2014ILAnnual BaseAnthropogenic litter and microplastic in urban streams: abundance, source, and fateFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $27,152
Timothy Hoelleinplastic debris, human environmental impacts, urban stream ecology
2014ILAnnual BaseStatewide surveillance of emerging flame retardant contamination in Illinois waters via fish monitoringFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,091
Da Chenbrominated flame retardants, aquatic environments, fish, spacial distribution, temporal trends
2014ILAnnual BaseRestoration trajectories of restored floodplain wetlands and their ecosystem servicesFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,000
Angela Kentdenitrification, microbiology, wetland restoration, ecosystem services
2014ILAnnual BaseHydrologic Impacts of an alternative agricultural land use: a woody perennial polycultureFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,000
Evan DeLucia, Kevin Wolzland use change, ecological restoration, climate change, water balance, woody perennial crops
2014ILAnnual BaseInfluence of water quality and stormwater management on the ecology of mosquito-borne diseaseFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,021
Brian Allan, Andrew Mackaymosquitoes, storm water retention, public health, aquatic ecology, urban ecosystems
2014INAnnual BaseQuantifying the seasonal change in the geochemical state of the Wabash River usingFederal: $14,998
Non-Federal: $29,996
Keith Cherkauer, Indrajeet Chaubeywater quality, remote sensing, sediment transport, Wabash River
2014INAnnual BaseReconnection of floodplain lakes in the Patoka River watershed: habitat and fish assemblagesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Mark PyronFish assemblages, floodplain lakes, river hydrology
2014INAnnual BaseA History of Metal Pollution in the Wabash River, Vigo County, Using Geochemical Records from Pond and Wetland SedimentsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Jennifer LatimerBiogeochemistry, Pollution, Metals, Nutrients
2014INAnnual BaseLinking improved soil health to water quality via the planting of cover crops in the Shatto Ditch Watershed, Kosciusko Co, IN.Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $34,042
Jennifer Tank, Sheila ChristopherCover crops, Nitrogen, Nitrate, Ammonium, Phosphorus, Tile drain, Water quality
2014INAnnual BasePollution Prevention Strategies for the PublicFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $30,632
Fred Whitford, Jagadeesh Anmalaintegrated pest management, consumer, water, pesticides
2014INAnnual BaseEvaluating the Maintenance and Diffusion of Best Management Practices in the Great Bend of the Wabash River WatershedFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Linda Prokopybest management practices; climate change; non-point source pollution; watershed-based planning
2014KSAnnual BaseMoving Towards a Real-Time Drought Assessment and Forecasting System for KansasFederal: $28,784
Non-Federal: $58,022
Xiaomao Lin, Robert Aiken, Gerard Kluitenberg, Daniel OBrienReal-Time, Drought, Forecasting
2014KSAnnual BaseExtending the Useable Life of Ogallala Aquifer through Limited Irrigation using Integrated Sensor-Based TechnologiesFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $68,176
Isaya Kisekka, Jonathan Aguilar, Randall Currie, Danny RogersIrrigation
2014KSAnnual BaseAssessment of Deteriorating Water Quality in the Ogallala Aquifer and its Effect on Crops in Western KansasFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,427
Jonathan Aguilar, Isaya Kisekka, Danny Rogers, Aleksey SheshukovWater Quality
2014KSAnnual BaseAssessing Natural Variability in Groundwater Surface Water InteractionsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $72,894
Andrea BrookfieldGroundwater Surface water Interactions
2014KSAnnual BaseFate of High Uranium in Saline Arkansas River Water in Southwest Kansas: Distribution in Soils, Crops, and GroundwaterFederal: $28,185
Non-Federal: $69,096
Donald WhittemoreGroundwater, Saline, Uranium
2014KSAnnual BaseSupport for the GovernorFederal: $27,282
Non-Federal: $29,784
Dan DevlinWater Quality
2014KYAnnual BaseDiverse participation in watershed planning and governance: Building social-ecological resilience in Kentucky WatershedsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,790
Tony Arnoldwater policy, water management, water institutions, stakeholders
2014KYAnnual BaseEffects of atrazine and metolachlor on willow in riparian zones along the Kentucky RiverFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,008
Kristine Hopfensperger, David Thompsonherbicide, plant growth, water quality
2014KYAnnual BaseReal-time monitoring of phtocatalytic degradation processesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Matthew Neewastewater management, drinking water remediation, Raman spectroscopy
2014KYAnnual BaseInvestigating the influence of Asian carp on primary productivity of Kentucky LakeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,938
Michael Flinnreservoir productivity, zooplankton shifts, invasive species
2014KYAnnual BaseDevelopment of passive sampling techniques for the characterization of subsurface contaminationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Kelly Pennellvapor intrusion, sorbent samplers, hazardous waste
2014KYAnnual BaseDoes logging and surface mining increase the vulnerability of stream-associated salamanders to chytrid fungus infection?Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,163
John Coxaquatic, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Chytridiomycosis
2014KYAnnual BaseStreambank stability and riparian habitat relationships and mapping in the Triplett Creek watershedFederal: $4,807
Non-Federal: $9,772
April Haighterosion, flooding, GIS
2014KYAnnual BasePhosphorus leaching from compost bedded pack dairy barn wasteFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Mark Coyne, Joseph Tarabasoil tests, nutrient management, conservation
2014KYAnnual BaseKentucky information transfer projectFederal: $44,128
Non-Federal: $88,245
Lindell Ormsbeesymposium, internet, www. newsletter
2014KYAnnual BaseUse of time-lapse electrical resistivity to image solute transport in a karst conduitFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,053
Audrey Sawyercontaminant transport, geophysics,
2014LAAnnual BaseGroundwater Recharge Estimation under Climate Change Impact for the Southern Hills Aquifer System of Southeastern Louisiana and Southwestern MississippiFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,030
Frank TsaiHydrologic Modeling, Groundwater Recharge, Water Budget, Climate Change
2014LAAnnual BaseIdentification of Critical Nitrogen Source Areas in Lower Boeuf River WatershedFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,467
Zhi-Qiang DengNonpoint Source Pollution, Critical Source Area, Watershed
2014LAAnnual BaseEffect of Herbicide Atrazine on Phytoplankton, Water Quality, and Ecosystem Functions in Louisiana Coastal WetlandsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $36,431
Sibel Bargu, Ronald DeLauneHerbicides, Atrazine, phytoplankton, water quality, coastal wetlands
2014LAAnnual BaseAdaptive management of Catahoula Lake for Sediment Mobility and Control of Woody EncroachmentFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,668
Richard Keim, Brandon EdwardsCatahoula Lake, adaptive management, wetland management, lake hydrodynamics
2014MAAnnual BaseInvestigating effects of annual winter lake drawdowns on fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages and dietFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,304
Allison Roy, Stephen DeStefanowinter drawdown, littoral zone, trophic structure, fish
2014MAAnnual BaseFate, transport, and remediation of PFOS, PFOA, perchlorate, and 1,4-dioxane at the Eastham MA landfillFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Chad VecitisCNT, remediation, groundwater, landfill, PFOA, PFOS, perchlorate, 1,4-dioxane
2014MAAnnual BaseGoing With or Against the Flow: Choices for Flood Mitigation Response in MassachusettsFederal: $23,677
Non-Federal: $50,113
Anita MilmanFlood response, structural and nonstructural, decision-criteria, situational factors, Massachusetts, rivers
2014MAAnnual BaseAssessing the effectiveness of a biofiltration facility and associated groundwater flow in protecting water quality of a water supply reservoirFederal: $24,873
Non-Federal: $57,383
Paul Mathisenstormwater; groundwater; water quality; Best Management Practices
2014MAAnnual BaseWater Resources Workshops and SymposiaFederal: $16,947
Non-Federal: $31,226
Paula ReesOutreach, Monitoring, Conferences
2014MDAnnual BaseTracing the rates of road salt runoff movement from impervious surface to stream and the effects on soil and aquifer geochemistryFederal: $12,516
Non-Federal: $25,032
Joel Moore, Joel Mooreroad salt, stream salinization, ionic fluxes, groundwater geochemistry, surface water geochemistry, stormwater ponds
2014MDAnnual BaseWetland restoration: Experimental effects of soil carbon:nitrogen ratio on growth of invasive and native Phragmites australis (common reed)Federal: $33,227
Non-Federal: $67,927
Andrew Baldwin, Stephanie Yarwoodnative Phragmites, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, biogeochemisty, carbon-nitrogen ratio, ecosystem restoration, invasive species management, wetlands
2014MDAnnual BaseValidation of non-lethal laparoscopic technique for detection of intersex in regional black bass populationsFederal: $10,027
Non-Federal: $35,457
Lance YonkosEndocrine disruption, Non-lethal sampling, Keystone species
2014MDAnnual BaseSteel Slag-Induced Surface Water and Groundwater Contamination (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $14,561
Kaye BrubakerSteel slag, leaching, heavy metals, contaminant transport modeling, groundwater, surface water
2014MDAnnual BaseImpacts of Stormwater Management on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Urban Streams (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Kaye BrubakerStormwater management, urban watersheds, greenhouse gases
2014MDAnnual BaseKinetics of the Iodination of Natural Organic Matter and Iodinated Disinfection Byproduct Formation in Drinking Water Treatment (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Kaye BrubakerIodination, disinfection byproducts, drinking water treatment
2014MDAnnual BaseMaryland Water 2014 - SymposiumFederal: $3,651
Non-Federal: $1,899
Kaye BrubakerMaryland, Water Resources, Water Issues
2014MDAnnual BaseMaryland Water Issues - Educational EventFederal: $1,900
Non-Federal: $988
Kaye BrubakerMaryland, Water Resources, Education
2014MEAnnual BaseControls of phosphorus cycling in Lake Auburn, Maine, USA: Spatial and temporal interactions among sediment, water column, and climate changeFederal: $27,027
Non-Federal: $56,550
Aria Amirbahman, Linda Bacon, Stephen NortonPhosphorus, Eutrophication, Geochemistry, Lakes, Water Quality
2014MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $22,134
Non-Federal: $30,849
John PeckenhamWater Conference, Outreach
2014MEAnnual BaseConnecting climate and land use to Sebago Lake drainage network processesFederal: $31,134
Non-Federal: $62,406
Sean SmithHydrology, Runoff, Sediment, Climate, Land Cover
2014MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $32,335
Non-Federal: $63,909
Jon BartholicWatershed Planning and Management; Water Quality; Water Use; DSS
2014MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $53,336
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Natural Shorelines, Great Lakes, Watershed Management; Invasive Species; Inland Lakes; Lake and Stream Leadership; Interactive Web-based Systems
2014MIAnnual BaseCitizen Monitoring of Chlorides in Drinking Water Using Newly Developed Apps and Online Mapping ProgramFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $36,050
Jon Bartholic, Yi ShiChlorides, Drinking Water, Apps, Database
2014MIAnnual BaseAssessing Co-Creation of Knowledge Generation and Diffusion ApproachesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $26,025
Stephen GasteyerNRWG, WWG, Mapping, interview tool, key indicators
2014MIAnnual BaseImproving Capacity to Collect Crowdsourced Hydrologic Data through Focused Engagement and Enhanced CrowdHydrology SoftwareFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,350
Jeremiah Ashercrowdsourcing, citizen water science, stream stage monitoring
2014MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $42,352
Non-Federal: $81,914
Baolin Deng
2014MOAnnual BaseRemoval of NOMs by Advanced Thin Film Composite Membranes for the Control of Disinfection ByproductsFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $46,499
Zhiqiang Humixed matrix nano composite membranes, NOMs, source water, polyamide, polysulfone, nanoparticles, water permeability, BPs, THMs, HAAs, MMM, NDMA, membrane-based naofiltration, reverse osmosis, hyrophilicity, silica nanoparticles, membrane performance,
2014MSAnnual BaseResponses of water quality and wetland plant communities to multi-scale watershed attributes in the Mississippi DeltaFederal: $23,834
Non-Federal: $49,529
Gary Ervin, Robert KrogerWetlands, Water Quality, Watershed Management
2014MSAnnual BaseWater Quality in Bangs Lake: effects of recurrent phosphate spills to a coastal estuaryFederal: $24,963
Non-Federal: $52,998
Kevin DillonWater quality, contaminant transport mechanisms, sedimentation, water quality management
2014MTAnnual BaseImproving accessibility to satellite soil moisture measurrements: Linking SMOS data retrievals to ground measurements in MontanaFederal: $4,080
Non-Federal: $8,184
Paul Stoyevapotranspiration, remote sensing, soil moisture, web interface
2014MTAnnual BaseContaminants monitoring and natal dispersal of ospreys along the Yellowstone RiverFederal: $11,475
Non-Federal: $22,950
Kayhan Ostovarenvironmental contaminants, heavy metals, mercury, non point pollution, osprey, Yellowstone River
2014MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: The Impact of Irrigation on the Hydrologic Cycle under Low Water AvailabilityFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Douglas Bruggerevapotranspiration, modeling, hydrologic cycle, climate change
2014MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Thresholds of Hydrologic Connectivity: Shallow Water Table Development at the Hillslope ScaleFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Emily Clarkhydrologic connectivity, hillslope, riparian
2014MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Seasonal Timing of Evapotranspiration and the Effect on Soil Moisture and Water Availability for Groundwater Recharge with Different Crop Rotation PracticesFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Elizabeth Harrisevapotranspiration, agriculture, hydrologic cycle
2014MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Estimating Evapotranspiration at the Regional Scale: An Energy Balance ApproachFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Aiden Johnson, Aiden Johnsonevapotranspiration, hyrology, remote sensing
2014MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Precipitation and topographic controls over montane forest transpirationFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Justin Martinevapotranspiration, climate change, transpiration, remote sensing
2014MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Conditions necessary to maintain chute-cutoff morphology in meandering gravel-bed riversFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
April Sawyerchannel morphology, erosion, chute-cutoff
2014MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Enhancing Tribal Environmental Health Literacy: Developing a toolkit to improve community understanding of rights and responsibilities regarding water quality.Federal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $880
Miranda Margetts, Miranda Margettsenvironmental literacy, health literacy, law, policy
2014NCAnnual BaseIntegrated Drought Management and Assessment Portal for the State of North CarolinaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $40,450
Sankarasubramanian Arumugam, Ryan Boyles, Tushar SinhaDrought Management, Forecasts, Streamflow, Soil Moisture
2014NCAnnual BaseQuantification of Fecal Bacteria Removal by Micro-zooplankton Grazing in Stormwater BMPsFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $77,868
Michael Mallin, Lawrence CahoonFecal bacteria, grazing, BMP, stormwater runoff, constructed wetland
2014NCAnnual BaseMicrobial Quality and Risk Assessment of Type 2 NC Reclaimed Water for Non-potable and Potable ReuseFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $22,500
Mark SobseyWater quality, reclaimed water, reuse, pathogens, indicators, risk assessment
2014NCAnnual BaseLinkages of Mercury and Methane Cycles in Piedmont Streams and Rivers in North Carolina, and Implications for Mercury Bioaccumulation in Food WebsFederal: $15,525
Non-Federal: $44,475
Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui, Craig Allan, Anne Hershey, Stephen WhalenMethane, Mercury, Bioaccumulation, Wetland, Streams and rivers
2014NCAnnual BaseWRRI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $7,015
Non-Federal: $0
Nicole Wilkinson
2014NCAnnual BaseLand Application of Aquaculture Effluents to Prevent Surface Water Eutrophication and Promote Groundwater Re-Infiltration in Coastal North CarolinaFederal: $13,500
Non-Federal: $0
Harry Daniels, Dennis Hazelwater quality, finfish aquaculture effluent, groundwater, nutrients, total suspended sediments
2014NDAnnual BaseNutrient Loading Reduction and Water Quality of Best Management Practices in Grand Forks, North DakotaFederal: $7,300
Non-Federal: $14,600
Yeo LimNutrient loading criteria, Best Management Practices, Urban storm runoff quality, Water quality sampling plan
2014NDAnnual BaseThree Dimensional Analyses of Flow Dynamics & Chlorination of Ground Water Supply Reservoir in a Cold RegionFederal: $4,100
Non-Federal: $8,201
Yeo Lim3D flow analysis, Computationl Fluid Dynamics model, Water Storage Tanks, tratification, Chlorination.
2014NDAnnual BaseWhere is fertilizer nitrogen going, up in smoke or down the pipe? An assessment of nitrogen transformations and water quality impacts on a tile drained sodic soilFederal: $5,350
Non-Federal: $10,699
AnnMarie FortunaTile Drainage, Sodic Soil, Fertilizer Nitrogen, Nitrogen transformation
2014NDAnnual BaseQuantification of Spatio-temporal Distribution of Surface Ponding and Related Dynamic ProcessesFederal: $4,100
Non-Federal: $8,200
Xuefeng ChuMicrotopography, Surface ponding, Puddle to Puddle modeling of flooding, prairie potholes
2014NDAnnual BaseSodic soil characterization and management on subsurface drainageFederal: $7,100
Non-Federal: $14,200
Tom DeSutterSodic Soil, Subsurface drainage, Soil characerization, Tile drainage
2014NDAnnual BaseBiopolymers for Phosphate Removal from Eutrophic LakesFederal: $9,149
Non-Federal: $18,300
Achintya BezbaruahPhosphate removal, Biopolymers, Eutrophication, Desorption, Bioavailability
2014NDAnnual BaseA Study of the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Drought and its Impact in North DakotaFederal: $9,151
Non-Federal: $18,301
G. PadmanabhanDrought characterization, Drought Indices, Drought Impact, spatio-temporal modeling
2014NDAnnual BaseSnowmelt water infiltration into frozen soil in Red River of the North BasinFederal: $9,150
Non-Federal: $18,300
Xinhua JiaSnowmelt, Infiltration modeling, Frozen soil
2014NDAnnual BaseEvaluation of Bioavailable Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Using Various Algal SpeciesFederal: $7,300
Non-Federal: $14,601
Halis SimsekBioavailable Dissolved Organic Nitrogen, Algal Species
2014NDAnnual BaseThe Role of Algal Species on Phosphorus BioavailabilityFederal: $7,300
Non-Federal: $14,601
Khan EakalakPhosphorus bioavailability, Algal species,
2014NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $10,875
Non-Federal: $21,327
G. Padmanabhan
2014NEAnnual BaseFate of steroid hormone conjugates and E. coli from manure in soil: Potential sources of free hormones and pathogens in forages and the environment?Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,211
Amy Schmidt, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Xu Li, Daniel Snowsteroid, hormones, manure, pathogens, soil
2014NEAnnual BaseDocumenting Stream/Groundwater Interaction in the South Platte RiverFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $51,493
Douglas Hallum, Les Howard, Steve Sibraystream flow, groundwater, gaining stream, losing stream, conceptual model, water budget, conjunctive management
2014NEAnnual BaseHydroclimatic controls on the conjunctive use of surface and ground water in the Platte River BasinFederal: $14,997
Non-Federal: $30,493
Francisco MunozArriolaConjunctive use, hydroclimatology, integrated hydrology
2014NHAnnual BaseNatural dams and biogeochemistry at the river network scale: implications for water qualityFederal: $45,192
Non-Federal: $111,884
Denise Burchsted, Mark Green, Jennifer Jacobs, Wil Wollheimdams, transient storage, nitrogen removal, biogeochemical processing, landscape scale
2014NHAnnual BaseContribution of fluvial wetlands to nitrogen retention in urbanizing coastal watersheds in New England across multiple scalesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,091
Anne Lightbody, Linda Kalnejais, Wil Wollheim
2014NJAnnual BaseModeling hydrologic and stream temperature response to land-use and climate change in developed and developing watersheds: a comprehensive analysisFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,001
Joseph Daraio
2014NJAnnual BaseAssessing Impervious Cover for Application of Green Infrastructure Practices "Undergraduate Student Research Initiative"Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $33,000
Christopher Obropta
2014NJAnnual BaseDeveloping nano-activated carbon based technology for groundwater remediationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Chengyu Chen, Weilin Huang
2014NJAnnual BaseMicrobially mediated dehalogenation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) in New Jersey river sedimentsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Hang Dam, Max Haggblom
2014NJAnnual BaseDetermining the influence of Mn(II)-birnessite interactions on the retention of Zn(II) and implications for other important trace metals in New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Joshua Lefkowitz, Evert Elzinga
2014NJAnnual BaseParasite biomass and nutrient stoichiometry in a stream ecosystemFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Rachel Paseka, Michael Sukdeo
2014NJAnnual BaseNovel approach to sea and brackish water desalination via membrane distallationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Smruti Ragunath, Somenath Mitra
2014NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of a new, effective and low-cost adsorption material to enhance Low Impact Development (LID) techniques for prevention of urban stormwater pollution in New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Hanieh Soleimanifar, Yang Deng
2014NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of zirconium oxide biocomposite for drinking water defluoridationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Megha Thakkar, Somenath Mitra
2014NMAnnual BaseSelf-Sustaining Produced Water Treatment for Concurrent Renewable Energy Production, Desalination and Organic RemovalFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Pei Xuproduced water, desalination, microbial desalination cell, capacitive deionization, beneficial reuse
2014NVAnnual BaseWater Demand and Conservation Modeling with sub-Parcel Level Landscape CharacteristicsFederal: $498,490
Non-Federal: $498,490
Kimberly Rollins, Shawn Stoddard, Michael Taylorwater demand, conservation, economics, supply management
2014NYAnnual BasePairing LIDAR, terrestrial laser scanning, and aerial photographs to make estimates of channel erosion due to large storm eventsFederal: $17,523
Non-Federal: $35,549
Stephen Shaw, Lindi Quackenbush
2014NYAnnual BaseThe Effect of Climate Change on the Unconfined Aquifers of Long Island, New YorkFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Yuri Gorokhovich
2014NYAnnual BaseWater Quality Assessment using Advanced Technology to Improve Adaptive Management of the St. Lawrence RiverFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,050
Michael Twiss, Joseph Skufca
2014NYAnnual BaseIntegrating Green Infrastructure into the Land Use Regulatory Process through the City of Newburgh Conservation Advisory CouncilFederal: $12,522
Non-Federal: $25,049
Jeffrey LeJava
2014NYAnnual BaseDevelopment of Regional Unit Hydrograph Parameters for Application to Ungaged NYS WatershedsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $14,216
James Kilduff
2014NYAnnual BaseEvaluating Hydrological Connectivity of Septic Fields in WatershedsFederal: $52,324
Non-Federal: $26,196
Paul Richards, Todd WalterSeptic systems, remote sensing, groundwater tracers
2014OHAnnual BaseScenario Analysis for the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Stream Low Flows and Water Supplies: A Case Study of Muskingum Watershed in Eastern OhioFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,560
Suresh Sharma, Suresh SharmaHydrologic Process, Fracking, climate, low flows, water resources
2014OHAnnual BaseSurface water quality and ecosystem health with shale energy developmentFederal: $29,967
Non-Federal: $79,654
Elizabeth Toman, Jiyoung Leeshale development, oil and gas exploration, surface water, water quality, energy and environment, hydraulic fracturing, natural resource recovery, water resources, sedimentation, Total Suspended Solids, ecosystem health, microbial communities, cyanobacteria, public health
2014OHAnnual BaseCharacterizing stream restoration’s water quality improvement potential through hyporheic exchange enhancementFederal: $18,878
Non-Federal: $37,756
Anne Jeffersonstream restoration, hyporheic exchange, water quality, biogeochemistry
2014OHAnnual BaseLinked geomorphic and ecological responses to river restoration: Influence of dam removal on river channel structure and fish assemblagesFederal: $24,871
Non-Federal: $51,268
Kristin Jaeger, Mazeika Sullivandam removal, river restoration, ecological response to dams, hydrogeomorphology
2014OKAnnual BaseEstimating Groundwater Recharge Using the Oklahoma MesonetFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Tyson Ochsner, Chris Fiebrich, Chris NeelGroundwater, recharge, soil moisture
2014OKAnnual BaseComparison of Grain Sorghum and Corn Productivity under Limited Irrigation with Subsurface DripFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Jason Warren, Jody Campiche, Rodney Jones, Rick Kochenower, Arthur StoeckerIrrigation, Economics, Corn, Sorghum, Groundwater
2014OKAnnual BaseIncreasing water yield and quality through redcedar removal and establishment of herbaceous biofuel feedstock production systems: Effect of vegetation on groundwater recharge in upland ecosystemsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,282
Chris Zou, Garey Fox, Rodney WillGroundwater, redcedar, biofuel
2014OKAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $10,128
Non-Federal: $17,935
Dave Engle, Leslie Elmore
2014ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $59,254
Non-Federal: $135,415
Todd JarvisOutreach, Education, Information Transfer
2014PAAnnual BaseDrinking Water Testing and Education for Roadside Springs in PennsylvaniaFederal: $17,386
Non-Federal: $8,606
Bryan SwistockWater, Extension, Education, Drinking Water, Springs
2014PAAnnual BasePennsylvania Water Resources Research Center Outreach ProgramFederal: $24,573
Non-Federal: $29,429
Elizabeth BoyerWater, Education, Outreach, STEM, Conservation
2014PAAnnual BaseEmerging Contaminants in Vernal Ponds Across a Human Impact GradientFederal: $1
Non-Federal: $37,075
Heather Gallemerging contaminants, vernal ponds, land use, amphibians
Non-Federal: $34,762
Jorge Ortiz-Zayasbiomonitoring, health effects, pollutants, public health, rivers, runoff, trace organics, toxic substances, trace organics, water chemistry, water quality monitoring, water quality
2014PRAnnual BaseInactivation of Bacillus subtilis with a Modified Solar-Powered Engineered Experimental Drum Filtration and Disinfection (SEED) UnitFederal: $16,603
Non-Federal: $4,167
Sangchul HwangFilteration, Disinfection, Bacillus subtilis, field demonstration
2014PRAnnual BaseFeasibility of sintered recycled glass functionalized with micro- and nanosized TiO2 particles for the degradation of trihalomethane precursors from surface watersFederal: $17,304
Non-Federal: $34,069
Pedro Tarafa, OMarcelo SuarezTrihalomethanes, photocatalytic degradation, titanium dioxide, recycled glass
2014RIAnnual BaseCarbon-Based Renewable Hydrogel Nanocomposites for Water PurificationFederal: $18,737
Non-Federal: $37,999
Samantha Meenachhydrogel, carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide, wastewater treatment, nanocomposite
2014RIAnnual BaseOutreach for the Promotion of Clean Drinking Water in Rhode IslandFederal: $10,420
Non-Federal: $18,319
Harold Knickle, Geoffrey Bothunoutreach, academy, conference
2014RIAnnual BaseWater Security, Sustainability, and Climate Impacts in Urban RegionsFederal: $18,737
Non-Federal: $37,833
Ali AkandaUrban Hydrology, Water Quality, Water Quantity, Climate
2014SCAnnual BaseMonitoring of Organic Pollutants in the Savannah River, using a Buoy-Deployed Data Collection NetworkFederal: $29,943
Non-Federal: $68,607
Peter Van Den Hurk, Cindy LeeWater Quality, Environmental Toxicants, Passive Samplers, Toxicity Testing, Management Tools
2014SCAnnual BaseLow Impact Development (LID) Strormwater Management Techniques as a Tool for Mitigating Climate Change Induced Increases in Rainfall Intensity and FrequencyFederal: $23,254
Non-Federal: $46,508
Nigel Kaye, William MartinIIIHydrology, Water Quantity, Climate Change , Floods
2014SDAnnual BaseNutrient Removal from Agricultural Subsurface Drainage Using Denitrification Bioreactors and Phosphate AdsorbentsFederal: $23,353
Non-Federal: $48,489
Guanghui Hua, Christopher Hay, Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Christopher SchmitSubsurface Drainage, Nitrate, Phosphate, Denitrification, Adsorption
2014SDAnnual BaseEvaluating Nutrient Best Management Practices to Conserve Water QualityFederal: $22,305
Non-Federal: $35,840
Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Sandeep KumarAgriculture, Conservation, Nitrate, Phosphorus, Water Quality
2014SDAnnual BaseSource water implications associated with the current Black Hills mountain pine-beetle infestationFederal: $19,330
Non-Federal: $38,660
James Stone, John StammMountain pine beetle; drinking water quality; disinfection by-product
2014SDAnnual BaseSouth Dakota Water Resources Institute FY2014 Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $16,950
Non-Federal: $32,146
Van Kelley, Kevin Dalsted, Jeppe KjaersgaardOutreach, Service Communication, Interaction, Information
2014TNAnnual BaseAssessment of Watershed Land Use Stressors on the Biological Integrity of the Nolichucky River in TennesseeFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
J Alfordland use, nonpoint source pollution, bioindicator, benthic, fish
2014TNAnnual BaseHigh Resolution Monitoring of Urban Stormwater QualityFederal: $45,096
Non-Federal: $91,213
Jon Hathaway, Kimberly Carterstormwater, pollutants, field monitoring, emerging contaminants, urbanization
2014TNAnnual BaseUnderground Reactive Barrier to Attenuate Contaminants from Agricultural DrainageFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Jaehoon Lee, John Buchanan, Jennifer DeBruyn, Shawn Hawkins, Andrea Ludwig, Forbes Walkerunderground reactive barrier, agricultural chemiclas, soil water remediation, charcoal remediation, veterinary antibiotics and pathogens.
2014TNAnnual BaseRecalibrating the SAGT SPARROW to Accommodate Changes in Agricultural InputsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,009
Dayton Lambert, Christopher Boyer, Christopher Clark, John SchwartzWatershed, Southeast, Modeling, SPARROW, Calibration
2014TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $82,966
Non-Federal: $116,604
Roel Lopez, Danielle Kalisek, Leslie Lee, Kevin Wagner, Kathy Wythe
2014TXAnnual BaseIncreasing Water Security through Horizontal WellsFederal: $9,369
Non-Federal: $54,643
Hongbin Zhan, Ben BlumenthalGroundwater, Horizontal Drilling, Aquifer Storage and Recovery
2014UTAnnual BaseInfluence of Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions in High Gradient Mountain StreamsFederal: $30,611
Non-Federal: $65,247
Bethany Neilsongroundwater/surface water interactions, differential gaging, seepage studies, dilution gaging
2014UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources Research (UCWRR)Federal: $5,678
Non-Federal: $18,648
R. Ivonne Harris, Carri RichardsOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development, Data Base
2014UTAnnual BaseManaging Western Irrigation Systems in the Face of UrbanizationFederal: $29,989
Non-Federal: $63,731
Douglas Jackson-SmithIrrigation companies, canal companies, urbanization, land use change, secondary irrigation, Intermountain West
2014VAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $68,545
Non-Federal: $105,952
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2014VIAnnual BaseEngineered Pervious Layer for Rooftop Rain Harvesting and Solar/Dark Inactivation of E. coliFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $0
Sangchul Hwang, Henry SmithE. coli, nanomaterials, pervious layer, rain harvesting
2014VIAnnual BaseMonitoring Precipitation Patterns and Erosion Indicators Across the St Thomas MicroclimatesFederal: $19,865
Non-Federal: $0
David Morris, Donald Drost, Michael Larson, Avram Primack, Raymond Torresrainfall, erosion, microclimate, montoring
2014VIAnnual BaseActive and Passive Irrigation as Means to Establish Trees on Arid and Semi-Arid Sites.Federal: $16,300
Non-Federal: $0
Michael Morgan, Thomas ZimmermanTropical Dry Forest, Deep Pipe Irrigation, Rainwater Harvesting
2014VIAnnual BaseQuantification and Molecular Typing of Escherichia coli from watersheds above Brewers Bay and UVI, St. ThomasFederal: $15,692
Non-Federal: $0
Jennilee Robinson, Jennilee RobinsonEscherichia coli, Quantitative PCR, Genotyping, Antibiotic Resistance, Virulence Factors
2014VTAnnual BaseOrganic phosphorus forms and transformations in Lake Champlain stream corridor soilsFederal: $80,315
Non-Federal: $161,983
Donald Ross, Beverley Wemplesoil phosphorus, organic phosphorus, bioavailable phosphorus, phosphorus release, streambank erosion
2014VTAnnual BaseAn acoustic telemetry array for Lake Champlain: investigating effects of aquatic habitat fragmentation on lake whitefishFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $91,423
J Marsden, Jason Stockwellaquatic habitat fragmentation, migration
2014WAAnnual BaseInteractive effects of nutrients and grazing on the control of cyanobacteria blooms: a comparison across a eutrophication gradient in freshwater systems in Washington stateFederal: $27,478
Non-Federal: $55,096
Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Stephen Bollenscyanobacteria blooms, eutrophication, zooplankton grazing
2014WAAnnual BaseThe effects of river restoration on nutrient retention and transport for aquatic food websFederal: $27,471
Non-Federal: $40,934
Alexander Fremier, Cailin Orrstream flow, nutrient transport, river restoration
2014WAAnnual BaseNew Generation of Iron-Enhanced Compost for Stormwater TreatmentFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,000
Zhenqing Shi, Markus Flury, James HarshIron-enhanced compost, stormwater treatment, lead, phosphorus, kinetics model
2014WAAnnual BaseSWWRC Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $4,613
Non-Federal: $16,438
Jonathan Yoder, Jennifer AdamOutreach, Information Transfer, Management and Planning
2014WIAnnual BaseRecent Advances in Monitoring and Analysis of Trace Metals: A Workshop to Address Applications in the Upper Great LakesFederal: $12,512
Non-Federal: $5,421
Stephen J. Venturatrace metals, workshop, analysis
2014WVAnnual BaseUse of Chemical Signatures as Diagnostic Tools to Identify Bromide Contamination SourcesFederal: $30,599
Non-Federal: $61,198
Yongtian He, Joseph Donovanchemical signatures, total dissolved solids, water contamination, geochemical modeling, bromide, chloride, TDS, hydraulic fracturing, flowback
2014WVAnnual Base2014 Mid-Atlantic Regional Water ConferenceFederal: $20,511
Non-Federal: $41,021
Tamara Vandivort, glenn waldronwater infrastructure, water supply, technology, funding, policy, research, management, planning
2014WVAnnual BaseWRI-159: Implementation of a Drinking Water Well Sampling ProtocolFederal: $24,547
Non-Federal: $49,094
Jennifer Hause, Melissa O'Neal, Tamara Vandivort, Paul Ziemkiewiczhorizontal drilling, gas wells, Marcellus Shale, sampling, hydraulic fracturing, flowback water, produced water, drilling muds, water quality, environmental impact, West Virginia, Monongahela River Basin
2013AKAnnual BaseCharacterization of sediment grain-size distributions from several Alaskan riversFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,238
Horacio TonioloSuspended sediment, grain-size distributions, river discharg
2013AKAnnual BaseCreating long-term records of changes in past precipitation in northern Alaska using stable isotopes from willow wood.Federal: $13,058
Non-Federal: $6,464
Matthew WoollerClimate Change, Paleoclimate Record, Wood Isotopes, Tree-Rings, Arctic, Thermokarst.
2013AKAnnual BaseSimulating the effect of wave action on fate of crude oil spilled at Alaskan shoresFederal: $16,317
Non-Federal: $3,943
Silke Schiewerbioremediation, contaminated soil, crude oil, contaminants in cold regions, contaminant transport
2013AKAnnual BaseToxicity of Sulfolane Breakdown Products in Contaminated GroundwaterFederal: $10,204
Non-Federal: $27,519
Mary Leigh, David Barnessulfolane, toxicity, groundwater, drinking water, biodegradation, North Pole, Alaska.
2013AKAnnual BaseSurface water and sub-permafrost groundwater exchange effects on Alaska thermokarst-lake methane cyclingFederal: $13,446
Non-Federal: $6,656
Katey WalterAnthony, Katey WalterAnthonyThermokarst lakes, permafrost hydrology, methane
Non-Federal: $36,631
Alan WilsonNutrient Criteria
Non-Federal: $33,823
Clifford Lange, Michael HeinStorm Water Management, Surface Drainage, Water Quality Control, Nonpoint
Non-Federal: $30,473
Amelia WardBiomonitorig (30), Nutrients (158), Statistics (233), Stochastic
2013ARAnnual BaseAWRC Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $980
Non-Federal: $1,131
Brian HaggardConference, Newsletters, Web Interface, Citizen Science
2013ARAnnual BaseAssessing Sources of Nitrosamine Precursors in Drinking Water Treatment PlantsFederal: $17,502
Non-Federal: $35,003
Wen Zhang, Julian Faireynitrosamines, disinfection byproduct, drinking water treatment
2013ARAnnual BaseImproving Surface Water Quality by Reducing SOD and NutrientsFederal: $7,197
Non-Federal: $14,416
Gregory OsbornSOD algae nutrients TOC
2013ARAnnual BaseFecal Source Characterization in Select 303(d) listed Streams in the Illinois River Watershed with Elevated Levels of Escherichia coliFederal: $9,593
Non-Federal: $21,056
Kristen Gibsoncoliphage, fecal source tracking, recreational use, bacterial indicators
2013ARAnnual BaseThe Effect of Global Climate Change on Algal Biomass and Total Organic Carbon Concentrations in Beaver LakeFederal: $9,117
Non-Federal: $18,882
Byron Winston, Jefferson Scottclimate change, TOC, algal biomass
2013ARAnnual BaseEconomics of On-Farm Reservoirs across the Arkansas Delta Region: A conjunctive management approach to preserving groundwater and water qualityFederal: $9,300
Non-Federal: $18,724
Kent Kovacs, Kristofor Brye, Jennie Popp, Eric WailesGroundwater, Reservoirs, Farms
2013AZAnnual BaseDo Simple Carbon Additions Reduce Resistance to Antibiotics in Environmental Bacteria?Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Jean McLain, Channah Rockrecycled water, biosolids, antibiotic resistance
2013AZAnnual BaseDiscrimination-Inference to Reduce Expected Cost Technique (DIRECT): A new framework for water management and stakeholder negotiationFederal: $9,024
Non-Federal: $18,067
Paul FerreWater availability, prediction uncertainty, monitoring networks, economic valuation, stakeholder negotiation
2013AZAnnual BaseSequential advanced oxidation and soil-aquifer treatment for management of trace organics in treated wastewaterFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $19,995
Eduardo Saez, David Quanrudemerging contaminants, soil aquifer treatment, advanced oxidation process
2013AZAnnual BaseExtraction Methods for Engineered Nanoparticles From Aqueous Environmental SamplesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Paul Westerhoff, Yu YangCloud point extraction, Ionic liquid extraction, solid phase extraction, nanoparticles, rapid analysis
2013AZAnnual BaseWRRC Information TransferFederal: $12,276
Non-Federal: $6,322
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden
2013CAAnnual BaseEnhancing Groundwater Recharge through Distributed Stormwater CaptureFederal: $10,469
Non-Federal: $4,370
Andrew FisherGroundwater, Recharge, Stormwater, aquifers
2013CAAnnual BaseOnline Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Tool for VegetablesFederal: $10,351
Non-Federal: $2,432
Michael CahnIrrigation, Nitrogen, Vegetables
2013CAAnnual BaseEvaluation of Surface Water Quality on Soil Leaching Fraction and Alfalfa Yield in the DeltaFederal: $7,800
Non-Federal: $1,833
Michelle LeinfelderMilesSurface Water, Water Quality, Alfalfa, Delta
2013CAAnnual BaseAssessing Water Quality & Conservation Attitudes in a Low-Income Multi-Ethnic, Urban California CommunityFederal: $10,400
Non-Federal: $2,444
Leigh JohnsonWater Quality, Conservation, Multi-Ethnic, Community
2013CAAnnual BaseCA-CIWR Information TransferFederal: $6,650
Non-Federal: $1,645
Doug Parker
2013COAnnual BaseSocial Network Anlysis Technique for Water Resources Management WorkshopFederal: $4,500
Non-Federal: $2,183
John LabadieSocial Network Analysis, Socio-Ecological Systems, Adaptive Co-management
2013COAnnual BaseAssessing the agronomic feasibility of partial and full season hay fallowing as part of a Western Slope Water BankFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $9,700
Joe BrummerIrrigation, Fallowing, Water Bank
2013COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $21,025
Non-Federal: $94,318
Reagan WaskomTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2013CTAnnual BaseCTIWR Technology TransferFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $1,425
Glenn Warner, James Hurd
2013DCAnnual BaseMonitoring Groundwater for Developing Alternative Source of Water Supply for Homeland Security in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $103,400
Kobina Atobrah, Tolessa DeksissaGroundwater, Water Supply, Homeland Security
2013DCAnnual BaseStormwater Quality Management with Green Infrastructure: Nannie Helen Burroughs AvenueFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $146,780
Charles GlassStormwater, Quality, Low Impact Development, Monitoring, Green Infrastructure
2013DCAnnual BaseBayesian Parameter Estimation of Activated Sludge Processes In Blue Plains Waste Water Treatment PlantFederal: $12,056
Non-Federal: $38,624
Arash MassoudiehWastewater, Activated Sludge Model, Inverse Modeling, Bayesian Modeling, Parameter Estimation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo
2013DCAnnual BaseContinuous Monitoring of Urea Concentrations and Harmful Algal Productivity and PhysiologyFederal: $13,466
Non-Federal: $32,846
Caroline Solomonharmful algal blooms, nitrogen, urea, monitoring
2013DEAnnual BaseUse of the White Rot Fungus as a Fungal Bioreactor to Remove E. coli from Aqueous Dairy Manure WastewaterFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Anastasia Chirnside, Anna BradyPathogens, manure effluent, human health
2013DEAnnual BaseA Biogeographic Investigation of Viral Diversity within the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginicaFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Eric Wommack, Alessandra CerettoOysters, biofiltration, water quality
2013DEAnnual BaseExploring the Viability of Biochar to Treat StormwaterFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Paul Imhoff, Naomi ChangBiochar, stormwater filtration, nonpoint pollution
2013DEAnnual BaseThe Varying Impact of Stemflow and Soil Moisture on the Diversity of Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Relation to Soil RespirationFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Delphis Levia, Katherine JunghennForests, canopy, stemflow, soil microbial diversity
2013DEAnnual BaseMethane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in a WatershedFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Rodrigo Vargas, Kelsey McWilliamsSoil moisture, greenhouse gases, climate change
2013DEAnnual BaseSustainable Management of Water and Ecosystem Services on a Residential Landscape in DelawareFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Joshua Duke, Megan MurrayUrban nonpoint pollution, residential landscapes, water quality
2013DEAnnual BaseAcid Neutralization of Stemflow in a Deciduous Forest: The Role of Edge EffectsFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Delphis Levia, Alexey ShiklomanovForests, stemflow, soil acidification, ecosystem services
2013DEAnnual BaseUD Watershed Team Ecological RestorationFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $17,160
James Sims, Gerald KauffmanStormwater, ecological treatment practices, management, policy
2013FLAnnual BaseDevelopment of Passive Sensor for Measuring Water and Contaminant Fluxes in the Hyporheic ZoneFederal: $46,736
Non-Federal: $93,475
Mark Newman, Kirk Hatfieldhyporheic, sediment, flux, contaminant, transport
2013FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $16,909
Non-Federal: $10,967
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2013FLAnnual BaseDevelopment and Evaluation of Data Accuracy Assessment Algorithms for Identifying Anomalies in Hydro-meteorological Data (Phase I: Stage)Federal: $32,000
Non-Federal: $64,000
Ramesh TeegavarapuHydrometeorological Data, Stage, South Florida Water Management District, outliers, anomaly detection, statistical methods.
2013GAAnnual BaseTracking the impact of on-site wastewater treatment systems on stream water quality in the Metro-Atlanta areaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Mussie Habteselassie, David RadcliffeOnsite wastewater treatment system, fecal indicator bacteria, isotopes, source tracking
2013GAAnnual BaseUnimpaired Flows for the ACF River Basin: Improvement and Uncertainty AssessmentFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Aris Georgakakos, Martin KistenmacherUnimpaired flow, water resources planning and management, uncertainty characterization, river basin modeling
2013GUAnnual BaseOne-Day Professional Educators Field Course, with Educational Webpage on the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $12,665
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonGroundwater Education; Aquifer Models; Aquifer Field Trip
2013GUAnnual BaseHeavy Metal Status of Nearshore Fisheries Impacted by Old Military Dumpsites on the Eastern Side of Saipan, CNMIFederal: $39,669
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Dentonpollution impact, monitoring and assessment, land-based and submerged dumpsites, heavy metals, drainage pathways, fisheries resources, Saipan, Micronesia
2013GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of Optimum Water System Operation for Saipan Water Distribution SystemFederal: $15,428
Non-Federal: $0
Mariano Iglecias, Shahram KhosrowpanahDevelopment of Optimum Water System Operation for Saipan Water Distribution System
2013GUAnnual BaseLand Cover Change Detection in SaipanFederal: $16,033
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, Derek Chambers, Jose QuanLand cover change, GIS, remote sensing, Saipan
2013GUAnnual BaseImproving the Pohnpei Water Distribution System Using Hydraulic Modeling and Geographic Information SystemsFederal: $19,731
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy Heitz, Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Distribution Systems, Geographic Information Systems, Water System Modeling
2013GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of Environmentally Sustainable methods for Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Handling of Sewage Sludge on Yap IslandFederal: $24,439
Non-Federal: $0
Joe RouseWastewater, septic, sludge, treatment, reuse, sustainability
2013GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $19,992
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Shahram KhosrowpanahInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2013GUAnnual BaseWater Resources of Guam: An Online One-Stop Information Center for Public and Professional UsersFederal: $6,841
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Gary Denton, Mark Lander, Joe RouseGroundwater, Water quality, Wastewater, Climate, Education
2013HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $5,202
Non-Federal: $14,416
Philip Moravcikinformation transfer
2013HIAnnual BaseEvaluation of the Impact of Drought Conditions Upon the Waiahole Ditch System Development Tunnels: Ground Water Sustainability Implications Under Adverse Climate Change ConditionsFederal: $6,494
Non-Federal: $24,294
Aly El-Kadiclimate change, drought, dike compartment, rainfall, monitor wells, tunnel discharge
2013HIAnnual BaseEvaluation of next-generation sequencing technologies for environmental monitoring: characterization of microbial communities from wastewater plants and selected beaches of Hawaii using a metagenomics approachFederal: $20,400
Non-Federal: $71,946
Marek Kirs, Veljo Kisandmicrobial biodiversity, environmental monitoring, metagenomics
2013HIAnnual BaseEngineering plant peroxidases for wastewater treatment and water pollution monitoringFederal: $9,600
Non-Federal: $40,145
Qing Li, Eunsung Kanwastewater, peroxidase, bioremediation, water treatment
2013HIAnnual BaseForecasting climate change impacts on watershed-based ecosystem services in Hawaii: A participatory modeling approachFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $126,874
Steven Gray, Ali Fares, Christopher Lepczykwatershed modeling, community modeling, climate change impacts
2013HIAnnual BaseQuantifying Toxoplasmosis gondii presence in wastewater and freshwater systemsFederal: $18,004
Non-Federal: $73,936
Christopher Lepczyktoxoplasmosis gondii, feral cats, parasite, disease, marine mammal, endangered species
2013HIAnnual BaseImpacts of Climate Change on Food Resources of Native Gobiid Fishes and Atyid Shrimp in Hawaiian StreamsFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $0
Rebecca Ostertag, Richard MacKenzieClimate Change, Food Web, Stream Flow, Stable Isotopes
2013IAAnnual BaseIowa Water Center Information Transfer ProjectFederal: $20,749
Non-Federal: $33,768
Richard Cruse, Melissa Miller
2013IDAnnual BaseThe Idaho Water Resources Outreach and Engagement ProjectFederal: $55,525
Non-Federal: $49,257
John Tracy, Julie Scanlin
2013ILAnnual BaseTransfering Water Resources Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $26,351
Non-Federal: $6,693
Lisa Merrifieldinformation transfer, conferences, websites
2013ILAnnual BaseHydrologic Impacts of an Alternative Agricultural Land Use: A Woody Perennial PolycultureFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,288
Evan DeLucia, Kevin WolzLand use change, ecological restoration, climate change, water balance, woody perennial crops
2013ILAnnual BaseStatewide Surveillance of Emerging Flame Retardant Contamination in Illinois Waters via Fish MonitoringFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,641
Da Chenbrominated flame retardants, aquatic environment, fish, spatial distribution, temporal trends
2013ILAnnual BaseInfluence of Water Quality and Stormwater Management on the Ecology of Mosquito-Borne DiseaseFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,017
Brian Allan, Andrew MackayMosquitoes, stormwater retention, public health, aquatic ecology, urban ecosystems
2013ILAnnual BaseRestoration Trajectories and Restored Floodplain Wetlands and their Ecosystem ServicesFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $11,523
Angela Kentdenitrication, microbiology, wetland restoration, ecosystem services
2013INAnnual BaseAttached-Growth Lagoons for Wastewater Nitrification in Small CommunitiesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $173,132
Ernest Blatchley, Ronald TurcoAmmonia, Attached-Growth, Lagoon, Nitrification, Treatment and Wastewater
2013INAnnual BaseMulti-Year Assessment of Water Use and Reuse in the Wabash River WatershedFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $21,791
Loring Nies, Chad JafvertIndrect Potable Water Reuse
2013INAnnual BaseThe Role of Silver Nano Particles on Microbial Activities in Natural Surface Water: Effects of Aqueous ChemistryFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $17,808
Dong ChenNano Particle, Silver, Microbiology, Natural Organic Matter
2013INAnnual BaseAbundance, Transport, and Retention of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Central Indiana StreamsFederal: $15,424
Non-Federal: $32,178
Melody BernotContaminants, Nonpoint Pollution, Streams, Toxicology
2013INAnnual BaseEstimating Capture Probabilities of Common Stream Fish in the Eastern Corn Belt PlainFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,296
Thomas Lauer, Jason DollFish Assemblage, Modeling, Physiochemical, Bayesian, Water Quality
2013INAnnual BaseLinking Cover Crops to Improved Stream Water Quality via Field-Scale Soil Sampling, in Shatto Ditch Watershed, INFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,592
Jennifer Tank, Sheila ChristopherCover Crops, Nitrogen, Nitrate, Ammonium, Phosphorous, Tile Drain, Water Quality
2013INAnnual BasePollution Prevention Strategies for Farmers and Commercial Input Applicator BusinessesFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $17,802
Fred WhitfordSpills, Pollution Prevention, Environment, Water
2013KYAnnual BaseKentucky information transfer projectFederal: $52,125
Non-Federal: $109,350
Lindell Ormsbeesymposium, internet, www, newsletter
2013LAAnnual BaseHydrostratigraphy Modeling of the Southern Hills Aquifer SystemFederal: $11,276
Non-Federal: $22,551
Frank Tsaihydrostratigraphy, hydrofacies, uncertainty, multimodel analysis, aquifer system, fault
2013LAAnnual BaseDevelopment of Total Maximum Daily Load for Dissolved Oxygen in Nutrient-Enriched Lowland RiversFederal: $12,520
Non-Federal: $25,040
Zhi-Qiang DengDissolved Oxygen, River, Total Maximum Daily Load, Watershed
2013LAAnnual BaseSustainable Iron Removal from Groundwater Supporting AquacultureFederal: $10,299
Non-Federal: $20,599
Ron Malone, Donald AdrianIron, aquaculture, groundwater
2013MAAnnual BaseTriclosan in Wastewater EffluentFederal: $4,997
Non-Federal: $31,887
Jonathan RolingTriclosan, wastewater effluent, chlorination, sterilization, surface water, microbial tolerance
2013MAAnnual BaseLinking groundwater heatflow to fish habitat in stream catchments with till-mantled bedrockFederal: $9,982
Non-Federal: $21,896
David Bouttbaseflow, stream temperature, fish habitat,
2013MAAnnual BaseAcid rain response and recovery in New England forests: Application of the novel calcium isotope tracer to the Hubbard Brook streamwater sample archiveFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,033
Andrew Kurtzcalcium, stable isotopes
2013MAAnnual BaseWater Workshops SeriesFederal: $26,275
Non-Federal: $32,601
Paula Rees, Marie-Francoise Hatteworkshop, symposium, agriculture, water conservation, instream flow
2013MDAnnual BaseBromide as a Precursor of Potent Brominating Agents During Drinking Water ChlorinationFederal: $2,592
Non-Federal: $6,532
John Siveybromide, bromine, chlorination, disinfection by-products, drinking water treatment, road salt, hydraulic fracturing, produced water, seawater intrusion
2013MDAnnual BaseValidation of non-lethal laparoscopic technique for detection of intersex in regional black bass populationsFederal: $30,086
Non-Federal: $72,802
Lance Yonkos, Lance YonkosEndocrine disruption, Non-lethal sampling, Keystone species
2013MDAnnual BaseTracing the rates of road salt runoff movement from impervious surface to stream and the effects on soil and aquifer geochemistryFederal: $37,548
Non-Federal: $94,618
Joel Moore, Steven Levroad salt, stream salinization, ionic fluxes, groundwater geochemistry, surface water geochemistry, stormwater ponds
2013MDAnnual BaseEnhancing watershed infiltration to restore urban stream hydro-ecological function (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $13,207
Kaye Brubaker, Margaret PalmerWatershed, restoration, urban, infiltration
2013MDAnnual BaseThe role of streams in nitrogen fluxes from watersheds in the Choptank Basin (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $12,501
Kaye Brubaker, Thomas FisherNitrogen, fate and transport, biogenic N gas
2013MDAnnual BaseModeling the effects of green roof substrate organic matter on stormwater retention and plant-based water cycling (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $12,584
Kaye Brubaker, Steven Cohan, John Lea-CoxGreen roof, water balance, substrate water holding capacity
2013MEAnnual BaseOptimized Pre-Treatment for Fluorescence Monitoring of Surface Fresh Water ContaminationFederal: $4,907
Non-Federal: $79,664
Howard Patterson, John Ahern, Gregory HallWater Quality Monitoring, Water Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals, Petrochemicals
2013MEAnnual BaseAssessing threats of changing climate to drinking water qualityFederal: $10,865
Non-Federal: $77,716
Jasmine Saros, Sarah Nelsonacid deposition, algae, climate, geochemistry, water quality, water treatment
2013MEAnnual BasePartnership for Monitoring Maine Lake Temperatures in a changing Climate, Short-term Variability and Long-term Trends.Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $24,166
Daniel Buckley, Scott Williamsclimate, ecosystem, education, heat budge, lakes, and thermodynamics, water quality
2013MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $18,051
Non-Federal: $28,160
John PeckenhamEducation, outreach, student training
2013MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $27,124
Non-Federal: $54,302
Jon BartholicWatershed Planning and Management; Water Quality; Water Use; Decision Support System
2013MIAnnual BaseDissemination, Technology Transfer Training and Program DevelopmentFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Natural Shorelines, Great Lakes, Watershed Management; Invasive Species; Lake and Stream Monitoring; Interactive Web-based Decision Support Systems; Climate Outreach
2013MIAnnual BaseBuilding Capacity within Township Planning Commissions to Facilitate Water User Committees in the context of Michigan's Water Withdrawal Assessment ProgramFederal: $10,401
Non-Federal: $20,800
David Luschgroundwater management, capacity building, local planning
2013MNAnnual BaseBuilding sustainable governance frameworks to sustainably manage Minnesota's Water ResourcesFederal: $29,998
Non-Federal: $58,621
Sherry Enzler, Mae DavenportSustainable, water management, governance frameworks, social-ecological systems
2013MOAnnual BaseRemoval of NOMs by Advanced Thin Film Composite Membranes for the Control of Disinection ByproductsFederal: $7,190
Non-Federal: $39,472
Baolin Deng, Baolin Dengmixed matrix nano composite membranes, NOMs, source water, polyamide, polysulfone, nanoparticiles, water permeability, mixed matrix nano composite membranes,BPs, THMs, HAAs,MMM, NDMA,membrane-based nanofiltration, reverse osmosis,
2013MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $31,904
Non-Federal: $62,710
Thomas Clevenger
2013MSAnnual BaseInterdisciplinary Assessment of Mercury Transport, Fate and Risk in Enid Lake, MississippiFederal: $39,780
Non-Federal: $80,174
Xiaobo Chao, James Cizdziel, AKM Hossain, Kristine WillettWater Quality, Contaminant Transport Mechanisms, Sedimentation
2013MSAnnual BaseNon-linear downward flux of water in response to increasing wetland water depth and its influence on groundwater recharge, soil chemistry, and wetland tree growthFederal: $37,260
Non-Federal: $74,592
Gregg DavidsonWetlands, Ecosystems, Surface and Groundwater Management
2013MTAnnual BaseDo Sediments in the Warm Springs Ponds Operable Unit Act as A Sink for Organic Wastewater Compounds?Federal: $13,835
Non-Federal: $27,671
Katie Hailer, Stephen Parkerorganic wastewater contaminants OWCs
2013MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Rephotography as a tool to Understand the Effects of Resource Use on Rivers of the Greater Yellowstone RegionFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Heidi Clarkrephotography resource use Greater Yellowstone
2013MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Maintaining Migratory Pathways of Imperiled Large River and Small Stream Prairie Fishes in the Face of Climate ChangeFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
David Dockeryfish climate change migration habitat
2013MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Understanding Trends in Snow Accumulation, Water Availability and Climate Changes Using Snow Telemetry Observations in the Missouri River HeadwatersFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Thomas MatthewsClimate SNOWTEL Snow Missouri River
2013MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Investigating Upstream Channel Response to Dam Removal, Black Foot River MTFederal: $500
Non-Federal: $220
Robert Livesaydam removal geomorphology Black Foot River
2013NCAnnual BaseA mesocosm study to determine nitrogen assimilation capacity of a restored wetland slated to receive pumped drainage water - a critical component to maximize improvement to the Pamlico SoundFederal: $29,914
Non-Federal: $15,406
Michael Burchell, Stephen W. BroomeWetland restoration, Nitrogen assimilation, Denitrification, DRAINMOD
2013NCAnnual BaseSurface and Subsurface Properties Regulating Manganese Contamination of Groundwater in the North Carolina PiedmontFederal: $23,111
Non-Federal: $67,789
Matthew Polizzotto, Aziz Ammozegar, Robert Austin, Rick Bolich, Phil Bradley, Owen Duckworth, Dean HesterbergManganese, Groundwater Quality, Soil, Saprolite, Piedmont
2013NCAnnual BaseWRRI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $1,250
Non-Federal: $14,517
Nicole Wilkinson
2013NDAnnual BaseSodic soil characterization and management on subsurface drainageFederal: $4,300
Non-Federal: $7,474
Tom DeSutterSodic Soil, Subsurface drainage, Tile drainage, water quality
2013NDAnnual BaseMeasurement and modeling of soil moisture changes for subsurface drained and subirrigated fields in the Red River ValleyFederal: $3,608
Non-Federal: $4,272
Xinhua JiaSoil Moisture, Tile Drainage, Modeling, Measurement, subsurface drainage, subirrigated fields
2013NDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Model for Subsurface Drainage and Subirrigation Water ManagementFederal: $3,608
Non-Federal: $4,273
Xinhua JiaTile Drainage, Subsurface drainage modeling, Sub-irrigation
2013NDAnnual BaseElectron Donor Contributions to Denitrification in the Elk Valley Aquifer, NDFederal: $4,811
Non-Federal: $14,789
Scott KoromDenitrification, Aquifers, Electron Donors, Geochemical evolution
2013NDAnnual BasePhysical model evaluations of scour holes below a singular and multiple step rock weirsFederal: $4,210
Non-Federal: $12,941
Yeo LimScour, Physical models, Stepped weirs
2013NDAnnual BaseTemporal-spatial distribution (dynamics) of phytoplankton and diversity in relation to lake physical and chemical conditionFederal: $3,007
Non-Federal: $5,226
Wei LinTemporal distribution, spatial distribution, phytoplankton, Lakes
2013NDAnnual BaseInvestigation of Cryptosporidium oocysts in Influent and Effluent of the Fargo Water Treatment PlantFederal: $3,007
Non-Federal: $5,226
Khan Eakalak, John McEvoyCryptosporidium oocysts, Water reatment plant, Influent and effluent
2013NDAnnual BaseDrought monitoring and prediction using NOAH land surface model and GRACE satellite observationFederal: $4,210
Non-Federal: $12,939
Xiaodong ZhangDrought, monitoring, prediction, GRACE Satellite data, NOAH Land Surface model
2013NDAnnual BaseApplication of Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model for Estimating Nutrient Loads to Lake Ashtabula, ND, under Different Climate ScenariosFederal: $4,510
Non-Federal: $7,838
Zhulu Lin, G. PadmanabhanSWAT model, Nutrient loads, Lakes, Non-point pollution, Climate scenarios
2013NDAnnual BaseImproved Overland Flow Modeling for Hydrologic Connectivity Analysis of PotholesFederal: $6,915
Non-Federal: $16,619
Xuefeng ChuHydrologic connectivity, prarie potholes, Overland Flow Modeling, Puddle to puddle model
2013NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $6,449
Non-Federal: $11,060
G. Padmanabhan
2013NEAnnual BaseDevelopment of an affinity-based concentrator-detection kit for monitoring emerging contaminants in recycled waterFederal: $24,054
Non-Federal: $50,862
David Hage, Daniel SnowDetection; emerging contaminants; recycled water
2013NEAnnual BaseAn Innovative Graphene Oxide Filter for Drinking Water Contaminants RemovalFederal: $24,054
Non-Federal: $48,108
Yusong Li, Yongfeng Lu, Daniel Snownanomaterials; water filter
2013NJAnnual BaseComparing the Time Required for Establishment of Effective Nutrient Removal Capacity of Different Stormwater Basin DesignsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Theresa Censoplano, Louise Wootton
2013NJAnnual BaseDetoxification of dioxins in sewersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Yashika Dewani, Lisa Rodenburg
2013NJAnnual BaseDeveloping an environmentally friendly water reuse technology using ferrate (VI)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Nanzhu Li, Yang Deng
2013NJAnnual BaseUnderstanding the fate of MTBE in anaerobic aquatic environments of New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Tong Liu, Max Haggblom
2013NJAnnual BaseEffect of cadmium on accelerated metamorphosis induced by hormesis in larvae of Chironomus riparius (Diptera:Chironomidae)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Jun Oh, Carolyn Bentivegna
2013NJAnnual BaseAssessing the role of wetland flora as a sink for nutrients in subsurface gravel wetlands in New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Kyle Seiverd, Louise Wootton
2013NJAnnual BaseImplications of historical and modern land use: urban wetland vegetation as indicators of temporal and spatial environmental heterogeneity and disturbanceFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Laura Shappell, Lena Struwe
2013NJAnnual BaseBioaccumulation of mercury in New Jersey aquatic ecosystemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Natalie Sherwood, Meiyin Wu
2013NJAnnual BaseDehalogenation of halogenated aromatic compounds by indigenous microorganisms in sediments of the Hackensack River, New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Seo Sohn, Max Haggblom
2013NJAnnual BaseBiodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuaryFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Sarah Wolfson, Lily Young
2013NJAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $5,525
Non-Federal: $3,039
Christopher Obropta, Lisa Galloway Evrard
2013NMAnnual BaseThe transport and accumulation of pyrogenic black carbon in fire-prone watersheds and implications for water qualityFederal: $20,497
Non-Federal: $42,426
Daniel Cadol, Michael Heagy, Fred Phillipsblack carbon, erosion and deposition, forest fires, contaminant sorption
2013NMAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $69,449
Non-Federal: $31,947
Cathy Ortega KlettWater Resources Education, Information Transfer, Information Dissemination
2013NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information systems for Water Resources Research PlanningFederal: $14,945
Non-Federal: $6,875
Alexander Fernald
2013NVAnnual BaseOptimization of ozone-biological activated carbon treatment for potable reuse applicationsFederal: $39,991
Non-Federal: $83,396
Daniel Gerrity
2013NVAnnual BaseEstimation of Atmospheric Wet and Dry Deposition of Nutrients to Lake Tahoe SnowpackFederal: $39,779
Non-Federal: $94,643
Rina Schumersnowpack, biogeochemical cycles, atmospheric deposition
2013NVAnnual BaseQuantifying Surface Runoff and Water Infiltration in Arid and Semi-arid AreasFederal: $31,181
Non-Federal: $69,299
Yong Zhang, Li Chen, Donald Reevessurface runoff, infiltration, model, heterogeneity, application
2013NVAnnual BaseImpact of climate on mercury transport in the Carson River-Lahontan Reservoir system and Management Alternatives to Mitigate ResponseFederal: $25,433
Non-Federal: $59,510
Rosemary Carrollmercury transport climate, bioaccumulation, remediaton
2013OHAnnual BaseSource tracking of Microcystis blooms in Lake Erie and its tributariesFederal: $6,013
Non-Federal: $12,027
George BullerjahnHABs, cyanobacteria, microcystin
2013OHAnnual BaseRural on-site waste treatment as a source of nutrients to a eutrophic watershedFederal: $9,100
Non-Federal: $18,241
Christopher Spiese, Bryan BoulangerWater quality, waste treatment, nitrogen, phosphorus
2013OHAnnual BaseAssessment of a Novel Application of Biochar to Improve Runoff Water Quality from Vegetated RoofsFederal: $22,292
Non-Federal: $45,887
Ishi Buffam, Dominic Boccellivegetated roofs, runoff, nutrients, dissolved metals, biochar
2013OHAnnual BaseCharacterizing the influence of surface chemistry and morphology on biofilm formation of ceramic membranes in wastewater treatmentFederal: $17,992
Non-Federal: $37,041
Paula Mouser, Hendrik Verweij, Linda WeaversCeramic membranes, biological fouling, ultrasound, filtration
2013OKAnnual BaseRemote Sensing of Water Quality and Harmful Algae in Oklahomas LakesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
K. Hambright, Andrew Dzialowski, Xiangming Xiao
2013OKAnnual BaseComparison of Grain Sorghum and Corn Productivity under Limited Irrigation with Subsurface DripFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Jason Warren, Nicholas Kenny, Rick KochenowerMicro Irrigation, Corn, Sorghum, water use efficiency
2013OKAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $2,763
Non-Federal: $5,525
Mike Langston, Leslie Elmore, Dave Engle
2013ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $27,322
Non-Federal: $59,692
Todd Jarviseducation, outreach, newsletter, symposium
2013PAAnnual BaseToward Mitigating Effects of Elevated Temperatures on Aquatic Ecosystems: Monitoring Thermal Impacts to Halfmoon CreekFederal: $7,774
Non-Federal: $3,809
Lysle Sherwinstream temperature, water quality, impairment, designated use, Clean Water Act
2013PAAnnual BaseDeveloping A Treatment Option for Marcellus Shale Wastewater Through Cultivation of the Algae Dunaliella salinaFederal: $24,027
Non-Federal: $52,620
Kyle Bibby
2013PAAnnual BaseRange Expansion and Genetic Population Structure of Five Pennsylvania State Threatened Fish Species using Environmental DNA (eDNA) and Molecular Genetic Techniques.Federal: $21,851
Non-Federal: $113,241
Brady Porterenvironmental DNA (eDNA), molecular detection, imperiled species, range expansion, species composition surveillance, population structure, conservation and management
2013PAAnnual BaseDeveloping Quantitative Models for the Removal of Quaternary Ammonium Ions as Representative Cationic Emerging Contaminants by Cation Exchange ResinsFederal: $19,216
Non-Federal: $60,035
Huichun ZhangCation Exchange Resins (CERs), Quaternary Ammonium Ions, Emerging Contaminants, Cation Exchange, Predictive models, Water Treatment
2013PAAnnual BaseEvaluation of Round Goby and Tubenose Goby Habitat Disturbance and Impacts to Native Fishes – Phase IIFederal: $23,246
Non-Federal: $57,424
Jay StaufferBiological Control of Invasive Species, Invasion Restrictions
2013PRAnnual BaseField Demonstration of Removal of MS2 Bacteriophage and Bacillus subtilis with a Solar-Powered Engineered Experimental Drum Filtration and Disinfection (SEED) UnitFederal: $6,500
Non-Federal: $11,000
Sangchul HwangDisinfections, Water Quality, Water Treatment
2013PRAnnual BaseThe Total Microbial Community Structure and Enterococci Population Dynamics During a “recent fecal contamination event” in Seawater samples of Puerto RicoFederal: $10,713
Non-Federal: $11,628
Luis Rios-HernandezEnterococci, Microbial community, Recreational water quality
2013RIAnnual BaseDrinking Water Outreach in Rhode IslandFederal: $10,421
Non-Federal: $17,256
Harold Knickle, Geoffrey BothunWater Quality, Conference, Summer Camp, High School Students, Clean Water, Careers, Rhode Island
2013RIAnnual BaseSeismic Evaluation of the Gainer Memorial DamFederal: $18,445
Non-Federal: $40,440
Aaron Bradshaw, Gopu Potty, George TsiatasSeismic, Dam Safety, Earth Dams
2013SCAnnual BaseEnhancing Sattelite Measurements of Water Surface Temperature Using a Thermal Model of the Lake Surface for Improved Evaporation EstimatesFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
John Saylor, Nigel KayeEvaporation, Thermal Models, GIS, Remote Sensing, Surface Temperature, Water Availability, Water Quantity, Reservoirs, Lakes, Satellite
2013SCAnnual BaseEffects of Pharmaceutical Photodegradation Products in Freshwater on Local AmphibiansFederal: $12,030
Non-Federal: $24,060
Allison Welch, Wendy CoryAmphibians, Pharmaceuticals, Ecotoxicity, Photodegradation, Freshwater
2013SDAnnual BaseEvaluating the Nitrate-Removal Effectiveness of Denitrifying Bioreactors (part 2)Federal: $20,526
Non-Federal: $43,374
Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Christopher Hay, Todd TrooienDenitrifying Bioreactors, Agricultural Drainage, Nitrate Removal, Conservation, Hydrology
2013SDAnnual BaseSubsurface Drainage Impacts on Evapotranspiration and Water YieldFederal: $20,526
Non-Federal: $43,354
Christopher Hay, Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Todd TrooienEvapotranspiration, Subsurface Drainage, Hydrology, DRAINMOD
2013SDAnnual BaseSouth Dakota Water Resources Institute FY2013 Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $7,346
Non-Federal: $14,410
Van KelleyOutreach, Service Communication, Interaction, Information
2013TNAnnual BaseLong-term Evaluation of Norris Dam Operation under Changing EnvironmentsFederal: $11,428
Non-Federal: $18,181
Ungtae KimClimate Change, Water resources management, Reservoir operation, Hydrology, Optimization, Flood, Drought
2013TNAnnual BaseChemical and Morphological Analyses of Trout Otoliths as a Measure of Aluminum Exposure in Streams Impacted by Acid Deposition in the Great Smoky Mountains National ParkFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $24,900
Michelle Connolly, John SchwartzStream, acid deposition, trout, otoliths, baseflow, stormflow, aluminum
2013TNAnnual BaseRe-filling the Bucket: Recharge Processes for the Memphis Aquifer in the Exposure Belt in Western TennesseeFederal: $16,977
Non-Federal: $30,627
Brian Waldron, Daniel LarsenRecharge, hillslope hydrology, ground water, vadose zone, monitoring
2013TNAnnual BaseEngineered Strategy to Remediate Trace Organic Contaminants using Recirculating Packed-Bed Media Biofilters at Decentralized Wastewater Treatment SystemsFederal: $39,000
Non-Federal: $78,497
John Buchanan, Jennifer DeBruynTrace Organic Contaminants, Decentralized Wastewater Treatment, Media Biofilters, Fixed-film
2013TXAnnual BaseEvaluation of invasive aquatic species in TexasFederal: $19,762
Non-Federal: $73,171
Michael Masser, Elizabeth Edgerton, Lucas Gregory, Allen KnutsonInvasive aquatic species, evaluation, ecology
2013TXAnnual BaseIncreasing Water Security through Horizontal WellsFederal: $19,762
Non-Federal: $44,431
Hongbin Zhan, Ben Blumenthal, Kristine UhlmanGroundwater, Horizontal Drilling, Aquifer Storage and Recovery
2013TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $16,001
Non-Federal: $7,360
Roel Lopez, Danielle Kalisek, Leslie Lee, Kevin Wagner, Kathy Wythe
2013UTAnnual BaseQuantification of Water Quality Improvements Through the 900 S Oxbow Restoration and Stormwater BMP Renovation ProjectFederal: $22,299
Non-Federal: $36,295
R. DupontStormwater, Constructed Wetlands, Water Quality, Jordan River
2013UTAnnual BaseCapturing Aerial Imagery on the San Rafael River, Utah, Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Monitor and Assist in Evaluating Restoration EffortsFederal: $19,088
Non-Federal: $44,623
Bethany Neilson, Ian GowingRiver Restoration, Tamarisk, Remote Sensing, AggieAir, Fish Habitat
2013VAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $40,753
Non-Federal: $60,433
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2013VIAnnual BaseIs Water Quality Degradation Inevitable in the VI? Linking the Human Dimension to the Governance of Water Resources Across the Territory.Federal: $24,232
Non-Federal: $0
Wayne Archibald, Kala Flemingwater quality, education, engagement, outreach, water governance, runoff, nonpoint source pollution, partnerships
2013VIAnnual BasePlant Nutrient Management in Aquaponic System for Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) ProductionFederal: $23,996
Non-Federal: $0
Dilip Nandwani, Donald BaileyBER, Nutrient Management, pH, Zucchini
2013VIAnnual BaseGroundwater Chemistry, Flowpaths, and Flux Rates in the Mangrove System Surrounding Bovoni Landfill Within the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER)Federal: $27,284
Non-Federal: $0
Kristin Wilson, Andrew Reevegroundwater, mangroves, Bovoni Landfill, St. Thomas East End Reserve, geologic cores
2013VIAnnual BaseCorrelating Precipitation Patterns and Erosion Indicators Across the St. Thomas MicroclimatesFederal: $24,830
Non-Federal: $0
David Morris, Donald Drost, Michael Larson, Avram Primack, Raymond Torres
2013VTAnnual BaseAutomated Mapping of Effective Impervious Areas (EIA) to Assess the Impact of EIA on Stream HealthFederal: $30,628
Non-Federal: $63,312
Leslie Morrissey, Beverley WempleStream health, impervious areas, stormwater, remote sensing, GIS, LiDAR
2013WAAnnual BaseBlack Carbon and Dust Deposition on South Cascade Glacier Since 1750 AD: Implications for the Timing and Availability of Water Resources in Washington StateFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Susan Kaspari, Carey Gazissnow and glacier melt, black carbon, dust, runoff timing and magnitude
2013WAAnnual BaseArsenic Fate Following In-Situ Sulfate Reduction: Assessing the Sustainability of a Promising Groundwater Remediation StrategyFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,015
Rebecca Neumann, Jennifer Jayarsenic, induced sulfate reduction, remediation, groundwater quality, sustainability
2013WAAnnual BaseAn Integrated Engineering and Economic Analysis of the Columbia River Treaty Renegotiation using Game TheoryFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,001
Michael Brady, Jennifer Adam, Jonathan YoderColumbia River Basin Treaty, Game Theory, Reservoir Modeling
2013WAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $1,525
Non-Federal: $4,763
Michael Barber, Jennifer Adam, Jonathan YoderOutreach, Information Transfer
2013WIAnnual BaseEstablishing the Long-Term Range of Variability in Drought Conditions for Southwest WisconsinFederal: $72,024
Non-Federal: $78,126
Evan Larson, Christopher Underwooddendrochronology, hyrdrologic variability, oak savanna, driftless area
2013WIAnnual BaseImpacts of Climatic and Land Use Changes on Streamflow and Water Quality in the Milwaukee River BasinFederal: $39,088
Non-Federal: $39,275
Woonsup Choi, Changshan WuAutomata-Markov, impervious surfaces, urbanization, sediment and nutrient loading
2013WVAnnual BaseUnderstanding variations in isotopic and molecular compositions of stray gas in areas of accelerating shale gas developmentFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,168
Shikha SharmaStray gas, isotopes, molecular composition, coalbed gas, sampling methodology
2013WVAnnual BaseUsing geomorphic landform design principles to reduce selenium loads from West Virginia valley fillsFederal: $45,856
Non-Federal: $91,800
Ben Mack, Leslie Hopkinson, John QuarantaGeomorphic landform design, valley fills, water quality, selenium
2013WYAnnual BaseMapping annual surface area changes since 1984 of lakes and reservoirs in Wyoming that are not gauged using multi-temporal Landsat dataFederal: $5,512
Non-Federal: $79,048
Ramesh SivanpillaiLake surface area, drought, remote sensing
2013WYAnnual BaseMicro-Patterned Membrane Surfaces with Switchable HydrophobicityFederal: $12,744
Non-Federal: $128,659
Carl Frick, Jonathan BrantReverse osmosis, produced water, hydrophobic surfaces, polymer engineering
2013WYAnnual BaseUse of Fe(VI) for the Improvement of Water Quality in WyomingFederal: $48,553
Non-Federal: $219,923
Maohong Fan, Lamia GoualTotal organic carbon; heavy metals; suspended solids; ferrate; water treatment
2013WYAnnual BaseRumen Microbial Changes Associated With High Sulfur A Basis for Developing Treatments for Ruminant Livestock in High Sulfur Water RegionsFederal: $36,113
Non-Federal: $188,779
Kristi Cammack, Kathy Austin, Gavin Conant, William Lamberson, Ken Olson, Cody WrightSulfate, Water, Livestock, Health
2012AKAnnual BaseEvaluating the treatability of soil contaminated with diesel and 1-chloro-octadecane via bioremediationFederal: $16,113
Non-Federal: $6,083
Silke Schiewer, Mary Leighbioremediation, phytoremediation, contaminated soil, groundwater, remote communities, contaminants in cold regions, soil microbiology
2012AKAnnual BaseResponse of Water Supply Lakes to Climate Change in Western Alaska: a Case Study of Past, Present, and Future Thermal Regimes in KotzebueFederal: $17,489
Non-Federal: $5,004
Christopher ArpArctic, lakes, water supply, thermal regime, climate change
2012AKAnnual BaseMonitoring runoff in glaciated watersheds to assess groundwater recharge and flooding risksFederal: $21,026
Non-Federal: $3,230
Anna Liljedahl, Anthony ArendtRunoff, glacier, groundwater recharge, climate change
2012AKAnnual BaseDeveloping partnerships with rural high-schools along the Kvichak River, Alaska to map strontium (Sr) isotope (87Sr/86Sr) variation and aid tracking Pacific salmon migrationsFederal: $19,266
Non-Federal: $9,537
Matthew WoollerWestern Alaskan Rivers, salmon migration, strontium isotopes, biodiversity, conservation.
