Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID AK-2024-004

Household Water Insecurity Experiences Network Research

Institute: Alaska
Year Established: 2024 Start Date: 2024-09-01 End Date: 2025-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $57,308 Total Non-Federal Funds: $44,198

Principal Investigators: Nicole Misarti

Project Summary: Clean water and sanitation is a global problem- but many Americans turn their attention to places outside of the US when they think of these issues. However, there are entire communities in the US that do not have waste water facilities in the community or running water in the household. This describes more than 30% of households in Alaska. Many other villages have systems that do serve households which are not sustainable. The Household Water Insecurity (HWISE) Research Coordination Network has devised a scaleable set of questions with validated that can measure water insecurity in the US and other high-income countries. We propose to utilize these metrics to conduct a survey of 150 households in Fairbanks Alaska. This will provide one of the first large-scale surveys in Fairbanks that will describe, assess and compare the scope and scale of the problem in a larger community in Alaska.