The Water Resources Research Act Program, authorized by section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984, is a Federal-State partnership which:
The state water resources research institutes (WRRI) authorized by the Act are organized as the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR). WRRI cooperates with the USGS to support, coordinate and facilitate research through the Annual Base Grants, National Competitive Grants, Coordination Grants, and in operating the WRRI-USGS Student Internship Program. Visit the Application Information page to learn more about these grant opportunities.
If you're looking for a USGS collaborator or want to talk more about our ongoing science in your area, please contact us!
There are 54 Water Resources Research Institutes or Centers, one in each of the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam.
The Water Resources Research Institute for each state or territory is located at its "1862" land-grant university or at another college or university designated by the governor or state legislature. The Institute in Guam is a regional institute serving Guam, The Federated States of Micronesia, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Institute in Hawaii also serves American Samoa.
The National Institutes for Water Resources Directory is available for download in pdf format.
Auburn University Water Resources Center
Auburn University
1090 South Donahue Drive
Auburn, Alabama 36849-5431
Mona Dominguez, Interim Director
Phone: (888)844-4785
Fax: (334) 844-4462
Water and Environmental Research Center
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-5860
Dr. Nicole Misarti, WERC Director
Phone: (907) 474-7789
Fax: (907) 474-7041
Water Resources Research Center
The University of Arizona
350 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Dr. Sharon B. Megdal, Director
Phone: (520) 621-9591
Fax: (520) 621-7381
Dr. Jamie McEvoy, Associate Director
Phone: (520) 621-3627
Arkansas Water Resources Center
University of Arkansas
Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences 133
1371 W Altheimer Dr.
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72704
Dr. Brian E. Haggard, Director
Phone: (479) 575-2879
Fax: (479) 575-2846
California Institute for Water Resources
University of California
1111 Franklin Street, Rm. 10206
Oakland, California 94607
Dr. Erik Porse, Director
Phone: (530) 240-2612
Fax: (530) 832-8612
Colorado Water Center
Colorado State University
E-102 Engineering Building
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1033
Dr. Karen Schlatter, Interim Director
Phone: (970) 491 2155
Connecticut Institute of Water Resources
The University of Connecticut
W. B. Young Building, Room 308
1376 Storrs Road, U-18
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4018
Dr. Michael Dietz, Director
Phone: (860) 486-2436
Fax: (860) 486-5408
Water Resources Center
University of Delaware
DGS Annex-261 Academy Street
Newark, Delaware 19716
Dr. Gerald J. Kauffman, Director
Phone: (302) 831-4929
Fax: (302) 831-4934
Martha Narvaez, Associate Director
Phone: (302) 831-4931
Water Resource Research Institute
University of the District of Columbia
College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
4200 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Bldg. 42 Room 215C
Washington, District of Columbia 20008
Tolessa Deksissa, Ph.D., Director
Phone: (202) 274-5273
Fax: (202) 274-7016
Water Resources Research Center
University of Florida
365 Weil Hall
P.O. Box 116580
Gainesville, Florida 32611-6580
Dr. Antarpreet Jutla, Co-Director
Phone: (352) 294-6898
Fax: (352) 392-3394
Dr. Mark Newman, Co-Director
Phone: (352) 294-7813
Fax: (352) 392-3394
Georgia Water Resources Institute
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
790 Atlantic Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355
Dr. Aris P. Georgakakos, Director
Phone: (404) 894-2240
Fax: (404) 894-2677
Dr. Husayn El Sharif, Associate Director
Phone: (561) 247-1430
Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam
303 University Drive
Mangilao, Guam 96923
Dr. Yuming Wen, Interim Director
Phone: (671) 735-2687
Fax: (671) 734-8890
Water Resources Research Center
University of Hawaii
2540 Dole Street, Room 283
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Dr. Tao Yan, Director
Phone: (808) 956-7848
Fax: (808) 956-5044
Idaho Water Resources Research Institute
University of Idaho
1031 N. Academic Way, Rm 216
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
Dr. Kendra Kaiser, Director
Phone: (208) 426-4587
Illinois Water Resources Center
University of Illinois
391 NRB, MC-650
615 East Peabody Drive
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Dr. Yu-Feng Lin, Director
Phone: (217) 300-2101
Dr. Amy Weckle, Assistant Director
Indiana Water Resources Research Center
Purdue University
225 S. University Steet
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Dr. Keith Cherkauer, Director
Phone: (765) 496-7982
Fax: (765) 497-1115
Iowa Water Center
Iowa State University
Department of Agronomy
3212 Agronomy Hall
Ames, Iowa 50011-1010
Dr. Rick Cruse, Director
Phone: (515) 294-7850
Fax: (515) 294-3163
Kansas Water Resources Institute
Kansas State University Research and Extension
44 Waters Hall
Manhattan, Kansas 66506
Dr. Susan Metzeger, Director
Phone: (785) 341-5432
Kentucky Water Research Institute
University of Kentucky
233 Mining and Mineral Resources Building