2012AKAnnual BaseRapid Moving Debris Lobes in the Brooks Range of AlaskaFederal: $18,441
Non-Federal: $9,128
Ronald DaanenSlope stability, Permafrost, Climate change, Dalton highway
Non-Federal: $100,096
Yucheng Fengbacteria, water quality, biotechnology, pollution control, water quality
2012ALAnnual BaseExperimental Investigation of Stormwater Runoff Quality OriginatingFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,870
Jason KirbyWater Quality (270), Urban Hydrology (258), Runoff (207), Nitrogen (156),
Non-Federal: $51,019
Ahjeong SonPathogenic bacteria, E. coli O157:H7, nanoparticle, DNA, in-situ detection, microfluidics
2012ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $7,554
Non-Federal: $15,109
Brian HaggardConference, Newsletters, Web Interface, Citizen Science, Social Media
2012ARAnnual BasePreparing drinking water utilities on Beaver Lake reservoir to meet disinfection byproduct regulations: The impact of continued nutrient enrichmentsFederal: $63,992
Non-Federal: $127,984
Julian Fairey, Wen Zhangdisinfection byproducts; nutrients; water treatment
2012ARAnnual BaseDevelopment and Implementation of Nutrient Runoff Reduction Measures for Poultry HousesFederal: $42,000
Non-Federal: $84,010
Andrew Sharpley, David MillerChemical filters, nutrient transport, phosphorus runoff, poultry litter management,
2012ARAnnual BaseThe effect of global climate change on algal biomass and total organic carbon concentrations in Beaver LakeFederal: $45,108
Non-Federal: $101,300
Jefferson Scotttotal organic carbon
2012AZAnnual BaseFate of Emerging Nanoparticle Contaminants during Aquifer Recharge with Treated WastewaterFederal: $10,450
Non-Federal: $21,678
Reyes Sierra, James FieldNanoparticles; Engineered nanomaterials; Wastewater reuse; Wastewater recharge; Groundwater
2012AZAnnual Base"Does Increasing Solids Retention Time in the Wastewater Treatment Process Affect the Persistence of Antibiotic Resistance Genes?"Federal: $7,300
Non-Federal: $14,662
Channah Rock, Leif AbrellWater Reuse, Antibiotic Resistance, Wastewater Treatment
2012AZAnnual BaseToxicity of Emerging Contaminants in an Effluent Dependent Stream: the Role of Suspended Solids and SedimentsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $21,115
David Quanrud, Robert Arnold, Eduardo Saez, Shane Snyderemerging contaminants, bioassay, wastewater, sediment
2012AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $58,942
Non-Federal: $115,933
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Jean McLain
2012CAAnnual BaseEffect of forest management on water yields and other ecosystem services in Sierra Nevada forestsFederal: $119,829
Non-Federal: $169,455
Kevin O'Hara
2012CAAnnual BaseSpatial Analysis of Irrigation Efficiencies for the Sate of CaliforniaFederal: $22,008
Non-Federal: $8,599
Samuel Sandoval Solis
2012CAAnnual BaseCIWR Information Transfer - OutreachFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $51,787
Doug Parker
2012COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $37,532
Non-Federal: $158,325
Reagan WaskomTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2012COAnnual BaseAssessing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Institutional Arrangements to Enhancing Forest and Water Ecosystem Services and Ecosystem Services Markest in ColoradoFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,400
Antony ChengWatershed, Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES)
2012COAnnual BaseStructural and Functional Controls of Tree Transpiration in Front Range Urban ForestsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,400
David CooperTree Transpiration, Urban Forests
2012COAnnual BaseWinter Precipitation Variability in the Colorado Rocky MountainsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,400
Nolan DoeskenStreamflow Forecasting, Elevation Gradient, Precipitation Anomalies
2012COAnnual BaseReconstructing a Water Balance for the San Luis Valley: Streamflow Variability, Change, and Extremes in a Snowmelt Dominated Internal Drainage BasinFederal: $9,890
Non-Federal: $4,748
Steven FassnachtWater Balance, Streamflow Variability, San Luis Valley
2012COAnnual BaseThe Short and Long-Term Impacts of Drought on the Structure of Regional Economics: Investigating the Farm Supply ChainFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,400
Christopher GoemansEconomics, Drought
2012COAnnual BaseQuantifying Risks Producers Face when Entering Agricultural Water Lease ContractsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,400
Christopher Goemans, James PritchettAgLet, Water Transfers, Decision Support
2012COAnnual BaseThermal preference of age-0 stonecats (Noturus flavus): Are thermal water quality standards protective for this species?Federal: $4,858
Non-Federal: $2,332
Christopher MyrickStonecat, St. Vrain River, Republican River
2012COAnnual BaseBiowin Simulation to Assess Alternative Treatment Units for a Local Wastewater Treatment Plant to Meet the New Effluent Nutrient RegulationsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,400
Pinar Omur-OzbekBiowin
2012COAnnual BaseUsing Water Chemistry to Characterize the Connection between Alluvial Groundwater and Streamflow Water Under Augmentation at the Tamarack Ranch State Wildlife Area, ColoradoFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,400
John StednickTamarack Ranch, Chemistry
2012CTAnnual BaseField Testing the Educational and Land Use Planning Value of a New Nitrogen Modeling Tool in the Niantic River WatershedFederal: $18,686
Non-Federal: $37,372
Juliana Barrett, Chester Arnold, Emily Wilsonnitrogen source/sink
2012CTAnnual BaseThe Impacts of Wastewater from a Retirement Community on Fish HealthFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $91,370
Thijs Bosker, Thijs Boskerfish reproduction, municipal effluent, retirement community, reproductive impairment, laboratory and field assessment
2012CTAnnual BaseInfluence of dynamic copper speciation on bioavailability in streamsFederal: $31,507
Non-Federal: $72,397
Timothy Vadasbioavailability, non point source, effluent, Cu, DOC
2012DCAnnual BaseBiological Inventory of Seepage Springs and Vernal Pools; Small Isolated Wetlands in Parks of National Capital East (NPS) Federal: $12,224
Non-Federal: $25,500
David CulverBiotic Inventory, Isolated Wetlands, Seepage Springs, Vernal Pools
2012DCAnnual BaseAnticipating Climate Change based on Precipitation Analysis for the District of Columbia Federal: $3,818
Non-Federal: $2,682
Pradeep BeheraClimate Change, Precipitation analysis, Storm event analysis
2012DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of a physically-based model for Performance Evaluation Optimization of Green Roof Systems Federal: $9,230
Non-Federal: $32,517
Arash Massoudieh, Pradeep BeheraStormwater, Low impact development, Green roofs, Flow in unsaturated media, Contaminant fate and transport
2012DCAnnual BaseEvaluating Water Management Alternatives in the Upper Potomac River Basin for the District of Columbia Source Water ProtectionFederal: $8,717
Non-Federal: $29,560
Tolessa Deksissa, Heidi Moltz, James Palmerwater resources planning, water supply capacity building, best management practices
2012DCAnnual BaseEpisodic ion and nutrient inputs to the Anacostia River: constructing a chemical hydrograph of an urban stream's response to periodic rainfallFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $33,952
Stephen MacAvoysediment biogeochemistry, episodic stream chemical response, pollution bioaccumulation, nutrients
2012DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of Porous Driveway System for Districts Residential Lots Federal: $10,900
Non-Federal: $5,014
Inder Bhambri, Pradeep BeheraLow Impact Development, Porous pavement, Urban Runoff
2012DCAnnual BaseWater Pollution Modeling and Prediction Using Computational Intelligence MethodsFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $5,980
Nian Zhang, Pradeep BeheraNonpoint Source Pollution, Urban Runoff, Stormwater Management, Water Quality, Neural Networks, Prediction
2012DCAnnual BaseMonitoring of UDC Van-Ness Campus Green Roof System to Evaluate Runoff Quantity Control Performance Federal: $11,512
Non-Federal: $5,296
Pradeep Behera, Arash MassoudiehLow Impact Development, Green Roof, Urban Runoff
2012DCAnnual BaseA Performance-based Review of World-wide Water Reuse Facilities in Support of DC Water Reuse PolicyFederal: $7,934
Non-Federal: $3,650
Iveracottis ShortWater Quality, Climate Change, Water reuse, Policy, and Public Health
2012DEAnnual BaseThe Returns to Best Management Practices: Evidence from Early Proposals for Nutrient Trading in the Chesapeake Bay WatershedFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Joshua Duke
2012DEAnnual BaseDeveloping Scientifically-Based Food Safety Metrics for Water Management and Irrigation MethodsFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,762
Kalmia KnielPathogens, Food Safety, Irrigation Water Quality
2012DEAnnual BaseWater Quality Impacts of Landscape Best Management Practices that Enhance VegetationFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Shreeram Inamdar
2012DEAnnual BaseImproving Irrigation Management through Soil Moisture Monitoring and Automated Control of Sprinkler and Sub-Surface Drip IrrigationFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
James Sims, James SimsIrrigation management, soil moisture monitoring, sub-surface drip irrigation
2012DEAnnual BaseCharacterization of Viral Diversity within the Mantel Fluid of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginicaFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Eric Wommack, Eric WommackOyster health, viruses, nonpoint pollution, habitat destruction
2012DEAnnual BaseWater Quality Management in Urban EcosystemsFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Susan Barton, Jules BruckUrban watersheds, stormwater, landscape design, native plants
2012DEAnnual BasePreventing Formation of Toxic Chlorination Byproducts in Water Using Zerovalent IronFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Pei Chiu, Pei ChiuToxic chlorination byproducts, zerovalent iron, DBPs, treatment technology
2012FLAnnual BaseDevelopment and Evaluation of Indices for Bias Assessment for Radar-based Rainfall EstimatesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Ramesh TeegavarapuNEXRAD, Rain gauge data, Homogeneous Rain areas, South Florida Water Management District, Indices, spatial and temporal, statistical, numerical weather prediction, spatial analysis, GIS
2012FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $30,983
Non-Federal: $18,802
Kirk Hatfield, Mark NewmanInformation Transfer
2012GAAnnual BaseMonitoring Diurnal and Seasonal Cycle of Evapotranspiration over Georgia using Remote Sensing ObservationsFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $120,000
Jingfeng WangEvapotranspiration, Remote Sensing
2012GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $23,442
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2012GUAnnual BaseTeaching Teachers about Guam's Water Resources and 'Guam Water Kids': 1 Credit Hour Continuing Education Course with Guam Department of Education, Professional & International Program-University of Guam, and WERIFederal: $10,725
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta CardWater resources, teacher training, aquifer, groundwater, surface water, watershed, Guam, hydrological cycle, ground water, non-source pollution, non-point pollution, conservation, fresh water, water supply, education
2012GUAnnual BaseOne-Day Executive/Professional Field Course, with Webpage on Sustainable Management of the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $8,970
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonGroundwater education; Aquifer field trip, Aquifer models
2012GUAnnual BaseSpatial and Temporal Analyses of the Relationship Between Groundwater Salinity and Rainfall Amounts, Timing, and Intensity in the Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $36,821
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Mark LanderGroundwater availability; Groundwater quality
2012GUAnnual BaseLiDAR-based Delineation and Hydrologic Modeling of Southern and Central Guam Watersheds Federal: $13,800
Non-Federal: $0
Maria KottermairWatershed boundaries; drainages; surface water flow; flow direction; rivers; watershed management; hydrology; Southern Guam; LiDAR; elevation model
2012GUAnnual BasePresenting 'CNMI Water Kids': Private Elementary/Middle Schools and Northern Marianas College of Education Outreach/Teacher Relations ProgramFederal: $13,673
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta CardWater resources; aquifer; groundwater; surface water; watershed; CNMI; water cycle; ground water; non-source pollution; non-point pollution; conservation; Mariana Islands; limestone
2012GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of Water Usage Pattern (Diurnal Demand Pattern) for Saipan Water Distribution SystemFederal: $26,172
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Use Data; Water Demand; Distribution Systems; Model Studies
2012GUAnnual BaseEnvironmental Impact of FUDS and Brownfields Sites in Watersheds on the Eastern Side of Saipan: Phase 2. Impact on Aquatic ResourcesFederal: $39,784
Non-Federal: $0
John Starmer, Gary Dentonpollution monitoring and assessment, dumpsites, heavy metals, pesticides, PCBs, drainage pathways, impact on aquatic resources, Saipan, Micronesia
2012GUAnnual BaseInventory and Assessment of Existing Sewage Treatment Facilities and Excess Sludge Handling Practices in the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $21,407
Non-Federal: $0
Joe RouseWastewater, treatment, sludge handling, disposal, reuse, water quality, Micronesia,
2012GUAnnual BaseImproving the Weno, Chuuk Water Distribution System Using Hydraulic Modeling and Geographic Information SystemsFederal: $27,912
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzWater Distribution Systems, Geographic Information Systems, Water System Modeling
2012GUAnnual BaseIdentifying Sustainable Water Storage Infrastructure for Atoll Island CommunitiesFederal: $12,946
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonAtoll island aquifers
2012GUAnnual BaseWater System Leak Detection Training for Pohnpei Utilities Corporation (PUC), the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $17,848
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Resources, Training, Education, Operations and Maintenance
2012HIAnnual BaseEvaluation of rapid QPCR method for enterococci with correlative assessment for molecular markers for sewage contamination in selected environmental water samples from Hawaii.Federal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $83,180
Marek Kirsrapid methods, microbial source tracking
2012HIAnnual BasePromoting Water Sustainability LiteracyFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
John Cusick, David PennWater Forum, sustainability literacy, civic engagement
2012HIAnnual BaseCreating an inventory of coastal ecosystem services and their management in HawaiiFederal: $3,333
Non-Federal: $6,727
Steven Grayecosystem services; water policy
2012HIAnnual BaseSatisfying Growing Water Demand Through Integrated Groundwater and Watershed ManagementFederal: $10,503
Non-Federal: $21,146
Kimberly Burnettintegrated water resource management, watershed conservation, groundwater, climate change, dynamic efficiency, economic optimization
2012HIAnnual BaseFate and Transport of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in Simulated Bank Filtration SystemFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $21,442
Chittaranjan Ray, Matteo D'AlessioRiverbank filtration, Micropollutants, Redox, Column
2012HIAnnual BaseMolecular, Fluorometric and Confocal Microscopy Analysis of Microbial Community Composition and Structure Federal: $13,991
Non-Federal: $28,150
Celia Smith, David Spafford
2012HIAnnual BaseAcquire Sedimentation Data to Promote Reservoir Sustainability and Advance Watershed ScienceFederal: $38,000
Non-Federal: $76,000
David PennRESSED
2012HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $13,632
Non-Federal: $27,516
Philip Moravciktechnology transfer, information transfer, website, seminars, conferences
2012HIAnnual BaseUsage of UV disinfection coupled with rain water catchment and stream water in rural areasFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,104
Bunnie Yoneyama, Joseph LichwaUV disinfection, water supply, slow sand filtration,
2012HIAnnual BaseBioaccumulation and Biotransformation of Arsenic by Marine Algae in HawaiiFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $11,840
Philip MoravcikAlgae, Arsenic, Pesticide, bioaccumulation
2012IAAnnual BaseQuantifying Field Water Balance Components as Affected by Shifts in Land-Use Patterns: Implications for Minimizing Agricultural Impacts on Water Quality in IowaFederal: $28,328
Non-Federal: $102,584
Robert Horton, Matthew HelmersWater Quality, Crop Water Use, Evapotranspiration, Biofuels, Hydrologic Model, Land-use change
2012IAAnnual BaseDielectric Measurement of Soil Nitrate ConcentrationFederal: $13,783
Non-Federal: $48,996
Amy Kaleitanitrate concentration, dielectric spectoscopy, permittivity, spectral analysis
2012IDAnnual BaseDeveloping a Conjunctive Water Resources Planning and Management Model for the Eastern Snake River PlainFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $56,150
Jae RyuSurface water and Groundwater Interactions, Human and Natural Systems
2012IDAnnual BaseAn Ecosystem Services Analysis of the Boise River BasinFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Scott LoweEcosystem Services, Use Values, Nonuse Values
2012IDAnnual BaseThe Idaho Water Resources Outreach and Engagement ProjectFederal: $86,170
Non-Federal: $56,416
John Tracy, Julie Scanlin
2012IDAnnual BaseCharacterizing Boise River Watershed Water Quality Using BASINS ModelingFederal: $29,480
Non-Federal: $58,984
Shawn BennerDeveloping a Water Resource Management Tool
2012IDAnnual BaseThe geomorphic signature of salmon: quantifying the impact of spawner density on stream bed morphology and habitat for future spawners to inform water resources managementFederal: $29,020
Non-Federal: $50,336
Alexander Fremier, Elowyn Yagerbiotic feedbacks, geomorphology, hydrology, salmon redd, spawning, stream bed
2012ILAnnual BaseMeasuring Public Preferences over Stormwater Management Outcomes in Illinois: Willingness to Pay and Willingness to HelpFederal: $30,075
Non-Federal: $60,578
Amy AndoStormwater management, values, flooding, water quality, aquatic habitat
2012ILAnnual BaseThe Impacts of Cellulosic Biofuel Feedstock Production on Midwest US Hydrologic CycleFederal: $31,814
Non-Federal: $148,394
Carl Bernacchi, Carl BernacchiLand-use-change, water use efficiency, evapotranspiration, streamflow, Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
2012ILAnnual BaseTransferring Water Resources Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $25,446
Non-Federal: $6,438
Lisa MerrifieldConferences, outreach, web site
2012INAnnual BaseTransport and retention of atrazine, metolachlor, carbaryl, and chlorothalonil in agricultural streamsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $66,482
Melody Bernot, Daniel Eliasagricultural contaminants, nonpoint pollution, streams, toxicology
2012INAnnual BaseMonitoring and Modeling of Hydrodynamic Processes at the Wabash-Tippecanoe ConfluenceFederal: $22,114
Non-Federal: $44,228
Venkatesh Merwade, Indrajeet Chaubey, Reuben GoforthWabash River; Tippecanoe River; Hydrodynamic Modeling
2012INAnnual BaseIdentifying Opportunities for Soil and Water Conservation With Indianas County Surveyors and Drainage BoardsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Linda Prokopy, Nathan MullendoreDrainage Water Management, Drainage Policy, Channelized Streams, Water Quality, Nonpoint Source Pollution, Diffusion of Innovation
2012INAnnual BaseNiche breadth variation of fish assemblages for the entire Wabash RiverFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $61,678
Mark PyronFish assemblages, geomorphology, hydrology, substrates, niche breadth
2012INAnnual BaseConnectivity & Functioning of Wetlandscapes: A Complex Network Modeling AnalysisFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
2012INAnnual BasePollution Prevention Strategies for Farmers and Commercial Input Applicator BusinessesFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $30,419
Fred Whitfordspills, pollution prevention, environment, water
2012KSAnnual BaseSediment Core Analysis for Understanding Reservoir HistoryFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,208
Mark Jakubauskas, Frank deNoyelles, Jr.Hydrological
2012KSAnnual BaseImpacts of In-channel Dredging on the Morphology of the Kansas RiverFederal: $23,333
Non-Federal: $56,684
Melinda Danielsdredge, channel incision, bank erosion, sediment
2012KSAnnual BaseEvaluation of the Kansas P Index using APEXFederal: $21,000
Non-Federal: $50,212
Nathan NelsonPhosphorus Index
2012KSAnnual BaseInvestigation of Recharge to the High Plains Aquifer, Northwestern KansasFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $60,016
Randy Stotler, James ButlerRecharge, Aquifer
2012KSAnnual BaseGetting the information modelers need: Extracting hydrostatigraphic information from drillers' logsFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $59,606
Geoffrey Bohling, James Butler, Blake Wilson
2012KYAnnual BaseQuantifying benthic macroinvertebrate communities and habitat in a recently restored stream in eastern KentuckyFederal: $4,138
Non-Federal: $8,676
Amy Bracciastream restoration, aquatic insects, ecological study
2012KYAnnual BaseDevelopment of wetland assessment methods for KentuckyFederal: $4,295
Non-Federal: $8,816
David Brownassessment, condition, biological integrity, riverine wetlands
2012KYAnnual BaseHydrologic characterization of a tree- and shrub-vegetated rain gardenFederal: $4,985
Non-Federal: $12,802
Carmen Agouridisbioretention, stormwater, infiltration, water balance
2012KYAnnual BaseDevelopment and calibration of biomarkers in native sunfish for use in detection of endocrine active compoundsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,166
David Peyton, Ben Brammellendocrine disruptors, nucleic acid sequences
2012KYAnnual BaseThe combined effects of the herbicide atrazine and predator cues on larval dragonfliesFederal: $4,976
Non-Federal: $11,779
Claire Fullerpredator-prey dynamics, freshwater ecology, immune investment
2012KYAnnual BaseOccurrence of synthetic estrogen in surface water, source water, and drinking water in the Barren River watershedFederal: $4,978
Non-Federal: $10,586
Ritchie Taylorpharmaceuticals, emerging contaminants
2012KYAnnual BaseField-scale water and bromide transport as affected by land use and rainfall characteristicsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,364
Ole Wendrothrainfall simulation, spatial variability, scale-dependent variability
2012KYAnnual BaseFate & transport of herbicides in karst autogenic recharge of Kentucky's Mississippian PlateauFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,237
Chris Grovesgroundwater, epikarst, atrazine
2012KYAnnual BaseArsenic detection using quartz crystal microbalanceFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,448
David Atwoodgroundwater, drinking water, analytical methods
2012KYAnnual BaseSampling for pharmaceuticals in Kentucky surface watersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,022
E. Glynn Beckemerging contaminants, antibiotics, estrogen, PPCPs
2012KYAnnual BaseDetermining groundwater flow velocities and discharge rate at the Kentucky Horse Park Royal Spring conduit monitoring stationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,068
James Currensdye tracing, mass flux, karst hydrology, TMDL
2012KYAnnual BaseKentucky information transfer activitiesFederal: $38,963
Non-Federal: $70,706
Lindell Ormsbeesymposium, Internet, www
2012LAAnnual BaseNutrient and harmful algal bloom (HAB) dynamics in Lake Pontchartrain during a non-spillway opening yearFederal: $15,600
Non-Federal: $37,948
John White, Sibel Bargu, Chunyan LiWater quality; harmful alogal blooms; nutrients; eutrophication, Lake Pontchartain
2012LAAnnual BaseIdentification of contaminant source locations in Amite River watershedFederal: $16,199
Non-Federal: $32,926
Zhi-Qiang DengNon-point source pollution; contaminant source location, watershed
2012LAAnnual BaseHydrostratigraphy Modeling of the Southern Hills Aquifer System and FaultsFederal: $15,600
Non-Federal: $31,927
Frank TsaiHydrostratigraphy, Hydrofacies, Uncertainty, Multimodel Analysis, Aquifer System, Fault
2012LAAnnual BaseIrregular Wave Dissipation by Coastal VegetationFederal: $15,495
Non-Federal: $32,056
Heather SmithWaves, vegetation, wetlands, turbulence
2012MAAnnual Base Analysis of Charles River (MA) Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Using a Prototype Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $69,864
Bruce JacksonSubmersible, SAV, blue-green algae
2012MAAnnual BaseFluvial Geomorphology WorkshopFederal: $6,738
Non-Federal: $10,921
Paula Rees, Christine Hatch, Marie-Francoise Hattefluvial geomorphology, assessements, methods
2012MAAnnual BaseBiopolymer Sorbents for Tungsten RemovalFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,052
Jessica Schiffmanchitosan, tungsten, biopolymer, nanoparticle, water treatment
2012MAAnnual BaseElucidating the impact of upgrading wastewater treatment for nitrogen removal on eutrophication and toxic algal bloom in Long Island SoundFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,249
Chul ParkBiological nitrogen removal (BNR), Connecticut River, Eutrophication, Long Island Sound, Nitrogen permit, Organic nitrogen, Toxic algal bloom
2012MAAnnual BaseLand Use, Land Cover and Stormwater Management in Massachusetts under Conditions of Climate Change: Modeling the Linkages Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,036
Elizabeth Brabecstormwater management; watershed planning; impervious surface impacts; watershed land use/cover impacts
2012MAAnnual BaseModeling of Road Salt Contamination and Transport in Ground WaterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,725
Rudolph Honmodeling, road salt, contaminant transport, drinking water supply
2012MAAnnual BaseSymposium on the Value of WaterFederal: $7,051
Non-Federal: $9,258
Paula ReesSymposium, Water Value, Water Use
2012MAAnnual BaseWater Managers WorkshopFederal: $5,776
Non-Federal: $13,618
Paula ReesWater Management, Water Quality, Water Use, Water Supply
2012MAAnnual BaseThe River’s Calendar symposium: effects of climate change on phenology of riparian systems.Federal: $6,646
Non-Federal: $3,910
Jerry SchoenClimate, phenology, riparian, stream, river, recreation, citizen science
2012MDAnnual BaseQuantifying remobilization rates of legacy sediment from Maryland Piedmont floodplainsFederal: $66,326
Non-Federal: $159,244
Andrew Millersediment, dams, floodplain, legacy, Piedmont
2012MDAnnual BaseEcohydrology of ditch-drained coastal marshesFederal: $52,280
Non-Federal: $105,692
Brian Needelman, Andrew Baldwin, Paul LeisnhamTidal marsh, hydrology, ditches, creeks, plant communities, mosquitoes, restoration potential
2012MDAnnual BaseMaryland Water 2012 - SymposiumFederal: $2,569
Non-Federal: $5,238
Kaye BrubakerMaryland, Information Transfer, Water Science
2012MDAnnual BaseMultixenobiotic resistance (MXR) induction in amphipods (Hyalella azteca) by agricultural ditch sediment and water (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,240
Kaye Brubaker, William Lampecotoxicology, non-target effects, agricultural ditches, risk assessment
2012MDAnnual BaseForest N retention in the Chesapeake Bay watershed: A role in water quality restoration? (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $18,497
Kaye Brubaker, Keith EshlemanForest, Nitrogen deposition, Nitrogen export, Climate change
2012MEAnnual BaseInvestigating the Impact of Pollutants in Street Dust on the Long Creek Watershed, South Portland, ME: Collaborative Research Between USM, CCSWCD, and LCWMD Federal: $18,983
Non-Federal: $45,305
Lucille Benedict, Kate McDonaldPAH, Metals, street dust, urban watershed
2012MEAnnual BaseInformatics approaches for reuse and modeling of heterogeneous mercury dataFederal: $10,539
Non-Federal: $117,463
Kate Beard, Linda Bacon, Melinda Neville30, 44, 55, 56, 91, 251
2012MEAnnual BasePhotocatalytic Degradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Natural Water using Silver-Doped ZeolitesFederal: $6,659
Non-Federal: $67,772
Aria Amirbahman, Howard PattersonPPCP, Silver-doped Zeolite, Photocatalysis, DOC
2012MEAnnual BaseDo coastal Maine lakes have fish higher in mercury? A targeted survey including lakes in Acadia National ParkFederal: $16,546
Non-Federal: $33,643
Sarah Nelson, Aria Amirbahman, Linda Bacon, Stephen NortonGeochemistry, Hydrobiology, Lakes, Pollutants, Ponds, Water Quality Monitoring, Water Chemistry
2012MEAnnual BaseMaine Salt Management Scoping ProjectFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $15,357
Laura Lindenfeld, Karen HutchinsInformation dissemination, institutional relationships, salinity, snow, socioeconomic issues, streams, water quality management
2012MEAnnual BaseAnalyzing Legacy Data in a Climate Context to Decipher Modern Changes in Lakewater ChemistryFederal: $7,369
Non-Federal: $74,746
Jasmine Saros, Sean Birkel, Sarah Nelson, Kristin StrockAcid Deposition; Atmospheric Processes; Climate; Data Analysis; Drought; Geochemistry; Geographic Information Systems; Lakes; Statistics; Time-Series Analysis; Water Chemistry; Water Quality Monitoring; Water Quality Management; Weather Data Collection
2012MEAnnual BaseImproving Data to Build Trust for Community Generated Knowledge of Groundwater.Federal: $1,600
Non-Federal: $8,932
John Peckenhamprivate well, citizen-science, data quality
2012MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $21,208
Non-Federal: $27,997
John Peckenhameducation, outreach
2012MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $22,236
Non-Federal: $44,958
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Use, Water Quantity, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2012MIAnnual BaseDissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $25,490
Non-Federal: $52,441
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Natural Shorelines, Great Lakes, Watershed Management; Invasive Species; Lake and Stream Monitoring; Interactive Web-based Systems; Climate Outreach
2012MIAnnual BaseWater Quality and Nonpoint Source Disproportionality: Addressing the Structural FactorsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,738
Stephen Gasteyerwater quality; watershed management; civic environment; disproportionality; community capitals
2012MIAnnual BaseLandscape and lake characteristics driving the genetic and species diversity of aquatic plantsFederal: $13,731
Non-Federal: $26,943
Kendra Cheruvelil, Joseph BumpMacrophytes, lake connectivity, landscape genetics, species diversity, genetic differentiation, Inter sequence simple repeats (ISSR)
2012MIAnnual BaseSpatially distributed modeling of water and pollutant transport in the Great Lakes watershedsFederal: $15,677
Non-Federal: $58,812
Chansheng HeNonpoint source pollution, hydrological modeling, Distributed Large Basin Runoff, Saginaw River Basin
2012MNAnnual BaseTracing nutrient sources at the land-water interface in urban environments Federal: $59,484
Non-Federal: $113,474
Jacques Finlay, Sarah Hobbieeutrophication, storm water, urban ecosystems, phosphorus, nitrogen
2012MNAnnual BaseIdentification of Municipal Wastewater as a Key Reservoir of Antibiotic Resistance: Itasca State Park as a Model SystemFederal: $84,104
Non-Federal: $154,710
Timothy LaParaantibiotic resistance genes, antibiotic resistant bacteria, wastewater, public health
2012MNAnnual BaseImproving treatment: Understanding the effect of organic carbon on the biodegradation of two endocrine disrupting compoundsFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $30,494
Paige NovakMicropollutants, Estrone, Bisphenol A, Competition, Treatment, Biodegradation
2012MSAnnual BaseAcoustic Measurements for Monitoring Fine Suspended Sediment in StreamsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,036
James Chambers, Wayne Carpenter, Cristiane SurbeckWater Quality, Sedimentation
2012MSAnnual BaseAnalysis of Precipitation Variability and Related Groundwater Patterns over the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial ValleyFederal: $35,236
Non-Federal: $89,608
Jamie Dyer, Andrew MercerWatershed Management, Water Resources Development
2012MSAnnual BaseSoil Media Compositions for Water Quality Improvements and Stormwater Management in Urban Flow-through FacilitiesFederal: $16,249
Non-Federal: $34,433
Robert Kroger, Warren (Cory) GalloWater Quality, Water Quality Management
2012MTAnnual BaseAssessing Hydrologic, Hyporheic, and Surface Water Temperature Responses to Stream RestorationFederal: $28,000
Non-Federal: $56,004
Geoffrey PooleGroundwater, surface water, hyporheic exchange, temperature
2012MTAnnual BaseThresholds in fluvial systems: Flood-induced channel change on Montana riversFederal: $27,766
Non-Federal: $56,464
Andrew Wilcoxfluvial geomorphology, thresholds, floods, resilience
2012MTAnnual BaseNutrient dynamics and ecosystem function in coupled aquatic-terrestrial ecosystems during a mountain pine beetle infestation of whitebark pineFederal: $13,785
Non-Federal: $27,700
Laurie Marczakclimate change, whitebark pine, mountain pine beetle
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship Project: Evaluating hydrogeomorphic controls on bull trout spawning habitat in mountain streams, Northwestern MontanaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $420
Jared Beantrout, geomorphology
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Research Fellowship: Pool Response to Fine Sediment Loading from Dam Removal, White Salmon River, WashingtonFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $420
Erika Colaiacomoreservoir, sediment, erosion
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Research Fellowship: An Investigation of Natural Treatment Systems in Cold ClimatesFederal: $750
Non-Federal: $330
Katie Daviswastewater treatment, cold climate, denitrification
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Research Fellowship: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Spring Snowmelt Timing to the Diurnal Snowmelt CycleFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $420
Fred Kellnersnowmelt
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Research Fellowship: Invisible impacts of changing stream conditions: nongame fish assemblage response to changing stream temperaturesFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $840
Michael LeMoinefisheries, species
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Research Fellowship: Food web effects of stream invasion by Potamopyrgus antipodarum and interactions with eutrophicationFederal: $750
Non-Federal: $315
Eric Richinsaquatic nuisance species
Non-Federal: $210
Anthony Thompsontreaty, water agreement
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Research Fellowship: The Effect of Physiographic Parameters on the Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent: an Analysis of the Representativeness of the Lone Mountain SNOTEL SiteFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $440
Karl Wetlaufersnowpack, kriging, SNOTEL
2012MTAnnual BaseStudent Research Fellowship: Soil temperature and moisture controls on stream recharge from snowmelt events, Lost Horse Canyon, Bitterroot Mountains, MTFederal: $750
Non-Federal: $315
Brett Woelbersnowmelt, runoff
2012NCAnnual BaseAn Integrated Framework for Assessing the Dynamics of Population Growth, Land Use and Climate Change for Urban Water Resources ManagementFederal: $31,078
Non-Federal: $37,347
Emily Zechman, Sankarasubramanian Arumugamubanization, integrated water resources management, climate change, agent-based modeling, cellular automata
2012NCAnnual BaseEvaluation of the P Balance of a Restored, Previously Farmed WetlandFederal: $31,078
Non-Federal: $43,422
Michael Vepraskas, Jeffrey WhitePhosphorus, wetland, restoration
2012NCAnnual BaseNutrient retention and floodplain connectivity in restored Piedmont streamsFederal: $21,079
Non-Federal: $51,368
Sara McMillan, Greg JenningsNitrogen, Stream restoration, Biogeochemistry, Denitrification, Nitrification
2012NCAnnual BaseWRRI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $4,442
Non-Federal: $24,018
Nicole Wilkinson
2012NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $11,450
Non-Federal: $22,903
G. Padmanabhan
2012NDAnnual BaseTile drain water: identification of sources and quality improvement by a constructed wetlandFederal: $10,375
Non-Federal: $20,750
Marinus OtteTile Drains, constructed wetlands, water quality, nutrients
2012NDAnnual BaseStudies of Seasonal Succession of Cyanobacteria and Green Algae at Heinrich-Martin Impoundment, North Dakota Federal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $15,001
Wei LinGreen Algae, Cyanobacteria, Impoundments, Seasonal Variation, Phytoplankton
2012NDAnnual BaseVegetative Filter Strips: A Best Management Practice (BMP) for feedlot runoff pollution control in North DakotaFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Shafiqur RahmanBMP, Vegetative Buffer Strip, Feedlot runoff
2012NDAnnual BaseToward Understanding the Hydrologic Processes on Topographic Surfaces with Depressions - Development of a Physical-based Distributed Puddle-to-Puddle (P2P) Hydrologic ModelFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Xuefeng ChuHydrologic Processes, Overland Flow, Depression topography
2012NDAnnual BaseQuantifying Estrogens Bound to Soil and Manure Colloids and Assessing Their BioavailabilityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Francis CaseyEstrogens, bioavailability, Soil and Manure colloids
2012NDAnnual BaseInvestigation of Bromate Formation in Ozone Disinfection Systems through Comprehensive Sampling, Water Quality Analysis, and Model SimulationFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Wei LinBromate, Ozone disinfection, simulation, treatment
2012NDAnnual BaseRole of Agricultural Drainage on Transport of Cryptosporidium oocysts in North DakotaFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $15,000
Khan Eakalak, John McEvoyAgricultural drainage, Cryptosporidium oocysts, Transport
2012NDAnnual BaseTemporal-spatial distribution (dynamics) of phytoplankton and diversity in relation to lake physical and chemical conditionFederal: $6,650
Non-Federal: $13,300
Wei LinLake water quality, phytoplankton, temporal-spatial distribution
2012NDAnnual BaseSorption, Degradation, and Mobility of 17Estradiol-17-Sulfate in Agricultural SoilsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Francis CaseySorption, Degradation,Mobility, Agricultural soils, Estradiol
2012NEAnnual BaseAnalysis of Potential Groundwater Trading Programs for NebraskaFederal: $19,700
Non-Federal: $39,840
Karina Schoengoldgroundwater trading, Republican River Basin
2012NEAnnual BaseDeveloping a two-tier screen to evaluate the health of Nebraska's wetlands Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Alan Kolok, Craig Allen, Paul Davisatrazine, frogs, wetlands, two-tier screening
2012NEAnnual BaseDirect Monitoring of Knickpoint ProgressionFederal: $23,238
Non-Federal: $46,566
David Admiraal, David AdmiraalKnickpoint, Erosion, Bed Stabilization, Sediment
2012NHAnnual BaseDetermining the Impact of Coal Tar Based Driveway Sealant on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentrations in NH Waterbodies. Federal: $9,967
Non-Federal: $13,249
Alison Wattscoal tar sealant, PAHs, stormwater, sediment
2012NHAnnual BaseJames Hall Vegetated Roof Nutrient Removal Efficiency and Hydrologic ResponseFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $35,034
Robert Roseen, Thomas BallesteroStormwater, Vegetated Roofs, Cold Climate, Environmental Education, Water Resources
2012NHAnnual BaseParticipatory Water Quality Assessment Through the NH Lakes Lay Monitoring ProgramFederal: $8,070
Non-Federal: $37,343
Jeffrey Schloss
2012NJAnnual BasePerformance Assessment of Bioretention for Car Wash Runoff TreatmentFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Michele Bakacs, Steven Yergeaubioretention, rain gardens, car wash runoff
2012NJAnnual BaseApplication of Graphene-based Sorbents for Arsenic and Lead Removal from Drinking Water ResourcesFederal: $29,736
Non-Federal: $59,474
Shifeng Hou, Huan Fenggraphene-based sorbents, nanomaterials, arsenic, lead
2012NJAnnual BasenHFO-Microalgae and Immobilization for Water Quality ImprovementFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Liping Weiarsenic, nHFO, microalgae
2012NJAnnual BasePredicting the matric potential of unsaturated porous media using nuclear magnetic resonanceFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,002
Sam Falzone, Kristina KeatingNMR, matric potential, vadose zone
2012NJAnnual BaseUnderstanding metabolic flux dynamics during hydrolytic and fermentative digestion of wastewater treatment sludge for enhanced ammonia-nitrogen removalFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Amanda Luther, Donna E. Fennellanaerobic digestion, nitrogen removal
2012NJAnnual BaseMitigation of Environmental Nitrogen Release by Enrichment of Hyper Ammonia Producing (HAP) Bacteria in Waste Treatment SystemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Sunirat Rattana, Donna E. Fennellanaerobic biodegradation, waste treatment, nitrogen
2012NJAnnual BaseUrban wetland plant assemblage species diversity and invasive species dominance as expressions of flood regimeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Laura Shappell, Lena Struweurban wetland, invasive species
2012NJAnnual BaseReductive Dehalogenation of Brominated Organic Compounds by Nano FeS ParticlesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Cynthia Steiner, Weilin Huanghalogenated organic contaminants, iron sulfide
2012NJAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $13,742
Non-Federal: $23,703
Christopher Obropta, Lisa Galloway Evrard
2012NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information System for Water Resources Research PlanningFederal: $36,105
Non-Federal: $15,127
Susanna Glaze
2012NMAnnual BaseUpdating the Digital Hydrogeologic-Framework Model of the Mesilla Basin Area with Specific Reference to the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Project (TAAP)Federal: $33,750
Non-Federal: $14,176
John HawleyHydrology
2012NYAnnual BaseRelative Abundance of Blueback Herring (Alosa aestivalis) in Relation to Permanent and Removable Dams on the Mohawk RiverFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,146
Neil Ringler, Karin LimburgBlueback Herring, Dams, Mohawk River, Fisheries
Non-Federal: $40,722
Philippe VidonRiparian Zones, Nitrate Removal, Nutrient Biogeochemistry, Greenhouse Gases
2012OHAnnual BaseMicrobial Modulation of Acidic Coal Mine Drainage Chemistry: Implications for Passive Treatment of MinewaterFederal: $22,754
Non-Federal: $45,720
John SenkoAcid mine drainage, iron-oxidizing bacteria, microbial communities
2012OHAnnual BaseIdentification of Microcystin Degrading Bacteria in the Grand Lake St. Marys and Lake Erie Western BasinFederal: $20,800
Non-Federal: $41,619
Xiaozhen MouMicrocystin degradation, microcystin-degrading bacteria, microbial remediation
2012OHAnnual BaseGreen-House-Gas budget of constructed wetlands: Understanding the sources to maximize benefitsFederal: $51,354
Non-Federal: $102,906
Gil BohrerWater Quality, Methane Flux, Carbon Sequestration, Constructed Wetlands
2012OHAnnual BaseDiscriminating Biotic and Abiotic Arsenic Release Processes under Highly Reduced Ground Water ConditionsFederal: $58,248
Non-Federal: $116,608
John Lenhart, Paula MouserArsenic, Methanogenesis, Biogeochemistry, Microbial Community
2012OKAnnual BaseImpact of Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent on Nitrogen Cycling by Stream BacteriaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,557
Cindy Cisar, Jonathan Fisher, Joy Van Nostrandnitrogen cycle, bacteria, wastewater treatment plant effluent, antibiotics
2012OKAnnual BaseQuantitative assessment of climate variability and land surface change on streamflow decrease in the Upper Cimarron RiverFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Chris Zou, William Andrews, Juanjun GeCimarron River, climate variability, instream flow, land use and land cover change, streamflow
2012OKAnnual BaseIdentifying Nutrient Pathways to Streams: Sediment and Phosphorus Loads from Streambank Erosion and Failure in the Illinois River WatershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Garey Fox, Chad Penn, Daniel StormBank Stability, Phosphorus, Sediment, Streambank Erosion
2012OKAnnual BaseOWRRI Information TransferFederal: $17,348
Non-Federal: $31,622
Dave Engle, Leslie Elmore, Mike Langston
2012ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $56,605
Non-Federal: $127,771
Todd Jarvis, Todd JarvisWater Seminars, Water Film Series, Outreach
2012PAAnnual BasePennsylvania Water Resources Sustainability Surveys Federal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $100,446
Bryan Swistock, Elizabeth Boyer, Patricia Craig, Lysle SherwinWater Resources Survey Stakeholders Policy Planning Management Education
2012PAAnnual BaseInstrumenting Nature: Bringing real-time data into the K-12 curriculumFederal: $22,810
Non-Federal: $87,532
Charles ColeEducation, hydrology, schoolyard wetlands, weather
2012PAAnnual BaseStatistical Evaluation of Triclosan Measurements in Wastewater using ELISA protocol.Federal: $19,584
Non-Federal: $39,170
Holly FrederickEmerging contaminants, ELISA test, Wastewater treatment, triclosan
2012PAAnnual BaseEvaluation of Round Goby Habitat Disturbance and Impacts to Native Fish Populations.Federal: $19,243
Non-Federal: $52,164
Jay Stauffer, Jeanette SchnarsInvasive species, Round Goby, Benthic Species, Interspecific competition
2012PAAnnual BaseRemoval of Benzoic Acids by Anion Exchange Resins as Analogues for Natural Organic Matter and Emerging ContaminantsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $105,212
Huichun ZhangAnion Exchange Resins, Benzoic Acids, Emerging Contaminants, Ion Exchange, Natural Organic Matter, Polanyi Theory, Polyparameter Linear Free Energy Relationship, Power Plant Make-up Water, Water Treatment
2012PRAnnual BaseField Demonstration of Removal of MS2 Bacteriophage and Bacillus subtilis with a Solar-Powered Engineered Experimental Drum Filtration and Disinfection (SEED) Unit Federal: $26,358
Non-Federal: $34,922
Sangchul HwangBacillus subtilis, E. coli, MS2 bacteriophage, removal
2012PRAnnual BaseMicrobial source tracking: The hunt for E. faecalis the dominant Enterococci among non-pigmented environmental enterococci in the water systems of Puerto Rico.Federal: $39,400
Non-Federal: $29,178
Luis Rios-Hernandez, Luis Rios-HernandezEnterococci, Ecology, Water quality
Non-Federal: $85,912
Jorge Ortiz-Zayasbiomonitoring, health effects, pollutants, public health, rivers, runoff, trace organics, toxic substances, water chemistry, water quality monitoring, water quality
2012RIAnnual BaseA novel fabrication method for antibacterial membrane Federal: $17,054
Non-Federal: $35,080
Eugene Park, Stanley Barnettantibacterial, membrane, fiber
2012RIAnnual BaseClean Water Outreach in Rhode IslandFederal: $16,093
Non-Federal: $32,284
Harold Knickle, Geoffrey Bothun
2012RIAnnual BaseWave-Induced Pore Pressures in Remedial Caps in ReservoirsFederal: $16,540
Non-Federal: $34,813
Aaron Bradshawreservoirs, sediment remediation, caps, water waves, pore pressures
2012SCAnnual BaseEffects of Water Pollution on Fish Health in the Savannah RiverFederal: $59,862
Non-Federal: $132,068
Peter Van Den Hurk, Michael Pallerconservation, environmental risk assessment, biomarkers, fish toxicology, point sources, non-point sources
2012SCAnnual BaseA Modeling Study of Water Shortages in the Savannah River Basin: Sensitivity of Water Availability to Evaporative Loss and Climate ChangeFederal: $59,998
Non-Federal: $119,330
Nigel Kaye, John Saylorevaporation, drought, water resources management, basin-scale modeling, climate change
2012SDAnnual BaseEvaluation of the performance of two vegetated treatment systemsFederal: $8,250
Non-Federal: $17,002
Todd TrooienWastewater, feedlot, vegetated treatment system
2012SDAnnual BaseIdentifying barriers for adopting new drainage technology among agricultural producersFederal: $11,806
Non-Federal: $23,786
Nickolas Benesh, Jeppe KjaersgaardAgricultural management practices, Psychology, Tile drainage, Water quality,
2012SDAnnual BaseSubsurface Drainage Impacts on Evapotranspiration and WaterFederal: $39,286
Non-Federal: $78,594
Christopher Hay, Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Todd TrooienEvapotranspiration, Subsurface Drainage, Hydrology, DRAINMOD
2012SDAnnual BaseEvaluating the Nitrate-Removal Effectiveness of Denitrifying BioreactorsFederal: $39,286
Non-Federal: $78,614
Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Christopher Hay, Todd TrooienDenitrifying Bioreactors, Agricultural Drainage, Nitrate Removal, Conservation,
2012SDAnnual BaseEvaluation of wastewater produced in biomass pyrolysis processFederal: $22,720
Non-Federal: $45,250
Lin Wei, Todd TrooienWastewater, biomass, pyrolysis, biofuels, catalyst
2012SDAnnual BaseFY12 Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $17,768
Non-Federal: $35,579
Van Kelley, kevin dalsted, Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Trista Koropatnicki
2012SDAnnual BaseTest ProjectFederal: $187
Non-Federal: $247
Adam ColemanTest Keyword
2012TNAnnual BaseRainwater Harvesting as part of a Sustainable Urban Water Management StrategyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $43,247
Kevin Robinson, Kevin RobinsonRainwater Harvesting, Water Management, Water Conservation, Cooling Tower
2012TNAnnual BaseDetermining Channel Protection Flows in Urban Watersheds Through Effective Strategies for Stormwater Management and Stream RestorationFederal: $30,245
Non-Federal: $74,189
John Schwartz, John SchwartzTMDLs; Channel Protection; Stormwater Management; Stream Restoration Bank Erosion; Urbanization
2012TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $62,234
Non-Federal: $116,650
Neal Wilkins, Danielle Kalisek, Leslie Lee, Courtney Smith, Jaclyn Tech, Kevin Wagner, Ralph Wurbs, Kathy Wythe
2012TXAnnual BaseEvaluation of invasive aquatic species in TexasFederal: $21,617
Non-Federal: $64,117
Michael Masser, Elizabeth Edgerton, Lucas Gregory, Allen KnutsonInvasive aquatic species, evaluation, ecology
2012UTAnnual BaseUAV Monitoring and Assessment Applications in Municipal Water and Environmental Management ProblemsFederal: $70,332
Non-Federal: $94,888
David Rosenberg, Austin JensenRemote sensing, UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAS, Unmanned Aerial System, Thermal Infrared, Near Infrared, Landfill Management, Management of Parks and Recreation, Wetlands, Riparian, Wetland Management, Flood Management, Flood Debris
2012UTAnnual BasePerformance of Stormwater Bioretention Systems in Utah’s Climate and Hydrologic ConditionsFederal: $24,037
Non-Federal: $78,523
Steven Burian, Christine PomeroyBioretention, Groundwater Recharge, Water Harvesting, Stormwater, Infiltration, Nutrient transport
2012UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources Research (UCWRR)Federal: $10,959
Non-Federal: $20,115
R. Ivonne Harris, Carri RichardsOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development
2012VIAnnual BaseMicroirrigation for Sustainable Vegetable Production in the US Virgin IslandsFederal: $16,605
Non-Federal: $0
Dilip NandwaniMicroirrigation, Vegetables, Drip irrigation, Soil moisture, Water stress
2012VIAnnual BaseTerrestrial Sediment Delivery and Nearshore Water Turbidity A Case Study From the East End of St. Croix, USVIFederal: $21,007
Non-Federal: $0
Kynoch Reale-Munroe, Bernard Castillo, Carlos Ramos-ScharronSedimentation, erosion, water quality, turbidity, US Virgin Islands
2012VIAnnual BaseHigh-Resolution Mapping of Rainfall Rates Across the St Thomas MicroclimatesFederal: $22,366
Non-Federal: $0
David MorrisRainfall, Rate, Microclimatology, Monitoring, Data
2012VTAnnual BaseEvaluating effectiveness of BMP implementation on gravel roads to reduce sediment and phosphorus runoffFederal: $52,203
Non-Federal: $135,203
Beverley Wemple, Donald Rossroads, best management practices, BMPs, water quality, sediment, phosphorus
2012VTAnnual BaseDevelopment of monitoring buoy system for lake studiesFederal: $31,000
Non-Federal: $43,463
Jason Stockwell, Breck BowdenLake, monitoring, methods, in-situ
2012WAAnnual BaseResponse of River Runoff to Black Carbon in Snow and Ice in Washington StateFederal: $27,000
Non-Federal: $54,000
Susan Kaspari, Carey Gazisblack carbon, snowmelt, runoff timing and magnitude
2012WAAnnual BaseProgress towards assessing the large-scale impacts of forest fires on runoff erosion across the Pacific NorthwestFederal: $27,000
Non-Federal: $54,048
Jennifer Adamerosion modeling fires
2012WAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $3,472
Non-Federal: $6,984
Michael Barber, Michael BarberOutreach, Information Transfer
2012WVAnnual BaseIdentifying Geomorphic Design Parameters to Improve Flood Control and Water QualityFederal: $65,649
Non-Federal: $154,923
Leslie Hopkinson, Ben Mack, John Quarantaheadwater stream mitigation, fluvial geomorphic landform design, valley-fill design
2012WVAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Drinking Water Well Sampling Protocol to Establish Baseline Data Prior to Horizontal Drilling of Gas WellsFederal: $112,686
Non-Federal: $225,393
Jennifer Hause, Melissa O'Neal, Tamara Vandivort, Paul Ziemkiewiczhorizontal drilling, gas wells, Marcellus Shale, sampling, hydraulic fracturing, flowback water, produced water, drilling muds, water quality, environmental impact, West Virginia, Monongahela River Basin
2012WVAnnual BaseStable isotope fingerprinting of waters in area of accelerating Marcellus shale gas development Federal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,120
Shikha Sharma, Shikha SharmaStable Isotope, Fingerprint, Groundwater aquifers, surface waters, coal mine drainage
2012WYAnnual BaseA Treatise on Wyoming Water LawFederal: $4,588
Non-Federal: $39,598
Lawrence MacDonnellWater Law, Prior Appropriation, Water Rights
2012WYAnnual BaseIntegrated Accelerated Precipitation Softening (APS) - Microfiltration (MF) Assembly and Process Development to Maximize Water Recovery During Energy Production and CO2 SequestrationFederal: $18,080
Non-Federal: $134,647
Jonathan Brant, Dongmei LiReverse Osmosis, Energy Exploration Produced Water, Concentrate Management, Accelerated Precipitation Softening
2012WYAnnual BaseMulti-frequency Radar and Precipitation Probe Analysis of the Impact of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding on SnowFederal: $34,270
Non-Federal: $244,800
Bart GeertsWeather Modification, Snow Measurement
2012WYAnnual BaseDecadal Scale Estimates of Forest Water Yield After Bark Beetle Epidemics in Southern WyomingFederal: $63,510
Non-Federal: $511,785
Brent Ewers, Urszula Norton, Elise Pendall, Ramesh SivanpillaiBark Beetles, Water Yield, Forest Succession
2011AKAnnual BaseIntegrating Remote Sensing and Local Knowledge to Monitor Seasonal River Ice DynamicsFederal: $22,290
Non-Federal: $11,034
Knut Kiellandice dynamics, integrated assessment, local knowledge, remote sensing, river conditions, travel, risk, hazards
2011AKAnnual BaseUAA Wellfield: Research and Teaching Applications, Phase IIFederal: $16,100
Non-Federal: $32,224
Bryce Willems, LeeAnn MunkGroundwater, Water Quality, Anchorage Watershed
2011AKAnnual BaseDeveloping high-resolution strontium isotope maps of Alaskan Rivers to track pacific salmon migrations: The Nushagak River as a case study to evaluate spatial and seasonal variability. Federal: $20,098
Non-Federal: $9,949
Matthew WoollerWestern Alaskan Rivers, salmon migration, strontium isotopes, biodiversity, conservation.
2011AKAnnual BasePharmaceutical Trace Study to Identify Microbial Pathogens Sources in and around Rural Alaskan Waste SitesFederal: $20,705
Non-Federal: $10,249
David BarnesPathogens, Solid Waste, Pharmaceuticals, Total Coliform, E. coli, Enterococcus
2011ALAnnual BaseDevelopment of an In-situ Capable Method for Detecting Pathogenic Bacteria in the Alabama Water SuppliesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,853
Ahjeong SonPathogenic Bacteria, E. coli )157:H7, nanoparticle, DNA, in-situ detection,micro-fluidics
2011ALAnnual BaseForage and Fertilization Management Practices to Ensure Quality of Runoff from Pasture Under Grazing Beef CattleFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Russell Muntifering, Yucheng Feng, Thomas McCaskey, Frank Owsley, Charles WoodWatershed Management, Water Quality, Runnoff, Agriculture, Nutrients, Bacteria, Suspended Sediments
2011ALAnnual BaseUtilizing Greywater for Landscape and Green Roof IrrigationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,105
Amy Wright, Charlene LeBleuWastewater Irrigation, Water Reuse, Irrigation Scheduling, Landscape Management, Salinity, Urban Water Systems, Water Harvesting
2011ARAnnual BaseEvaluation of septic system absorption field products with differing architectures in a profile-limited soilFederal: $15,389
Non-Federal: $31,074
Kristofor Bryehousehold wastewater, wastewater treatment, septic systems, absorption field
2011ARAnnual BaseIncreasing awareness for water quality protection: Stream restoration through temporary and permanent animal access restrictionsFederal: $10,634
Non-Federal: $37,001
Dirk Philipp, Kelly BryantWater quality, stream restoration, livestock production
2011ARAnnual BaseContinued Investigation of Land Use and Best Management Practices on the Strawberry River WatershedFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $31,969
Jennifer Bouldin, Richard WarbyBank stability, aquatic macroinvertebrates, water quality, aqueous and sediment toxicity, nutrients
2011ARAnnual BaseAssessment of the microbial population in Beaver Lake swim beach regions to determine origin of fecal pollutionFederal: $21,003
Non-Federal: $42,012
Kristen Gibson, Steven Rickemicrobial source tracking, ultrafiltration
2011ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $17,439
Non-Federal: $20,325
Brian HaggardConference, Newsletters, Web interface, Citizen Science
2011AZAnnual BaseCharacterization of Chelating Agents in Non-regulated Water Sources on Navajo LandsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $23,731
Jani IngramSpeciation, Uranium, Unregulated Wells
2011AZAnnual BaseHydrology Versus Ecology: The Effectiveness of Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in a Semi-arid ClimateFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $22,771
Daniel Childers, Laura Turnbullhydrology, nutrient dynamics, plant uptake, pollution control, wastewater, water chemistry, water quality management, wetlands
2011AZAnnual BaseIodinated Disinfection By-product Formation from Water Reuse PracticesFederal: $9,886
Non-Federal: $20,518
Shane Snyderwater reuse, iodide, trihalomethane, NOM
2011AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $57,249
Non-Federal: $105,949
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden
2011COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $37,371
Non-Federal: $171,667
Reagan WaskomTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2011COAnnual BaseEnvironmental Impacts of Ag-to-Urban Water Rights Transfers in the South Platte River BasinFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,781
Mazdak ArabiWater Supply, irrigation, water transfers
2011COAnnual BaseAquifer Storage and Recovery OptimizationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,750
Reagan Waskomwater storage, ASR
2011COAnnual BaseVariables Controlling Reservoir Sedimentation in the Colorado Front RangeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,700
Ellen Wohlland cover, GIS
2011CTAnnual BaseTesting Methods used for DNA Barcoding of Environmental Samples from the Eightmile River for Diatom (Bacillariophyta) Identification.Federal: $10,690
Non-Federal: $21,420
Diba Khan-Bureau, Louise Lewis, Gary A. Robbinsdiatoms, bioindicators, water quality, molecular analysis, DNA barcoding, environmental sampling, universal primers
2011CTAnnual BasePost-audit Verification of the Model SWMM for Low Impact Development Federal: $30,137
Non-Federal: $58,960
Michael Dietz, John Clausen
2011CTAnnual BaseCTIWR Technology TransferFederal: $44,426
Non-Federal: $77,061
Glenn Warner, Patricia Bresnahan
2011DCAnnual BaseGIS-based Ecosystem Service Analysis of Urban Green Infrastructure as a Tool for Attaining Water and Air Quality Objectives in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $10,100
Non-Federal: $4,646
Tolessa Deksissastormwater, tree covers, carbon sequestration
2011DCAnnual BaseMonitoring of Glyphosate and its Degradation of Residue by Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $6,440
Xueqing SongGlyphosphate, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
2011DCAnnual BaseUrban Stormwater Runoff Prediction Using Computational Intelligence MethodsFederal: $10,800
Non-Federal: $4,968
Nian Zhang, Pradeep BeheraNonpoint Source Pollution, Urban Runoff, Stormwater Management, Water Quality, Neural Network, Prediction
2011DCAnnual BasePollution Source Identification in Washington DC storm-water using Bayesian ChemicalFederal: $14,983
Non-Federal: $49,525
Arash Massoudieh, Ali Arab, Tolessa DeksissaLow Impact Development, Chemical Mass Balance, Source Identification, Statistical Analysis, Urban Runoff
2011DCAnnual BaseHormone Disruption and Environmental Pollutants in Anacostia and Potomac River Fish, Washington DCFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $34,993
Stephen MacAvoy, Cathy SchaeffPAH, Sediment, Biogeochemistry, Reproductive health of Fish, Pollution, bioaccumulation
2011DCAnnual BaseIntegrated Water Use Impact Assessment for DC urban InfrastructureFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $40,972
Royce FrancisLife-cycle impact assessment, Life-cycle cost analysis, Multi-criteria decision analysis; Infrastructure sustainablility
2011DCAnnual BaseMetropolitan Washington Public Officials Water Leadership ProgramFederal: $12,452
Non-Federal: $26,967
Howard Ways, Catherine ShrierLocal water issues, Professional development, Leadership training
2011DEAnnual BaseSediment Transport through Historic Mill Dams of the Christina River BasinFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
James Pizzuto, Kimberly Teoli
2011DEAnnual BasePredation of Bacteria by the White Rot Fungi, Pleurotus ostreatusFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Anastasia Chirnside, John Harris
2011DEAnnual BaseWhite Clay Creek Wild and Scenic Shad Restoration ProjectFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Gerald Kauffman, Chelsea Halley
2011FLAnnual BaseCoupled Biological/Chemical Systems for Maximizing Phosphorus Removal from Natural WatersFederal: $32,143
Non-Federal: $64,286
Treavor Boyer, Mark Brownadvanced oxidation processes, phosphorus, algae treatment, ozone, sodium percarbonate, sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide, UV, calcium, natural organic matter, Everglades, nutrients
2011FLAnnual BaseSustainable Urban Infrastructure and Water Loss Management Including a Case Study of Sanford FloridaFederal: $69,412
Non-Federal: $138,828
James HeaneyUrban water, demand management, water loss control, water use efficiency modeling
2011FLAnnual BaseWatershed Management in the face of EPA's New Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida WatersFederal: $73,600
Non-Federal: $152,400
Wendy GrahamNumeric Nutrient Criteria, Paleolimnology, Best Management Practices, Hydrologic, Processes, Riverine Nutrient Dynamics, Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Policy, Systems Modeling
2011FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $27,947
Non-Federal: $6,694
Kirk Hatfield, Mark NewmanInformation Transfer
2011FLAnnual BaseIn-Filling Missing Daily Rain Gauge Data Using Radar Rainfall Data: Influence of Homogeneous Rain AreasFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,500
Ramesh TeegavarapuNEXRAD, Rain gauge data, Homogeneous Rain areas, South Florida Water Management District, In-filling, Missing Data, mathematical programming, spatial analysis, GIS
2011GAAnnual BaseFlood Risk and Homeowners' Flood Risk Perceptions: Evidence from Property Prices in GeorgiaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Susana Ferreira, Susana FerreiraFloods, Natural Disasters, Climate Change, Hedonic Pricing, Adaptation, Coastal areas, Flood Risk, Flood Maps, Flood Risk Perception, Hurricanes, Tropical Storms, Georgia
2011GAAnnual BaseAssessment of endocrine disruption in fish and estrogenic potency of waters in GeorgiaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Robert Bringolf, Cecil Jennings, Jeffrey ZuiderveenIntersex, wastewater, reproductive fitness, surface water
2011GAAnnual BaseImpact of Upstream Water Use on Salinity and Ecology of Apalachicola BayFederal: $58,000
Non-Federal: $116,000
Philip Roberts, Philip RobertsSalinity; Ecology; Hydrology; Estuarine
2011GUAnnual BasePresenting 'Guam Water Kids': Private, DoDEA School Outreach/Teacher Relations Program Federal: $7,620
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta Card, Arretta Cardwater resources, aquifer, groundwater, surface water, watershed, Guam, hydrological cycle, ground water, non-source pollution, non-point pollution, conservation.
2011GUAnnual BaseComprehensive Analysis of Salinity Trends in Northern Guam Lens AquiferFederal: $25,595
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Mark Landergroundwater availability, groundwater quality
2011GUAnnual BaseReconstructing the Sea Surface Temperature and Wet-Dry Climate History of GuamFederal: $30,475
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Mark Landerwest Pacific climate record, coral, seawater chemistry
2011GUAnnual BaseSediment Analysis and Modeling of the Ugum Watershed in Southern GuamFederal: $17,415
Non-Federal: $0
Charles Luo, Shahram Khosrowpanahturbidity, sediment concentration, LUOM-SED, distributed watershed modeling
2011GUAnnual BasePresenting 'CNMI Water Kids': Public School Outreach/Teacher Relations ProgramFederal: $17,887
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta Cardwater resources, aquifer, groundwater, surface water, watershed, CNMI, hydrological cycle, ground water, non-source pollution, non-point pollution, conservation.
2011GUAnnual BaseReconfiguration of Saipan’s Water Distribution System Model Federal: $27,252
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitz, Mariano Igleciasdistribution systems, model studies, water system operation, water production, water demand
2011GUAnnual BaseEnvironmental Impact of FUDS and Brownfields Sites in Watersheds on the Eastern Side of Saipan. Phase 1: Contaminant Analysis of Soil and SedimentsFederal: $35,647
Non-Federal: $0
John Starmer, Gary Dentonpollution monitoring and assessment, dumpsites, heavy metals, pesticides, PCBs, drainage pathways, sediment, soil and biota analysis, Saipan, Micronesia
2011GUAnnual BaseWater System Leak Detection Training for Saipan, Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC)Federal: $14,180
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanahwater resources, training, education, operations and maintenance
2011GUAnnual BaseHeavy Metal Status of Soils and Stream Sediments Impacted by Leachate from a Municipal Dump in Yap State, Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $4,500
Non-Federal: $0
Christina Fillmedmunicipal dump, soil, sediments, leachate contamination, heavy metals
2011GUAnnual BaseIdentifying Watershed Discharge Patterns and Linkages with Ecological Assemblages in Nimpal Area, Yap State, Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $20,240
Non-Federal: $0
Peter Houk, Yimnang Golbuuwater quality, seagrass-and-macroalgae ecology, nutrients, marine protected areas, adaptive management
2011GUAnnual BaseDeveloping Flow Duration Curves for Use in Hydropower Analysis at Ungaged Sites in Kosrae, Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $22,292
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitzhydropower, flow duration curves, streams
2011GUAnnual BaseAtoll Water Budget Modeling: Information Transfer and Training for the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $10,300
Non-Federal: $0
John Jensonatoll island aquifers
2011GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $22,797
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2011HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $6,262
Non-Federal: $11,918
Philip Moravciktechnology transfer
2011HIAnnual BaseLong-term aspects of high-elevation rainfall and climate change, OFederal: $50,168
Non-Federal: $104,180
David Beilmanclimate change, rainfall, stable isotopes, sediments, groundwater recharge
2011HIAnnual BaseDevelopment of an Advanced Surface Tensiometer for Measuring Water QualityFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,391
Yi ZuoSurface tension, water quality, atomic force microscopy
2011HIAnnual BaseReshaping the Regulatory Framework for Hawaii Aquaculture - Water Quality Standards, Coastal Fishponds, and Shellfish GroundsFederal: $11,046
Non-Federal: $25,674
David Pennfishpond, shellfish, standards, Hawaii
2011HIAnnual BaseAddressing Sewage Contamination of Nawiliwili Streams and Kalapaki BeachFederal: $50,182
Non-Federal: $97,404
Marek Kirs, Joseph Lichwa, Philip Moravcik
2011HIAnnual BaseIsland DirectorFederal: $27,616
Non-Federal: $56,926
Philip Moravcik
2011IAAnnual BaseIdentifying the primary sources of sediment in an anthropogenically altered watershed Year 2Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $21,396
Thanos Papanicolaou, Marian Muste, Douglas Schnoebelen, Larry Weber, Christopher WilsonSediment sources, Water quality, Phosphorus, Sediment transport
2011IAAnnual BaseCommunity-wide Urban Storm Water Planning Utilizing LiDAR, the WinSLAMM Model and GISFederal: $51,453
Non-Federal: $109,965
Ramanathan Sugumaran, John DeGroote, John VoorheesLiDAR, GIS, Water volume and source load model, Storm Water, planning, BMP
2011IAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $46,296
Non-Federal: $111,454
Richard Cruse, James Newman
2011IDAnnual BaseImproving Idaho Infrastructure through Long-term Monitoring of Sediment TransportFederal: $11,745
Non-Federal: $25,299
Elowyn YagerBedload, suspended sediment transport, sediment traps
2011IDAnnual BaseConstructing a local meteoric water line for the Treasure Valley, IdahoFederal: $14,974
Non-Federal: $30,602
Alejandro Flores, Shawn BennerMeteoric water line, stable isotopes, precipitation
2011IDAnnual BaseModeling Dynamic Feedback between Surface and Groundwater Systems: Implications for the Economics of Conjunctive ManagementFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,372
Kelly CobournConjunctive Management, Agriculture, Irrigation, Dynamic Resource Allocation, Groundwater, Surface Water, Hydraulic Feedback, Snake Plain
2011IDAnnual BaseDevelopment of the Idaho Watershed Digital LibraryFederal: $11,796
Non-Federal: $5,299
Devin Becker, Jodi HaireLibrary, Watershed
2011ILAnnual BaseInfluence of Algal/ Bacterial Interactions on Denitrification in Stream BiofilmsFederal: $22,672
Non-Federal: $46,760
John Kelly, Kimberly Gray, Christopher Peterson, Miguel RojasEcology, Denitrification, Biofilms
2011ILAnnual BaseCharacterization of Critical Shear Stresses and Bank Material Erosion Rates on Gravelly Stream Banks through Development of a New In Situ Experimental ApparatusFederal: $28,985
Non-Federal: $57,313
Marcelo Garcia, David WatermanStream Bank Erosion, Meandering Streams, Experimental Methods
2011ILAnnual BaseTransfering Water Research to the People of IllinoisFederal: $34,578
Non-Federal: $34,233
Lisa Merrifield, Carla BlueInformation Transfer
2011INAnnual BaseHow does agricultural activity influence stream ecosystem nitrogen cycling? A multi-stressor assessment of synergistic and antagonistic effects.Federal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $26,001
Melody Bernotagricultural contaminants, nonpoint pollution, streams, toxicology
2011INAnnual BaseNiche breadth variation with seasonal changes in local habitats: fish assemblages of the Wabash River Federal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $27,298
Mark PyronFish assemblages, geomorphology, hydrology, substrates
2011INAnnual BaseHabitat Use and Movements of Shovelnose Sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, in the Wabash River, IndianaFederal: $10,803
Non-Federal: $21,605
Reuben GoforthRiver Fish Ecology, Shovelnose Sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus
2011INAnnual BaseReduction of phosphorus concentration in the Wabash River by an environmentally-friendly nanoparticleFederal: $12,868
Non-Federal: $25,847
Dong ChenPhosphorus, eutrophication, gypsum, surface runoff, nutrients, algae
2011INAnnual BaseTowards a better understanding of E. coli ecology in open streamsFederal: $10,664
Non-Federal: $21,328
Ronald TurcoE. coli, Water Quality
2011INAnnual BasePollution Prevention Through Better Management of Fertilizers, Pesticides, and Salts In Tanks and On TrailersFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,002
Fred Whitfordspills, tank location, pollution prevention, trailers, fiberglass tank
2011KSAnnual BaseGovernor's Water ConferenceFederal: $45,724
Non-Federal: $96,518
Dan DevlinWater, Information Transfer, Sedimentation
2011KYAnnual BaseEffects of streambed sediments on the fate of selenium in eastern Kentucky watersheds contaminated with surface coal mining operationsFederal: $4,996
Non-Federal: $10,002
Yi-Tin Wangselenium, biotransformation, transport, reactors
2011KYAnnual BaseSewage to fertilizer: a proposed solution to water pollutionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $14,653
Rebecca Kelleynutirent removal, filamentous algae, sewage
2011KYAnnual BaseUse of gene expression in longear sunfish and green sunfish as a biomarker of polychlorinated biphenyl and metal exposureFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Ben Brammellendocrine active compounds, biomarkers, contaminants
2011KYAnnual BaseUsing the stability of soil moisture distribution to understand soil system modularity and complexity at the landscape scaleFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,190
Ole Wendroth, Junfeng Zhuvadose zone, watershed processes, electrical resistivity
2011KYAnnual BaseDelineating solute inputs to the headwaters portion of the Cane Run/Royal Spring basinFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,532
Alan Fryar, James Dingerwater quality, karst aquifer, nutirents
2011KYAnnual BaseQuasi-real time sediment discharge measurements using inexpensive experimental technologyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,040
James Foxsensor technology, suspended sediment, flow rate
2011KYAnnual BaseMetagenomic analysis of microbial urea transformation in soilFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,034
Luke Moe, Mark Coyneurease inhibitors, microbial processes, biotransformations
2011KYAnnual BaseOrdination of fish morphological characteristics to investigate intraspecific differences of largemouth bass and paddlefish due to the construction of modern navigation dams on the Ohio River, USAFederal: $4,060
Non-Federal: $8,120
Tamara Slusstrophic shifts, ordination analysis
2011KYAnnual BaseThe effects of prescribed fire on amphibian diversityFederal: $4,997
Non-Federal: $10,716
Howard Whitemanfreshwater ecology, community dynamics, species richness
2011KYAnnual BaseBy-proxy monitoring of aqueous nitrate photolysis and the effect of hydroxl radicalFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Matthew Neephotochemical reactions, infrared vibrational spectroscopy
2011KYAnnual BaseArsenic removal from water with functionalized magnetic nanoparticlesFederal: $4,612
Non-Federal: $13,983
David Atwoodarsenic, water treatment, filtration
2011KYAnnual BaseKentucky information transfer activitiesFederal: $38,670
Non-Federal: $66,399
Lindell Ormsbee, Anna Hoover, Jim Kippsymposium, Internet, WWW
2011KYAnnual BaseUse of gene expression in longear sunfish (Lepomis megalotis) and green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) as a biomarker of polychlorinated biphenyl and metal exposureFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,736
David Peyton, Ben Brammellnucleic acid sequences, contaminant exposure, contaminant detection
2011LAAnnual BaseDevelopment of a 2D Hydrodynamic Model of the Mississippi River and Application To Long-Term Management Scenarios, Contaminant Transport and Sediment TransportFederal: $15,600
Non-Federal: $37,883
Clinton Willson, Clinton WillsonMississippi River Hydrodynamics, Fate-and-Transport, Sediment Transport
2011LAAnnual BaseLouisiana Watershed Education Initiative for Environmental Sustainability Federal: $15,855
Non-Federal: $31,869
Zhi-Qiang DengEnvironmental Sustainability, Nonpoint Source Pollution, Watershed Excellence
2011LAAnnual BaseFeasibility Study of Scavenging Approach to Stop Saltwater Toward Water WellsFederal: $15,606
Non-Federal: $31,563
Frank TsaiScavenger Well, Uncertainty, Chance Constraint, Model Averaging, Prediction, Saltwater Intrusion, Aquifer, Subsurface, Modeling, Optimization, Management
2011LAAnnual BaseTurbulent Interactions of Coastal Vegetation and WavesFederal: $15,832
Non-Federal: $31,710
Heather SmithWaves, vegetation, wetlands, turbulence
2011MAAnnual BaseA Remote Sensing Algal Production Model to Monitor Water Quality and Nonpoint Pollution in New England LakesFederal: $4,984
Non-Federal: $10,029
Mi-Hyun Parknutrients, eutrophication, algal blooms, remote sensing, GIS
2011MAAnnual BaseMonitoring and Understanding Water Quality at Three Potential Charles River Swimming SitesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,775
Ferdi HellwegerCharles River, swimming, E. coli
2011MAAnnual BaseElucidation of the Rates and Extents of Pharmaceutical Biotransformation during NitrificationFederal: $29,953
Non-Federal: $77,311
Andrew Ramsburgnutrient control, pharmaceutical, biodegradation, nitrification, process model
2011MAAnnual BaseAssessing Human Impacts on Sediment and Contaminant Trapping within Oxbow Lake, Northampton, MassachusettsFederal: $4,999
Non-Federal: $12,678
Jonathan Woodruff, Jonathan WoodruffMercury, Floodplain, Sediment, Oxbow Lake, Connecticut River
2011MAAnnual BaseAuthentic Research Projects for Undergraduates based on Groundwater Contamination Issues Related to ArsenicFederal: $9,096
Non-Federal: $18,964
Julian Tyson, Julian TysonArsenic, groundwater, undergraduate education
2011MAAnnual BaseWater Resources Research ConferenceFederal: $21,681
Non-Federal: $21,910
Paula Rees, Marie-Francoise Hatte
2011MDAnnual BaseRelating pollutant and water quality parameters to landuse in a subwatershed of the Choptank River watershed Federal: $22,500
Non-Federal: $47,825
Alba Torrents, Cathleen HapemanWater quality, multi-variable, survey, poultry houses, Eastern Shore, antibiotics, heavy metals, nutrients, bacteria
2011MDAnnual BaseMaryland Water 2011 - SymposiumFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $5,383
Kaye Brubaker
2011MDAnnual BaseRegional Flood Risk Initiative Seed FundsFederal: $15,012
Non-Federal: $33,336
Kaye Brubaker, Gregory Baecher
2011MDAnnual BaseEnvironmental Suitability of Fly Ash Use in Highway Structural Fills (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $14,988
Kaye Brubaker, Ahmet Aydilek
2011MDAnnual BaseThe Effects of Mill Dams on Suspended Sediment Yield, Northern Baltimore County, Maryland (Graduate Fellowship)Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $15,776
Kaye Brubaker
2011MDAnnual BaseDemonstration of Integrated Stormwater & Wastewater Treatment in WaterShed, Maryland’s Solar Decathlon 2011 EntryFederal: $25,107
Non-Federal: $56,072
Amy GardnerSustainable design, greywater, domestic, residential, on-site treatment
2011MDAnnual BaseAn Innovative Learning Tool in Communicating Flood Risk ManagementFederal: $23,631
Non-Federal: $49,635
Bahram MomenCloud computing, Collaborative learning, Community demographics, Computer-assisted decision support system (DSS), Computer technology, FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL), Floodplain Management Program, Flood risk management, Geographic information system (GIS), Google Earth™, Interactive visualization, Model-building, Multi-Hazard Loss Estimation Methodology (HAZUS-MH), National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Realistic visualization, Risk communication, Scientific literacy
2011MEAnnual BaseRelease of Metals to Groundwater from Ultramafic Rocks on Deer Isle, MaineFederal: $9,083
Non-Federal: $59,650
Amanda Olsen48. Contaminant Transport 90. Geochemistry 101. Groundwater Quality 106. Heavy Metals 149. Mineralogy 
 150. Mining 225. Soil Chemistry 251. Toxic Substances 
 252. Trace Elements 266. Water Chemistry
2011MEAnnual BaseComplex systems assessment of biogeochemical factors and microbial community members associated with naturally occurring uranium contamination in groundwater resourcesFederal: $7,250
Non-Federal: $80,735
Paula Mouser, Charles Hess, Jean Macrae, Robert Marvinney, Donna Rizzo, Andy TolmanBacteria, Biotechnology, Geochemistry, Groundwater Quality, Heavy Metals, Mathematical Models, Statistics
2011MEAnnual BaseIdentification of the determinants of fish tissue mercury concentrations in temperate lakes: Factors to be considered in the establishment or revision of fish consumption advisoriesFederal: $23,400
Non-Federal: $46,333
Aria Amirbahman, Stephen NortonGeochemistry, Lakes, Pollutants, Water Quality Monitoring, Water Chemistry
2011MEAnnual BasePrototype Development of SimStream, a Computer-Based Immersive Learning-Environment for Introducing Environmental Systems Concepts to Middle-School StudentsFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $48,177
Shaleen Jain, Mike Scott
2011MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $37,405
Non-Federal: $38,604
John PeckenhamInformation Transfer, Outreach
2011MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $21,415
Non-Federal: $43,339
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Use, Water Quantity, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2011MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $25,920
Non-Federal: $53,364
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Water Quantity, Watershed Management; Interactive Web-based Systems; Water Withdrawals; Exotic Species, Lake Management; Native Shoreline
2011MIAnnual BaseDeveloping Advanced Modeling Tools for Red Cedar Watershed PlanningFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,989
Yi Shi, Phanikumar Manthawatershed, integrated decision support system, water quality, and water quantity
2011MIAnnual BaseInterdisciplinary Water Science and Policy Modeling WorkgroupFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,574
Jinhua Zhao, Jon Bartholiccoupled human and natural systems; interdisciplinary collaboration
2011MIAnnual BaseBuilding a Transforming Framework for Resilient Policy Option and Water Resource Management for Michigan and InternationallyFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,808
Karim Maredia, Jon MacDonagh-Dumlerwater management, resilience
2011MNAnnual BaseStratigraphic Distribution and Mineralogical Sources of Arsenic to Minnesota Glacial AquifersFederal: $32,500
Non-Federal: $57,488
Brandy Toner, Edward Naterarsenic, glacial aquifer, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, GIS, mineralogy
2011MNAnnual BaseThe Role of Sulfate Reduction in Sediment of the St. Louis River Estuary: Phase II Federal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $36,360
Nathan Johnsonsediment, sulfate reduction, mercury, biogeochemistry
2011MNAnnual BasePersistence of the Fecal Indicator Bacteroides in Sand and SedimentFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,400
Michael Sadowsky, Randall Hicksfecal indicator bacteria, Bacteroides, sand, sediments, Lake Superior, microbial source tracking
2011MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $63,808
Non-Federal: $125,738
Thomas Clevenger
2011MOAnnual BaseMicrobiological Characterization and Ecological Control of Membrane Biofouling in Side Stream Municipal Sewage Treatment Reactors Operated for NitrificationFederal: $44,480
Non-Federal: $98,404
Daniel OetherMicrobiological Characterization,Ecological Control, Membrane Biofouling, Sewage Treatment Reactors, Nitrification
2011MSAnnual BaseWater quality and other ecosystem services in wetlands managed for waterfowl in MississippiFederal: $14,150
Non-Federal: $28,368
Richard Kaminski, Amy SpencerEcosystems, sedimentation, water quality, water resources development, wetlands
2011MSAnnual BaseComparisons of Indigenous and Selected Bacterial Degrading Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Consortiums for Remediation of PCP Contaminated GroundwaterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
M Prewitt, Hamid Borazjani, Ken WillefordWater quality, groundwater contamination
2011MSAnnual BaseDeveloping rapid methods for dating of sediments in Mississippi using ICP-MSFederal: $6,508
Non-Federal: $13,017
James CizdzielWater quality, wetlands,contaminant transport mechanisms, sedimentation
2011MTAnnual BaseMethods for estimating wetland evapotranspiration through groundwater flow modeling of diurnal groundwater fluctuationsFederal: $14,900
Non-Federal: $29,800
Kevin ChandlerWetlands; Evapotranspiration; Diurnal groundwater fluctuations; groundwater flow modeling
2011MTAnnual BaseUsing 222Rn and Isotopic Tracers to Trace Groundwater-Lake InteractionsFederal: $10,622
Non-Federal: $34,865
Glenn ShawGroundwater/Lake Interactions, Radon-222, Mountain Groundwater, Tracer Hydrology, Nutrients
2011MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Development and Testing of a Model that Assesses the Effects of the Stress of Climate Change on Ecosystem ConditionFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $850
William KleindlClimate change, model, climatic stress
2011MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Population-scale effects of hypoxia on the distribution and abundance of fishes in Silver Bow CreekFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $638
Joe NaughtonSilver Bow Creek, electrofishing, trout, sucker, dead zone
2011MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: An investigation of drought climatology, vulnerability and mitigation in the Clark Fork River Basin of MontanaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $425
Molly SmithClark Fork River Basin, drought, mitigation, Montana State Water Plan,
2011MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Evaluating availability and use of coldwater thermal refugia for native and nonnative salmonids: implications for Arctic grayling conservation in MontanaFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $850
Shane VatlandArctic grayling, Big Hole River, Montana, col water refugia, coldwater habitat
2011MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Effects of the mountain pine beetle on snow hydrology in MontanaFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $638
Chris Welchmountain pine beetle, snow, climate change, snowpack, streamflow, hydrology
2011MTAnnual BaseStatewide Education and OutreachFederal: $39,993
Non-Federal: $88,582
Steve Guettermanneducation, water resource education, watershed management, water resource management
2011NCAnnual BaseUncertainty in Surface Water Availability over North Carolina due to climate and land use changesFederal: $25,664
Non-Federal: $44,601
Sankarasubramanian Arumugam, Tushar Sinha
2011NCAnnual BaseThe impact of Coal Combustion Products on the quality of water resources in North CarolinaFederal: $31,407
Non-Federal: $43,090
Avner Vengosh, Heileen Hsu-Kim
2011NCAnnual BaseIdentification of membrane foulants and optimum cleaning strategies for nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes treating groundwaters from the Castle Hayne and Peedee aquifersFederal: $25,666
Non-Federal: $44,681
Orlando Coronell
2011NCAnnual BaseWRRI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $4,339
Non-Federal: $24,018
Nicole Wilkinson
2011NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $12,275
Non-Federal: $21,486
G. Padmanabhan
2011NDAnnual BaseStudies of Seasonal Succession of Cyanobacteria and Green algae at Heinrich-Martin Impoundment, North DakotaFederal: $11,300
Non-Federal: $22,600
Wei LinGreen Algae, Cyanobacteria, Impoundments, Seasonal Variation, Phytoplankton
2011NDAnnual BaseArsenic Contaminated Groundwater Remediation by Entrapped Nanoscale Zero-Valent IronFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,001
Achintya BezbaruahGroundwater remediation, nanoparticles, zero-valent iron, Arsenic contamination
2011NDAnnual BasePlant-based Biopolymers for Entrapping Metal Nanoparticles for Arsenic Removal: Biodegradation and Treatability StudiesFederal: $11,300
Non-Federal: $22,600
Achintya Bezbaruah, Khan EakalakArsenic removal, Plant-based biopolymers, Metal nano particles, Nanoscale zero-valent
2011NDAnnual BaseTemporal-spatial distribution (dynamics) of phytoplankton and diversity in relation to lake physical and chemical conditionFederal: $5,300
Non-Federal: $10,601
Wei LinLake water quality, Nutrients, Phytoplankton, Diversity,Eutrophication
2011NDAnnual BaseEcosystem Services and Wetland Condition Assessment in the Prairie Pothole RegionFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,001
Edward Dekeyser, Jack NorlandWetland condition, assessment, Prairie Pothole Region, ecosystem services
2011NDAnnual BaseBioavailability of Dissolved and Colloidal Organic Carbon Bound EstrogenFederal: $7,700
Non-Federal: $15,400
Francis CaseyEstrogen, bioavailability, estrogen transport and fate
2011NDAnnual BaseRole of agricultural drainage on transport of Cryptosporidium oocysts in North DakotaFederal: $5,100
Non-Federal: $10,202
Khan Eakalak, John McEvoyagricultural drainage, cryptosporidium Oocysts transport,
2011NDAnnual BaseCo-entrapment of iron nanoparticles and trichloroethylene degrading bacteria in alginate biopolymer for groundwater remediationFederal: $7,300
Non-Federal: $14,600
Achintya Bezbaruah, Khan Eakalakco-entrapment, nanozero valent iron, groundwater remediation
2011NEAnnual BaseDeveloping Slow Release Persulfate to Treat BTEX Compounds at LUST SitesFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $29,451
Steve Comfort, Xu LiPersulfate, BTEX, LUST, petroleum
2011NEAnnual BaseA Cost Effective Fixed Film Atrazine Treatment Utilizing Nitrate as a NutrientFederal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $40,523
Mohamed Dahab, Ahmed Hosni
2011NEAnnual BaseHigh-resolution imaging of the Platte River streambed using combined electromagnetic induction and hydraulic parameter estimation techniquesFederal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $35,676
Jesse Korus, Xun-Hong ChenGroundwater-Surface Water Interaction, Geophysical methods, Streambed, Hydrogeology
2011NHAnnual BaseArsenic chemical dynamics in NH groundwater reservoirs: Insights from temporal variability in multi-element signatures of statewide samplesFederal: $32,134
Non-Federal: $79,613
Julia Brycearsenic, groundwater chemical time series
2011NHAnnual BaseNutrient Loading Coefficients for NH Watersheds: Development and ConnectivityFederal: $5,330
Non-Federal: $26,554
Jeffrey SchlossPhosphorus, Loading, NPS pollution, Land Use, Connectivity
2011NJAnnual BaseAn Investigation of the Water Quality of Rainwater Harvesting SystemsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Michele Bakacs, Mike Haberland
2011NJAnnual BaseScrap Tire and Water Treatment Residuals as Novel "Green" Sorbents from Removal of Common Metals from Polluted Urban Stormwater RunoffFederal: $14,966
Non-Federal: $29,946
Yang Deng, Sudipta Rakshit, Dibyendu Sarkar
2011NJAnnual BaseEvaluation of organoclay in a permeable pavement system for removal of contaminants from urban stormwater runoffFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,002
Amy Rowe
2011NJAnnual BaseAssessment of Green Frog, Lithobates clamitans, populations as biological indicators of risk to communities near Superfund sitesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,193
Jennifer Costello, Richard Veit
2011NJAnnual BaseAssessment of the water-borne pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in New Jersey amphibians and their habitatFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,175
Paola Dolcemascolo, Kirsten Monsen
2011NJAnnual BaseAdvancing the characterization of sandstone and fractured limestone aquifers using surface electrical geophysical methods: application to water resources evaluation at two sites in New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $9,893
Mehrez Elwaseif, Lee Slater
2011NJAnnual BaseIdentification and Characterization of Novel Antibiotic Resistance Genes from Wastewater Effluents and Surface WatersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Maryam Honarbakhsh, Elisabetta Bini
2011NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Push-Pull Technique to Simultaneously Characterize Volatilization and Biodegradation Rates of VOCs in Shallow Wetland SedimentsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Matthew Reid, Peter Jaffe
2011NJAnnual BaseRelease of Hazardous Metals into Surface and Groundwater by Microbial Oxidation of Sulfide MineralsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Alexandra Walczak, Lily Young
2011NJAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $6,294
Non-Federal: $4,999
Christopher Obropta, Lisa Galloway Evrard
2011NMAnnual BaseComputational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Karst Conduit-Matrix Exchanges with Relevance in Contaminant Transport, and Chemical ReactionsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $30,203
John Wilson
2011NVAnnual BaseMeasuring Water Use of Tamarisk and Impacts from Biocontrol: Lower Virgin River, NVFederal: $47,206
Non-Federal: $106,993
Kumud AcharyaVirgin River, Invasive Species, Tamarisk, Leaf Beetle, Water Quantity
2011NVAnnual BaseAssessment of Resiliency of Las Vegas Water System Under Climatic and Non-Climatic StressorsFederal: $19,851
Non-Federal: $39,716
Mahesh Gautam, Kumud Acharyaclimate change impact, adaptation, demand management
2011NVAnnual BaseEffects of Regional Climate Change on Snowpack in Northern Nevada: Research and EducationFederal: $51,962
Non-Federal: $116,822
Rina Schumer, Anna KnustNevada, Climate Change, Snow Water Equivalent
2011NVAnnual BaseQuantifying the Impact of Hyporheic Exchange on In-Stream Water Quality in the Truckee River, NVFederal: $59,028
Non-Federal: $99,858
John WarwickHyporheic Exchange, Modeling, Truckee River, Uncertainty Analysis, Water Quality
Non-Federal: $40,392
Philippe Vidonmethylmercury
2011NYAnnual BaseReach-Scale Patterns in Hyporheic Exchange at Pristine, Degraded and Restored RiversFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $41,957
Theodore Endreny, Chuck Krollhyporheic zone; stream restoration
2011NYAnnual BaseTwo-Dimensional River Model for Predicting Bacterial Contamination of Bathing Beaches in the St. Lawrence RiverFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $49,085
Michael Twissbeach bacterial contamination; hydrodynamic models
2011OHAnnual BaseThe Constructed Wetland Dilemma: Nitrogen Removal at the Expense of Methane Generation?Federal: $29,953
Non-Federal: $63,308
Paula Mouser, Gil BohrerBacteria, Biotechnology, Nitrate Removal, Methane Flux, Constructed Wetlands
2011OHAnnual BaseDoes Alum Addition Affect Benthic Communities and Metal and Nutrient Cycling? A Case Study from Grand Lake St. Marys, OhioFederal: $29,695
Non-Federal: $60,987
Chad Hammerschmidt, Amy Burgin, Geraldine Nogaroaluminum sulfate, biogeochemical processes, bioturbation, lake restoration, metal, phosphorus, sediment, water
2011OHAnnual BaseGenerating Renewable Energy on Lake Erie with Wave Energy Converters: A Feasibility StudyFederal: $25,537
Non-Federal: $50,799
Ethan KubatkoModeling, waves, alternative energy
2011OKAnnual BaseIncorporating Ecological Costs and Benefits into Environmental Flow Recommendations for Oklahoma Rivers: Phase 1, Southeastern OklahomaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Caryn Vaughn, Jason JulianIn-stream flows
2011OKAnnual BaseInvestigation of the Viability of Rainfall Harvesting for Long-term Urban Irrigation: Bioaccumulating Organic Compounds and the First Flush in Rooftop RunoffFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,082
Jason Vogel, Jason Belden, Glenn BrownRainfall Harvesting, PAHs, flame retardants, first flush
2011OKAnnual Base2011 Information TransferFederal: $9,241
Non-Federal: $17,098
Will Focht
2011ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $60,978
Non-Federal: $159,624
Todd JarvisSeminars, Research Fellows, Documentary Film
2011PAAnnual BaseAssessing the Influence of Nutrient Sources to Urban Streams Through the use of Triple Nitrate IsotopesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,296
Emily Elliottnitrate contamination, urban water quality, isotopes
2011PAAnnual BaseUnderstanding Municipal Officials Decisions to Lease Watershed Lands for Marcellus Shale Gas ExplorationFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $43,769
Charles AbdallaMarcellus shale, gas drilling, water supply, leasing
2011PAAnnual BaseQuantifying the Nitrogen Retention Capacity of Legacy Sediments and Hydric Soils Before and After RestorationFederal: $16,700
Non-Federal: $33,403
Jason KayeLegacy sediment, Nitrate, Restoration, Isotopic tracer, Best Management Practice
2011PAAnnual BaseFish Exposure to Emerging Contaminants in Municipal Wastewater: Can Dietary Sewage Contribution Predict Severity of Estrogenic Effects?Federal: $9,616
Non-Federal: $21,820
Theo Lightemerging contaminants, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruption, estrogenic effects, intersexuality, reproductive anomalies in fish, municipal wastewater, stable isotopes, white sucker, Catostomus commersoni
2011PAAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Subsurface Reactive Transport Model for Predicting Potential Water Quality Problems in Marcellus ShaleFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Li Li, Susan BrantleyMarcellus shale, reactive transport model, geochemistry, water quality, contamination
2011PRAnnual BaseThe Population dynamics of the dominant Enterococci in the water systems of Puerto Rico.Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $32,046
Luis Rios-Hernandezbeaches, Enterococci, septic tanks, water quality, fecal pollution
2011PRAnnual BaseIsland Institute Directors' s Conference/WorkshopFederal: $13,805
Non-Federal: $6,903
Jorge Rivera-Santos, Walter SilvaIsland Water Resources Conference Workshop
2011RIAnnual BaseStimuli-Responsive Nanocomposite Coatings for Mitigating Fouling of Water Treatment MembranesFederal: $15,856
Non-Federal: $34,605
Geoffrey BothunMembrane separation, ultrafiltration, nanocomposite, electromagnetic field
2011RIAnnual BaseIncreasing sources of water supply: advanced treatment of stormwater runoffFederal: $16,804
Non-Federal: $35,098
Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Vinka Craveradvanced treatment stormwater runoff
2011RIAnnual BaseDrinking Water Outreach in Rhode IslandFederal: $15,480
Non-Federal: $26,096
Harold Knickle, Geoffrey BothunWater Quality, Conference, Summer Camp, High School Students, Clean Water, Careers, Rhode Island
2011SCAnnual BaseSediment Pollution Assessment and Verification of Abandoned Developments Using Volunteered Geographic Information in a Web Mapping InterfaceFederal: $25,170
Non-Federal: $50,340
Elena Mikhailova, Christopher Postsediment, water quality, development, GIS, web mapping, crowdsourcing, volunteered geographic information, VGI
2011SCAnnual BaseThe Influence of Legacy and Current Land Use on Stream Systems in teh South Carolina PiedmontFederal: $28,311
Non-Federal: $73,442
Dennis Haney, Peter Van Den Hurkconservation, sedimentation, environmental risk assessment, biomarkers, fish toxicology, water chemistry
2011SDAnnual BaseInvestigation of the Contribution of Coliform Contamination in Runoff from Scoured Bed SedimentsFederal: $14,913
Non-Federal: $29,826
Jennifer Benning, Arden Davis, Scott KennerColiform bacteria, pollutant sources, ribo typing, stormwater runnoff
2011SDAnnual BaseLife Cycle Assessment Analysis of Engineered Stormwater Control Methods Common to South DakotaFederal: $19,730
Non-Federal: $39,460
Molly Gribb, Jennifer Benning, James StoneStormwater treatment, life cycle assessment
2011SDAnnual BaseFate and Transport of Biogenic Uraninite in the EnvironmentFederal: $16,825
Non-Federal: $33,650
Rajesh SaniBiogenic UO2, SAED, HR-TEM, XRD, XPS, and Fe(III)(hydr)oxides
2011SDAnnual BaseDetermination of Microbial Kinetics for the Degradation of Estrogens and Triclosan in Activated Sludge SystemsFederal: $14,253
Non-Federal: $37,756
Christopher SchmitMicroconstituents, Estrogen, Triclosan, Respirometry, Activated Sludge, Microbial Kinetics
2011SDAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $13,324
Non-Federal: $22,945
Van Kelley, Kevin Dalsted, Denise Hovland, Jeppe Kjaersgaard
2011TNAnnual BaseEvaluation of Bioretention Practices for Effective Stormwater Management and Treatment: A Laboratory to Field StudyFederal: $46,828
Non-Federal: $93,888
Andrea Ludwig, Daniel YoderStormwater Management; Sediment, Infiltration, Bioretention; Water Quality
2011TNAnnual BaseAn Evaluation of Floodplain Forest Land Use Dynamics, Ecosystem Services and Conservation Policies in West Tennessee WatershedsFederal: $53,350
Non-Federal: $106,879
Donald Hodges, Christopher BridgesEcosystem Services, River Restoration, Floodplain Forest
2011TXAnnual BaseAssessing Low Ear Placement Corn Hybrids as a Way of Increasing Water Use EfficiencyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $14,760
Jacob Becker, Brent BeanLimited irrigation, water use efficiency, corn ear height
2011TXAnnual BaseCotton-Biofuels Production Systems in a Changing High Plains Environment Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,035
Cora Lea Emerson, Dick Auldcotton; biofuels; crop rotation; alternative crops; water use efficiency
2011TXAnnual BaseLandscape Coefficients in Mixed Species LandscapesFederal: $4,971
Non-Federal: $9,946
Rebecca Hammond, Tim Pannkukreference evapotranspiration, turfgrass, woody plants, landscape coefficients
2011TXAnnual BaseReusable Magnetic Janus Particle Scavengers for Environmentally-Friendly Remediation of Contaminated Water BodiesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,055
Nina Ivanova, Nicole ZachariaJanus Particle, Emulsion, Oil Remediation, Heavy Metal, Magnetism, Surface Water
2011TXAnnual BaseEffect of Treatment on Harvested Rainwater QualityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Sarah Keithley, Mary Kirisitsrainwater harvesting, roofing materials, treatment, water quality, drinking water
2011TXAnnual BaseAn Assessment of Water Availability in Texas Using the NOAH Land Surface Model Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,857
C. Prakash Khedun, Vijay SinghClimate variability and change, ENSO, PDO, AMO, Wavelet, Drought
2011TXAnnual BaseBenefits and Costs of Water Reuse Programs in TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Shae Luther, Laura Stroupwater reuse, Texas, integrated resource planning, water management
2011TXAnnual BaseEffects of woody vegetation removal on groundwater recharge in the Carrizo-Wilcox aquiferFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,002
April Mattox, Jason Westrecharge, unconsolidated aquifer, critical zone, range management, groundwater
2011TXAnnual BaseEvaluation of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) as a Biocontrol Agent for Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta)Federal: $4,136
Non-Federal: $13,737
Michael Neisch, Michael MasserGrass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta), Biocontrol, Invasive Species
2011TXAnnual BaseIn Situ Remediation of the Trinity River Sediment Contaminated with Polychlorinated BiphenylsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,319
Prince Nfodzo, Hyeok ChoiPolychlorinated Biphenyls, Trinity River, Sediment, In Situ Remediation, Reactive Activated Carbon, Permeable Reactive Barrier, Adsorption, Sequestration, Dechlorination
2011TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $34,955
Non-Federal: $71,112
Neal Wilkins, Danielle Kalisek, Leslie Lee, Courtney Smith, Jaclyn Tech, Kevin Wagner, Ralph Wurbs, Kathy Wythe
2011UTAnnual BaseReducing the Dangers of Low Head Dams in UtahFederal: $42,064
Non-Federal: $44,905
Michael Johnson, Steven BarfussDrowning hazards, Water resources, Open channel hydraulics, Low-head dams
2011UTAnnual BaseAnalyzing the Spread of Phragmites Australis Over Short Time Scales Using Spatial and Genetic ToolsFederal: $33,634
Non-Federal: $97,500
Karin Kettenring, Shannon Clemens, Austin Jensen, Mac McKee, David RosenbergWater resources, Water conservation, Wetlands, System analysis
2011UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources Research (UCWRR)Federal: $500
Non-Federal: $15,341
R. Ivonne HarrisOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development
2011VIAnnual BaseEvaluating Drought Tolerance of Virgin Islands Native Trees Suitable for LandscapingFederal: $31,538
Non-Federal: $0
Michael Morgan, Thomas Zimmermannative trees, ornamental plantings
2011VIAnnual BaseLesser Antilles Specific Assessment of the IPCC AR5 Models for the Current ClimateFederal: $18,981
Non-Federal: $0
Vasubandhu MisraAtlantic Warm Pool; droughts; floods
Non-Federal: $0
Kynoch Reale-Munroe, Bernard Castillo, Carlos Ramos-Scharronsedimentation, erosion, particulate organic material, NPS pollution, watersheds, U.S. Virgin Islands
Non-Federal: $0
John Barimo, Stanley Lateskywater quality, trace metals, PAH, hydrocarbons, STEER
2011VIAnnual BaseIslands' Institutes Water ConferenceFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Henry SmithIsland Hydrology, Climate Change, U. S. Virgin Islands
2011VTAnnual BaseDetermining phosphorus release potential from eroding streambank sediments in the Lake Champlain Basin of VermontFederal: $19,989
Non-Federal: $50,116
Donald Ross, Leslie Morrissey, Beverley Wemple
2011VTAnnual BaseUse of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data to estimate sediment and total phosphorus loads to Lake Champlain from the Rock River Federal: $20,988
Non-Federal: $30,251
Breck Bowden, James ShanleySediment, ADCP, Methods, Loading
2011VTAnnual BaseAdvanced and Integrative Model of Phosphorus loading from High Runoff EventsFederal: $60,008
Non-Federal: $144,255
Arne Bomblies, Jane HillModeling, Phosphorus, Land Use
2011WAAnnual BaseUnderstanding Toxin Production by Harmful Algae: Vancouver Lake as a Model SystemFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $62,297
Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Stephen Bollenscyanobacteria, toxin production, zooplankton grazing
2011WAAnnual BaseEcohydrology of Invasive Reed Canary GrassFederal: $29,992
Non-Federal: $59,999
Camille McNeely, Rebecca Brown, Carmen Nezat, Suzanne Schwablow flow conditions, evapotranspiration, ecohydrology, Phalaris arundinacea, stomatal conductance, stable isotope
2011WAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $19,372
Non-Federal: $39,114
Michael Barber, Michael BarberOutreach, Information Transfer
2011WAAnnual BaseClimate change, land-water transfer, and in-stream fate of nitrogen in an agricultural settingFederal: $54,000
Non-Federal: $108,930
Cailin Orr, John HarrisonNitrogen, Climate Change, Carbon, Dissolved Organic Matter, Hydrologic Flowpath
2011WIAnnual BaseUniversity of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute - 5 Year Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $85,333
Non-Federal: $340,013
Moira HarringtonPublic information, communications, publications, library
2011WIAnnual BaseSimulating Lake Responses to Climate Change with a Mechanistic Water Quality ModelFederal: $35,244
Non-Federal: $35,101
Trina McMahonclimate, lakes, water quality
2011WIAnnual BaseClimate Change Impacts on Stream Temperature and Flow: Consequences for Great Lakes Fish MigrationsFederal: $59,030
Non-Federal: $60,898
Peter McIntyreCliamte, fish, rivers, Great Lakes
2011WIAnnual BaseUncertainty and Variability of Wisconsin Lakes in Response to Climate ChangeFederal: $36,848
Non-Federal: $52,963
Chin Wuclimate, lakes, water quality, stratification, physical properties
2011WVAnnual BaseStable isotope fingerprinting of waters in area of accelerating Marcellus shale gas developmentFederal: $25,275
Non-Federal: $50,550
Shikha Sharma, Shikha SharmaStable isotope, Fingerprint, frac flowback water, coal mine water, groundwater, surface water
2011WVAnnual BaseWRI-119 Phase 2 Year 1: Mon River Water Quality StudyFederal: $46,343
Non-Federal: $92,688
Paul Ziemkiewicz, Ben Mack, Melissa O'Neal, Dave Saville, Tamara Vandivortwater quality; acid mine drainage; total dissolved solids; monitoring;
2011WVAnnual BaseWRI-143 Potential Chemical and Biological Impacts to White Day Creek Due to Gas Well DrillingFederal: $4,166
Non-Federal: $8,332
Paul Ziemkiewicz, Ben Mackbenthic macroinvertebrates; energy; total dissolved solids; monitoring
2011WYAnnual BaseFate of Coalbed Methane Produced Water in Disposal Ponds in the Powder River BasinFederal: $17,253
Non-Federal: $140,387
Thijs Kelleners, Katta ReddyInfiltration, Pond sediments, Sodicity, Salinty
2011WYAnnual BaseInstrumentation for Improved Precipitation Measurement in Wintertime SnowstormsFederal: $14,508
Non-Federal: $133,978
Jefferson SniderSnow process research
2010AKAnnual BaseContribution of Permafrost Degradation to Shrub Expansion in Arctic AlaskaFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $1,900
Matthew Nolan, Ken Tapepermafrost, shrubs, ecology, arctic, cores
2010AKAnnual BaseThe diminishing role of glacier runoff into Eklutna Lake: potential impacts on hydropower and water supply for the Municipality of Anchorage (year 2 renewal)Federal: $13,670
Non-Federal: $33,911
Michael LosoWater Supply, Hydropower, runoff, sedimentation, glaciers, climate change, Eklutna, Anchorage, Alaska
2010AKAnnual BaseHydrogeology and Geochemistry of the Anchorage Aquifer System: Research and Teaching ApplicationsFederal: $21,834
Non-Federal: $43,780
LeeAnn Munk, Jens Munk, Bryce Willemsgroundwater, water quality, Anchorage Watershed
2010AKAnnual BaseCharacterization of major watersheds draining into Bristol Bay, Alaska using strontium isotopes: a new method for tracking water resources in AlaskaFederal: $20,536
Non-Federal: $6,477
Matthew WoollerIsotopes, Strontium, Alaska, Rivers.
