Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID LA_2024_Zhang

Unraveling the role of microplastics in shaping subsurface hydrologic processes and its implications for the migration of microplastics in the soil-groundwater environment

Institute: Louisiana
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-09-01 End Date: 2025-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $18,562 Total Non-Federal Funds: $18,562

Principal Investigators: Xi Zhang

Project Summary: In Louisiana, there is a significant problem with microplastics (tiny plastic particles with diameter less than 5 mm) pollution, not just in lakes and oceans, but also in soil. Due to their resistance to degradation, microplastics can remain for a long time. Over time, microplastics can change soil properties and eventually end up in groundwater by transporting with soil water flow. This process can potentially impact water quality and pose risks to human health. However, the dynamic interactions between microplastics and soil-groundwater environment are not well understood. This proposed research aims to fill this knowledge gap by conducting controlled laboratory experiments to explore how microplastics affect soil and its ability to hold and transfer water in the context of soil and microplastics variability. The findings help us predict and assess the possible movement of microplastics to groundwater and develop mitigation strategies of soil and groundwater microplastics to improve water quality.