Institute: New Mexico
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2023-09-01 End Date: 2024-08-31
Total Federal Funds: $40,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $40,000
Principal Investigators: Runwei Li
Project Summary: The occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water resources leads to significant health risks to the public and ecosystems. Increasing evidence has been reported to indicate the association between PFAS exposure and adverse health outcomes. In the past two decades, significant effort has been spent investigating the migration and toxicity of PFAS chemicals. However, previous studies often investigate PFAS chemicals individually, which is unrealistic since the occurrence of different PFAS is usually simultaneous in the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the collective effects of different PFAS chemicals on their fate-and-transport behaviors and potential health risks. This project will review PFAS occurrence in groundwater and surface water; investigate the co-transport of PFAS pairs; and quantify ecotoxicity due to PFAS co-exposure.