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0107
Dr. Jason Unrine, Director
Phone: (859) 257-3655
Fax: (859) 323-1049
Mr. Steven Evans, Associate Director
Phone: (859) 257-1832
Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute
Louisiana State University
3418G Patrick F. Taylor Hall
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Dr. Frank Tsai, Director
Phone: (225) 578-4945
Fax: (225) 578-5043
Maine Water Resources Research Institute
University of Maine
Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Environmental and Watershed Research
102 Norman Smith Hall
Orono, Maine 04469-5710
Dr. David Hart, Director
Phone: (207) 581-3257
Fax: (207) 581-3320
Maryland Water Resources Research Center
University of Maryland
Civil and Environmental Engineering
1173 Glenn L. Martin Hall
College Park, Maryland 20742
Dr. Kaye L. Brubaker, Director
Phone: (301) 405-1965
Fax: (301) 405-2585
Water Resources Research Center
University of Massachusetts
209 Ag Engineering Bldg
250 Natural Resources Rd
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
Dr. Timothy Randhir, Director
Phone: (413) 545-3969
Institute of Water Research
Michigan State University
101A Manly Miles Building
1405 South Harrison Road
East Lansing, Michigan 48823-5243
Dr. Pouyan Nejadhashemi, Director
Phone: (517) 432-7653
Fax: (517) 353-1812
Dr. Jeremiah Asher, Assistant Director
Phone: (517) 432-5586
Fax: (517) 353-1812
Water Resources Center
University of Minnesota
173 McNeal Hall
1985 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55108
Dr. Jeffrey M. Peterson, Director
Phone: (612) 624-9282
Fax: (612) 625-1263
Mr. Joel Larson, Associate Director
Phone: (612) 624-3738
Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute
Mississippi State University
Mailstop 9601
Bost Extension Building, Rm 404
Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762-9601
Dr. Jason Barrett, Interim Director
Phone: (662) 325-1788
Fax: (662) 325-8407
Missouri Water Resources Research Center
University of Missouri-Columbia
E2509 Laferre Hall
Columbia, Missouri 65211
Dr. Baolin Deng, Director
Phone: (573) 882-4638
Fax: (573) 884-2766
Montana Water Center
Montana State University
Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
Bozeman, Montana 59715
Dr. Stephanie Ewing, Director
Phone: (406) 994-5247
Fax: (406) 994-1774
Nebraska Water Center
University of Nebraska
Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute
2021 Transformation Dr., Ste. 3220, P.O. Box 886204
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-6204
Dr. Chittaranjan Ray, Director
Phone: (402) 472-3305
Nevada Water Resources Research Institute
Division of Hydrologic Sciences
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, Nevada 89512
Dr. Sean McKenna, Director
Phone: (775) 673-7305
Fax: 702-862-5427
Matt Bromley, Deputy Director
Phone: (775) 673-7683
NH Water Resources Research Center
University of New Hampshire
114 James Hall
56 College Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Dr. Adam S. Wymore, Director
Phone: (603) 862-0684
Fax: (603) 862-4976
Michelle Shattuck, Associate Director
Phone: (603) 862-2341
Fax: (603) 862-4976
New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute
Rutgers University
Department of Environmental Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
14 College Farm Road
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
Dr. Christopher C. Obropta, Director
Phone: (848) 932-5711
Fax: (732) 932-8644
New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute
New Mexico State University
Box 30001, MSC 3167
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001
Dr. Alexander G. ("Sam") Fernald, Director
Phone: (575) 646-4337
Fax: (575) 646-2842
New York State Water Resources Institute
Cornell University
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
B60 Riley Robb Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853-1901
Dr. Brian Rahm, Director
Phone: (607) 254-7163
Fax: (607) 255-2106
NC Water Resources Research Institute
North Carolina State University
Campus Box 7912
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
Dr. Susan White, Director
Phone: (919) 513-1145
Fax: (919) 515-7095
Dr. John Fear, Deputy Director
Phone: (919) 515-9104
Fax: (919) 515-7095
North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute
North Dakota State University
Department #2890
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, North Dakota 58108-6050
Dr. Xinhua Jia, Director
Phone: (701) 231-6453
Fax: (701) 231-6185
Ohio Water Resources Center
The Ohio State University
311 Hitchcock Hall
2070 Neil Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1275
Dr. Linda Weavers, Co-Director
Phone: (614) 292-4061
Fax: (614) 292-3780
Dr. John Lenhart, Co-Director
Phone: (614) 688-8157
Fax: (614) 292-3780
Oklahoma Water Resources Center
Oklahoma State University
320 Agricultural Hall
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078
Dr. Kevin Wagner, Director
Phone: (405) 744-7093
Dr. Ali Mirchi, Associate Director
Phone: (405) 744-7093
Institute for Water and Watersheds
Oregon State University
210 Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3906
Dr. Todd Jarvis, Interim Director
Phone: (541) 737-4032
Fax: (541) 737-1887
Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center
The Pennsylvania State University
120 Land and Water Building
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Dr. Jonathan Duncan, Director