2010AKAnnual BaseApplication of citrus peel biosorbents in repeated adsorption/desorption cycles for removal of heavy metals from waste watersFederal: $22,520
Non-Federal: $10,697
Silke Schiewerbiosorption, mine tailings, desorption, columns
2010ALAnnual BaseDevelopment of an In-situ Capable Method for Detecting Pathogenic Bacteria in the Alabama Water SuppliesFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $102,262
Ahjeong SonPathogenic bacteria, nanoparticle, DNA, in-situ detection
2010ALAnnual BaseExperimental Investigation of Runoff Mitigation from Vegetated RoofsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,828
Jason Kirby, Robert PetersUrban Hydrology, Urban Drainage, Runoff, Rainfall-Runoff Process, Rainfall-Runoff Models, Hydraulics, Watershed Management
2010ALAnnual BaseNitrogen Retention in Riverine Shoal Habitat of Central Alabama: An assessment of Direct and Indirect MechanismsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,251
Jennifer EdmondsNitrogen, Denitrification, Rivers, Eutrophication, Aquatic Plants, Bacteria
2010ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $14,073
Non-Federal: $28,146
Brian HaggardConference, Newsletters, Web interface
2010ARAnnual BaseDetermination of the magnitude of mercury methylation in the water column of a high organic carbon river, lower Ouachita River, Union and Ashley Counties, ArkansasFederal: $19,761
Non-Federal: $39,524
Phil Hays, Stephen Boss, John Brahana, Ralph K. Davismethylmercury, mercury, dissolved organic carbon, biogeochemistry, contaminant hydrology
2010ARAnnual BaseAssessment of water quality and stream bank stability following BMP implementation on the upper Strawberry River watershedFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,000
Jennifer BouldinBank stability, aquatic macroinvertebrates, water quality, aqueous and sediment toxicity, nutrients
2010ARAnnual BaseDenitrification, Internal N Cycling, and N Retention in River Impoundment ReservoirsFederal: $20,579
Non-Federal: $41,160
Jefferson Scottmass balance, nitrogen transformation, nutrient retention/removal, sediment
2010AZAnnual BaseUse of Fish as Integrative Samplers of Uranium and Lead Isotopes in the Colorado River Federal: $9,900
Non-Federal: $19,816
Charles Sanchez, John Chesley, Peter ReinthalRadiogenic isotopes tracers
2010AZAnnual BasePerflouronated Compounds in Arizona Groundwater: Sources of ContaminationFederal: $10,061
Non-Federal: $20,455
David Quanrud, Leif Abrell, Robert Arnold, Eduardo Saez
2010AZAnnual BaseBiochar soil amendments to increase the water holding capacity of sandy, arid soilsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $21,449
Janick Artiolabiochar, charcoal, water, water holding capacity
2010AZAnnual BaseBioremediation of Uranium Plumes with Nano-Scale Zero Valent IronFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,031
James Field, Reyes SierraUranium, Groundwater, Bioremediation, Microbial Reduction, Nano Zero-Valent Iron
2010AZAnnual BaseSources and transport of nitrogen from sky-island ecosystems to groundwater basinsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Jennifer McIntosh, Kathleen Lohse, Armin Sorooshiannitrogen, atmospheric deposition, nutrients, biogeochemistry
2010AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $39,374
Non-Federal: $81,375
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden
2010CAAnnual BaseIrrigating citrus with relaimed municipal wastewater.Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $8,755
Christopher Amrheinirrigation, citrus, wastewater
2010CAAnnual BaseAn Advisory Service for Optimum Irrigation Scheduling in CaliforniaFederal: $26,500
Non-Federal: $14,045
Allan Fultonirrigation
2010CAAnnual BaseVelocity Contour Weighting Method for Increased Accuracy of Upward Looking ADVM in Irrigation ChannelsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $8,683
Brett Sandersirrigation, scheduling
2010CAAnnual BaseCWRRI - Information Transfer Program University of California, Agriculture and Natural ResourcesFederal: $119,114
Non-Federal: $197,992
Barbara Allen-DiazWater Quality, Water Quantity, Water Supply, Education
2010COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $38,100
Non-Federal: $157,298
Reagan WaskomTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2010COAnnual BaseShear Resistance of the Nuisance Diatom Didymosphenia GeminataFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,928
Diane McKnightDidymosphenia, nuisance geminata
2010COAnnual BaseImpact of Limited Irrigation on Health of Four Common Shrub SpeciesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,654
James KlettLandscape Water Use
2010COAnnual BaseEvaluation of Herbicide Combinations for Control of Sago Pondweed (Stukenia pectinata) in Irrigation CanalsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,632
Scott NissenPondweed, aquatic weeds, canal management
2010COAnnual BasePaleohydrology of the Lower Colorado RiverFederal: $59,199
Non-Federal: $14,432
Rajagopalan BalajiPaleohydrology, streamflow reconstruction, time series analysis
2010CTAnnual BaseMulti-temporal Assessment of Connecticut Lake Water Clarity Using Landsat Satellite ImageryFederal: $24,080
Non-Federal: $48,397
Daniel Civco, James HurdLake Water Clarity, Landsat Satellite, Remote Sensing
2010CTAnnual BaseBaseline Study of Nutrient Loadings to Lake KenosiaFederal: $11,415
Non-Federal: $34,142
Theodora PinouStormwater, lake discharge remediation, pollution runoff
2010CTAnnual BaseWater Education for Local DecisionmakersFederal: $17,531
Non-Federal: $8,495
Glenn Warner, Patricia Bresnahansurface water - ground water interactions, land use planning, aquifer protection
2010DCAnnual BaseDetermining the Effectiveness of the Design-Build Method on Water Infrastructure Rehabilatation Projects in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $13,400
Non-Federal: $40,468
Kunhee Choi, Pradeep Beheraproject delivery, design-build, water infrastructure,quantitative analysis, urban runoff
2010DCAnnual BaseDC Water Issues Forum and Water Research Faculty Professional Development ProgramFederal: $6,366
Non-Federal: $33,832
Tolessa Deksissa, Catherine ShrierLocal water issues,professional development
2010DCAnnual BaseA Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Model for Predicting Precipitation Occurrence and Accumulation Federal: $14,996
Non-Federal: $37,527
Ali Arab, Valbona Bejleri, Tolessa Deksissaprecipitation prediction, probabilistic flood risk assessment, hierarchical bayesian, spatio-temporal, uncertainty, climate change
2010DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of Analytical Tools to Evaluate the Performance of Low Impact Developments in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $11,183
Non-Federal: $18,710
Arash Massoudieh, Pradeep BeheraLow Impact Development, Analytical Models, Urban stormwater models, Statistical analysis, Urban Runoff
2010DCAnnual BaseDetermination of Seasonal Source Variation of Hydrocarbons, Fatty Acids, Organics and Nutrients in the Anacostia River: Stable isotope Ratios of Specific CompoundsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $12,274
Stephen MacAvoyhydrocarbons, fatty acids, sediment biogeochemistry, compound specific stable isotope analysis
2010DCAnnual BaseSpeciation of Some Triorganotin Compounds in Anacostia and Potomac River Sediments using NMR Spectroscopy (Phase II)Federal: $9,590
Non-Federal: $30,061
Xueqing SongSpeciation, Triorganotin Compounds, River Sediments, NMR Spectroscopy
2010DCAnnual BaseComparing Clam Active Biomonitoring and POM Passive Monitoring for DC Watershed Contaminant Point SourcesFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $45,094
Harriette Phelps
2010DCAnnual BaseThe Application of Multiple-Antibiotic-Resistance (MAR) Profiles of Coliforms to Detect Sources of Bacterial Contamination of the Anacostia RiverFederal: $7,800
Non-Federal: $4,017
David MorrisAnacostia River, Coliform Contamination, Antibiotic Resistance, MAR Analysis, Point and Non-Point Sources, Sewage Overflow
2010DEAnnual BaseMicrobiome of the Eastern Oyster, Crassastrea virginicaFederal: $68,809
Non-Federal: $137,618
Eric Wommackoyster, microbial communities, taxonomy, restoration
2010DEAnnual BaseQuantifying the Role of Carbon Amount and Quality for Transport of Contaminants on Our Landscapes: A Watershed-Scale ModelFederal: $68,809
Non-Federal: $137,618
Shreeram InamdarContaminant transport, dissolved organic carbon, watershed models
2010DEAnnual BaseOyster Restoration Efforts at Delaware Inland Bays: Utilizing RIP-RAP as a Substrate for OystersFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Gulnihal Ozbay, Jasmine Porter
2010DEAnnual BaseThe Use of Recycled Water for Irrigation of Turf and Landscape PlantsFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Anastasia Chirnside, Stephanie Hahnrecycled wastewater, turf, irrigation, water quality
2010DEAnnual BaseEducation and Outreach for the Delaware WetlandsFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Kathryn O'Connell, Kristin Berrywetlands education, websites, public outreach
2010DEAnnual BaseCharacterization of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Sites in a Coastal LagoonFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Alan Andres, Kevin Myers
2010DEAnnual BaseThe History and Effectiveness of Wetland MitigationFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Steven Hastings, Courtney Simmonswetlands mitigation, local economy, government policy
2010DEAnnual BaseAssessment of Changes in Invertebrate Populations Resulting from Wetland RestorationFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Douglas Tallamy, Katie Yostinsects, wetland restoration, biodiversity
2010DEAnnual BaseQuality of Dissolved Organic Matter in Runoff from Various Watershed SourcesFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Shreeram Inamdar, Suneil Seetharamdissolved organic carbon, pollutants, runoff, watersheds
2010DEAnnual BaseThe Impacts of Redefining Navigable Waters Under the Clean Water ActFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Janet Johnson, Kate Millernavigable waterways policy, streams, pollution
2010DEAnnual BaseAn Analysis of the Impact of Marcellus Shale Development on Water Resources in PennsylvaniaFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Janet Johnson, Aidan Galassonatural gas drilling, water supply, water quality, pollution
2010DEAnnual BaseThe Prevalence of Pathogenic Bacteria in Delmarva Waters from a Virus Point of ViewFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Eric Wommack, Mara Hyattviruses, bacteria, human health, surface waters
2010DEAnnual BaseA Watershed Scale Forest Inventory of the Fair Hill Natural Resource Management Area Federal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Delphis Levia, Michelle Lepori-Buiforested watersheds, tree canopy, rainfall partitioning, forest management
2010DEAnnual BaseResurfacing Silver Brook Stream and Comparison to Connected Water BodiesFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Chad Nelson, Hannah Starkestream restoration, urban sites, landscape design
2010DEAnnual BaseDWRC Information TransferFederal: $7,250
Non-Federal: $2,416
James Sims, Maria Pautleroutreach programs on water resources
2010DEAnnual BaseUD Watershed Team for Ecological RestorationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
James Sims, Anastasia Chirnside, Gerald Kauffman, Thomas McKenna, Maria Pautlerstormwater, best management practices, runoff control
2010DEAnnual BaseOyster Gardening in Delaware Inland Bays: Filtration as a Means to Remove Excess Nitrogen Federal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Gulnihal Ozbay, Amy Cannon
2010DEAnnual BaseCharacterization of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Sites in a Coastal LagoonFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Alan Andres, Stephen Gonski
2010DEAnnual BaseHydraulic Properties of the Columbia AquiferFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Alan Andres, Nicholas Spalt
2010DEAnnual BaseSpatio-Temporal Hydrodynamic Variability in a Small Tidal Creek: DNERR St. Jones ReserveFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Jack Puleo, Rebecca Aiken, Thomas McKenna
2010DEAnnual BaseIs Atmospheric Deposition and Washoff of Aluminum in Stemflow a Significant Source Federal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Delphis Levia, Carrie Scheik
2010FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $27,427
Non-Federal: $7,618
Kirk Hatfield, Mark NewmanInformation Transfer
2010GAAnnual BaseAssessing impacts of hemlock demise on a southern Appalachian stream using aquatic macroinvertebratesFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Darold Batzer
2010GAAnnual BaseAssessment of endocrine disruption in fish and estrogenic potency of waters in GeorgiaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Robert Bringolf, Cecil JenningsIntersex,wastewater,reproductive fitness,surface water
2010GAAnnual BaseTemporal and micro-site variation in flow characteristics in estuarine habitatsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $45,876
Donald Webster, Marc Weissburgestuarine flow, predator-prey interactions, turbulence
2010GUAnnual BaseThe Influence of Sediment Load and Riparian Vegetation on the Diversity and Habitat use of Native Streamfish and Invertebrates of Guam.Federal: $15,735
Non-Federal: $0
Frank CamachoRiparian vegetation, sedimentation, high island, streams, surface water, streamfish, macroinvertebrates, canopy, microhabitat, freshwater, savanna, sediment trap
2010GUAnnual BasePresenting 'Guam Water Kids': Public School Outreach and Teacher Relations Program Federal: $7,685
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta CardWater resources, aquifer, groundwater, surface water, watershed, Guam, hydrological cycle, ground water, non-source pollution, non-point pollution, conservation.
2010GUAnnual BaseReconstructing the Pre-Historic Rainfall-Drought History of GuamFederal: $16,241
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonWest Pacific Climate Record, Speleothem, Dripwater Chemistry
2010GUAnnual BaseContinuing Calibration and Application of LUOM in Southern Guam Watersheds Federal: $25,971
Non-Federal: $0
Charles Luo, Shahram KhosrowpanahNumerical model, LUOM, distributed watershed modeling.
2010GUAnnual BaseApplications of LiDAR Data for Inarajan Watershed Management Federal: $25,168
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, Shahram KhosrowpanahLiDAR, Hydrological Model, Watershed, Vegetation
2010GUAnnual BaseCNMI Water Kids: An Educational Resource for Teaching Children about Fresh Water and How to Protect It (An Adaptation of Guam Water Kids)Federal: $7,980
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta CardWater resources, aquifer, groundwater, surface water, watershed, CNMI, Saipan, Rota, Tinian, hydrological cycle, ground water, non-source pollution, non-point pollution, conservation, students, teachers
2010GUAnnual BaseImpact of Urban Runoff, Wastewater Discharges and Past Solid Waste Disposal Practices on Contaminant Profiles in Fish from Saipan LagoonFederal: $39,164
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, Michael TrianniMonitoring, Fish, PCBs, Mercury, Lead, Saipan, Micronesia
2010GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of a GIS Data Base for Saipan's Drinking Water Delivery System Federal: $30,490
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Mariano Iglecias, Yuming WenWater Use Data, Water Demand, Distribution Systems, Model Studies, GIS Water System Management
2010GUAnnual BaseComprehensive Survey of the Current State, Infrastructure, and Usage of Freshwater Resources in the Mortlock Islands, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia Federal: $27,762
Non-Federal: $0
Danko TaborosiMicronesia, low islands, atolls, reefs, coral islands, groundwater, wells, rainwater catchment, water storage tanks, water quality, water supply, water use, typhoons, floods, saltwater intrusion, hydrology, hydrogeology, waste disposal, burial practices, septic tanks, pit toilets, piggeries, traditional agriculture, traditional resource management, taro patches
2010GUAnnual BaseAtoll Island Sustainability: Information Transfer and Training for the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)Federal: $18,433
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonAtoll island aquifers
2010GUAnnual BaseWater System Leak Detection Training for Kosrae State, Federated State of MicronesiaFederal: $18,770
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Resources, Training, Education, Operations and Maintenance
2010GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $22,992
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2010HIAnnual BaseDetermination of the Relationship between Biodiversity and the Trophic State of Wahiawa Reservoir, Phase II Federal: $20,103
Non-Federal: $47,181
Clark Liu, Tao Yanreservoir,eutrophication, bioproductivity,biodiversity
2010HIAnnual BaseCleaning up Oahu's Coastal Waters, the Role of Tube-Building Polychaetes in Sediment Dynamics Federal: $24,031
Non-Federal: $46,491
Julie Bailey-Brockinvasive algae removal, tube- building, sediment dynamics
2010HIAnnual BaseA Decision Support Tool for Managing the Pipe Network of the Honolulu Board of Water Supply (Year 2)Federal: $21,487
Non-Federal: $43,997
V. Singh, Chittaranjan Rayasset management, main breaks, best management practices, Bayesian analysis, linear programming, availability, reliability, probability of failure
2010HIAnnual BaseMeasuring Soil Water Content and Electrical Conductivity Under High Salinity Conditions Using a Novel TDR Method Federal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $20,997
Xiufu Shuaitime domain reflectometry, soil water content, electrical conductivity, dielectric permittivity
2010HIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer, FY2010Federal: $6,246
Non-Federal: $14,097
Philip Moravcik
2010IAAnnual BaseIdentifying the primary sources of sediment in an anthropogenically altered watershed Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $63,150
Thanos Papanicolaou, Marian Muste, Douglas Schnoebelen, Larry Weber, Christopher WilsonSediment sources, Water quality, Phosphorus, Sediment transport
2010IAAnnual BaseNutrient Transport and Fate in Vegetative Treatment SystemsFederal: $15,552
Non-Federal: $42,367
Daniel Anderson, Robert Burns, Michael Castellano, Lara MoodyPhosphorus sorption, nitrogen mineralization, feedlot runoff, modeling, nutrients
2010IAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $45,058
Non-Federal: $42,497
Richard Cruse, Hillary Olson
2010IDAnnual BaseDetermining the Cause of Elevated Uranium Concentrations in the Shallow Treasure Valley AquiferFederal: $5,950
Non-Federal: $14,523
Shawn Benneruranium, groundwater, contamination, Idaho
2010IDAnnual BaseManaged Aquifer Recharge in the Treasure Valley: A component of a comprehensive Aquifer Management Plan and a Response to Climate ChangeFederal: $6,349
Non-Federal: $12,714
Bryce Contor, Stacey TaylorManaged Recharge, Climate Change, Groundwater Banking, CAMP, Basin Planning
2010IDAnnual BaseImproving estimates of tributary underflow in the Eastern Snake River PlainFederal: $13,482
Non-Federal: $28,664
Stacey Taylor, Bryce ContorEastern Snake River Plain, Basin Yield, tributary underflow, water budget
2010ILAnnual BaseTransfering Water Resources Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $10,196
Non-Federal: $2,580
Lisa Merrifieldoutreach, information sharing, conferences
2010ILAnnual BaseAn Agent-Based Model of Nitrogen and Carbon Trading at the Watershed ScaleFederal: $33,472
Non-Federal: $67,460
J. Wayland Eheart, Ximing Caicarbon trading, nitorgen trading, nutrients, agent-based modeling, environmental policy
2010ILAnnual BaseLinking microbial community structure to water quality function: investigating nitrogen cycling during early floodplain developmentFederal: $37,662
Non-Federal: $76,661
Angela Kent, Angela Kentwetland restoration, denitrification, nutrient cycling, microbiology
2010INAnnual BaseLocal and Regional Assessment of Biofuel Production Facilities Impacts on Freshwater Quality in IndianaFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $31,623
Suresh Rao, Suresh Raowater quality, remote sensing, sediment transport, Wabash River
2010INAnnual BaseA First Assessment of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Middle Wabash River, Indiana Federal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $25,859
Marisol SepulvedaAntibiotics, Ethynil estradiol, Fluoxetine, Pharmaceuticals, Triclosan, Tylosin, Wabash
2010INAnnual BaseTransport, Fate, and Effects of Pharmaceuticals derived from Animal Feeding Operations: A comprehensive assessment of central Indiana streamsFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $26,039
Melody Bernotagricultural pharmaceuticals, nonpoint pollution, streams, toxicology
Non-Federal: $25,999
Riparian zone, Mercury, Nitrogen, Greenhouse gas, Hydrogeomorphology, Management
2010INAnnual BasePlan Today For Tomorrow’s Flood: A Flood Response Plan for Agricultural Retailers Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $45,390
Fred WhitfordFlooding, flood response, planning, pesticides, fuel
2010INAnnual BaseTransport and fate of pharmaceutical compounds in an Indiana streamFederal: $11,080
Non-Federal: $22,487
Todd Royerpharmaceuticals, streams, wastewater treatment plant, natural assimilative capacity
2010INAnnual BaseUsing Remotely Sensed Data in Combination with Ground Level Geochemistry to Evaluate Continued Impacts of Acid Mine Leakage on Abandoned Mine LandsFederal: $12,150
Non-Federal: $24,308
Jennifer Latimer, Jagadeesh AnmalaAcid Mine Drainage, Abandoned Mine Lands, Biogeochemistry
2010KYAnnual BaseIdentification of heavy metal sources in Wilgreen Lake, Madison County, KentuckyFederal: $3,250
Non-Federal: $6,500
Walter Borowskilake sediments. dissolved metals, contamination
2010KYAnnual BaseA coupled hydrologic and biogeochemical modeling approach to understand if in-stream depositional zones are a carbon source or sink to the atmosphereFederal: $4,500
Non-Federal: $9,008
James Foxwatershed, suspended sediments, erosion
2010KYAnnual BaseImproving water quality: river channel versus riparian edgeFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,881
Kristine Hopfenspergerdenitrification, soil organic matter
2010KYAnnual BaseThe carboxylic acid-bound iodine layer - towards an anti-fouling coating for water sensors and water treatment facilitiesFederal: $4,999
Non-Federal: $10,043
Yuguang Caibiofouling, silane film, surface chemistry, sensors
2010KYAnnual BaseAssessing short-term changes to headwater stream structure and function following alternative forest harvestingFederal: $4,994
Non-Federal: $10,157
Scott Grubbsmacroinvertebrate, water quality, BMPs, stream-side management zones
2010KYAnnual BaseBush honeysuckle induced aquatic hypoxiaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $17,754
Richard Durtschedissolved carbon, dissolved oxygen, aquatic ecosystems
2010KYAnnual BaseBiological process for manganese control in water suppliesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $17,302
Yi-Tin Wanghumic acid, manganese-oxidizing bacteria, biological filter
2010KYAnnual BaseEstimating impacts of land use and management on soil water and solute transportFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Mark Coynekarst topography, soil properties, tracer methods
2010KYAnnual BaseCaffeine as a marker for sewage contamination of Wilgreen LakeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,364
Susan Godbeywaste water effluent, anthropogenic marker
2010KYAnnual BaseMobililty of Nitrogen-15 enriched E. coli within the Royal Spring basin, KentuckyFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $7,919
Alan Fryarkarst aquifer, indicator microorganisms, groundwater tracer
2010KYAnnual BaseFiltration column for the covalent removal of arsenic from waterFederal: $4,612
Non-Federal: $13,983
David Atwoodthiol, drinking water treatment
2010KYAnnual BaseFlood impact due to dam failure: an assessment of current studies and the appropriateness of the methodologies applied to the Dix DamFederal: $4,500
Non-Federal: $9,116
Scott Yosthydraulics, computer simulations, dam failure
2010KYAnnual BaseKentucky Information Transfer ActivitiesFederal: $35,855
Non-Federal: $47,393
Lindell Ormsbee, Anna Hoover, Jim Kippsymposium, Internet, web
2010LAAnnual BaseDevelopment of an active cap for the sequestration of mercury in contaminated lake sediments in LouisianaFederal: $15,992
Non-Federal: $36,654
K.T. Valsaraj, Ronald DeLaunesediment contamination, active capping, Mackinawite
2010LAAnnual BaseWave-induced transport through coastal vegetationFederal: $17,398
Non-Federal: $35,072
Heather Smithstorm surge, vegetation, waves
2010LAAnnual BaseMultimodel uncertainty analysis for chance-constrained saltwater intrusion managementFederal: $15,824
Non-Federal: $33,714
Frank Tsaiuncertainty, chance constraint, model averaging, prediction, saltwater intrusion
2010LAAnnual BaseScale-dependent behavior and modeling of dissolved oxygen in coastal Louisiana riversFederal: $13,689
Non-Federal: $37,457
Zhi-Qiang Dengdissolved oxygen, scale-dependent behavior, streams, TMDL
2010MAAnnual BaseMonitoring and Modeling Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Neponset River and Boston Harbor Using GIS and Hyperspectral Remote SensingFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,175
Qian Yu, Weining ZhuCDOM, DOC, Water quality, Remote sensing, Modeling
2010MAAnnual BaseSurface water-groundwater interactions on the Deerfield RiverFederal: $4,998
Non-Federal: $10,136
David Boutthyproheic zone, temperature, streambed, DTS
2010MAAnnual BaseImpact of the hemlock woolly adelgid on the water cycle in New England: Differences in hydrologic fluxes between hemlock and deciduous forest standsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,258
Andrew Guswahemlock woolly adelgid, throughfall, interception, sapflux, forest
2010MAAnnual BaseAn assessment methodology for differential impact on environmental justice populations of releases of industrial toxics to water in MassachusettsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,023
Michael Ashenvironmental justice, water toxics, drinking water
2010MAAnnual BaseDeveloping a physically-based and policy-relevant river classification scheme for sustainable water and ecosystem management decisions.Federal: $29,937
Non-Federal: $60,891
Ellen Douglas, Bob Bowenecosystem integrity, ecosystem services, aquatic habitat, streamflow, dam removal
2010MAAnnual BaseAcid Rain Monitoring ProjectFederal: $5,191
Non-Federal: $27,333
Marie-Francoise Hatteacid deposition, water quality trends
2010MAAnnual Base2010 Water Resources ConferenceFederal: $20,473
Non-Federal: $20,593
Paula Sturdevant-Rees, Marie-Francoise Hatteconference water resources
2010MDAnnual BaseEffects of Phragmites invasion on mosquito production in stormwater wetlandsFederal: $24,178
Non-Federal: $62,621
Paul Leisnham, Andrew Baldwinmosquito, predation, competition, Phragmites, stormwater wetlands,
2010MDAnnual BaseSource Characterization of Contamination by Poly- and Per-fluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) in Maryland WaterwaysFederal: $26,895
Non-Federal: $54,175
Jinxia LiuPerfluorochemicals, source apportionment, nonpoint pollution, wastewater, urban inputs
2010MDAnnual BaseLeaching of Heavy Metals from High Carbon Fly Ash--Stabilized Soils in Highway EmbankmentsFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Allen Davis, Ahmet AydilekFly ash, highway, embankments, leaching, heavy metals
2010MDAnnual BaseOccupational and Community Exposure to Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria and Antimicrobials Present in Reclaimed Wastewater Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $13,064
Allen Davisreuse
2010MDAnnual BaseMaryland Water 2010Federal: $10,444
Non-Federal: $15,147
Allen DavisInformation Transfer
2010MEAnnual BaseImproving Access to Wellwater Information: A Pilot Information Transfer ProjectFederal: $3,329
Non-Federal: $23,175
Laura Wilson, John Jemison, Jessica Leahy, John Peckenham, Andy Tolman186: Public Health, 121: Information Dissemination, 98: Groundwater Management, 101: Groundwater Quality, 104: Health Effects, 281: Water Treatment
2010MEAnnual BaseEstimation of benthic dissolved organic carbon flux from wetland sediments using a novel techniqueFederal: $5,039
Non-Federal: $62,570
Aria Amirbahman, Emmanuel BossGeochemistry, Pollutants, Solute Transport, Water Quality Monitoring, Wetlands
2010MEAnnual BasePermaculture Design Research InitiativeFederal: $3,710
Non-Federal: $4,485
Joline Blais, Owen SmithNPS pollution, water quality, agriculture, best management practices, constructed treatment wetlands, ecosystem, landscape ecology, stormwater runoff, water quality
2010MEAnnual BaseFish Scales as Non-Lethal Biosensors of Surface Water Contaminants Federal: $10,784
Non-Federal: $74,483
Rebecca Van Beneden, Sharon Ashworth, Adria Elskus, Julie Gosse, Brian PerkinsBioindicators, biomonitoring, organic compounds, pollutants, toxic substances, trace elements, trace organics, wastewater
2010MEAnnual BaseDatabase development to support spatiotemporal analysis of coastal Maine mercury dataFederal: $11,149
Non-Federal: $45,523
Kate Beard, Melinda Diehl30, 43, 55, 91, 251
2010MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $25,290
Non-Federal: $29,392
John Peckenham, John PeckenhamOutreach
2010MEAnnual BasePhosphorus Dynamics in Androscoggin Lake, Wayne and Leeds, MaineFederal: $4,982
Non-Federal: $2,441
John PeckenhamEutrophication, Lakes, Nutrients, Phosphorus, Water Quality
2010MEAnnual BaseVegetation Response to Potential Increased Tidal Marsh Inundation in NorthernFederal: $4,996
Non-Federal: $2,448
John Peckenhambiomonitoring; brackish water; climate; conservation; decision models; ecosystems;
2010MEAnnual BaseAtlantic salmon (Salmo salar) as an indicator of habitat quality in tributariesFederal: $4,972
Non-Federal: $2,436
John PeckenhamBioindicators, Conservation, Ecosystems, Fish Ecology, Fisheries,
2010MEAnnual BaseMicroorganisms that can alter groundwater chemistry in an arsenic enriched aquiferFederal: $4,999
Non-Federal: $2,264
John PeckenhamAquifer Characteristics, Bacteria, Geochemistry, Groundwater Quality, Hydrobiology, Trace Elements, Unsaturated Flow
2010MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $31,286
Non-Federal: $62,901
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Use, Water Quantity, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2010MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $26,049
Non-Federal: $53,487
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Water Quantity, Watershed Management; Interactive Web-based Systems; Water Withdrawals; Exotic Species, Lake Management; Native Shoreline
2010MIAnnual BaseRunoff Reduction Credits for Low Impact Development Facilities Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $37,972
Amirpouyan NejadhashemiRunoff Reduction, Low Impact Development
2010MIAnnual BaseBlueprint for integration of models into a Watershed Management Spatial Decision Support SystemFederal: $19,999
Non-Federal: $40,779
Yi Shi, Phanikumar Manthawatershed, integrated decision support water quality, and water quantity
2010MNAnnual BaseThe role of sulfate reduction in sediment of the St. Louis River estuaryFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $46,419
Nathan Johnsonsediment, sulfate reduction, biogeochemistry
2010MNAnnual BaseConstraints and opportunities around watershed-wide riparian zone management at the urban-rural interfaceFederal: $39,584
Non-Federal: $80,694
Mae DavenportHuman dimensions, riparian zone management
2010MOAnnual BaseUrban Water Quality: Value of Green Roof TechnologyFederal: $66,000
Non-Federal: $170,529
Joel Burken, William Showalterstormwater flow; Green roofs; urban water management; green roofs in nitrogen, phosphorous, suspended solids/turbidity, and metals attenuation;
2010MSAnnual BaseWater-Conserving Irrigation Systems for Furrow & Flood Irrigated Crops in the Mississippi Delta Federal: $36,078
Non-Federal: $88,054
Joseph MasseySurface and groundwater management, water quality
2010MSAnnual BaseSources, sinks, and yield of organic constituents in managed headwaters of the Upper Gulf Coastal Plain of MississippiFederal: $12,704
Non-Federal: $26,611
Jeff Hatten, Janet Dewey, Andrew EzellWater Quality, Organic Matter, Nutrients
2010MSAnnual BaseWater quality and other ecosystem services performed in wetlands managed for waterfowl in MississippiFederal: $12,206
Non-Federal: $24,479
Richard Kaminski, Amy Spencerecosystems, sedimentation, water quality, watershed management, wetlands
2010MSAnnual BaseWater-Conserving Irrigation Systems for Furrow and Flood Irrigated Crops in the Mississippi DeltaFederal: $15,012
Non-Federal: $42,455
Joseph Masseysurface and groundwater management, water quality
2010MSAnnual BaseA Climate-driven model to serve as a predictive tool for management of groundwater use from the Mississippi Delta Shallow Alluvial AquiferFederal: $13,779
Non-Federal: $92,837
Charles Wax, Jonathan Potewater resources development, surface and groundwater management
2010MTAnnual BaseCharacterization of shallow subsurface hydraulic heterogeneity in the Silver Bow Creek - Butte, Montana area through field and laboratory experimentsFederal: $13,217
Non-Federal: $26,435
Bwalya Malamaslug tests, hydraulic conductivity, heterogeneity, analytical modeling
2010MTAnnual BaseEcohydrologic Model Development for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Bitterroot ValleyFederal: $11,710
Non-Federal: $23,425
Marco ManetaEcohydrology; watershed hydrology; hydrologic modeling
2010MTAnnual BaseAddressing computational paradigms in modeling the impacts of climate variability on watershed yieldFederal: $13,190
Non-Federal: $27,180
Lucy MarshallHydrologic modeling, scenario analysis, uncertainty
2010MTAnnual BaseAssessing hydrologic response to channel reconfiguration: Science to inform the restoration process, Silver Bow Creek, MontanaFederal: $8,328
Non-Federal: $16,706
Geoffrey Poole, Brian McGlynnGroundwater-surface water interactions, restoration, hydrology, geomorphology
2010MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Potential Meltwater Contributions from the Glaciers in Glacier National Park, MontanaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Adam Clarkglaciers, snow melt, Glacier National Park, climate change
2010MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Fine Sediment Infiltration and Sediment Routing in the Clark Fork River, MontanaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Elena Evanssediment, sediment infiltration, sediment routing, Clark Fork River, Milltown Dam
2010MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Fisheries Restoration Potential of the Clark Fork River Superfund Site: Habitat Use and Movement in Relation to Environmental FactorsFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Mariah Mayfieldtrout, Heavy metals, toxic metals, mining, Clark Fork River, Superfund site, metal transport, remediation
2010MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Rapid detection of pathogens in water using a combination of molecular techniquesFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Kien Limdrinking water, pathogens, molecular techniques, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Cryptosporidium, Giardia lambilia, fluorescent in situ hybridization
2010MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Distinguishing anthropogenic influences on a changing flow regime of the Upper Smith River, Meagher County, MontanaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Andrea StanleySmith River, Montana, irrigation, consumptive use, groundwater, groundwater withdrawal
2010MTAnnual BaseStatewide Education and OutreachFederal: $26,355
Non-Federal: $66,656
Steve Guettermann, Mary Jo Nehasileducation, water resource education, watershed management,
2010NCAnnual BaseImproved Statewide Soil Moisture Estimation for Hydrologic Assessment and ForecastingFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $59,265
Joshua Heitman, Robert Austin, Ryan Boyles, Jeffrey Whitedrought, GIS, rainfall-runoff processes, soil-water relationships, weather data collection, water use monitoring, remote sensing
2010NCAnnual BaseMicrobial Contaminants Associated with Urbanization of a Drinking Water ReservoirFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $57,896
Jill Stewartland use, fecal coliforms, microbial source tracking, pathogens
2010NCAnnual BaseFate of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Deposit Forming Precursors in Sewer SystemsFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $56,274
Francis de los Reyes, Joel DucosteFOG, sanitary sewer overflows
2010NCAnnual BaseMineralization, Plant Availability, and Water Quality Consequences of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Land-Applied Municipal BiosolidsFederal: $38,000
Non-Federal: $32,720
Jeffrey White, David Hardy, Daniel Israel, David Lindbo, Deanna Osmondbiosolids, mineralization, nitrogen, phosphorus, land application, water quality
2010NCAnnual BaseWRRI Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $5,121
Non-Federal: $10,139
Nicole Wilkinson
2010NDAnnual BaseThe Impact of Rural and Urban Flooding on Water and Soil Quality in the Red River Valley of the NorthFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Tom DeSutterWater quality, Soil quality, Flood impact, Sediment Quality, River banks
2010NDAnnual BaseStudies of Seasonal Succession of Cyanobacteria and Green algae at Heinrich-Martin Impoundment, North DakotaFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,001
Wei LinGreen Algae, Cyanobacteria, Impoundments, Seasonal Variation, Phytoplankton
2010NDAnnual BasePlant-based Biopolymers for Entrapping Metal Nanoparticles for Arsenic removal: Biodegradation and Treatability Studies Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,001
Achintya BezbaruahArsenic removal, Plant-based biopolymers, Metal nano particles, Nanoscale zero-valent iron
2010NDAnnual BaseReference Evapotranspiration and Actual Evapotranspiration Measurements in NDFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,001
Xinhua JiaActual and Reference Evapotranspiration, Measurement, Estimation, Subsurface drainage,Eddy covariance method
2010NDAnnual BaseUptake and effects of environmental estrogens on growth of fishFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Mark SheridanEnvironmental estrogens, Uptake in fish, Aquatic ecosystems, Agriculture, Rainbow trout, Growth Hormone
2010NEAnnual BaseTowards groundwater recharge forecasting: monitoring and modeling episodic recharge responses to weather eventsFederal: $19,644
Non-Federal: $39,292
John Gatesgroundwater recharge, radar
2010NEAnnual BaseInvestigating a New and Potentially Critical Cyanobacterial Toxin in Midwestern ReservoirsFederal: $19,568
Non-Federal: $40,651
Kyle Hoaglandcyanobacteria, toxins, BMAA
2010NEAnnual BaseMitigate and Treat Antibiotic Residues and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Soil and WaterFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,107
Xu Li, Daniel Snowantibiotic residues, antibiotic resistance genes
2010NEAnnual BaseWireless Underground Sensor Networks for Irrigation ManagementFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,634
Mehmet VuranWireless underground sensor networks, irrigation management, center-pivot systems, decision support tool.
2010NHAnnual BaseHydrologic and Isotopic Investigation of Base Flow Generation in the Headwaters Lamprey River WatershedFederal: $24,624
Non-Federal: $49,825
John DavisBase Flow, Water Resources
2010NHAnnual BasePublic information digests in support of the UNH Stormwater Center and the NH Stormwater CommissionFederal: $15,251
Non-Federal: $31,850
Robert Roseen, Thomas Ballesterostormwater, BMP, chloride, water quality
2010NJAnnual BaseImpact of salinization on New Jersey amphibian species: A physiological approach to water quality issuesFederal: $18,919
Non-Federal: $37,838
Lisa Hazardsalinization
2010NJAnnual BaseEvaluation of three methodologies to document improvement of water quality through stormwater management measures in an urban subwatershedFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Pat Rector, Christopher ObroptaBest Management Practices, BMPs
2010NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of Sustainable Biosorbents to Recover Nutrients from WaterFederal: $24,491
Non-Federal: $48,982
Mahmoud Wazne
2010NJAnnual BaseComparative toxicological assessment of gasoline oxygenates MTBE, ETBE and TAME, and their metabolites, in the zebrafish cardiovascular systemFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Josephine Bonventre, Keith Coopergasoline oxygenates, MTBE, ETBE, TAME, zebrafish
2010NJAnnual BaseInvestigation into the Role of Arsenic Reducing Bacteria in the Mobilization of Arsenic into Ground Water in New JerseyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Adam Mumford, Lily Youngarsenic
2010NJAnnual BaseHydrogeophysical investigation of subsurface controls on persistent canopy gaps in the New Jersy PinelandsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Andrew Parsekian, Lee Slaterhydrogeophysics, New Jersey Pinelands
2010NJAnnual BaseGreen Remediation of Tetracycline in Soil-Water SystemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Pravin Punamiya, Dibyendu Sarkartetracycline
2010NJAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $11,000
Christopher Obropta, Lisa Galloway Evrard
2010NVAnnual BasePartition of Evapotranspiration and Scale Issues in Arid LandscapeFederal: $15,257
Non-Federal: $31,444
Jianting ZhuEvapotranspiration, Landscape, Water budget
2010NVAnnual BasePredicting Solar Still Water Production by Using Artificial Intelligence TechniquesFederal: $7,890
Non-Federal: $21,684
Aly Said, David JamesSolar Stills, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Performance Prediction, Distillation, Solar, Leadership in Energy
2010NVAnnual BaseWater Quality and Eutrophication Modeling of Lake Mead under Changing Water LevelsFederal: $20,513
Non-Federal: $41,036
Dong ChenNumerical models, water quality, eutrophication, water supply, Lake Mead, limnology
2010NVAnnual BaseUnsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Anisotropic SoilsFederal: $14,415
Non-Federal: $29,483
Jianting ZhuSoil hydraulic properties, Anisotropy, Upscaling, Heterogeneous soils
2010NYAnnual BaseHydrological characterization of Woodlawn Beach State Park: Implications for pathogensFederal: $18,200
Non-Federal: $37,317
Charlotte Roehm
2010NYAnnual BaseStreamflow standards for streams of the Hudson River Valley and New YorkFederal: $18,638
Non-Federal: $38,294
Mark Bain
2010NYAnnual BaseQuantifying the endocrine activating potential of New York State waters using steroid-responsive bioassays.Federal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $34,000
Anthony Hay
2010NYAnnual BaseDirector's Office Information TransferFederal: $16,852
Non-Federal: $0
Susan Riha, Stephen Shaw
2010OHAnnual BaseA Hydraulic Modeling Framework for Producing Urban Flooding Maps in Zanesville, OhioFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $55,338
Michael Durand, Konstantinos AndreadisUrban Flooding, Hydraulic Modeling
2010OHAnnual BaseNitrogen Removal by Microbial-Mediated Processes Under Hypoxic Conditions in Lake ErieFederal: $22,832
Non-Federal: $45,666
Xiaozhen Mou, Darren Bade, Robert Heath, Laura Leffanaerobic ammonia oxidation, anammox, denitrification, nitrogen loss, bacteria, nitrogen, hypoxia, algal bloom, eutrophication
Non-Federal: $24,927
Youngwoo SeoBiofilm, NOM, Disinfection
2010OHAnnual BaseThe Environmental Fate and Transport of Denatonium BenzoateFederal: $25,430
Non-Federal: $50,862
Garry Crossonadsorption, quaternary ammonium compounds, bittering agents, soil, organic matter
2010OKAnnual BaseWater conservation in Oklahoma urban and suburban watersheds through modification of irrigation practices.Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $52,763
Justin Moss, Damian Adams, Tracy Boyer, Dennis Martin, Michael Smolen, Kemin SuWater conservation, turfgrass, landscapes, irrigation, urban watersheds, suburban watersheds, evapotranspiration
2010OKAnnual BaseA Fluvial Geomorphic and Sediment Transport Study of the Little River Upstream of Lake Thunderbird Using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $58,567
Randall Kolar, Jason Julian, Robert Nairn, Baxter Vieuxsediment transport, bed load, ADCP
2010OKAnnual BaseDrought monitoring: a system for tracking plant available soil moisture based on the Oklahoma MesonetFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $107,352
Tyson Ochsner, Jeffrey Basara, Chris Fiebrich, Albert Sutherlanddrought, soil moisture, Mesonet
2010OKAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $7,155
Non-Federal: $16,938
Will Focht , Jeri Fleming, Mike LangstonFilm Series, Water Sypmosium, Website, Newsletter
2010ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $60,978
Non-Federal: $139,703
Jeffrey McDonnell, Todd JarvisSeminars, Public Participation, Film Series
2010PAAnnual BasePublic Education on Water Issues Related to Marcellus Gas DrillingFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $45,400
Bryan SwistockMarcellus shale, water quality, education, gas drilling
2010PAAnnual BaseSimultaneous Removal of Phosphorous and Organic Acids using Magnetic Ion Exchange Resin (MIEX) Treatment and Alum Prior to Micron FiltrationFederal: $17,482
Non-Federal: $35,518
Brian Dempsey, Brian DempseyPhosphorus, membrane filtration, wastewater reuse, magnetic ion exchange resin (MIEX)
2010PAAnnual BasePredicting Total Mercury in Pennsylvania Soils in Order to Predict Pennsylvania Watersheds with the Highest Total Mercury Contents Federal: $17,373
Non-Federal: $34,767
Pat DrohanMercury, soil, water quality
2010PAAnnual BasePennsylvania Water Resources Research SymposiumFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Elizabeth Boyer, Bryan SwistockWatershed, water quality, water quantity, groundwater, rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands, water resources, research
2010PAAnnual BaseCoupled Analytical and Biological Analyses of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) of Emerging Concern in Municipal Wastewater Sources in PhiladelphiaFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $35,000
Mohan Acharyendocrine disrupting compounds, estrogenicity, bioassays
2010PRAnnual BaseEighth Caribbean Island Water Resources CongressFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $6,500
Jorge Rivera-Santos, Walter Silva
2010RIAnnual BaseUse of Manometric Techniques to Evaluate the Disinfection Properties of Nanomaterials for the Treatment of Different Sources of Drinking WaterFederal: $16,667
Non-Federal: $33,435
Vinka CraverWater treatment, nanomaterials
2010RIAnnual Base Influx of Petroleum Hydrocarbons to Impermeable Surfaces and Surface WaterFederal: $10,500
Non-Federal: $21,078
Tom BovingOrganic contaminants, PAH, non-point source pollution, surface water pollution
2010RIAnnual BaseClean Water in Rhode IslandFederal: $18,500
Non-Federal: $37,004
Harold Knickle, Geoffrey BothunWater Quality, Conference, Summer Camp, High School
2010SCAnnual BaseEffects of water pollution on fish health in the Saluda RiverFederal: $29,977
Non-Federal: $49,671
Peter Van Den Hurk, Dennis HaneyConservation, Environmental Risk Assessment, Biomarkers, Fish Toxicology
2010SCAnnual BaseSediment phosphorus flux measurement in Lake Wateree, SC Federal: $27,546
Non-Federal: $55,092
Daniel Tufford, Dwayne Porter
2010SDAnnual BaseUse of Cover Crops to Minimize Loss of Plant Nutrients to Water ResourcesFederal: $15,549
Non-Federal: $30,634
Ronald Gelderman, Robert Berg, David German, Chris HostetlerWater Qualaity, Water Resources, Groundwater, Non Point Pollution, Plant Nutrients, Nutrient Loss, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Cover Crops, Hypoxia, Nutrient Load
2010SDAnnual BaseMicrobial and Chemical Indicies of Soils and Water Associated with Vegetated Treatment Areas(VTAs) from Two Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in South DakotaFederal: $8,160
Non-Federal: $26,433
Bruce Bleakley, Todd TrooienFecal Coliforms, Vegetated Treatment Areas, Animal Feeding Operations
2010SDAnnual BaseMeasurement of Human Pharmaceutical Compounds (HPC) in Surface WaterFederal: $5,367
Non-Federal: $10,309
Bruce Berdanier, Sharon ClayHuman Pharmaceutical Compounds (HPC), Municipal Wastewater Treatment
2010SDAnnual BaseInvestigation of Arsenic Removal from Water by Microbiologically Induced Calcite PrecipitationFederal: $13,983
Non-Federal: $27,966
Arden Davis, Sookie Bang, David DixonArsenic, Arsenic Removal, Water, Bioremediation, Bacteria
2010SDAnnual BaseProtein-Based Mechanisms of Uranium Detoxification in Subsurface BacteriaFederal: $16,771
Non-Federal: $33,542
Rajesh Sani, Rajesh SaniDMRB, In Situ Bioremediation, Proteomics, Subsurface Water
2010TNAnnual BaseDevelopment of GIS Data Management System for Water Resources and Climate Research in TennesseeFederal: $50,107
Non-Federal: $95,224
Shesh Koirala, Randall GentryClimate, Geographic Infromation System, Water Resources, Earth System Grid
2010TXAnnual BaseBiological Treatment of Wastewater Contaminated with Estrogenic CompoundsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Meghan Gallagher, R KarhikeyanAnimal Feeding Operations, Bioremediation, Hormones
2010TXAnnual BaseDoes native freshwater vegetation from Texas affect golden algae, Prymnesium parvum, bloom dynamics?Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $18,000
Nathan Matlock, Daniel RoelkePrymnesium parvum, indigenous submerged macrophytes, allelopathy (chemical warfare), Harmful algal bloom mitigation, restoration
2010TXAnnual BaseTrihalomethane Formation Potential in Rainwater Harvested from Different Roofing MaterialsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Carolina Mendez, Kerry Kinney, Mary KirisitsRainwater quality, rainwater harvesting, roof runoff, sustainable water supply
2010TXAnnual BaseImpact of Saline Irrigation Water on Citrus Rootstocks in the Lower Rio Grande ValleyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,251
Catherine Simpson, Shad NelsonCitrus, Salinity, Irrigation
2010TXAnnual BaseAnthropogenic Influence on Tetracycline Resistance in a Rapidly Urbanizing Texas StreamFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Bailey Sullivan, R Karhikeyanantibiotic resistant genes, central Texas, gene transfer, water quality
2010TXAnnual BaseThe Effect of Photovoltaic Nanomaterial Roofing on Harvested Rainwater QualityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Qiao Gao, Mary Kirisitsrainwater harvesting, nanomaterials, photovoltaic cells, drinking water, Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS)
2010TXAnnual BaseLow Impact Development (LID) Structures for Groundwater Management and Watershed Protection in the AMRC10 Watershed, El Paso TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,071
Ricardo Marmolejo, John WaltonGroundwater Conservation and Management, Watershed Protection, Low Environmental Impact, Stormwater Drainage Structures
2010TXAnnual BaseWatershed Protection Plan Development for the Geronimo Creek WatershedFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Kyna McKee, Kyna McKeeGIS modeling, Geronimo Creek, Flow Duration Curves, Load Duration Curves
2010TXAnnual BaseRainwater Harvesting as a Stormwater Best Management PracticeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
SaD Shannak, Bruce LesikarRainwater Harvesting, BMPs, Urban Runoff, Stormwater, Flood Control, and Irrigation
2010TXAnnual BaseDesign and evaluation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for urban stormwater quality improvement in South TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $16,177
Xubin Pan, Kim JonesStormwater quantity and qualify, Continuous flow monitoring, Best Management Practices, Performance evaluation
2010TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $34,694
Non-Federal: $62,641
Bill Harris, Leslie Jordan, Danielle Supercinski, Courtney Swyden, Jaclyn Tech, Kevin Wagner, Ralph Wurbs, Kathy Wythe
2010UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources Research (UCWRR)Federal: $10,909
Non-Federal: $4,407
R. Ivonne HarrisOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development
2010UTAnnual BaseAnalyzing the Spread of Phragmites Australis Over Short-Time Scales Using Spatial and Genetic ToolsFederal: $33,414
Non-Federal: $61,197
Karin Kettenring, Shannon Clemens, Austin Jensen, David Rosenbergwater resources, water conservation, wetlands, system analysis
2010UTAnnual BaseDevelopment of Flood Emergency Response Capability Using UAV'sFederal: $6,748
Non-Federal: $28,415
William Rahmeyer, Shannon Clemens, Austin Jensenmapping, unmanned aerial vehicles
2010UTAnnual BaseDeveloping a Priority System for Managing Sediment in Smaller ReservoirsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $49,757
Rollin HotchkissSediment management, Reservoirs
2010VAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $217,816
Non-Federal: $284,367
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2010VIAnnual BasePoint-of-Entry (POE) Cistern Water Purification Units (CPU) DevelopmentFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $0
Sangchul Hwang, Henry Smithrainwater, filtration, disinfection
Non-Federal: $0
Bernard Castillo, Carlos Ramos-Scharron, Kynoch Reale-MunroeParticulate Organic Material, Terrestrial Sediments, Soil Erosion, Terrigenous material, Small Island Environments, Watershed Management, Coastal Marine Bays, Marine Resources, Coral Reefs
2010VIAnnual BaseWater Usage in Flood and Drip Irrigation of Rice Production in the U.S. Virgin IslandsFederal: $19,984
Non-Federal: $0
Thomas ZimmermanRice, Drip Irrigation, Flood Irrigation, Minority Farmers
2010VIAnnual BaseInfluence of the Atlantic warm pool on the climate of the Lesser AntillesFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $0
Vasubandhu Misra, Henry SmithClimate variability, Atlantic warm pool, diurnal varibility
2010VIAnnual BaseThe Eighth Caribbean Islands Water Resources CongressFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $0
Henry SmithVirgin Islands, Caribbean, Water Congress
2010VTAnnual BaseAdvanced Computational Methods for Designing Stormwater Management PracticesFederal: $31,000
Non-Federal: $50,883
Margaret EppsteinBMP, Watershed, Stormwater, Sediment, Multiobjective Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms
2010WAAnnual BaseDeveloping a Novel, Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand Hot Moments in Reservoir Nutrient TransformationFederal: $27,923
Non-Federal: $56,480
John Harrison, Stephen Hendersonnitrogen; phosphorus; reservoir
2010WAAnnual BaseWater Quality Parameters Controlling the Photodegradation of Herbicides in Surface Waters in the Columbia Basin, WashingtonFederal: $28,000
Non-Federal: $56,109
Olha Furman, Jeremy Rentz, Jeffrey Ullman, Rick WattsHerbicides, photolysis, surface waters, water quality parameters
2010WAAnnual BaseUnderstanding the Vulnerability of Columbia Basin Irrigated Agriculture to Predicted Climate Changes using a Coupled Hydrological-crop ModelFederal: $28,000
Non-Federal: $56,000
Jennifer Adam, Fok-Yan Leung, Claudio Stockleclimate irrigation hydrology modeling
2010WIAnnual BaseDevelopment and Application of a User-Friendly Interface for Predicting Climate Change Induced Changes in EvapotranspirationFederal: $51,650
Non-Federal: $54,920
Steven Loheideclimate change, evapotranspiration, tool
2010WIAnnual BaseResponse of Ice Cover, Lake Level and Thermal Structure to Climate Change in Wisconsin LakesFederal: $64,680
Non-Federal: $64,726
Chin WuLakes, stratification, physical limnology
2010WVAnnual Base(WRI-135) West Virginia Water Conference 2010Federal: $29,714
Non-Federal: $47,467
Tamara Vandivort, Dave SavilleWater, Economics, Education, Policy, Law, Management, Planning, Research, Conference
2010WYAnnual BaseIs the Muddy Creek Food Web Affected by Coalbed Natural Gas Inputs?Federal: $4,435
Non-Federal: $90,178
Lusha Tronstad, Wendy Estes-ZumpfFood web, Coalbed natural gas, Bioaccumulation
2010WYAnnual BaseUsing Voluntary Arrangements to Reduce Diversions and Improve Stream Flows for In-Channel Benefits in WyomingFederal: $3,565
Non-Federal: $24,350
Lawrence MacDonnellInstream flows, Water management, Water rights, Flow restoration
2010WYAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Contaminant Leaching Model for Aquifer Storage and Recovery TechnologyFederal: $21,212
Non-Federal: $140,653
Maohong FanAquifer storage and recovery, Water injection, Contaminant leaching
2010WYAnnual BaseDevelopment of GIS-Based Tools and High-Resolution Mapping for Consumptive Water Use for the State of WyomingFederal: $21,730
Non-Federal: $144,868
Gi-Hyeon Park, Mohan JunnaCrop consumptive water use, Evapotranspiration, Reference crop ET, Crop ET, Crop irrigation requirements, Spatial interpolation of weather data
2010WYAnnual BaseTreatment of High-Sulfate Water Used for Livestock Production SystemsFederal: $13,566
Non-Federal: $143,843
Kristi Cammack, Kathy Austin, Ken Olson, Cody WrightSulfate, Water treatment, Livestock, Health
2010WYAnnual BaseMulti-Century Droughts in Wyoming's Headwaters: Evidence from Lake SedimentsFederal: $33,513
Non-Federal: $230,456
Bryan Shuman, Thomas Minckley, Jacqueline ShinkerDrought, Lakes, Water volumes, Long-term climate change
2010WYAnnual BaseImpact of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Water Yield in Southern WyomingFederal: $35,812
Non-Federal: $367,634
Brent Ewers, Elise Pendall, David WilliamsBark beetles, Water budget, Water yield
2009AKAnnual BaseThe diminishing role of glacier runoff into Eklutna Lake; potential impacts of hydropower and water supply for the Municipality of AnchorageFederal: $19,514
Non-Federal: $41,066
Michael LosoWater supply, hydropower, runoff, sedimentation, glaciers, climate change, Eklutna, Anchorage, Alaska
2009AKAnnual BaseImpacts of Cold Regions Open Dumps on Microbial Water QualityFederal: $19,633
Non-Federal: $9,326
William Schnabel, David BarnesPathogens, Solid Water, E. coli, Enterococcus
2009AKAnnual BaseEffect of raw water quality and membrane characteristics on membrane fouling and effluent quality for filtration of surface water with high organic matter contentFederal: $19,935
Non-Federal: $8,182
Silke Schiewermembrane filtration, DOM, fouling surface water
2009ALAnnual BaseEvaluation of Stormwater Quality Improvement Through Pervious Concrete PavementFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,115
Michael Hein, Mark Dougherty, Charlene LeBleuNonpoint Source Pollution, Permeable Paving, Infiltration
2009ALAnnual BaseAssessment of Groundwater Flow Paths and Discharge to the Coastal Region of Baldwin County, Alabama to Understand Contaminant Transport Using a Cross-Sectional Groundwater Flow and Transport ModelFederal: $14,257
Non-Federal: $28,999
Geoffrey TickModel Studies, Numerical Analysis, Nutrients, Contaminant Transport, Coastal Zone
2009ALAnnual BaseUnderstanding the Role of Denitrification as a Mechanism for Nitrogen (N) Removal Along a River Continuum in Central AlabamaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Ryan Sponseller, Jennifer EdmondsNitrogen Cycle, Denitrification, streams, rivers, eutrophications, bacteria
2009ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $14,195
Non-Federal: $28,390
Brian HaggardConference, Newsletters, WEB Interface
2009ARAnnual BaseDenitrification, Internal N Cycling, and N Retention in River Impoundment ReservoirsFederal: $21,180
Non-Federal: $42,360
Jefferson Scottmass balance, nitrogen transformation, nutrient retention/removal, sediment
2009ARAnnual BaseLand-use effects on resistance and resilience of stream metabolism to flood events in Ozark Highland headwater streamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Michelle Evans-Whitestream, metabolism, land-use, hydrology, nutrients
2009ARAnnual BaseLongitudinal evolution of nutrients in a mixed-use watershed under storm and non-storm flow regimesFederal: $20,380
Non-Federal: $40,764
J. Romeis, Kristofor Brye, Andrew Sharpley, Jerral Skinnerland use, flow regime, groundwater, sediment, Northwest Arkansas
2009AZAnnual BaseThe Ecohydrology and Management of Pinus Ponderosa Forests in the SouthwestFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $19,999
George Koch, Lucy MullinSnow, rain, isotope, hydrogen, oxygen, release effect
2009AZAnnual BaseTransport and fate of mercury and other metals in Tucson’s urban metropolitan area: Role of watershed sources versus atmospheric depositionFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $22,225
Kathleen Lohse, Paul Brooks, Jennifer McIntoshmercury, metals, Tucson Basin, surface runoff, sediments
2009AZAnnual BaseMercury Source Fingerprinting in Arid Lands Aquatic EcosystemsFederal: $10,585
Non-Federal: $21,950
Paul Gremillion, Michael KettererMercury Stable Isotopes, Environmental Tracers, Sediment, Paleolimnology
2009AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $59,450
Non-Federal: $105,662
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden
2009CAAnnual BaseAssessing Orchard and Vinyard Irrigation Needs with Thermal Aerial ImageryFederal: $12,150
Non-Federal: $23,408
David GoldhamerIriggation, Thermal, Orchard, Vinyard
2009CAAnnual BaseReducing Water Use in Naval orange Production with Partial Root Zone Drying - Comparison with Conventional Irrigation at the Same Reduced irrigation RatesFederal: $24,999
Non-Federal: $45,074
Carol LovattIrrigation, Reducing Water
2009CAAnnual BaseDevelopment and Application of the Coupled Vadose Zone-Ground Water Flow Modeling EnvironmentFederal: $15,514
Non-Federal: $40,828
Jirka SimunekGroundwater, Modeling
2009CAAnnual BaseUC Irrigation Water Management - Web-based Research and Information CenterFederal: $30,672
Non-Federal: $65,272
Steve GrattanWater management, Web based
2009COAnnual BaseWater Reallocation and Bioenergy in the South Platte: A Regional Economic EvaluationFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $7,976
Reagan Waskom, James PritchettRegional economic analysis, bioenergy, water transfers
2009COAnnual BaseHydrologic Analysis and Process-based Modeling for the Upper Cache la Poudre Basin, Year 2Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,420
Stephanie KampfHydrologic modeling, Flow forecasting, Climate variability
2009COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $44,835
Non-Federal: $159,751
Reagan WaskomInformation Dissemination, Technology Transfer
2009COAnnual BaseDevelopment of Oilseed Crops for Biodiesel Production Under Colorado Limited Irrigation ConditionsFederal: $12,500
Non-Federal: $6,776
Jerry JohnsonBioenergy, Limited Irrigation, Oilseeds
2009COAnnual BaseUnderstanding the Hydrologic Factors Affecting the Growth of the nuisance diatom Didymosphenia Geminata in RiversFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,715
Diane McKnightDiatom, Didymosphenia, Hydraulic Model
2009COAnnual BaseDeveloping Barriers to the Upstream Migration of New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) Phase III - Laboratory and Field Evaluations of Mudsnail Response to Copper-Based Materials Under Varied Water Quality ConditionsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,350
Christopher MyrickNew Zealand Mudsnail, Copper-based anti-fouling paints
2009COAnnual BaseHigh Resolution Soil Moisture Retrieval in the Platte River WatershedsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $2,914
Lynn JohnsonSoil Moisture, Remote Sensing, Surface Flux Models
2009CTAnnual BaseEvaluation of Turbidity Acidification During Sampling and Analytical Preparation as the Cause of Observed Manganese Anomalies in Drinking Water WellsFederal: $9,478
Non-Federal: $19,243
Gary A. RobbinsSampling, manganese, filtering, sample preservation
2009CTAnnual BaseStream chemical interactions within the urban environment: assessing the fate of nitrogen and mercury in a stream impacted by combined sewer overflowsFederal: $31,355
Non-Federal: $65,823
2009DCAnnual BaseModeling Model Uncertainty for Storm Water Quantity and Quality Analysis Federal: $14,685
Non-Federal: $47,873
Valbona Bejleri, Tolessa DeksissaModeling, SWMM, Uncertainty, Wastewater
2009DCAnnual BaseClam Active Biomonitoring and POM Passive Monitoring for Anacostia Watershed Contaminant Point SourcesFederal: $14,732
Non-Federal: $45,343
Harriette PhelpsPCBs, PAH, Chlordane, Active Biomonitoring, POM monitoring, urban, Anacostia
2009DCAnnual BaseSpeciation of Some Trioganotin Compounds in Anacostia and Potomac River Sediments using NMR SpectroscopyFederal: $10,765
Non-Federal: $30,540
Xueqing SongTriorganotins, NMR, Sediments
2009DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Fast Optimization Technique Using Interactive Spatial Join for GIS Application in Water ResourcesFederal: $11,842
Non-Federal: $30,826
Seon Kim, Pradeep Behera, Byunggu YuDecision support, GIS, water quality
2009DCAnnual BaseApplication of Spatiotemporal Informatics to Water Quality (Phase II)Federal: $14,380
Non-Federal: $31,009
Byunggu Yu, Pradeep BeheraWater quality, Measurement, Spatiotemporal Informatics, Non-point source pollution
2009DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of Web-based Rainfall Statistical Analysis Tool for Urban Stormwater Management Analysis (Phase II)Federal: $8,536
Non-Federal: $10,942
Pradeep BeheraAnalytical models, Urban stormwater models, statistical analysis, Storm event analysis
2009DEAnnual BaseBiogeochemistry of Base Cations in a Broadleaved Deciduous ForestFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Delphis Levia, Anna Bevandissolved organic N and C, forests, meterology, hydrology
2009DEAnnual BaseDevelopment of an Assay to Monitor the Activity of Fungal Enzymes in SoilFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Anastasia Chirnside, Brian JayneMicrobial degradation, bioremediation, pesticides, white rot fungus
2009DEAnnual BaseFlexible Compacts and Absolute Flows: Managing Interstate Basins for Competing NeedsFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Joshua Duke, Michael RuppellEndangered species, dwarf wedgemussel, Delaware River Basin, water allocation
2009DEAnnual BaseNewly Constructed Wetland ManagementFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Chad Nelson, Aaron HallettWetlands, management, invasive plants, water quality, hydrology
2009DEAnnual BaseAddition of Fine Particles Mitigates Flux Decline in Direct Contact Membrane DistillationFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Steven Dentel, Victoria BryanDesalination, technologys, membrane distillation
2009DEAnnual BaseInvestigation of Source and Dynamics of Bacterial Contamination in a Tidal Lake in Point Pleasant Beach, New JerseyFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Clara Chan, Emily OlsonBacterial contamination, salt-water ponds, E. coli, source tracking
2009DEAnnual BasePhysical Characterizations of Rapid Infiltration Basin Systems (RIBS) Used for Wastewater and Stormwater DisposalFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Alan Andres, Jennalee RufftRapid infiltration basins, ground water quality, hydrology, nonpoint pollution
2009DEAnnual BaseQuality of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in Runoff from Various Watershed SourcesFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Shreeram Inamdar, Suneil SeetharamDissolved organic matter, contaminant transport, chemical speciation
2009DEAnnual BaseA Comprehensive Management Plan to Reduce Nonpoint Pollution of the Cool Run Watershed on the University of Delaware CampusFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Anastasia Chirnside, Nicole Dobbswatershed management plan, water quality monitoring, education
2009DEAnnual BaseCharacterizing the Microbiome of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginicaFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Eric Wommack, Megan Furmanoysters, ecosystem health, food safety, water purification
2009DEAnnual BaseHydrology of Freshwater Marsh Nature Preserve, New Castle County, DelawareFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Thomas McKenna, Kelsey Lanan
2009FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $26,558
Non-Federal: $15,000
Kirk Hatfield, Mark NewmanInformation Transfer
2009GAAnnual BaseQuantification of Vegetative Flow Resistance in Constructed WetlandsFederal: $18,044
Non-Federal: $45,095
Thorsten StoesserWastewater, Wetlands, Drought, Vegetation, Hydrodynamics
2009GAAnnual BaseIdentifying Locations of High Connectivity between Floridan Aquifer Water and Surface Waters at Lineament Intersections with Tributaries of the Lower Flint RiverFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,041
C. Jackson, C. Jacksonconnectivity, thermal refugia, Karst, fracture flow, lineaments
2009GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $22,992
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2009GUAnnual BaseInformation ManagementFederal: $1,800
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonRainfall Data, Climate, Water Resources Management
2009GUAnnual BaseProtect Guam's Fresh Water: Taking Personal Responsibility for Pollution, Conservation and Community ActionFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta Card, John JensonWater resources, freshwater, groundwater, aquifer, surface water, watershed, non-point source pollution, conservation, runoff, storm water overflow
2009GUAnnual BaseCalibration and Application of LUOM (Luo, 2007) in Southern Guam Watersheds With and Without Flow DataFederal: $26,687
Non-Federal: $0
Charles Luo, Shahram Khosrowpanah
2009GUAnnual BaseReconstructing the Ancient Rainfall-Drought History of GuamFederal: $33,636
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonWest Pacific Climate Record, Speleothem, Dripwater Chemistry
2009GUAnnual BaseImpacts of Land Cover Change on Groundwater Quality in GuamFederal: $16,177
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming WenLand Cover Change, Impacts, Groundwater Quality
2009GUAnnual BaseSustainable Well Yield Determinations Using Conductivity Probes on Active WellsFederal: $17,950
Non-Federal: $0
Derek ChambersGroundwater, Salinity, Saipan
2009GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of Optimal Operation of Saipan's Water Distribution System Using a Newly Developed Hydraulic ModelFederal: $26,950
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Mariano IgleciasDistribution Systems, Model Studies, Water System Operation, Water Production, Water Demand
2009GUAnnual BaseInfluence of Stormwater and Wastewater Discharges on the Distribution and Abundance of Heavy Metals in Sediments from Saipan LagoonFederal: $41,164
Non-Federal: $0
John Starmer, Gary DentonStormwater and Freshwater Discharges, Saipan, Pollution Monitoring and Assessment, Heavy Metals, Sediments
2009GUAnnual BaseAtoll Water Budget Modeling, Information Transfer and Training for the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $15,382
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonAtoll island aquifers
2009GUAnnual BasePrediction of Flow Duration Curves for Use in Hydropower Analysis at Ungaged Sites in Pohnpei, FSMFederal: $31,746
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzHydropower, Flow duration curves, Streams
2009HIAnnual BaseA decision support tool for managing the pipe network of the Honolulu Board of Water SupplyFederal: $21,225
Non-Federal: $34,154
V. Singh, Chittaranjan Raypipe network, asset management, corroison, soil, pressure
2009HIAnnual BaseAssessing the Influence of Land-Based Discharges (Streams, Storm Drain, and Groundwater) on the Concentrations and Ratio of Four Human Pathogenic Marine Vibrio spp. in Four Categories of Coastal Water Environments of Hawai�iFederal: $39,712
Non-Federal: $78,998
Roger Fujioka, Roger FujiokaVibrio, point source pollution, non-point source pollution
2009HIAnnual BaseOptimal Groundwater Extraction and Water RecyclingFederal: $38,838
Non-Federal: $79,470
James Roumassetwater demand management, efficiency pricing, water recycling, water treatment, dynamic optimization, welfare, marginal user cost
2009HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $6,277
Non-Federal: $13,367
Philip Moravcik, Philip Moravcik
2009IAAnnual BaseTime-Series Modeling of Reservoir Effects on River Nitrate ConcentrationsFederal: $24,417
Non-Federal: $50,065
Keith Schilling, Kung-Sik Chanreservoir, nitrate, time-series, impoundment
2009IAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $13,650
Non-Federal: $0
Richard CruseConference, field days, publications
2009IDAnnual BaseCommunity Economic Impacts of Water Transfer in the Magic ValleyFederal: $19,961
Non-Federal: $39,923
Phillip Watson, Stephen CookeRetional Economics, Water Economics, Community Impacts, Computable General Equilibrium
2009IDAnnual BaseModeling Energy Implications of Water Management Decisions in the Upper Snake River BasinFederal: $18,540
Non-Federal: $37,080
Gary JohnsonHydropower, River-Reservoir Model, Systems Dynamics, Snake River Basin, Surface and Ground Water Interaction
2009IDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Hydrologic Frame Work and Estimation of the Water Balance in the Mountainous Watersheds of IdahoFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Venkataramana SridharWater balance, Water budget, Modeling
2009ILAnnual BaseNitrate Remeidation by Iron Redox Reactions in SoilsFederal: $27,389
Non-Federal: $54,777
Joseph Stucki, Zachary Day, Fabian Fernandeznitrate, iron, clay, mineral, reduction
2009ILAnnual BaseAttachement and Transport Mechanisms of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts in Subsurface Environments: A Multi-Scale StudyFederal: $33,807
Non-Federal: $67,616
Helen Nguyen, Yuanyuan Liupathogen transport, groundwater contamination, manure
2009ILAnnual BaseTransfering Water Resources Information to the People of IllinoisFederal: $18,144
Non-Federal: $4,590
Lisa Merrifieldoutreach, information sharing
2009INAnnual BaseRemote Sensing of Water Quality Indicators in the Wabash RiverFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $45,348
Keith Cherkauer, Indrajeet Chaubeywater quality, remote sensing, sediment transport, Wabash River
2009INAnnual BasePoly Tanks on Farms and Businesses: Preventing Catastrophic FailuresFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $65,116
Fred WhitfordPoly tanks, transportation, spills, pollution, contamination, pesticides, fertilizer, water quality, storage
2009INAnnual BaseFish Responses to Sediment Associated with Increasing Biofuel-related Crop Production in the Wabash River WatershedFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,532
Reuben GoforthBiofuels, Stream fish ecology, Suspended sediments, Respirometry, Shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorychnus, Northern hogsucker, Hypentelium nigricans, Mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi, Raindow darter, Etheostoma caruleum
2009INAnnual BaseEnvironmental Implications of Manufactured Nanomaterials: Silver, Gallium and Indium Federal: $17,331
Non-Federal: $34,791
Ronald TurcoSoil, groundwater, manufactured nanomaterials-nanoSilver, nanoGallium and nanoIndium ecological risk, exposure route, indicators, environmental microbiology
2009INAnnual BaseThe Influence of Nonprescription Pharmaceuticals on Aquatic Ecosystems: Direct Toxicity and Indirect Trophic Interactions Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,714
Melody Bernotwastewater, nonpoint pollution, streams, pharmaceuticals, toxicology
2009INAnnual BaseHydrology, Substrates and Fish Assemblages of the Wabash RiverFederal: $14,004
Non-Federal: $34,490
Mark PyronFish assemblages, river habitat, hydrology
2009INAnnual BasePublication 1: What Killed the Fish? Using Observations, Sampling, and Science to Solve the Mystery/Publication 2: A Field Guide for Determining the Cause of a Fish KillFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,087
Fred WhitfordPesticides, water quality, fish kill
2009KSAnnual BaseSediment Baseline Assessment Federal: $247,689
Non-Federal: $465,663
Dan Devlin, Will Boyer, Brock Emmert, Bruce McEnroe, C. YoungSediment, Assessment, Sediment Load, Reservoir Sedimentation, Banner Creek Lake
2009KYAnnual BaseElemental flow through food webs in restored and reference stream reachesFederal: $4,976
Non-Federal: $9,995
Hwa-Seong Jinstream restoration, food webs, macroinvertibrates, secondary production
2009KYAnnual BaseEffects of Roundup exposure on behavior and reproductive function in a pond-breeding salamanderFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,523
Howard Whitemanfreshwater ecology, amphibians, endocrine disruptors, reproductive physiology
2009KYAnnual BaseTracing the fate of Nitrogen-15 in isotopcially-labeled E. coli and determining fecal indicator die-off rates in an Inner Bluegrass karst basin, central KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $18,464
Alan Fryarkarst aquifer, groundwater quality, indicator microorganisms, groundwater tracers, bacterial survival
2009KYAnnual BaseStudy of turbulent processes driving sedimentation in the rivers of KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,901
James Foxturbulence, sediment, erosion, riverbed, secondary currents, bursting
2009KYAnnual BaseEvaluating the impact of hemlock woolly adelgid invasion on headwater streamsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Lynne Rieske-Kinneybenthic macroinvertebrates, ecological function, stream chemistry
2009KYAnnual BaseImpacts of Bush honeysuckle on ephemeral aquatic ecosystemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,003
Richard Durtscheevapotranspiration, tadpole digestion, allochthonous detritus
2009KYAnnual BaseTen year assessment of the Kentucky River Watershed Watch ProgramFederal: $24,024
Non-Federal: $47,696
Jim Kippvolunteer sampling, nutrients, metals, herbicides, E coli
2009KYAnnual BaseKentucky Information Transfer ActivitiesFederal: $35,710
Non-Federal: $59,838
Lindell Ormsbee, Anna Hoover, Jim Kippsymposium, Internet
2009LAAnnual BaseModeling Turbulent Enhancement of Sediment Transport Federal: $35,946
Non-Federal: $82,034
Heather Smith
2009LAAnnual BaseBayesian Model Averaging for Saltwater Intrusion Management under Model UncertaintyFederal: $33,818
Non-Federal: $68,460
Frank TsaiUncertainty, Model Averaging, Prediction, Saltwater Intrusion, Aquifer, Subsurface, Modeling, Optimization, Management
2009LAAnnual BaseFecal Coliform TMDL Development for Holly BeachFederal: $17,689
Non-Federal: $39,377
Zhi-Qiang DengBeach, bacterial source tracking, fecal coliform, TMDL
2009LAAnnual Base2009 Louisiana Water SymposiaFederal: $17,972
Non-Federal: $35,994
John PardueInformation transfer, environmental infrastructure, coastal communities, water and wastewater treatment
2009MAAnnual BaseBacterial Toxicity of Oxide Nanoparticles and Their AdhesionFederal: $9,952
Non-Federal: $27,934
Baoshan XingNanoparticles, toxicity, bacteria, oxide, water
2009MAAnnual BaseImpact of Nanoparticles on the Activated Sludge Process: Effects on Microbial Community Structure and FunctionFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,800
Juliette Rooney-Varga, Deepankar GoyalActivated sludge, carbon nanotubes, nanomaterials, emerging contaminants, molecular microbial ecology, microbial community analysis, ARISA
2009MAAnnual BaseAssessing the Transport and Fate of Effluent Organic Nitrogen in the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound Using Mass-Mapping Proteomics TechnologyFederal: $59,996
Non-Federal: $126,648
Chul ParkBioavailability, Connecticut River, effluent organic nitrogen, Long Island Sound, monitoring, protein, proteomics, transport
2009MAAnnual BaseCharacterization of Flow and Water Quality of Stormwater Runoff from a Green RoofFederal: $9,800
Non-Federal: $19,646
Paul Mathisen, Suzanne LePagegreen roof, water quality, stormwater runoff, NPDES Permit
