Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID MN_24_Gohl

Genomic Surveillance of Zebra Mussel Populations Using Genotyping by Sequencing

Institute: Minnesota
USGS Grant Number:
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-12-16 End Date: 2027-12-15
Total Federal Funds: $347,974 Total Non-Federal Funds: $347,974

Principal Investigators: Daryl Gohl

Project Summary: Zebra mussels are an invasive species that is rapidly spreading throughout North America, causing damage to ecosystems, impeding recreation activities, and damaging public and commercial infrastructure. Using DNA sequencing technologies, we propose the development of tools for tracking the sources of zebra mussel spread and providing this information to the public and aquatic invasive species managers in a timely manner via an online web app.