Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID TN_2024_Kalyanapu

Development of a low-cost camera-based turbidity sensor

Institute: Tennessee
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-09-01 End Date: 2025-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $34,955 Total Non-Federal Funds: $35,110

Principal Investigators: Alfred J. Kalyanapu

Project Summary: The project proposes to develop a proof-of-concept, low-cost, camera-based turbidity sensor using Secci disks. Emphasizing on the ease of deployment and reliability, the low-cost sensor will aim to match the performance and accuracy of existing commercial turbidity sensors. This will be accomplished by developing a prototype, followed by systematic laboratory and field testing at locations in middle and eastern Tennessee. The sensors will also be tested in India through collaborative research, to evaluate the its effectiveness across diverse environmental conditions. The research questions guiding this endeavor are multifaceted. First, the project seeks to compare the accuracy and reliability of Secci disk turbidity measurements using camera-based sensors against commonly used commercially available turbidity sensors. Second, the study will identify the factors contributing to any disparities in turbidity measurements across varying environmental conditions. A prototype of the camera-based sensor using Secci-disk will be developed after reviewing existing technologies. This prototype will be tested under different light intensities, flow rates and turbidity conditions in a controlled laboratory setting. Once successful, the prototype will be deployed in selected field locations in the US and India. Comparative assessment of the prototype with commercial sensors will be performed, and a standard operating procedure will be developed. By leveraging interdisciplinary collaboration, the project endeavors to advance our understanding of cost-effective solutions towards turbidity measurements and their applicability across diverse environmental contexts.