2009MAAnnual Base2009 Water Resources ConferenceFederal: $21,192
Non-Federal: $20,310
Paula Rees, Marie-Francoise Hatteconference, water resources
2009MAAnnual BaseAcid Rain Monitoring Project (ARM)Federal: $9,402
Non-Federal: $39,589
Marie-Francoise Hatte, Paula Reesacid deposition, surface waters, water quality
2009MDAnnual BaseNearshore sediment inputs due to shore erosion in the Maryland Chesapeake BayFederal: $19,392
Non-Federal: $38,835
Lawrence Sanford, Lawrence Sanfordshoreline erosion, sediment inputs, Chesapeake Bay, sea level rise
2009MDAnnual BaseLow-cost Anaerobic Digesters for Dairy Manure Treatment and Renewable Energy ProductionFederal: $31,933
Non-Federal: $64,646
Stephanie LansingAnaerobic digestion, dairy manure, methane, biogas, nutrients, treatment wetlands, modeling
2009MDAnnual BaseToxics in Maryland WatersFederal: $10,669
Non-Federal: $18,059
Allen Davis, Allen Davis
2009MDAnnual BaseRole of Invertebrate Bioturbation in Phosphorus Retention of Agricultural Ditch Soils--Summer FellowshipFederal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $13,750
Allen Davis, William Lamp
2009MDAnnual BaseCorrelating Nutrient, Pesticide, and Bacteria levels in the Choptank River--Summer FellowshipFederal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $13,750
Allen Davis, Alba Torrents
2009MEAnnual BaseRegional Pilot to Reduce Stormwater Polluting Behaviors through Social Marketing as an Environmental Education Tool in the Bangor Urbanized AreaFederal: $13,483
Non-Federal: $18,589
Scott Wilkerson, Laura WilsonEducation, Storm Water Management, Urban Runoff, Landscape Management, Pesticides, Regulatory Permits
2009MEAnnual BaseUsing Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Rapid, Cost-Effective Method to Monitor and Analyze Low Levels of Pharmaceuticals in Three Maine Rivers.Federal: $1,250
Non-Federal: $44,826
Howard Patterson, Adria Elskus, Jim Killarney, Lawrence LeBlanc, John PeckenhamToxic Substances, Water Chemistry, Water Quality Monitoring
2009MEAnnual BaseA sequential time-weighted average monitoring approach for monitoring pesticide levels in Maine surface waters.Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $23,800
Aria Amirbahman, Lucner Charlestra, David CourtemanchPesticides, fish ecology, water quality, agriculture, POCIS
2009MEAnnual BaseSustainable water allocation and rulemaking for Maine's surface waters: Adaptation consideration in a changing climateFederal: $10,106
Non-Federal: $57,925
Shaleen Jain, David Courtemanch, David Hart
2009MEAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $24,571
Non-Federal: $48,141
John Peckenham, John Peckenham
2009MEAnnual BaseInfluences of dissolved organic carbon and iron on phosphorus photochemistry in surface watersFederal: $4,192
Non-Federal: $0
John PeckenhamEutrophication, Geochemistry, Lakes, Phosphorus, Rivers, Streams, Water Chemistry
2009MEAnnual BaseTemporal changes of the phosphorus concentration profiles in two Maine lake sediment porewaters using a passive sampling technique. Federal: $3,357
Non-Federal: $0
John PeckenhamEutrophication, Geochemistry, Lakes, Nutrients, Phosphorus, Ponds
2009MEAnnual BaseConserving Significant Vernal Pools through Collaborative Local InitiativesFederal: $3,630
Non-Federal: $0
John PeckenhamVernal Pool, Education
2009MEAnnual BaseCitizen Science: Solving Groundwater Issues in New EnglandFederal: $4,607
Non-Federal: $0
John PeckenhamEducation, Groundwater Quality, & Water Quality
2009MEAnnual BaseImpacts of White Perch Introductions on Trophic Dynamics: Paleolimnological Record of Zooplankton Grazing and Nutrient CyclingFederal: $4,497
Non-Federal: $0
John PeckenhamAlgae, Ecosystems, Eutrophication, Fish Ecology, Lakes, Nutrients, Ponds, Water Quality, Water Quality Management, Zooplankton
2009MEAnnual BaseUsing GC/FT-ICR MS for the Identification of Disinfection By-productsFederal: $4,500
Non-Federal: $0
John PeckenhamChlorination, Trace Organics, Water Treatment
2009MIAnnual BaseWater Quantity and Water Quality Effects of BMPs Implementation in Urban AreasFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $21,103
Amirpouyan Nejadhashemi, Dawn ReinholdBest Management Practice, Groundwater Recharge, BMP effectiveness
2009MIAnnual BaseAn Estimation of Self-supplied Residential Water Use in Michigan Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $32,841
Patricia Norris, Saichon Seedang, Mary ThompsonGroundwater use, water demand, self-supplied water use
2009MIAnnual BaseCommunity Capacity and Use of Groundwater Information: Social Networks, Coalitions, Abilities, and Stratification in Use of the Water Withdrawal Assessment ToolFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $33,492
Stephen GasteyerSocial Networks, Community Capacity, Water Withdrawal Assessment, Ground-water Flow and Transport, Water Quality, Biological Sciences, Engineering, or Climate and Hydrologic Processes
2009MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $32,335
Non-Federal: $65,332
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Use, Water Quantity, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2009MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $50,496
Lois WolfsonWater Quality, Water Quantity, Watershed Management, Macroinvertebrates Wetlands, Monitoring, Interactive Web-based Systems, Exotic Species
2009MNAnnual BaseFate and bioavailability of litter mercury in Minnesota streams and riversFederal: $30,446
Non-Federal: $57,824
Jacques Finlay, Edward NaterMercury; Litter; Methylation; Water chemistry; Bioavailability
2009MNAnnual BaseUrban Stormwater Inputs of PerfluorochemicalsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $81,292
Matt SimcikPerfluorochemicals, Urban Stormwater, Source Apportionment
2009MOAnnual BaseDeveloping Guidelines for Polyacrylamide Use for Erosion and Runoff ReductionFederal: $44,000
Non-Federal: $93,372
Clark Gantzer, Allen ThompsonPolyacrylamide, Soil Erosion, Runoff Reduction, Surface Water
2009MOAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $63,808
Non-Federal: $126,644
Thomas Clevenger
2009MOAnnual BaseVisible Light-activated Titanium Dioxide-based Photocatalysts: Synthesis and Potential Environmental Applications Federal: $44,000
Non-Federal: $91,550
Baolin Deng, Baolin DengTreatment of organic contaminants, nanomaterials, light absorption, environmental applications
2009MSAnnual BaseAssessing the effectiveness of measures to reduce sediment loads in surface waters using 210Pb activity in lacustrine sedimentsFederal: $16,805
Non-Federal: $33,933
Gregg DavidsonSediment, Water Quality, Wetlands
2009MSAnnual BaseInfluences of Land Surface / Land Use Characteristics on Precipitation Patterns over the Lower Mississippi Alluvial PlainFederal: $11,104
Non-Federal: $23,034
Jamie DyerWatershed management, Water resources development
2009MSAnnual BaseWater quality and other ecosystem services performed in wetlands managed for waterfowl in MississippiFederal: $11,555
Non-Federal: $23,763
Richard Kaminski, Amy SpencerAquatic invertebrates, Ecosystems, Sedimentation, Water Quality, Watershed management, Wetlands
2009MSAnnual BaseMolecular Identification of Bacterial Communities Associated with Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol in GroundwaterFederal: $14,237
Non-Federal: $28,474
M Prewitt, Hamid Borazjani, Susan DiehlWater quality, Groundwater contamination
2009MTAnnual BaseTracking Human-Derived Nitrogen through Stream Food Webs in a Rapidly Developing Mountain WatershedFederal: $33,480
Non-Federal: $66,984
Geoffrey Poole, Wyatt Cross, Brian McGlynnFood webs, Invertebrates, Fishes, Eutrophication, Nutrients, Nitrogen, Stable Isotope Analysis, West Fork of Gallatin River
2009MTAnnual BaseOrganic Wastewater Chemicals in Ground Water and Blacktail Creek, Summit Valley, MontanaFederal: $24,420
Non-Federal: $61,814
Gary Icopini, Stephen ParkerDrinking Water, Organic Wastewater Contaminants, Groundwater, Pharmaceuticals
2009MTAnnual BaseQuantification of Coal-Aquifer Baseflow in Montana Rivers Using Carbon IsotopesFederal: $29,000
Non-Federal: $62,280
Elizabeth Meredithcarbon isotopes; coalbed methane; stream baseflow; Yellowstone River watershed
2009MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Variability in the Characteristics of Wildfire Ash: Implications for Post-Fire Runoff, Erosion, and Water QualityFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Victoria Balfourforest fire, ash, ash, infiltration, runoff, erosion, water quality
2009MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: A More Efficient Micro-hydro that Utilizes a Tesla Turbine TechnologyFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Alaina Garciamicro hydro, Tesla, Tesla turbine, hydropower, turbine, electricity
2009MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Bayesian Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Complex Environmental Models, with Applications in Watershed ManagementFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Able Mashambaagriculture, pesticides, nutrient loading, irrigation, nitrogen, Yellowstone River, watershed management, water resource degradation, Bayesian inference
2009MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Tree-ring based reconstruction of Bighorn River Flow During the Last MillenniumFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Bryan SwindellBighorn River Basin, tree rings, tree ring analysis, climate change
2009MTAnnual BaseStatewide Education and OutreachFederal: $29,485
Non-Federal: $64,110
Steve Guettermann, Mary Jo Nehasileducation, water resource education, watershed management, drinking water, policy, research, fellowships
2009NCAnnual BaseProtecting Receiving Waters: Removal of Biochemically Active Compounds from Wastewater by Ozonation and Activated Carbon Adsorption ProcessesFederal: $25,778
Non-Federal: $44,455
Detlef Knappe, Francis de los Reyesendocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceutically active coupounds, adsorption, biodegradation, ozidation, wastewater treatment, water reuse
2009NCAnnual BaseSeasonal Streamflow Forecasts for the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC-8) Basins in North Carolina utilizing Multimodel Climate ForecastsFederal: $25,778
Non-Federal: $41,774
Sankarasubramanian Arumugam, Ryan BoylesHydroclimatology, H;ydrological Forecasting, Climate, Multimodel combination, Climate forecasts
2009NCAnnual BaseUsing PCR-based Methods to Assess Microbial Contamination from Swine CAFOs in Surface and GroundwatersFederal: $25,779
Non-Federal: $46,221
Bongkeun Song, Lawrence Cahoon, Michael MallinSwine manure, CAFO, Microbial source tracking, Quantitative PCR, Bacteroides
2009NCAnnual BaseNC WRRI Information Technology TransferFederal: $5,040
Non-Federal: $24,942
Kelly Porter
2009NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $19,015
Non-Federal: $38,025
G. Padmanabhan
2009NDAnnual BaseEffects of Iron Bacteria on Subsurface Tile Drains: Influence on Nutrient TransportFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,000
Scott KoromTile Drainage, Nitrate Contamination, Irrigation, Iron Bacteria, Water quality
2009NDAnnual BaseSource tracking of Cryptosporidium in rural watershedsFederal: $28,999
Non-Federal: $58,001
John McEvoy, Mark ClarkCryptosporidium, Rural Watersheds, Source tracking, Surface water quality
2009NDAnnual BasePolymer Modified Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles for Arsenic Remediation: Longevity and IonicFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Achintya Bezbaruah, Bret ChisholmArsenic remediation, Iron nanoparticles, Graft Co-polymer
2009NDAnnual BaseDevelopment of GAC-NZVI Adsorbent for Arsenic RemovalFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Wei LinArsenic, Granular Activated Carbon, Non zero valent iron, Nano particles, adsorption
2009NDAnnual BaseInteractions Between Microorganisms and Metal Nanoparticles: A New Approach for Groundwater Remediation (Final Phase)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Achintya Bezbaruah, John McEvoyGroundwater remediation, Nanoparticle, Microorganisms,
2009NDAnnual BaseIon Imprinted Polymer for Removal and Monitoring of Arsenic (Phase II)Federal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $38,002
Achintya Bezbaruah, Bret ChisholmArsenic removal, Polymer
2009NDAnnual BaseChemical Fingerprinting of Sediments and Water of the Souris River for Identification of Diffuse Pollution Sources IIFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Marinus OtteRiver sediments, Diffuse pollution, Chemical fingerprinting
2009NDAnnual BaseFate of Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Fargo WastewaterFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $34,000
Khan EakalakBiodegradability,Dissolved Organic Nitrogen, Fate, Wastewater
2009NDAnnual BaseRegional Flood Frequency Analysis in the Missouri River Basin Based on L-moments and GLS RegressionFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,000
Yeo LimL-moments, Statistical hydrology, GLS regression, Regional flood-frequency analysis
2009NEAnnual BaseA Solute Transport System for Systematically Evaluating Remedial Technologies for Chlorinated Solvent-Contaminated GroundwaterFederal: $11,000
Non-Federal: $60,438
Steve Comfort, Yusong LiRemediation, Chlorinated Solvents, Rebound
2009NEAnnual BaseUnderstanding Microbial Communities in Hyper Alkaline-Saline Sandhills Lakes as an Indicator of Global WarmingFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $25,999
Julie Shaffer, Bradley Plantzsoda lakes, climate change, predictive models
2009NEAnnual BaseNitrate stimulated oxidative dissolution of U(IV) bearing minerals leading to U mobility in Nebraska groundwaterFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $81,154
Karrie Weber, Daniel SnowNitration reduction, Uranium oxidation, Bacteria
2009NHAnnual BaseA pilot study of septic impacts on water quality using Boron concentrations and isotopes as a source tracerFederal: $29,949
Non-Federal: $54,770
Jeffrey Schlossseptic systems, boron tracer, nutrients, water quality, lakes
2009NJAnnual BaseAntibiotic pollution of aquatic habitats and impact on the development of environmental pools of resistance in natural microbial communitiesFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Elisabetta Bini
2009NJAnnual BaseA modified photosynthesis process for water purificationFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $35,000
Shaurya Prakash
2009NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of a profile SOD measurement techniqueFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $35,000
Robert Miskewitz
2009NJAnnual BaseInnovative Research and Development for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Waste and Wastewater Management System DesignFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
David Babson, Donna E. Fennell
2009NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of two in vivo fish assays to study the anti-estrogenic action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and to evaluate endocrine activity in NJ wastewater effluentsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Sean Bugel, Keith Cooper
2009NJAnnual BaseApplication of molecular and metabolic biomarkers of anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation as evidence for natural attenuation in New Jersey groundwater samplesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Amita Oka, Lily Young
2009NJAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $9,835
Non-Federal: $19,670
Christopher Obropta, Lisa Galloway Evrard
2009NMAnnual BaseLand application of industrial effluent on a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem: Impact on soil physical and hydraulic propertiesFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $13,530
Manoj Shukla, John Mexal, Theodore Sammis
2009NVAnnual BaseBlack Carbon in Sierra Nevada Snow: Impacts on Snowmelt and Water SupplyFederal: $40,820
Non-Federal: $85,936
Joe McConnellBlack Carbon, Snowmelt, Radiative Forcing, Aerosols
2009NYAnnual BaseSilica dynamics and nutrient retention modeling in the Hudson River Watershed Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,047
Robert Howarth, Dennis Swaney
2009NYAnnual BaseAssessment of drug degradation in New York State watersFederal: $19,952
Non-Federal: $40,368
Anthony Hay, Patrick Phillips
2009NYAnnual BaseThe fate of non point sources of nitrate in lawn maintenance Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,164
Gilbert Hanson, Henry Bokuniewicz
2009NYAnnual BaseDirector's Office Information Transfer Federal: $20,228
Non-Federal: $0
Susan Riha, Andrew McDonald, Stephen ShawInformation transfer
2009OHAnnual BaseEvaluating Colloid Release from Natural and Model Porous MediaFederal: $10,424
Non-Federal: $20,912
John Lenhart, John LenhartToxic Substances, Water Chemistry, Geochemistry, Solute Transport, Ground Water Quality, Colloid Transport, Particle Filtration
2009OHAnnual BaseDestruction of Cyanobacterial Toxins in Water with Germicidal UV-254 nm-based Homogeneous and Solar-based Heterogeneous Advanced Oxidation ProcessesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,149
Dionysios Dionysiou, Dionysios Dionysiouadvanced chemical oxidation, advanced oxidation processes, advanced oxidation technologies, AOPs, AOTs, chemical oxidation, hydrogen peroxide, peroxymonosulfate, persulfate, reaction constants, reaction kinetics, second order, solar light, sulfate radicals, sustainability, TiO2, N-doped TiO2, NF-doped TiO2, ultraviolet technologies, UV, visible light
2009OHAnnual BaseExploring Spatial and Temporal Demand Aggregation on Transport Characteristics in Distribution System ModelingFederal: $25,540
Non-Federal: $51,968
Dominic Boccellidistribution systems, variability, Monte Carlo
Non-Federal: $49,428
Youngwoo SeoBiofilm, Extraceullular Polymerics Substances (EPS), Disinfection
2009OKAnnual BaseAlternative Water Conservation Policy Tools for Oklahoma Water SystemsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,549
Damian Adams, Larry Sanders, Michael SmolenWater Conservation, Policy Tools, Willingness-to-Adopt, Water Use
2009OKAnnual BaseStream Depletion by Ground Water Pumping: A Stream Depletion Factor for the State of OklahomaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,002
Garey Fox, Mike KizerStream Base Flow, Stream Depletion, Ground Water Pumping
2009OKAnnual BaseQuantification of water fluxes and irrigation use through remote sensingFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,832
Baxter Vieux, Yang HongET, Remote Sensing, Irrigation, Water Use
2009OKAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $6,635
Non-Federal: $16,696
Will Focht , Kylie Ahern, Jeri Fleming, Jenny Jafek-Jones, Mike LangstonFilm Series, Water Symposium, Website, Newsletter
2009ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $18,799
Non-Federal: $8,685
Todd Jarvis, Todd JarvisOutreach, Ethics, Education and Training
Non-Federal: $4,483
Anne Nolin, Anne NolinIsotopes, Biogeochemistry
2009ORAnnual BaseDetecting Heavy Metal Contamination in the Umatilla River of Eastern OregonFederal: $19,335
Non-Federal: $56,265
Sandra DeBanoagriculture, aquatic macroinvertebrates, bioaccumulation, crayfish, Eastern Oregon,
2009ORAnnual BaseVegetation and Soil Processes in Restored WetlandsFederal: $9,955
Non-Federal: $42,436
Mary SantelmannWatershed management, wetlands
2009ORAnnual BaseSynthesis of Traceable Nanoparticles for Studying the Fate and Transport of Engineered Nanomaterials in Aquatic SystemsFederal: $9,926
Non-Federal: $26,066
Jeff Nasonnanomaterials, nanoparticles, fate, transport, water quality, water treatment
2009ORAnnual BaseOregon Water Resources Department (OWRD): Developing an Integrated Water Resource StrategyFederal: $8,506
Non-Federal: $38,021
Greg PerryOregon, long-term water planning, water conservation, interdisciplinary models
2009ORAnnual BaseColloidal transport in variably saturated porous media: A detailed evaluation of colloid mobilization mechanismsFederal: $7,810
Non-Federal: $37,322
Dorthe WildenschildGroundwater, Unsaturated Zone, Colloids, Imaging
2009ORAnnual BaseDams and Development: Ecological, Socioeconomic, and Policy DimensionsFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $22,436
Bryan Tilt, Desiree TullosIntegrative Dam Assessment Model, Interdisciplinary, Development, Dams, Dam
2009ORAnnual BaseA Local Assessment of Abandoned Wells in Linn and Benton CountiesFederal: $10,254
Non-Federal: $22,001
Deron Carter, Deron Carterabandoned wells, drinking water source protection,
2009PAAnnual BaseDeveloping Numeric Criteria to Guide Nutrient Controls for Streams in PennsylvaniaFederal: $1
Non-Federal: $2
Hunter Carrick, John Reganbiofilms, nutrients, streams
2009PAAnnual BasePennsylvania Water Resources Research SymposiumFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Elizabeth Boyer, Bryan Swistockwatershed, water quality, water quantity, groundwater, rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands, water resources, research
2009PAAnnual BaseAn Emerging Technology for Emerging Contaminants: Biocatalysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Wastewater for Beneficial ReuseFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $35,000
Rachel Brennanendocrine disruptors, wastewater, water reuse, fungi, mycelia, mycoremediation, biocatalysis
2009PAAnnual BaseWater Conservation Training and Public EducationFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $35,002
Bryan Swistockwater conservation, water use, education
2009PAAnnual BaseStream Storm Flow Dynamics Below Combined Sewer Systems: Human and Runoff InputsFederal: $17,500
Non-Federal: $35,977
Daniel Bainhydrology, water
2009RIAnnual BaseNanosilver-clay composite material as a reactive permeable barrier to control microbiological and chemical contamination in groundwater Federal: $17,096
Non-Federal: $37,767
Vinka Oyanedel-CraverTreatment, ground water
2009RIAnnual BaseRhode Island Clean Drinking WaterFederal: $18,500
Non-Federal: $37,063
Harold Knickle, Geoffrey BothunWater Quality, Conference, Summer Camp, High School Students, Clean Water, Careers, Rhode Island
2009RIAnnual BaseSequential Inactivation of Microorganisms in Drinking Water using Ultraviolet Radiation and Residual ChlorineFederal: $15,263
Non-Federal: $30,537
Kelly PennellDisinfection, Ultraviolet Radiation, Chlorine, Sequential Inactivation
2009SCAnnual BaseSediment Pollution Potential Assessment of Abandoned Developments Using Remote Sensing and GISFederal: $46,386
Non-Federal: $124,484
Elena Mikhailova, Christopher PostSediment, Water Quality, Development, GIS, Remote Sensing, Modeling
2009SCAnnual BaseDeveloping a theoretical framework for water quality trading in the Saluda-Reedy watershed, South CarolinaFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,246
Robert Carey, G. Michael Mikota, Jeffrey ParkeyEnvironmental markets, water quality trading, institutions, nutrients, watershed, point sources, nonpoint sources
2009SDAnnual BaseAcidic Leaching Tests to Determine Arsenic Mobility from Concrete-Encapsulated Limestone WasteFederal: $24,262
Non-Federal: $48,522
Arden Davis, David Dixon, Marion HansenArsenic; arsenic removal; drinking water; recycling; concrete; disposal
2009TNAnnual BaseDrought Variability in Reconstructed StreamflowFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $102,080
Glenn Tootle, Henri Grissino-MayerDrought, Streamflow Reconstruction, Atmospheric/Oceanic Influences, Tree-rings, Climate,
2009TXAnnual BaseOccurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) at an effluent-dominated wastewater application site: Estrogens, Triclosan, and CaffeineFederal: $4,967
Non-Federal: $10,025
Adcharee Karnjanapiboonwong, Todd AndersonMicropollutants, Endocrine disruptor, Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products, Sorption
2009TXAnnual BaseRole of Free-ranging Wildlife in the Deposition of Escherichia coli into a Texas River FloodplainFederal: $4,997
Non-Federal: $10,000
Israel Parker, Roel LopezWildlife, Escherichia coli, Population Estimation, Fecal Deposition Rate, Concentrations
2009TXAnnual BaseSources and Risks of Waterborne Pathogens in the El Paso del Norte RegionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,083
Joy Archuleta-Truesdale, George Di GiovanniCryptosporidium, Giardia, Microbial Source Tracking, Risk Assessment
2009TXAnnual BaseEconomic analysis of proposed seawater desalination facility in Brownsville, TXFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,149
Andrew Leidner, Ron Lacewell, M Risterseawater desalination, water supply project economics
2009TXAnnual BaseLake Houston Watershed Water Quality Prediction SystemFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Aarin Teague, Philip BedientHydrologic Models, Land Use, Watershed Protection
2009TXAnnual BaseBiotransformation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) at an effluent land application siteFederal: $4,967
Non-Federal: $10,025
Deborah Carr, Todd Andersoneffluent, biotransformation, 17β-estradiol, estrone, estriol, and 17α-ethinylestradiol, ciprofloxacin, triclosan, ibuprofen
2009TXAnnual BaseInfluence of Land Use and Terrain on Surface Hydrology in Shrink-Swell Soils.Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,107
Takele Dinka, Cristine Morganshrink-swell, crack dynamics, land use, hydrology
2009TXAnnual BaseRegulated Deficit Irrigation Application and Cotton Production in SW TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,097
Yujin Wen, Tom CothrenRegulated deficit irrigation, water stress, irrigation scheduling, water supply/ demand
2009TXAnnual BaseIn Situ Groundwater Arsenic Removal using Iron Oxide Coated SandFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Hongxu Yu, Yongheng HuangArsenic, Iron oxide coated sand, Adsorption, Groundwater, In situ
2009TXAnnual BaseEcohydrology of Forested Wetlands on the Texas Gulf CoastFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $19,259
Dex Dean, Bradford WilcoxEcohydrology, Wetlands, Water Budgets
2009TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $34,650
Non-Federal: $70,330
Rosemary Payton, Bill Harris, Leslie Jordan, Danielle Supercinski, Jaclyn Tech, Kathy Wythe
2009UTAnnual BaseDrought Planning Including Carryover Surface Water Storage for a Utah Water Service ProviderFederal: $32,178
Non-Federal: $35,402
David RosenbergDrought, Planning, Carry-over surface water storage, Water supply, Water conservation, Utah
2009UTAnnual BaseIncreasing Data Accuracy, Reliability, Accessibility, and Understandability to Improve Basin-Wide Water Resources Decision MakingFederal: $32,486
Non-Federal: $54,959
Blake Tullis, Steven Barfuss, Mac McKee, Gary MerkleyFlow Measurement, Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems
2009UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources ResearchFederal: $11,500
Non-Federal: $20,932
R. Ivonne HarrisOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development
2009VIAnnual BasePoint-of-Entry (POE) Cistern Water Purification Units (CPU) DevelopmentFederal: $19,750
Non-Federal: $0
Sangchul Hwangcistern, contamination, filtration, disinfection, development
2009VIAnnual BaseAlternative Water Treatment Technologies for An Aquaponic System.Federal: $19,087
Non-Federal: $0
Jason DanaherAquaculture, filtration, water quality
2009VIAnnual BaseInvestigation of Sediment Export from St Thomas WatershedsFederal: $30,056
Non-Federal: $0
Kerry Brown, Gaboury Benoitsediments, watersheds, erosion, streams, hydrology, reefs
2009VIAnnual BaseThe Eighteenth Annual Caribbean Water and Wastewater Conference and ExhibitionFederal: $15,921
Non-Federal: $0
Henry Smithwater supply, water use, wastewater, Caribbean
2009VTAnnual BaseQuantifying Sediment Loading due to Stream Bank Erosion in Impaired and Attainment Watersheds in Chittenden County, VT Using Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing TechnologiesFederal: $43,204
Non-Federal: $115,823
Leslie Morrissey, Donna Rizzo, Donald Ross, Eric Youngstream bank, erosion, sediment, fluvial geomorphology, remote sensing, GIS, LIDAR, object oriented classification
2009VTAnnual BaseEstimating Soil Phosphorus Concentrations along Erodible Stream Corridors in Chittenden County, Vermont Federal: $12,826
Non-Federal: $132,753
Donald Ross, Leslie Morrissey, Eric Youngsoil phosphorus, soil mapping, spatial variability, soil-landscape, P transport
2009WAAnnual BaseAdaptive Management of Mountain Forests to Prevent Mass Wasting under Climate ChangeFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,030
Jennifer Adam, Balasingam MuhunthanClimate, Landslide, Sediment Modeling, Hydrology
2009WAAnnual BaseUnderstanding Controls on Cyanobacteria Blooms: Vancouver Lake as a Model SystemFederal: $27,455
Non-Federal: $55,165
Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Stephen Bollenscyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms, Vancouver Lake, zooplankton grazing
2009WAAnnual BaseInfluence of Large Wood Addition on Nitrogen Transformations at the Surface water/groundwater interfaceFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $56,462
Clay Arango, Carey GazisSurface/groundwater interaction, Hyporheic zone, Nitrification, Whole-stream nitrate uptake, Stream restoration, Large woody debris
2009WIAnnual BaseUniversity of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute - Information TransferFederal: $67,383
Non-Federal: $151,018
Stephen Wittman, James HurleyPublic information, communications, publications, library, websites, news, newsletter, reports, conferences, workshops
2009WIAnnual BaseFrom Sandbags to Sanity: Lessons from the Midwest Floods of 2008Federal: $25,174
Non-Federal: $25,119
Donald Moynihanpolicy, management, water resources
2009WIAnnual BaseCombination of Co-Precipitation with Zeolite Filtration to Remove Arsenic from Contaminated WaterFederal: $32,862
Non-Federal: $9,999
Zhaohui Liarsenic, drinking water, filtration, metal cations, Wisconsin
2009WIAnnual BaseThe Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Elevated Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations on Infaunal Invertebrates in the Central Sand PlainsFederal: $15,649
Non-Federal: $3,753
Robert Stelzergroundwater, nitrate, aquatic invertebrates, Wisconsin
2009WVAnnual Base(WRI-117) Controlling Phosphate in Agricultural Field Leachate Using Mine Drainage Treatment FerrihydriteFederal: $30,351
Non-Federal: $60,705
Paul Ziemkiewicz, Richard Herd, Melissa O'Nealphosphorus, water quality, acid mine drainage, nutrients, agriculture
2009WVAnnual Base(WRI-119) Development and Presentation of Current Water Quality Data for the Public Federal: $60,987
Non-Federal: $108,169
Paul Ziemkiewicz, Melissa O'Neal
2009WYAnnual BaseDetecting the Signature of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding in Orographic Snowstorms in Wyoming II: Further Airborne Cloud Radar and Lidar MeasurementsFederal: $32,647
Non-Federal: $216,530
Bart GeertsWeather Modification, Cloud Radar, Aircraft Measurements
2009WYAnnual BaseEffects of Warm CBM Product Water Discharge on Winter Fluvial and Ice Processes in the Powder River BasinFederal: $18,876
Non-Federal: $124,367
Robert Ettema, Edward KempemaIce, Frazil, Anchor ice, Coal bed methane, Discharge water
2009WYAnnual BaseCharacterization of Algal Blooms Affecting Wyoming Irrigation Infrastructure: Microbiological Groundwork for Effective ManagementFederal: $9,342
Non-Federal: $161,655
Naomi Ward, Blaire StevenAlgal blooms, Algae-associated bacteria, Eutrophication, Irrigation
2009WYAnnual BaseA New Method for Tracing Seepage from CBNG Water Holding Ponds in the Powder River Basin, WyomingFederal: $9,378
Non-Federal: $72,188
Shikha Sharma, Carol Frost, Katta ReddyCarbon Isotopes, CBNG co-produced water, Recharge Flowpath
2008AKAnnual BaseStudy of Streamflow Response to Seasonal Snowcover Change in the Yukon RiverFederal: $49,428
Non-Federal: $16,210
Daqing Yangsnowcover hydrology, discharge, climate, permafrost,
2008AKAnnual BaseTransport and biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in Soil Contaminated with Conventional or Alternative FuelFederal: $34,881
Non-Federal: $13,796
Silke Schiewerfuel spills, bioremediation, contaminant transport, modeling
2008AKAnnual BaseReconstruction of the Lake Pleistocene Glacial Lake Ahtna, Copper River Basin, AlaskaFederal: $15,667
Non-Federal: $38,174
Michael Losoice-dammed lakes, Lake Ahtna, jokulhlaups, paleo-hydrology, Quaternary climate, Copper River basin, outburst floods, glaciofluvial, glaciolacustrine, strandline
2008ALAnnual BaseEvaluating Bioretention Contaminant Uptake and Removal in an Experimental Rain Garden StudyFederal: $17,355
Non-Federal: $34,872
Mark Dougherty, Charlene LeBleuBioretention, Stormwater Management, Nonpoint Source Pollution
2008ALAnnual BaseOn-Farm and Watershed Approaches to Community-Based Nutrient and Pathogen ManagementFederal: $24,998
Non-Federal: $33,739
William DeutschWater Quality Monitoring, Water Quality Management, Eutrophication, Nutrients, Fertilizers, Bacteria, Runoff, Pathogen
2008ALAnnual BaseEstimating Regional and Local Scale Surface Moisture as an Indicator of Drought and Crop Yield Using Thermal IR Remote SensingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,183
Luke Marzen, Diane HiteDrought, moisture, thermal remote sensing, MODIS, crop yield
2008ALAnnual BaseGrountwater-Surface Water Contributions of Nitrate Contamination and Discharge to Coastal Surface Waters, Baldwin County, AlabamaFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $34,041
Geoffrey TickNutrients, Contaminant Transport, Coastal Zone, Groundwater Hydrology
2008ARAnnual BaseRole of Fluvial Sediments in Modifying Phosphorus Export from Northwest Arkansas WatershedsFederal: $24,098
Non-Federal: $48,196
Andrew Sharpley, Brian HaggardFluvial P transport, Streams, Rivers, Northwest Arkansas, Phosphorus
2008ARAnnual BaseSpatial and historical distribution of Geosmin and MIB producers in Beaver Reservoir, northwest ArkansasFederal: $25,423
Non-Federal: $50,846
Sonja Hausmann, Stephen Boss, Ralph K. Davisreservoir, odor and taste, cyanobacteria, nutrients, MIB, Geosmin, CCA, diatoms, paleolimnology
2008ARAnnual Base Biogeochemical controls and interactions of carbon and nutrient cycling in karst hydrologic systems.Federal: $20,814
Non-Federal: $41,628
Erik Pollock, John Brahana, Phil Hays soil karst, water quality, hydrology, biochemistry
2008ARAnnual BaseArkansas Water Resources Center Information Transfer ProgramFederal: $10,550
Non-Federal: $21,100
Ralph K. Davis, Brian HaggardConference, Newsletters, WEB Interface
2008AZAnnual BaseMeta-Analysis of Rangeland Water-Yield Experiments for the Southwestern U.S.Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,279
Ed de Steiguer, Steven Archerwater-yield, rangelands, meta-analysis, research synthesis
2008AZAnnual BaseLessons Learned: Extending the student/staff/faculty collaborative work model to the K-12 educationFederal: $11,474
Non-Federal: $24,623
James Riley, James RileyWater Harvesting R&D, Water Use, System Design, Student Education
2008AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $52,095
Non-Federal: $104,452
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Joe GeltInformation Transfer, Education, Outreach, Newsletter, Policy, Water Supply, Water Use, Water Quality, Water Management
2008AZAnnual BaseDatabase Creation: Transboundary San Pedro Valley AquiferFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,004
Christopher Scotttransboundary groundwater, aquifer assessment
2008CAAnnual BaseClimate Variability of the Sierra Nevada over the last Millennium: Reconstructions from Annually Laminated Sediments in Swamp Lake, Yosemite National Park, CaliforniaFederal: $11,817
Non-Federal: $30,228
Daniel Cayan
2008CAAnnual BaseHigh-Resolution Modeling of Flood InundationFederal: $17,216
Non-Federal: $22,555
Brett Sanders
2008CAAnnual BaseSecuring Access to Water: Institutional Strategies for Coping with Drought and Water ScarcityFederal: $25,511
Non-Federal: $14,297
Ronnie Lipschutz
2008CAAnnual BaseIntegrated Regional Water Management Planning in California: Developing Institutions for Collective ActionFederal: $15,459
Non-Federal: $27,796
Mark Lubell
2008CAAnnual BaseSimulating and understanding variability in runoff from the Sierra NevadaFederal: $17,623
Non-Federal: $27,344
Alex Hall
2008COAnnual BaseHydrologic Analysis and Process-Based Modeling for the Upper Cache la Poudre BasinFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $7,976
Reagan Waskom, Stephanie KampfHydrologic modeling, Flow forecasting, Climate variability
2008CTAnnual BaseRapid and Sensitive Detection of Total Coliforms and E. coli Using SWNT MembraneFederal: $52,058
Non-Federal: $109,026
Yu Leiground water, total coliforms, E.coli, amperometric biosensor
2008CTAnnual BaseOptimization of Acidogenic Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment with The Potential for Water ReclamationFederal: $73,895
Non-Federal: $156,858
Baikun Lianaerobic wastewater treatment, acidogenic phase, water reclamation
2008DCAnnual BaseModeling of Integrated Urban Wastewater System in the District of Columbia (Pase II)Federal: $25,682
Non-Federal: $61,528
Tolessa Deksissa, Pradeep BeheraModeling, water quality, urban wastewater management
2008DCAnnual BaseDevelopment of Web-based Rainfall Statistical Analyisis Tool for Urban Stormwater Management AnalsisFederal: $8,200
Non-Federal: $10,828
Pradeep BeheraAnalytical Models, Urban Stormwater Models, Statistical analysis, storm event analysis
2008DCAnnual BaseAssessing the Distribution of Synthetic Organics and the degradation of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in the Anacostia River through Microbial and Stable Isotope StudiesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $29,336
Karen Bushaw-Newton, Stephen MacAvoySythetic organics, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, alkanes, sediment biogeochemistry,microbial degradation, stable isotopes
2008DCAnnual BaseGradual Variation Analysis for Groundwater Flow in the District of Columbia (Phase II)Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $38,740
Li ChenGroundwater flow, gradual variation, analysis, computer simulation, real data processing, MODFLOW
2008DCAnnual BaseApplication of Spaciotemporal Informatics to Water QualityFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,900
Pradeep Behera, Byunggu YuWater quality, Measurements, spaciotemporal Informatics, non-point source pollution
2008DEAnnual BaseDWRC Information TransferFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
James Sims, Maria PautlerOutreach programs on water resources
2008DEAnnual BaseAssessing the Presence of Natural Hormones in Litter and Excreta from Broiler ChickensFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Alexandra Barnard, William Saylor
2008DEAnnual BaseWater Quality and Bacterial Monitoring at Delaware Inland Bays Oyster Gardening Sites, DelawareFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Christen Dillard, Gulnihal Ozbaywater quality, bioindicators, oyster aquaculture
2008DEAnnual BaseThe Effect of Riparian Forested Corridors on Fish Biodiversity in Suburban and Agricultural LandscapesFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Erin Dilworth, Chris Williamsriparian zones, fish, biodiversity, nonpoint pollution
2008DEAnnual BaseSpatial and Temporal Integration of Pollution History in the Christina River Basin Using Sediment Cores from Bread and Cheese IslandFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Cristina Fernandezsediments, biogeochemistry, water supply, pollution
2008DEAnnual BaseEffects of Water Quality on Oyster Growth (Crassostrea virginica) in the Floating Oyster Aquaculture Gear in Delaware's Inland BaysFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Aaron Gibson, Gulnihal Ozbaynonpoint pollution, oyster gardens, biofiltration
2008DEAnnual BaseDelaware Coastal Zone Act: Impact on Water QualityFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Erin McVey, Steven Hastingsenvironmental policies, coastal water quality, Delaware Coastal Zone Act
2008DEAnnual BaseZero-valent Iron and Other Additives to Enhance Biofiltration of WaterFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Rachael Vaicunas, Pei Chiusafe drinking water, zero-valent iron, low cost technologies, developing countries
2008DEAnnual BaseExploring Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD) as for Water PurificationFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Caitlin Wilson, Steven Denteldesalinization, drinking water, membrane distillation
2008DEAnnual BaseDirect Contact Membrane Distillation of Brackish and Contaminated Water Sources for Sourcing Potable WaterFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Edwin Wong, Steven Denteldrinking water, purification technologies, membrane distillation
2008DEAnnual BaseRemoval and Inactivation of Pathogenic Enteric Viruses and Parasites from Water Using Zero-valent IronFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Adam Yoskowitz, Kalmia Knielfood-borne illnesses, contaminated ground waters, water purification technologies, zero-valent iron
2008FLAnnual BaseSensitivity Analysis of South Florida Regional ModelingFederal: $39,999
Non-Federal: $100,001
Rafael Munoz-Carpena, Gregory Kikerhydrology, assistantships, modelling, water quality, cooperative agreement, South West Florida Water Management District
2008FLAnnual BaseAddition of Ecological Algorithms into the RSM ModelFederal: $20,001
Non-Federal: $49,999
Gregory Kiker, Rafael Munoz-CarpenaHydrology, Assistantships, South Florida Water Management District, Modeling, Water quality, Cooperative Agreement
2008FLAnnual BaseUse of NEXRAD data to develop climatologically homogeneous rainfall areas for the South Florida Water Management DistrictFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $17,000
Henry Fuelbergradar-derived precipitation, statistical analysis of precipitation
2008FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $26,307
Non-Federal: $21,975
Kirk Hatfield, Mark NewmanInformation Transfer
2008GAAnnual BaseAssessing the impacts of a major wildfire in the Okefenokee Swamp on mercury levels in resident macroinvertebrates Federal: $36,000
Non-Federal: $72,002
Darold Batzer, Darold Batzer
2008GAAnnual BaseModeling Water Quality Changes in Aquifer Storage Recovery SystemsFederal: $18,375
Non-Federal: $36,783
Aquifer storage recovery, modeling, water quality
2008GAAnnual BaseTidal Streams: A Renewable Energy Source for GeorgiaFederal: $18,264
Non-Federal: $39,965
Kevin Haas, Hermann Fritztidal streams, energy, rivers
2008GAAnnual BaseA Comprehensive Evaluation of the Mandatory Drought Responses in GeorgiaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $37,373
Susan Cozzens, Hyun Jung Parkdrought, water conservation, performance,
2008GAAnnual BaseGWRI Information Transfer ActivitiesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Aris Georgakakos
2008GUAnnual BaseGuam Water Kids: An Educational Campaign for Children to Learn about Guams Water and How to Protect It.Federal: $16,060
Non-Federal: $0
Arretta Card, John JocsonWater resources, aquifer, groundwater, surface water, watershed, teachers, students, Guam, hydrological cycle, saline contamination, non-source pollution, non-point pollution, conservation
2008GUAnnual BaseA Field-based Simulation for Groundwater Education on GuamFederal: $18,873
Non-Federal: $0
Paul Wallace, John JensonGroundwater education, Field-based simulation, augmented reality games, teacher training
2008GUAnnual BaseUsing Remote Sensing to Determine Changes in Soil Erosion and Sediment Loads from Guam BadlandsFederal: $21,161
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Yuming WenBadlands, Watershed Management, Sedimentation, Model Studies
2008GUAnnual BaseSpatial and Temporal Nitrate Variations in Groundwater from Southern SaipanFederal: $29,900
Non-Federal: $0
Derek Chambers, Heidi YelinNitrate, Groundwater, Rainfall, Saipan
2008GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of Sub-Region Water Production for the Saipan Water Distribution System Model and Exploration of Scenarios for Optimal OperationFederal: $25,816
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzWater Production Data, Water Demand, Distribution Systems, Model Studies
2008GUAnnual BaseHeavy Metals in Biotic Components from Saipan Lagoon with Emphasis on Nearshore Areas Impacted by Stormwater and Wastewater DischargesFederal: $34,534
Non-Federal: $0
John Starmer, Gary Denton, Harold WoodFreshwater Discharges, Saipan, Pollution Monitoring, Heavy Metals, Bio-indicators
2008GUAnnual BaseWatershed Management for Pohnpei Island in the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $35,273
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitz, Mark LanderWatershed Management, Sedimentation, Land Use, Rivers
2008GUAnnual BaseGroundwater Resources Management TrainingFederal: $32,204
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonAtoll Island Groundwater Model
2008GUAnnual BaseWater System Operation and Maintenance Training for Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandFederal: $14,787
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Resources, Training, Education, Operations and Maintenance
2008GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $22,802
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2008GUAnnual BaseInformation ManagementFederal: $1,800
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonRainfall Data, Climate, Water Resources Management
2008GUAnnual BaseComprehensive Survey of the Current State, Infrastructure, and Usage of Freshwater Resources on Low Islands of Pohnpei State, Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $17,845
Non-Federal: $0
Danko Taborosi, John JensonMicronesia, low islands, atolls, islets, reef islands, coral islands, groundwater, rainwater catchment, water storage tanks, water quality, water supply, water use, typhoons, floods, saltwater intrusion, hydrology, hydrogeology, waste disposal, burial practices, pit toilets, piggeries, traditional agriculture, traditional resource management, taro patches
2008GUAnnual BaseBaseline Study of Coastal Discharge of Groundwater on GuamFederal: $20,632
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonGroundwater discharge, Groundwater quality,
2008HIAnnual BaseImproving Water Resource Assessment in Hawai`i by Using LiDAR Measurements of Canopy Structure to Estimate Rainfall InterceptionFederal: $20,987
Non-Federal: $43,242
Thomas GiambellucaInterception, LiDAR, tropical forest
2008HIAnnual BaseIntegrated Management of Multiple Aquifers in the Face of Climate ChangeFederal: $20,525
Non-Federal: $34,742
James Roumasset(integrated) water system management, demand management, efficiency pricing, dynamic optimization, consumer welfare, marginal user cost, climate change
2008HIAnnual BaseDetermination of the Relationship between Biodiversity and Trophic Status of Wahiawa ReservoirFederal: $16,856
Non-Federal: $42,055
Tao Yan, Clark LiuBidiversity, eutrophiation, assessment, prediction
2008HIAnnual BaseModeling of Humidification-Dehumidification (HDH) Seawater Desalination Systems Driven by Solar EnergyFederal: $58,905
Non-Federal: $101,424
Weilin Qufreshwater supply, seawater desalination, humidification-dehumidification
2008HIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer Federal: $6,505
Non-Federal: $11,470
Philip Moravciktechnology transfer, outreach, public information, information dissemination
2008IAAnnual BaseBiomass Harvest and Nutrient Management Systems Impacts on Water Quality.Federal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $122,976
Antonio P. Mallarino, Matthew HelmersPhosphorus runoff, Nitrate leaching, Water Quality
2008IAAnnual BaseUrban resident education integrating investigations of non-point source pollution in groundwater and public perceptions/technical understandingFederal: $21,456
Non-Federal: $42,967
Mimi Wagner, William Simpkins, Mimi Wagnergroundwater monitoring, urban hydrologic systems, resident education
2008IAAnnual BaseDevelopment of Explicit Margin of Safety Methodology for Sediment TMDLsFederal: $17,353
Non-Federal: $35,435
Amy Kaleita, James NewmanUncertainty Analysis, sediment, erosion models, TMDL
2008IAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProjectFederal: $10,077
Non-Federal: $0
Richard Cruse, Hillary OlsonConference, poster symposia, newsletters
2008IDAnnual BaseDeveloping Tools to Minimize Jurisdictional Barriers to Achievement of Fishery and Water Resoures Goals in Lapwai Creek, IdahoFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
Brian Kennedy, Barbara CosensJurisdictional Barriers; Water Resources; Fisheries; Tribe
2008IDAnnual BaseInvestigating Mechanisms by Which Long Distance Circulation (LDC) Enhances Surface Water QualityFederal: $40,064
Non-Federal: $80,128
Frank WilhelmHarmful Algal Blooms, Water Quality, Long Distance Circulation, Enclosure Experiments
2008IDAnnual BaseRegional Economic Demand for Irrigation Water in Idaho's Eastern Snake River PlainFederal: $18,120
Non-Federal: $36,240
Garth Taylor, Levan ElbakidzeIrrigation water demand functions, water production functions, evapotranspiration production functions, water economics
2008IDAnnual BaseClimate Change Impacts on the Snake River Plain's Surface & Ground Water ResourcesFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
Russell QuallsSnowmelt Runoff Modeling, Climate Change Scenario, Water Distribution, Doctrine of Prior Appropriations, Agriculture, Irrigation, Evapotranspiration, Groundwater Recharge
2008ILAnnual BaseInformation Transfer to Illinois ConstituentsFederal: $10,970
Non-Federal: $2,775
Richard E. Warnernewsletter, website, conference
2008INAnnual BasePoly Tanks on Farms and Businesses: Preventing Catastrophic FailuresFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $65,116
Fred WhitfordPoly tanks, transportation, spills, pollution, contamination, pesticides, fertilizer, water quality, storage
2008INAnnual BaseWireless Monitoring of the Wabash RiverFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,004
Chad JafvertRemote Sensing, Streams, Rivers, Undergraduate Education
2008INAnnual BaseNew Rural Home Buyer Septic System Extension Bulletin SeriesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $21,132
Brad LeeSeptic systems, Soils, Pollution, Groundwater, Water quality
2008INAnnual BaseHydrological Controls on Nitrate and Carbon Delivery to Streams in Artificially Drained Landscapes of the MidwestFederal: $14,992
Non-Federal: $31,458
Philippe Vidon, Philippe VidonNitrate, Carbon, Tile drain, Matrix flow, Overland flow, Macropore flow
2008INAnnual BaseEnvironmental Implications of Manufactured Nanomaterial: NanosilverFederal: $25,578
Non-Federal: $13,428
Ronald TurcoSoil, Groundwater, Manufactured nanomaterials: Nanosilver, Ecological risk, Indicators, Environmental microbiology
2008KSAnnual BaseAn Analysis of Sedimentation Reduction Strategies for Tuttle Creek LakeFederal: $89,433
Non-Federal: $138,495
Kyle MankinTuttle Creek Lake, Decision Support System, SWAT, Economic Analysis Reservoir Sedimentation, Dredging
2008KSAnnual BaseWater and the Future of Kansas ConferenceFederal: $18,587
Non-Federal: $61,775
William Hargrove
2008KYAnnual BaseEvaluation of short-term soil and nutrient loss following a prescribed burn in the Crooked Creek watershedFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Mike Kemp, Andy Kellieerosion, nutrient transport, forest management
2008KYAnnual BaseThe effect of clay mineralogy on the infiltration capacity of grass lawnsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $14,046
Samuel Boatengsoil moisture, soil texture, stormwater runoff
2008KYAnnual BaseDevelopment of a composite sediment transport model applicable to watersheds in the Bluegrass Region of KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,503
James Foxerosion, streambanks, in-stream storage
2008KYAnnual BaseComparison of eastern hemlock and hardwood dominated forest stream assemblagesFederal: $3,181
Non-Federal: $8,551
Sherry Harrelaquatic diversity, fish, macroinvertebrates
2008KYAnnual BaseA comparison of methods for measuring suspended sediment and discharge in wadeable streamsFederal: $3,899
Non-Federal: $8,298
Christine McMichael, Steven Reidsediment load, discharge measurement, monitoring activities
2008KYAnnual BaseEvaluating carbon pool patterns in agricultural and forested streams along Kentucky LakeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,002
Iin Handayaniriparian, sediment, stream ecosystems
2008KYAnnual BaseIdentification of human and animal fecal sources in central Kentucky watersheds by PCR of 16sDNA markers from host specific fecal anaerobesFederal: $4,977
Non-Federal: $10,047
Gail Brion, Alan Fryarmicrobial source tracking, Bacteriodes, polymerase chain reaction
2008KYAnnual BaseInventory and assessment of combined sewer overflow discharges within Kentucky communitiesFederal: $22,500
Non-Federal: $45,021
Lindell Ormsbeepathogens, disinfection, CSO
2008KYAnnual BaseKentucky Information Transfer ActivitiesFederal: $35,374
Non-Federal: $63,394
Lindell Ormsbee, Anna Hoover, Jim Kippsymposium, Internet
2008LAAnnual Base2008 Louisiana Water SymposiaFederal: $18,410
Non-Federal: $36,822
John Pardue, Nedra KorevecInformation transfer, environmental infrastructure, coastal communities, water and wastewater treatment
2008LAAnnual BaseElectrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Laboratory Experiments on Saltwater Encroachment Tracking and Modeling in Saturated Heterogeneous SedimentFederal: $16,500
Non-Federal: $33,002
Frank TsaiResistivity, Tomography, Geophysics, Saltwater Encroachment, Aquifer, Subsurface, Modeling, Optimization
2008LAAnnual BaseUncertainty-based TMDL Calculations for Dissolved Oxygen in Amite RiverFederal: $16,245
Non-Federal: $32,490
Zhi-Qiang DengUncertainty, Dissolved Oxygen, Streams, TMDL
2008LAAnnual BaseField Monitoring of Environmental Contaminants of Toxic Metals in Lake Pontchartrain and Ground WaterFederal: $33,592
Non-Federal: $71,080
Ju ChouField analysis, toxic metals, surface water, portable instrument
2008MAAnnual BaseEstimation of Climatic and Anthropogenic Influences on Freshwater AvailabilityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Richard Vogel, Yushiou TsaiSensitivity analysis, streamflow elasticity, fresh water scarcity, drought
2008MAAnnual BaseQuantifying Sediment Transport in Red Brook, Wareham, Massachusetts: Impacts of Dam RemovalFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $75,948
Ellen Douglas, Allen Gontz, Steven Kichefskisediment transport, geomorphology, hydrology, sediment management, water quality
2008MAAnnual BaseToxicity of carbon nanotubes to the activated sludge process: protective ability of extracellular polymeric substancesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,492
Xiaoqi (Jackie) Zhang, Lauren LuongoActivated sludge, Carbon nanotubes, Extracellular polymeric substances, Respiration inhibition, Toxicity
2008MAAnnual BaseCharacterization of wastewater effluent from Western Massachusetts publicly owned treatment works using metaproteomic analysisFederal: $9,958
Non-Federal: $20,084
Chul Parkwastewater, BOD, proteomics, effluent, organic matter, POTW
2008MAAnnual BaseEnvironmental Analyses SupportFederal: $6,106
Non-Federal: $5,302
Paula Rees, Marie-Francoise Hattewater quality analyses
2008MAAnnual BaseWater Conference 2008Federal: $23,664
Non-Federal: $24,910
Paula Rees, Marie-Francoise HatteConference Water Resources
2008MDAnnual BaseThe biodiversity effect: Do plant species mixtures perform better than monocultures in runoff treatment wetlands?Federal: $30,899
Non-Federal: $63,146
Andrew Baldwinagricultural and urban runoff, non-point source pollution, treatment wetlands, plant biodiversity
2008MDAnnual BaseMicrobial nitrogen sequestration in detrital-based streams of the Chesapeake Bay watershed under stress from road-salt runoff.Federal: $29,857
Non-Federal: $59,715
Christopher Swanroad salt deicer, runoff, streams, invertebrates, nitrogen sequestration
2008MDAnnual BaseSummer Fellowship: Integrated experimental and mathematical evaluation to improve the fate of the tetrachloroethene at contaminated sitesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Allen Davis, Allen Davisgroundwater, bioremediation, chlorinated solvents
2008MDAnnual BaseSummer Fellowship: Investigating the Fate and Persistence of dichloroacetamide herbacide safeners in model environmental systemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Allen Davisherbacides, agriculture, endocrine disruptors
2008MDAnnual BaseHow Can Maryland Agriculture and the Bay Coexist?Federal: $7,624
Non-Federal: $15,248
Allen Davis, Philip Kearney
2008MEAnnual BaseDevelopment of a non-lethal biomarker of contaminant exposure for threatened and endangered fish species.Federal: $6,083
Non-Federal: $61,641
Rebecca Van Beneden, Adria Elskus, Brian Perkinsbioindicators, organic compounds, pollutants, rivers, streams, synthetic organics, toxic substances, trace organics, water quality, water quality monitoring
2008MEAnnual BaseMaine Information TransferFederal: $26,183
Non-Federal: $35,808
John PeckenhamEducation, Outreach
2008MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,346
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Water Quantity, Watershed Management; Macroinvertebrates; Wetlands; Monitoring; Interactive Web-based Systems; Exotic Species
2008MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $27,335
Non-Federal: $57,066
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Use, Water Quantity, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2008MIAnnual BaseThe returns on investments in the establishment of riparian buffers for water quality remediation in Michigan's inland lakesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $34,015
Kendra Cheruvelil, Daniel Kramerwater quality, economic, hedonic valuation, property values, cost, riparian buffers, property values
2008MIAnnual BaseWater Use and Water Demand by Self-supplied Residential Water Users in MichiganFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $32,054
Patricia Norris, Saichon Seedang, Mary ThompsonGroundwater use, water demand, self-supplied water use
2008MIAnnual BaseProspectus for Developing an Innovation Clearinghouse for Next Generation Water and Wastewater UtilitiesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $22,189
Janice Beecher, Ruth Kline-Robach, Saichon SeedangWater and Wastewater Utilities
2008MNAnnual BaseIntegrating Biological Data into TMDL Assessments: Refining a Model to Determine Biologically Meaningful Target Levels for Dissolved OxygenFederal: $24,735
Non-Federal: $48,361
Leonard Ferrington Jr.TMDL, species thermal preferenda, Chironomidae, percentage affected fraction, species sensitivities distributions, dissolved Oxygen, modeling, emergence.
2008MNAnnual BaseThe Cultivation, Characterization, and Detection of Bacteria that Biodegrade Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Distribution SystemsFederal: $80,000
Non-Federal: $193,980
Raymond Hozalski, Timothy LaParaHaloacetic acids, Biodegradation
2008MNAnnual BaseEnhanced Degradation of Stormwater Petrochemicals within the Rhizosphere of Raingarden Bioretention CellsFederal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $14,235
Paige NovakAlternative Stormwater Management, Raingardens, Phytoremediation, Biodegradation, Low-Impact Development
2008MSAnnual BaseA Continuation of Climatological and Cultural Influences on Annual Groundwater Decline in the Mississippi Delta Shallow Alluvial Aquifer: Modeling Potential Solutions (Year Two)Federal: $18,304
Non-Federal: $70,504
Charles Wax, Joseph Massey, Jonathan PoteDelta alluvial aquifer irrigation uses, surface and groundwater management
2008MSAnnual BaseMulti-scale Evaluation and Analysis of Precipitation Patterns over the Mississippi DeltaFederal: $12,658
Non-Federal: $40,650
Jamie Dyerwatershed management, water resources development
2008MSAnnual BaseMonitoring and Modeling Water Pollution in Mississippi LakesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,110
Cristiane SurbeckWater quality, contaminant transport mechanisms, water quality management, fecal indicator bacteria, recreational lakes
2008MSAnnual BaseWatershed Assessment and EducationFederal: $30,240
Non-Federal: $67,410
Maifan SilitongaWater quality, watershed management, water quality management, and surface water
2008MTAnnual BaseThe Importance of Ecologically Connected Streams to the Biological Diversity of Watersheds: a case study in the St. Regis River subbasin, MontanaFederal: $13,860
Non-Federal: $27,720
Winsor LoweClean Water Act, connectivity, ecosystem indicator, headwater streams, roads, salamanders, timber harvest
2008MTAnnual BaseModeling the Potential for Transport of Contaminated Sediment Federal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $34,386
Joel Cahoon mine-impacted wetlands, groundwater-surface water interactions, erosive hazard potential, floods
2008MTAnnual BaseEvolution of channel morphology and aquatic habitat in the Middle Clark Fork River following removal of Milltown DamFederal: $31,636
Non-Federal: $63,512
Andrew Wilcox, Andrew WilcoxSediment transport, dam removal, fine sediment, infiltration, aquatic habitat, channel morphology
2008MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: How susceptible to chlorine disinfection are detached biofilm particles?Federal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Sabrina Benhkedetached biofilms, disinfection
2008MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: The Consequences of Introgressive Hybridization: Implications for Westslope Cutthroat Trout ConservationFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $0
Matt Corsiinvasive species, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Oncorhynchus mykiss, hybridization, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout
2008MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Predictive Modeling of Snowmelt and the Hydrologic Response:Federal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Tyler Smithsnowmelt, snowpack, hydrology, modeling, watershed, runoff
2008MTAnnual BaseStatewide Education and OutreachFederal: $29,201
Non-Federal: $9,388
Steve Guettermannhydrology, surface water, groundwater, NPS, geochemical processes, invasive species, toxic substances
2008NCAnnual BaseDevelopment of an Analytical Method for Taste and Odor Compounds and Application to NC Drinking Water Sources and Finished WatersFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $80,780
Detlef KnappeAlgae, cyanobacteria, distribution system, taste and odor, water quality monitoring, water treatment
2008NCAnnual BaseDevelopment of the Semi-Empirical Ammonia Deposition and Emission (SEADE) Model for Application to North Carolina Coastal WatershedsFederal: $26,004
Non-Federal: $59,714
Wayne Robarge, Robert Austin, John WalkerAtmospheric models, animal waste, microclimatology, nutrients, models
2008NCAnnual BaseImproved Drought Management Strategies for the Triangle Area Utilizing Climate Imformation based Probabilistic Streamflow ForecastsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $56,674
Sankarasubramanian ArumugamHydroclimatology, Hydrological Forecasting, Watershed Management, Risk Analysis, Climate Decision Models, Flood Control, Multi-Objective Planning, Optimization, Reservoir Modiling, Systems Analysis
2008NCAnnual BaseNC WRRI Information Technology TransferFederal: $4,914
Non-Federal: $26,398
Kelly Porter
2008NDAnnual BaseRapid and Sensitive Determination of Bacteria in Water using NanoparticlesFederal: $14,800
Non-Federal: $29,600
Julia Xiaojun ZhaoFlourescent nanoparticle , Bacteria detection, Distribution Systems
2008NDAnnual BaseModification of Iron Nanoparticles by Amphiphilic Polysiloxane Graft Copolymer for Arsenic, TCE, and RDX RemediationFederal: $9,000
Non-Federal: $18,000
Achintya Bezbaruah, Bret ChisholmArsenic, TCE and RDX remediation, Iron nanoparticles, Graft Co-polymer
2008NDAnnual BaseSelected Pesticide Remediation with Iron Nanoparticles: Modeling and Barrier ApplicationsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Achintya BezbaruahIron nanoparticles, Treatment, Herbicides, Groundwater remediation
2008NDAnnual BaseDevelopment of GAC-NZVI Adsorbent for Arsenic RemovalFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
Wei LinAdsorbent, Non Zero Valent Iron, Arsenic Removal
2008NDAnnual BaseIon imprinted polymer for Removal and Monitoring of ArsenicFederal: $10,700
Non-Federal: $21,400
Achintya Bezbaruah, Bret ChisholmArsenic Monitoring, Arsenic Sensor, Iron imprinted polymer
2008NDAnnual BaseChemical Fingerprinting of Sediments and Water of the Souris River for Identification of Diffuse Pollution SourcesFederal: $10,700
Non-Federal: $21,400
Marinus OtteChemical Fingerprinting, Sediment transport in watersheds, Diffuse Pollution, Tracing sediment sources of pollutants
2008NDAnnual BaseInteractions between Microorganisms and Metal Nanoparticles: A new approach for groundwater remediationFederal: $7,600
Non-Federal: $15,200
Achintya BezbaruahMetal nanoparticles, Groundwater remediation, Encapsulation, Microorganism-metal system, Alginate
2008NDAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and CommunicationFederal: $10,014
Non-Federal: $20,028
G. Padmanabhan
2008NEAnnual BaseHow Water Resources Limit and/or Promote Residential Housing Developments in Douglas CountyFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $90,000
Steven Shultzhedonic valuation method, floodplains lake views
2008NEAnnual BaseFate of microcontaminants in streams augmented by wastewater treatment plant effluent useFederal: $31,600
Non-Federal: $63,524
Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Daniel Snowmicrocontaminants, effluent, fate, transport
2008NEAnnual BaseGeographic trends in contamination of Nebraskas surface waters as indexed by sex steroids of common carpFederal: $28,880
Non-Federal: $58,198
Kevin Pope, Alan Kolok, Daniel Snowsteroidogenic contaminants, lentic systems, fish
2008NEAnnual BaseSatellite-based Energy Balance to Assess Riparian Water UseFederal: $19,995
Non-Federal: $40,044
Ayse Irmak, Gary Hergert, Sunil Narumalani, Donald Rundquist, Gary Stoneevapotranspiration, remote sensing, metric, energy balance, invasive species
2008NEAnnual BaseInformation Transfer Plan/Water EducationFederal: $146,189
Non-Federal: $176,389
Kyle Hoagland, Steven Ress
2008NHAnnual BaseUrbanization Impacts on NH Streamwater Thermal LoadingFederal: $30,725
Non-Federal: $64,734
Jennifer Jacobs, Thomas Ballestero, Robert Roseen
2008NHAnnual BaseThe role of landscape controls on stream chemistry variability and inorganic aluminum mobilization in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.Federal: $19,569
Non-Federal: $40,961
Kevin McGuire, Scott Bailey, Christian Doogan, Robert Estabrook, Steve Kahlstream chemistry, regional scaling, inorganic monomeric aluminum
2008NHAnnual BaseNew Hampshire WRRC Information TransferFederal: $234,423
Non-Federal: $260,532
William McDowell
2008NJAnnual BaseVolatilization of PCBs from the Tappan Zee region of the Hudson RiverFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $59,516
Lisa Rodenburg, Robert Miskewitz
2008NJAnnual BaseProcess-based modeling of nitrogen removal dynamics in brownfield and intact remnant wetland systemsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,800
Monica Palta, Joan Ehrenfeld
2008NJAnnual BasePBDEs and Other Brominated Compounds in a Bioreactor LandfillFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,503
Jennifer Loudon, Donna E. Fennell
2008NJAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $5,235
Non-Federal: $11,103
Joan Ehrenfeld, Lisa Galloway Evrard
2008NJAnnual BaseMicrobial Mobilization of Arsenic and Selenium Oxyanions in Subsurface AquifersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,038
Ines Rauschenbach, Max Haggblom
2008NJAnnual BaseMicro Scale Solid Phase Extraction using Carbon Nanotubes for Rapid Detection of Organic Pollutants in Water ResourcesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,745
Ornthida Sae-Khow, Somenath Mitra
2008NJAnnual BaseCranberry Farms' Habitat Function in the Wetland System of the New Jersey Pine BarrensFederal: $4,700
Non-Federal: $12,050
Ai Wen, David Ehrenfeld
2008NJAnnual BaseIdentifying the source of excess fine-grained sediments in New Jersey rivers using radionuclidesFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $49,376
Joshua Galster, Kirk Barrett
2008NMAnnual BaseUtilization of Saline and Other Impaired Waters for Turfgrass Irrigation (Leinauer)Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $13,530
Bernhard Leinauer, Ryan Gosssaline water, turfgrass irrigation, impaired waters
2008NMAnnual BaseEstimating Water Use through Satellite Remote Sensing (Bleiweiss)Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $13,530
Max Bleiweiss, Zohrab Samani, Rhonda Skaggsremote sensing, Lower Rio Grande, water use
2008NVAnnual BaseSoil Heterogeneity and Moisture Distribution Due to Rainfall Events in Vegetated Desert Areas: Potential Impact on Soil Recharge and EcosystemsFederal: $21,492
Non-Federal: $42,982
Michael Young, Li Chenspatial variability, groundwater recharge, soil hydraulic properties, soil recharge, ecosystems, soils development, plant water availability
2008NVAnnual BaseFlood Warning System for the Clark County Wetlands ParkFederal: $33,236
Non-Federal: $66,472
Thomas Piechotaflooding, decisions support system, hydrologic modeling, hydraulic modeling
2008NVAnnual BaseMicrobial and Phytoplankton Impacts on Endocrine Disrupting Contaminants:Federal: $26,508
Non-Federal: $52,502
Duane Moserbacteria, estrogen, endocrine disruptors, Lake Mead, wastewater
2008NVAnnual BaseQuagga Mussel Invasion in Lake Mead: Ecological Impact and ContainmentFederal: $46,616
Non-Federal: $94,227
Kumud Acharya, Charalambos Papelis, Mark StoneLake Mead, Invasive Species, Quagga Mussels, Water Quality, Containment
2008NVAnnual BaseEstimation of Spatio-Temporal Statistics of Precipitation and Snow-Water Equivalent in the Truckee River Watershed Federal: $34,177
Non-Federal: $68,699
Rina Schumer, Anna Knustwater supply management, precipitation, snow water equivalent, precipitation-runoff modeling
2008NVAnnual BaseUncertainty and Sensitivity of Ground-Water Discharge Estimates for the Shrublands in the Great Basin AreaFederal: $17,834
Non-Federal: $35,800
Jianting ZhuGround-water discharge, Evapotranspiration, Uncertainty, Water budget
2008NYAnnual BaseMultimedia modeling of regional variation of nitrogen sources in the Hudson River WatershedFederal: $19,999
Non-Federal: $25,100
Robert HowarthLand use changes, atmospheric deposition of N, climate change, modeling
2008NYAnnual BaseEvaluation of sediment sources in the Hudson River WatershedFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $27,450
Todd WalterSediment transport processes, land use patterns, erosion control strategies, runoff
2008NYAnnual BaseApplication of stream landscape theory for the restoration of Hudson Valley WatershedsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $12,500
Mark BainProtecting stream habitat, quality of aquatic life, stream landscapes
2008OHAnnual BaseCompetitive Learning to Develop a Biomarker Forecasting Tool for Classifying Recreational Water QualityFederal: $28,248
Non-Federal: $56,496
Dominic Boccelliwater quality, recreational management, non point pollution, neural networks, microbial
2008OHAnnual BaseBioremediation of heavy metals using the genetically engineered bacterium Caulobacter crescentusFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $52,970
Zhaohui Xu, Robert McKayheavy metals, bioremediation, genetic engineering
2008OHAnnual BaseObservations of River Topography and Flow Around Bridges Federal: $32,391
Non-Federal: $64,793
Thomas Lippmannriver topography around bridges, hydrographic surveying, bridge scour, river flow
2008OKAnnual BaseEvaluation of Water Use Monitoring by Remote Sensing ET Estimation MethodsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $53,478
Yang Hong, Baxter VieuxET, Remote Sensing, Irrigation, Water Use
2008OKAnnual BaseDecision Support Model for Evaluating Alternative Water Supply Infrastructure ScenariosFederal: $49,878
Non-Federal: $98,996
Brian Whitacre, Dee Ann Sanders, Arthur StoeckerDecision Support, Regionalization, Planning, Modeling
2008OKAnnual BaseAn Assessment of Environmental Flows for OklahomaFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $100,000
Don Turton, William Fisherstream classification, hydrologic indices, modeling eco-hydrology
2008OKAnnual BaseOWRRI Information Transfer ProjectFederal: $6,696
Non-Federal: $27,203
Will Focht , Mike LangstonOutreach, Information Transfer,
2008ORAnnual BaseWater Reuse in Corvallis, Oregon:Federal: $12,508
Non-Federal: $26,148
Brent Steelwater reuse, reclaimed water, recycled water,
2008ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $14,997
Non-Federal: $27,301
Todd JarvisOutreach, Public Participation, Education and Training
2008ORAnnual BaseEffects of sediment barrier removal on geomorphic complexity and habitatFederal: $9,121
Non-Federal: $42,309
Desiree Tullosculvert replacement, barrier removal, habitat,
2008ORAnnual BaseThe Influence of Sediment Deposition on the Emergence Success of Juvenile SalmonidsFederal: $24,348
Non-Federal: $63,068
Stephen Lancastersalmon habitat, sedimentation, cumulative watershed effects
2008ORAnnual BaseThe Rock Creek Sustainability Initiative Federal: $26,593
Non-Federal: $94,323
Elaine Hallmarkadaptive governance, collaborative policy development,
2008ORAnnual BaseAn exploration of groundwater rights and community-based action in Umatilla CountyFederal: $14,442
Non-Federal: $28,964
Jon Lewisdocumentary, groundwater, communication,
2008PAAnnual BaseMercury in Pennsylvania Forest Streams: Do Hotspots Exist?Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,024
Elizabeth Boyer, David DeWallemercury, watershed, water quality, atmospheric deposition, forest, streamflow
2008PAAnnual BaseControls on nitrogen and phosphorous transport and fate in northern Appalachian streamsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,690
Mike Gooseffstream nutrient cycling; groundwater-surface water exchange; hyporpheic zone
2008PAAnnual BaseSeeing into the subsurface: Detecting and visualizing preferential flow in situ using innovative approachesFederal: $19,546
Non-Federal: $46,405
Henry Linpreferential flow, subsurface flow network, flow visualization, ground penetrating radar
2008PAAnnual BaseImpact of infiltrating runoff on groundwater recharge qualityFederal: $19,923
Non-Federal: $39,936
Mira Olsoninfiltration, bacteria, stormwater
Non-Federal: $87,706
Sangchul HwangResource Development, Plant Growth, Water Quality
2008RIAnnual BaseClean Water Technology for Rhode IslandFederal: $17,187
Non-Federal: $34,526
Harold Knickle
2008RIAnnual BaseLong-term, state-wide analysis of the relationship between water quality and demographic changes in the state of Rhode IslandFederal: $14,669
Non-Federal: $29,384
Laura Meyerson, Frederick MeyersonFreshwater resouces, demographic change, water quality, land use planning, interdisciplinary research
2008RIAnnual BaseUtilization of Silver Nanoparticles as Chlorine-free Biocide for Water TreatmentFederal: $16,771
Non-Federal: $33,548
Vinka Oyanedel-Craver
2008SCAnnual BaseAssessing suspended sediment transport potential and supply in an urbanizing coastal plains streamFederal: $31,465
Non-Federal: $75,983
Anand Jayakaran, Susan LibesModeling, stream management, suspended sediemnt transport, HEC-RAS, BMP, fecal coliforms
2008SCAnnual BaseImproved Early Detection Methods for Microcystin-Producing CyanobacteriaFederal: $33,814
Non-Federal: $68,342
Alan Johnson, Yanru YangAlgal toxins, blue-green algae, cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, decision analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA, harmful algal blooms, microcystin, molecular genetics, monitoring, polymerase chain reaction, PCR, reverse-transcriptase ploymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR, risk assessment
2008SDAnnual BaseThermal Stability of Limestone Waste for Recycling after Arsenic Removal from Drinking WaterFederal: $24,934
Non-Federal: $49,870
Arden Davis, David Dixon, Marion HansenArsenic; arsenic removal; drinking water; recycling; cement; disposal
2008SDAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Decision Support System for Water Resources Management of Shallow Glacial Alluvial Aquifers: A Laboratory Proof of Concept StudyFederal: $54,785
Non-Federal: $116,689
Suzette Burckhard, Patrick EmmonsWater quality, nutrient transport, water availability
2008SDAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $45,276
Non-Federal: $83,993
Van Kelley, David GermanPublic outreach, Agency interaction, Adult education, Youth education
2008SDAnnual BaseSimulating the Soil Erosion from Land Removed from CRPFederal: $31,710
Non-Federal: $64,747
Todd Trooien, David Clay, Dennis Todeyrunoff, soil erosion, models
2008SDAnnual BaseDetermining Soil Moisture and Temperature Condition Effects on Potential Run-Off for Cold Season Manure ApplicationFederal: $37,594
Non-Federal: $74,804
Dennis Todey, David GermanWater quality, manure application, soil temperatures, soil moisture, risk assessment
2008TNAnnual BaseEffect of Wastewater Strength on Soil Physical Properties when using Subsurface Drip IrrigationFederal: $75,000
Non-Federal: $162,664
John BuchananDrip Dispersal, Domestic Wastewater, Decentralized Wastewater Management
2008TNAnnual BaseA Survey of Bank Erosion in Beaver Creek, Knox County, Tennessee: Correlations of Channel Stability with Force and Resistance VariablesFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $100,246
Qiang He, John SchwartzBank Erosion, Channel Stability, TMDL's, Siltation, Urbanization, Stream Restoration, Water Quality
2008TXAnnual BaseEconomic Impacts of Biological Control of Arundo donax in the Rio Grande BasinFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,246
Emily Seawright, John Goolsby, Ron Lacewell, M Rister, Allen SturdivantArundo donax, Giant Reed
2008TXAnnual BaseUncertainty Analysis of Recharge to the Edwards Aquifer using Bayesian Model Averaging SchemeFederal: $4,890
Non-Federal: $10,012
Champa Joshi, Binayak MohantyEdwards Aquifer, Recharge, Bayesian model averaging (BMA) scheme
2008TXAnnual BaseEffect of grid sizes as subbasins on SWAT model hydrologic and water quality predictionsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $16,962
Sivarajah Mylevaganam, Raghavan SrinivasanSWAT, Hydrologic Response Units, POME, Hydrological Model
2008TXAnnual BaseUncertainty Analysis of a Statistical Model for Pathogen Contamination Assessment in Two Texas River Basins Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,519
Deepti Puri, R KarhikeyanE. coli, Spatial Analysis, SPARROW, TMDL
2008TXAnnual BaseDevelopment of Library-Independent Bacterial Source Tracking Markers for Species-Specific Discrimination of Deer and Cattle Fecal Contamination in Surface WatersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $19,000
Emily Martin, Terry GentryBacterial Source Tracking, Bacteroides, Molecular Marker, Deer
2008TXAnnual BaseMitigating demand for irrigated water used in agriculture by genetically enhancing crop plants to be productive in minimal water conditions.Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $19,008
Kranthi Mandadi, Thomas McKnight: Drought; Stomata; Biotechnology
2008TXAnnual BaseUsing SWAT to Compare Planning Methods for Neighborhoods: Case Study of Stormwater in The Woodlands, TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $19,623
Bo Yang, Ming-Han LiGIS, Flood Control, Water Quality, Soil Permeability, Urban Planning, Ecological Planning
2008TXAnnual BaseAn Environmental Flows Information System for TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,080
Eric Hersh, David Maidmentenvironmental flows, information systems, data models, hydrology, hydraulics, geomorphology, water quality, biology, climatology.
