Institute: Louisiana
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-09-01 End Date: 2025-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $44,689 Total Non-Federal Funds: $44,692
Principal Investigators: Frank Tsai
Project Summary: Groundwater is vital for Louisiana's communities, food systems, and industries. Over-pumping has caused problems like declining water levels, saltwater contamination, and sinking land. These issues lead to higher water and energy bills, loss of small businesses, and lower crop production, and could even cause industries to leave the state. To solve these problems, the Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute (LWRRI) launches the Louisiana Groundwater Availability Model Initiative (LaGAMI). LaGAMI aims to create a comprehensive Louisiana groundwater availability model (LaGAM) for Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi, covering the entire drinking water aquifers. The project involves gathering well data, creating detailed aquifer maps, and using computer models to understand water availability. LaGAMI will help stakeholders and policymakers understand aquifer conditions and improve groundwater management practices.