Institute: North Dakota
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2023-09-01 End Date: 2024-05-15
Total Federal Funds: $3,961 Total Non-Federal Funds: $4,174
Principal Investigators: Xinhua Jia
Project Summary: The harsh climate in North Dakota can make it difficult to grow certain crops, but the use of high tunnels can help mitigate these challenges by creating a more favorable growing environment. High tunnels can provide protection from the wind, trap heat and moisture, create a warmer and more humid environment that is conducive to plant growth. However, even with the benefits of high tunnels, irrigation is still necessary to ensure optimal plant growth. The controlled environment inside the high tunnel can create a microclimate that may have different water requirements that the surrounding environment. The use of smart irrigation controllers and soil moisture sensors can provide real-time decision for a precise irrigation scheduling. By applying three different irrigation treatments to tomato and pepper inside and outside the high tunnel, this study can help identify the best irrigation schedule for optimal crop growth and yield.