2008TXAnnual BaseMicrobial Source Tracking in Drinking Water from Rainwater HarvestingFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Brigit Afshar, Mary KirisitsMicrobial source tracking, drinking water, rainwater harvesting, Bacteroides, fecal contamination
2008TXAnnual BaseEcohydrology and ecophysiology of Arundo donax (giant reed)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,549
David Watts, Georgianne MooreArundo, giant reed, carrizo cane, water use
2008TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $69,878
Non-Federal: $88,920
Rosemary Payton, Danielle Supercinski, Jaclyn Tech, Cecilia Wagner, Kathy Wythe
2008UTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer in Support of the Utah Center for Water Resources ResearchFederal: $7,305
Non-Federal: $9,433
R. Ivonne HarrisOutreach, Publications, Web Page Development
2008UTAnnual BaseIncreasing Data Accuracy, Reliability, Accessibility, and Understandability to Improve Basin-Wide Water Resources Decision MakingFederal: $15,046
Non-Federal: $49,827
Blake Tullis, Steven Barfuss, Mac McKee, Gary MerkleyFlow Measurement, Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems
2008UTAnnual BaseLow-Level Outlet Works Air Vent Sizing Requirements for Small to Medium Size DamsFederal: $12,604
Non-Federal: $32,603
Blake Tullis, Steven BarfussAir Venting, Low-Level Oulet Works, Cavitation, Dam Safety
2008UTAnnual BaseBasin-Scale Internal Waves Within the South Arm of the Great Salt LakeFederal: $33,655
Non-Federal: $60,715
Robert SpallLake Hydrodynamics, Modeling, Seiching
2008VIAnnual BaseWater Quality in Virgin Islands Rain Water Collection Cisterns.Federal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $0
Thomas Archibald, Stanley Lateskycistern, water quality, trace metals, PAH, hydrocarbons.
2008VIAnnual BaseUse of Wetland Plants to Manage Nitrate Levels in a Biofloc Fish Production SystemFederal: $38,314
Non-Federal: $0
Donald Bailey, Jason Danahertilapia, nitrate, wetland plants,
2008VIAnnual BaseA Comparative Analysis of St. Croix's Waterways Federal: $33,964
Non-Federal: $0
Brian DaleyGIS, Landsat, Land cover, Change analysis, soil test, soil permeability,
2008VIAnnual BaseVirgin Islands Water Resources Map StudyFederal: $40,228
Non-Federal: $0
Stevie Henrysediment, St. Thomas, St. Croix, development permit
2008VIAnnual BaseLet's Talk Water! Water Voices From Around the WorldFederal: $8,715
Non-Federal: $0
Lydia HarrisClimate change
2008VTAnnual BaseTreatment Solutions to Reduce Nutrient and Bacterial Inputs to Lake Champlain at Shelburne FarmsFederal: $26,629
Non-Federal: $137,562
Sarah Lovell, Alan McintoshLivestock waste, agriculture, phosphorus, E. coli
2008VTAnnual BaseTracing sources of eroded sediment with atmospherically produced 10-BeFederal: $23,738
Non-Federal: $68,440
Mandar Dewoolkar, Paul Biermansediments, fluvial geomorphology, erosion
2008VTAnnual BaseSoil phosphorus landscape variability and soil mapping in a streamFederal: $7,390
Non-Federal: $74,342
Donald Ross, Eric Youngsoil phosphorus, soil mapping, spatial variability, soil-landscape, P transport
2008VTAnnual BaseImprovement of Phosphorus Load Estimates through the use of Enzyme-Hydrolysis Measures of Phosphorus BioavailabilityFederal: $75,328
Non-Federal: $60,097
Jane Hill phosphorus, P index, enzyme, labile, soil test
2008VTAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ActivitiesFederal: $43,323
Non-Federal: $62,665
Breck Bowden
2008WAAnnual BaseReservoir Sediments: Biofilter or Environmental Liability?Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,426
John Harrisoneutrophication; reservoirs; nitrogen; phosphorus; nitrous oxide; denitrification;
2008WAAnnual BaseTowards Sustainable Phosphorus Removal: Evaluating Biogenic Iron Oxides for Renewable FiltrationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Jeremy Rentz, David YongeBatch Equilibrium, De-sorption, Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
2008WAAnnual BaseAssessing Pathogen Fate and Transport through Riparian Buffers in an Agricultural WatershedFederal: $24,964
Non-Federal: $49,984
Jeffrey Ullman, Karen Killinger, Joan WuRiparian buffers, pathogens, fecal indicators, E. coli, Salmonella
2008WIAnnual BaseOccurrence and Generation of Nitrite in Ground and Surface Waters in an Agricultural WatershedFederal: $135,604
Non-Federal: $116,096
Emily Stanleynitrite, drinking water, nitrogen biogeochemistry, groundwater-surface water interactions
2008WIAnnual BaseA Thermal Remote Sensing Tool for Mapping Spring and Diffuse Groundwater Discharge to StreamsFederal: $34,190
Non-Federal: $29,485
Steven LoheideUnmanned Aerial Vehicles, remote sensing, groundwater discharge rates, mapping
2008WIAnnual BaseUniversity of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute - Information TransferFederal: $20,244
Non-Federal: $79,057
Stephen Wittman, James Hurleyinformation, outreach, library, publication, website
2008WVAnnual BaseWRI 105 West Virginia Water Conference 2008Federal: $22,699
Non-Federal: $7,150
Tamara VandivortWater, Economics, Education, Policy, Law, Management, Planning, Research, Conference
2008WYAnnual BaseWater Quality Criteria for Wyoming Livestock and WildlifeFederal: $73,658
Non-Federal: $171,571
Merl Raisbeck, Michael Smith, Cynthia TateWater Quality, Animal Health, Livestock, Wildlife
2008WYAnnual BaseMulti-Century Droughts in Wyoming's Past: Evidence of Prolonged Lake DrawdownFederal: $21,523
Non-Federal: $49,224
Bryan Shuman, Thomas Minckley, Jacqueline ShinkerDrought, Lakes, Water Volumes, Long-Term Climate Change
2007AKAnnual BaseThe formation of preferential pathways in permeable reactive barriers in cold climates due to ice formationFederal: $27,837
Non-Federal: $10,650
David Barnesinfiltration ice, permeable reactive barriers, preferential pathways
2007AKAnnual BaseIncreasing coverage of Alaska within the global network of isotopes in precipitationFederal: $23,237
Non-Federal: $11,038
Matthew WoollerStable isotopes, hydrogen, oxygen, Alaska, precipitation
2007AKAnnual BaseGeomorphic constraints on the configuration, magnitude, and timing of late-Quaternary megafloods from glacier-dammed Lake Atna, AlaskaFederal: $18,124
Non-Federal: $36,410
Michael LosoLake Atna, geomorphology, floods, ice-dammed lakes, Quaternary climate, paleohydrology, lacustrine sedimentation
2007ALAnnual BaseEstimating Regional and Local Scale Surface Moisture as an Indicator of Drought Using Thermal IR Remote SensingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,894
Luke MarzenDrought, Moisture, Remote Sensing, MODIS, Maps, Southeast
2007ALAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Cost Effective Methodology for In-field Screen Testing of Water QualityFederal: $24,997
Non-Federal: $51,174
Zhongyang Cheng, Yucheng Feng, Tung-shi HuangWater Quality, Monitoring, Bacteria, Biomonitoring, Contamination, Lakes, Rivers, Pollutants
2007ALAnnual BaseAn Integrated Dosing and Treatment System to Mitigate the Environmental and Health Threat From Conventional Onsite Septic Systems in the Alabama Black Belt AreaFederal: $22,772
Non-Federal: $46,324
Mark Dougherty, John Fulton, C. WoodWastewater, Onsite Sewage Disposal
2007ALAnnual BaseAssessing the Effectiveness of Various Treatment Methods for Removing Endocrine Disrupting Compounds from Domestic WastewaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,473
Robert Angus, Robert PetersWater Treatment, Synthetic Organice, Water Quality, Bioindicators, Ecosystems, Oxidation, Pollutants
2007ARAnnual BaseLong-term runoff water quality in response to natural rainfall as affected by poultry litter application rateFederal: $18,519
Non-Federal: $37,043
Kristofor Bryerunoff, metals, nutrients, natural precipitation, pasture, poultry litter
2007ARAnnual BaseSource of Geosmin and MIB in drinking water: Identifying the source and mechanisms of taste and odor compounds at Beaver Reservoir, northwest ArkansasFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $48,002
Sonja Hausmann, Stephen Boss, Ralph K. Davisodor and taste, cyanobacteria, actinomycetes, nutrients
2007ARAnnual BaseContinuous Water-Quality Monitoring and Potential Phosphorus Source Identification with Oxygen IsotopesFederal: $21,815
Non-Federal: $43,713
Brian Haggard, Phil HaysPhosphate,
2007ARAnnual BaseMetal Mobilization, Especially Arsenic, in the Alluvial Aquifer in Response to Water Level Fluctuations Measured by Field and Laboratory Column Data Federal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,001
Kenneth Steelearsenic, groundwater, eastern Arkansas
2007AZAnnual BaseRiparian Vegetation Response to Cessation of Groundwater Pumping, Lower San Pedro River, ArizonaFederal: $11,990
Non-Federal: $24,156
Juliet Strombergrestoration, riparian vegetation, hydrology, groundwater pumping, monitoring
2007AZAnnual BaseCompound Specific Isotope Analysis of Natural Attenuation Activity in Chlorinated-Solvent Contaminated AquifersFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,827
Mark BrusseauCompound Specific Isotope Analysis, Monitored Natural Attenuation, Tetrachloroethene, Trichloroethene
2007AZAnnual BaseSources of Nitrate in Groundwaters of the Tucson Basin Federal: $9,121
Non-Federal: $18,173
Thomas MeixnerNitrate, Sewage Effluent, mixing models
2007AZAnnual BaseGeospatial Analysis of Urban Thermal Gradients: Application to Tucson Arizonas Projected Water DemandFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $50,280
Christopher Scott, Andrew Comrie, Stephen YoolUrban heat island, geospatial analysis, water demand, urban growth
2007AZAnnual BaseModification of conventional wastewater treatment processes for estrogen removalFederal: $11,454
Non-Federal: $28,449
David Quanrud, Robert Arnold, Martin KarpiscakEndocrine Disrupting Compounds, Membrane Bioreactor, Nitrification, Water Reclamation, Water Reuse
2007AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $32,040
Non-Federal: $65,802
Sharon Megdal, Susanna EdenEducation, Information Transfer, Ppolicy, Newlsetter, Water Use, Water Supply, Water Quality, Water Management
2007CAAnnual BaseDetermining factors for Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) spread in and around Lake Tahoe, CA-NV Federal: $15,894
Non-Federal: $40,871
Bruce KendallAquatic Ecosystems
2007CAAnnual BaseInvestigating the Role of Large Woody Materials to Federal: $18,441
Non-Federal: $49,713
Gregory Pasternack
2007CAAnnual BaseControl of Mercury Methylation in Wetlands Through Iron AdditionFederal: $17,352
Non-Federal: $51,332
David SedlackEcosystems Wetlands
2007CAAnnual BaseInfluence of Bacterial Pathogen Condition on Cell Transport in Groundwater Environments: Implications of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) Production and CompositionFederal: $17,482
Non-Federal: $46,996
Sharon Walker
2007CAAnnual BaseDistribution, Movement, & Outmigration of Juvenile Coho Salmon in the Shasta River: Relationships with Environmental Factors and Irrigation Water ManagementFederal: $18,687
Non-Federal: $52,648
Lisa Thompson
2007COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $52,335
Non-Federal: $164,379
Reagan WaskomInformation Dissemination, Technology Transfer
2007COAnnual BaseCharacterizing Non-Beneficial Evaporative Upflux from Shallow Groundwater Under Uncultivated Land in an Irrigated River ValleyFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $7,778
Reagan Waskom, Jeffrey NiemannEvaporation, Evapotranspiration, Salinity
2007COAnnual BaseEffects of Pine Beetle Infestations on Water Yield and Water Quality at the Watershed Scale in Northern ColoradoFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $7,778
Reagan Waskom, John StednickStreamflow, Water Quality, Paired Watershed Study
2007CTAnnual BaseDevelopment of a new generation of sensitive, fluorescence-based nitrate sensors for use in soil and waterFederal: $63,662
Non-Federal: $134,021
Shawn Burdette, Zoe CardonFluorescence, sensors, Dendrimers, Nitrate
2007CTAnnual BaseThe Geochemical Record of Cultural Eutrophication in Sediments of Beseck Lake and Lake Waramaug, Connecticut: Implications for Nutrient Cycling and Remediation EffortsFederal: $21,080
Non-Federal: $91,321
Timothy Kueutrophication, sedimentary record, paleoredox, paleoproductivity
2007DCAnnual BaseActive Biomonitoring for PCB, PAH and Chlordane Pollutants in the Nontidal Sources of the Anacostia WatershedFederal: $14,464
Non-Federal: $33,382
Harriette PhelpsPCBs, urban, active biomonitoring, Corbicula
2007DCAnnual BaseGradual Variation Analysis for Groundwater Flow in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $39,409
Li ChenGroundwater flow, Gradual Variation, Analysis, Computer Simulation, Real data processing, MODFLOW
2007DCAnnual BaseModeling of Integrated Urban Wastewater System in the District of ColumbiaFederal: $14,647
Non-Federal: $4,980
Tolessa Deksissa, Pradeep Beheramodeling, water quality, urban wastewater
2007DCAnnual BaseDecision Support System to Deal with Water Emergencies for Metropolitan Washington DCFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $15,820
Shivraj Kanungo, Pradeep BeheraWater Security, Decision Making, Emergency Response planning, Education, Emegency Preparedness
2007DCAnnual BaseMolecular Signaling by Environmental Arsenicals in Mammalian CellsFederal: $14,960
Non-Federal: $5,086
Deepak KumarArsenic, Cell cycle, Skin Cancer, Signaling
2007DEAnnual BaseModeling Hydrologic and Geochemical Effects of Land-based Wastewater DisposalFederal: $64,369
Non-Federal: $128,738
Alan Andres, Maryam Akhavan, Paul ImhoffLand based wastewater disposal, rapid infiltration systems, groundwater contamination
2007DEAnnual BaseWillingness to Pay for Sustainable Agricultural Practices in an Urbanizing RegionFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Joshua Duke, Sarah ChattersonAgricultural policy, nonpoint pollution, urbanization
2007DEAnnual BaseBenefit-Cost Analysis of Pelletized Broiler Litter in Agronomic Crop Production and Turf Grass ManagementFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Joshua Duke, Stephen MayerEnvironmental policy, cost-benefit analysis, manure nutrients, relocation
2007DEAnnual BaseViability of a Freshwater Mussel (Elliptio complanata) as a Biomechanical Filter in Aquaculture PondsFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Gulnihal Ozbay, Oluchi Ukaegbueutrophication, biological filtration, mussels
2007DEAnnual BaseFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
urbanization, water quality, runoff, toxics, nutrients
2007DEAnnual BaseComparison of the Impacts of Poultry Litter vs. Urea on Surface Runoff Water QualityFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Shreeram Inamdar, Nathan Kiracofesurface water quality, agricultural and suburban runoff, nutrients
2007DEAnnual BaseEvaluating the Use of Zerovalent Iron to Remove Viruses from Water: Effect of pHFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Yan Jin, Jennifer Handlinpathogens, contaminated water, zero-valent iron treatment technology
2007DEAnnual BaseThe University of Delaware Experimental Watershed: A Green Campus InitiativeFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Gerald Kauffman, Laura Yayacstream restoration, water quality, habitat, invasive plants
2007DEAnnual BaseHydrogeologic Characterization of the Potomac Aquifer, DelawareFederal: $64,369
Non-Federal: $128,738
Susan McGeary, Peter McLaughlin, Claudia VelezAquifer volume and connectivity, groundwater contaminant pathways
2007FLAnnual BaseComparing NEXRAD Rainfall and Rain Gauge Data in South Florida Water Management DistrictFederal: $29,877
Non-Federal: $91,125
Ramesh TeegavarapuNEXRAD, Rain gauge data, South Florida Water Management District, artificial neural networks
2007FLAnnual BaseFlorida Water Resources Information TransferFederal: $26,307
Non-Federal: $34,208
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2007GAAnnual BaseRestoration of flood pulses to the lower Savannah River: responses of floodplain invertebrates and fishFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Darold Batzer
2007GAAnnual BaseEvaluation and improvement of the curve number method of hydrological analysis on selected forested watersheds of GeorgiaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Ernest Tollner, Steven McCutcheon, Todd RasmussenCurve number, National Resources Conservation Services, watershed models, forested watershed, runoff
2007GAAnnual BaseQuantifying the Precipitation-Stream-Aquifer System Response in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River BasinFederal: $18,036
Non-Federal: $36,160
Jian Luospace-time data; variogram; correlation; precipitation-stream-aquifer
2007GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $22,802
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2007GUAnnual BaseWater System Operation and Maintenance Training for Yap State, FSMFederal: $18,194
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Resources, Training, Education, Operations and Maintenance
2007GUAnnual BaseIdentifying the Optimum Land Coverage Practice for Reducing Soil Erosion in the Ugum Watersheds Using a Newly Developed GIS Based Erosion Potential ModelFederal: $18,147
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Yuming WenWatershed Management, Sedimentation, Model Studies
2007GUAnnual BaseLand Cover Accuracy Assessment for Southern GuamFederal: $32,707
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, Leroy Heitz, Shahram KhosrowpanahLand cover, Accuracy assessment, Southern Guam
2007GUAnnual BaseMercury Contamination in Garapan Lagoon, Saipan: An Evaluation of Potential Drainage Pathways and Impact on Fisheries Resources Federal: $43,558
Non-Federal: $0
Brian Bearden, Gary Denton, Peter Houk, Michael Trianni, Harold WoodMonitoring; Mercury; Stormwater Drainage Pathways; Sediment Contamination; Impact on Fisheries Resources
2007GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of Realistic Residential and Commercial Water Demands for Use with the Saipan Water Distribution System ModelFederal: $29,439
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzWater Use Data, Water Demand, Distribution Systems, Model Studies
2007GUAnnual BaseWatershed Management for Senpehn Watershed, Pohnpei Island, the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $36,064
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitz, Mark LanderWatershed Management, Sedimentation, Land Use, River
2007GUAnnual BaseHydrological modeling of atoll islands in the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $53,519
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Donald Rubinstein, Yuming Wenatoll island groundwater model
2007GUAnnual BaseInformation ManagementFederal: $1,800
Non-Federal: $0
Gary DentonRainfall Data, Climate, Water Resources Management
2007HIAnnual BaseEstimating Hydraulic Properties for Volcanic Island Aquifers using Wave SetupFederal: $25,424
Non-Federal: $46,608
Aly El-Kadi, Ali Faresparameter estimation, wave setup, aquifer assessment
2007HIAnnual BaseEfficient Water Management and Block Pricing for Integrated Aquifers: Lessons from Southern OahuFederal: $8,906
Non-Federal: $49,598
James Roumasset(integrated) water system management, demand management, efficiency pricing, dynamic optimization, consumer welfare, block pricing, marginal user cost
2007HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $6,516
Non-Federal: $10,734
Philip Moravcik
2007IAAnnual BaseAssessing the Impact of Ethanol Production and Sustainability of Alluvial/Buried Valley Aquifers with Groundwater Models: A Test Case for the Ames AquiferFederal: $29,932
Non-Federal: $70,642
William Simpkins, Laurie AchenbachGroundwater modeling, optimization, water supply
2007IAAnnual BaseEffects of managed riparian buffers on the integrity of stream systems: a biological assessment using fish and invertebrate communitiesFederal: $20,794
Non-Federal: $51,744
Michael Quistwater quality; habitat protection and restoration; biorenewable energy; agriculture production; fishes; macroinvertebrates; biological assessment; riparian management
2007IDAnnual BaseWetlands as Sinks for Metal(loid)s in Mining-contaminated Coeur dAlene Basin SoilsFederal: $44,058
Non-Federal: $97,959
Matthew MorraMetals, mine tailings, mine contamination
2007IDAnnual BaseSelenium Biogeochemistry in the Hyporheic Zone of Streams within the Blackfoot River WatershedFederal: $14,795
Non-Federal: $33,553
Daniel Strawn, Gregory Moller, Matthew MorraHyporheic zone, Selenium, Blackfoot River Subbasin, Biogeochemistry, Sediment Flux
2007IDAnnual BaseA spreadsheet tool to derive economic demand for irrigation water from crop price, evapotranspiration/yield relationships and irrigation application efficiencyFederal: $10,969
Non-Federal: $22,591
Bryce Contor, Richard Allen, Garth TaylorWater demand functions, water production functions, evapotranspiration production functions, irrigation application efficiency, price of irrigation water, water economics
2007IDAnnual BaseIdaho Water Resources Information and Needs Assessment: Extended Analysis and Enhanced Information TransferFederal: $15,517
Non-Federal: $31,805
Charles Harris, Jan BollManagement Challenges, Research Needs, Educational Priorities
2007ILAnnual BaseBalancing Irrigation and Instream Water Requirements under Drought Conditions: A Study of the Kanakee River WatershedFederal: $39,748
Non-Federal: $107,357
Ximing Cai, Yu-Feng Lin, Albert Valocchi
2007ILAnnual BaseMethylmercury Bioavailability and Dynamics in the Streams of Piasa Creek Watershed: New Methods of Sampling and AnalysisFederal: $39,954
Non-Federal: $79,912
Robert Hudsonmercury, methylmercury
2007INAnnual BaseSecuring The Load - A Guide to Safe and Legal Transportation of Cargo and EquipmentFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,006
Fred WhitfordTransportation, spills, pollution, contamination, pesticides, fertilizer, water quality
2007INAnnual BaseSoil and Septic System Field GuideFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $28,528
Brad LeeSeptic systems, soils, pollution, groundwater, water quality
2007INAnnual BaseFish Assemblages of Shallow Inner Bend Habitats of the Wabash River During 30 Years of Human ImpactsFederal: $25,191
Non-Federal: $57,104
Mark Pyron, Mark Pyronfish assemblage, hydrology, Wabash River, habitat
2007INAnnual BaseAssessing BMP Maintenance: Creating a Remote Sensing Scale and Measuring the Influence of Social FactorsFederal: $19,906
Non-Federal: $47,122
Linda Prokopy, Adam Baumgart-GetzBMP Maintenance, Remote Sensing Evalution, Nonpoint Source Pollution, Enfironmental Awareness, Environmental Attidues, Individual Capacity, Landowner
2007INAnnual BaseQuantification of sediment nutrient interaction as affected by drainage ditch managementFederal: $18,639
Non-Federal: $37,284
Indrajeet Chaubey, Laura Bowlingnutrient dynamics, sediment-nutrient interactions, solute transport, agricultural drainage
2007KYAnnual BaseAssessment of Pathogen Trends in the Upper Forks of the Kentucky River BasinFederal: $19,022
Non-Federal: $38,212
Chandramouli Viswanathanpathogens, statistical analysis, TMDLs
2007KYAnnual BaseEffectiveness of Improved Skid Trail Ephemeral Channel CrossingsFederal: $4,991
Non-Federal: $20,014
Jeffrey Stringertimber harvest, best management practices, stream crossings
2007KYAnnual BaseDetermination of Nutrient Sources in a Eutrophic Lake Impacted by Human ActivityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Walter Borowskinutrient loading, tracer techniques, source identification
2007KYAnnual BaseDiatom Colonization Patterns in Freshwater Springs in Relation to Underlying GeologyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,000
Susan Hendricksperiphyton, water quality indicator, karst
2007KYAnnual BaseChemical Evolution of Groundwater in the Wilcox Aquifer of the Mississippi EmbaymentFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,058
Alan Fryargeochemical evolution, clastic aquifers, hydrochemical characterization
2007KYAnnual BaseThe Link Between Metal Tolerance and Antibiotic Resistance in Fecal ColiformsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,428
Rebecca Kelleybiogeochemistry, bacterial populations, source indicators
2007KYAnnual BaseA Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamic Code for Simulation of Pump Stations Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,258
Scott Yosthydrodynamics, eddy simulation, modeling
2007KYAnnual BaseImpacts of Disturbance on Streamflow and Sediment Yield in the Licking River BasinFederal: $3,134
Non-Federal: $6,313
Christine McMichaelice storm effects, timber harvest
2007KYAnnual BaseDevelopment and Application of a New Sediment Fingerprinting MethodologyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,089
James Foxsediment source identification, soil tracers
2007LAAnnual BaseScale-Dependent Behavior and Modeling of Nitrogen Retention in StreamsFederal: $19,812
Non-Federal: $40,941
Zhi-Qiang Deng, Donald AdrianNitrogen Retention, Scale-Dependent Behavior, Streams, TMDL
2007LAAnnual BaseDiscerning nutrient limitations to phytoplankton growth in rivers and bayous on the North shore of Lake Pontchartrain, LouisianaFederal: $19,245
Non-Federal: $41,807
Sarah FearnleyPhytoplankton growth, nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, limiting nutrient, eutrophication, Lake Pontchartrain Estuary
2007LAAnnual BaseInformation Transfer Symposia: Mitigation of Storm Surge using Vegetation (Spring, 2007) and Resilient Environmental Infrastructure for Coastal Communities (Fall, 2007)Federal: $73,640
Non-Federal: $147,780
John Pardue, Nedra Korevecinformation transfer, storm surge, vegetation, environmental infrastructure, coastal
2007MAAnnual BaseWater Resources Research Conference 2007Federal: $20,724
Non-Federal: $16,991
Sarah Dorner, Marie-Francoise HatteConference Water Resources
2007MAAnnual BaseEnvironmental Behaviors of Engineered Nanoparticles in WaterFederal: $74,988
Non-Federal: $180,112
Baoshan Xing, Baoshan XingNanoparticles, adsorption, fate, toxicity, pollutants, water quality, transport
2007MAAnnual BaseDevelopment of a standardized protocol for fish bioassays detecting estrogenic exposureFederal: $4,917
Non-Federal: $37,984
Kathleen Arcaro, Lauren Moffattmedaka, vitellogenin, estrogens, bioassay, real time RT-PCR
2007MDAnnual BaseResponses of Species-Rich Low-Salinity Tidal Marshes to Sea Level Rise: a Mesocosm StudyFederal: $53,772
Non-Federal: $123,056
Andrew Baldwin, Peter Sharpecoastal wetlands, sea level rise, vegetation, biodiversity, saltwater intrusion, soil waterlogging
2007MDAnnual BaseAssessing the role of road salt run-off on the critical ecological interactions that regulate carbon processing in small, headwater streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershedFederal: $23,663
Non-Federal: $47,419
Christopher Swanroad salt deicer, streams, invertebrates, organic matter, carbon processing
2007MDAnnual BaseSublethal Reproductive and Developmental Responses in the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Exposed to Endocrine Disruptors in Poultry LitterFederal: $4,600
Non-Federal: $9,211
Allen Davis, Allen Davis
2007MDAnnual BaseDeveloping Permeable Sorptive Barriers for Petroleum Contaminant Removal from Groundwater Using High Carbon Content Fly AshFederal: $4,600
Non-Federal: $9,211
Allen Davis, Allen Davis
2007MDAnnual BaseHydraulic Consequences of Riparian Vegetation on Bank Roughness in Urban Stream CorridorsFederal: $4,600
Non-Federal: $9,211
Allen Davis, Allen Davis
2007MEAnnual BaseBiological Effects of Pharmaceutically Derived Estrogens from Wastewater Effluents in the Penobscot River, MaineFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $26,170
Gregory Mayerbiomonitoring, wastewater, wastewater treatment, water quality monitoring, toxic substances
2007MEAnnual BaseThe Penobscot River Education Program: Celebrating and Strengthening Community Connections to the River that Sustains UsFederal: $7,405
Non-Federal: $16,900
Beth Owen, Cheryl Daigle, Ruth HallsworthEducation, Watershed Management, Conservation, History, Dams, Estuaries, Fish Ecology, Fisheries, Planning, Recreation, Rivers, Streams
2007MEAnnual BaseKey attributes for sustainable water use: a map-based bulletin boardFederal: $15,530
Non-Federal: $27,871
Peter Vaux, Roy Bouchardsustainable water use, water levels, flows, on-line data, GIS
2007MEAnnual BaseA 31P NMR investigation of phosphorus speciation in sediments of two shallow lakes in Maine, USAFederal: $8,600
Non-Federal: $22,024
Aria Amirbahman, Karl Bishop, Roy Bouchard, Bjorn Lake, Stephen NortonPhosphorus, Eutrophication, Geochemistry, Lakes, Water Quality
2007MEAnnual BaseA Novel Approach to Assessing Multiple Stressor Effects in Maine FishesFederal: $7,197
Non-Federal: $60,159
Rebecca Van Beneden, Frank Drummond, Adria Elskus, Brian Perkinsagriculture, fisheries, herbicides, insecticides, land use, pest management, pesticides, pollutants, rivers, toxic substances, trace elements, water quality
2007MEAnnual BaseAssessing the role of natural flow variability and the impact of flow standards on Maine's surface waters Federal: $5,654
Non-Federal: $49,898
Shaleen Jain, David Courtemanch, David HartWater Demand, Water Quality, Climate, Watershed Management
2007MEAnnual BaseMaine WRRI FY07 ITFederal: $23,470
Non-Federal: $37,034
John PeckenhamInformation Transfer
2007MEAnnual BaseThe ABC^2 of Drinking Water Quality on Main St., Unity, ME: Arsenic, Bacteria, and Other Common ContaminantsFederal: $19,767
Non-Federal: $49,886
Lois Ongley, Peter MilliganBacteria, Ecosystems, Education, Geochemistry, Groundwater Quality, Public Health, Soil Microbiology, Toxic Substances, Water Quality
2007MEAnnual BaseReducing Pollution to Urban Streams through Business Friends IncentivesFederal: $12,027
Non-Federal: $46,271
Laura Wilson, Christopher Brewer, John Jemison, Mark Ward, Wendy Warren82, 79, 137, 181, 207, 236, 237, 259, 273, 286
2007MEAnnual BasePollution Source Tracking in Spruce Creek, Kittery, MaineFederal: $11,480
Non-Federal: $25,770
Chris Feurt, Michele Dionnewater quality, watershed management, bacteria
2007MEAnnual BaseEffective Knowledge Transfer to Enhance Stakeholder Involvement in Watershed StewardshipFederal: $13,138
Non-Federal: $42,055
Gayle Zydlewski, LaMarr Cannon, Xiongyi Liu, Gordon Longsworth, Catherine Schmitt, Peter Vaux, Laura WilsonBiomonitoring, Cartography, Computers, Conservation, Data Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Dynamic Programming, Ecosystems, Education, Geographic Information Systems, Information Dissemination, Institutional Relationships, Marketing Planning, Storm Water Management, Water Quality, Water Quality Monitoring
2007MEAnnual BaseMeasuring and Incorporating Stakeholder Values into River Restoration Decisions: A Socio-economic AnalysisFederal: $53,176
Non-Federal: $94,445
Lynne Lewis, Kathleen Bell, Curtis BohlenGIS, dams, economic impacts
2007MEAnnual BaseUsing reactive thin-film membranes and Molecular Tools to determine mercury mobility and transformation in the Penobscot River estuary sediment, MaineFederal: $19,600
Non-Federal: $41,250
Aria Amirbahman, Melinda DiehlBiomonitoring, Contaminant Transport, Estuaries, Geochemistry, Heavy Metals, Membranes, Rivers, Toxic Substances
2007MEAnnual BaseResponse of a linked lake-stream system to dam removal and restoration of migratory fish.Federal: $32,306
Non-Federal: $165,196
Kevin Simon, Stephen Coghlan, David Hartconservation, dams, fish ecology, insects, isotopes, lakes, nutrients, streams, zooplankton
2007MEAnnual BaseChemical Survey of Creeks and Nearshore Coastal Sediments and Water for the Presence of Current-Use PesticidesFederal: $11,096
Non-Federal: $28,733
Lawrence LeBlanc, Brian PerkinsPesticides, Pollutants, Contaminant Transport, Trace Organics
2007MEAnnual BaseA New Method to Monitor Aquatic Ecosystem Health in Ponds Treated with HerbicidesFederal: $17,655
Non-Federal: $36,272
Howard Patterson, Roy Bouchard, David Courtemanch, John McPhedran, John Peckenham, Jamie Pinto, Collin RoeslerAlgae; Aquatic Plants; Biomonitoring; Ecosystems; Herbicides; Photosynthesis; Remote Sensing; Time-Series Analysis; Toxic Substances; Water Quality; Water Quality Monitoring
2007MEAnnual BaseThe influence of chloride and natural organic matter gradients on disinfection by-product formation in MaineFederal: $5,208
Non-Federal: $20,551
John Peckenham, Gail Lipfert, Touradj Solouki, Andy Tolmandisinfection by-products, total organic carbon, chloride
2007MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $20,342
Non-Federal: $52,708
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Water Quantity, Watershed Management; Macroinvertebrates; Wetlands; Monitoring; Interactive Web-based Systems; Exotic Species
2007MIAnnual BaseWater Quality Valuation In Michigans Inland Lakes Using Hedonic Valuation MethodsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $33,504
Kendra Cheruvelil, Daniel Kramerwater quality, economic, hedonic valuation, property values
2007MIAnnual BaseRegulation of Large Quantity Water Withdrawal in Michigan: Assessing Alternative Mitigation Options, Economic trade-off, and Impacts of Policy ImplementationFederal: $12,987
Non-Federal: $33,431
Saichon Seedang, Zhengfei Guanmitigation offset economic trade-off, ecological criteria, trout habitat, farmer production decision, water and nutrient use, water regulation, policy option, groundwater withdrawal
2007MIAnnual BaseEvaluation of SWAT and HIT Models in the Kalamazoo River Watershed, MichiganFederal: $10,355
Non-Federal: $20,914
Steven Safferman, Dean Baas, Rosemary Fanelli, Steve Miller, Glenn O'NeilWater Quality; Non-point Source Pollution; Monitoring; Modeling; GIS; Watershed Management; Nutrients; Phosphorus; Sediment; Kalamazoo; Michigan
2007MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $33,651
Non-Federal: $44,563
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Use, Water Quantity, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2007MNAnnual BaseTriclosan and triclosan-derived dioxins in the Mississippi River sediment recordFederal: $54,374
Non-Federal: $107,146
Kristopher McNeill, William Arnoldtriclosan, dioxin, historical record
2007MNAnnual BaseThe Role of Local Stakeholders in Water Resource Management: Characterization and Diffusion of Minnesota Lake Improvement DistrictsFederal: $66,290
Non-Federal: $119,974
Dennis R. BeckerLake Improvement Districts, stakeholder engagement, policy, diffusion
2007MNAnnual BaseThe Influence of Drainage on Biogeochemical Cycling of Carbon in Agricultural EcosystemsFederal: $18,780
Non-Federal: $35,578
Jennifer King, Brent Dalzell, Jacques Finlay, David Mulla, Gary SandsCarbon Biogeochemistry, Subsurface Drainage, Dissolved Organic Matter, Bioavailability, Agricultural Ecosystems
2007MOAnnual BaseDevelopment of Membrane Aerated Reactor Processes for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from WastewaterFederal: $44,000
Non-Federal: $92,594
Zhiqiang HuMembrane Aerated Processes, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Wastewater, Nutrient Contamination, Eutrophication, anaerobic
2007MOAnnual BaseRelation Between Spatial Variation of Bed-Shear Stress Distribution and the Statistical Characterization of Bed Material in the Missouri RiverFederal: $43,694
Non-Federal: $87,178
Jerry Richardson, Richard Geekieaggradiation, degradiation, sediments, sand-bed channels, spatial and temporal variability of bed-shear stress, grain size, surface water, hydrology,
2007MOAnnual BaseTech Transfer - USGS Water Resources Research CenterFederal: $63,808
Non-Federal: $129,562
Thomas Clevenger, Thomas ClevengerTechnology Transfer
2007MSAnnual BaseNatural Enhanced Transport of Agricultural Pb and As Through Riparian WetlandsFederal: $49,476
Non-Federal: $99,723
Gregg Davidsonwetlands, sediment, non-point pollution, riparian zones
2007MSAnnual BaseWater Quality and Floristic Habitat Assessments in the Coldwater and Sunflower River Basins: Comparing traditional measures of water and habitat quality to Index of Biotic Integrity findingsFederal: $50,214
Non-Federal: $121,592
Todd Tietjen, Gary Ervinbioindicators, biomonitoring, invasive species, water quality, water quantity, wetlands
2007MSAnnual BaseClimatological and Cultural Influences on Annual Groundwater Decline in the Mississippi Delta Shallow Alluvial Aquifer: Identifying the Causes and SolutionsFederal: $19,602
Non-Federal: $95,528
Charles Wax, Jonathan PoteDelta alluvial aquifer; recharge; withdrawal; catfish; rice; climatic variability
2007MTAnnual BaseTemporal and spatial changes in the concentration and isotopic composition of nutrients in the upper Silver Bow Creek drainage, Montana: Year 2Federal: $13,600
Non-Federal: $27,522
Chris Gammonsnutrients; isotopic concentration; Silver Bow Creek; Montana; water chemistry
2007MTAnnual BaseIdentifying and characterizing sources of dissolved organic carbon in the Big Hole and Clark Fork Rivers, a continued investigationFederal: $8,586
Non-Federal: $17,177
Stephen Parker, Douglas CameronDissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, carbon isotopes, diel, biogeochemistry
2007MTAnnual BaseHistorical and Future Streamflow Related to Small Mountain Glaciers in the Glacier Park Region, Montana Federal: $17,882
Non-Federal: $35,764
Joel Harperwater supply, glaciers, climate change
2007MTAnnual BasePredictive Modeling of Snowmelt Dynamics: Thresholds and the Hydrologic Regime of the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana Federal: $34,000
Non-Federal: $82,664
Lucy Marshall, Brian McGlynnHydrologic Model, Uncertainty, Residence Time, Snowmelt, Runoff
2007MTAnnual BaseSediment and Heavy Metals Source Determination and Reduction at a Reclaimed Abandoned Mine Site, Alta Mine, Jefferson County, MTFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,750
Clayton MarlowMine Reclamation, Soil Loss, Erosion, Sediment, Heavy Metals, TMDLs
2007MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: The influence of beaver on brook trout invasion and subsequent native westslope cutthroat trout displacement in southwestern MontanaFederal: $2,400
Non-Federal: $0
Magnus McCaffery, Lisa Ebycutthroat trout, beaver, brook trout
2007MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Population Genetics and Distribution of Bull Trout Salvelinus confluentus Inhabiting Lakes within Glacier National Park, MontanaFederal: $2,400
Non-Federal: $0
Michael MeeuwigBull trout, Glacier National Park
2007MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Natural Mercury Bioaccumulation in Aquatic Environments Federal: $800
Non-Federal: $0
Eric Boydmercury, bioaccumulation
2007MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: A Proposal for Research on In-situ Subsurface Microbial Transformation of Selenium as Source Control in Backfilled Phosphate Overburden, SE IdahoFederal: $2,400
Non-Federal: $0
Lisa Kirkselenium; phospate; microbes
2007MTAnnual BaseResource Recovery from Flooded Underground Mine Workings- Butte, MontanaFederal: $2,400
Non-Federal: $0
Keri Petritzgroundwater, mining, irrigation
2007NCAnnual BaseProtecting Receiving Waters: Removal of Biochemically Active Compounds from Wastewater by Sequential Photochemical and Biological Oxidation ProcessesFederal: $25,120
Non-Federal: $57,871
Detlef KnappeEndocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceutically active compounds, biodegradation, oxidation, wastewater treatment, water reuse
2007NCAnnual BaseStable Isotope Tracers to Quantify Impervious Area Effects on Baseflow to Coastal Plain StreamsFederal: $23,707
Non-Federal: $47,414
Michael ODriscoll, Mark BrinsonChannels, Rivers, Ground Water Hydrology, Subsurface drainage, Surface-Ground Water relationships, Stormwater Management
2007NCAnnual BaseAntibiotic Resistance and Water Quality: Land Application of Swine Lagoon Effluent as a Potential Source of Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Surface WaterFederal: $48,994
Non-Federal: $137,809
Alexandria Graves, Daniel IsraelSwine Waste, Bacteria, Irrigation, Lagoons, Water Quality
2007NDAnnual BaseFractionation of Natural Organic Matter in Water Federal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Khan EakalakResin fractionation, Natural Organic Matter, Water Treatment, Extraction Technique, Total Organic Carbon
2007NDAnnual BaseUse of Artificial Substrates and Dipnet for Sampling Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in the Red River of the NorthFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Malcolm ButlerMicroinvertebrates, Artificial substrate, biomonitoring, Benthic resources, Samplin protocol
2007NDAnnual BaseFarm-scale reconnaissance of estrogens in subsurface watersFederal: $9,600
Non-Federal: $19,200
Francis CaseyEstrogens, Groundwater, Water quality, Endocrine disrupting chemicals, Animal Wastes, Biosolids
2007NDAnnual BaseAnalysis of Associated Bedrock-Aquifer System Sediments:Origins of Electron Donor-Rich Aquifers in Eastern North DakotaFederal: $9,600
Non-Federal: $19,200
Scott KoromDenitrification, Electron Donors, Natural attenuation, Nitrate vulnerability index
2007NDAnnual BasePlant Species Composition of Wetlands Located in Restored Native PrairieFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Don KirbyNative Prairie, Wetlands, Species composition, Prairie Pothole Region, Restoration
2007NDAnnual BaseAn Investigation into Subsurface Sampling and Characterization Efficiency Using a High Resolution GIS Based Earth SystemFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat3-D Site characterisation, Subsurface sampling, Laser induced flourescence, Contaminant plume chracterisation
2007NDAnnual BaseIron Nanoparticles for the Treatment of the Herbicides Atrazine, Alachlor and Dicamba in GroundwaterFederal: $8,600
Non-Federal: $17,200
Achintya BezbaruahIron nanoparticles, Treatment, Herbicides, Groundwater remediation
2007NDAnnual BaseEffective Delivery of Iron Nanoparticles by Amphiphilic Polysiloxane Graft Copolymeric Vehicles for Groundwater RemediationFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Achintya BezbaruahIron nanoparticles, Groundwater remediation, Delivery vehicles, copolymers
2007NDAnnual BaseRapid and Sensitive Determination of Bacteria in Water Using NanoparticlesFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
Julia Xiaojun ZhaoDetection of bacteria, fluorescent nanoparticles, antibody-antogen reaction, target bacteria cells
2007NDAnnual BaseAn Examination of Life History Variation in White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Populations in North Dakota and Minnesota Drainages Federal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $24,000
Mark Clark, Allan Ashworth, White Sucker population, Habitat alteration, Life history traits
2007NDAnnual BaseMercury accumulation in Chironomus dilutus reared on nutrient-limited foodFederal: $8,000
Non-Federal: $16,000
Malcolm ButlerMercury accumulation, Nutrient limitation, Benthic organisms, aquatic ecosystem, bioaccumulation of mercury
2007NDAnnual BaseTop-down and Bottom-up Effects on the Abundance of Periphyton in Shallow LakesFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Malcolm Butlershallow lake ecosystem, periphyton biomass, nutrients, fish invertebrate, turbidity
2007NEAnnual BaseDetection of Episodic Low-level Concentrations of Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water Federal: $19,891
Non-Federal: $39,801
Bruce Dvorak, Daniel Snow
2007NEAnnual BaseFormation of N-Nitrosamine and Hydrazine Derivatives of Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals During Disinfection of Drinking Water and WastewaterFederal: $19,210
Non-Federal: $43,665
Patrick SheaN-nitrosamines, chloramine, disinfection byproducts, pesticides, pharmaceuticals
2007NEAnnual BaseImproving Estimates of the Value of Irrigated Land in the Republican WatershedFederal: $12,791
Non-Federal: $26,398
Steven Shultz, Roger SindtLand values, irrigation, hedonic modelling
2007NHAnnual BasePhysical , Biological, and biogeochemical response of a northestern river to a severe floodFederal: $32,152
Non-Federal: $18,374
William McDowell
2007NJAnnual BaseThe influence of flooding cycles and iron oxides on arsenic retention in contaminated, planted microcosms in comparison with phosphate retention.Federal: $5,025
Non-Federal: $11,738
Luke MacDonald, Peter Jaffearsenic containment, inexpensive contamination cleanup, As and phosphate transport,
2007NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of Microscale Membrane Extraction for trace Monitoring of Pesticides and other Emerging Pollutants in WaterFederal: $5,033
Non-Federal: $11,743
Kamilah Hylton, Somenath Mitramicro-scale membrane extraction, real time water mapping, perfluorooctane sulfonate, perfluorooctanoic acid, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim,Clarithromycin, azithromycin, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin
2007NJAnnual BasePhosphate and Thermal Stabilization of Dredged Sediments for Reuse as Construction MaterialFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,725
Peter Ndiba, Lisa Axe
2007NJAnnual BaseRestored oyster reef habitat use by the American Eel (Anquilla rostrata) in the Lower Delaware BayFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,075
Jaclyn Taylor, David BushekEastern oyster (crassostrea virginica), yellow phase American eels, restored oyster reefs, oyster aquaculture
2007NJAnnual BaseUsing assimilated C-DNA to fingerprint active microorganisms in methylmercury demethylation by stable-isotope probingFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,980
Riqing Yu, Tamar Barkay
2007NJAnnual BaseA Quantitative Approach to Linking Temporal Variations of Groundwater Level with Nitrogen Cycling in New Jersey WetlandsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $61,445
Daniel Gimenez, Joan Ehrenfeldwetland hydrology, soil hydrology, nitrogen cycling, wetland hydrographs, flashiness, nitrification, denitrification
2007NJAnnual BaseBiogeochemistry of Pb transformations mediated by phosphate-releasing bacteriaFederal: $29,987
Non-Federal: $49,715
Nathan Yee
2007NYAnnual BaseEvaluation of the health of lower Esopus Creek using water quality and benthic macro invertebratesFederal: $18,744
Non-Federal: $25,057
Shaufil Chowdhurywater quality, groundwater, surface water, non-point pollution, watershed health, flood potential, stream bank erosion
2007NYAnnual BaseBest management practices for managing stormwater runoff from developing areas in the Hudson catchmentFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $23,750
Tammo Steenhuis, Brian Richardswater quality, stormwater runoff, urban and suburban developments, best management practices
2007NYAnnual BaseThe mystery of chloride in Hudson Valley Streams: An opportunity for involving local citizens and government in puzzle solvingFederal: $13,743
Non-Federal: $18,556
Stuart Findlay, Gary KleppelChloride levels, surface waters, groundwater, sampling, local watershed groups
2007OHAnnual BaseNanoscale Modification and Functionalization of Carbon Electrodes for the Detection of Harmful Organic Chemicals in Water such as Phenol and Domoic AcidFederal: $27,174
Non-Federal: $54,405
Dionysios Dionysiou, Suzanne LunsfordCyanotoxins; Detection, Domoic Acid, Electrode, Environmental Health, Monitoring, Nanostructure, Nanotechnology, Phenol, Sensor, Toxins
2007OHAnnual BaseEvaluating Colloid Release from Natural and Model Porous MediaFederal: $29,088
Non-Federal: $58,474
John LenhartToxic Substances, Water Chemistry, Geochemistry, Solute Transport, Ground Water Quality, Colloid Transport, Particle Filtration
2007OKAnnual BaseDecision Support Model for Optimal Water Pricing Protocol for Oklahoma Water Planning: Lake Tennkiller Case StudyFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $100,000
Tracy Boyer, Larry Sanders, Arthur StoeckerWater Pricing, Non-Market Valuation, Water Allocation
2007OKAnnual BaseSubsurface Transport of Phosphorus to Streams: A Potential Source of Phosphorus not Alleviated by Best Management PracticesFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $100,000
Garey Fox, Glenn Brown, Chad PennPhosphorus, Subsurface Flow, Cherty/Clarksville Soils, Best Management, Non-point Source Pollution
2007OKAnnual BaseDetermination of Fracture Density in the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Resistivity DataFederal: $49,974
Non-Federal: $99,948
Ibrahim Cemen, Todd Halihan, Roger YoungFractures, GPR, Resistivity
2007ORAnnual BaseContributions of Glacier Melt to Upper Hood River Streamflow and Implications of Climate ChangeFederal: $9,998
Non-Federal: $20,094
Anne Nolin, Ronald Kellett glacial meltwater, climate change, Mount Hood, DHSVM, Hood River, Irrigation Districts
2007ORAnnual BaseCampus and Community Monitoring and Restoration of Mill Creek/Shelton DitchFederal: $52,400
Non-Federal: $111,088
Joe Bowersoxwater quality, monitoring, ecological restoration, community service
2007ORAnnual BaseContaminant Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Subsurface MediaFederal: $10,169
Non-Federal: $24,280
Stephanie Harrington, John BolteNon-Fickian, Highly Heterogeneous, 3-D, integrated experiment and theory, contaminant transport
2007ORAnnual BaseBeyond Dollars and Acre Feet: Assessing the Social Sustainability of Emerging Environmental Governance Structures and Restoration Efforts on Off-Project Irrigated Lands in the Upper Klamath BasinFederal: $25,616
Non-Federal: $51,261
Hannah Gosnell, Denise Lachirrigated agriculture, ecological restoration, environmental governance, social sustainability
2007ORAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer of Water Resources ResearchFederal: $8,352
Non-Federal: $20,231
Todd JarvisSeminar Series, Film Series
2007ORAnnual BaseProtecting Our Vital Resource: City of Corvallis Drinking Water Protection Plan and Outreach StrategyFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $22,253
Michael Campana, Todd Jarvisdrinking water source protection; Willamette basin management; risk reduction; Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996
2007PAAnnual BaseEffectiveness of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Profiling to Determine Sources of Microbial Pollution in Chester Creek WatershedFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $43,422
Metin DuranMicrobial contamination, fecal pollution, fecal coliform, Enterococci,fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiling,TMDL
2007PAAnnual BaseWeb-Based Learning for Private Water System OwnersFederal: $19,958
Non-Federal: $39,918
Bryan Swistock, Stephanie Clemens, William Sharpegroundwater, wells, education, drinking water, volunteers
2007PAAnnual BaseImproved quantification of stream-aquifer interactions for tracking nitrate transport along a river continuum: implementation of a cost-effective distributed-temperature sensing technologyFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $52,621
Kamini Singha, Fred Day-Lewisdistributed temperature sensors, nitrate transport, baseflow
2007PAAnnual BaseThe effect of oxygen availability on Fe cycling microbial communities within an acid mine drainage-induced-kill zoneFederal: $19,668
Non-Federal: $39,336
John Senko, Mary Ann Bruns, William Burgosacid mine drainage, iron-oxidizing bacteria, iron-reducing bacteria
2007PRAnnual BaseWaste Tire Crumb Rubber as Sorbent for Heavy Metal Ions: A Field Case-StudyFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $5,503
Oscar Perales-Perez, Felix Romanwater treatment, water quality, heavy metals
2007PRAnnual BaseSeventh Caribbean Islands Water Resources CongressFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $51,154
Jorge Rivera-Santos, Walter SilvaTechnology transfer, Education, Caribbean Region
2007RIAnnual BaseClean Drinking Water in Rhode IslandFederal: $16,785
Non-Federal: $33,540
Harold KnickleWater Quality, Conference, Workshop< Middle and High School Teachers, Clean Water, Careers, Rhode Island
2007RIAnnual BaseEnhancing Drinking Water Supply by better Understanding Surface Water Ground Water Interaction Federal: $21,604
Non-Federal: $62,746
Tom Boving, Anne VeegerDrinking Water, GWUDI
2007SCAnnual BaseA Statewide Biomarker Approach to Investigate Pollution Effects on Sunfish (Lepomis sp.) in Wadeable Streams of South CarolinaFederal: $61,904
Non-Federal: $136,534
Peter Van Den Hurk, Stephen Klaine, Marc ScottConservation, Environmental Risk Assessment, Biomarkers, Fish Toxicology, Point sources, Non-point sources
2007SCAnnual BaseA Statewide Sediment and Water Quality Approach to Characterize Pollution in Wadeable Streams of South Carolina (Phase 2).Federal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $166,576
Elizabeth Carraway, Stephen Klaine, Marc ScottConservation, Environmental Risk Assessment, Anthropogenic Indicators, Point Sources, Non-point Sources, Metals, PAHs
2007SDAnnual BaseLeaching Tests for Encapsulation of Waste after Arsenic Removal from Drinking WaterFederal: $23,746
Non-Federal: $47,492
Arden Davis, David Dixon, Marion HansenArsenic; arsenic removal; drinking water; concrete
2007SDAnnual BasePermeable Reactive Bio-Barriers for Uranium Removal: Role of Iron Minerals on Uranium Fate and TransportFederal: $14,855
Non-Federal: $29,735
Rajesh Sani, Sookie Bang, David DixonGroundwater, Iron sulfides, Uranium, and Stability
2007SDAnnual BaseAlternative Irrigation Water Management Strategies to Conserve WaterFederal: $52,095
Non-Federal: $103,227
Todd Trooienwater management, water conservation, irrigation scheduling, crop models
2007SDAnnual BaseEvaluation of Manure Application Risk on Frozen SoilsFederal: $28,036
Non-Federal: $56,784
Dennis Todey, David GermanManure, concentrated animal feeding operations, livestock, climate, frozen soil, nutrients, runoff, erosion
2007TXAnnual BaseChemically-Treated Composted Biosolids Enhance Water Conservation and Quality on Urban LandscapesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Ronnie Schnell, Don Vietorcomposted biosolids, water quality, phosphorus, water conservation, turfgrass
2007TXAnnual BaseReallocation of Reservoir Storage Capacity between Flood Control and Conservation PurposesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Tae Kim, Ralph Wurbswater supply, flood control, multipurpose reservoir operations, WRAP model
2007TXAnnual BaseIntra-Watershed Modeling of Bacterial ContaminationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,080
Stephanie Johnson, David Maidmentbacteria, total maximum daily load (TMDL), surface water quality, computer modeling, watersheds, geographic information systems
2007TXAnnual BaseEvaluating the Impacts of Brush Clearing on Recharge of a Karst AquiferFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,002
Corinne Wong, Jay BannerBrush clearing, recharge, karst aquifer, cave
2007TXAnnual BaseBacterial Impairment Assessment for Lake Granbury WatershedFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,133
Kendra Riebschleager, R KarhikeyanBacterial Impairment, Fecal Coliform, GIS modeling, E. coli, Lake Granbury
2007TXAnnual BaseWater Quality Influences on Ionizable Contaminants in the Brazos River Basin: Implications for Water Resource Management of Urbanizing WatershedsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Theodore Valenti, Bryan Brookssite specific water quality, watershed management, effluent discharges
2007TXAnnual BaseCarbon isotopic measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon: A new tool to assess groundwater-river exchange in the Brazos River BasinFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Fenwei Zeng, Caroline Masiellogroundwater, groundwater-river exchange, radiocarbon, carbon isotopic composition, dissolved inorganic carbon
2007TXAnnual BaseDevelopment of an algorithm to create repository of soil moisture and evapotranspiration maps for the state of TexasFederal: $4,890
Non-Federal: $10,262
Narendra Das, Binayak Mohantysoil moisture, SVAT, SWAP, evapotranspiration, Nexrad, Hydrologic modeling
2007TXAnnual BaseComparative evaluation of actual crop water use of forage sorghum and corn for silage.Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $23,175
Nithya Rajan, Stephan Maasremote sensing, crop water use, evapotranspiration, spectral crop coefficient
2007TXAnnual BaseOptimizing Irrigation of Oilseed Crops on the Texas High PlainsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,802
Steve Oswalt, Dick Auld, Thomas ThompsonOptimum Irrigation, Oilseed Crops
2007TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $26,562
Non-Federal: $23,556
C. Allan Jones, Danielle Supercinski, Jaclyn Tech, Cecilia Wagner, Kathy Wythe
2007UTAnnual BaseDevelopment and Calibration of a Hydrodynamic Model for Utah LakeFederal: $21,886
Non-Federal: $65,069
Robert Spall, Barton SmithLake Hydrodynamics, Endangered Species, Fish Habitat
2007UTAnnual BaseEconomic and Fiscal Impacts of the Groundwater Management Plan in the Beryl-Enterprise AreaFederal: $20,068
Non-Federal: $36,599
John KeithLand Use, Regional Economics, Water Use, Water Rights
2007UTAnnual BaseTwo-Zone Temperature and Solute Model Testing and Development in the Virgin RiverFederal: $24,264
Non-Federal: $52,328
Bethany NeilsonTemperature Modeling, Solute, Two-Zone Modeling
2007VIAnnual BaseWater Usage and Papaya Growth in Double-Row Systems Established During the Dry SeasonFederal: $16,840
Non-Federal: $0
Thomas ZimmermanPapaya, drip irrigation, mulch, minority farmers
2007VIAnnual BaseResponse to Uncertain Irrigation Supplies Through Recovery and Application of Aquaculture Wastewater for Agronomic Crops Cultivated in the U.S. Virgin Islands.Federal: $36,960
Non-Federal: $0
Jason Danaher, Kathryn Lincolnirrigation, aquaculture, effluent, geo-textile material
2007VIAnnual BaseSelection of Sediment Transport Functions for St. Thomas Island GutsFederal: $18,488
Non-Federal: $0
Walter Silva Erosion, Sedimentation, Geomorphology, Flood Control
2007VIAnnual BaseRevitalization of Guts as Urban Recreational Spaces in the U.S. Virgin IslandsFederal: $18,500
Non-Federal: $0
Lloyd Gardner, Stevie Henry, Toni ThomasRecreational Water
2007VIAnnual BaseSeventh Caribbean Islands Water Resources CongressFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $0
Henry SmithVirgin Islands, Caribbean, Water Congress
2007WAAnnual BaseLacamas Lake and other Northwest Reservoirs as Bioreactors: How do Dams Affect Downstream Nutrient Transport?Federal: $48,000
Non-Federal: $96,550
John Harrisoneutrophication; reservoirs; nitrogen; phosphorus; denitrification; rhodamine
2007WAAnnual BaseQuantifying and Enhancing Nitrogen Removal in Constructed WetlandsFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $48,107
Marc Beutel, Troy Peters, Rick Wattsnatural treatment systems, constructed wetlands, ammonia, nitrate, nitrification, denitrification
2007WAAnnual BaseAssessment of contaminated sediments using a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as an embryonic exposure assayFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $48,077
Jeffrey UllmanContaminated sediments, toxicology, PCBs, PBDEs
2007WIAnnual BaseProtecting Wisconsins Buried Treasure: Celebrating the Results of 20 Years of Coordinated Groundwater Research and MonitoringFederal: $14,446
Non-Federal: $11,344
Stephen Wittman, James Hurleygroundwater, research, monitoring, Wisconsin
2007WIAnnual BaseEnhanced Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Molecular and Biochemical AnalysesFederal: $85,836
Non-Federal: $70,554
Bill Hickeymicrobial processes, dechlorination, contaminants
2007WVAnnual BaseWRI 99 Selenium Speciation & RemovalFederal: $6,993
Non-Federal: $28,844
Louis McDonald, Richard HerdAMD Treatment, Anion Sorption
2007WVAnnual BaseWRI 96 - Experimental Investigation into the Changes in Hydrologic and Environmental Quality Associated with Valley FillsFederal: $87,942
Non-Federal: $183,216
Todd Petty, J Petty, Paul ZiemkiewiczValley Fills, Mountaintop Removal Mining, Hydrology, Environmental Remediation, Flooding, Acid Mine Drainage
2007WVAnnual BaseWRI 97 - Chemical and Flow Characterization of Mining Impacted Streams Using Continuous Water Quality Monitoring and Watershed ModelingFederal: $52,840
Non-Federal: $103,225
Jen Fulton, J. Gutta, John Quaranta, Paul ZiemkiewiczContinuous monitoring, watershed modeling, acid mine drainage, regression analysis, water chemistry, dissolved metals, stream discharge
2007WYAnnual BaseTracing Glacial Ice and Snow Meltwater with IsotopesFederal: $7,930
Non-Federal: $56,061
David WilliamsSnowmelt, Groundwater, Rainfall, Streamflow, Hyrograph separation, Oxygen-18, Deuterium, Tritium
2007WYAnnual BaseIntegrated Management of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources: Investigation of Different Management Strategies and Testing in a Modeling FrameworkFederal: $17,960
Non-Federal: $121,942
Fred Ogden, Melinda BensonConjunctive use, Policy, Management, Strategies, Modeling
2007WYAnnual BaseDetecting the Signature of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding in Orographic Snowstroms in Wyoming Using the Wyoming Cloud RadarFederal: $37,773
Non-Federal: $259,259
Bart GeertsCloud seeding, Cloud radar, Aircraft measurements, Weather modification
2007WYAnnual BaseWeather Modification Impacts and Forecasting of StreamflowFederal: $24,700
Non-Federal: $153,475
Glenn Tootle, Thomas PiechotaWeather modification, Snowpack, Streamflow, Soil moisture, Forecasting
2006AKAnnual BaseGlacier Volume Change in Arctic Alaska and its Impact on Alaska's Hydrologic CycleFederal: $19,391
Non-Federal: $6,936
Matthew Nolanglaciers, volume change, freshwater, arctic
2006AKAnnual BaseEffect of Raw Water Characteristics on Membrane Fouling for Filtration of Surface Water with High Organic Matter ContentFederal: $96,138
Non-Federal: $31,635
Silke Schiewermembrane filtration, DOM, Fouling, surface water
2006AKAnnual BaseWatershed Response to Forest Fires in Cold Regions: Channel Development and Suspended Load Variation in Streams in Interior AlaskaFederal: $21,368
Non-Federal: $10,150
Horacio Toniolosuspended load, soil erosion, channel formation, mapping, discontinuous permafrost
2006AKAnnual BaseInvestigation of Streamflow Response to Seasonal Snowcover Change in the Yukon RiverFederal: $75,387
Non-Federal: $21,777
Daqing Yangdischarge, climate, snowcover, and permafrost
2006ALAnnual BaseInvestigating the Role of Surface-Groundwater Interactions on Surface Water QualityFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Cevza Kazezyilmaz-Alhan, Prabhakar ClementContaminant transport, Solute Transport, Pollutants, Water Quality, Streams, Open Channels, Groundwater Quality
2006ALAnnual BasePilot Testing an Innovative Remediation Technology for In-situ Destruction of Chlorinated Organic Contaminants in Alabama Soils and Groundwater Using a New Class of Zero Valent Iron NanoparticlesFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,005
Dongye ZhaoChlorinated hydrocarbons, Soil remediation, Grountwater treatment, Groundwater quality, Hazardous wastes, Water quality control, Pollution control, Underground storage tanks
2006ALAnnual BaseThe Fate, Transport, and Effedts of Veterinary Antimicrobial Mixtures in the EnvironmentFederal: $24,891
Non-Federal: $49,782
Puneet Srivastava, Jacob Dane, Yucheng FengAnimal waste, Contaminant transport, Leaching, Risk Management, Soil Microbiology, Solute Transport
2006ALAnnual BaseEvaluating Bioretention Nutrient Removal in a Rain Garden With and Internal Water Storage (IWS) LayerFederal: $17,444
Non-Federal: $35,254
Mark Dougherty, Charlene LeBleuBioretention, Stormwater management, Non Point Source Pollution
2006ARAnnual BaseSediment Characterization in Three Coves - Beaver Reservoir, ArkansasFederal: $16,900
Non-Federal: $33,954
Stephen Boss, Brian Haggardsediment, lacustrine, metals, tracer, land-use
2006ARAnnual BaseMetal Mobilization, Especially Arsenic, Related to Ground-water Level Fluctuation in the Alluvial AquiferFederal: $17,818
Non-Federal: $35,636
Kenneth Steele, Ralph K. DavisArsenic
2006ARAnnual BaseOccurrence and antibiotic resistance in fecal indicator bacteria upstream and downstream of wastewater treatment plants in northwest ArkansasFederal: $17,819
Non-Federal: $36,509
Mary Savin, Brian Haggardfecal indicator bacteria, antibiotic resistance, surface water, wastewater treatment effluent
2006ARAnnual BaseA hydrogeological investigation of nitrate processing within a karst watershedFederal: $17,818
Non-Federal: $35,792
Susan Ziegler, John Brahananitrate, karst, interflow, stable isotopes, hydrology
2006AZAnnual BaseStudent Training, Research, and Participation in Water Harvesting Design and ImplementationFederal: $11,624
Non-Federal: $29,079
2006AZAnnual BasePerfluorinated Chemicals in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in ArizonaFederal: $11,995
Non-Federal: $24,023
Reyes Sierra, Fiona JordanPerfluorinated compounds; Perfluoroalkyl surfactants, Perfluorooctane sulfonate or PFOS; Perfluorooctane carboxylic acid or PFOA; Municipal wastewater treatment; Sludge; Biosolids; Sorption
2006AZAnnual BaseAn Investigation in the Upper Santa Cruz River 2005 Riparian Vegetation Die-offFederal: $11,940
Non-Federal: $27,523
Barron OrrSanta Cruz River, Riparian Area, Vegetation Die-off
2006AZAnnual BaseAdvanced Biotechnology for Recycling Dairy WastewaterFederal: $12,600
Non-Federal: $46,581
Qiang Hu, Milton Sommerfeldwastewater, nutrient removal, microalgae, photobioreactor, bioremediation
2006AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $40,051
Non-Federal: $67,025
Sharon Megdal, Carl Bauer, Susanna Eden, Joe Gelt, Jackie Moxley, Kerry Schwartz, Terry SprouseEducation, Information Transfer, Policy, Newsletter, Water Use, Water Supply, Water Quality,Water Management
2006CAAnnual BaseEcohydrologic Effects of Stream RestorationFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $26,390
Jeffrey Mount
2006CAAnnual BaseMonitoring California Water Resources from SpaceFederal: $7,496
Non-Federal: $38,235
James Famiglietti
2006CAAnnual BasePlant water use in Owens Valley, California:Federal: $7,070
Non-Federal: $15,812
Diane Pataki
2006CAAnnual BaseDiuron in Californias Water Supply:Federal: $14,638
Non-Federal: $29,713
Thomas Young
2006CAAnnual BaseImpacts of Ethanol on Anaerobic Production of Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) from Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) in GroundwaterFederal: $11,554
Non-Federal: $23,456
Kate ScowMTBE, TBA, groundwater contamination, bioremediation, anaerobic biodegradation, microorganisms, groundwater treatment, organic pollutants
2006CAAnnual BaseQuantitative PCR Assays for Specific Host Sources of Fecal Pollution for Test WatershedsFederal: $6,236
Non-Federal: $14,152
Katheryn Ivanetich
2006CAAnnual BaseThe Politics and Practice of Watershed Restoration: Insights from the Russian River Watershed, Northern CaliforniaFederal: $13,280
Non-Federal: $25,575
Jeff Romm
2006CAAnnual BaseInvestigating the role of nitrogen fixation and denitrification in ameliorating deteriorating water quality in a highly eutrophic southern Californian estuaryFederal: $14,582
Non-Federal: $7,947
Peggy Fong, Catherine Borrowman
2006CTAnnual BaseGIM3 - A visual and interactive contaminant transport simulator for regulatory and educational applicationsFederal: $4,270
Non-Federal: $9,391
Xiusheng YangGraphic user interface, multimedia environment, modeling, software, transport
2006CTAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Digital Geospatial Database to Support the Connecticut Water Allocation Policy Planning ModelFederal: $50,213
Non-Federal: $115,274
Sandy Prisloe, Chester Arnold, Daniel CivcoWater allocation, basin planning, basin screening, GIS
2006CTAnnual BaseDevelopment and evaluation of a multi-dimensional spatially and temporally dynamic mesohabitat classification model for stream management and water flow allocation planning in southern New England streamsFederal: $73,638
Non-Federal: $147,996
Jason Vokoun, Melinda Danielsmesohabitat, stream classification, water allocation planning
2006CTAnnual BaseWater Resources Technology Transfer ProgramFederal: $40,497
Non-Federal: $44,174
Glenn Warner, Patricia Bresnahan
2006DCAnnual BaseSilica and Siliceous Surfaces as Host for Hazardous Metals in WaterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $9,300
Aaron Barkatt, April Pulvirentisorption, co-precipitation ,silica ,siliceous surfaces, silica gel, hazardous metals, lead, copper, water supply
2006DCAnnual BaseNutrient flow and biological dynamics in the Anacostia RiverFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $5,850
Stephen MacAvoy, Karen Bushaw-Newtonmicrobial community structure, carbon and nutient sources, effects of nutrient loading
2006DCAnnual BaseWet-Weather Flow Characterization for the Rock Creek through Monitoring and ModelingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $4,420
Pradeep Behera, Abiose Adebayo, Wellela Hirpassawater quality, urban stream, non point source pollution, storm sewer overflows, education
2006DCAnnual BaseEffect of Best Management Practices on contaminant levels in storm water runoff to the Anacostia RiverFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $65,890
Charles GlassStormwater, Best Management Practices, sand filtration, water quality
2006DCAnnual BaseAssessment of Waterborne Contamination with Human Pathogens in Tributaries of the Anacostia River using the Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea)Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $9,450
Thaddeus GraczykWaterborne pathogens, cryptosoridium, giardia, microsporidia, microbiological contaminants, corbicula clams, biomonitoring, point sources,non-point sources, pollutants
2006DEAnnual BaseHydraulic Properties of the Unconfined Aquifer in Southern New Castle CountyFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Alan Andresaquifers, hydrologic characteristics, public wells
2006DEAnnual BaseEnhanced Pollutant Biodegradation by Electrode UseFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Steven Dentelbiodegradation, sediments, remediation
2006DEAnnual BaseSustainable Mosquito Control for Stormwater Ponds Federal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
John Gingrichinfectious disease, west nile virus, control measures
2006DEAnnual BaseDetection of Salmonella in Biosolids Using PCRFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Diane Hersonpathogen detection, Salmonella, sewage sludge
2006DEAnnual BasePredators of Galerucella Beetles, Biocontrol Agents of Purple LoosestrifeFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Judith Hough-Goldsteinbiocontrol, purple loosestrife, wetlands
2006DEAnnual BaseThe Effects of Dietary Level and Source of Copper on Broiler Copper Excretion and Movement of Copper Through Broiler Excreta-Amended SoilsFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
William Saylorcopper toxicity, manures, animal diets, leaching
2006DEAnnual BaseThe Effect of Proposed Climatic Warming on the Hydrological CycleFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
David Legatesfloods, droughts, storms, global warming
2006DEAnnual BaseMeasuring Groundwater Discharge to the Inland BaysFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
William Ullmannutrients, temperature, groundwater seepage, coastal ecology
2006DEAnnual BaseAssessment of Macro-infauna Associated with Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Aquaculture in the Indian River BayFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Gulnihal Ozbayaquaculture, estuarine ecology, biodiversity
2006FLAnnual BaseProgram AdministrationFederal: $12,113
Non-Federal: $38,729
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2006FLAnnual BaseWater Quantity (WQN), Hydrology (HYDROL), Climatological Processes (CP)Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Henry FuelbergPrecipitation, Rainfall, Radar, Hydrology
2006FLAnnual BaseMeasurement of evapotranspiration, recharge, and runoff in a transitional water table environmentFederal: $75,000
Non-Federal: $150,000
Mark Rossevapotranspiration, soil moisture, deep water table environment
2006FLAnnual BaseInvestigating arsenic mobilization during aquifer storage recovery (ASR)Federal: $50,750
Non-Federal: $101,500
Mike Annablearsenic, ASR, water supply, geochemistry
2006FLAnnual BaseCooperative Graduate Research Assistantships Between the Florida Water Resources Research Center-South Florida Water Management District UF/ABE in Critical Water Resources Areas for South FloridaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Wendy Grahamhydrology, assistantships, modelling, water quality, cooperative agreement, South West Florida Water Management District
2006FLAnnual BaseMeasurement of erosion around hydraulic structuresFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $36,750
Tian-Jian Hsusediment transport, erosion, numerical modeling, multi-phase flow
2006FLAnnual BaseComplex flows through culvert structures by CFD modelingFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $51,000
Tian-Jian Hsunumerical models, CFD, turbulent flow, flow control structures, free surface flow
2006FLAnnual BaseDevelopment and documentation of upconing and drawdown models for regulatory useFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Louis Motzanalytical solutions, evapotranspiration, groundwater modeling, multi-aquifer sustems, salt-water/fresh-water relations
2006FLAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $17,972
Non-Federal: $30,002
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2006GAAnnual BaseRestoration of flood pulses to the lower Savannah River: responses of floodplain invertebrates and fishFederal: $36,000
Non-Federal: $72,110
Darold Batzer
2006GAAnnual BaseCharacterizing Nutrient Releases from Southeastern Piedmont Lake SedimentsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Todd Rasmussen, Bruce Beck, William MillerLake Sediments, Nutrients, Phosphorus
2006GAAnnual BaseInvestigating the use of compost for sediment and erosion control in concentrated flow conditionsFederal: $36,000
Non-Federal: $72,428
Lawrence Risse, Xianben ZhuErosion and Sediment Control, Compost
2006GAAnnual Base1st Annual Mega-City Water Forum: Innovative Water Supply Strategies for the 21st CenturyFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Aris Georgakakos, Sebastian Mathews
2006GUAnnual BaseWatershed Land Cover Change Detection in GuamFederal: $71,644
Non-Federal: $0
Yuming Wen, Shahram KhosrowpanahLand cover, change detection, southern Guam
2006GUAnnual BasePolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Organochlorine Insecticides in Biotic Components of Tanapag Lagoon, SaipanFederal: $101,240
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, Harold WoodMonitoring, Biota, PCBs, Organochlorine Insecticides, DDT, Micronesia
2006GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of an optimum Operational Management for the Saipan Water Distribution SystemFederal: $52,446
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzModel Studies, Distribution Sytems, Water Demand, Water Use Data
2006GUAnnual BaseResponse of Well Heads of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer to Rainfall and Sea Level Fluctuations at Daily ResolutionFederal: $39,728
Non-Federal: $0
Mark LanderGroundwater flow, Rainfall, Climate, Response time, Extreme rainfall, Drought, Water quantity, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Prediction, Statistical model
2006GUAnnual BaseHydrological modeling of atoll islands in the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $100,960
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Yuming WenAtoll island aquifers
2006GUAnnual BaseIntegrating Environmental Education into Pohnpeis Primary School CurriculumFederal: $25,528
Non-Federal: $0
Carla Schuk, Carla SchukEnvironmental Education Resources and Material
2006GUAnnual BaseManagement of the Nanpil River Watershed, Pohnpei Island, the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $77,674
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitz286, 137, 214, 206
2006GUAnnual BaseInformation MangementFederal: $3,600
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy HeitzRainfall Data, Climate Data, Water Resources Management
2006GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $37,518
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy HeitzInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2006HIAnnual BaseFate and Transport of Contaminants in a Stream-Aquifer SystemFederal: $31,096
Non-Federal: $62,538
Chittaranjan Ray, Chittaranjan Rayclogging, solute, transport, biogeochemical, colmation layer
2006HIAnnual BaseHydrologic Analysis of Hawaii Watersheds for Flood Control and Water Quality ManagementFederal: $35,905
Non-Federal: $72,357
Clark LiuWatershed, flood hydrograph, TMDL, pollutograph
2006HIAnnual BaseIdentification and control of membrane bioreactor biofouling organisms using genetic fingerprintingFederal: $54,851
Non-Federal: $84,621
Roger Babcock, Roger Babcockmembrane bioreactor, biofouling, genetic fingerprinting, economics
2006HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $13,458
Non-Federal: $26,531
Philip Moravcik, Philip Moravcikinformation transfer, education, outreach
2006IAAnnual BaseImpact of Swine Manure Application on Phosphorus, NO3-N, Bacteria, and Antibiotics Concentrations in Surface Runoff and Subsurface Drainage WaterFederal: $27,738
Non-Federal: $81,331
Ramesh Kanwar, Allah Bakhsh, Matthew Helmers, Antonio P. Mallarino, John Sawyermanure, animal waste, subsurface drainage, PO4-P, NO3-N, antibiotics
2006IDAnnual BaseAssessment of Impacts of Population Growth on Ground Water Nitrate Loading in Teton County, IdahoFederal: $29,998
Non-Federal: $66,534
Donna CosgroveGround-water quality, nitrate contamination, septic system siting
2006IDAnnual BaseA geochemical investigation of groundwater sources in the Blackfoot River and Snake River floodplainFederal: $29,878
Non-Federal: $69,430
J. Mcnamara, J. McnamaraSurface Water Ground Water Interaction
2006IDAnnual BaseEvaluation of levels of success of diagnostic and remediation efforts for nitrate contaminated ground waters with application to the Ashton, ID area.Federal: $25,112
Non-Federal: $38,846
Gary Johnson, Mark LovellNitrates, remediation, groundwater, non-point source, graduate research, Ashton
2006INAnnual BaseWireless Monitoring of Purdue's Constructed WetlandFederal: $33,766
Non-Federal: $67,534
Chad Jafvert, Rao GovindarajuRemote Sensing, Constructed Wetlands, Undergraduate Education
2006INAnnual BaseEnvironmental Risk Assessment of Soybean Rust Fungicides Use in IndianaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $48,841
Hugo Ochoa-Acuna, Bernard Engel, Leighanne Hahnhuman and aquatic risk assessment, fungicides
2006INAnnual BaseTrace Gas Fluxes in Riparian Buffers along an Urban Rural GradientFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $58,415
Pierre-Andre Jacintheriparian buffer, trace gas, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane
2006KSAnnual BaseAssessment of Seasonal, Pumping Induced Water Quality Changes in the Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System, Southeast Kansas and Southwest Missouri -- Year 1Federal: $46,679
Non-Federal: $104,855
Peter Allen MacFarlane, Rudolf GhijsenOzark Plateaus aquifer system, Springfield Plateau aquifer system, Ozard aquifer, water quality, pumping stress
2006KYAnnual BaseFeasibility of using 3D CFD Models in Simulating Hydrodynamics in Dam Design/RehabilitationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,182
Scott Yostcomputational fluid dynamics, numerical modeling, dam design
2006KYAnnual BaseIdentification of Potential Bacterial Sources and Levels, Red Duck Creek, Mayfield, KentuckyFederal: $4,600
Non-Federal: $9,246
Mike Kempfecal coliform, E. coli, surface-water quality
2006KYAnnual BaseLinking Land Use to Water Quality in Northern KentuckyFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,240
Rebecca Kelleyurbanization, eutrophication, nutrient loading, land use, TMDL
2006KYAnnual BaseExperimental Study of the Impact of Upland Sediment Supply upon Cohesive Streambank ErosionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,090
James Foxbank erosion, upland sediment supply, cohesive sediments
2006KYAnnual BaseEvaluating Denitrifier Stratification in Fragipan SoilsFederal: $4,350
Non-Federal: $8,711
Mark Coynenitrate leaching, perched water, soil management
2006KYAnnual BaseLethal and Sublethal Effects of Agricultural Nutrient Pollution on TadpolesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Howard Whitemanamphibian toxicology, developmental stability, nitrate, phosphate
2006KYAnnual BaseProperty Taxation, Forest Fragmentation and Development in Kentucky's Green River and Lower Cumberland River WatershedsFederal: $4,650
Non-Federal: $17,994
Tamara Cushingforest management, watershed health, land use changes
2006KYAnnual BaseMonitoring Soil Moisture for Efficient Use of Irrigated Water on Selected Grass LawnFederal: $4,979
Non-Federal: $10,523
Samuel Boatengsoil moisture, stormwater runoff, soil texture
2006KYAnnual BasePervious Concrete for Solid/Liquid Separation and Waste RemediationFederal: $4,999
Non-Federal: $9,998
Steve Workmanwater quality, runoff, waste remediation
2006KYAnnual BaseNitrate and Nitrite Transformation by Fe(II) adsorbed on KaoliniteFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,004
Christopher Matochareactivity, adsorption, nitrate reduction
2006KYAnnual BaseThe Mobility of Fecal Indicator Microoganisms within a Karst Groundwater Basin in the Inner Bluegrass Region, KentuckyFederal: $4,800
Non-Federal: $14,910
Alan Fryarkarst aquifer, latex microspheres, groundwater tracers
2006LAAnnual BaseA Pilot Study on Modeling and Management of Hurricane- Accelerated Saltwater Encroachment in Coastal AquifersFederal: $15,500
Non-Federal: $35,654
Frank TsaiHurricane, Gulf Coast, Saltwater Encroachment, Aquifer, Subsurface, Modeling, Optimization, Management
2006LAAnnual BaseAssessment of the Impact of Hurricane Katrinas and Ritas storm surges on the Southern Hills Aquifer System in Southern St. Tammany and Tangipahoa ParishesFederal: $19,855
Non-Federal: $49,216
Thomas Van Biersel, Douglas Carlson, Loyd MilnerGroundwater, hurricane Katrina, hurricane Rita, storm surge, aquifer, saltwater intrusion
2006LAAnnual BaseGIS-Aided Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment System for Lake PontchartrainFederal: $19,800
Non-Federal: $40,253
Zhi-Qiang DengLake Pontchartrain, Floodwaters, Hurricanes, Impacts, Sampling, Water Quality Assessment
2006MAAnnual BasePerchlorate Reduction in Groundwater Using Elemental SulfurFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $13,838
Ashish Sahu, Sarina ErgasPerchlorate, Sulfur, Bioreactor, Nitrate
Non-Federal: $104,810
Piotr ParasiewiczInstream flows, fish habitat, river restoration, state policy, networking
2006MDAnnual BaseInvestigation of the effects of increased salinization from deicer use on increased transport of nitrogen in streams of the Chesapeake Bay WatershedFederal: $49,998
Non-Federal: $117,968
Sujay Kaushal, Keith Eshleman, Gary Fisher, Peter Groffman, Paul Mayer, Ray Morganland use change, salinization, nitrogen cycling, denitrification, streams
2006MDAnnual BaseSalinity effects on using hyperspectral radiometry to determine leaf nitrogen of emergent wetland macrophytesFederal: $59,914
Non-Federal: $122,184
David Tilley, Andrew Baldwinhyperspectral radiometry, wetland, nitrogen, salinity
2006MDAnnual BaseChemical and Biological Impacts of Zinc and Road Salt from Road Runoff Entering Stormwater Retention PondsFederal: $15,120
Non-Federal: $63,894
Ryan Casey, Edward Landa, Steven Lev, Joel Snodgrassretention ponds, zinc, salinization
2006MDAnnual Base2006 Summer Research FellowFederal: $7,600
Non-Federal: $15,358
Allen Davis
2006MEAnnual BaseA sequential time-weighted average approach for monitoring pesticide levels in Maine surface waters Federal: $44,400
Non-Federal: $102,372
Howard Patterson, Lucner CharlestraPesticides, fish ecology, water quality, agriculture,POCIS
2006MEAnnual BaseIdentification of Disinfection Byproducts by High Resolution Gas Chromatography Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass SpectrometryFederal: $10,050
Non-Federal: $49,321
Touradj Solouki, John PeckenhamBiotechnology, Chlorination, Contaminant Transport, Data Analysis, Disinfection, Education, Groundwater Quality, Hazardous Waste, Health Effects, Information Dissemination, Lakes, Organic Compounds, Ozonation, Pesticides, Pollutants, Public Health, Seawater, Surface-Groundwater Relationships, Toxic Substances, Trace Organics, Wastewater, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Water Treatment Facilities
2006MEAnnual BaseDoes food-web structure mediate landscape-scale responses of Maine lakes to nutrient enrichment?Federal: $19,992
Non-Federal: $148,612
Katherine Webster, Linda Bacon, Laura WilsonEutrophication, Lakes, Zooplankton, Ecosystems
2006MEAnnual BaseMaine WRRI IT FY06Federal: $26,062
Non-Federal: $33,686
John PeckenhamInformation Transfer
2006MEAnnual BaseEnhancing Lakefront Buffer Adoption through Social Marketing (pilot project)Federal: $25,458
Non-Federal: $36,330
Laura Wilson, John JemisonEducation, Watershed Management, Riparian Vegetation
2006MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $35,335
Non-Federal: $59,289
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2006MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $53,661
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Water Quantity, Watershed Management; Macroinvertebrates; Wetlands; Monitoring; Interactive Web-based Systems; Exotic Species
2006MIAnnual BaseProtecting Critical Trout Streams Via a Water Quantity Cap and Trade SchemeFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $38,001
Sandra Batiewater quantity, cap and trade, economic policy, offset credits, environmental mitigation, market driven water conservation
2006MIAnnual BaseExploring the Legal Landscape of Michigans GroundwaterFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $21,256
Michael KaplowitzWater Use, Groundwater Regulations, Riparian Rights, Legal Landscape, Water Law, Water Permits
2006MIAnnual BaseEconomic Implications of Restoring Aquatic Ecosystems of the Muskegon River watershedFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $24,114