Phone: (814) 865-7554
Fax: (888) 865-8454
Puerto Rico Water Resources and Environmental Research Institute
University of Puerto Rico
P.O. Box 9040
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00681-9040
Dr. Walter Silva Araya, Director
Phone: (787) 832-4040 ext 2134
Fax: (787) 832-0119
Water Resources Center
University of Rhode Island
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
318 Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering
2 East Alumni Avenue
Kingston, Rhode Island 02881
Dr. Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Director
Phone: (401) 874-2784
Fax: (401) 874-2786
South Carolina Water Resources Center
Clemson University
509 Westinghouse Rd.
Pendleton, South Carolina 29670
Dr. Charles Privette, III, Interim Director
Phone: 864-656-6247
Fax: (864) 656-4780
South Dakota Water Resources Research Institute
South Dakota State University
Agricultural Experiment Station
AE 107, Box 2120
Brookings, South Dakota 57007-1496
Dr. Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan, Interim Director
Phone: (605) 688-5141
Fax: (605) 688-4917
Dr. Sushant Mehan, Assistant Director
Tennessee Water Resources Research Center
The University of Tennessee
600 Henley St., Suite 311
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-4134
Dr. John S. Schwartz, Director
Phone: (865) 974-7721
Fax: (865) 974-1838
Mr. Tim Gangaware, Assistant Director
Phone: (865) 974-2151
Fax: (865) 974-1838
Texas Water Resources Institute
Texas A&M AgriLife Research
1001 Holleman Dr. East, 2118 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77840
Dr. Giovanni Piccinni, Director
Phone: (979) 314-2824
The Utah Center for Water Resources Research
Utah State University
8200 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322-8200
Dr. David Tarboton, Director
Phone: (435)-797-3172
Fax: (435) 797-3663
Vermont Water Resources and Lake Studies Center
The University of Vermont
George D. Aiken Center for Natural Resources
81 Carrigan Drive
Burlington, Vermont 05405
Dr. Anne Jefferson, Director
Fax: (802) 656-8683
Virgin Islands Water Resources Research Institute
University of the Virgin Islands
2 John Brewers Bay
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802
Dr. Kristin Wilson Grimes, Director
Phone: (340) 693-1392
Virginia Water Resources Research Center
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
210 Cheatham Hall, MC 0444
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0001
Dr. Kevin McGuire, Director
Phone: (540) 231-6017
Dr. Daniel McLaughlin, Associate Director
Phone: (540) 231-6616
State of Washington Water Research Center
Washington State University
Jonathan Yoder, Director
Professor, School of Economic Sciences
P.O. Box 646210
Hulbert 203b
Pullman, Washington 99164-6210
Phone: (509)-335-8596
Fax: (509) 335-1590
West Virginia Water Research Institute
West Virginia University
Box 6064
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6064
Dr. Paul Ziemkiewicz, Director
Phone: (304) 293- 6958
Melissa O’Neal, Associate Director
Phone: (304) 293-7006
Water Resources Institute
The University of Wisconsin-Madison
1975 Willow Drive - 2nd Floor
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1177
Dr. Christy Remucal, Interim Director
Phone: (608) 262-0905
Fax: (608) 262-0591
Dr. Jennifer Hauxwell, Associate Director
Phone: (608) 263-4756
Office of Water Programs
The University of Wyoming
Department 4309
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Mr. Greg Kerr, Director
Phone: (307) 766-6656
To obtain an annual report, first select a year from the Year menu. The available reports for that year will then appear in the Reports menu.
To obtain annual reports for 2017 and earlier, please send us a request with the year and Institute you want.
The latest issue of the Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education (JCWRE) features important water research by researchers and students studying at The National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR) and The Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) institutions of higher learning. This research was supported by USGS WRRA 104b and 104g grants.
The U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Research Act Program Fact Sheet 2023-3031 was released in December 2023. The fact sheet covers the history, goals, and capabilities of the program. Check it out to learn more about the WRRA program.
Water Resources Research Act Program—Current Status, Development Opportunities, and Priorities for 2020–30 (Circular 1488) was released on 24 November 2021. This report presents a 10-year vision for the WRRA Program that the USGS Water Resources Mission Area and 54 State water resources research institutes can use to help solve the Nation’s water problems.
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Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the WRRA Program team at