Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID ND-2024-Lim-1

Adsorption of Lithium from Bakken Oilfield-Produced Water Using Metal-Organic Framework (UiO-66) Impregnated in Activated Carbon.

Institute: North Dakota
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-09-01 End Date: 2025-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $9,393 Total Non-Federal Funds: $9,514

Principal Investigators: Yeo Howe Lim

Project Summary: Produced water in the Bakken oilfield has become a significant concern since oil and gas production growth has been substantial. Reusing produced water has become necessary since the treated water can be used for potable supplies, irrigation, deep well injection, and fracking, which improves profits and mitigates groundwater pollution. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in the ND Bakken formation are greater than 300g/l, which is much higher than the concentration of salt in seawater, therefore, an alternative approach for produced water disposal by the recovery of value-added elements of produced water is proposed. The produced water is known to contain traces of lithium. This study aims to selectively extract lithium metals from produced water by utilizing nanoparticles MOF (UiO-66) impregnated within activated carbon. The sustainable management of produced water could offer an economic opportunity for the US while promoting recycling and reuse practices, thereby decreasing freshwater usage in hydraulic fracturing.