R. Jan Stevenson, David Hyndman, Saichon Seedangaquatic ecosystem restoration, economic information, ecosystem benefits, best management practices, ground water modeling, aquatic ecosystem modeling
2006MNAnnual BaseFactors Affecting Revegetation Success in Lakeshore RestorationsFederal: $54,000
Non-Federal: $114,928
Susan GalatowitschAquatic macrophyes, littoral wetlands, lakescaping
2006MNAnnual BaseEcological Stoichiometry and Microbial Biodiversity Effects on Water Quality in Minnesota LakesFederal: $48,480
Non-Federal: $75,118
James Cotner, Timothy LaParaBiogeochemistry, eutrophication, biodiversity
2006MNAnnual BaseDevelopment of a DNA Marker Gene System to Determine Sources of Fecal E. coli in WatershedsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $85,816
Michael SadowskyE. coli, Gene Probes, Source Tracking, Robotic System, Fecal Pollutants
2006MOAnnual BaseEEM Fluorescence Spectroscopy Fingerprints and Monitoring of NDMA and TTHM Formation PotentialsFederal: $21,988
Non-Federal: $43,977
Baolin Deng, Baolin DengWater quality monitoring, TOC, TTHMFP, EEMS, SFS, NDMA
2006MOAnnual BaseAdsorption of the Isoxaflutole Degradate Diketonitrile to Aluminum and Iron Hydrous OxidesFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $44,833
Keith Goyne, Stephen Anderson, Robert Lerch, Chung-Ho LinHerbicides, contaminants, surface and groundwaters, agrichemicals, IXF, DKN, HAO, HFO, fate and transport, water resources
2006MOAnnual BaseLow Rate Mixing & Struvite Precipitation: Paired Treatment for Swine WasteFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $53,080
Joel BurkenAgriculture, Water Quality, Phosphorous, Swine Production Facilities, Low Rate Mixing, Struvite Precipitation, Waste Water Treatment Technologies
2006MSAnnual BaseAssessing the effectiveness of streamflow augmentation in the Sunflower River to maintain water quality and wetland integrityFederal: $51,006
Non-Federal: $102,000
Gary Ervin, Todd Tietjenbioindicators, biomonitoring, invasive species, water quality, water quantity and wetlands
2006MSAnnual BaseDeveloping a Reliable Method for Identifying Pre-settlement Wetland Sediment Accumulation Rates: 14 C Dating on Bulk Lake Sediments and ExtractsFederal: $29,780
Non-Federal: $60,762
Gregg DavidsonWetlands, Sedimentation, 14C
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent Fellowship: Settlement, environment, and identity: Understanding processes of vegetative change along the Wind RiverFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
William WyckhoffWind River, riparian composition, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Native American cultures
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent fellowship: Spatial and temporal variation of groundwater and surface water interaction along the Gallatin River, Four Corners MontanaFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $0
Stephan Custerground water, surface water, interaction, urbanization
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent fellowship: Water quality function in subalpine wetlands in response to disturbance and restorationFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $0
Duncan Pattenwetland function, water quality, disturbance, restoration
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent fellowship: The effects of overwinter dewatering on brown trout redds and egg survival in a Montana creekFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $0
Vicki Watson, Vicki Watsonbrown trout, dewatering, Montana, Warm Springs Creek
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent fellowship: Effects of road culverts on eastern Montana prairie fish assemblagesFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Thomas McMahonculverts, fish passage, Montana
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent fellowship: Sources of groundwater and subsurface water aquisition and utilization by conifers invading riparian communities in western MontanaFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Clayton Marlowencroachment, conifers, riparian, groundwater
2006MTAnnual BaseTemporal and spatial changes in the concentration and isotopic composition of nitrate in the upper Silver Bow Creek drainage, Montana.Federal: $29,200
Non-Federal: $58,802
Chris Gammons, John LaFavenutrients, Butte, Clark Fork River, stable isotopes, nitrogen cycle
2006MTAnnual BaseCarbon cycling and the temporal variability in the concentration and stable carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic and organic carbon in streamsFederal: $58,584
Non-Federal: $116,824
Stephen Parker, Douglas Camerondissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, carbon isotopes, diel, biogeochemistry
2006MTAnnual BaseImpacts of beaver on invasion ecology of brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis)Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Lisa Eby, Magnus McCafferybeaver, brook trout, casto canadensis, cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki, Salvelinus fontinalis
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent fellowship: Further investigation of diel cyclic changes of metals in two Montana rivers.Federal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Stephen Parkerdiel cycles, metals, Montana, Big Hole, Clark Fork
2006MTAnnual BaseStudent fellowship: A genomic and proteomic approach to characterizing natural variation in E. coli: Toward construction of a microbial source tracking database to identify sources of fecal water contamination in the State of MontanaFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $0
William HolbenE. coli, genomes, fecal contamination, waterborne diseases
2006NCAnnual BaseEndocrine and Reproductive Effects of the Pharmaceutical Fluoxetine on Native Freshwater Mussels: Proximity to Measured Environmental ConcentrationsFederal: $27,680
Non-Federal: $55,362
W. Gregory Cope, Robert Bringolf, Rebecca Heltsley, Damian SheaUnionid Mussel, Endocrine Disruptor, Pharmaceutical, Toxic Substances, Pollutants
2006NCAnnual BaseRestoring Biogeochemical Functions in Degraded Urban Stream EcosystemsFederal: $51,238
Non-Federal: $102,474
Emily Bernhardtbiogeochemistry, denitrification, hydrologic connectivity nitrogen, organic matter, restoration, urban streams
2006NCAnnual BaseImproved Water Management Strategies for the Neuse basin Utilizing Climate-Information based Probabilistic Streamflow ForecastsFederal: $44,424
Non-Federal: $88,846
Sankarasubramanian ArumugamHydroclimatology, Hydrological Forecasting, Watershed Management, Risk Analysis, Climate, Decision Models, Flood Control, Multi-Objective Planning, Optimization, Reservoir Modeling, Systems Analysis
2006NDAnnual BaseFarm-Scale Reconnaissance of Estrogens in Subsurface WatersFederal: $9,600
Non-Federal: $19,200
Francis CaseyEstrogens, Groundwater, Farm-scale pollution
2006NDAnnual BaseAnalysis of Associated Bedrock-Aquifer System Sediments: Origins of Electron donor-rich Aquifers in Eastern North DakotaFederal: $8,590
Non-Federal: $17,180
[UNKNOWN]Electron Donor, Groundwater, Bedrock-aquifer systems
2006NDAnnual BaseMolecular Phylogeography of Etheostoma nigrum (Rafinesque) in the upper MidwestFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Craig StockwellGenetic Diversity, Molecular Phylogeography, Gene Flow, Benthic Fish
2006NDAnnual BaseClassification of Macroinvertebrate Communities across Red River Drainage BasinFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Malcolm Butler, Malcolm ButlerMicroinvertebrate communities, habitat, Benthic communities,environmental conditions
2006NDAnnual BaseEffect of flow path processes on the geochemistry and quality of water discharged along the seepage face at Pigeon Point, Sheyenne delta aquifer, Ransom County, North DakotaFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,000
Phil GerlaSeepage, Infiltration, hydrogeochemistry, Sheyenne Delta aquifer
2006NDAnnual BaseRapid and Sensitive Determination of Bacteria in Water Using NanoparticlesFederal: $14,400
Non-Federal: $28,800
Julia Xiaojun ZhaoRapid Testing, Bacteria, Nanoparticles
2006NDAnnual BaseUsing Entrapped Cell Systems for Treating Supernatant from Anaerobic Digester of the Moorhead Wastewater Treatment PlantFederal: $10,800
Non-Federal: $21,600
Khan EakalakEntrapped Cell Systems, Treatment, Anaerobic Digester
2006NEAnnual BaseUse of Remotely Sensed Data for Improved Quantification of Evapotranspiration for Water Management in NebraskaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,086
Ayse Irmak, Qi Hu, Suat Irmak, Derrel Martin, George Meyer, Donald Rundquist, Shashi Vermaevapotranspiration, consumptive water use, water resources management, surface energy balance, remote sensing
2006NEAnnual BaseWater quantity and quality within the Great Plains: Model development within a Nebraska BasinFederal: $11,038
Non-Federal: $22,075
Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Durelle Scottsolute transport; hydrologic model
2006NEAnnual BaseDetermination of Appropriate Lake Water Quality Expectations in Agriculturally Dominated Ecosystems. Phase 1: Defining Nebraskas HydroecoregionsFederal: $20,600
Non-Federal: $41,289
Aris Holz, John HolzNutrient Criteria, Watersheds, Reservoirs, Land Use, Agriculture, GIS, Hydrologic Units
2006NEAnnual BaseWater Center Educational Materials/Information Transfer PlanFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $41,322
Kyle Hoagland, Steven Ress
Non-Federal: $51,356
Aaron MargolinBiosolids, viruses
2006NHAnnual BaseProtecting water supply quality through improved watershed planning and managementFederal: $22,191
Non-Federal: $46,660
John Halstead, Thomas Ballesterowatershed policy, conjoint analysis, stakeholder, public participation
2006NHAnnual BaseWater Quality Change-Effects of Development in Selected WatershedsFederal: $30,421
Non-Federal: $94,995
Jeffrey Schlosslake, stream, groundwater, nutrients, land use
2006NHAnnual BaseSeed Funding for the First Annual NH Water Resources ConferenceFederal: $7,425
Non-Federal: $15,272
Jeffrey Kahl, Paul Currier, William McDowell, Kevin McGuire, Keith Robinson, Jeffrey SchlossInformation transfer, Environmental Education, Water Resources
2006NJAnnual BaseNitrate removal in urban wetlands: examining the roles of vegetation, soils, and hydrology in the creation of hot spots and hot moments of denitrificationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,893
Monica Palta, Joan Ehrenfeldurban hydrologic alterations, urban stream syndrome, channel morphology, nutrient removal, floodplain processes, eutrophication, floodplain hydrology, downcutting, overbank flooding, overbank flooding, hot spots, hot moments,
2006NJAnnual BaseFemale Hormones in Surface Water of Central/Northern New Jersey: Impacts of Combined Sewer Overflows versus Treated Wastewater DischargeFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $130,714
Weilin Huang, Peter Strom[ENCODING ERROR]
2006NJAnnual BaseCranberry Agriculture as Wildlife Habitat in the Pine Barrens Wetland EcosystemFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,893
Ai Wen, David Ehrenfeldecosystem integrity, wildlife habitat, cranberry bogs, cranberry cultivation, wetland habitat, cranberry beds, controlled flooding, ephadic features
2006NJAnnual BaseThe Potential Impact of the Asian Isopod, Synidotea laevidorsalis (Miers 1881), on the Delaware Bay, USAFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,152
Sean Boyd, David BushekSynidotea laevidorsalis, marine isopod, aquatic ecosystem, non-ingenious species (NIS), estuarine communities, anthropogenic activities, estuary, Isopod, marine crustacean, mesohaline ,
2006NJAnnual BaseIntegrated Assessment of Economic and Water Quality Impacts of Agricultural Best Management Practices in Upper Cohansey River WatershedFederal: $59,966
Non-Federal: $95,532
Zeyuan Qiu, Christopher ObroptaBest Management Practices (BMPs), watershed, biophysical model, water quality impacts, agricultural BMPs, water pollutant loads, agricultural water pollution, non-point source pollution, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), Conservation Effects Assessment Projects (CEAP), Information Transfer, Land-use Practice
2006NJAnnual BaseAdvancing the characterization of fractured bedrock aquifers using electrical geophysical methods: application to water resources evaluation in the New Jersey HighlandsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,917
DeBonne Wishart, Lee Slaterelectrical geophysical methods, hydrogeological characterization, fractured bedrock aquifers, aperture width, fracture surface chemistry, hydraulic gradient, flow velocity
2006NJAnnual BaseEnhancing the remediation of Trichloroethene (TCE) using double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNT)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,893
Sarat Kannepalli, Donna E. Fennelltrichloroethene (TCE), groundwater contaminants, Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL), remediation, biodetoxification, Carbon nanotubes, Sequestration, anaerobic dehalorespiring bacteria, bioavailability
2006NMAnnual BaseA Physically-based Parsimonious Approach for Spatial Disaggregation and Recovery of NEXRAD Precipitation Data in Mountainous Terrains (Wilson)Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $14,130
John Wilson, John Wilsonprecipitation, water management, recharge, runoff
2006NMAnnual BaseMitigation of Membane Biofouling by Harnessing Bacterial Cannibalism (Huang)Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $9,420
Frank Huangproduced water, water treatment, bacteria, desalination, membrane biofouling
2006NMAnnual BaseDevelopment of Geospatial Modeling Tools for Watershed-based Water Resources Management in New Mexico (Vivoni)Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $9,420
Enrique Vivonigeospatial modeling, forecasting, water management, climate, watershed hydrology
2006NMAnnual BaseEstimating Water Use through Satellite Remote Sensing (Bleiweiss)Federal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $4,510
Max Bleiweissremote sensing, water use, models, evapotranspiration, agriculture
2006NMAnnual BaseSustainable Recovery of Potable Water from Saline Waters (Khandan)Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $9,020
Nirmala Khandandesalination, brackish water, solar power
2006NVAnnual BaseSoil Heterogeneity and Moisture Distribution Due to Rainfall Events in Vegetated Desert Areas: Potential Impact on Soil Recharge and EcosystemsFederal: $31,060
Non-Federal: $62,129
Michael Young, Li Chen, Darren MeadowsSpatial variability, groundwater recharge, soil hydraulic properties, soil recharge, ecosystems, soils development, plant water availability
2006NVAnnual BaseModeling Biotic Uptake of Mercury in the Lahontan Resevoir SystemFederal: $87,479
Non-Federal: $174,955
Rosemary Carroll, Rosemary CarrollMercury, Biotic Uptake
2006NVAnnual BaseFlood Warning System for the Clark County Wetlands ParkFederal: $30,180
Non-Federal: $77,079
Thomas Piechotaflooding, decisions support system, hydrologic modeling, hydraulic modeling
2006NVAnnual BaseHydrodynamic Modeling of Lake MeadFederal: $33,653
Non-Federal: $67,440
Mark Stone, Mark Stonehydrodynamic models, lake mixing, lake water quality, water supply, Lake Mead, limnology
2006NVAnnual BaseMicrobial and Phytoplankton Impacts on Endocrine Disrupting Contaminants: Las Vegas Wash and Lake Mead, NVFederal: $53,000
Non-Federal: $106,417
Duane Moserbacteria, estrogen, endocrine disruptors, Lake Mead, wastewater
2006NVAnnual BaseHydraulic Property Correspondence and Upscaling for Arid and Semi-Arid Hydrologic ProcessesFederal: $8,955
Non-Federal: $17,909
Jianting Zhusoil hydraulic properties, hydraulic correspondence, upscaling, averaging schemes, heterogeneous soils
2006NVAnnual BaseQuantify Wash Load and Fractional Suspended Load Transport in Lake TahoeFederal: $8,955
Non-Federal: $17,909
Guohong Duansediment transport, hydraulics
2006NYAnnual BaseAssessing the ecosystem services of open space for water resource protection in the Moodna Watershed, NYFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $58,178
Karin Limburg, Valerie Luzadisurbanization, water quality, water quantity, land use planning, site design
2006NYAnnual BaseEffect of urban runoff on seasonal and spatial trends in the water quality of the Saw Mill RiverFederal: $17,918
Non-Federal: $23,182
Richard Carbonarowater quality, sediment, nutrients, baseline data, monitoring, heavy metals, urban runoff
2006NYAnnual BaseThe Sawkill Eel Project: Eel restoration in a tributary to the Hudson RiverFederal: $14,471
Non-Federal: $18,844
Catherine O'Reilly, Robert Schmidteel habitat, dams, tributaries, migration, eel ladders
2006OHAnnual BaseUse of fluidized bed slag reactors for passive treatment of acid mine drainageFederal: $36,698
Non-Federal: $73,536
Guy Riefleracid mine drainage fluidized bed reactors iron slag
2006OHAnnual BaseCharacterizing and Controlling Membrane BiofoulingFederal: $56,254
Non-Federal: $128,646
Daniel Oerther, Dionysios Dionysiou, Biofouling, 16S rRNA, Microbiology, Modeling
2006OHAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Novel Hydrogel-Based Sensor for the Detection of Biological ContaminantsFederal: $40,804
Non-Federal: $81,638
Cyndee Grudensurface waters; biological contaminants; detection
2006OHAnnual BaseThe Scour and Deposition River and Estuarine BridgesFederal: $51,562
Non-Federal: $107,265
Diane Foster, Thomas LippmannScour, Sediment Tranpsort, Bridge, Hydraulics, Deposition
2006OKAnnual BaseOccurrence of Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in Cave Water within the Lower Neosho and Illinois River Basins, Oklahoma Federal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Joseph BidwellOzark cavefish, groundwater contamination, organic wastewater constituents, pharmaceuticals
2006OKAnnual BaseDecision Support System for Long Term Planning of Rural and Urban Water Supply System Costs in OklahomaFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,064
Arthur StoeckerDrinking water, Water treatment, regionalization
2006OKAnnual BaseHistorical Ecological and Geochemical Analysis of Lakes Eucha and SpavinawFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,149
J. Fisher, Bill Potter, Ken Roberts, Bryan Tapp, Harrington WellsEucha-Spavinaw Ecosystem, sediments, chronology, geochemistry, algae, phytoplankton]
2006ORAnnual BaseEvaluating the phosphorus dynamics in response to restoring historic hydrology at reclaimed wetlands along Upper Klamath Lake, OR.Federal: $14,999
Non-Federal: $35,648
Desiree Tullos, Desiree TullosWetland Restoration, Phosporus dynamics
2006ORAnnual BaseBuilding Capacity to Manage Conflict and Change through Oregons Water Governance Structures Federal: $14,395
Non-Federal: $45,830
Denise Lach, Aaron WolfWater conflict, networks, place-based governance
2006ORAnnual BaseModeling Effects of Channel Complexity and Hyporheic Flow on Stream TemperaturesFederal: $20,194
Non-Federal: $40,225
Scott WellsWater quality modeling, water temperature, channel complexity, hyporheic flow
2006ORAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer of Water Resources Research and Resource Planning in OregonFederal: $11,500
Non-Federal: $30,950
Todd JarvisTechnology Transfer, Education and Training
2006ORAnnual Base: Development of a web-based database of hydrologic data for the Upper Oak Creek WatershedFederal: $14,405
Non-Federal: $16,283
Arne Skaugset III, Arne Skaugset IIIForestry, Hydrology, Watershed
2006PAAnnual BasePassive Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage Using ChitinFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Rachel Brennanacid mine drainage, passive treatment, permeable reactive barriers, chitin, remediation, heavy metals, sulfate reducing bacteria, water quality
2006PAAnnual BaseIdentification and Enumeration of Pathogenic Bacteriophages in the Waters Surrounding Presque Isle State ParkFederal: $17,916
Non-Federal: $59,003
Steven Maurobacteriophage, water pathogens, aquatic ecosystem, human health, novel methodology
2006PAAnnual BaseRural Drinking Water Quality in PennsylvaniaFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Bryan Swistock, Stephanie Clemensgroundwater, wells, education, drinking water, volunteers
2006PAAnnual BaseFunctional Classification of Susquehnna River Basin Watersheds in an Uncertainty FrameworkFederal: $17,998
Non-Federal: $35,996
Thorsten Wagenerclassification, watershed response, predictions in ungauged basins, ensemble predictions, uncertainty
2006PRAnnual BaseUse of Waste Tire Crumb Rubber to Remove Inorganic (Arsenic, Mercury) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Species from Aqueous SolutionsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $6,100
Oscar Perales-Perez, Felix Romanwater treatment, water quality, heavy metals, organic compounds
Non-Federal: $82,144
David Sotomayor, Martinez Gustavo, Luis Perez-Alegria, Carlos SantosWater Chemistry, Water Quality Monitoring, Nutrients
2006RIAnnual BaseAssessment of Downstream Hazard Potential for Dam Failure in Rhode IslandFederal: $18,713
Non-Federal: $37,461
Mayrai Gindy, Natacha Thomasrisk assessment, uncertainty, probabilistic, dam safety, GIS
2006RIAnnual BaseIncorporating Latest Technologies in a Cost-Effective Design of Rainfall Catchment and Filtration Systems for Coastal Rhode Island Communities Federal: $12,662
Non-Federal: $42,191
Janet Baldwinrainfall catchment, rainwater, water filtration, cistern, water supply
2006RIAnnual BaseClean Waters of Rhode IslandFederal: $16,085
Non-Federal: $33,530
Harold KnickleWater quality, Outreach, Technical Transfer
2006SCAnnual BaseA Statewide Sediment and Water Quality Approach to Characterize Pollution in Wadeable Streams of South CarolinaFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $81,656
Elizabeth Carraway, Stephen Klaine, Marc ScottConservation, Environmental Risk Assessment, Anthropogenic Indicators, Point Sources, Non-point Sources, Metals, PAHs
2006SCAnnual BaseA Statewide Biomarker Approach to Investigate Pollution Effects on fish in Wadeable Streams of South CarolinaFederal: $29,860
Non-Federal: $64,676
Peter Van Den Hurk, Stephen Klaine, Aaron Roberts, Marc ScottConservation, Environmental Risk Assessment, Biomakers, Fish Toxicology, Point Sources, Non-point Sources
2006SDAnnual Base Microbial indices of soils and water associated with vegetated treatment areas (VTAs) from five animal feeding operations (AFOs) in South DakotaFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $119,999
Bruce Bleakley, Todd Trooienvegetated treatment area; animal feeding operation; Escherichia coli; microbial
2006SDAnnual BaseDevelopment of an Optimal Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Index for Prairie Lakes in Northeastern South DakotaFederal: $7,205
Non-Federal: $8,714
David GermanBioassessment Index, lakes, water quality, trophic state
2006TNAnnual BaseAsh Pond Modeling and Computer Simulation to Predict and Efficiently ControlAmmonia/Nitrates and Heavy Metals DischargeFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $93,622
Paul Bienkowski, Robert CounceMathematical Models, Optimization, Pollution Control, Toxic Substances Water Quality Modeling Water Reuse
2006TNAnnual BaseStructuring of an Infromation Transfer and Outreach Strategy for TNWRRC Under a New Organizational FrameworkFederal: $106,061
Non-Federal: $181,216
Randall Gentry, Randall GentryEducation, Outreach, Planning, Technology Transfer
2006TXAnnual BaseDetermining Effects of Brush Clearing on Deep Drainage Using Soil Chloride; a Feasibility Study for South Texas RangelandsFederal: $4,974
Non-Federal: $18,312
David Barre, Georgianne MooreDeep Drainage, Recharge, Chloride
2006TXAnnual BaseImpacts of Texas Interbasin Water Transfers on the Water Dependent Economy and the EnvironmentFederal: $4,984
Non-Federal: $17,161
Cai Yongxia, Bruce McCarlInterbasin Water Transfer, Social Benefit, Water Quality
2006TXAnnual BaseEstimation of Water Quality Parameters for Lake Kemp Texas Derived From Remotely Sensed DataFederal: $4,500
Non-Federal: $12,804
Bassil El-Masri, Faiz RahmanRemote Sensing, Chlorophylla a, water quality
2006TXAnnual BaseArsenic Removal by Novel Nanoporous Adsorbents-Kinetics, Equilibrium, and RegenerabilityFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,091
Han Dongsuk, Bill BatchelorArsenic, Absorption, Kinetics
2006TXAnnual BaseDevelopment of Coastal Margin Observation and Assessment System to Monitor the Water Quality in the Corpus Christi BayFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $23,227
Mohammad Islam, James BonnerHydrodynamic Model, Water Quality, Surface Currents
2006TXAnnual BaseA Socio-Technical Case Study of Sustainable Stormwater Management in Austin, TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $20,760
Andrew Karvonen, Steven MooreStormwater, Urban Runoff, Sustainability
2006TXAnnual BasePost-Restoration Evaluation of Urban Streams in Central TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $15,915
Megan Meier, Anne Chin Geomorphology, Streams, Urbanization, Restoration
2006TXAnnual BaseProperty-Based Management and Optimization of Water Usage and Discharge in Industrial FacilitiesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Arwa Rabie, Mahmoud El-HalwagiWastewater, Pollution Prevention, Industrial Facilities, Management
2006TXAnnual BaseModeling the Effect of Urbanization and Optimizing Land Use For Estuarine Environmental FlowsFederal: $4,790
Non-Federal: $36,240
Debabrata Sahoo, Patricia HaanEnvironmental Flows, Terrestrial-Aquatic Ecosystem, Genetic Algorithim
2006TXAnnual BaseA Pricing Model to Assess the Effect of Groundwater Availability on Land ValuationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,349
Robert Taylor, Lal AlmasGroundwater Policy, Groundwater Management, Groundwater Conservation
2006TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $29,904
Non-Federal: $13,606
Bill Harris, Clint Wolfe
2006UTAnnual BaseIrrigation Demand Forecasting for Management of Large Water SystemsFederal: $62,956
Non-Federal: $114,578
Mac McKeeWater Systems Operation, Short-Term Management, Uncertainty
2006UTAnnual BaseEvaluating Water Allocation Strategies in the Virgin River Basin for the Protection and Enhancement of Native FishFederal: $42,000
Non-Federal: $119,704
Thomas Hardy, Mac McKeeInstream Flows, Water Use, Land Use, Endangered Species
2006UTAnnual BasePotential Impacts of Flow Augmentation on Stream Restoration ProjectsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
Rollin Hotchkiss, Mark Belk, Russell Raderstream habitat, flow augmentation, benthic organisms, stream restoration
2006VAAnnual BaseInformation DisseminationFederal: $327,562
Non-Federal: $442,977
Tamim Younos
2006VIAnnual BaseDevelopment of a water budget for shade-house crops in the U.S. Virgin IslandsFederal: $33,200
Non-Federal: $0
Ramon Arancibia, Donald Baileyornamental, meteorology, soil moisture, microirrigation
2006VIAnnual BaseImpervious Surface Analysis of Terrestrial Watersheds of the U.S. Virgin Islands with Application to the East End Marine Park, St. Croix Federal: $59,400
Non-Federal: $0
Colin Finney, Denise Rennis, Henry SmithImpervious surface, watershed, land cover, infiltration coefficient, remote sensing, monitoring, East End Marine Park
2006VIAnnual BaseDiversity of freshwater fish and invertebrates of St. Thomas watersheds and its relationship to water quality as affected by residential and commercial developmentFederal: $35,920
Non-Federal: $0
Donna NemethGuts, Watersheds, Water quality, freshwater fish, freshwater shrimps, Tropics
2006VIAnnual BaseA prospective epidemiological study on the morbidity of bathers exposed to coastal waters in the CaribbeanFederal: $44,456
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Toranzos, Henry SmithRecreational waters, epidemiological studies, tropical waters, indicators of risk
2006VTAnnual BaseEvaluating Quantitative Models of Riverbank Stability Federal: $37,679
Non-Federal: $121,390
Mandar Dewoolkar, Paul BiermanRiverbank stability, erosion, fluvial geomorphology, Vermont, slope stability model, soil shear strength, pore pressure
2006VTAnnual BaseAn Adaptive Management System using Hierarchical Artificial Neural Networks and Remote Sensing for Fluvial Hazard Mitigation Federal: $69,096
Non-Federal: $112,127
Donna Rizzo, Leslie Morrisseyartificial neural networks, fluvial geomorphology, remote sensing, eCognition, adaptive management, uncertainty assessment, stream assessment, hydrology
2006VTAnnual BasePhosphorus availability from the soils along two streams of the Lake Champlain Basin: mapping, characterization and seasonal mobilityFederal: $23,000
Non-Federal: $227,162
Donald Ross, Joel Tilleyphosphorus, soil, sediment, soil survey, soil test, P transport, P index
2006WAAnnual BaseTransport of Colloids in Soils Studied by Geocentrifuge TechniquesFederal: $46,000
Non-Federal: $92,000
Markus Flury, Prabhakar Sharmacolloids, particles, transport, pathogens
2006WAAnnual BaseEffects of Sediment Oxygenation on Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Benthic BiotaFederal: $45,930
Non-Federal: $92,718
Marc Beutelmethylmercury, bioaccumulation, sediments
2006WAAnnual BaseDeveloping a Sediment Model for Use in the TMDL Processes in the Inland NorthwestFederal: $46,000
Non-Federal: $92,198
Shulin ChenTMDL, Modeling, Sediment, Nutrients, Winter runnoff, Erosion
2006WIAnnual BaseMeasuring and Modeling Macroporous Soil Water and Solute Flux Below the Root Zone of a Plano Silt-Loam SoilFederal: $67,670
Non-Federal: $72,524
Birl Lowery, John Normanvadose zone, hydrology, solutes, soils
2006WIAnnual BaseAssessing the Ecological Status and Vulnerability of Springs in WisconsinFederal: $37,720
Non-Federal: $49,518
Susan Swanson, Kenneth Bradbury, David J. Hart, David Zaberecology, springs, groundwater
2006WVAnnual BaseEvaluation of the Environmental Hazard of Selenium in Coal-Associated Rocks of the Southern WV Coal BasinFederal: $31,892
Non-Federal: $68,438
Ronald Smart, Jack Renton
2006WVAnnual BaseWest Virginia Water Conference 2006Federal: $15,566
Non-Federal: $31,134
Tamara VandivortWater, Economics, Education, Policy, Law, Management, Planning, Research, Conference
2006WVAnnual BaseIn-Stream Turbidity and Suspended Sediment Changes Following Improvements to a Forest Road and HarvestingFederal: $29,496
Non-Federal: $60,868
Jingxin Wang, Pamela Edwards, Joseph McNeel, Lawrence OsbornTurbidity, suspended sediment, forest road construction, sediment delivery, road improvements, best management practices, timber harvesting, central Appalachian forested watershed
2006WVAnnual BaseSystematic determination of water resource data & information management needs in West VirginiaFederal: $20,664
Non-Federal: $41,612
Tamara Vandivort, Richard HerdData evaluation, Data management, water scarcity, Integrated water resource managment
2006WVAnnual BaseChloride Sorption to Acid Mine Drainage SolidsFederal: $46,458
Non-Federal: $37,470
Louis McDonald, Paul ZiemkiewiczAMD Treatment, Anion Sorption
2006WVAnnual BaseEcological Impact and Flow Variations of Mine Water used for Small-Scale Trout Production.Federal: $12,300
Non-Federal: $81,000
Kenneth Semmens, Daniel MillerNutrient impact, hydrology, mine water use
2006WVAnnual BaseStream Chemical Variability in Time and Space with Relation to Monongahela National Forest Geology and Utilization by Brook Trout and Associated SpeciesFederal: $13,265
Non-Federal: $33,490
Stuart Welsh, Donald GasperAcid Deposition Input, Geochemical Processes, Stream Acid Neutralization Capacity, Stream Variability (space and time), Fish Response, Calcium Requirement (levels and cycling), Watershed Management Implications
2006WVAnnual BaseImpact of Longwall Mining on Headwater Streams in Northern West VirginiaFederal: $19,790
Non-Federal: $40,040
Ben Stout
2006WYAnnual BasePredicting Drought in the Green River BasinFederal: $13,441
Non-Federal: $99,617
Glenn TootleDrought, Streamflow Reconstruction, Atmospheric/Oceanic Influences
2006WYAnnual BasePrecipitation Measurement and Growth Mechanisms in Orographic Wyoming SnowstormsFederal: $20,709
Non-Federal: $221,654
Jefferson Snider, Bart GeertsSnowrate, Snow Accumulation, Radar, Aircraft Measurements, Cloud Seeding
2005AKAnnual BaseInvestigation of the mechanism of arsenic biosorption by modified crab shellsFederal: $28,568
Non-Federal: $9,496
Silke Schiewerbiosorption, arsenic, crab shells, chitosan, mechanism
2005AKAnnual BaseCharacterizing sources and growth potential of indicator bacteria in cold region streamsFederal: $19,960
Non-Federal: $41,549
William Schnabelsource tracking, fecal coliform, antibiotic resistance, indicator bacteria
2005ALAnnual BaseProgram Management and AdministrationProjectFederal: $17,483
Non-Federal: $34,966
Dennis BlockProgram Administration
2005ALAnnual BaseSpatial Dynamics of Runoff-Contributing Areas for Effective Management of Phosphorus from Land-Applied Poultry LitterFederal: $24,944
Non-Federal: $52,380
Puneet Srivastava, Prabhakar Clement, Kyung YooSurface Water, Variable Source Area, Phosphorus, Poultry Litter, Sediment
2005ALAnnual BaseDevelopment and Application of an Innovative Nanotechnology for In-situ Remediation of Mercury-Contaminated Alabama Soils and SedimentsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $51,609
Willie Harper, Mark Barnett, Dongye ZhaoFish poisoning, immobilization, mercury, methylmercury, nanoparticle, nanotechnology, remediation, sediment, water quality, wetland
2005ALAnnual BaseDetection of E. coli in Source Water Using a Novel BiosensorFederal: $24,985
Non-Federal: $49,995
Zhongyang Cheng, Tung-shi Huang, Dongye ZhaoE. coli, Water Quality, Source Water, Biosensor
2005ARAnnual BaseFlow and hydrochemical evolution of arsenic in ground water: tracking sources and sinks in the alluvial aquifer of southeastern Arkansas, USAFederal: $22,925
Non-Federal: $45,850
Kenneth SteeleArsenic, Alluvial Aquifer, Eastern Arkansas, PHREEQC
2005ARAnnual BaseThe Ground Water Flow System in the Alluvial Aquifer of the Arkansas River at Dardanelle, ArkansasFederal: $13,660
Non-Federal: $39,932
Stephen Kline, Tim KresseAlluvial aquifer; Arkansas River; ground water; numerical modeling; hydrogeochemistry; resource management
2005ARAnnual BaseThe distribution of roxarsone and its byproducts in soils, soil pore-water, groundwater, and stream waterFederal: $19,460
Non-Federal: $40,850
Carolyn DowlingPoultry Litter, Groundwater Quality, Arsenic
2005ARAnnual BaseEffect of Reduced Effluent Phosphorus Concentrations at the Illinois River, Northwest ArkansasFederal: $14,367
Non-Federal: $30,531
Mark Cochran, Brian HaggardWater Quality, Phosphorus, Effluent Discarge, Watershed Management
2005AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $37,019
Non-Federal: $65,776
Sharon Megdal, Susanna Eden, Joe Gelt, Kathy Jacobs, Jackie Moxley, Kerry Schwartz, Terry SprouseEducation, information transfer, policy, newsletter
2005AZAnnual BasePreliminary Evaluation of Perchlorate Contamination of Ground Water In The Lower Colorado River RegionFederal: $11,949
Non-Federal: $24,096
Charles Sanchezgroundwater
2005AZAnnual BaseTreatment of Nitrate in Groundwater with Autotrophic BioreactorsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Reyes Sierra, James Fielddenitrification, elemental sulfur, biofilter
2005AZAnnual BaseSalt River Riparian Ecosystem Restoration Federal: $8,869
Non-Federal: $17,830
Juliet StrombergRestoration, riparian, river, monitoring, ecosystem
2005AZAnnual BaseBig Chino Basin 3-D Digital Hydrogeologic Framework Model Federal: $9,000
Non-Federal: $25,069
Abe SpringerHydrogeology, Model Studies, 3D Visualization
2005AZAnnual BaseAn Outdoor Multi-Stage, Continuous-Flow Photobioreactor for Bioremediation of Nitrate-Contaminated GroundwaterFederal: $11,740
Non-Federal: $45,123
Qiang Hu, Milton SommerfeldNitrate contamination, nutrient removal, algae, photobioreactor, biological treatment, public health
2005CAAnnual BaseDo Constructed Flow-Through Wetlands Improve Water Quality in the San Joaquin River?Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $37,201
Anthony O-GeenWetlands, Water Quality, San Joaquin River
2005CAAnnual BaseEstuarine Landscape Modeling of Suisun BayFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
David Schoellhamer, Bassam YounisHydrology, Climatology, Hydraulics, Estuarine, Landscape Modeling, Suisun Bay
2005CAAnnual Base An Economic Analysis of Groundwater Nitrate Pollution Control in Dairy-Intensive WatershedsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $36,714
Kenneth BaerenklauWater Law, Institutions, Policy, Economic Analysis, Groundwater, Nitrate, Pollution, Dairy, Watersheds
2005CAAnnual Base Imperial Valley Agriculture and Water: A Regional Economic AnalysisFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $39,229
Kurt SchwabeWater Development, Management, Agriculture, Regional, Economic, Imperial Valley
2005CAAnnual BaseCalifornia-2100: Assessing Future Water Resources over CaliforniaFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $22,451
Bryan Weare
2005CAAnnual BaseCA Admin ChangFederal: $4,929
Non-Federal: $5,000
John Letey
2005COAnnual BaseHydrologic Analysis, Forecasting and Simulation of the Upper Colorado River SystemFederal: $8,400
Non-Federal: $0
Robert Wardhydrology, Colorado River
2005COAnnual BaseColorado's Evolving Irrigated Agriculture: Economic Accounting Impact AnalysisFederal: $47,484
Non-Federal: $17,172
Robert WardArkansas River, Republican River, Rio Grand River, South Platte River
2005COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer and Information DisseminationFederal: $146,410
Non-Federal: $228,733
Robert Wardinformation dissemination, technology transfer
2005COAnnual BaseOccurrence and Fate of Organic Wastewater Contaminants in Onsite Wastewater Systems and Implications for Water Quality ManagementFederal: $48,000
Non-Federal: $92,257
Robert Wardonsite wastewater systems, organic contaminants
2005CTAnnual BaseGonadal Deformities in Connecticut AmphibiansFederal: $18,401
Non-Federal: $37,637
David Skellyamphibian, chemical contaminants, developmental abnormality, sentinel study
2005DCAnnual BaseAn Analytical Study of the Anacostia and Potomac RiversFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Julius Ndumbeenvironmental equity and pollution
2005DCAnnual BaseAn Economic Impact Analysis of DC Drinking Water QualityFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Sharron Terrellsafe drinking water, water quality, lead leaching, economic impact analysis
2005DCAnnual BaseAir-Deposited Pollutants in the Anacostia River WatershedFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Abiose Adebayo, Lily Liang, Katya Vernerwatershed, airshed, artificial intelligence, spectrography
2005DCAnnual BaseEffect of Pelletized Poultry Manure on Vegetable Production and Vadose Zone Water QualityFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $26,000
James Allenvadose zone, vegetable production, poultry manure
2005DEAnnual BaseDelaware River Basin State of the Basin Report CardFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Gerald Kauffman
2005DEAnnual BaseHydrogeology of the Near-Surface Aquifers in Sussex CountyFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Alan Andres, Andrew Klingbeil
2005DEAnnual BaseThe Impact of Predation on the Galerucella Beetle, a Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol AgentFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $3,500
Judith Hough-Goldstein
2005DEAnnual BaseLandowner Perceptions of the Stringency of Water Quality Regulations in DelawareFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Joshua Duke, Rhonda Hyde
2005DEAnnual BaseThe Impact of the Solid Waste Decision on Isolated Wetlands in DelawareFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Joshua Duke, Steven Hastings
2005DEAnnual BaseBiological Control of Purple Loosestrife: Preventing Wetlands Degradation By An Invasive PlantFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $3,500
Judith Hough-Goldstein
2005DEAnnual BaseNickel Sorption Kinetics at the Goethite/Water Interface: Effects of Ionic Strength and 2-[N-Morphalino]-ethanesulfonic acid (MES)Federal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Donald Sparks
2005DEAnnual BaseSustainable, Low-Impact Methods for Managing Mosquito Populations in Storm Water PondsFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
John Gingrich
2005DEAnnual BaseRestoring Coastal Bay Water Quality via Native Eelgrass MicropropagationFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
John Gallagher
2005FLAnnual BaseDevelopment of an integrated methodology to assess vulnerability of groundwater to pathogen intrusion using GIS, remote sensing, neural networks and neuro-fuzzy methodsFederal: $40,790
Non-Federal: $103,298
Barnali DixonGround Water Modeling (99), Bacteria (19), Virus (261)
2005FLAnnual BaseMechanisms and Modeling of Soft-Bed Nutrient Release in LakesFederal: $26,531
Non-Federal: $53,356
Ashish MehtaContaminant transport; eutrophication; lakes; nutrients; suspended sediments; water quality modeling; waves; wind.
2005FLAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $16,841
Non-Federal: $38,199
Kirk Hatfield, Mark Newman
2005GAAnnual BaseA strontium isotope investigation of possible sewage influx to stream base flow in the Atlanta metropolitan regionFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $43,036
Seth Rosebase flow, sewage pipe leakage, Atlanta metropolitan region, strontium isotopes, urban hydrology, Chattahoochee River basin
2005GAAnnual BasePhosphorus Storage and Transport in Headwaters of the Etowah River WatershedFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
C. Jacksonphosphorus, soil, sediment, surface water, groundwater
2005GUAnnual BaseHeavy Metals in Biotic and Abiotic Components of a Guam Reef Flat Impacted by Leachate from a Municipal DumpFederal: $31,627
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, Harold WoodBiota, Heavy Metals, Monitoring
2005GUAnnual BaseAnthropogenic Impact on nitrogen cycle in Tumon Bay using 15N, and 14 N isotopic ratio method.Federal: $35,264
Non-Federal: $0
Maika Vuki, Gary DentonNitrogen cycle, isotopic ratio, algal growth
2005GUAnnual BaseDeveloping Digital Watershed Atlas for GuamFederal: $35,052
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitz, Yuming Wenwatershed management, drainage, water resources development, resource planning
2005GUAnnual BaseWatershed Management for Enipein Watershed, Pohnpei Island, the Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $36,187
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitz, Mark Landerwatershed management, land use, sedimentation, rivers
2005GUAnnual BaseWater System Operation and Maintenance Training for Pohnpei State FSMFederal: $14,179
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzWater Resources, Training, Education, Operations and Maintenance
2005GUAnnual BaseGeologic Study, Map Development, and Water Resources Analysis of Fais Island, Yap State, FSMFederal: $39,838
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Donald RubinsteinGroundwater, Island Karst, Carbonate Island Aquifers, Water Supply, Water Resources
2005GUAnnual BaseFSM atoll groundwater resource inventoryFederal: $21,199
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Yuming WenAtoll island aquifers
2005GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Source, Transmission and Storage model of the Saipan Water SystemFederal: $21,745
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy Heitzmodel studies, distribution systems, water demand, water use data
2005HIAnnual BaseIntegrated Water Management with Multiple Aquifers Federal: $38,345
Non-Federal: $72,586
James RoumassetIntegrated management, multiple aquifers, subsurface flows, inter-district transport
2005HIAnnual BaseDiffusive Tortuosity of Reactive Porous Media: Application to Colloidal Fouling and Biofouling During Membrane FiltrationFederal: $11,717
Non-Federal: $23,187
Albert KimDiffusive tortuosity, porous media, membrane fouling, biofilm
2005HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $8,340
Non-Federal: $17,409
Philip Moravciktechnology transfer, information dissemination
2005IAAnnual BaseImproving water quality in Iowa rivers: cost-benefit analysis of adopting new conservation practices and changing agricultural land useFederal: $39,683
Non-Federal: $83,044
Catherine Kling, Hongli Feng, Philip Gassman, Lyubov Kurkalova, Silvia Secchicost-benefit analysis, micro level modeling, sediment, nitrates, phosphorus
2005IAAnnual BaseSensors for CyberEngineering: Monitoring and Modeling the Iowa River for Nutrients and SedimentsFederal: $36,378
Non-Federal: $80,130
Jerald Schnoorwater quality, monitoring, nutrients, eutrophication, sensors
2005IDAnnual BaseSeasonal variation in anthropogenic nutrient additions and food web response in a large deep lake (Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park)Federal: $41,240
Non-Federal: $49,834
Stephanie Hampton, Stephanie Hamptonperiphyton, lakeshore development, food web structure, stable isotope analysis
2005IDAnnual BaseA Reconnaissance Study of Arsenic Distribution in the Shallow Aquifer of the Treasure ValleyFederal: $62,000
Non-Federal: $106,069
Shawn Benner, Shawn Bennerarsenic, groundwater, contamination, Idaho
2005IDAnnual BaseEvaluation of remote sensing of leaf area index for estimating evapotranspiration on irrigated landsFederal: $34,109
Non-Federal: $42,060
Bryce Contor, Richard AllenEvapotranspiration, Remote Sensing, Irrigation, Leaf Area Index
2005IDAnnual BaseEvaluation of temporal variations of the nitrate concentrations in ground-water of the Ashton, Idaho area and potential causative factors.Federal: $29,047
Non-Federal: $49,289
Gary Johnson, Mark Lovell, Robert SmithNitrates, temporal variation, groundwater, non-point source, graduate research, Ashton
2005ILAnnual BaseThe Flow Dimension of Groundwater Resources in Northeastern IllinoisFederal: $59,997
Non-Federal: $121,686
Douglas Walker, Albert Valocchigroundwater, aquifer characterization, heterogeneity, dolomite
2005ILAnnual BaseOccurrence and Ecological Effects of Pharmaceutical Chemicals in Chicago Metropolitan Area StreamsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,720
Emma Rosi-Marshallpharmaceuticals, aquatic macroinvertebrates, stream ecosystem dynamics
2005INAnnual BaseThe Effects of Landscape Transformation in a Changing Climate on Indiana's Water ResourcesFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,052
Jon Harbor, Jon Harborhydrology, Indiana, climate change, urbanization, surface water, groundwater
2005INAnnual BaseRapid Detection of Toxic and Taste and Odor Causing Cyanobacteria in Indiana Surface WaterFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
Carole Lembi, Carole LembiCylindrospemopis raciborskii, Pseudanabaena limnetica, blue-green algae, toxic algae, harmful algal blooms, cyanobacterial DNA, PCR, 5'-exonuclease PCR, detection methods
2005INAnnual BaseCharacterizing hydrologic response in urbanizing watersheds in Indiana: Determination of changes in runoff coefficientsFederal: $59,002
Non-Federal: $120,774
Susan Grimmond, Jack Wittmanrunoff, storage, urban hydrology, rural/urban sprawl, BMP
2005KSAnnual BaseA Real-Time Permittivity Sensor for Simultaneous Measurement of Multiple Water-Quality ParametersFederal: $76,000
Non-Federal: $154,918
Naiqian Zhang, Philip Barnes, Gerard Kluitenberg, Andrew Zieglerwater quality, permittivity, dielectric constant, conductivity, sensor, frequency-response method
2005KSAnnual BaseDeveloping an Economic Tool to Predict the Value of Water RightsFederal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $52,491
Bill Golden, Kevin Dhuyvetter, Terry Kastens, Jeff PetersonOgalla, valuation, transition, spatial, appraisal
2005KSAnnual BaseFate of Nitrate Beneath Fields Irrigated with Treated Wastewater in Ford County, Kansas Using Field Data and Preferential Flow ModelingFederal: $58,999
Non-Federal: $106,665
Marios Sophocleous, Margaret Townsend, Fred Vocasek, Tom Willson, John Zupanicpreferential flow modeling, nitrogen cycling, leaching, dye tracing, wastewater irrigation
2005KYAnnual BaseReconstructing Late Quaternary Paleohydrology of the Lower Ohio ValleyFederal: $26,793
Non-Federal: $58,634
Harry Rowestable isotopes, geomorpholical processes, lake, speleothem
2005KYAnnual BaseEffects of Reservoir Releases on Riverbank ErosionFederal: $12,894
Non-Federal: $25,822
Stephen Kenworthyflood control, channel adjustment, streambank stability, sediment supply
2005KYAnnual BasePathogen and Sediment Transport in the Muddy Creek Subbasin, Kentucky River WatershedFederal: $13,761
Non-Federal: $30,203
Danita LaSage, Thomas Edwards, Alice Joneswatershed planning, geographic information systems, land use
2005KYAnnual BaseDevelopment and Immunity in Dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera): Indicators of Water QualityFederal: $14,847
Non-Federal: $34,642
Claire Fuller, Howard Whitemandragonflies, fluctuating asymmetry, immunity
2005LAAnnual BaseModeling Sediment-Controlled TMDLs for the Branched and Braided Networks of Waterways in Louisiana: Model Development and Application to the Amite River BasinFederal: $13,196
Non-Federal: $29,369
Zhi-Qiang DengTMDL, Model, Stream Network, Reversing Flows, Sediment Pollution
2005LAAnnual BaseTotal mercury and methylmercury in Louisiana fresh, brackish and salt marshFederal: $13,951
Non-Federal: $33,397
Istvan Devai, Ronald DeLauneWater quality, fish advisories, food chain, health effects, biogeochemistry
2005LAAnnual BaseProbabilistic Assessment of the Effectiveness of BMPs in Coastal LouisianaFederal: $16,500
Non-Federal: $41,342
Vijay SinghBest Management Practices (BMPs); Hydrologic Impacts; Land Use Change; Pollution; Streamflow; Space-Time Variability; Water Quality
2005LAAnnual BaseA comprehensive study of mercury/methylmercury fate, transport and bioavailability in lake Pontchartrain sedimentsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $42,174
Aassaf Abdelghani, Maury Howard, Robert Reimers, Khalid Salehpollution monitoring, analysis, public education, methylmercury, translocating
2005MAAnnual BaseCryptic Marsh Birds as Bioindicators of Wetland Health Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,786
Brian Tavernia, J. Reedwetlands, exotic invasive species, cryptic marsh birds, bioindicators, broadcast surveys
2005MAAnnual BaseMonitoring Estrogenic Hormones Undesired Fish Contraceptives, and Federal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $111,284
Yuegang ZuoEstrogenic Hormones, mestranol, 17a-ethinylestradiol, estrone, 17beta-estranol Buzzards Bay, natural water, microbial degradation, and photodegradation
2005MAAnnual BaseSources of E. coli during Wet-Weather EventsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $35,163
Sarah DornerE. coli, pathogens, source water protection
2005MDAnnual BaseTheoretical and experimental evaluation of acetate thresholds as a monitoring tool for in situ bioremediationFederal: $29,990
Non-Federal: $60,068
Jennifer Becker, Hubert Montas, Eric Seagrengroundwater, in situ bioremediation, petroleum hydrocarbons, monitoring, redox indicator
2005MDAnnual BaseChemical and Biological Availability of Zinc in Road Runoff Entering Stormwater Retention PondsFederal: $14,472
Non-Federal: $36,311
Ryan Casey, Edward Landa, Steven Lev, Joel Snodgrassretention ponds; zinc; bioavailability
2005MDAnnual BaseUtilization of High Carbon Fly Ash to Remediate Groundwater-Summer Student ResearchFederal: $3,800
Non-Federal: $7,679
Allen Davis, Allen Davisreactive barrier, fly ash, organic chemicals
2005MEAnnual BaseDo Natural Chloride Gradients Affect the Formation of Disinfection Federal: $9,538
Non-Federal: $32,861
John Peckenham, Jeffrey Kahl, Andy TolmanDisinfection By-Products, Chloride Gradient, Drinking Water
2005MEAnnual BaseA Pilot Study to Evaluate the Potential for River Water Toxicity to Increase Following Dam RemovalFederal: $9,400
Non-Federal: $85,817
Gregory Mayer, Adria Elskus, Rebecca Van Beneden, Carol Kim, Brian Perkins, Lawrence LeBlancFish, Pollutants, Dams, Penobscot, River
2005MEAnnual BasePenobscot SynthesisFederal: $7,002
Non-Federal: $14,208
Peter Vaux, Catherine Schmittrivers, dams, education, fisheries, history, information dissemination
2005MEAnnual BaseValuing Environmental Changes for Decision Making: Dam Removal and Restoration on the Penobscot and Kennebec RiversFederal: $46,904
Non-Federal: $116,396
Lynne Lewis, Curtis Bohlen, Laura Rose Daydam removal, nonmarket valuation, economics, river restoration
2005MEAnnual BaseMaine Information Transfer Project FY05Federal: $25,542
Non-Federal: $36,533
John PeckenhamInformation Transfer
2005MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $37,412
Non-Federal: $76,404
Jon BartholicWater Quality; Watershed Management; Macroinvertebrates; Lakescaping; Water Chemistry; Monitoring; GIS
2005MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,062
Lois WolfsonInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training Programs
2005MIAnnual BasePublicizing, Facilitating the Access, and the Interpretation of the Michigan Groundwater Inventory and Mapping Project with Outreach EducationFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,777
William Northcott, Pamela Hunt, Steve MillerWater Use Conflicts, Hydrology, Gorundwater, GIS
2005MIAnnual BaseEvaluation of Low-Disturbance Tillage in Mitigating the Transport of Bacterial Contaminants from Land Applied Dairy Slurry to Subsurface Drains Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,300
Timothy HarriganSubsurface drainage, tile line, manure management, bacteria, pathogens
2005MNAnnual BaseEstrogens and Estrogenic Activity in Swine ManureFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $49,750
Kuldip Kumar, Satish Gupta, Ashok SinghEndocrine disrupters, hormones, swine manure
2005MNAnnual BaseWater Quality Monitoring Strategy Based on Agroecoregion Boundaries in the Minnesota River BasinFederal: $24,999
Non-Federal: $45,731
David Mulla, David Mullawater quality, agroecoregions, TMDLs
2005MNAnnual BaseWireless Technologies Applied to Environmental Variables and Nutrient LoadingsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $43,754
Miki Hondzo, William ArnoldSensors, Network
2005MOAnnual BaseImproved Modeling for Runoff and Soil from Natural EventsFederal: $21,958
Non-Federal: $43,916
Allen ThompsonSoil erosion, precipitation, rainfall, kinetic energy, surface and water quality
2005MOAnnual BaseCharacterization and Biological Effect Study of Endocrine Disruptors in Indian Creek, Newton, County, MissouriFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $51,963
Yue-wern Huang, Paul Namestrogenic chemicals, endocrine disruptors, MCF-7 cell proliferation, sewage treatment effluents, nitrate contamination
2005MOAnnual BaseFate and Transport of Heavy Metals in Artificial SoilFederal: $19,410
Non-Federal: $43,501
William Likos, John Bowders, R. Hammerartifical soil, soil profile, metal sorption, heavy metal transport,
2005MSAnnual BaseAnalysis of Stream Bank Erosion by Lateral Ground Water FlowFederal: $30,640
Non-Federal: $61,400
Garey Fox, Garey FoxSedimentation, Water Quality, Contaminant Transport Mechanisms, Surface Water, Ground Water
2005MTAnnual BaseGeographic analysis of landuse/land cover change and its relation to nitrogen export in a developing mountain landscapeFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $34,000
Brian McGlynn, Kristin Gardnerstreamwater quality, synoptic sampling, terrain analysis, land use/land cover chage, nitrogen export, isotopes
2005MTAnnual BaseUsing paleoecology and paleoflood hydrology to assess the long-term ecological response of Montana's riparian and aquatic ecosystems to small natural and human dam features -- a pilot studyFederal: $14,200
Non-Federal: $28,400
Denine Schmitz, Duncan Pattendam removal river restoration, paleoflood hydrology, paleoecology, riparian ecology, sediment dynamics
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Antibiotic resistance in ground-and surface-water microbes in the Missoula areaFederal: $1,000
Non-Federal: $0
Lewis Kogan, William Holbenmicrobes, water supply, groundwater
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Movement, habitat use, and food habits of sauger and walleye: an investigation of resource overlap in the middle Missouri River, MontanaFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Christopher Guy, Brian Bellgraphhabitat use, fisheries
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: The effects of recent watershed deglaciation, climate change, and microbial processes on nitrate loading and ecological response in high alpine aquatic systems of Grand Teton National ParkFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $0
Kathy Tonnessen, Jennifer Corbinmeltwater chemistry, nitrates, alpine systems, microbial processes
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Stream-groundwater interactions in a mountain to valley transition: impacts on watershed hydrologic response and stream water chemistryFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $0
Brian McGlynn, Timothy Covinogroundwater transport
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Movements of resident and non-resident anglers in Montana: implications for transferring whirling disease among drainages in the Greater Yellowstone EcosystemFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $0
Christopher Guy, Kiza Gateswhirling disease, vectors
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: The relationships between flood frequency, microhabitat variability, and riparian vegetation spacial pattern in montaine steams of western MontanaFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $0
Scott Woods, Motoshi Hondaflood frequency, riparian vegetation
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Environmental conditions associated with the extent and composition of woody riparian vegetation within the West Fork of the Gallatin River watershedFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $0
Duncan Patten, Levia Shoutiswildfire; riparian
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Watershed carbon distribution and flux across environmental gradientsFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $0
Brian McGlynn, Vince Pacificcarbon, watershed
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Clonal recruitment of Populus angustifolia along the Yellowstone River: extent and requirementsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Donald Potts, Mary Louise Polzinclonal, cottonwood, floodplain
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Towards sustainable materials for drinking water infrastructureFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Anne Camper, Mohammed Rahmanbiofilm, copper, corrosion
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: On the dynamics and production of CO2 in a forested watershedFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Brian McGlynn, Diego Riveroscarbon, watersheds, transport
2005MTAnnual BaseSTUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Factors that influence displacement of native cutthroat trout by nonnative brook troutFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $0
Alexander Zale, Brad Shepardtrout, displacement
2005NCAnnual BaseUse of Indicators to Distinguish Between Point and Non-Point Sources of Chemical Contamination in North Carolina StreamsFederal: $29,098
Non-Federal: $58,195
Howard Weinbergchemical monitoring, endocrine active substances, organic compounds, pharmaceutically active substances, pollutants, runoff, septic tanks, wastewater treatment
2005NCAnnual BaseEstuarine sediment beds as a reservoir for human pathogens: monitoring transport of populations of enterococci and Vibrio in the Neuse River EstuaryFederal: $18,137
Non-Federal: $36,273
Rachel Noble, Stephen Friessuspended sediments, sedimentation, water quality monitoring, river beds, estuaries, contaminant transport, bacteria
2005NCAnnual BaseCharacterization of Surface Water/Ground Water Interactions along the Tar River using Ground Penetrating RadarFederal: $21,436
Non-Federal: $42,873
Michael ODriscoll, David MallinsonChannels, geomorphology, geophysics, rivers, ground water hydrology, subsurface drainage, surface-ground water relationships, Tar River
2005NCAnnual BaseA Comparison of Drought Tolerance in Common Herbaceous Wetland Macrophytes as Indicated by Plant Growth, Water Status, and Oxidative StressFederal: $9,341
Non-Federal: $18,682
Brant TouchetteAquatic plants, conservation, drought, lakes, landscape management, plant growth, plant stress, plant-water relationships, reservoir management, riparian vegetations, wetlands
2005NDAnnual BaseBenthic Macroinvertebrate Stoichiometric Implication for North Dakota and Minnesota FisheriesFederal: $16,085
Non-Federal: $32,351
Malcolm Butlerecological stoichiometry, benthic invertebrates, lakes, fisheries
2005NDAnnual BaseEvaluating and Validating the Index of Plant Community Integrity for the Assessment of Temporary, Seasonal, and Semi-permanent Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole RegionFederal: $4,040
Non-Federal: $10,407
Don Kirby, Don KirbyPrairie Pothole Region, wetlands, assessment, wetland ecology
2005NDAnnual BaseMolecular Phylogeography of Etheostoma Nigrum in the Northern MidwestFederal: $10,100
Non-Federal: $21,040
Craig StockwellPhylogeography, microsatellites, population genetics, darters
2005NDAnnual BaseThe Impact of Wetlands and Wetland Easements on North Dakota Land ValuesFederal: $18,520
Non-Federal: $36,426
Jay LeitchUSFWS wetland easements, NWI, land values
2005NDAnnual BaseEffect of Flow Path Processes on the Geochemistry and Quality of Water Discharged along the Seepage Face at Pigeon Point, Sheyenne Delta Aquifer, Ransom County, North DakotaFederal: $4,673
Non-Federal: $9,073
Phil Gerlagroundwater recharge, hydrogeochemistry, wetlands, vadose zone
2005NEAnnual BaseBeaver in Agricultural Watersheds: Potential for Mitigating Degraded Midwestern StreamsFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $38,642
Dean Eisenhauer, C. Zanner, Michael Dosskey, Scott HygnstromDegraded streams, beaver dams, sediment trapping,stream restoration
2005NEAnnual BaseQuantification of Stream-aquifer Connection and its Implication for Modeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Federal: $19,955
Non-Federal: $41,265
Xun-Hong Chen, Xun-Hong ChenStreambed, stream-aquifer connection, inverse modeling, hydraulic conductivity
2005NEAnnual BaseAndrogenic Growth Promoters in Nebraska Rivers: Detection and ToxicityFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
Alan Kolok, Daniel Snowanimal feedlot operations; steroids; passive organic samplers; caged fish
2005NHAnnual BaseAssessing Household Risk and Knowledge in Mitigating Nonpoint Source Pollution in Coastal WatershedsFederal: $22,752
Non-Federal: $49,466
Robert Robertson, Kristen Wardwater quality, nonpoint pollution, survey research, household production function
2005NHAnnual BaseThe Role of Vegetated Buffers in Maintaining Salt Marsh Species DiversityFederal: $5,840
Non-Federal: $11,686
David Burdick, Joanne GlodeNitrogen, salt marsh, riparian, ground water
2005NJAnnual BaseExamining Effects of Soil Compaction on Pollutant Removal Efficiency and Lifespan of a NJ Approved Stormwater Best Management PracticeFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $18,667
Michael Mak, Christopher ObroptaBMPs, stormwater, soil compaction, water quality, bioretention, infiltration
2005NJAnnual BaseThe Influence of Urbanization on Watershed Nitrogen Cycling WatershedsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $9,263
Bernice Rosenzweig, Peter Jaffenitrogen cycling,nitrogen retention, urban land use, hydrology, ammonia, nitrate,
2005NJAnnual BaseMicrobial degradation of MTBE in anaerobic environmentsFederal: $5,022
Non-Federal: $10,438
Laura Youngster, Max HaggblomMTBE, microbial degradation, anaerobic, Methyl tertiary butyl ether, carcinogen, bioremediation,
2005NJAnnual BaseLab-on-a-chip device for monitoring trace level arsenicFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $9,775
Kamilah Hylton, Somenath Mitraarsenic, lab-on-a-chip, and Supported Liquid Membrane Extraction (SLME), chip, monitoring
2005NJAnnual BaseA Study to Link Atmospheric N Deposition with Surface and Ground Water N and Denitrification Capabilities in an Urban New Jersey WetlandFederal: $29,556
Non-Federal: $61,654
Barbara Turpin, B. Ravit
2005NJAnnual BaseImpacts of Organic Matter Heterogeneity on Desorption and Availability of Sediment-bound PCBsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $56,828
Weilin Huang, Lisa TottenPCBs, sediment, desorption, Hudson River, polychlorinated biphenyls, contaminant, bioavalability
Non-Federal: $10,491
Eun Kyeu Son, Donna E. Fennellgroundwater, degreasers, chlorinated ethene, tetrachloroethene, (PCE), trichloroethene, (TCE), groundwater, contaminants, chlorina1ted solvents, remediation, aquifers
2005NVAnnual BaseWash Load and Fractional Suspended Load Transport in Lake Tahoe TributariesFederal: $25,044
Non-Federal: $53,610
Guohong DuanSediment Transport
2005NVAnnual BaseDevelopment of National Institutes for Water Resources Website for the State of Nevada for Information TransferFederal: $7,500
Non-Federal: $15,776
David McGraw, John WarwickWebsite, Information Transfer
2005NVAnnual BaseAggregating Hydraulic Property Measurements to Large Scales and Potential Applications on Water Budget Studies in Arid and Semi-Arid EnvironmentFederal: $24,192
Non-Federal: $48,436
Jianting ZhuSoil hydraulic properties, Upscaling, Averaging schemes, Heterogeneous soil formation, van Genuchten model
2005NYAnnual BaseExport of atmospheric nitrogen deposition from forests at the top of the Susquehanna watershedFederal: $24,981
Non-Federal: $32,100
Christine GoodaleAtmospheric N, forests, soil water
2005NYAnnual BaseGIS-based riparian buffer management optimization for phosphorous and sediment loadingFederal: $5,323
Non-Federal: $13,222
Paul RichardsGIS, phosphorus and sediment loading; riparian buffer management
2005NYAnnual BaseProtecting future quantity and quality of New York State's water resources under changing climatic conditionsFederal: $22,500
Non-Federal: $29,055
Tammo Steenhuis, Arthur DeGaetano, Michael WalterPhosphorus; nitrogen; agriculture; climate extremes;
2005OHAnnual BaseTransport and Fate of Iron Nanoparticles in GroundwaterFederal: $19,899
Non-Federal: $40,500
Guy Riefler, Lindsey Brysoniron nanoparticles remediation transport fate
2005OHAnnual BaseManipulating residence time in agricultural headwater streams: impacts on nitrogen removal and aquatic communitiesFederal: $16,795
Non-Federal: $33,665
Virginie Bouchardheadwater streams, nitrate, denitrification, retention time
Non-Federal: $30,008
Dionysios DionysiouAdvanced Oxidation Technologies, sulfate radicals, hydroxyl radicals, iron, peroxymonosulfate, persulfate, trichloroethylene, atrazine, MTBE, chemical oxidation, nanoparticulate zero vanence iron
2005OHAnnual BaseTechnology Enhanced Participation for Watershed PlanningFederal: $17,844
Non-Federal: $48,092
Maria Conroy, Steven Gordonwatershed planning, citizen participation, Internet, BMP
2005OKAnnual BaseOptimal Selection of Management Practices, Policies, and Technological Alternatives for Phosphorus Abatement: Using GIS and Economic Methodology to Model a WatershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,018
Brian Adam, Franklin Norwood, Arthur Stoecker, Daniel Stormwatershed, GIS, poultry litter, phosphorus, hydrology, best management practices
2005OKAnnual BaseEstimating the orientation and intensity of fractures in sedimentary rocks using multi-component 3-D ground-penetrating radar (GPR)Federal: $24,982
Non-Federal: $50,506
Surinder Sahai, Todd Halihan, Roger Younghydrogeology, fractures, GPR
2005OKAnnual BaseScience, Development & Public Opinion: The Adjudication of Groundwater Policy for the Arbuckle-Simpson AquiferFederal: $15,643
Non-Federal: $41,361
Beth Caniglia, Marc KreinArbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, Oklahoma Water
2005OKAnnual BaseProtocol to determine the optimal placement of riparian/buffer strips in watershedsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Daniel Storm, Glenn Brown, Chang-Xing Jin, Michael SmolenProtocol, riparian/buffer, placement
2005ORAnnual BaseDetermining Spatial and Temporal Variability of Groundwater Nitrate in the Southern Willamette Valley, ORFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $62,150
Roy HaggertyGroundwater, Willamette Aquifer, Nitrate
2005ORAnnual BaseInfluence of Climate Change on Water Supply in the McKenzie River Basin: Analysis of Long-term and Spatial Hydrologic Data.Federal: $27,450
Non-Federal: $54,974
Anne NolinClimate Change, Snowpack
2005ORAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $26,562
Non-Federal: $54,890
Todd JarvisPublic Participation
2005ORAnnual BaseGroundwater and Surface Water Resources in theFederal: $8,562
Non-Federal: $27,400
Charles RogersEducation, Groundwater, Modeling
2005ORAnnual BaseDevelopment of a web-based database of hydrologic data for the Upper Oak Creek WatershedFederal: $28,810
Non-Federal: $58,036
Arne Skaugset III, Arne Skaugset IIIForestry, Hydrology, Watershed
2005PAAnnual BaseNitrate Source Tracking: Combining Isotopic, Microbial, and Chemical Tracers in a Mixed Land-Use WatershedFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
David DeWalle, Michael Arthur, Anthony Buda, Chitrita DebRoynitrates, bacteria, stable isotopes, hydrology, monitoring, Pennsylvania
2005PAAnnual BaseFatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles of Escherichia coli and enterococci for predicting sources of microbial pollutionFederal: $17,560
Non-Federal: $39,525
Metin Duranmicrobial contamination, fecal pollution, indicator organisms, Escherichia coli, enterococci, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiling
2005PAAnnual BaseSource Water Protection from Infectious Cryptosporidium spp. OocystsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,054
Kristen JellisonCryptosporidium, Wissahickon Creek, Monoshone Creek, Valley Road Tributary, Philadelphia Water Department, phylogenetic analysis, cell culture infectivity, pathogens, source water protection
2005PAAnnual BaseA Bayesian Framework for Cost Effective Groundwater Monitoring DesignFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Patrick Reedgroundwater monitoring, optimization, genetic algorithm, decision support
2005PAAnnual BasePrivate Water System Education and OutreachFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $20,000
William Sharpe, Stephanie Clemens, Bryan Swistockprivate water system, private well, spring, cistern, water quality, conservation, water treatment, wellhead protection, drinking water standards
2005PRAnnual BaseMonitoring Nutrients Content in the San Juan Bay Estuary using Hyperspectral Remote SensingFederal: $80,000
Non-Federal: $101,624
Fernando GilbesRemote Sensing, Estuaries, Estuarine Modeling, Nutrients, Pollutants
2005PRAnnual BaseRemoval of Inorganic, Organic and Antimicrobials Contaminants from Aqueous Solutions by Waste Tire Crumb Rubber Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $29,661
Oscar Perales-Perez, Marco Arocha, Felix Romanwater treatment, water quality, organic compounds, heavy metals
2005RIAnnual BaseMTBE Drinking Water Contamination in Pascoag, RI: A Tracer Test for Investigating the Fate and Transport of Contaminants in a Fractured Rock Aquifer Federal: $4,500
Non-Federal: $9,009
Tom BovingDrinking water supply, MTBE, tracer test, fractured bedrock aquifer
2005RIAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Statewide Public Water-Supply GIS Coverage for Rhode IslandFederal: $12,746
Non-Federal: $25,496
Anne Veeger, Nasir Hamidzadawater supply; service areas; geographic information system; Rhode Island
2005RIAnnual BaseRisk Assessment Methods for Water Infrastructure SystemsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,160
Natacha Thomas, Natacha Thomas
2005SCAnnual BaseToxicological effects of endocrine disrupting compounds in Lake Conestee and the Reedy RiverFederal: $22,930
Non-Federal: $67,019
Peter Van Den Hurk, David Hargett, Stephen KlaineEnvironmental Risk Assessment, Human Health Risks, Biomarkers, Toxic Waste Water, Remediation, Fish Toxicology
2005SCAnnual BaseContaminant Transfer among Sediments, Water Column, and Atmosphere in ReservoirsFederal: $20,580
Non-Federal: $41,763
Cindy Leesediments, geochemistry, hydrophobic contaminants, bioaccumulative toxic compounds, transport, chiral, PCBs
2005SCAnnual BaseEnvironmental Predictors of Mercury Methylation Potential and Fish TissueFederal: $22,088
Non-Federal: $51,958
Alan Johnson, Elizabeth Carraway, Mark SchlautmanMercury, Methylmercury, Bioaccumulation, Fish Consumption Advisories, Dissolved Organic Matter, Photochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Spatial Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Statistical Models
2005SDAnnual BaseThe Influence of Manure Placement on Crop Yields and the Transport and Fate of Nutrient and AntibioticsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,798
Sharon Clay, C. Carlson, David ClayManure, Nutrients, Antibiotics
2005SDAnnual BaseWater Conservation Using Automated Irrigation Water Management for Center PivotsFederal: $85,282
Non-Federal: $171,259
Hal Werner, Todd Trooienwater management, center pivot, irrigation scheduling, technology
2005SDAnnual BaseEvaluating Phosphorus Loss on a Watershed ScaleFederal: $17,995
Non-Federal: $25,770
Frank Schindler, Ronald Gelderman, David GermanPhosphorus loss, watershed, eutrophication
2005SDAnnual BaseDevelopment of an Agglomeration Process to Increase the Efficiency of Limestone-Based Material to Remove Metals from Drinking WaterFederal: $23,815
Non-Federal: $47,630
Arden Davis, David Dixonmetals, metals contamination, lead, cadmium, arsenic, metals removal, drinking water, water treatment, granulation, agglomeration, point of entry systems
2005SDAnnual BaseFate of Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products in Water Distribution SystemsFederal: $18,890
Non-Federal: $37,808
Delvin DeBoerdisinfection by-products, water distribution, Stage 2 D/DBP Rule,
2005SDAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $29,012
Non-Federal: $65,174
Van Kelley, David German, Jennifer Pickard
2005TNAnnual BaseMacropores and Colloids: Their Influence on the Quantity and Quality of RechargeFederal: $27,228
Non-Federal: $65,516
John Tyner, Michael Essington, Jaehoon Leerecharge, preferential flow, colloids, nutrients, water quality, macropore flow
2005TNAnnual BaseImpacts of watershed urbanization on longitudinal fragmentation of stream habitat quality and fish habitat useFederal: $27,136
Non-Federal: $62,717
John Schwartzstream habitat, TMDLs, habitat alteration, siltation, aquatic habitat, modeling, urbanization, urban stream restoration
2005TXAnnual BaseEvaluation of Standards for Compost Blankets in Stormwater ControlFederal: $4,790
Non-Federal: $12,634
Lindsay Birt, Russell Persynperchlorate, compost, erosion, stormwater
2005TXAnnual BaseEvaluation of Irrigation Scheduling Using the Biotic ModelFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $19,808
Joshua Bynum, Tom Cothrenirrigation, biotic model
2005TXAnnual BaseEnhancing A Distributed Hydrologic Model for Storm Water Analysis within a GIS Framework in an Urban AreaFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,001
Zheng Fang, Philip Bedientflood prediction, urban hydrology, distributed hydrologic model
2005TXAnnual BaseDetermining the Efficacy of Biological Control of Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) on the Colorado River of TexasFederal: $4,870
Non-Federal: $13,163
Jeremy Hudgeons, Allen KnutsonColorado River, CRMWD, saltcedar, biological control
2005TXAnnual BaseAssessing the Potential of Zero-Valent Iron to Reduce Perchlorate and Nitrate Mobility in SoilsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $19,615
Omar Harvey, Cristine Morgannitrate reduction, zero-valent iron, groundwater contamination
2005TXAnnual BaseWatershed Development and Climate Change Effects on Environmental Flows and Estuarine FunctionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Marc Russell, Paul MontagnaEnvironmental flows, freshwater inflow, coastal-watershed interactions
2005TXAnnual BaseSpatial Patterns in Wetland Nutrient Biogeochemistry: Implications for Ecosystem FunctionsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,350
Thad Scott, Robert Doylperiphyton, macrophyte, elemental composition
2005TXAnnual BaseCarbon Aerogel Electrodes: Adsorption-Desorption and Regeneration Study for Purification of WaterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $15,688
Sanjay Tewari, Timothy Kramercarbon aerogels, capacitive de-ionization, adsorption
2005TXAnnual BaseA Decision Support system to Develop Sustainable Groundwater Management Policies for a Multi-county Single Aquifer SystemFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $21,150
Muthukumar Kuchanur, Venkatesh Uddamerigroundwater policy, sustainable yield, game theory
2005TXAnnual BaseEvaluation of Spatial Heterogeneity of Watershed through HRU Concept Using SWATFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $26,522
Xuesong Zhang, Raghavan Srinivasanhydrological model, heterogeneity, Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU)
2005TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $29,596
Non-Federal: $24,606
Bill Harris, Clint WolfeTechnology Transfer, Information Dissemination
2005VIAnnual BaseWater Usage for Papaya Production During Drought in the U.S. Virgin IslandsFederal: $45,000
Non-Federal: $0
Thomas Zimmermanpapaya, drip irrigation, mulch
2005VIAnnual BaseQualification and quantification of human bacterial pathogens in UVI aquaculture systemsFederal: $31,383
Non-Federal: $0
Donald BaileyAquaculture water, Human Pathogens, Coliforms
2005VIAnnual BaseAssessing the Sediment Retention Function of Salt Ponds on the US Virgin Islands Implications for ManagementFederal: $109,869
Non-Federal: $0
Denise Rennis, Barry Devine, Colin Finneysalt ponds, wetlands, function, natural resources, turbidity, remote sensing, GIS, land use, management
2005VIAnnual BaseImproving Water Quality Research Through Hands-on Hydrography/Hydrology TrainingFederal: $86,895
Non-Federal: $0
Roy WatlingtonBiological oxygen demand, nephelometry, salinometer, turbidity, water quality, watershed
2005VTAnnual BaseTrophic status of Lake Champlain over 400 years of changing land use: A paleolomnological studyFederal: $59,682
Non-Federal: $123,117
Andrea Lini, Suzanne Levineeutrophication, blue green algae, phosphorus, nitrogen, silica, diatoms, sediments, land use, paleopigments, paleolimnology, stable isotopes
2005WAAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $49,289
Non-Federal: $100,584
Michael BarberOutreach, Information Transfer
2005WAAnnual BaseUsing Stable Isotopes to Trace Nitrate Sources and Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in the Upper Yakima River DrainageFederal: $27,490
Non-Federal: $55,001
Carey GazisSurface water-groundwater interactions, Nitrate, Stable isotope, Yakima River
2005WAAnnual BaseRemoval of the Human Pathogen Giardia intestinales from Ground WaterFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,065
Dirk Schulze-Makuch, C Keller, Joan WuGiardia, pathogen, reactive barrier, drinking water
2005WAAnnual BaseOxygenation for the Management of Sediment Mercury Release from Aquatic SedimentsFederal: $27,500
Non-Federal: $55,219
Marc Beutel, Barry Moorelakes, hypolimnetic anoxia, sediment, mercury cycling, methylmercury
2005WIAnnual BaseUniversity of Wisconsin-Water Resources Institute - Information TransferFederal: $103,004
Non-Federal: $231,620
Anders Andren, James Hurley, JoAnn Savoyinformation, outreach, library
2005WIAnnual BaseFoundry Slag for Treating Arsenic in Ground Water and Drinking Water Federal: $77,646
Non-Federal: $75,206
Craig Bensonarsenic, drinking water, treatment
2005WIAnnual BaseOccurrence of Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors in Groundwater Federal: $29,392
Non-Federal: $39,552
William Sonzognidrinking water, contaminants, endocrine disruptors
2005WVAnnual BaseWest Virginia Water Resources Inventory and AssessmentFederal: $108,184
Non-Federal: $257,136
Richard Herd, John Quaranta, Paul ZiemkiewiczWater Resources; water quantity; water use; water inventory; water data management
2005WVAnnual BaseWest Virginia Water Conference 2005Federal: $29,688
Non-Federal: $62,282
Tamara VandivortWater, Economics, Education, Policy, Law, Management, Planning, Research, Conference
2005WYAnnual BaseLand Use Impacts on Nitrogen Fixation in Jackson Hole StreamsFederal: $32,827
Non-Federal: $81,179
Robert HallNitrogen cycling, Land-use, Nitrogen fixation, Streams
2005WYAnnual BaseReal-Time Monitoring of E. Coli Contamination in WyomingFederal: $100,250
Non-Federal: $610,890
Paul JohnsonWater Quality Monitoring, Bacteria, Biomonitoring, Bioindicators
2005WYAnnual BaseInnovative Technology Development to Maximize Beneficial Use of Produced Water from Coal Bed Natural Gas Operations in the Powder River Basin, WyomingFederal: $53,600
Non-Federal: $175,436
George Vance, Girisha Ganjegunte, Ronald SurdamWater Treatment, Beneficial Use, Geochemical Processes
2004AKAnnual BaseShort- and Long-term As-Aluminium Oxyhydroxide Sorption Interactions in Aquatic and Soil EnvironmentsFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $8,277
Silke Schiewer, Paras TrivediAs, aluminium hydroxide, long-term kinetics, and thermodynamics
2004AKAnnual BaseMonitoring Thermokarst Evolution at Caribou-Poker Creeks Research WatershedFederal: $47,374
Non-Federal: $18,742
Horacio Toniolothermokarst, grain size distribution, sediment transport, mapping
2004AKAnnual BaseDevelopment of Crab Shell Based Biosorbents for Removing Anionic Metal Complexes From Contaminated WaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $10,436
Silke Schiewerbio-sorption, metal ions, crab shells, mine tailings, metal removal
2004AKAnnual BaseInfiltration in Coarse Soil and Formation of Infiltration IceFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $10,586
David Barnes, Yuri Shurdrainage, seasonally frozen soils, permafrost, infiltration, infiltration ice
2004ALAnnual BaseNitrogen Cycling in Alabama Rivers: Effects of Nutrient Addition on the Composition of Functional Microbial CommunitiesFederal: $24,806
Non-Federal: $49,822
Julie Olson, Perry Churchill, Amelia WardNitrogen cycle, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, riverine systems
2004ALAnnual BaseDevelopment and Characterization of a New Class of High-Capacity Ion Exchangers and and Environmentally Benign Process for Removal of Perchlorate in WaterFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $61,278
Dongye Zhao, Willie Harper, Aliecia McClainPerchlorate removal, ion exchange, ligand exchange, regenerative process, residual waste treatment, rocket fuel, water treatment
2004ALAnnual BaseThe Evaluation of an Approach to Estimate Regional Scale Surface Moisture as an Indicator of Drought for Alabama Using NASA's MODIS DataFederal: $23,348
Non-Federal: $46,944
Luke Marzen, Jean-Marie WersingerDrought, Moisture, Remote Sensing, MODIS, Maps, Southeast
2004ARAnnual BaseVadose-zone losses of soluble heavy metals from pasture soil amended with varying rates of poultry litterFederal: $15,480
Non-Federal: $30,900
Kristofor Bryeequilibrium-tension lysimeters, leaching, heavy metals, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, pasture, poultry litter
2004ARAnnual BaseOxide-Catalyzed Oxidation of 17b-Estradiol to EstroneFederal: $17,703
Non-Federal: $35,406
Guangyao Shengbiosolid, animal waste, estradiol, water quality, oxidation
2004ARAnnual BaseNutrient losses in runoff and leaching from poultry litter applications to loblolly pine stands and pasturesFederal: $18,241
Non-Federal: $36,635
Hal Liechty, Adrian Ares, Mike DanielsRunoff, poultry litter, leaching, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, loblolly pine, best management practices
2004ARAnnual BaseHydrodynamics of a Karst Soil Catena in the Ozark Plateau, USAFederal: $19,500
Non-Federal: $39,000
John Brahana, Phil HaysKarst hydropedology; hydraulic conductivity; infiltration; nitrate; denitrification; dissolved organic carbon; nutrient processing; poultry litter; silvopastoral agroecosystem; stable isotopes; biogeochemistry
2004AZAnnual BasePermeable Reactive Biobarriers for the Containment and Remediation of Acid Mine DrainageFederal: $11,678
Non-Federal: $24,270
James Field, Reyes SierraAcid Mine Drainage, Ground Water, Heavy Metals, Metalloids, Toxic Substances, Mining, Smelting Sites, Bioremediation, Permeable Reactive Barriers, Biomineralization, Microbial Reduction, Sulfate Reduction
2004AZAnnual BaseImpact of drought on management of salt sensitive plants with reclaimed waterFederal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $30,492
Ursula SchuchReclaimed water, salinity, drought, plant growth
2004AZAnnual BaseMeasurement of estrogenic activity in sludges and biosolidsFederal: $12,305
Non-Federal: $24,403
David Quanrud, Robert Arnold, Jon Chorover, Wendell Elaestrogenic activity, sludge, biosolids
2004AZAnnual BaseControlling Salt Accumulation to Enhance Sustainability of Subsurface Drip IrrigationFederal: $11,933
Non-Federal: $34,237
Thomas Thompson, Arthur Warrickwater conservation, irrigation
2004AZAnnual BaseEstimation of acute upper lethal water temperature tolerances of native Arizona fishesFederal: $8,102
Non-Federal: $16,203
Scott Bonarthreatened and endangered species, fisheries, water temperature, water levels, rivers
2004AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $35,363
Non-Federal: $60,232
Sharon Megdal, Joe Gelt, Kathy Jacobs, Jackie Moxley, Kerry Schwartz, Terry Sprouse
2004CAAnnual BaseHydrological regimes, pond morphology, habitat use: predicting the impact of an emerging aquatic pathogenFederal: $19,482
Non-Federal: $36,689
Cheryl Briggs, Cheryl Briggsamphibian declines, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Mountain yellow-legged frogs, emerging disease, habitat use, Rana muscosa.
