Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID MT_2024_OFlaherty

Assessing Snowmelt Infiltration into Groundwater: Impacts of Snowmelt on Seasonal Water Supply and Overall Water Availability in the Bozeman Creek Watershed

Institute: Montana
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-09-01 End Date: 2025-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $2,500 Total Non-Federal Funds: $1,125

Principal Investigators: Mary O'Flaherty

Project Summary: At the most fundamental level, watersheds collect, store, and release water. Snow droughts across the western United States impact the timing of water storage and release of water, and adversely affect the water supply of downstream municipalities, stakeholders, and ecosystems dependent on snowmelt as a resource. The snowmelt-dominated Bozeman Creek Watershed provides 40% of Bozeman's municipal water supply and is a cold-water resource for downstream ecosystems. However, an understanding of the storage and release of water, especially snowmelt, in Bozeman Creek is poorly developed. Without understanding the watershed's reliance on snowmelt, unexpected low streamflow years could heighten drought and water scarcity, posing significant threats to the watershed. This research will develop foundational knowledge to assess the dependency of the Bozeman Creek Watershed on seasonal snowmelt infiltration and its transition to a downstream resource.