Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID KS-2024-Felderhoff

Water-Use Efficient Sorghum Development for Kansas through High-throughput Molecular Marker Discovery and Deployment

Institute: Kansas
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-09-01 End Date: 2025-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $25,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $25,000

Principal Investigators: Terry Felderhoff

Project Summary: The DropXL initiative at Kansas State University aims to develop water-use efficient sorghum varieties through marker discovery, predictive model development, and deployment. This project focuses on creating and refining sorghum varieties that conserve soil moisture and enhance crop production in droughtprone Kansas. By identifying and developing high-throughput molecular markers associated with water-regulation genes, we will ensure their reliable application across various breeding programs. The project aligns with the Kansas Water Plan's goals to conserve the High Plains Aquifer and reduce vulnerability to extreme events. Our specific objectives are to advance water-use efficient entries of the DropXL population, develop stable molecular markers, and validate these markers in diverse breeding populations. We are developing predictive analytics using advanced genotyping and phenotyping parameters to deliver water-optimized germplasms. We will engage in outreach activities and publish our findings to benefit the broader scientific and agricultural community.