2004CAAnnual BaseUsing Marine Derived Nitrogen in Tree Rings to Assess Nutrient Flux and Salmon Escapement Federal: $14,276
Non-Federal: $29,331
Michael Johnson, Michael JohnsonMarine derived nutrients, Riparian ecology, Stable isotopes, Oncorhynchus, Dendroecology, Nutrient subsidies.
2004CAAnnual BaseFeasibility of Snowpack Characterization Using Remote Sensing and Advanced Data Assimilation TechniquesFederal: $17,691
Non-Federal: $25,093
Steven Margulis snow modeling, remote sensing, data assimilation, snow water equivalent, snowpack water supply
2004CAAnnual BaseModeling and Optimization of Seawater Intrusion Barriers in Southern California Coastal PlainFederal: $18,090
Non-Federal: $24,360
William W-G. Yeh
2004CAAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Quantitative Detection Method for Enumerating Host-Specific Fecal Bacteria Based on Real-Time, Quantitative Polymerase Chain ReactionFederal: $18,250
Non-Federal: $27,475
Kara NelsonMicrobial source tracking, fecal indicator organisms, quantitative polymerase chain reaction
2004COAnnual BaseDetermination of Ecosystem Response Thresholds to Nutrient of Flowing Waters in Montane ColoradoFederal: $8,500
Non-Federal: $17,109
William Lewis, William LewisNutrients, Nutrient criteria, Clean Water Act
2004COAnnual BaseSalt Chemistry Effects on Indirect Field Salinity Assessment in the Arkansas River Valley, ColoradoFederal: $2,735
Non-Federal: $5,472
Grant Cardon, Grant CardonSalinity, Soil chemistry, Electromagnetic Induction Meter (EM), Arkansas River Valley, Gypsum
2004CTAnnual BaseChaotic Advection Enhanced RemediationFederal: $50,104
Non-Federal: $129,872
Amvrossios BagtzoglouNatural Attenuation, remediation, chaos theory
2004CTAnnual BaseThe dual influence of Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, on inland water qualityFederal: $50,255
Non-Federal: $140,586
David Postriver herring, alewife, nutrients, food webs, zooplankton, anadromous, landlocked, phytoplankton
2004CTAnnual BaseInvestigating the Influence of Purging on Long-Term Remediation Compliance MonitoringFederal: $27,984
Non-Federal: $47,906
Gary A. Robbinsgroundwater, purging, monitoring well, water quality
2004DCAnnual BaseThe Development of a MEMS-based Integrated Wireless Remote BiosensorsFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Esther Ososanya, Esther OsosanyaWireless biosensors, pollutants, ecological quality, drinking water security
2004DCAnnual BaseDistrict of Columbia Drinking Water Blind Taste Testing ProjectFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Lillie Monroe-Lord, James DaWannaBottle Water, Ground Water, Tap Water, Chlorine, Water Distillers, Water Sterilizer System, Water Quality Test Kit, Filtering of Water
2004DCAnnual BaseDC H2O: Whats On Tap?Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Rovenia Brock-Riggins, William Harewater quality, tap water, 4-H youths, GIS
2004DCAnnual BaseIdentification of PCB and Chlordane sources in the Anacostia RIver WatershedFederal: $13,742
Non-Federal: $27,484
Harriette Phelpspollutants, tributary, urban, biomonitoring, Corbicula
2004DEAnnual BaseAssisting Small and Underserved Farmers in Meeting Water Quality ObjectivesFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Dennis McIntoshsmall farmers, water quality, best management practices
2004DEAnnual BaseMonitoring and Assessing the Nutrient Status and Overall Health of Freshwater WetlandsFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Bruce Vasilaswetland health, nutrients, monitoring strategies
2004DEAnnual BaseA Water Resource Threat Analysis for DelawareFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Janet Johnson
2004DEAnnual BaseEvaluating Land Application of Wastewater as a Nutrient Reduction Control Strategy for the Chesapeake BayFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
William Ritterland application, wastewater, nutrients, Chesapeake Bay
2004DEAnnual BaseBiological Control of Purple Loosestrife at Flat Pond: Reclaiming a Freshwater Pond near the C&D CanalFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Judith Hough-Goldsteininvasive plants, biological control, wildlife habitat
2004DEAnnual BaseDesign and Field Testing of Advanced Surveillance Systems for Delaware's Shallow Depth EstuariesFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
James Glanceywater pollutants, monitoring, real-time surveillance
2004DEAnnual BaseAn Evaluation of the Economic, Social, Environmental, and Recreational Benefits of the Christina BasinFederal: $1,750
Non-Federal: $3,500
Steven Hastings, Gerald Kauffmanwatershed policies, conservation, restoration
2004DEAnnual BaseFish Communities as Indicators of Water Quality: Quantifying the Response of Aquatic Systems to Pollutant Inputs in Delaware HeadwatersFederal: $3,500
Non-Federal: $7,000
Dewayne Fox, Maria Labreveuxbiological indicators, water quality, fish communities
2004FLAnnual BaseSensitivity of the Hydroperiod of Forested Wetlands to Alterations in Topographic Attributes and Land UseFederal: $28,617
Non-Federal: $57,234
Mahood Nachabe, Mahood NachabeWetlands, Hydroperiod, Modeling
2004FLAnnual BaseGround Water Vulnerability Delineation Using Integrated GIS and Neuro-Fuzzy MethodsFederal: $38,817
Non-Federal: $113,420
Barnali DixonGround Water Modeling
2004GAAnnual BaseSeismic imaging of fracture systems in crystalline rockFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $32,000
Leland LongFractured rock aquifers, Water Resources Development, Geophysics
2004GAAnnual BaseDecision Support for Georgia Water Resources Planning and ManagementFederal: $72,000
Non-Federal: $162,516
Kathryn HatcherMultiple-Objective Planning, Watershed Management, Nonpoint Pollution
2004GAAnnual BaseBiogeochemical Cycling of Arsenic at the Sediment-Water Interface of the Chattahoochee RiverFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $32,037
Martial TaillefertArsenic, Biogeochemistry, Contaminant Transport, Metalloids, River Beds, Water Chemistry, Water Quality Monitoring
Non-Federal: $32,000
Spyros PavlostathisBioavailability, bioremediation, chlorinated organics, iron reduction, pesticides, reductive dehalogenation, sorption
2004GUAnnual BasePresence and Survival of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Soil from the Banks of Major Rivers and Streams on Guam Federal: $38,822
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, Roger Fujioka, Annie Leon Guerrero, Harold WoodFecal indicator bacteria, recreational water quality, non fecal sources
2004GUAnnual BaseSpeciation studies of arsenic in Guam Waters Phase II. Federal: $31,199
Non-Federal: $0
Maika VukiArsenic speciation, organic and inorganic arsenic, hydride generation, HPLC, GC
2004GUAnnual BaseHydrology of the Sabana Watershed and Water Cave, Rota, CNMFederal: $37,475
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonGroundwater, Island Karst, Water Supply
2004GUAnnual BasePersistent Contaminant Assessment of Food Fish from Tanapag Lagoon, SaipanFederal: $38,099
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, Peter Houk, Harold WoodMonitoring, Fish, Heavy Metals, PCBs, Pesticides
2004GUAnnual BaseRefining the R-factor and Developing Rainfall Distribution Maps for the Island of Pohnpei Federal: $36,803
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Mark Landersoil erosion rainfall water quality rainfall runoff processes climate
2004GUAnnual Base. Groundwater Development and Utilization for Emergency Drinking Water Supply on Fais, Yap State, FSMFederal: $53,220
Non-Federal: $0
John Jenson, Donald RubinsteinGroundwater, Island Karst, Carbonate Island Aquifers, Water Supply
2004GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $18,859
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy HeitzInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2004GUAnnual BaseInformation ManagementFederal: $3,600
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy Heitz, Leroy HeitzRainfall Data, Climate Data, Water Resources Management
2004GUAnnual BaseQualitative examination of groundwater from Yap and some of its neighboring islandsFederal: $30,114
Non-Federal: $0
Vazhaveli Murukesan, Tim Scheidt, Leonard YinugWater Analysis, Water Quality, Groundwater
2004GUAnnual BaseA water quality study of river and ground water resources in Kosrae, FSM.Federal: $26,138
Non-Federal: $0
Puthiyaparambil JosekuttyWater quality, river water, drinking water, water analysis, water pollution, water borne diseases
2004HIAnnual BaseDevelopment of a New Technique for the Use of Dissolved Helium as an Environmental Groundwater TracerFederal: $41,006
Non-Federal: $83,247
Aly El-Kadihelium, tracer tests, instrumentation
2004HIAnnual BaseThe Dynamic Effects of Native Versus Non-native Vegetation on the Ecohydrology of a Hawaiian Stream ValleyFederal: $44,047
Non-Federal: $72,265
Kaeo DuarteEcohydrology
2004HIAnnual BaseApplication of Innovative Methods and Strategies to Differentiate Sewage from Non-Point Source Pollution in HawaiiFederal: $18,006
Non-Federal: $56,843
Roger FujiokaFecal Indicators, Water Quality Standards,Sewage Pollution, Non-Point Source Pollution
2004IAAnnual BaseIdentification of Relationships Between Soil Phosphorus and Phosphorus Loss Through Tile Drainage to Improve the Subsurface Drainage Component of the Iowa Phosphorus IndexFederal: $35,500
Non-Federal: $73,956
Antonio P. Mallarino, Matthew Helmers, Ramesh KanwarPhosphorus, subsurface drainage, water quality, environmental soil testing
2004IAAnnual BaseVegetative Filter Education and Assessment in the State of IowaFederal: $38,500
Non-Federal: $78,580
Steven Mickelson, Kapil Arora, Matthew HelmersVegetative filters, water quality, nutrients, sediment, assessment, education, impaired water-bodies, surface runoff, TMDL
2004IAAnnual BaseHydrologic Modeling of Subsurface Drainage for Predicting Drainage OutflowFederal: $33,605
Non-Federal: $67,357
Matthew HelmersSubsurface drainage, computer modeling, soil hydraulic properties
2004IDAnnual BaseValidating Meta(loid) Flux Predicitons from Lake Coeur d'Alene Sediments Using Contaminated Ponds as MesocosmsFederal: $14,781
Non-Federal: $34,079
Matthew Morra, Daniel StrawnHeavy Metals, Mining, Sediments, Contaminant Flux
2004IDAnnual BaseAdvanced Cone Penetrometer Technology for In-Situ Measurement of Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic PropertiesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $39,238
Molly Gribbunsaturated soil, hydraulic conductivity, cone penetrometer, soil-water characteristic curve
2004IDAnnual BaseImproved Short-term Operational Streamflow Forecasting for Snow-melt Dominated Basins (Request for Year 2 funding)Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $33,524
Von Walden, Karen HumesStreamflow Forecasting, Snowmelt, Runoff, Remote Sensing
2004IDAnnual BaseGround water/surface water interactions in the Idaho batholithFederal: $14,925
Non-Federal: $35,207
J. McnamaraRecharge
2004ILAnnual BaseRapid Solar Transformation of Nutrients in Natural WatersFederal: $22,500
Non-Federal: $46,370
Gary Peyton, Gary Peytonwater quality, nutrients, non-point source, surface water, watershed, TMDL, BMP, geochemical, nitrate, ammonia, ammonification, organic nitrogen, solar, photochemistry, photolysis, radical, modeling, natural organic mater, NOM
2004INAnnual BaseHydrologic and land use control on the nature and cycling of allochthonous of organic carbon in mixed land use water sheds within Central IndianaFederal: $55,048
Non-Federal: $118,382
Timothy Filley, Chad Jafvertdissolved organic matter, soil organic matter, particulate organic matter, agricultural drainage, biogeochemistry, stable isotopes, colloids
2004INAnnual BaseCharacterizing Errors in Distributed Hydrologic ModelingFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $100,000
Rabi MohtarHydrologic Models, Runoff Estimation, Distributed Modeling, Error Estimation, Spatial Hydrology, Finite Element Analysis, GIS, Physically-Based Models, Pollution Prevention
2004INAnnual BasePotential of Controlled Drainage to Reduce Nitrate Contamination at the Watershed ScaleFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
Jane Frankenberger, Eileen KladivkoNitrate, controlled drainage, agricultural drainage water management
2004INAnnual BaseNorms, public opinion, and preservation of non-charismatic aquatic and riparian speciesFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $83,742
Leigh RaymondSpecies, Eastern Massasauga, Fanshell Mussel, public opinion, norms
2004INAnnual BasePhosphorus Deposition in an Agricultural Drainage Ditch and Constructed Wetlands SystemFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $80,000
George ParkerNonpoint source pollution, agricultural watershed, constructed wetlands
2004INAnnual BaseSeptic System Permit DatabaseFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $20,800
Brad Leeseptic systems failure, septic system operation and maintenance, septic system permit, septic system performance, septic system performance assessment
2004INAnnual BaseStormwater Guidance and Implementation in Indiana: Perspectives on the new Rule 13Federal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $7,120
Jack Wittman, Jack WittmanWatersheds, water management stormwater
2004KSAnnual BasePharmaceuticals in Surface WaterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $33,332
Alok Bhandariscreening, pharmaceuticals, wastewater, Kansas
2004KSAnnual BaseWater and the Future of Kansas Annual ConferenceFederal: $13,418
Non-Federal: $31,188
Peter Allen MacFarlane, Peter Allen MacFarlanewater, conference, water supplies, water management
2004KYAnnual BaseLinking chemical tolerance to reproductive resilience: CYP1A as a metric for predicting fish species distributions in chemically impacted habitatsFederal: $6,750
Non-Federal: $13,503
Adria ElskusPCBs, monitoring, endocrine disruptors, bioindicators
2004KYAnnual BaseFine sediment source areas and in-channel sediment storage in the Upper Green River Basin, KYFederal: $25,474
Non-Federal: $63,016
Stephen Kenworthysoil erosion, aquatic habitat, sediment supply
2004KYAnnual BaseAssessing groundwater age, regional flowpaths, and hydrochemical evolution of the Knox Group Aquifer in the Bluegrass Region of KentuckyFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $38,230
Harry Rowestable isotopes, Chlorine-36, brine
2004KYAnnual BaseCharacterizing pollution impacts to urban karst aquifers from artificial and enhanced rechargeFederal: $23,662
Non-Federal: $47,784
Randall Paylor, James Currenshydrogeochemistry, storm runoff, lawn chemicals, wastewater
2004LAAnnual BaseQuantifying Hydrologic Impacts on Spatio-Temporal Variability of Stream Water Quality in Coastal LouisianaFederal: $19,925
Non-Federal: $47,679
Vijay Singh, Y. Jun XuHydrologic Impacts, Hypoxia, Pollution, Streamflow, Space-Time Variability, Water Quality
2004MDAnnual BaseLeaf-scale hyperspectral reflectance models for determining the nitrogen status of freshwater wetlandsFederal: $29,957
Non-Federal: $61,093
David Tilley, Andrew BaldwinChesapeake Bay, nitrogen pollution, tidal freshwater marshes, vegetation, remote sensing, spectroradiometry
2004MDAnnual BaseBeneficial reuse of Baltimore Harbor dredgings and coal fly ash in engineering applications and effects on the Chesapeake BayFederal: $7,322
Non-Federal: $14,854
Ahmet Aydilek, MD MD Dredging, Chesapeake Bay, coal fly ash, stabilization, beneficial reuse
2004MDAnnual BaseUsing Bioaugmentation to Improve the Biodegradation of Chlorinated Compounds in Wetlands -- Summer FellowshipFederal: $3,800
Non-Federal: $7,679
Allen Davis, Philip KearneyWetlands, Biodegradation, Chlorinated, Trichloroethylene, Tetrachloroethane
2004MEAnnual Base Evaluating scope and trends for decreasing base cations (and increasing diluteness)Federal: $35,200
Non-Federal: $79,532
Steve Kahl, Katherine Webster, Ivan Fernandezacid deposition, acid-neutralizing capacity, base cations, lakes, water chemistry
2004MEAnnual BaseIntegrating Biological and Streams Data into PEARLFederal: $7,626
Non-Federal: $92,833
Peter Vaux, Steve Kahl, Kate Beard web, data access, database design, data quality assurance, environmental
2004MEAnnual BaseMetal mobilization from municipal biosolids stockpiles: The role of dissolved organic matter.Federal: $4,735
Non-Federal: $50,139
Aria Amirbahman, John PeckenhamContaminant Transport, Sludge, Toxic Substances, Water Quality
2004MEAnnual BaseNutrient cycling within the Meduxnekeag River and the use of periphytic algae as an indicator of nutrient loading Federal: $15,300
Non-Federal: $129,110
David Dail, Steve Kahl, Katherine Websteragriculture, algae, eutrophication, Geographic Information Systems,
2004MEAnnual BaseField Guide to Aquatic PhenomenaFederal: $3,022
Non-Federal: $14,054
Katherine Webster Ecosystems; Education; Information Dissemination; Lakes; Streams;
Non-Federal: $15,500
Dan Buckley, Steve Kahl, Scott Williamsaquatic plants, bio monitoring, conservation, ecosystems, information
2004MEAnnual BaseMaine Information Transfer, FY04Federal: $31,138
Non-Federal: $84,544
Steve Kahl, John Peckenham
2004MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $27,524
Non-Federal: $57,287
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2004MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,571
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Watershed Management; Macroinvertebrates; Lakescaping; Water Chemistry; Monitoring; GIS
2004MIAnnual BaseStudying the Quantative Water Withdrawal Effects on Michigan's Water Supply and Distributing the ConclusionsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,653
William Northcott, Steve MillerHydrology, Water Use Conflicts, GIS, Groundwater
2004MIAnnual BaseUse of Spatial Data and GIS in Evaluating Manure Application Risk Index (MARI)Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,541
Da Ouyang, Carrie LaboskiWater Quality; Animal Manure; Nutrients; Risk Index; GIS; Non-point Source Pollution; Modeling
2004MIAnnual BaseSediment transport modeling using high resolution LIDAR-derived DEMsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,879
A. Shortridge, Yi ShiScale, DEM, hydrologic model, accuracy, LIDAR
2004MNAnnual BasePhyto-enhanced Remediation: A Wetland Treatment System for Surface Water ProtectionFederal: $48,524
Non-Federal: $81,826
William Arnold, Timothy LaParaphytoremediation, methanotrophic bacteria, trichloroethylene
2004MNAnnual BaseThe Effects of Long-Term Low-Level Antibiotic Exposure on the Development of Antibiotic ResistanceFederal: $5,490
Non-Federal: $10,816
Kristine Wammerantibiotic resistance, antibacterials, pharmaceuticals
2004MNAnnual BaseAssessing the Exotoxicology of 4-Nonyphenol, A Ubiquitous Environmental Estrogen, in Two Organismal BioassaysFederal: $76,000
Non-Federal: $90,416
Heiko Schoenfuss, Larry Barber, Matthew JuliusNonylphenols, Water Quality, Alkylphenols, Fish, Diatom
2004MOAnnual BaseUse of Excitation/Emission Matrix FluorescenceFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $46,805
Baolin Deng, Baolin DengMolecular fluoresence spectroscopy; fluoresence excitational emission; waster water treatment; ground water, pollution
2004MOAnnual BaseThe Leaching Behavior of Arsenic and Selenium from Fly Ash and Their Potential Impact on Water QualityFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $45,152
Jianmin Wang, Joel Burkenarsenic and selenium leaching; fly ash; arsenic;
2004MOAnnual BaseExperimental Analysis of Nutrient Uptake in Streams Federal: $18,985
Non-Federal: $44,638
Dev Niyoginutrients; nitrogen, phosphorus, ecosystems, euthrophication
2004MSAnnual BaseEvaluation of Wetland Floristic Quality Indices as Indicators of Ecological Integrity in North Mississippi WetlandsFederal: $29,702
Non-Federal: $59,712
Gary Ervinaquatic plants, bioindicators, biomonitoring, ecological integrity, exotic species, native species, wetlands
2004MSAnnual BaseWater Quality Standards: Establishing Nutrient Criteria for Mississippi's Coastal WatersFederal: $98,717
Non-Federal: $197,434
Harriet Perrywater quality, water quality standards, coastal zone, estuaries, nutrients, eutrophication, nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended sediments, algae
2004MTAnnual BaseAmphibian habitat distribution and the population structure of Columbia spotted frogs, Rana luteiventris, in western Montana watershedsFederal: $54,760
Non-Federal: $109,544
Lisa Ebybeaver wetlands, Columbia spotted frog, population ecology, conservation genetics, landscape ecology
2004MTAnnual BaseEvaluation of various methods to assess condition of perennial stream ecosystemsFederal: $6,100
Non-Federal: $15,501
Clayton Marlowproper functioning condition, riparian health, ecosystem stability, aquatic macroinvertibrates, trout habitat, stream morphology
2004MTAnnual BaseDefining river recharge and three-dimensional areas of contribution to production wells adjacent to a losing river, Western MontanaFederal: $14,743
Non-Federal: $35,534
William Woessnergroundwater, losing stream, capture zone, contributing area, modeling, isotopes, geochemistry
2004MTAnnual BaseQuantitative assessment of the effectivenes of post-fire erosion control techniquesFederal: $6,680
Non-Federal: $13,369
Scott Woods, Thomas DeLucasoil erosion, forest fire, burn-area emergency rehabilitation
2004MTAnnual BaseInvestigation of microbial ecology, structure, and function in coalbed aquifers: Powder River Basin, MontanaFederal: $60,512
Non-Federal: $121,148
John Wheaton, Patrick Ballaquifer, preservation, methanogenesis, sustainability
2004MTAnnual BaseMontana Water Center 2004 Student Research Fellowship: Recreation on the upper Yellowstone River: Use and Place AttachmentFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $0
Megan McBride, Norma Nickerson
2004NCAnnual BaseIs There a Relationship Between Phosphorus and Fecal Microbes in Aquatic Sediments?Federal: $46,338
Non-Federal: $92,674
Lawrence Cahoon, Michael MallinPhosphorus, Bacteria, River Beds, Stormwater Management, Watershed Management
2004NCAnnual BaseArsenic and Heavy Metal Leaching Potential from Broiler Litter Stockpiled on Bare SoilFederal: $48,666
Non-Federal: $97,334
Sanjay Shah, Garry Grabow, David Hardy, Dean Hesterberg, Rodney Huffman, James ParsonsPoultry, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Nitrate, Phosphate, Soil Sampling, Litter Sampling
2004NCAnnual BaseIntegration of High Resolution Imagery in Cost-effective Assessment of Land Use Practices Influencing Erosion and Sediment YieldFederal: $47,616
Non-Federal: $95,230
Siamak Khorram, Stacy Nelsonremote sensign, land use/land cover, water quality , water quality modeling, watershed management, erosion control, sediment yield, geographic information systems
2004NDAnnual BaseEffects of West Nile Virus Infection, Immune Function, and Age on Female Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) Reproduction.Federal: $6,030
Non-Federal: $12,159
Wendy Reed, Wendy ReedWetlands, Breeding Habitat, West Nile Virus, Female Birds Immunity
2004NDAnnual BaseAnalysis and Model Simulation of Stormwater Runoff -- A Study of Land Use and System Design on Discharge Flow Rates and Water QualityFederal: $15,750
Non-Federal: $31,655
Wei Lin, G. PadmanabhanUrban Runoff, Non-point source pollution, Storm water runoff, Modeling
2004NDAnnual BaseReliable and Continuous Measurement of Flow Rate in the Red River of The North by means of an Acoustic Doppler Velocity MeterFederal: $9,690
Non-Federal: $19,380
Wei Lin, G. PadmanabhanStream Flow Measurement, Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meter, Rating Curves, Velocity Profile
2004NDAnnual BaseSample Analysis, Kinetic Studies, and Modeling of a Full-Scale Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor for Ammonia RemovalFederal: $9,690
Non-Federal: $19,381
Wei LinAmmonia Removal, Kinetic studies, Moving bed biofilm reactor
2004NDAnnual BaseStudy of Denitrification in the Karlsruhe Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes of N and O in NitrateFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
[UNKNOWN]Groundwater quality, Denitrification, Nitrate contamination, Stable isotopes
2004NEAnnual BaseRemediation of PCB-Contaminated Soils and Sediment using Zerovalent Iron and SurfactantsFederal: $18,126
Non-Federal: $44,736
Steve ComfortPCB, Zerovalent Iron, Surfactants
2004NEAnnual BaseInvestigation of Groundwater Interactions with Surface Hydrologic Systems in River Valleys -- Using Modeling and Field ApproachesFederal: $9,976
Non-Federal: $38,003
Xun-Hong Chen, Jim GoekeStream-aquifer Interactions, Groundwater Evapotranspiration, Streambed Conductance
2004NEAnnual BaseLow-Cost Flow Estimation for Storm Water Quality BMP MonitoringFederal: $8,994
Non-Federal: $11,902
David Admiraal, Bruce Dvorak, John StansburyBMP, DIscharge measurements, storm water quality
2004NEAnnual BaseHydrogeological Controls of Salinity Patterns in the Sand Hills Lakes, NEFederal: $19,975
Non-Federal: $45,389
Vitaly Zlotnik, Sherilyn Fritz, David Loope, James Swinehartlakes, salinity, hydrogeology, surface-groundwater relationships, the Sand Hills, aquifer characterization, field methods
Non-Federal: $72,123
Aaron MargolinBiosolids, Indicators, bacteriophage MS-2, Hepititis A
2004NJAnnual BaseDechlorination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans by Dehalorespiring Bacterial Cultures Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,799
Fang Liu, Donna E. Fennellsediment, dioixin, DLC, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins , polychlorinated dibenzofurans , PCDF, Passaic River, bioremediation, dechlorination, PCR, polymerase chain reaction, Dehalococcoides ethenogenes, DGGE, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, t
2004NJAnnual BaseEfficiency of Bioretention Systems to Reduce Fecal Coliform Counts in StormwaterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,404
Gregory Rusciano, Christopher ObroptaBMPs, stormwater, detention basins, wet ponds, stormwater wetlands, bioretention, swales, prefabricated treatment devices, riparian buffers,
2004NJAnnual BaseSoil Moisture Regimes and Nitrate Leaching in Urban WetlandsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $9,796
Emilie Stander, Joan Ehrenfeldwetlands, denitrification, hydrology, stormwater, urban wetlands, lysimetry, soil moisture, nitrate leaching
2004NJAnnual BaseSeed Dispersal Dynamics in Restored and Intact Salt Marshes: Implications for Restoration SuccessFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $8,793
Polly Hicks, JeanMarie Hartmanseed dispersal, Spartina alterniflora , Phragmites australis,secondary dispersal, restoration, Harbor Estuary, Meadowlands
2004NJAnnual BaseUse of stable isotope ratios of mercury to track and differentiate between sources of mercury pollutionFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,177
Krittee Krittee, Tamar Barkaystable isotope fractionation, SIF, methylmercury, reductase, methylation
2004NJAnnual BaseHIgh resolution geophysical imaging as a novel method for noninvasive characterization of contaminated wetlands: application to Kearny Marsh Federal: $29,130
Non-Federal: $55,784
Lee Slaterwetland sediments, Kearny marsh, Keegan landfill, geophysical technology, GIS, surface water, groundwater
2004NJAnnual BaseFate of Brominated Flame Retardants in New Jersey Wastewater Treatment FacilitiesFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $61,151
Donna E. Fennell, Uta Krogman, Lisa TottenWastewater treatment, WWTF, the brominated flame retardants, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals, PBTs, sludge treatment, anaerobic digestion, dehalogenation
2004NVAnnual BaseSmall Scale Variability of Soil Ped Hydraulic Properties: Potential Impact on Soil Recharge and EcosystemsFederal: $31,246
Non-Federal: $63,234
Michael Young, Eric McDonaldspatial variability, groundwater recharge, soil hydraulic properties, soil recharge, ecosystems, soils development, plant water availability
2004NVAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Classification System for Natural Impervious Cover in the Lake Tahoe BasinFederal: $38,252
Non-Federal: $76,290
Mary CablkImpervious cover, classification system, remote sensing, transport, loading, sediment, erosion
2004NYAnnual BaseInnovative management of stormwater on under-utilized urban surfacesFederal: $4,674
Non-Federal: $54,402
Tammo Steenhuis, Jackie Brookner, Franco Montalto, Eric Rothstein, Michael WalterUrban stormwater, Combined sewer systems, Impermeable surfaces, Storage and treatment, Ecohydrological approach
2004NYAnnual BaseRegional water quality tools for identifying high runoff risk areas in watersheds.Federal: $45,360
Non-Federal: $60,914
Todd Walter, Michael WalterNonpoint pollution; Agriculture; Nutrients; Transport processes; GIS computational tools
2004NYAnnual BaseMeasuring the effects of wetland and riparian zones on water quality in the urban Patroon Creek Watershed, Albany County, NY.Federal: $43,280
Non-Federal: $54,388
John Arnason, George RobinsonNonpoint pollution; Stormwater; Wetlands; Urban and suburban land use; Aquatic ecosystems;
2004OHAnnual BaseRapid Characterization of PCB Contaminated Sediments toward Effective Enhanced RemediationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $61,655
Cyndee Gruden, Cyndee Grudensediments, PCBs, remediation, microbiology
2004OHAnnual BaseThe Scour and Deposition around River and Estuarine BridgesFederal: $47,874
Non-Federal: $96,500
Diane Foster, Thomas LippmannBridge, hydraulics, scour, deposition
2004OHAnnual BaseEvaluating the Utility of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridizations as a Regular Process Monitoring Tool to Improve Reliable Wastewater TreatmentFederal: $25,190
Non-Federal: $52,401
Daniel Oerther, Daniel Oerther16S rRNA; activated sludge; biological nutrient removal; FISH; molecular biology; sewage treatment; wastewater
2004OKAnnual BaseSprings in Time: Comparison of Present and Historical FlowsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $105,348
Aondover Tarhule, Elizabeth BergeyArbuckle-Simpson aquifer, ground-surface water interaction, springs, dewatering, temporal change, biomonitoring, invertebrate fauna
2004OKAnnual BaseEvaluation of Chemical and Biological Loading to the Blue RiverFederal: $49,920
Non-Federal: $123,806
Guy Sewell, Paul Mauck, David WalkerE.coli, water quality, TMDL, nutrients, Blue River
2004OKAnnual BaseOptimal Selection of Management Practices for Phosphorus Abatement Using GIS and Economic Methodology in the Modeling of a WatershedFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,094
Brian Adam, Franklin Norwood, Arthur Stoecker, Daniel StormGIS, poultry litter, Eucha-Spavinaw, phosphorus, watershed modeling, hydrology, BMPs
2004ORAnnual BaseBasin level datasets for anticipating future water scarcity and conflict in OregonFederal: $30,832
Non-Federal: $62,270
Aaron WolfOregon, water availability datasets, conflict, water scarcity index, GIS
2004ORAnnual BaseSatellite Remote Sensing of Wildfire Induced Changes in Hydro-Geomorphological Landscape Patterns and ProcessesFederal: $21,236
Non-Federal: $43,126
Stephen H. SchoenholtzChannel, erosion, geomorphology, hydrology, remote sensing, sediment, wildfire.
2004ORAnnual BaseSynergetic effects of colloids and organic matter on membrane foulingFederal: $19,674
Non-Federal: $40,388
Qilin LiNanofiltration, membranes, colloid particles, dissolved organic matter
2004ORAnnual BaseHydrogeomorphic Analysis of the Luckiamute Watershed, Central Coast Range, Oregon: Federal: $44,688
Non-Federal: $98,925
Stephen TaylorLuckiamute Watershed, Coast Range, fluvial geomorphology, drainage morphometry
2004ORAnnual Base Riverine gravel supply in OregonFederal: $20,074
Non-Federal: $43,472
Peter KlingemanSediment transport, gravel, environmental impacts
2004PAAnnual BaseControls on Nutrient Levels for Spruce Creek and a Major TributaryFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $33,429
David Lehmann, Dennis Johnson, Ryan MathurSpruce Creek, nutrient analysis, water quality
2004PAAnnual BaseSplit-Flow Stormwater Demonstration and Feasibility StudyFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Stuart EcholsStormwater, Watershed, Mitigation, Split-Flow, Hydrology
2004PAAnnual BaseNutrient Removal of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Treating Wastewter with Potential for Water ReclamationFederal: $14,962
Non-Federal: $30,000
Baikun Linitrogen removal, sequencing batch reactor (SBR), water reclamation, nitrification, denitrification, nitrifiers, redox potential
2004PAAnnual BaseNitrogen dynamics in the Spring Creek watershed (Pennsylvania, USA): Evaluating stream retention of point and non-point source loadingsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Hunter CarrickNutrient loading, nutrient retention, trophic transfer
2004PRAnnual BaseSorption Behavior of Crumb Rubber to Remove Inorganic and Organic Contaminants from Aqueous Solutions. Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,157
Oscar Perales-Perez, Marco Arocha, Felix Romanwater treatment, water quality, organic compounds, heavy metals
2004RIAnnual BaseStream Stability and Scour Potential for Rhode Island BridgesFederal: $13,013
Non-Federal: $25,310
George Tsiatasbridge scour, water use, sediments
2004RIAnnual BaseURI Water Reserve ProjectFederal: $10,360
Non-Federal: $83,782
Vincent RoseEducation, Conservation, Treatment, Water Reuse
2004RIAnnual BaseMitigating Runoff Contamination Due to DeIcing and Anti-Icing Operations at T.F.Green AirportFederal: $19,165
Non-Federal: $56,248
Christopher Hunterglycols; aircraft de-icing; aircraft anit-icing; environmetal impacts; aircraft; deicing chemicals; runoff; drainage; contaminants; regulations
2004SCAnnual BaseApplication of Emerging Technologies for Water Quality Monitoring and Data Transfer in the Saluda-Reedy WatershedFederal: $28,240
Non-Federal: $56,621
Christopher Post, Stephen KlaineWater quality
2004SCAnnual BaseModeling the Impact of Reservoir Management Regimes on Important Ecosystems in the Santee River BasinFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $78,675
John GregoExtend Simulation Software, Stochastic Transfer Function Models, Vector ARIMA Time Series Models
2004SDAnnual BaseHydraulic Calibration of the Upper Soil Layers in a Glacial Till SystemFederal: $17,300
Non-Federal: $36,003
Todd Trooien, Hal WernerAgriculture, Soil Water Movement, Soil Physics
2004SDAnnual BaseEvaluating Glomalin and Its Role in the Sorption of Organic ContaminantsFederal: $49,806
Non-Federal: $99,728
Frank Schindler, James RiceSoil organic matter, Organic Contaminants, Glomalin
2004SDAnnual BaseInvertebrate and Aquatic Plant Studies of Two Mesotrophic Lakes in South DakotaFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,812
David GermanInvertebrates, Macrophytes, Nutrients, Bioindicators
2004SDAnnual BaseCoupled Carbon-Nitrogen Geochemistry under Reducing Conditions in a Prairie PotholeFederal: $7,000
Non-Federal: $14,375
James Ricecarbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, prairie pothole, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, NOM, organic geochemistry
2004TNAnnual BaseRemoval of Toxic Heavy Metals from Wastewater EffluentsFederal: $13,415
Non-Federal: $42,104
Gregory Grantheavy metals, toxic substances, water chemistry, wastewater treatment, water quality, hazardous waste, trace elements, pollutants
2004TNAnnual BaseAn Investigation of Surface-Ground Water Connections at Nonconnah Creek: A Source of Recharge and Potential Contamination for the Memphis Aquifer in Shelby County TennesseeFederal: $25,381
Non-Federal: $55,170
Daniel Larsen, Jerry Anderson, Stephanie Ivey, Brian Waldrongroundwater hydrology, groundwater movement, age dating, groundwater recharge, urban hydrology, groundwater quality
2004TNAnnual BaseIn-Field Comparison of Drip Distribution Dosed with Septic Tank Effluent vs. Secondary Quality EffluentFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $136,011
John Buchanan, Jennifer Brogdondrip dispersal, domestic wastewater, decentralized wastewater management
2004TXAnnual BaseRemoval of Hormones through a Conventional Wastewater Treatment SystemFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,157
Adrian Dongell, John Eastonhormones, water and wastewater treatment, water quality
2004TXAnnual BaseNovel Polymeric Water Treatment for In Situ Removal of Organic Contaminants from Water BodiesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $14,465
Timothy Goebel, Kevin McInnesWater treatment, polymers, pesticides, flocculation
2004TXAnnual BaseEstimating Water Availability and Sustainable Yield in a Coastal Semi-Arid Region of South TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $31,658
Vivekanand Honnungar, Venkatesh UddameriGroundwater availability, groundwater modeling, sustainability, water use.
2004TXAnnual BaseAssessment of Four Economic and Managerial Models for Operation of Public Water Systems in TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,300
Greg Landreth, David EatonRural water systems, drinking water, privatization of water utilities, water treatment and distribution
2004TXAnnual BaseDevelopment of Optimal Water Conservation and Management Strategies for Industrial FacilitiesFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $12,275
Eva Lovelady, Mahmoud El-Halwagi
2004TXAnnual BaseImproving Capabilities for Dealing with Key Complexities of Water Availability ModelingFederal: $4,884
Non-Federal: $9,768
Hector Olmos, Ralph WurbsWater rights modeling, water availability modeling, surface water hydrology, surface water management
2004TXAnnual BaseA Near Real-Time Flood Prediction Using Hourly NEXRAD Rainfall Data for the State of TexasFederal: $4,950
Non-Federal: $28,305
Bakkiyalakshmi Palanisamy, Raghavan SrinivasanFloods, Modeling, Climate Data, Use of Real-Time Data
2004TXAnnual BaseEffect of Flow Velocity on Biodegradation of Trichloroethene (TCE) and Perchlorethene (PCE) During Restoration of Contaminated Groundwater AquifersFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,533
Itza Sanchez, Jeffrey CunninghamGroundwater remediation, toxic pollutants, volatile organic compounds
2004TXAnnual BaseDevelopment of Smoke Tracer Instrumentation for Groundwater Recharge Investigations in the Edwards Aquifer RegionFederal: $4,905
Non-Federal: $10,694
Philip Taucer, Clyde MunsterGroundwater recharge methods, hydrology, brush control, hydrogeology
2004TXAnnual BaseRadar-Based Flood Alert System for Austin, TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,084
Erin Williford, Philip BedientFloods, Modeling, Climate Data, Use of Real-Time Data
2004TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $29,785
Non-Federal: $64,384
Bill Harris, Clint Wolfetechnology transfer, information dissemination, world wide web
2004UTAnnual BaseAlternative Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems for Utah ConditionsFederal: $77,858
Non-Federal: $164,641
Judith SimsOn-site Wastewater Treatment, Alternative Systems, Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
2004UTAnnual BaseData Fusion for Improved Management of Large Western Water SystemsFederal: $78,053
Non-Federal: $148,032
Mac McKee, Mariush KemblowskiWater System Operation, Short-Term Management, Long-Term Forecasting, Uncertainty
2004VIAnnual BaseHydrology Modeling in Turpentine Run, St. ThomasFederal: $120,824
Non-Federal: $0
R. Kelsey, Henry SmithHydrology Modeling, Nonpoint Source Pollution
2004VIAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Water Budget for a Model, Integrated Farm in the U.S. Virgin IslandsFederal: $36,000
Non-Federal: $0
James Rakocy, Henry SmithRainwater Harvesting, Aquaculture Effluent, Water Reuse, Wastewater Irrigation, Water Budget
2004VIAnnual BaseWater Resources Education at Virgin Islands Environmental Resource StationFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $0
Randy Brown, Katherine FlanaganEducation, Conservation, Water Supply, Water Quality, Water Use, Wastewater
2004VIAnnual BaseVirgin Islands Water Conference and Sixth Caribbean Islands Water Resources CongressFederal: $55,036
Non-Federal: $0
Henry SmithCaribbean,Virgin Islands, Water Resources, Conference
2004VIAnnual BaseProduction, Pricing and Distribution Policies of Public Water in St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin IslandsFederal: $55,677
Non-Federal: $0
Hossana SolomonEconomics policy, water production costs, water pricing, water distribution costs
2004VIAnnual BaseEvaluation of the Microbiological Quality of Cistern Waters in the Virgin IslandsFederal: $48,000
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Toranzos, Henry SmithCisterns, Aeromonas, Enteroxins
2004VTAnnual BaseA Comparison of Bacterial Concentrations in Streams: a Paired Watershed StudyFederal: $58,788
Non-Federal: $100,668
Leslie Morrisseyfecal contamination, E. coli, coliform, stream discharge, water quality, watersheds, remote sensing, GIS
2004WAAnnual BasePhosphorus Contamination of Surface WatersFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $48,000
Markus Flury, Joseph Harrison, James Harsh, Claudio Stockleground and surface water quality, phosphorus, field drainage, solute transport
2004WAAnnual BaseThree-dimensional Characterization of Riverbed Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Relation to Salmonid Habitat QualityFederal: $24,000
Non-Federal: $48,147
Joan Wu, Timothy HanrahanSalmonid, Habitat Quality, Touchet River, Hydraulic Conductivity, Slug Test, Geostatistical Analysis, MODFLOW
2004WAAnnual BaseBenthic Organisms and Flow Field Interactions: Improving Linkages and DescriptionsFederal: $22,000
Non-Federal: $45,138
Rollin Hotchkiss, Mark Stone, Richard Zackaquatic habitat, periphyton, habitat modeling, instream flow methodology, flow measurement
2004WIAnnual BaseDesign and Evaluation of Rain Gardens for Enhancement of Groundwater RechargeFederal: $36,242
Non-Federal: $35,037
Kenneth Pottergroundwater, raingarden, infiltration, recharge
2004WIAnnual BaseFate of Representative Fluoroquinolone, Macrolide, Sulfonamide and Tetracycline Antibiotics in Subsurface EnvironmentsFederal: $31,592
Non-Federal: $25,713
Joel Pedersengroundwater, antibiotics, organic matter, vadose zone
2004WVAnnual BaseWRI 60: Changes to In-Stream Suspended Sediment and Turbidity Following Improvements to a Forest Road in West Virginia Federal: $75,180
Non-Federal: $150,690
Jingxin Wang, Pamela Edwards, Joseph McNeelSuspended sediment, turbidity, forest road construction, sediment delivery, road improvements, best management practices
2004WVAnnual BaseWest Virginia Water Conference 2004Federal: $22,336
Non-Federal: $36,662
Tamara VandivortWater, Economics, Education, Policy, Research, Conference
2003ALAnnual BaseA Molecular Approach to Determine the Orgin of Fecal Bacteria in Catoma Creek of the Alabama River BasinFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $55,117
Yucheng FengPathogens, Fecal Coliform, Animal Waste, Non-point Source Pollution Control, Water Quality, Watershed Management
2003ALAnnual BaseIn-situ Destruction of PCbs, PCE and TCE in Alabama Soils and Groundwater Using a New Nanoscale Sorptive CatalystFederal: $24,951
Non-Federal: $49,902
Dongye ZhaoChlorinated Contaminants, Environmental Catalysis, Groundwater Quality, PCBs, PCE, TCE, Soil Remediation
2003ALAnnual BaseCharacterizing the Biodegradation Rates of Chlorinated Compounds Under Natural and Anthropogenic Electron Donor ConditionsFederal: $24,959
Non-Federal: $51,939
Prabhakar ClementChlorinated solvents, bioremediation, groundwater, transport, degradation, bioremediation, and microorganism
2003ARAnnual BaseAntibiotic resistance and the relationship between enzyme activity and P in runoff from poultry litter amended soilFederal: $14,749
Non-Federal: $29,451
Mary Savinantibiotic resistance, phosphorus, runoff, microorganisms, enzymes, phosphatase, poultry litter
2003ARAnnual BaseDevelopment of techniques for identifying and linking physical characteristics to surface runoff source areasFederal: $14,838
Non-Federal: $29,678
Indrajeet Chaubey, Thomas CostelloHydrology, soil moisture content, runoff, nonpoint source pollution
2003ARAnnual BaseEvaluating the Influence of Lake Francis on Phosphorus Concentrations and Transport at the Illinois RiverFederal: $20,170
Non-Federal: $40,344
Thomas Soerens, W. LimpWater Quality, Phosphorus, Sediment, Watershed Management
2003ARAnnual BaseImpact of Urbanization on the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of InfiltrationFederal: $4,349
Non-Federal: $8,699
Ralph K. Davisstorm-water, infiltration
2003ARAnnual BaseViability of Obtaining Drinking Water From the Flooded Coal Mines in the Area of Greenwood, ArkansasFederal: $4,349
Non-Federal: $8,699
Ralph K. Davismunicipal water use, coal mines, water chemistry
2003ARAnnual BaseAnalysis of Water Conflicts in Pakistan and the Middle East A Comparative StudyFederal: $4,350
Non-Federal: $8,698
Ralph K. DavisTransboundary Water Conflicts
2003AZAnnual BaseAttenuation of Estrogenic Activity in Reclaimed Water and Stormwater During Impoindment in Natural SystemsFederal: $12,214
Non-Federal: $26,163
Martin Karpiscak, David Quanrud, Kevin Lansey, Wendell Ela, Charles Gerba, Robert Arnoldendocrine disrupting compounds, hormones, toxic substances
2003AZAnnual BaseSelection of High Performance Microalgae fro Bioremediation of Nitrate-Contaminated GroundwaterFederal: $10,550
Non-Federal: $49,624
Qiang Hu, Milton SommerfeldNitrate Contamination, driking water source, algae, biological treatment, public health
2003AZAnnual BaseImpacts of Conservation Measures and Alternative Water Supplies on GroundwaterFederal: $9,677
Non-Federal: $20,969
Abe Springer, Lanya RossConservation, Hydrogeology, Model Studies, Multiple-Objective Planning
2003AZAnnual BaseIntegrating Research and Education to Assist Watershed Initiatives: A Survey of Three Arizona Watershed OrganizationsFederal: $12,451
Non-Federal: $48,962
Robert Varady, Ed de Steiguer, Deborah Young, Anne Browning-Aiken, Robert MeridethWatershed Management, Resource Planning, Education, Groundwater Management, Institutioal Relationships, River Basin Developoment, Socioeconomic Issues, Water Resources Development
2003AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $34,199
Non-Federal: $43,399
Peter WierengaWS, M&P, EDU
2003CAAnnual BaseStructure and seasonal changes of nematode communities from vernal pools (Santa Rosa Plateau)Federal: $18,542
Non-Federal: $23,523
Paul De Leybioassessment, biodiversity, ecology, ephemeral pools survey, Southern California
2003CAAnnual BasePyrethroid Insecticides in Nursery Runoff: Transport and Impact on Aquatic InvertebratesFederal: $19,644
Non-Federal: $33,211
Jay Gan, Jay Ganpesticide runoff, sediment runoff, urban watersheds, pesticide pollution, pyrethroids, bifenthrin, aquatic toxicity, water quality
2003CAAnnual BaseUse of bioassays to assess the water quality of wastewater treatment plants for the occurrence of estrogens and androgensFederal: $19,668
Non-Federal: $24,370
Daniel Schlenkwastewater re-use, endocrine disrupters, exposure assessment, environmental estrogens, environmental androgens, vitellogenin, fish bioassay
2003CAAnnual BaseEvaluating the effectiveness of vegetated buffers to remove nutrients, pathogens, and sediment transported in runoff from grazed, irrigated pasturesFederal: $22,206
Non-Federal: $35,427
Kenneth Tate, Brad Hallbuffer, irrigated pasture, water quality, BMP, grazing
2003CAAnnual BaseCalifornia Water Resources Center WRIP ProgramFederal: $4,174
Non-Federal: $63,540
John Letey, Martha Kennedyadministration cost
2003COAnnual BaseUrban Landscape Irrigation with Reclaimed Wastewater: Water Quality Assessment and Community ExperienceFederal: $23,865
Non-Federal: $55,246
Yaling Qian, Yaling QianUrban landscape irrigation, Water reuse, Turfgrass, Water quality
2003COAnnual BaseCanal Modernization for Addressing Salinity Issues in the Arkansas Valley, ColoradoFederal: $7,491
Non-Federal: $14,982
John Wilkins-Wells, Ramchand OadSalinity, Water supply, Irrigation, Arkansas Valley, Colorado, Canal modernization
2003CTAnnual BaseOccurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Pomperaug RiverFederal: $41,397
Non-Federal: $76,371
Allison Mackay, Allison Mackaycontaminant transport, drugs, pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, trace organics, wastewater, water quality
2003CTAnnual BaseHandheld Light Meters and Anion Exchange Membranes to Reduce the Threat of Water Pollution from Turfgrass FertilizersFederal: $80,070
Non-Federal: $125,079
Karl Guillard, Karl Guillardnitrogen, fertilizers, water quality monitoring, water quality management, leaching, solute transport, plant growth, turfgrass management, ion exchange
2003CTAnnual BaseEffects of Variation in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Ratios and Concentrations on Phytoplankton Communities of the Housatonic RiverFederal: $30,834
Non-Federal: $91,716
Jennifer Klug, Jennifer Klugalgae, eutrophication, impoundments, nitrogen, nutrients, phosphorus, rivers, saline-freshwater interfaces, water chemistry, water quality
2003DCAnnual BaseAssessment of Soil Erosion at Hillcrest Park Facility and Its Potential Effects on the Quality of DC Water ResourcesFederal: $21,388
Non-Federal: $42,776
Inder Bhambri, Ahmet Zeytinci, Philip BrachSediment transport, total suspended solids, erosion, water quality
2003DCAnnual BaseSources of Bioavailable Toxic Pollutants in the Anacostia Watershed (Part III)Federal: $12,237
Non-Federal: $2,810
Harriette Phelpspollutants, tributary, urban, biomonitoring, corbicula
2003DCAnnual BaseEffect of Pelletized Poultry Manure and Vegetable Production on Vadose Zone Water QualityFederal: $17,603
Non-Federal: $35,206
James Allen, James AllenLysimeter, Vadose Zone, Nitrate, Phosphate
2003DCAnnual BaseWater Environment Studies in Schools Training ProgramFederal: $9,000
Non-Federal: $18,000
Jo Anne Favors, Jo Anne Favorsenvironment, water science, DCPS, mathematics, watershed
2003DCAnnual BaseEffect of Microorganisms on the Speciation of Tributyltin and Triphenyltin compounds in clays from Sediments Using Mossbauer SpectroscopyFederal: $7,612
Non-Federal: $15,224
Leopold Maytributyltin, triphenyltin, sediments, microorganisms, pollution, mossbauer spectroscopy
2003DCAnnual BaseAnalysis of Positive, Right Skewed, and Unimodal ObservationsFederal: $7,303
Non-Federal: $14,616
Reza ModarresTransformation, Environmental Statistics, Skewed Distribution
2003DCAnnual BaseSpeciation of Triorganotins in Sediments of the Anacostia and Potomac River Sediments as the Result of their Interaction with BacteriaFederal: $8,612
Non-Federal: $17,224
George Eng, George Engtributyltin, triphenyltin, sediments, clays, bacteria, pollution, mossbauer spectroscopy
2003DEAnnual BaseSurveillance of Stormwater Control and Wetlands Remediation Sites for Potential West Nile Virus Vector Breeding ActivityFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
John Gingrich, John Gingrichstormwater, disease transmission, human health, West Nile Virus
2003DEAnnual BaseEnhanced Pollutant Biodegradation by Electrode UseFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Steven Dentelorganic pollutants, biodegradation, wastewater treatment
2003DEAnnual BaseFairfield Run: An Evaluation of Stream Habitat Restoration at the UD Experimental WatershedFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $6,000
Gerald Kauffmanstream habitat, restoration practices, watershed planning
2003DEAnnual BaseBiological and Enzymatic Treatment of a Food Processing WastewaterFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Anastasia Chirnsidebiological treatment, remediation, food processing wastewater
2003DEAnnual BaseAccelerated Pollutant Biodegradation by Electrode UseFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Steven Dentelbiodegradation, wastewaters, remediation, sediments
2003DEAnnual BaseCharacterization of Autochthonous Viral Communities in Estuarine WatersFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Eric Wommackbiodiversity, estuaries, viruses, aquatic communities
2003DEAnnual BaseBlue Hen Creek: An Evaluation of Stream Habitat Restoration at the UD Experimental WatershedFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Gerald Kauffmanwatersheds, stream restoration, TMDLs
2003DEAnnual BaseThe Role of Urea as the Sole Ni Source in the Uptake of Ni in Allysum Hyperaccumulating SpeciesFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Donald Sparksphytoremediation, metal contaminated soils, water quality
2003DEAnnual BaseNanticoke Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load ProjectFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Alan AndresTMDLs, watershed management, pollutiont prevention measures
2003DEAnnual BaseField Measurements of Non-Point Source Pollutant Removal Efficiencies of Stormwater BMPs at the UD Experimental WatershedFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $3,000
Martin Wollastonstormwater ponds, retrofitting, best management practice, TMDL
Non-Federal: $145,560
Yan Jin, Pei Chiudrinking water, pathogens, viruses, remediation strategies, human health
2003DEAnnual BaseFate and Transport of Arsenic in Poultry Litter Amended Delaware Soils: Impacts on Water QualityFederal: $72,780
Non-Federal: $136,285
Donald Sparksarsenic, animal manures, drinking water, human health, soil chemistry
2003FLAnnual BaseEvaluation of Water Use and Nutrient Leaching with High Frequency Irrigation for Use in Best Management PracticesFederal: $16,494
Non-Federal: $33,082
Michael DukesAgriculture, Fertilizers, Groundwater Quality, Irrigation Management, Leaching, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Percolation, Solute Transport, Water Quality
2003FLAnnual BaseSustainable Land Application- Conference SupportFederal: $16,029
Non-Federal: $32,185
George O'ConnorAnimal waste, biosolids, effluents, waste disposal, pathogens, metals, nutrients, organic compounds, policy
2003FLAnnual BaseCharacterizing the Spatial Distribution and Connectivity of Wetlands in the Fisheating Creek Basin, FLoridaFederal: $28,096
Non-Federal: $56,192
William WiseWetlands, Geographic Information Systems, Watershed Management
2003FLAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $6,829
Non-Federal: $17,181
Louis Motz, Louis Motz
2003GAAnnual BaseDecreasing Irrigation Volumes While Maintaining Crop YieldsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,525
Calvin Perryirrigation management, water use efficiency, agriculture
2003GAAnnual Base"A Combined Hydrological , Geochemical and Isotopic Approach to Understanding the Effects of Basin Scale on Base Flow Systematics in the Georgia Piedmont"Federal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $40,025
Seth RoseBase Flow, Isotope Hydrology, Georgia Piedmont Watersheds, Middle Oconee River basin, Age-dating of water
2003GAAnnual BaseAssessment of In-Stream Processes in the Development of Sediment TMDLs for Urban StreamsFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Terry Sturmfluid flow, hydraulics, instream flow, river beds, rivers, sedimentation, sediment load, sediment TMDL, nonpoint pollution, urban hydrology
2003GUAnnual BaseInformation MangementFederal: $1,800
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy HeitzRainfall Data, Climate Data, Water Resources Management
2003GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $23,709
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy HeitzInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2003GUAnnual BaseInventory and Evaluation of Karst Features Relating to Past and Present Groundwater Flow on Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), in Terms of the Carbonate Island Karst ModelFederal: $35,933
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonGroundwater, Island Karst, Carbonate Island Aquifers
2003GUAnnual BaseDevelopment of Annual Rainfall Distribution Map for Island of Pohnpei State, Federated State of MicronesiaFederal: $31,889
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Mark LanderRainfall, Soil Erosion, Water Resources Development
2003GUAnnual BaseGroundwater Infiltration and Recharge in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer as a Function of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of RainfallFederal: $14,986
Non-Federal: $0
Mark LanderWellhead Variations, Time-lag response, Climate, Data Analysis, Rainfall
2003GUAnnual BaseExplore the Operational Effectiveness of Saipans Existing Slow Sand Filter and Develop Recommendations to improve Operation of the Filter PlantFederal: $26,868
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzStreams, Water Quality Control, Slow Sand Filter
2003GUAnnual BasePersistent Pollutants in Biotic Components of Tanapag Lagoon, Saipan, with Emphasis on Areas Impacted by Streams, Storm Water Runoff and Sewer OutfallsFederal: $32,167
Non-Federal: $0
Gary Denton, Harold WoodMonitoring, Biota, heavy Metals, PCBs, Pesticides
2003GUAnnual BaseRainwater And Dry Litter Waste Management: An Alternative Water Conservation System In Swine Operations Federal: $14,767
Non-Federal: $0
Allan Sabaldica, Lawerence DuponcheelRainWater Catchment System, water conservation management, Dry litter waste management, sustainable agriculture, swine
2003GUAnnual BaseImproving Weno Water Distribution System Using Geographic Information System and Hydraulic Modeling TechniquesFederal: $23,458
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzWater Distribution System, Geographic Information Systems, Water System Modeling
2003GUAnnual BaseEvaluation of animal and aquaculture waste regulations and development of Best Management Practices (BMP) for Guam and CNMI.Federal: $35,919
Non-Federal: $0
David Crisostomo, Lawerence DuponcheelAquaculture effluent; swine waste management; BMP; regulations
2003GUAnnual BaseSpeciation Studies of Arsenic in Guam Waters. Federal: $25,806
Non-Federal: $0
Maika VukiArsenic speciation, solid phase extraction, stripping voltammetry, vapor generation
2003HIAnnual BasePrevention of Colloidal Fouling in Crossflow Membrane Filtration: Searching for Optimal Operation ConditionsFederal: $44,929
Non-Federal: $78,869
Albert Kim, Clark Liumembrane filtration, colloidal fouling, permeate flux decline
2003HIAnnual BaseAn Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Transport of Pharmaceutical Compounds and Pathogens in Selected Hawaii Soils for Land Application of WastewaterFederal: $46,600
Non-Federal: $94,014
Chittaranjan Ray, Albert Kimpharmaceuticals, PPCPs, pathogens, bacteria, viruses, flow through porous media
2003HIAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer 2003-04Federal: $15,790
Non-Federal: $33,384
Philip Moravcikinformation transfer, public education
2003IAAnnual BaseTracing Sediment Sources in Eastern Iowa by Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes: An Exploratory ResearchFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $24,138
Thanos PapanicolaouRivers, Watershed Managment, Contaminant Transport, Soil Erosion, Stream Sedimentation, Isotopes, Heavy Metals, Benthic Populations, Agriculture, Fluid Flow, Hydrogeology
2003IAAnnual BaseVeterinary antibiotics: Transport to and degradation in surface waterFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $31,048
Joel Coatsantibiotics, veterinary, tylosin, manure, environmental fate
2003IAAnnual BaseFate of Veterinary Antibiotics in Manure LagoonsFederal: $44,000
Non-Federal: $100,655
Say Kee OngAntibiotics, pharmaceuticals, fate, sorption, biodegradation, water quality
2003IAAnnual BaseEffects of Grazing Management on Sediment and Phosphorus Losses from PasturesFederal: $6,000
Non-Federal: $12,804
James Russell, John Kovar, Thomas Isenhart, Richard Schultz, Steven Mickelson, Wendy PowersGrazing, Pastures, Riparian areas, Water run-off, Phosphorus
2003IAAnnual BaseSequestration of phosphorus with iron mine tailingsFederal: $35,800
Non-Federal: $71,780
Ed Brownwater quality, lakes, eutrophication, nutrients
2003IAAnnual BaseWater Quality, Nutrient Loading and Mosquito Production in Northeastern IowaFederal: $5,982
Non-Federal: $11,679
David Mercer, David Mercernutrients, bacteria, water quality, agricultural
2003IAAnnual BaseFate and Transfer of Antibiotic-Resistance Genes Excreted by Farm AnimalsFederal: $19,900
Non-Federal: $34,000
Pedro AlvarezGene pollution, bacteria, contaminant transport, natural attenuation, and public health
2003IAAnnual BaseSpatial and temporal patterns in precipitation and dry-fall deposition of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Iowa: implications for nutrient transport and water qualityFederal: $500
Non-Federal: $0
John Downing, John Downingatmospheric deposition, phosphorus, nitrogen, wet-deposition, dry-deposition, spatial variation, temporal variation
2003IDAnnual BaseImproved Short Term Operational Streamflow Forecasting for Snow Melt Dominated BasinsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $32,931
Von Walden, Karen HumesStreamflow, Forecasting, Snow Melt, Runoff, Remote Sensing
2003INAnnual BaseMinimizing Runoff and Nonpoint Source Pollution Due to UrbanizationFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $120,114
Bernard Engel, Jon Harborrunoff, water quality, urbanization, optimization
2003INAnnual BaseSoil and Mineralogical Processes Involved in Septic System FailureFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $121,881
Brad Lee, Brad JoernSeptic systems failure, Allen County, clay mineralogy, soil absorption fields
2003INAnnual BaseHoosier Water SummitFederal: $45,000
Non-Federal: $90,000
Stephen Lovejoy, Stephen Lovejoyrunoff, water quality, urbanization, public forum, watershed planning
2003KSAnnual BasePharmaceutical Agents in Surface Waters: The Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Northeast Kansas Wastewater Treatment FacilitiesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $32,593
Alok Bhandari, Robert Hunterantibiotics, pharmaceuticals, wastewater, Kansas, occurrence, fate
2003KSAnnual BaseReduced Irrigation Allocations in Kansas from Grain Yield -- ET Relationships and Decision Support ModelFederal: $46,867
Non-Federal: $117,770
Norman Klocke, Gary Clark, Loyd Stone, Troy DumlerIrrigation, water allocation, decision support
2003KSAnnual BaseHigh Plains Aquifer Information Network (HIPLAIN)Federal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,672
Margaret Townsend, Gary Clark, David YoungWorld Wide Web, database access, High Plains Aquifer, water resources
2003KSAnnual BaseA Field Assessment of a Method for Estimation of Ground-Water Consumption By PhreatophytesFederal: $92,883
Non-Federal: $191,674
James Butler, Donald Whittemore, Gerard Kluitenbergphreatophytes, ground water, evapotranspiration, water balance
2003KYAnnual BaseBiochemical and hormonal effects of incomplete site remediation: evaluating resident fish speciesFederal: $6,200
Non-Federal: $12,436
Adria Elskuspolychlorinated biphenyls, endocrine disruptors, bioindicators
2003KYAnnual BaseOccurrence and Distribution of Mercury in Mammoth Cave National Park - Phase IIFederal: $19,332
Non-Federal: $40,592
Cathleen Webbmercury. karst, bioaccumulation
2003KYAnnual BaseDoes straight pipes removal improve water quality in eastern Kentucky?Federal: $11,386
Non-Federal: $22,772
Mark Coynepathogens, nutrients, septic systems
2003KYAnnual BaseEffects of a waterborne herbicide, Atrazine, on the auditory physiology of fishFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Hong Yanherbicides, neurotoxicity, auditory physiology
2003KYAnnual BaseEvaluation of ground water sustainability in the Ohio River alluvial aquifer near Westport, Oldham County, KentuckyFederal: $13,406
Non-Federal: $29,659
Samuel Boatengflow models, contaminants, management and planning
2003LAAnnual BaseUse of Synchrotron Microtomography and X-Ray Fluorescence to Better Understand Contaminant Diffusion in Reactive Barrier SystemsFederal: $26,500
Non-Federal: $78,583
Clinton WillsonReactive Flow and Transport, Contaminated Sediments
2003LAAnnual BaseMetal Speciation in Particulates in the Mississippi River in LouisianaFederal: $51,450
Non-Federal: $119,323
Amitava RoyMetals, Toxic Metals, Particulates, Metal Availability, Speciation
2003LAAnnual BaseEconomic Assessments of Best Management Practices and Environmental Policy Options for Attaining the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Goal in Louisianas Major MilkshedFederal: $16,170
Non-Federal: $55,663
Krishna Paudel, Wayne GauthierDairy Waste Management, BMP, TMDL, Optimization, Policy Tools, Spatial Allocation.
