Institute: North Dakota
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2023-09-01 End Date: 2024-05-15
Total Federal Funds: $4,532 Total Non-Federal Funds: $4,821
Principal Investigators: Achintya Bezbaruah
Project Summary: Bromate, a disinfection byproduct in drinking water, is classified as a Group 2B or possible human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It has a maximum acceptable limit of 10 μg/L, however, long-term exposure to high levels of bromate can cause kidney issues and may increase the risk of cancer, particularly for those with pre-existing kidney conditions. Fargo, North Dakota, with its advanced water filtration system, has faced the bromate issue with levels exceeding the health guideline by 29 times. To address the challenges presented by bromate, researchers are exploring the use of chitosan and activated carbon beads, synthesized using ecofriendly approaches, to achieve higher rates of bromate removal. It is crucial to develop more effective technologies for the treatment of bromate in drinking water as it is toxic and poses a significant danger to public health in the long term.