Institute: Ohio
USGS Grant Number:
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2024-01-01 End Date: 2026-12-31
Total Federal Funds: $268,288 Total Non-Federal Funds: $320,162
Principal Investigators: Xi-Zhi Niu
Project Summary: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent, mobile, and toxic organic contaminants consisting of thousands of compounds, with eight-carbon-chain PFOA and PFOS being better known by the public. In recent years, shorter chain length PFAS have been increasingly scrutinized because of their occurrence, toxicity, and increased mobility. However, to date, research has barely addressed ultrashort chain PFAS (carbon# < 4). The ultrashort homologues, which are likely the most mobile and persistent PFAS, have the potential to become the “Thanos” in our battle against PFAS contamination. Currently, there is a clear knowledge gap regarding these chemicals, starting with a lack of suitable analytical methods. The proposed work builds on our prior methods development experience to develop easily adoptable solid phase extraction/liquid chromatography mass spectrometry methods to enable PFAS researchers, water works, government sectors, and industries to trace and investigate them. In addition, we will collect nvironmental samples in the Ohio River basin and track the ultrashort chain PFAS.