2003MAAnnual BaseCopper Removal by BiofilmsFederal: $50,310
Non-Federal: $100,624
Xiaoqi (Jackie) Zhang, Xiaoqi (Jackie) Zhangbiofilms, extracellular polymeric substances, copper
2003MAAnnual BasePotential Movement of Pesticides Related to Dissolved Organic Matter from Organic Fertilizer Application on TurfFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $119,318
Baoshan Xing, William Torellodissolved organic matter, organic fertilizers, pesticides, sorption, leaching
2003MDAnnual BaseFate of Alkylphenolic Compounds in Wastewater TreatmentFederal: $54,289
Non-Federal: $109,214
Alba Torrents, Clifford Riceendocrine disrupters, nonylphenol, hormones, emerging organic pollutants, wastwater treatment
2003MDAnnual BaseResponse of Macroinvertebrates to Road Salt Runoff in Headwater StreamsFederal: $34,005
Non-Federal: $74,007
William Lamproad salt, macroinvertebrates, headwater streams, chloride toxicity, stormwater
2003MEAnnual BaseNitrate Mobility in Shallow Groundwater Near Biosolids StockpilesFederal: $13,869
Non-Federal: $59,220
Willem Brutsaert, John PeckenhamNitrogen, Sludge, Agriculture, Groundwater Quality
2003MEAnnual BaseDefining 'natural' reference conditions and indicators to assess cumulative impacts of shoreline development on lakes in MaineFederal: $22,268
Non-Federal: $102,212
Katherine Webster, Roy BouchardBiomonitoring, bioindicators, aquatic plants, lakes, shore protection
2003MEAnnual BaseThe functional role of forested seeps in maintaining hydrology, water quality and biological diversity in a New England watershed Federal: $21,148
Non-Federal: $89,932
Aram Calhoun, Andrew Reeve, David DailBase Flow, Denitrification, Groundwater Hydrology, Landscape Management, Soil Microbiology, Springs, Wetlands
2003MEAnnual BaseEffects of local and landscape heterogeneity on mercury loadings in palustrine amphibians from Acadia National Park, Maine Federal: $5,400
Non-Federal: $71,284
Aria Amirbahman, Michael Bank, Cynthia LoftinAmphibians, Mercury, Watersheds
2003MEAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $33,869
Non-Federal: $62,420
Steve Kahl, John PeckenhamInformation Transfer
2003MIAnnual BaseEvaluation and Decision Support System for the Regulation of High Capacity Groundwater Withdrawal in Michigans Lower PeninsulaFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,794
Jo Ann BeckwithGroundwater, groundwater regulation, Great Lakes diversion, nonpoint source pollution
2003MIAnnual BaseInteractive and Hierarchical Modeling of Groundwater Systems in Tri-County Area: a Pilot StudyFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,446
Shu-Guang LiGroundwater, Groundwater Modeling, Groundwater Flow and Transport
2003MIAnnual BaseInvestigating the Groundwater Quantity Effects on Ecosystems and Human ActivitiesFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,069
William NorthcottGroundwater, Hydrology, Water Use Conflicts, GIS
2003MNAnnual BaseArsenic in Minnesota Groundwater and its Impact on the Drinking Water SupplyFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $22,691
Randal Barnes, Randal Barnesarsenic, groundwater, drinking water supply
2003MSAnnual BaseImproved Estimation of Nutrient and Pesticide Runoff Losses from Golf Courses and Residential Lawns in the South Atlantic-Gulf RegionFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $126,572
Joseph Masseywater quality, rainfall-runoff processes, fertilizers, pesticides, nutrients
2003MSAnnual BaseChemical Mixtures: Consequences of WNV Eradication on Water QualityFederal: $49,620
Non-Federal: $99,239
Marc Slatteryecosystems, mixtures, pesticides, residues, sediments, toxic substances, water quality
2003MSAnnual BaseScreening of Environmental Contaminants Detected in Mississippi Sediments as Inducers and/or Inhibitors of CYP1B1 Expression in Channel Catfish - ContinuationFederal: $33,600
Non-Federal: $67,200
Kristine Willettpesticides, toxic substances, bioindicator
2003MTAnnual BaseUnderstanding and predicting changes in the microbial ecology of mine tailings in response to the addition of dissolved organic carbonFederal: $29,870
Non-Federal: $61,582
Paul Sturmanacid mine drainage, microbial ecology
2003MTAnnual BaseCompetitive interactions between the invasive Potamopyrgus antipodarum and Baetid mayflies: temporal variation and community-level consequencesFederal: $22,388
Non-Federal: $44,784
Billie Kerans, Billie KeransPotamopyrgus antipodarum; New Zealand mud snail; invasive species; competitive interactions; Intermountain West
2003MTAnnual BaseTopography, groundwater dynamics, and soil frost: First-order controls on snowmelt runoff dynamics and plant species distributions across an uplandwetland transitionFederal: $72,880
Non-Federal: $149,635
Brian McGlynn, Richard Sojdahydrology, topography, soil frost, wetlands, runoff, flowpaths
2003NCAnnual BaseThe Role of Flood Flows on the Lead Isotopic Composition of Stream Waters, Suspended Sediments, and Rainbow Trout Downstream of Lead Contaminated Soils in Barber's OrchardFederal: $39,084
Non-Federal: $78,166
Jerry Miller, Peter GalbreathFisheries, Isotopes, Water Quality, Geomorphology
2003NDAnnual BaseHydrological Modeling of the Spatial and Temporal Variation of Prairie Potholes at the Basin LevelFederal: $4,200
Non-Federal: $8,400
Phil Gerla, Gregory McCarthyHydrologic Modeling, Prairie Potholes, Wetlwnds, Climatic Response
2003NDAnnual BaseEffects of West Nile Virus Infection, Immune Function, and Age on Female Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) ReproductionFederal: $10,382
Non-Federal: $20,735
Wendy ReedWNV infection, aquatic habitat, mosquito borne diseases
2003NDAnnual BaseComparative Study of Fossil and Extant Fish Growth: Including Analyses of Mean Annual Temperature in the Geologic RecordFederal: $41,152
Non-Federal: $82,517
Allan Ashworth, G. PadmanabhanClimatic change, Fossil records, global warming, Fish Growth
2003NDAnnual BaseModeling Groundwater Denitrification by Ferrous Iron Using PHREEQCFederal: $46,232
Non-Federal: $93,849
[UNKNOWN]Groundwater, Denitrification modeling, PHREEQC model
2003NDAnnual BaseA Study of Microbial Regrowth Potential of Water in Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, MinnesotaFederal: $18,672
Non-Federal: $37,320
Khan EakalakMicrobial regrowth potential, Biodegradable dissolved organic carbon, Assimilable organic carbon
2003NEAnnual BaseDefining Dynamic Crop-Water-Stress-Index Baselines to Schedule Irrigation Using Infrared ThermometersFederal: $27,688
Non-Federal: $123,294
Jose Payero, Jose PayeroCWSI, Corn, Soybeans, infrared thermometer, Canopy temperature
2003NEAnnual BaseAssessing the occurrence of Arsenic in groundwater: Implications for Small Water Supply Systems in NebraskaFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $79,780
David Gosselin, F. Edwin HarveyArsenic, Public Water Supplies
2003NEAnnual BaseBiodegradation of Dual-Contaminant Mixtures in Groundwater: Chlorinated Solvents and High ExplosivesFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $61,518
Matthew Morley, Daniel SnowBiodegradation, High Explosives, Chlorinated Solvents
2003NEAnnual BaseWater Center Educational MaterialsFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: $66,979
Steven Ress, Michael JessNewsletter, Irrigation, Water Quality, Herbicides, Bioremediation, Groundwater
2003NHAnnual BasePathogens in Biosolids: Evaluation of Clostidium perfringens as an indicator organism to assess the efficiency of biosolid disinfection processesFederal: $15,079
Non-Federal: $43,145
Christine Bean
2003NHAnnual BaseWater Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watershedsFederal: $362,203
Non-Federal: $998,336
William McDowell
2003NJAnnual BaseInvestigation of Design Parameters for Engineered Rhizoremediation Systems to Treat Contaminated Sediments In SituFederal: $29,800
Non-Federal: $59,893
Jerome Kukor, Max Haggblomrhizoremediation PAHs estuarine sediments
2003NJAnnual BaseValidation of the PMF (Preprocessor to MODFLOW for Fractured Media) PackageFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $11,008
Yuri Mun, Chris Uchringroundwater, modelling, non-Coastal Plain aquifer, Coastal Plain aquifer, fracture, equivalent porous media, EPM, fractured media, eutrophication, nonpoint,
2003NJAnnual BaseMicrobial respiration of arsenic and seleniumFederal: $3,925
Non-Federal: $21,382
Priya Narasingarao, Max Haggblomarsenic selenium oxidation-reduction redox anerobic soils sediments microbial transformation
2003NJAnnual BaseDevelopment of Supported Liquid Membrane Micro-Extraction (SLMME) followed by Ion-Pair Chromatography (IPC) for analysis of halo-acetic acids (HAAs) and chlorinated acid herbicides (CAHs) in waterFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $5,775
Xiaoyan Wang, Somenath Mitrasupported liquid membrane, micro-extraction, membrane extraction, SLMME, IPC, HAAs, CAHs, Ion Pair Chromatography, herbicides, drinking water, chlorination, disinfection, DBPs
2003NJAnnual BaseSeed Dispersal Dynamics in a Restored Salt Marsh: Implications for Restoration SuccessFederal: $1,500
Non-Federal: $14,952
Polly Hicks, Joan Ehrenfeldseed dispersal, wetlands, restoration, secondary dispersal, primary dispersal, salt marsh
2003NJAnnual BasePotential Nitrogen Saturation in Urban WetlandsFederal: $1,990
Non-Federal: $19,828
Emilie Stander, Joan Ehrenfeldnitrogen saturation, nitrate,wetlands, nitrification, denitrification, urban wetlands, depressional wetlands, riverine wetlands,
2003NJAnnual BaseAutomated Identification and Quantification of VOCs Using Electronic Nose SystemsFederal: $24,918
Non-Federal: $7,169
Robi Polikar, Kauser JahanVOCs, surface water,analytical methods, Enose, Electronic Nose, signature patterns, neural network, binary mixture
2003NJAnnual BaseUrban Watershed Management: Increasing Public "Ownership" of Watershed ResourcesFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $5,550
Richard Pardiurban watershed, ecology, water quality, water monitoring, nonpoint source pollution, NPS,
2003NVAnnual BaseA Study of Ancient Trees Rooted 120 Feet Below the Surface Level of Fallen Leaf LakeFederal: $14,369
Non-Federal: $33,118
John Kleppeclimate, drought, submerged trees
2003NVAnnual BaseQuantifying Potential Economic Impacts of Water Quality Modeling Uncertainty for the Lower Truckee River, NevadaFederal: $71,672
Non-Federal: $144,293
Alan McKay, John Tracywater quality simulation, TMDL's, economic analysis
2003NYAnnual BaseValidity Assessment of Methods to Distinguish Between Ruminant and Human Sources of Fecal Contamination in WatershedsFederal: $49,840
Non-Federal: $83,318
Ellen Braun-Howlandnon-point source pollution, fecal contamination, water quality, pathogens
2003NYAnnual BaseExtreme Precipitation and Consecutive Dry-day Climatology for New York State Applied to Water Resource ManagementFederal: $31,308
Non-Federal: $46,930
Arthur DeGaetanostormwater, flooding, climatological data, water quality
2003NYAnnual BaseGIS Based Spatial Modeling and Analyses of Urban Stormwater Size and Stormwater Management Practice (SMP) Feasibility in the Lower Buffalo River Watershed.Federal: $32,490
Non-Federal: $42,568
Tao Tangstormwater, runoff, urban stormwater
2003OHAnnual BaseThe Effect of Humic and Fulvic Acids on Arsenic Solubility in Drinking Water SuppliesFederal: $100,000
Non-Federal: $214,758
John LenhartToxic Substances, Water Chemistry, Geochemistry, Solute Transport, Ground Water Quality
2003OKAnnual BaseAlgal-nutrient dynamics in fresh waters: direct and indirect effects of zooplankton grazing and nutrient remineralizationFederal: $24,944
Non-Federal: $51,759
K. Hambright, K. Hambrightnutrient-algal ecology, zooplankton, grazing, nutrient cycling, nutrient supply, water quality, freshwater reservoirs
2003OKAnnual BaseDual sensor for detecting xenobiotics and microorganismsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $100,000
Gilbert John, Mario Rivera, Gary Yenspectrophotometer, cytochrome P450, autofluorescence
2003OKAnnual BaseFacilitating the Tenkiller Utilities Authority Public Water Decision ProjectFederal: $46,002
Non-Federal: $100,000
Mac McCrory, Weldon Schiefferstakeholder decision-making, public education and outreach, water treatment, water distribution, managment of natural resources
2003ORAnnual BaseInvestigation of Nitrate Transport Across the Willamette Silt of the Southern Willamette ValleyFederal: $29,114
Non-Federal: $75,030
Roy HaggertyGroundwater, Willamette Silt, Nitrate, Redox reaction
2003ORAnnual BaseDevelopment of a relationship between water quality data and land use in the Oak Creek WatershedFederal: $23,200
Non-Federal: $46,136
Peter NelsonDatabases, watersheds, water quality, public education
2003ORAnnual BaseEnvironmental Analysis of Wastewater Effluents and Biosolids-derived Endocrine Disuptiong Chemicals in the Willamette RiverFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $66,602
Tarek Kassimendocrine disruptors, Internet, databases, hydrology, watersheds, water quality, public education
2003ORAnnual BaseDischarge, source areas, and water ages of spring-fed streams and implications for water management in the McKenzie River basinFederal: $28,880
Non-Federal: $57,776
Gordon Grantwater resources, springs, groundwater, discharge, McKenzie River
2003PAAnnual BaseUsing Crumb Rubber Filtraton for Ballast Water TreatmentFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,221
Yuefeng Xie, Hsin-hsin Tungballast water treatment, crumb rubber medium, invasize species, waste tires, water filtration
2003PAAnnual BaseWater Conservation Training and Public EducationFederal: $13,400
Non-Federal: $42,504
William Sharpe, Bryan Swistockwater conservation, drought, education
2003PAAnnual BaseSpruce Creek Watershed Keystone ProjectFederal: $14,914
Non-Federal: $42,833
Lysle Sherwin, Lysle Sherwineducation, management, non point source pollution, planning trout fishery, water quality, watershed stewardship
2003PAAnnual BaseDevelopment of Passive Treatment System Monitoring and Research ProgramFederal: $14,970
Non-Federal: $45,860
Fred Brenner, Margaret Dunnpassive treatment, wetlands, acid mine drainage, restoration
Non-Federal: $56,001
Ingrid Padilla, Raul Zapata
2003RIAnnual BaseURI Water Conservation Program DevelopmentFederal: $10,360
Non-Federal: $23,782
Vincent RoseDrought, Education, Water Supply
2003RIAnnual BaseA Preliminary Web Portal for RI Water Resources Federal: $4,980
Non-Federal: $19,910
Tom Boving, David Fastovskyinformation dissemination; water resources; drought; web portal
2003RIAnnual BaseImpact of Common Landscaping Plants on Nitrate LeachingFederal: $13,121
Non-Federal: $26,243
Jose Amadornitrate, leaching
2003RIAnnual BaseElectronic Dissemination of Institute Related ResearchFederal: $9,300
Non-Federal: $18,780
George Tsiataswater resources research
2003SCAnnual BaseReal-time Water Quality Monitoring for Education and Stakeholder Feedback in the Saluda-Reedy WatershedFederal: $26,350
Non-Federal: $56,740
Christopher Post, Stephen KlaineWatershed Management, Water Quality, Real-Time Measurement
2003SCAnnual BaseToxicological Effects of Environmental Pollutants in Lake ConsteeFederal: $21,683
Non-Federal: $70,400
Peter Van Den Hurk, Stephen Klaine, David HargettEnvironmental Risk Assessment, Human Health Risks, Biomrakers, Toxic Waste Wate, Remediation, Fish Toxicology
2003TNAnnual BaseEvaluation of Pathogen Occurrence and Causation withing the Stock Creek Watershed (Knox County) as a Model for Watershed RestorationFederal: $34,070
Non-Federal: $61,293
John McCarthy, Randall Gentry, Alice Layton, Larry McKaywater quality, water quality management, pollution control, regulatory permits, watershed management, pollutants
2003TXAnnual BaseDetermining a Method for Targeting Brush Control Through Remote Sensing, GIS, and Hydrologic ModelingFederal: $3,995
Non-Federal: $32,000
Jason Afinowicz, Clyde Munsterbrush control, remote sensing, SWAT, GIS
2003TXAnnual BaseCoupling Modular Hydrologic Models with GISFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $10,000
Jonathan Goodall, David Maidmentmodular hydrologic modeling, geographic information system, data model
2003TXAnnual BasePredicting Water Use in Urban Residential LandscapesFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $10,000
Roger Havlak, Richard Whitewater conservation, water use, landscape irrigation, multiple plant
2003TXAnnual BaseBiotic Responses to Reduced Freshwater Inputs into Texas Bays: Hypersalinity Effects on Benthic Microalgal Community Structure and FunctionFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $10,406
Alyce Lee, James Pinckneyfreshwater management, benthic micoalgae, hypersalinity, biota
2003TXAnnual BaseQuantification of Stochastic Crop-Water Production Functions and Net Profit-Water Functions for Agriculture on the Edwards AquiferFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $10,000
Ju Young Lee, Kelly Brumbelowirrigation, groundwater resources management, farm profitability
2003TXAnnual BaseAdsorption, Desorption, and Stabilization Behavior of Arsenic on Al3+-substituted Fe3+-Hydrous OxidesFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $33,459
Yoko Masue, Richard Loeppertadsorption, desorption arsenic
2003TXAnnual BaseMonitoring and Evaluation of the Pecos River Ecosystem ProjectFederal: $4,185
Non-Federal: $13,984
Alyson McDonald, Charles HartPecos, River, saltcedar
2003TXAnnual BaseRelating Nutrient Imports to Exports and Losses During Sod ProductionFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $11,100
Brandon McDonald, Don Vietorwater quality, composted dairy manure, turfgrass sod, soil properties, nutrient export
2003TXAnnual BaseNatural Remediation of Contaminants Along the Forgotten River Stretch of the Rio GrandeFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $15,599
Catalina Ordonez, Lisa Bainmetals, Rio Grande, fish, invertebrate community structure
2003TXAnnual BaseMeasuring Infiltration Using a Rainfall Simulator to Comparing Shrub and Water Interactions of Brush SpeciesFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $10,657
Shane Porter, Clyde Munsterrainfall simulator, brush control, aquifer recharge, surface runoff
2003TXAnnual BaseSpatial and Temporal Characterization of the Radon Distribution in a Region of the Hickory Aquifer in Central Texas: Assessment of Stratigraphy and Groundwater Dynamics on Radon ConcentrationsFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $10,000
Leslie Randolph, Bruce Herbertradon, groundwater, lithologic control
2003TXAnnual BaseGroundwater Data Modeling for Arc HydroFederal: $4,182
Non-Federal: $10,000
Gil Strassberg, David Maidmentgroundwater, data model, GIS, ArcGIS, Arc Hydro, modeling
2003TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $29,734
Non-Federal: $6,538
Ric Jensen, C. Allan Jonestechnology transfer, information dissemination, world wide web
2003UTAnnual BaseSource Water Protection Assessment Tools DevelopmentFederal: $56,509
Non-Federal: $112,352
Ron Sims, Darwin SorensenDrinking Water, Watersheds, Pollutant Transport
2003VAAnnual BaseInformation DisseminationFederal: $203,188
Non-Federal: $292,894
Tamim Younosnewsletter, community outreach, service-learning
2003VAAnnual BaseProgram AdminstrationFederal: $44,753
Non-Federal: $162,876
Tamim YounosProgram administration, website administration, database
2003VIAnnual BaseCoral Bay Watershed: Development of Management Measures for Sediment and Pollution Reduction - Phase IIFederal: $190,070
Non-Federal: $0
Dayle Barry, Barry DevineWatershed Management, Stormwater Management
2003VIAnnual BaseFecal Coliform Bacteria Removal Efficiency for Stormwater BMPs in the Virgin IslandsFederal: $57,600
Non-Federal: $0
Henry Smith, R. KelseyFecal Coliform Bacteria, BMP, BMP Efficiency, Nonpoint Source Pollution, Bacterial Contamination
2003WAAnnual BaseNon-point Pesticide Transport from Fields to Streams: Testing the Predictive Capability of a Geochemical Tracer ApproachFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,971
Richelle Allen-King, C KellerNon point pollutants, lindane, triallate, pesticides, water quality, tracer
2003WAAnnual BaseWater Use of Potato under Sprinkler and Subsurface Drip IrrigationFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,000
Clyde Fraisse, Claudio Stockle, Eileen Perry, Francis PierceDrip, Irrigation, Water use, Nitrate, Potato
2003WIAnnual BaseRole of the Hyporheic Zone in Methylmercury Production and Transport to Lake SuperiorFederal: $66,544
Non-Federal: $67,686
David Armstrong, Christopher Babiarzmercury
2003WIAnnual BaseArsenic Contamination in Groundwater in Southeast WisconsinFederal: $57,256
Non-Federal: $50,906
Jean Bahr, Madeline Gotkowitzarsenic
2003WVAnnual BaseWRI55: Hydrologic Connections and Impacts on Water Supply in the Great Valley Karst Aquifer. A Case Study in Martinsburg, West VirginiaFederal: $65,487
Non-Federal: $77,673
Dorothy Vesper, Joseph Donovanwater supply, water quantity, water quality, hydrology, ground water, surface water, hydrogeology
2003WVAnnual BaseWRI54: Passive Treatment of Cl Contaminated Waters in NW West Virginia Using Passive Absorptive TechnologiesFederal: $37,152
Non-Federal: $74,307
Thomas Guetzloff, Paul Ziemkiewiczaquatic ecosystem integrity, chloride absorption
2003WYAnnual BaseGeochemistry of CBM Retention Ponds Across the Powder River Basin, WyomingFederal: $30,755
Non-Federal: $147,101
Katta Reddy, Richard Olson, David LeggSalinity, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, Water Chemistry, Ponds, Water Uses
2003WYAnnual BaseSubsurface Drip Irrigation Systems: Assessment and Development of Best Management PracticesFederal: $47,022
Non-Federal: $158,879
Drew Johnson, George Vance, Renduo ZhangAgriculture, Crop Water Use, Irrigation Systems, Water Use Efficiency
2003WYAnnual BaseWater Scarcity and Economic Growth in WyomingFederal: $23,404
Non-Federal: $58,063
Edward BarbierData Analysis, Economics, Water Use Data
2003WYAnnual BaseConveyance Losses and Travel Times of Reservoir Releases Along the Bear River from Woodruff Narrows Reservoir to Cokeville WyomingFederal: $48,330
Non-Federal: $133,178
Drew Johnson, Greg KerrAgriculture, Conveyance Systems, Hydrolgeology
2002AKAnnual BaseInvestigation of Immiscible Fluid Movement Through Frozen Porous MediaFederal: $44,023
Non-Federal: $27,562
David Barnes, Yuri Shurpetroleum, frozen soil
2002AKAnnual Base Hydrological and Geomorphological Controls on Sediment Transport Processes in the Alaskan ArcticFederal: $15,474
Non-Federal: $16,891
Larry Hinzmanchannel networks, Arctic, permafrost, erosion, sedimentation, geomorphology
2002AKAnnual BaseMolecular characterization of organic matter in soil leachates from the Caribou Poker Creeks WatershedFederal: $41,196
Non-Federal: $24,306
Daniel White, Kenji YoshikawaPermafrost, hydrology, organic geochemistry
2002AKAnnual BaseInvestigation of Fouling in Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater TreatmentFederal: $40,968
Non-Federal: $33,018
Silke Schiewerfouling, membrane bioreactors, wastewater
2002AKAnnual BaseLuminescent Bacteria: A New Water Quality Issue?Federal: $27,358
Non-Federal: $51,538
Joan BraddockLuminescent, bacteria, salmon, freshwater, Yukon River, Alaska
2002ALAnnual BaseWatershed Protection Through Building Material Substitution and Controlled UseFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $54,342
Melinda Lalor, Shirley ClarkPollution Prevention, Storm Water Runoff, Watershed Protection, Building Materials
2002ALAnnual BaseTreatment of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Runoff Using Straw Coated with SulfideFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $50,001
Robert Peters, Joseph GauthierRunoff, Heavy Metals, Iron, Straw, Sulfide
2002ALAnnual BaseUse of Sonication/Acoustic Cavitation with Advanced Oxidants to Treat Petroleum Hydrocarbons Contaminated Surface Waters and GroundwatersFederal: $25,000
Non-Federal: $62,875
Robert Peters, Joseph GauthierSonication, Acoustic Cavitation, Advanced Oxidation, Groundwater, Surface Water, Petroleum Hydrocarbons
2002ARAnnual BaseChemical Variation of Water From The Alluvial AquiferFederal: $14,071
Non-Federal: $28,142
Kenneth Steele, Kenneth SteeleVariation of ground water chemistry, mixing of ground waters, geochemical evolution of ground water
2002ARAnnual BaseProcesses And Controls Affecting Water/Rock Interaction in Abandoned Underground Coal Mines, Including Feasibility and Risk Assessment of Using Mine Water for Public Drinking Water SourcesFederal: $25,102
Non-Federal: $50,205
John BrahanaWater Chemistry, Water Quality Modeling, Water Resources Development, Water Treatment, Surfact-Groundwater Relations, Health Effects, Heavy Metals
2002ARAnnual BasePhosphorus Concentrations and Sediment Phosphorus Flux in Streams and Reservoirs: Effect of Chemical AmendmentsFederal: $23,612
Non-Federal: $47,224
Brian Haggard, Indrajeet Chaubey, Marty MatlockWater Quality, Phosphorus, Sediment, Wastewater Treatment Plant
Non-Federal: $22,649
Paul Krausmanbirds, plant stress, range management, riparian vegetation, wildlife management
2002AZAnnual BaseMicrobial Mediated Mobilization of Arsenic from Drinking Water Treatment Residuals in LandfillsFederal: $11,996
Non-Federal: $41,068
James Field, A. GandolfiArsenic, Bioconversion Metals, Sanitary Landfills, Mobilization, Toxic Substances, Residuals Disposal, Anaerobic, Leaching, Pollutants, Toxic Substances, Waste Disposal
2002AZAnnual BaseThe effect of mycorrhizae on competitive ability and drought tolerance of cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima)Federal: $9,017
Non-Federal: $26,098
Juliet Stromberg, Jean StutzRiparian, mycorrhizae, soil microbiology, restoration, competition, drought, Populus fremontii
2002AZAnnual BaseRegional Aquifers Characterization Through Spring Discharge AnalysisFederal: $11,865
Non-Federal: $24,857
2002AZAnnual BaseEvaluating the Irrigation Efficiencies and Turf/Landscape Maintenance Practices on the Campus of Northern Arizona UniversityFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: $24,747
Donald Slack, Peter WallerConservation, Contaminant Transport, Water Management, Education, Evapor-transpiration Rates, Fertilizers, Turf Grass Management, Irrigation System Performance, Irrigation System Maintenance, Irrigation Application Rates, Irrigation Design, Irrigation Management, Irrigation Scheduling, Landscape Management, Irrigation Systems, Land Use, Optimization, Plant Growth, Plant Stress, Plant-Water Relationships, Soil Salinity, Urban Drainage, Urban Planning, Reclaimed Water Use, Water Harvesting
2002AZAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $26,782
Non-Federal: $53,702
Peter WierengaWS, M&P, EDU
2002CAAnnual BaseFate of viruses, endocrine disrupters, and nitrogen in non-conventional onsite wastewater treatment processes: a technical and economic analysisFederal: $29,347
Non-Federal: $29,504
Jeannie Darby, Paul Sabatierdecentralized wastewater management, viruses, nitrate, endocrine disrupters, membrane & depth filtration, economic analysis
2002CAAnnual BaseThe effect of Soil Water Content on Organic Chemical Sorption During Transport Through Unsaturated SoilFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $33,380
William Jury, William Frankenberger, Jr.solute transport, travel times, groundwater contamination, adsorption
2002CAAnnual BasePerchlorate Removal in Groundwater Using Immobilized Cell-Free, Purified and Recombinant Perchlorate Reductases from the Perchlorate Respiring Bacterium, PerclaceFederal: $20,653
Non-Federal: $28,100
William Frankenberger, Jr.groundwater, contamination, perchlorate, perchlorate reductase, enzyme purification, gene cloning, enzyme over-expression, recombinant enzyme, immobilized enzyme, packed bed bioreactor and on-site bioremediation
2002CAAnnual BaseVoluntary Compliance Versus Mandatory Sanctions: A Natural Experiment in Water Quality RegulationFederal: $10,000
Non-Federal: $15,495
Paul Sabatierwater quality, voluntary compliance, command-and-control, livestock, dairy
2002COAnnual BaseManaged Ground Water Recharge for Habitat Restoration: The Development of a Biological Component to the South Platte Mapping and Analysis Program (SPMAPFederal: $3,624
Non-Federal: $7,248
Luis GarciaStream depletion factor, Augmentation, GIS, State-listed aquatic species, Habitat restoration
2002COAnnual BaseEnhancements to the South Platte Mapping and Analysis Program (SPMAP)Federal: $21,449
Non-Federal: $42,904
Luis GarciaAgricultural consumptive use, Geographic information system, Augmentation, Conjunctive use of groundwater/surface water
2002COAnnual BaseQuantifying the Effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Controlling Non-Point Source Pollution From Forestland UsesFederal: $13,638
Non-Federal: $27,276
John StednickNon-point source pollution, Best management practices, Water quality, Colorado, Runoff, Water Conservation Practices
2002COAnnual BaseDetermining the Fate of Non-source Pollution from Septic Tanks in Turkey Creek Basin, Colorado, and Delineating Improved Management PracticesFederal: $18,960
Non-Federal: $39,670
Eileen Poeter, John McCray, Thomas BoydNon-point source pollution, Septic tanks, Colorado
2002COAnnual BaseEvaluating Strategies to Mitigate Waterlogging and Salinization in Colorado's Lower Arkansas River ValleyFederal: $51,124
Non-Federal: $102,249
Timothy Gates, John Labadie, Grant Cardon, W. FrasierSalinity, Saline soils, Drainage, Water quality, Groundwater quality, Groundwater modeling, Surface water modeling, Decisionmaking
2002COAnnual BaseTechnology Transfer/Information DisseminationFederal: $95,709
Non-Federal: $191,418
Robert WardTechnology transfer, Information dissemination
2002CTAnnual BaseWater Quality Assessment in Connecticut: Evaluation of Current Protocols and Development of Improved MethodsFederal: $24,835
Non-Federal: $49,960
Shimon Anisfeld, Shimon Anisfeldbacteria, nitrogen, trace metals, water quality monitoring
2002CTAnnual BaseDevelopment of Regionally Calibrated Land Cover Impervious Surface CoefficientsFederal: $24,666
Non-Federal: $50,126
Michael Prisloe, Daniel Civcoimpervious surfaces, land use, nonpoint source pollution, water quality modeling, watershed management
2002CTAnnual BaseWater Resources Technology Transfer InitiativeFederal: $43,010
Non-Federal: $39,768
Glenn Warner, Patricia Bresnahan
2002DCAnnual BaseBest Management Practices in Washington, D.C.Federal: $12,438
Non-Federal: $17,094
Charles GlassStormwater, Best Management Practices, Water Quality
2002DCAnnual BaseProperties and Applications of the Box-Cox DistributionFederal: $8,612
Non-Federal: $10,119
Reza ModarresTransformations; Environmental Statistics; Skewed Distributions
2002DCAnnual BaseBimonitoring Anacostia Watershed PollutantsFederal: $9,774
Non-Federal: $16,584
Harriette Phelpswatershed; pollutants; biomonitoring; Corbicula
2002DCAnnual BaseTeacher Education: Technology of Water Environmental EducationFederal: $14,560
Non-Federal: $13,136
Jo Anne FavorsEnvironment; Environmental Studies; Water Science; Middle School/Junior High Schools Science Curriculum
2002DCAnnual BaseSpeciation of Tributyltin and Triphenyltin Compounds in Clays from Sediments Using Mossbauer spectroscopyFederal: $6,459
Non-Federal: $15,744
Leopold MayTributyltin compounds; triphenyltin compounds; speciation; clays; sediments; water pollution; Mossbauer spectroscopy
2002DEAnnual BaseGraduate Fellowship in Water Quality: Baseflow and Storm Discharges of Nutrients to Delaware's Inland BaysFederal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $38,000
William Ullman, James Sims, Joseph ScudlarkNutrient management, nutrient cycling and discharge to waters, environmental management and policy, water quality
2002DEAnnual BaseGraduate Fellowship in Water Quality: Environmental Policies for a Sustainable Poultry Industry in Sussex County, DelawareFederal: $19,000
Non-Federal: $38,000
William Ritter, James Sims, John Byrneanimal agriculture, environmental policies, nonpoint source pollution
2002DEAnnual BaseGraduate Fellowship: Mechanisms of Phosphorus Stabilization in the Soil Environment: A Molecular Scale EvaluationFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $32,000
Donald Sparks, James Simsphosphorus, soil chemistry, eutrophication
2002FLAnnual BaseNumerical Groundwater Flow Models of North-Central FloridaFederal: $11,495
Non-Federal: $22,990
Louis MotzAquifer Parameters, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Groundwater Modeling, Numerical Modeling, Springs, Water Management, and Water Use
2002FLAnnual BaseBiological Transformation of 2-Methylisoborneol (MIB) for Improved Water QualityFederal: $24,371
Non-Federal: $48,767
Angela Lindner, David Mazyck, Paul ChadikActivated Carbon, Adsorption and Exchange, Algae, Anaerobic Treatment, Bacteria, Biodegradation, Biological Treatment, Lakes, Trace Organics, Water Quality, Water Treatment
2002FLAnnual BaseApplication of a Multi-Scale, Multi-Process Hydrologic Model to the C-111 Basin in South FloridaFederal: $23,622
Non-Federal: $47,780
Andrew James, Wendy Graham, John WarwickHydrologic models, ground water hydrology, watershed managment
2002FLAnnual BaseThe Flux of Ammonia at the Air/Water Interface of Tampa BayFederal: $16,900
Non-Federal: $33,800
Noreen Poor, Scott Campbellammonia, flux, dry deposition, eutrophication, Tampa Bay, water quality
2002FLAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $2,230
Non-Federal: $24,663
Louis Motz
2002GAAnnual BaseInvestigation of Chlorination and Ozonation of Antibiotics Detected in Georgia WatersFederal: $14,000
Non-Federal: $32,605
Ching-Hua Huang, Ching-Hua Huangoxidation, kinetics, mechanisms, LC/MS, antibacterials, pharmaceuticals
2002GAAnnual BaseDeveloping a Regional Water Management and Planning Initiative Model: Using Regional Leadership Summits to Address Water Resource Challenges in the Flint River Watershed, GAFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,033
Elizabeth BloodMultiple-objective Planning, Watershed Management, River Basin Development, Regional Initiative, Stakeholder Process, Leadership Summits, Citizen Participation, Landscape Management, Socioeconomic Issues, Ecosystems, Public Health, Natural Resources.
2002GAAnnual BaseToxic Metalloid (As, Se, Sb) Enrichment from Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Chattahoochee-Apalachicola (ACF) & Etowah-Coosa (ACT) RiversFederal: $18,000
Non-Federal: $36,000
Philip FroelichCoal-Fired Power Plants, Trace Elements, Toxic Substances, Water Quality, Water Chemistry, Rivers, Heavy Metals, Geochemistry, Contaminant Transport, Arsenic, Selenium, Antimony, Tri-State Water Compacts, EPA-TRI (Toxic Release Inventory)
Non-Federal: $28,232
Paul Workreservoir sedimentation, reservoir bank erosion, sediment transport, reservoir circulation, contaminated sediments, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), cohesive sediments
2002GUAnnual BaseRegional Dissemination of a Locally-developed Integrated Island Ecology & Resource Management Textbook, Website, & Teachers Manual/Activity GuideFederal: $29,700
Non-Federal: $0
John Fury, Craig Smith, Danny Wyatt, Gerald Smith, Vince RileyIsland, Ecology, Resource Management, Textbook, Website, Activities, Teachers Guide
2002GUAnnual BaseAn Alternative Model for Enhancing Access to Safe Drinking Water in Less-Wealthy Areas: A Low Cost, Equity-Oriented & Participatory Source Water Protection Plan for Chuuk, Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $19,870
Non-Federal: $118,528
John Byrne, Young-Doo Young, William Smith, Joseph Kono, Willliam RaynorSource Water Protection, GIS & Remote Sensing, Education, Basins, Non-Point Pollution, Planning
2002GUAnnual BaseInformation ManagementFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy HeitzRainfall Data, Climate Data, Water Resources Management
2002GUAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $23,709
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy HeitzInformation Transfer, Education, Water Resources
2002GUAnnual BaseGroundwater Infiltration and Recharge in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer during the record- breaking 1997-1998 ENSO eventFederal: $14,905
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander, Mark LanderRainfall climate, groundwater, inter-annual variation, ENSO, drought, extreme events
2002GUAnnual BaseA rainfall climatology for Saipan: distribution, return periods, and inter-annual variations.Federal: $17,181
Non-Federal: $0
Mark Lander, Mark LanderRainfall climate, return periods, interannual variation, ENSO, drought, extreme events
2002GUAnnual BaseImpact of Ordot Dump on Water Quality of Lonfit River Basin in Central GuamFederal: $43,620
Non-Federal: $0
Mohamed Golabi, Gary Denton, Harold WoodWater Quality, Pollution, Waste Disposal, Contaminants
2002GUAnnual BaseInventory of Karst Features Relating to Past and Present Groundwater Flow on Tinian, CNMI, in Terms of the Carbonate Island Karst ModelFederal: $27,190
Non-Federal: $0
John JensonGroundwater, Island Karst, Carbonate Island Aquifers
2002GUAnnual BaseSlow Sand Filter Conceptual Design Package forThe Federated States of MicronesiaFederal: $33,214
Non-Federal: $0
Shahram Khosrowpanah, Leroy HeitzStreams, Water Quality Control, Slow Sand Filter
2002GUAnnual BaseWater Quality Analysis and Water System Operation and Maintenance Training for Chuuk State FSMFederal: $21,723
Non-Federal: $0
Leroy Heitz, Shahram KhosrowpanahWater Resources, Training, Education, Operations and Maintenance
2002HIAnnual BaseRemoval of nitrogenous aquaculture wastes by a wind-powered reverse osmosis system, Year 2Federal: $42,600
Non-Federal: $85,446
Clark Liuwater reuse,reverse osmosis,membrane,aquaculture wastes,nitrogen
2002HIAnnual BaseA win-win approach to water pricing and watershed conservationFederal: $72,465
Non-Federal: $145,294
James Roumasset, Rodney Smitheconomics; allocation; pricing; conservation
2002HIAnnual BaseAn Accurate Evaluation of Water Balance to Predict Surface Runoff and PercolationFederal: $49,000
Non-Federal: $77,180
Chittaranjan RayAG, GW, WQL
2002HIAnnual BaseTechnology TransferFederal: $8,600
Non-Federal: $17,253
Philip Moravcik, Philip Moravcikinformation transfer, public education, information dissemination
2002IAAnnual BaseFate and transfer of antibiotic-resistance genes excreted by farm animalsFederal: $21,996
Non-Federal: $44,000
Pedro Alvarezgene pollution, bacteria, contaminant transport, natural attenuation, public health
2002IAAnnual BaseModeling, GIS, and Technology Transfer in Support of TMDL Development and Implementation in IowaFederal: $15,379
Non-Federal: $31,211
Udoyara Tim, Ramesh Kanwar, James BakerTMDL, water quality, GIS, modeling, environmental policy
2002IAAnnual BasePredicting sorption, mobility, accumulation, and degradation potential of antibiotics in Iowa's soil/water environmentFederal: $28,000
Non-Federal: $56,434
Steven FalesAdsorption and sorption, leaching, organic compounds, manure lagoons, solute transport, biodegradation
2002IAAnnual BaseEffects of grazing management on sediment and phosphorus losses from pasturesFederal: $14,500
Non-Federal: $29,808
James Russell, Wendy Powers, John Kovar, Steven Mickelson, Thomas IsenhartGrazing, pastures, riparian areas, water run-ff, phosphorus
2002IAAnnual BaseEvaluating the effectiveness of restored wetlands for reducing nutrient losses for agricultural watershedsFederal: $13,000
Non-Federal: $26,093
Arnold Van der Valk, William CrumptonWetlands, nutrient losses, watersheds
2002IDAnnual BaseMetal(loid) Release from Contaminated Sediments in Lake Coeur d'Alene, IdahoFederal: $14,997
Non-Federal: $29,996
Matthew Morraheavy metals, mining sediments, contaminant flux
2002IDAnnual BaseFactors Controlling the Availability of Phosphorus for Transport into Surface Waters from Manure Amended Soils in Southern IdahoFederal: $14,314
Non-Federal: $24,936
Daniel Strawn, Daniel StrawnPhosphorous-Index, Eutrophication, Manure Disposal
2002IDAnnual BasePhysically Based Models for Hydraulic Properties of Swelling SoilsFederal: $29,945
Non-Federal: $60,403
Markus TullerWater Retention, Hydraulic Conductivity, Swelling Soils
2002IDAnnual BaseCommunity Directed Water Protection Strategy: Focus Communities in Northcentral Idaho, including the Nezperce Indian TribeFederal: $10,100
Non-Federal: $20,218
Piotr Jankowski, Piotr JankowskiLand Use, Geographic Information, Indian Water Issues
2002INAnnual BaseWater Quality Management and Improvement in the Urban SettingFederal: $35,990
Non-Federal: $100,243
Ronald Turco, Kim WilsonBacterial Contamination, Surface Water, Surface Water treatment
2002KSAnnual BaseWater and the Future of Kansas Annual Conference - March 5, 2002Federal: $5,500
Non-Federal: $19,963
Donald Whittemore, William HargroveWater, Conference, Water Supplies, Water Management
2002KSAnnual BaseHigh Plains Aquifer Information NetworkFederal: $32,000
Non-Federal: $64,817
Gary Clark, Margaret Townsend, David YoungWorld Wide Web, Database Access, High Plains Aquifer, Water Resources
2002KSAnnual BaseGroundwater Recharge in the High Plains Aquifer and Associated Aguifers of KansasFederal: $10,277
Non-Federal: $21,825
Marios SophocleousGroundwater recharge, High Plains aquifer, Recharge database
2002KSAnnual BaseDevelopment of a Framework for a Coupled Hydrologic-Economic Modeling ToolFederal: $41,487
Non-Federal: $64,085
David Steward, Jeff PetersonOgallala Aquifer, High Plains Aquifer, Groundwater, Agricultural Economics
2002KYAnnual BaseEvaluating site remediation success using a sensitive biochemical indicator in fishFederal: $5,750
Non-Federal: $11,645
Adria Elskuspolychlorinated biphenyls, fish, monitoring
2002KYAnnual BaseEnvironmentally-induced genes and mechanisms of inheritance: How are the effects of contaminant exposure transferred from one genration to the next?Federal: $13,600
Non-Federal: $27,412
Brian Shepherdendocrine disruptors, fish, teleosts
2002KYAnnual BaseOccurrence and distribution of mercury in Mammoth Cave National ParkFederal: $9,725
Non-Federal: $19,474
Cathleen Webbmussel, karst, water quality
2002KYAnnual BaseImpacts of surface mine valley fills on downstream peak flows in eastern KentuckyFederal: $7,965
Non-Federal: $21,198
Jonathan Phillipschannel response, mountain-top removal, fluvial geomorpholgy
2002KYAnnual BaseLinking land use to water quality in the Muddy Creek subbasin, Kentucky River WatershedFederal: $17,840
Non-Federal: $57,170
Alice Jones, Diane Vance, Mark Wiljanen, Danita LaSagewatershed planning, geographic information systems, non point pollution
2002LAAnnual BaseFlooding in a New Orleans Watershed Caused by Hurricanes That Do Not Overtop the Levee SystemFederal: $17,000
Non-Federal: $34,546
Donald Barbe, John McCorquodale, Gianna CothrenFlooding, Hurricane, New Orleans
2002LAAnnual BaseResponse to Hurricane Induced Flooding in New OrleansFederal: $9,350
Non-Federal: $18,700
Craig ColtenFloods, Law, Institutions & Policy, Management & Planning
2002LAAnnual BaseFlood Risk Mapping of the New Orleans AreaFederal: $19,960
Non-Federal: $43,559
Vijay Singh, Donald AdrianDamage, exceedance probability, frequency distribution, return period
2002LAAnnual BaseGroundwater Contaminant Transport Following Flooding Events: Impacts of Model Size, Resolution, and ComplexityFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,567
Clinton WillsonGroundwater Flow and Transport, Telescopic Mesh Refinement
2002MAAnnual BaseMonitoring Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water: Strategies for Small UtilitiesFederal: $25,997
Non-Federal: $53,896
David Reckhow, David ReckhowTrihalomethanes, Monitoring, Modeling, Disinfection Byproducts, Haloacetic Acids
2002MAAnnual BaseThe Massachusetts Water Watch PartnershipFederal: $21,954
Non-Federal: $11,987
Paul GodfreyCitizen Monitoring, Non-point Pollution, Rivers, Lakes, Monitoring, Volunteer, Quality Control
2002MDAnnual BaseSummer Research AssistantshipFederal: $11,400
Non-Federal: $17,060
Allen Davis, Philip Kearney
2002MDAnnual BaseInvestigation of isotopic methods for identifying atmospheric deposition of nitrate to the Chesapeake Bay WatershedFederal: $37,399
Non-Federal: $74,873
James Farquhar, MD MD acid rain, atmospheric deposition, geochemistry, isotopes, nitrate,
2002MDAnnual BaseAdvancement of Electron Beam Methodologies for Remediation of PCB Contaminants in Chesapeake Bay SedimentsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,826
Mohamad Al-Sheikhly, MD MD Remediation, PCBs, Electron Beam Irradiation
2002MDAnnual BaseAtmospheric Deposition of Currently Used Pesticides to Chesapeake Bay Watersheds.Federal: $26,600
Non-Federal: $53,305
Alba TorrentsAtmospheric Processes; Agriculture; Contaminant Transport; Estuaries; Pesticides; Rainfall; Trace Organics
2002MDAnnual BaseSustainable Oil and Grease Removal from Stormwater Runoff Hotspots using Bioretention Federal: $3,020
Non-Federal: $6,053
Eric Seagren, Allen DavisStorm Water Management, Oil and Grease, Runoff, Water Quality
2002MEAnnual BaseMtBE in Groundwater: The Maine ExperimentFederal: $36,257
Non-Federal: $72,472
John Peckenham, Kevin Boyle, Jonathan RubinGeochemistry, Groundwater Quality, Non-Point Source Pollution, Organic Compounds, Policy Analysis, Risk Analysis, Socioeconomic Issues, Toxic Substances, Water Quality Monitoring
Non-Federal: $39,292
Steve Kahl, John Peckenham, Kenneth Johnsonlakes, acid rain, land-water interactions, water chemistry, climate
2002MEAnnual BaseFY 2002 MAINE WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INSTITUTE Information TransferFederal: $17,887
Non-Federal: $45,900
John Peckenham, Steve KahlInformation Transfer
2002MIAnnual BaseNatural Resources Integrated Information SystemFederal: $39,019
Non-Federal: $80,970
Jon BartholicData Analysis, Data Storage and Retrieval, Information Dissemination, System Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Water Quality Management, Watershed Management
2002MIAnnual BaseWater quality trends of Michigan inland lakes and their relationship to ecoregions:1974-2001Federal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,254
Patricia Soranno, Laura BruhnMichigan, Lake, Water-quality trends, Secchi depth, Volunteer-monitoring
2002MIAnnual BaseGrid Computing for Real Time Distributed Collaborative Geoprocessing with Applications in Water Quality ManagementFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $31,023
Yi Shi, Yi ShiGrid Computing, Virtual Organization (VO), Water Quality Modeling, Water Quality Management
2002MIAnnual BaseInformation Dissemination and Technology Transfer Training ProgramsFederal: $40,000
Non-Federal: $81,723
Lois WolfsonWater Quality; Watershed Management; Macroinvertebrates; Lakescaping; Water Chemistry; Monitoring; GIS
2002MNAnnual BaseCharacterization of Nitrifying Bacterial Populations in Wastewater Treatment BioreactorsFederal: $26,870
Non-Federal: $30,576
Timothy LaParaAmmonia, eutrophication, nitrification, PCR, wastewater
2002MNAnnual BaseEffects of riparian forest harvest on instream habitat and fish and invertebrate communitiesFederal: $47,400
Non-Federal: $62,641
Raymond Newman, Patrick Brezonikriparian, logging, fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, best management practices
2002MNAnnual BasePaleohydrologic response of the Mississippi Headwaters watershed to Holocene climate changeFederal: $23,600
Non-Federal: $52,044
Howard Mooers
Non-Federal: $90,849
Robert Sterner
2002MNAnnual BaseFluorochemicals in Minnesota Waters: An Emerging Environmental IssueFederal: $24,800
Non-Federal: $48,617
Matt Simcik
2002MOAnnual BaseWeb-Based Tool for Implementing Adaptive Management in the Missouri River SystemFederal: $43,973
Non-Federal: $98,634
Tony PratoAdaptive Management, Missouri River System, Bayes Rule, Web-Based
2002MOAnnual BaseDevelopment of Wax-Rich Grout for Borehole SealingFederal: $43,060
Non-Federal: $101,924
Mike WhitworthWax-Rich Grout, Borehole Sealing, Wells, Permeability
2002MOAnnual BaseMicrobial Influences on Geophysical Signatures: A Proxy for the Understanding and the MonitoringFederal: $20,100
Non-Federal: $40,228
Estella AtekwanaSpectral Induced Polarization Method, Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid, Biodegradation, Groundwater
2002MOAnnual BaseMicrobial Influences on Geophysical SignaturesFederal: $13,296
Non-Federal: $26,388
Lee SlaterSpectral Induced Polarization Method, Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid, Biodegradation, Groundwater
2002MSAnnual BaseFunctional Assessment of Moist-Soil Management Impact on Wetland Impoundments Created as Part of an Agricultural Lands Reclamation PlanFederal: $19,712
Non-Federal: $42,212
Gary Ervin, Darrel Schmitzwetlands, wetland function, land use, water quality
2002MSAnnual BaseHydrologic Controls on Wetland Tree Growth: Determining the Origin, Residence Time and Water Quality of Groundwater in the Root ZoneFederal: $26,189
Non-Federal: $52,378
Gregg Davidsonwetlands, surface-groundwater relationships, isotopes, plant-water relationships
2002MSAnnual BaseA Single Technology for Remediating PNAs, Nitro/Nitrate Residues, PCBs, CAHs, Herbicides and Pesticides from Soils and Sludges with Na/NH3(l)Federal: $14,522
Non-Federal: $29,044
Charles Pittman, Jr.water quality, groundwater treatment, hazardous wastes, toxic substances, chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, dechlorination, pesticides, herbicides, soil decontamination, reductions, sludge, subsurface drainage, water treatment
2002MTAnnual BaseThe effectiveness of burn-area emergency rehabilitation (BAER) techniques in reducing post-fire soil erosion on the Sula state forest in western Montana.Federal: $48,449
Non-Federal: $97,192
Scott Woods, Scott Woodssoil erosion; forest fire; burn-area emergency rehabilitation.
2002MTAnnual BasePharmaceuticals in Septic System Effluent Federal: $68,700
Non-Federal: $137,400
William Woessner, Garon SmithHuman pharmaceuticals, septic effluent
2002MTAnnual BaseRecharge Assessment of the Anaconda Mine near Belt, MontanaFederal: $46,076
Non-Federal: $92,156
Jon ReitenAcid Mine Drainage, Ground-Water Recharge, Age Dating, Tritium, CFC
2002NCAnnual BaseHydrolgical and Biogeochemical Investigations of Riparian Buffers in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Regions of North CarolinaFederal: $17,313
Non-Federal: $34,625
Craig Allan, Jy WuRiparian Buffer, Nutrients, Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Sediments, Water Quality, Surface-Groundwater Flowpaths
2002NCAnnual BaseReduced Cost Strategies for Regional Integration of Surface and Groundwater UseFederal: $56,557
Non-Federal: $113,114
Gregory CharacklisWater Resources Development, Groundwater Management, Water Treatment Facilities, Resource Planning
2002NCAnnual BaseA Systematic Evaluation of Polyacrylamide for Sediment and Turbidity ControlFederal: $56,762
Non-Federal: $113,528
Richard McLaughlinSoil erosion, runoff, suspended sediments
2002NDAnnual BasePhysical and environmental factors influencing the periphyton communities of the Sheyenne River, North DakotaFederal: $11,312
Non-Federal: $23,241
Marvin Fawley, Marvin Fawleyperiphyton, diatoms, Sheyenne River
2002NDAnnual BaseA Comparative Analysis of Fargo and Moorhead Ozonation SystemsFederal: $11,312
Non-Federal: $23,071
Wei Lin, Wei LinOzonation, Trihalomethane, Disinfection
2002NDAnnual BaseNorthern Forest Wetlands: Characteristics and Influences on Invertebrate and Amphibian Community StructureFederal: $10,605
Non-Federal: $21,485
Malcolm ButlerForest wetlands, Silviculture, Biodiversity
2002NDAnnual BaseVariables Influencing Habitat Use by Diving Waterbirds Foraging in the Prairie Pothole RegionFederal: $5,656
Non-Federal: $11,505
Malcolm ButlerAquatic habitat, Prairie potholes, Sedimentation
2002NDAnnual BaseStudy of Effectiveness of Northern Prairie Wetlands as a Resource to Control Nutrient (Phosphorus) Load to Receiving Water.Federal: $24,694
Non-Federal: $48,662
Wei LinNorthern Prairie Wetlands, Nutrient Load, Receiving Water Quality
2002NDAnnual BaseNDWRRI Graduate Research FellowshipsFederal: $38,885
Non-Federal: $78,909
G. Padmanabhan, G. Padmanabhanozonation system, trihalomethane, phosphorus reduction, forest management, seasonal wetlands, prairie potholes, habitat use
2002NDAnnual BaseFeedlot Runoff and Manure Management ModelingFederal: $5,656
Non-Federal: $11,543
James Lindleyfeedlot runoff, modeling
2002NDAnnual BaseEvaluation of walleye to suppress fathead minnow populations in Type IV & V wetlands.Federal: $15,512
Non-Federal: $31,754
Malcolm ButlerWetlands, turbidity, walleyes, fathead minnows, zooplankton, algae, waterfowl
2002NEAnnual BaseAssessment of Source of Variation in Copper Concentrations in Nebraska Drinking Water SystemsFederal: $16,669
Non-Federal: $33,372
Bruce Dvorak, Matthew Morleycopper corrosion, drinking water
2002NEAnnual BaseRelating landscape scale characteristics with phosphorus loss potential to surface watersFederal: $3,885
Non-Federal: $7,903
Martha Mamo, Dennis McCallister, Martha Mamo, Daniel Ginting, C. Zanner phosphorus loss, water, eutrophication, manure, soil management
2002NEAnnual BaseInvestigation of Directional Hydraulic Conductivities of Streambeds and Evaluation Federal: $16,446
Non-Federal: $44,782
Xun-Hong Chen, Jim GoekeStandpipe method, Streambed, Directional hydraulic conductivity, Stream-aquifer connectivity
Non-Federal: $46,047
Vitaly Zlotnik, David Gosselin, Geoffrey Henebry, Donald Rundquistremote sensing, thermal infrared (TIR) techniques, lakes, surface-groundwater interactions, recharge
2002NHAnnual BaseLinking Lakes with the Landscape: The Fate of Terrestrial Organic Matter in Planktonic Food WebsFederal: $30,873
Non-Federal: $132,753
Kathryn Cottingham, Jay Lennonlakes, dissolved organic matter, food webs, zooplankton, fish, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, stoichiometry
2002NHAnnual BaseDynamics of Groundwater Inflows to the Lamprey River, New HampshireFederal: $17,480
Non-Federal: $38,070
J. Matthew Davislow-flow, baseflow, groundwater, surface water, water resources, water quality
2002NHAnnual BaseCharacterization of Groundwater Discharge to Hampton HarborFederal: $3,000
Non-Federal: $7,350
Thomas Ballestero, [UNKNOWN]Thermal Infrared, Groundwater Discharge, Nutrient, Pollution, Coastal Management, Coastal, Estuary
2002NHAnnual BaseEffects of Land Use on Water Quality in a Changing LandscapeFederal: $16,566
Non-Federal: $87,498
Jeffrey Schloss, William McDowelllake, stream, water quality, nutrients, land use
2002NJAnnual BaseEffects of the Biopollutant, Phragmites australis, On the Nutritional Status (Biochemical Condition) of Juvenile Weakfish, New Directions Incorporating Otolith Chemical Signature AnalysisFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $4,242
Steven Litvin, Michael P. Weinsteinweakfish, Phragmites, biopollutant,trophic relay, nekton, macrophyte, sagittal otolithes, Spartina,lipid, free fatty acid, triacylglycerols, isotope, finfish
2002NJAnnual BaseMeasurement and Prediction of Hydraulic Properties Needed to Model Groundwater Quality in Southern New JerseyFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $63,998
Daniel Gimenezhydraulic, groundwater, vadose, sediment, pedotransfer, conductivity, hydrological processes, groundwater contamination, surficial aquifer,
Non-Federal: $24,118
Dawen Kou, Somenath Mitramembrane separation, disinfection by-products, DBPs, HAAs, haloacetic acids, trichloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, carcinogen, online monitoring, diazomethane, supported liquid membrane extraction, SLM, microporous membrane extraction, MME
2002NJAnnual BaseDestruction of Volatile Organic Compounds Using the Photo-Chemical Remediation ReactorFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $29,777
Kenneth LeeVOCs, Volatile Organic Compounds, PCE, tetrachloroethylene, TCE, trichoroethylene, carcinogen, photo-chemical remediation, PCR, Trichloroethane, TCA, RPT, Reductive Photo-Thermal
2002NJAnnual BaseAnaerobic biodegradation of MTBE under different anoxic conditionsFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $17,770
Piyapawn Somsamak, Max HaggblomMethyl tertiary butyl ether, MTBE, groundwater, contamination, biodegradation, anaerobic, oxygenates, sulfidogenic, estuarine sediment, microbial community
2002NJAnnual BaseSalt Marsh Macrophyte Rhizosphere Effects on Sediment Microbial Community Catabolic Response ProfilesFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,673
B. Ravit, Joan Ehrenfeldpolynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, PAH, organohalide, nutrient pollutants, New York Bight, phragmites, spartina, rhizosphere, microbial, catabolic response profiles, CRP
2002NJAnnual BaseHuman Components of Exotic Species Invasion in Urban Forested WetlandsFederal: $4,000
Non-Federal: $8,813
Heather Cutway, Joan Ehrenfeldinvasive species, exotic species, urban wetlands, human activities, land use, Arthur Kill,
2002NMAnnual BaseGeographic Information System for Water Resources Research PlanningFederal: $337,690
Non-Federal: $353,693
Bobby Creel, John Kennedygeographic information systems, GIS, water resources information, data development, education
2002NMAnnual BaseInformation Transfer ProgramFederal: $285,024
Non-Federal: $724,469
Bobby Creel, Cathy Ortega Klettinformation transfer, IT, information dissemination, education
2002NVAnnual BaseIdentification of Nutrient Rich Groundwater Inflows to Lake TahoeFederal: $20,304
Non-Federal: $41,277
Kendrick Taylorsurface water quality, turibidity, chlorophyll, nutrient info, groundwater
2002NVAnnual BaseAssessment of Ground Water Recharge in Mine Altered Regions of NevadaFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,000
Scott Tyler, Glenn Miller, Dirk VanzylMining impacts, groundwater recharge, arsenic
2002NVAnnual BaseA Long-Term Comparative Study of Golf Courses Irrigated with Reuse vs. Municipal WaterFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $145,824
Dale DevittSewage effluent, Salinity, Turf grass, woody ornamentals, irrigation management
2002NVAnnual BaseLong-Range Water Supply Forecasting for Nevada and the Colorado River BasinFederal: $38,054
Non-Federal: $78,082
Thomas Piechotahydroclimatology, forecasting, streamflow, water supply, El Nino-Southern Oscillation
2002NYAnnual BaseSeptic System Pollution Prevention BMPs: Development of Public Outreach Approaches, Assessment, and Decision-Making Tools for Local Government Federal: $17,945
Non-Federal: $25,139
Kim Irvine, Sherry FontaineSeptic systems, water quality, pathogens
2002NYAnnual BaseSupporting Community Watershed Restoration Efforts in Catatonk Creek Federal: $11,993
Non-Federal: $18,699
Joseph Graney, Karen Salvage, James CuratoloFlooding, water quality, streambank erosion, hydrology, education
2002NYAnnual BaseDevelopment of Methods to Distinguish Between Ruminant and Human Sources of Fecal Contamination in Watersheds Federal: $49,998
Non-Federal: $66,950
Karen Sklenar, Ellen Braun-Howlandfecal contamination, water quality management, Bacteroides
2002NYAnnual BaseDirector's Office Information TransferFederal: $21,730
Non-Federal: $12,820
Keith PorterEducation, Water quality management, Nonpoint pollution
2002OKAnnual BaseSprings in Peril: Have Changes in Groundwater Input Affected Oklahoma Springs?Federal: $24,315
Non-Federal: $48,746
Elizabeth Bergeyinvertabrate fauna, biomonitoring, temporal change, dewatering, springs, groundwater-surface water interactions
2002OKAnnual BaseEnhanced Life Cycle Assessment Demonstration at the Tar Creek Superfund SiteFederal: $17,535
Non-Federal: $35,075
Robert Anex, Will Focht , Chad Settle Integrated environmental decision-making
2002OKAnnual BaseResistance Tomographic Imaging, Digital Mapping, and Immersion Visualization of Evaporite Karst in Western OklahomaFederal: $2,000
Non-Federal: $4,200
Aondover Tarhule, Thomas Dewers, Aondover TarhuleDigital Mapping, visualization, evaporite karst, Oklahoma, contaminant transport, resistivity imaging, groundwater pollution
2002OKAnnual BaseEvaluating Cost Effective Technologies to Reduce Phosphorus Loading to Surface Waters in the Ozark RegionFederal: $30,000
Non-Federal: $60,000
Daniel Storm, Arthur StoeckerPoint and nonpoint source pollution, economic analysis, phosphorus, Ozark, water quality, poultry litter, surface water
2002ORAnnual BaseEnvironmental Analysis and Impact Assessment of Endocrine Disrupters in the Willamette River: A Web-Based Information SystemFederal: $10,309
Non-Federal: $20,524
Tarek KassimEndocrine disruptors, Internet, databases, hydrology, watersheds, water quality, public education
2002ORAnnual BaseDevelopment of a monitoring network and web-based database for effective watershed management in the Oak Creek Basin Federal: $20,209
Non-Federal: $39,856
Jeffrey McDonnell, Jeffrey McDonnellInternet, Databases, hydrology, watersheds, nutrients, GIS, water quality, public education
2002ORAnnual BaseTemperature Effects of Streambed HeatingFederal: $14,998
Non-Federal: $30,618
Scott Wells, Robert AnnearSediment heating, Streambed heating, water quality modeling, water temperature
2002ORAnnual BaseRemote Collaborations: Lateral Learning in Transboundary Water ConflictsFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,764
Aaron WolfWater Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Lateral learning
2002PAAnnual BaseDevelopment of 4-H Water Quality Curriculum MaterialsFederal: $35,635
Non-Federal: $46,353
William Sharpeeducation, water quality
2002PAAnnual BaseResuspension of Bottom Sediments by Recreational WatercraftFederal: $14,150
Non-Federal: $28,829
David Hillboating, fluid mechanics, lakes, nutrients, reservoir management, suspended sediments, water quality management
2002PAAnnual BaseWater Reuse: Using Crumb Rubber for Wastewater FiltrationFederal: $15,000
Non-Federal: $30,000
Yuefeng Xiewastewater filtration, crumb rubber medium, suspended solids, waste tires, water reuse
2002PRAnnual BaseMicrobial source tracking to determine the host origin of fecal contamination in two Puerto Rican watershedsFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $40,003
Eduardo Schroderagriculture, animal waste, bacteria, biotechnology, pollution control, soil
2002PRAnnual BaseWell and Interstitial Water Crop Protection Chemicals Study on the Salinas FanFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: $44,725
Jose DumasCrop Protection, Insterstitial water
2002RIAnnual BaseHydrologic Relational Database for Rhode IslandFederal: $20,093
Non-Federal: $40,652
Anne Veeger, Nasir Hamidzadadatabase, surface water, groundwater, Rhode Island, water quality
2002RIAnnual BaseHydro-geologic Investigation of the Fresh Water lens in a Small Rock Federal: $32,127
Non-Federal: $66,172
Daniel Urishgroundwater, islands, fresh water lens, geophysical methods
2002RIAnnual BaseElectronic Conversion of Results of Research Sponsored by the CenterFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,883
George Tsiataswater resources research
2002SCAnnual BaseUsing Remote Sensing and GIS Technology to Assess the Relationship of Land Cover to Watershed Impairment for the Saluda River Basin South CarolinaFederal: $21,300
Non-Federal: $43,057
Kang LuWatershed, water quality, land use, hyperspectral, GIS
2002SCAnnual BaseRenovating Water for Conservation and Reuse: Developing DesignParameters for Constructed Wetlands for Domestic Wastewater Treament and MitigationFederal: $43,106
Non-Federal: $104,598
John Rodgers, Alan Elzerman, H. Cantrell, Mark SchlautmanConservation, reuse, constructed wetlands, tertiary treatment, water quality
2002SDAnnual BaseLipid Geochemistry of Waters and Sediments in a Prairie Pothole Hydrologic SystemFederal: $42,200
Non-Federal: $94,292
James Rice, James RiceGroundwater, Big Sioux Aquifer, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Lipids, Organic Geochemistry
2002SDAnnual BaseHydraulic Calibration of the Upper Soil Layers in a Glacial Till SystemFederal: $22,525
Non-Federal: $46,122
Todd TrooienAgriculture, Soil Water Movement, Soil Physics
2002SDAnnual BaseEstablishing a Relationship Between Soil Test P and Runoff P for a South Dakota Soil Using Simulated RainfallFederal: $36,689
Non-Federal: $73,958
Frank Schindler, Ronald Gelderman, David GermanSoil Test Phosphorus, P Saturation, P Runoff, Eutrophication, Livestock
2002SDAnnual BaseSurvey of the Macrophyte and Invertebrate Communities in Enemy Swim and Pickerel LakesFederal: $7,348
Non-Federal: $16,905
David German
2002SDAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $48,046
Non-Federal: $100,412
Van Kelley, David GermanInformation and education
2002TNAnnual BaseAcid Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Wastewater Activated Sludge for Removal and Possible Conversion to ProductsFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: $144,021
Paul Bienkowski, Robert Counceactivated sludge, data analysis, economics, energy use and conservation, mathematical models, optimization, pollution control, waste disposal
2002TNAnnual BaseWater Supply Options for Cumberland County, Tennessee: A Policy AssessmentFederal: $16,000
Non-Federal: $37,944
Robert Freeland, David Feldmanconflict management, institutional relationships, multiple-objective planning, planning, policy analysis, water demand, water resources development
2002TNAnnual BaseWater Quality monitoring in two 303(d)-listed East Tennessee streamsFederal: $9,498
Non-Federal: $20,531
Carol Hardenwater quality monitoring, land-water interactions, urban hydrology, suspended sediments, streams, runoff, geomorphology
2002TXAnnual BaseEnhanced Flood Warnings for the Texas Medical Center: A Second Generation Flood Alert System (FAS2)Federal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,980
Jude Benevides, Philip Bedientflooding, geographic information systems, severe weather, weather forecasting
2002TXAnnual BaseReduced Phosphorus Pollution from Dairies by Removal of Phosphorus from Wastewater through Precipitation of StruviteFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $28,476
Amanda Bragg, Kevin McInneswater pollution, phosphorus, dairy waste, TMDL, wastewater reuse
2002TXAnnual BaseIncrease Water Use Efficiency: Implementation of Limited Irrigation for Crop Biotic and Abiotic Stress ManagementFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $15,000
Nyland Falkenberg, Giovanni Piccinnairrigation, water use, water management, evapotranspiration, cotton,
2002TXAnnual BaseHigher-Order Statisticts in Transport and Evolution of Algae BloomsFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $22,500
Jordan Furnans, Ben Hodgesalgae, transport, statistics, hydrodynamic modeling
2002TXAnnual BaseReal-Time Distributed Runoff Estimation Using NEXRAD Precipitation DataFederal: $4,764
Non-Federal: $26,329
Jennifer Hadley, Raghavan Srinivasandistributed hydrologic model, real-time runoff, NEXRAD
2002TXAnnual BaseReduced Phosphorus Concentrations in Feedlot Manure and RunoffFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Kevin Heflin, Brent Auvermannrunoff, phosphorus reduction
2002TXAnnual BaseFate of a Representative Pharmaceutical in the EnvironmentFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $22,667
Audra Morse, Andrew Jacksonpharmaceutical, amoxicillin, wastewater treatment, antibiotic resistance
2002TXAnnual BaseUrban Forested Wetland RestorationFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $17,975
Matthew Simmons, Steve Whisenantbottomland hardwood forest, wetland restoration, urbanization, hydrology, reference wetland ecosystems, water quality
2002TXAnnual BaseAdsorption and Desorption of Atrazine on Selected Lake Sediments in TexasFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
Judy Vader, Scott Sensemanatrazine, adsorption, desorption, sediment
2002TXAnnual BaseThe Role of Suspended Clays in Phosphrus Processing by Lotic PeriphytonFederal: $5,000
Non-Federal: $10,000
June Wolfe III, Owen Lindwater quality, reservoir-watershed landscape, periphyton, clay, nutrient processing
2002TXAnnual BaseInformation TransferFederal: $30,521
Non-Federal: $6,538
Ric Jensen, C. Allan Jonestechnology transfer, information dissemination, world wide web
2002UTAnnual BaseSource Water Protection Assessment Tools DevelopmentFederal: $56,510
Non-Federal: $112,351
Ron Sims, Darwin SorensenDrinking Water, Watersheds, Pollutant Transport
2002VAAnnual BaseInformation DisseminationFederal: $63,429
Non-Federal: $128,578
Leonard ShabmanCommunity Outreach, Service-Learning
2002VIAnnual BaseEnvironmental Education and Hands-on Training on Mangrove Restoration TechniquesFederal: $27,120
Non-Federal: $0
Richard Nemeth, Marcia TaylorEducation, Wetlands, Mangroves, Salt ponds, Sedimentation, Tropics, Water quality, Reforestation
2002VIAnnual BaseSeasonal to Century Scale Climate Effects on the Water Resources of the U.S. Virgin Islands Federal: $19,820
Non-Federal: $0
Amos Winter, Henry SmithAtmospheric Processes, Climate, Data Analysis, Drought, Rainfall, Statistics, Time-Series
2002VIAnnual BaseEnvironmental Influences on Cistern Water QualityFederal: $19,700
Non-Federal: $0
Henry SmithCisterns, Bacteria, Coliform
2002VTAnnual BaseWater quantity and quality dynamics in high-elevation watersheds: Developing a scientific approach to understanding ski area impacts in VermontFederal: $59,674
Non-Federal: $91,448
Beverley Wemple, Donald Ross, James Shanleyski areas, snowmaking, suspended sediment, Vermont
2002VTAnnual BaseDetection of cyanobacterial blooms using remote sensingFederal: $67,500
Non-Federal: $131,803
Suzanne Levinealgal blooms, blue green algae, cyanobacteria, toxic algae, monitoring, nuisance species, remote sensing
2002VTAnnual BaseSubstrate- and size-dependent measurement of particle-phase mercury in the atmosphere by aerosol mass spectrometryFederal: $24,004
Non-Federal: $24,700
Giuseppe PetrucciMercury, particle mass spectrometry, atmospheric deposition, flux measurements
2002WIAnnual BaseUniversity of Wisconsin-Water Resources Institute - Information TransferFederal: $58,043
Non-Federal: $177,891
Anders Andren, James Hurley, JoAnn SavoyInformation transfer, publications, library services, conferences, World Wide Web
2002WIAnnual BaseRemoval of Arsenic in Groundwater Using a Novel Mesoporous SorbentFederal: $34,314
Non-Federal: $28,769
Jae Parkarsenic, groundwater treatment, contaminated water supply, nonpoint-source pollution, Wisconsin
2002WVAnnual BaseWRI46-Assessing Extent and Longevity of Degradation Following Coal Mining in West VirginiaFederal: $23,542
Non-Federal: $48,728
Paul Ziemkiewicz
2002WVAnnual BaseWRI48-Impact of Longwall Mining on Headwater Streams in Northern West VirginiaFederal: $55,002
Non-Federal: $104,591
Ben Stout, Ben Stout
2002WVAnnual BaseWRI47-Establishing Biological and Water Quality Criteria for Water Resource Management in Mining Impacted WatershedsFederal: $97,109
Non-Federal: $325,123
J Petty, J Petty
2002WYAnnual BaseErosion potential model development and channel monitoringFederal: $11,980
Non-Federal: $46,743
Gregory Wilkerson, Gregory WilkersonChannel erosion, coalbed methane, GIS
2002WYAnnual BaseTesting of hydrologic models for estimating streamflow in mountainous areas of WyomingFederal: $17,970
Non-Federal: $58,377
Bruce Brinkman, Lawrence Ostresh, Hugh LowhamMountain streams, Instream flow, Base flow, Hydrologic models, Model studies, Data Analysis
2002WYAnnual BaseProduct accessibility and dissemination for the Water Research Program at the University of WyomingFederal: $2,500
Non-Federal: $6,355
Jan CurtisInformation dissemination
2002WYAnnual BaseCombining modern and paleo-climate data to enhance drought prediction and responseFederal: $9,674
Non-Federal: $37,915
Stephen Jackson, Stephen Gray, Kenneth GerowClimate, Drought
2002WYAnnual BaseThe Wyoming Climate AtlasFederal: $10,400
Non-Federal: $32,464
Jan CurtisClimate, Data Analysis, Metadata, Hydrology,
2002WYAnnual BaseReal-time monitoring of E.Coli contamination in WyomingFederal: $17,556
Non-Federal: $72,737
Paul JohnsonWater Quality Monitoring, Bacteria, Miomonitoring, Bioindicators
2002WYAnnual BaseDrought prediction model development and dissemination in WyomingFederal: $15,862
Non-Federal: $98,849
Michael Smith, Thomas Thurow, Philip RosenlundAgriculture, Bioindicators, Biomonitoring, Decision models, Range Management, Risk Analysis, Risk Management
2021CACoordinationHEC-RAS 2D Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) SolverFederal: $339,805
Non-Federal: N/A
Doug Parker
2021COCoordinationProcess-Guided Deep Learning for Informing Selection of Monitoring Locations in Priority WatershedsFederal: $199,253
Non-Federal: N/A
Jennifer Gimbel
2021IACoordinationNutrient modeling for water quality wetlands in IowaFederal: $72,874
Non-Federal: N/A
Rick Cruse
2021NYCoordinationConnecting System Process and System Evolution Models to Assess Water Resource Vulnerability to DroughtFederal: $330,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Brian Rahm
2020ALCoordinationIntegrating Geographical Hidden Markov Tree with the Fist Model for Flood Inundation MappingFederal: $89,539
Non-Federal: N/A
Henry Fadamiro
2020ARCoordinationAnalysis of groundwater contribution to the Black River near the Poplar Bluff, MissouriFederal: $243,688
Non-Federal: N/A
Brian Haggard
2020MNCoordinationProcess guided machine learning for water temperature predictionFederal: $81,247
Non-Federal: N/A
Vipin Kumar
2020NHCoordinationDetermining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern USFederal: $398,058
Non-Federal: N/A
William McDowell
2020NHCoordinationEvaluating Environmental DNA Lake Assessments: A potential early warning alert for the presence of cyanobacteria associated with HAB formation in New England lakesFederal: $131,889
Non-Federal: N/A
William McDowell
2019COCoordinationAssessing Status of Water Quality and Environmental Health of our Nation’s RiversFederal: $49,999
Non-Federal: N/A
Reagan M. Waskom
2019COCoordinationMeasuring hydraulic and thermal conditions of high elevation headwater streams in regions of North-Central ColoradoFederal: $39,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Reagan M. Waskom
2019COCoordinationValidating Modeled Streamflow Transport Dynamics and Floodplain Habitat Connectivity for Larval Endangered Fish of the Middle Green River, UtahFederal: $48,533
Non-Federal: N/A
Reagan M. Waskom
2019MNCoordinationImproving the Understandability of USGS Decision Support ProductsFederal: $125,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Jeffrey Peterson
2019WICoordinationMapping Annual Irrigated Lands in the U.S. to Support Irrigation Water-Use EstimationFederal: $140,822
Non-Federal: N/A
James Hurley
2018HICoordinationDevelopment of Regional Strategic Visioning at the USGS Water Resources Research Act Program (WRRA) and Coordination and Collaboration among WRRA Institutes and NOAA Sea Grant College ProgramsFederal: $54,999
Non-Federal: N/A
Mary Donohue
2018HICoordinationAssessment of Groundwater Availability from Volcanic-Rock Aquifers in Central Maui, Hawaii Federal: $49,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Darren Lerner
2018ILCoordinationEvaluation of the Application of Structure from Motion Topographic Surveys for Monitoring of Nearshore Placement in Southern Lake MichiganFederal: $49,900
Non-Federal: N/A
Ethan Theuerkauf
2018MDCoordinationResults of the 308 Reports on Water Resources Planning and Development in the United States and Implications of These Results for the Future Federal: $151,606
Non-Federal: N/A
Kaye Brubaker
2018NHCoordinationDetermining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for Surface Water RecoveryFederal: $199,029
Non-Federal: N/A
William McDowell
2017AZCoordinationTAAP: University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center EffortFederal: $333,332
Non-Federal: N/A
Sharon Medal
2017HICoordinationEstimating Seasonal Runoff in Ungauged Basins in Hawai'i for Regional-Scale Waterbudget ModelsFederal: $90,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2017ILCoordinationAre Current Sediment Bioassys Being Biased by Collecting and Holding Time Procedures?Federal: $30,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Michael Lydy
2017ILCoordinationProjected rainfall frequency for DuPage, Will and Lake Counties in IllinoisFederal: $59,881
Non-Federal: N/A
James Angel
2017KSCoordination2017 NIWR-USGS National Competitive Grant ReviewFederal: $45,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Dan Devlin
2017MICoordinationPhosphorus Optimized Wetland Treatment and Placement ScreeningFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic
2017NMCoordinationTAAP: New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute EffortFederal: $166,666
Non-Federal: N/A
Sam Fernald
2017TXCoordinationTAAP: Identifying and Assessing the Condition of Transboundary Aquifers between Texas and MexicoFederal: $333,332
Non-Federal: N/A
John Tracy
2017TXCoordinationMaintenance and Enhancement of the NIWR.NET Website: 2017-2018Federal: $72,600
Non-Federal: N/A
John Tracy
2016ALCoordinationEnvironmentally-Friendly Alternatives to Bulkheads for Resilient and Healthy Shorelines: Evaluation and Implementation of Two Living Shoreline DesignsFederal: $166,916
Non-Federal: N/A
Just Cebrian
2016AZCoordinationTransboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP): Arizona Water Resources Research Center EffortFederal: $166,666
Non-Federal: N/A
Sharon Medal
2016COCoordinationClimate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)Federal: $19,750
Non-Federal: N/A
Reagan Waskom, John Matthews
2016HICoordinationEvaluating Student Training and STEM Workforce Development at the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR)Federal: $56,700
Non-Federal: N/A
2016ILCoordinationImproving Community Resilience in the Great Lakes Through applied Research and ExtensionFederal: $4,340,273
Non-Federal: N/A
Brian Miller
2016KSCoordination2016 NIWR-USGS National Competitive Grant ReviewFederal: $45,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Daniel Devlin
2016MDCoordinationImpact of the "308 Reports" on Water Resources Planning and Development in the United States and Implications of the Results for the FutureFederal: $260,832
Non-Federal: N/A
Gerald Galloway
2016MECoordinationOccurrence of Coal-Tar Based Pavement Sealant Related PAHs in Urban Streambed Sediments in MainFederal: $18,777
Non-Federal: N/A
John Peckenham
2016MICoordinationSaginaw River Sedimentation Study SWAT Modeling in the Saginaw River WatershedFederal: $130,000
Non-Federal: N/A
A. Pouyan Nejadhashemi
2016NCCoordinationNational Advances in Harmful Algae Blooms (HAB) Research Through the Water Resources Research Act ProgramFederal: $12,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Susan White
2016NMCoordinationTransboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP): NM Water Resources Research Institute EffortFederal: $166,666
Non-Federal: N/A
Sam Fernald
2016TXCoordinationTransboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP): TX Water Resources Institute EffortFederal: $166,666
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Tracy
2016TXCoordinationMaintenance and Enhancement of the NIWR.NET Website 2016-2017Federal: $82,500
Non-Federal: N/A
2016UTCoordinationResearching Optimal Methods for Educating Hydrologists and Future Water Managers Using USGS National Water Census Data PortalFederal: $23,781
Non-Federal: N/A
Daniel Ames
2016WICoordinationEngaging Great Lakes Teachers in the Visualize Your Water Mapping ChallengeFederal: $15,388
Non-Federal: N/A
David Hart
2016WICoordinationAnalytical Services for Use of Mercury Isotopes to Inform Human Health and Ecosystem Health DecisionsFederal: $94,896
Non-Federal: N/A
Jim Hurley
2015CACoordinationNumerical Modeling of Local Intense Precipitation ProcessesFederal: $1,194,598
Non-Federal: N/A
M.L. Kavvas
2015COCoordinationApplication of Remotely Sensed Data for Improved Regional and National Hydrologic SimulationsFederal: $80,346
Non-Federal: N/A
Terri Hogue
2015HICoordinationAssessment of GroundwaterAvailability in the Volcanic-Rock Aquifers of HawaiiFederal: $142,500
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2015IACoordinationPrototype Multi-Jurisdictional Decision Making Web Platform for Integrated Water Resources Management: From Interagency Collaboration to Implementation in the Iowa-Cedar Watershed (Iowa)Federal: $180,865
Non-Federal: N/A
Marian Muste
2015INCoordinationCurrent Reduction Status Regional Tracker (CrsTracker)Federal: $74,065
Non-Federal: N/A
Bernie Engel
2015NMCoordinationDrought in the West: Elements of Successful Science to Improve Water Management and Address Nationally Important Issues Through the USGS-NIWR PartnershipFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Sam Fernald
2015ORCoordinationSupporting Near Real-Time Reservoir Dynamics Monitoring with USGS Satellite DataFederal: $50,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Jamon Van Den Hoek
2015WICoordinationDirection of Peer Review and Selection Panel Activities for FY 2015 U.S. Geological Survey - National Institutes for Water Resources National Competitive Grants ProgramFederal: $30,189
Non-Federal: N/A
Jim Hurley
2015WICoordinationEvaluating the Effectiveness of Surface Covers for Controlling Fluxes of Water and Radon at Disposal Facilities for Uranium Mill TailingsFederal: $422,329
Non-Federal: N/A
Craig Bensen
2015WICoordinationApplication of Mercury Isotopes to Inform Ecosystem Restoration in the Great Lakes RegionFederal: $79,984
Non-Federal: N/A
Jim Hurley
2014CACoordinationLake-Pair Synchronicity an an Indicator of Permafrost Change in Arctic RegionsFederal: $37,745
Non-Federal: N/A
Steven Jepsen
2014COCoordinationICIWaRM Advisory Board Meeting and WorkshopFederal: $150,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Reagan Waskom
2014COCoordinationApplication of Remotely Sensed Data for Improved Regional and National Hydrologic SimulationsFederal: $60,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Terri Hogue
2014HICoordinationAssessment of Groundwater Availablity in the Volcanic-Rock Aquifers of Oahu, HawaiiFederal: $80,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2014ILCoordination3-D Modeling of the Chicago Sanotary and ship Canal from the Cal-Sag Junction to the Lockport Powerhouse, IlliniosFederal: $75,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Marcelo Garcia
2014ILCoordinationImproving Morphodynamic Predictions in RiversFederal: $70,030
Non-Federal: N/A
Gary Parker
2014KSCoordinationWater Research for the Fort Riley Net Zero InitiativeFederal: $306,893
Non-Federal: N/A
Stacy Hutchinson
2014MICoordinationThe Potential for Incorporating Economics ino the Great Lakes Tributary Model (GLTM) Decision Support ToolsFederal: $29,073
Non-Federal: N/A
2014NHCoordinationDetermining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.Federal: $202,226
Non-Federal: N/A
William McDowell
2014VACoordinationDevelopment of Dynamic Gridding Tools for the USGS MODFLOW - USGS Computer Program for Simulating Groundwater FlowFederal: $46,249
Non-Federal: N/A
Jyh-Ming Lien
2014WICoordinationQuantifying and Communicating Uncertainity in Products of the USGS National Water CensusFederal: $20,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Kenneth Potter
2013AZCoordinationIEIWaRM Streamflow Forecasts AfricaFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Sharon Megdal, Juan Valdes
2013HICoordinationMonthly rainfall maps for the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii, 2008-2010Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Thomas Giambelluca
2013HICoordinationAssessment of Hydraulic Properties through Tidal Ground-level Analysis for the State of HawaiiFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2013IACoordinationHysteresis in Index-Velocity Rating CurvesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Richard Cruse, Marian Muste, Marian Muste
2013KSCoordinationWater Research for the Fort Riley Net Zero InitiativeFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stacy Hutchinson
2013MACoordinationDeveloping Tools for Climate eRisk Assessment and Adaptation in Water Resources SystemsFederal: $100,000
Non-Federal: N/A
Casey Brown
2013MACoordinationRiverSmart Communities and Federal Collaborators: Attuning Federal Agencies and Programs with the State, Regional, and local Efforts to Support Ecologically Restorative Flood Prevention and Remediation in New EnglandFederal: $198,597
Non-Federal: N/A
Eve Vogel
2013NMCoordinationGroundwater Exploration, Assessment and Monitoring for Humanitarian Assistance in EthiopiaFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Alexander Fernald
2013VACoordinationModernizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Planning and Regulatory Policies and Programs Phase VIFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz, Leonard Shabman
2013WVCoordinationMonongahela River Basin TDS Calculation PA and WVFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Paul ZiemkiewiczTDS, Discharge, Nonpoint Source Pollution
2012CACoordinationInnovations for an Integrated Approach to Climate Analysis and Food Security MonitoringFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Doug Parker
2012HICoordinationDetermination of groundwater fluxes and evaluation of water-level data to characterize effectiveness of low-permeability valley-fill deposits in the Pearl Harbor Aquifer areaFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2012ILCoordinationModeling of Mixed Open Channel and Pipe Flow by MetroflowFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Brian Miller, Marcelo Garcia
2012ILCoordinationDischarge Rating of Chicago River Controlling WorksFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Brian Miller, Marcelo Garcia
2012INCoordinationProposal for the Development of a Web-Based Tools WorkshopFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Ronald Turco, Bernard Engel
2012MDCoordinationThe Effectiveness of a Computer-Assisted Decision Support System Using Realistic Interactive Visualization as a Learning Tool in Flood Risk ManagementFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Bahram Momen, Kaye Brubaker
2012MICoordinationProposal for the Development of a Web-Based Tools WorkshopFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic
2012MICoordinationModeling the Impacts of Chicago River on Lake Michigan: Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen, BOD, Suspended Solids, Chloride and Temperature in the Nearshore RegionFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic, Phanikumar Mantha
2012NECoordinationDevelopment of a National Database of Depreciated Structure Replacement Values for Inclusion with SimSuite/HAZUS and Flood Mitigation Reconnaissance StudiesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Suat Irmak, Steven Shultz
2012OHCoordinationUpdating the Uncertainty Analysis of Great Lakes Net Basin Supply ComponentsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2012OKCoordinationUtilization of Regional Climate Science Programs in Reservoir and Watershed Impact AssessmentsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Dave Engle, Yang Hong, Renee McPherson
2011AZCoordinationEvaluation of the Impact of Hydrologic Extremes from Climate ChangeFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Sharon Megdal, Juan Valdes
2011GUCoordinationHydrogeological Database for Northern GuamFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
John Jenson, John Jenson
2011MACoordinationDevelopment of a Hydroclimate Synthesis Report for International Upper Great Lakes StudyFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Casey Brown
2011MACoordinationClimate Risk Assessment and ManagementFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Casey Brown
2011MDCoordinationEvaluation of National Dam Safety ProgramFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Gerald Galloway, Kaye Brubaker
2011MNCoordinationIdentifying and Evaluating Best Practices for the Adaptive Management of Water ResourcesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Deborah Swackhamer
2011NECoordinationEvaluation of FEW NET Satellite Products for Drought Monitoring in Food Insecure Areas of EthiopiaFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Bruce Dvorak, Tsegaye Tadesse
2011NHCoordinationDetermining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
William McDowell, Steve Kahl
2011NMCoordinationCoordinate a Conference Entitled: "New Water New Energy: A Conference Linking Desalination and Renewable Energy"Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2011NYCoordinationFlood Frequency Research for CaliforniaFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jery Stedinger
2011TNCoordinationDevelopment of Water Quality Model for Regional LoadingsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Timothy Gangaware, Carol Harden
2011UTCoordinationEstimating Crop Water Use with Remote Sensing: Development of Guidelines and SpecificationsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Christopher Neale
2011VACoordinationModernizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Planning and Regulatory Policies and Programs Phase IVFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz, Leonard Shabman
2011VACoordinationModernizing the United States Army Corps of Engineers Planning and Regulatory Policies and Programs - Phase VFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz, Leonard Shabman
2011WICoordinationGLMRIS Water Quality Modeling (Marquette U.)Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Anders Andren, Charles Melching
2010GUCoordinationHydrogeological Database for Northern GuamFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Gary Denton, John Jenson
2010HICoordinationHydraulic Properties of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer System, Territory of Guam, USAFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2010IACoordinationClimate Change Impact Evaluation Coralville Reservoir EvaluationFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Richard Cruse
2010MNCoordinationData Management and GIS Analysis for the Ecosystem Technical Work GroupFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Deborah Swackhamer
2010NMCoordinationMonitoring and Forecasting Climate, Water, and Land Use for Food Production and Business Development in IraqFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
M. Karl Wood, Frank WardIraq, climate, water, land use, food production, crops, GIS, remote sensing, resource economics
2010NVCoordinationYerington/Anaconda Mine Site Technical SupportFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
William Albright
2010UTCoordinationDrought Index Information System for NIDISFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
David Tarboton
2009GUCoordinationHydrogeological Database for Northern GuamFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
John Jenson
2009HICoordinationNumerical Simulation of the Effects of Borehole Flow on Measured Vertical Salinity Profiles from Deep Monitor Wells, Pearl Harbor Aquifer, Oahu, HawaiiFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2009INCoordinationThe Great Lakes Tributary Modeling Program 516(e): Purdue University and Michigan State UniversityFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Ronald Turco, Bernard Engel
2009MACoordinationEvaluation of Adaptive Management of Lake Superior amid Climate Variability and ChangeFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Paula Rees, Casey Brown
2009MDCoordinationComparison and Integration of Lock Control PoliciesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Allen Davis, Paul SchonfeldNavigation, Locks
2009MICoordinationContinued Technical Support of MI Water Withdrawal Assessment Process & Development of an Internet-Based Water-Use DatabaseFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic, Jeremiah Asher
2009MICoordinationThe Great Lakes Tributary Modeling Program 516(e): Purdue University and Michigan State UniversityFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic
2009PACoordinationLong-term Responses of Stream Chemistry to Changes in Atmospheric Deposition in Mid-Appalachian Forests of PennsylvaniaFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Elizabeth Boyer, David DeWalle
2009VACoordinationModernizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Planning and Regulatory Policies and Programs, Phase IIIFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz, Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2009VACoordinationU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory InitiativesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz, Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2009WVCoordinationA Hierarchical Alternative Futures Modeling System to Support Decisions for the Mountaintop Removal - Valley Fill Mining Region of West VirginiaFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Paul Ziemkiewicz
2008AZCoordinationTransboundary Aquifer Assessment ProgramFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Christopher Scott
2008CACoordinationMonitoring and Forecasting Climate, Water and Land Use for Food Production in the Developing WorldFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2008COCoordinationDevelopment of a Correction Function for the 3-Inch, Thin-Walled, Helley-Smith Sampler Deployed on Coarse Gravel BedsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Steven Abt, Kristin Bunte
2008COCoordinationRisk Assessment and Forecasting of Indian Summer Monsoon for Agricultural Drought Impact PlanningFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Rajagopalan Balaji
2008HICoordinationApplication of Radar Imagery as Input to a Rainfall-Runoff Model for the Kawela Watershed, MolokaiFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2008IACoordinationDevelopment of Techniques for Measuring and Mapping Flow Velocities in Rivers Using ADCPsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Marian Muste
2008ILCoordinationTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in St. Clair RiverFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Gary Parker
2008INCoordinationWeb-Based Load Duration Curve for TMDLFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2008MICoordinationDeveloping the Water Withdrawal Assessment ToolFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic
2008MICoordinationEconomic Expert, International Upper Great Lakes StudyFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic
2008NECoordinationStandards of Practice for Adaptive ManagementFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Kyle Hoagland, Kyle Hoagland
2008NMCoordinationMonitoring and Forecasting Climate, Water and Land Use for Food Production in AfghanistanFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
M. Karl Wood, Frank WardAfghanistan, agriculture, crops, economics
2008NMCoordinationTransboundary Aquifer Assessment ProgramFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Bobby Creel, James KingTransboundary, aquifers, groundwater, Mexico, binational
2008NVCoordinationDepleted Uranium Transport by WaterFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
David Shafer, Julianne Miller
2008TXCoordinationTransboundary Aquifer Assessment ProgramFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Ari Michelson
2008UTCoordinationDrought Index Information System for NIDISFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
David Tarboton
2008VACoordinationStudies of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Policies and Programs, Phase II - Part 2Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2008WACoordinationAlternative Cover Design and Construction for Solid Waste Landfills in Arid RegionsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Michael Barber
2008WICoordinationThe Transport, Fate and Cycling of Mercury in Watersheds and Air ShedsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
James Hurley, David Krabbenhoft, David Krabbenhoft
2008WICoordinationInfluence of Coupling Erosion and Hydrology on the Long-Term Performance of Engineered Surface BarriersFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Anders Andren, Craig Benson
2007HICoordinationAssessing Effects of Intraborehole Flow in Deep Monitoring Wells on Estimates of Aquifer Salinity ProfilesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Aly El-Kadi
2007IACoordinationGuidelines for Sampling and Averaging in Measurements of Discharge with Acoustic Doppler Current ProfilersFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Chris Rehmann
2007INCoordinationWeb-Based Low Impact Development Decision Support and Planning ToolFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Ronald Turco, Bernard Engel
2007MDCoordinationDevelopment of Detailed Lock Model - Phase 1 through Phase 3Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Allen Davis
2007MICoordinationKey Indicator Species for Consideration by the International Great Lakes Study and Preliminary Assessment of Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species in the Upper Great LakesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic
2007NHCoordinationWatershed Assessment of New Boston Air Force BaseFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
William McDowell
2007TXCoordinationEnhancing the Livestock Early Warning System (LEWS) with NASA Earth-Sun Science Data, GPS and RANET TechnologiesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Steve Whisenant
2007VACoordinationA Weight of Evidence Screening Value Approach to Nutrient Criteria Development for Wadeable StreamsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2007VACoordinationU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Initiatives, Policies and Programs - Regulatory Improvement InitiativesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2007WICoordinationAlternative Cover Guidance DocumentFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Craig Benson, Craig Benson
2007WICoordinationACAP Test Section ExhumationFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Craig Benson, Craig Benson
2006MDCoordinationDevelopment of IWR NETS-NaSS - Phase 3Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2006MICoordinationDeveloping the Water Withdrawal Assessment ToolFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jeremiah Asher
2006NECoordinationIncorporating Remote Sensing Information into the US Drought MonitorFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2006NHCoordinationDetermining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Steve Kahl, William McDowell
2006VACoordinationModernizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Policies and Programs: Phase IIFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2006VACoordinationModernizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Policies and ProgramsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
2006VACoordinationShared Vision Planning Pilot Study for the James River Basin Plan of Study for Virginia Tech Faculty ParticipationFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Stephen H. Schoenholtz, William Cox
2006VACoordinationModernizing Corps of Engineers Decision-Making: Computer-Aided Collaborative Decision-MakingFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Kurt Stephenson
2006WICoordinationEffectiveness of Engineered Covers: From Modeling to Performance MonitoringFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005ALCoordinationThis is a test to be deletedFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005CACoordinationunknownFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005CACoordinationunknownFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005CACoordinationSpatially Explicit Modeling and Monitoring of Hydroclimatic Extremes: Reducing the Threat to Food Security in the Developing WorldFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005COCoordinationProduced Waters WorkshopFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Robert Ward
2005HICoordinationStormwater Education on US Army Installations on OahuFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
John Cusick
2005HICoordinationEvaluating the Effectiveness and Feasibility of Commercial Ozone Technologies Used for Sanitation of Work Area and Laundry ServicesFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Roger Fujioka
2005IDCoordinationInitial Model Development of the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer ProjectFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005INCoordinationIntegrating ACOE Sediment Runoff Predictive Tool into DW-L-THIA SystemFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Bernard Engel
2005MDCoordinationState of the Art Models and Practices Review and Design Document Development for a Navigation System Simulation ModelFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005MDCoordinationImprovements of IWR Navigation ModelsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2005MICoordinationIntegrating ACOE Sediment Runoff Predictive Tool into DW-L-THIA SystemFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Yi Shi, Jon Bartholic, Bernard Engel
2005MICoordinationStrategic Conceptual Plan for Submittal to the Army Corps of Engineers for the 516(e) Great Lakes Tributary Modeling ProgramFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jon Bartholic, Jeremiah Asher, Ouyang Da, Da Ouyang, Saichon Seedang, Yi Shi
2005MICoordinationGroundwater Inventory and Mapping Project in Support of Public Act 148Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
David Lusch, Jon Bartholic, Steve Miller
2005MOCoordinationGeographic Information Systems for Tracking Vessels on the Inland WaterwaysFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
James Campbell, Ray Mundy
2005NVCoordinationWater Resources of the Basin and Range Carbonate Aquifer System in White Pine County, Nevada, and Adjacent Areas in Nevada and UtahFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
James Thomas
2005ORCoordinationNavigation Economic Technologies Research ProgramFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Wesley Wilson
2005PACoordinationSoil Carbon Sequestration in DrylandsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Petra Tschakert
2005UTCoordinationThe Integration of Multispectral Imaging and LIDAR to Evaluate the Geomorphic Changes Associated with a Levee Setback along the Puyallup River, WAFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Christopher Neale, Robert Black, Christopher Konrad
2005VACoordinationMulti-Institute Bacterial Source Tracking ProjectFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Charles Hagedorn
2005VACoordinationModernizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Policies and ProgramFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2005VACoordinationNutrients in Lakes and Reservoirs Literature ReviewFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2005WACoordinationImproving Groundwater Management in JordanFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Michael Barber
2005WACoordinationA Preliminary Numerical Flow Model Development for the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie AquiferFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Michael Barber
2005WICoordinationThe Role of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Aquatic Mercury Cycling The Transport, Fate and Cycling of Mercury in Watersheds and Air ShedsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2004MECoordinationEvaluating the effect of the Clean Air Act on lake and stream chemistry in the northeastern U.S.Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Jeffrey Kahl, Katherine Webster
2004MTCoordinationFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Norma Nickerson, Megan McBride
2004VACoordinationModernizing US Army Corps of Engineers Policies and Programs Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2004VACoordinationMulti-Institute Bactrial Source Tracking ProjectFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos, Charles Hagedorn
2004VACoordinationModernizing US Army Corps of Engineers Policies and ProgramsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2004VACoordinationModernizing US Army Corps of Engineers Policies and Programs Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2004VACoordinationModernizing US Army Corps of Engineers Policies and Programs Federal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2004VACoordinationMulti-Institute Bacterial Source Tracking ProjectFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
2003VACoordinationModernizing US Army Corps of Engineers Policies and ProgramsFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos
2003VACoordinationMulti-Institute Bacterial Source Tracking ProjectFederal: $0
Non-Federal: N/A
Tamim Younos, Charles Hagedorn